65 Ramsbottom United v Hyde United

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Hello everyone and welcome to tonight’s

together effectively. I guarantee that the

I’d like to welcome the match officials as

Tuesday you could see us quickly and

first ever match between our two teams. well as the officials, players and supporters of Hyde United. Despite what you

might have heard about Tuesday’s match, Rammy is a lovely, friendly little club, and

I’m sure you’ll enjoy your visit to our town.

The fracas at the end of Tuesday’s

accurately moving the ball around in ways that Rammy has never seen before. This can only improve with time, and will

become the norm rather than the exception in our play.

We are grateful for the words of support

match was what I would consider juvenile

that we’re getting from fans, particularly

was a lot of pushing and shouting with no

rowdy bunch, and I don’t always agree

behaviour by a number of people. There real intent and the refereee dealt with the

situation correctly, in my opinion. That said, neither I, nor the club, will tolerate that kind of behaviour nor its effect on our

reputation and these feelings have been

jon robinson

performances will come good - at times on

made very clear to everyone involved. This kind of mark on a club’s reputation

takes a lot to shift, and we have enough

those around the dug-out. They can be a

what some of them have to say, but they

are passionate about Rammy and don’t hide behind a pseudonym or a computer.

I won’t take any abuse for our players, and

am not afraid to confront anyone about this, but I am happy to speak with anyone who approaches us respectfully.

I do read the club forum now and again,

on our plate without having to consider

and I understand that some people are not

Tuesday’s performance was heartening,

going. Everyone has their opinion, and is

this kind of stupidity.

and there were a lot more positives to the

display than at Rushall, though there is still a long way to go. At the moment we’re

missing a killer instinct in that final third and, although some people would place

the blame at the striker’s door, it’s importance to realise how important service and support are. We need bodies to pick up loose balls in there and create the oppor-

tunities. We did have a lot of posession,

but we need more penetration, which

requires some composure and a bit of

guile. We looked a lot more dangerous

than we had at Rushall, and passed the

ball quickly and accurately, though we sel-

too impressed with the way things are entitled to it - I’m not going to pass judge-

ment on opinions. It does gall me a little

when people are just factually wrong, or when they have a direct and unfair swipe at certain players. We have a lot of young

players, and a team which is trying to find

its feet. Also, certain players will really come into their own when this team starts

to work together effectively. Some might not yet be good enough, and we will work

with them on improving their game, but calling players “finished” or having a direct go at them won’t do anyone’s confidence any good, as we saw with Shelton Payne.

Shelton’s main issue, as it was with

dom looked like breaking through the solid

Donal McDermott last season, is where

working hard on rectifying.

skill and ability, but that doesn’t shine if

Buxton defence. This is a situation we’re

I’d like to take the opportunity to thank

the supporters for your patience. You will

have seen some of the style of ‘proper’ football that I’m intent on seeing us play, and I’m sure you’ll appreciate that it takes time to get this kind of new squad working

his head and his heart is. He has great your confidence is shot. If we dig deep and support players who main not be performing particularly well, then we will help

them to overcome these issues, and will

ultimately have loyal players who wear their heart on their sleeve.

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tony cunningham

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Welcome to the Harry Williams Riverside Stadium for today’s EvoStik Premier Division game against Hyde United. To the best of my knowledge, the Rams have never played Hyde before, so it’s a special welcome to everyone connected with this fine old club, and a warm welcome also to this afternoon’s match officials. It’s great to see the “United” back in our visitors’ name. No doubt the financial arrangements with Manchester’s “other” club which resulted in the name change along with the temporary dropping of the traditional red shirts, proved beneficial at the time, but to outsiders like me, it did look as though the club had sold it’s soul for a while. Financial crises have seemed to follow Hyde around over recent seasons, but a fresh start as a Supporters owned club will hopefully prove to be the beginning of a new era.

Hyde United are probably historically recognised on two fronts. That horrific drubbing they received at Preston North End over a century ago (although I seem to remember it was a fore-runner of the current club), and then being part of the artificial surface experiment from the 1980’s. Along with Luton Town, Preston North End, QPR and Oldham Athletic, Hyde installed their own version, which, although not to everyone’s taste, was certainly a great improvement on the old surface at Ewen Fields, which, on occasions, resembled a ploughed field! Believe it or not, I have, in my loft, a piece of that very synthetic turf! On visiting the ground during the summer that it was ripped up, I found a small piece lying pitch-side so (and I do apologise for this) I pinched it as a souvenir. Bet there’s not much of that pitch still in existence. (Offers anyone?!) I’ve also seen the development of

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Ewen Fields over the years into a fine ground, more than capable of hosting top level non-league football. A far cry from the days when the teams used the long-since demolished adjacent school buildings as changing rooms. Those were the days when two much-missed people were at the helm at Hyde, manager Pete O’Brien and Chairman Peter Pluck. I used to travel to Ewen Fields on many occasions back then, and always enjoyed the atmosphere, especially from the noisy shed! The last two seasons have been a nightmare for the club after hitting the non-league heights, but with Gary Lowe and Martyn Booty back in charge, I’m sure this season will see a resurgence for this fine old club. Today should be quite a test for our lads.

NOT QUITE THE START Two games gone and two defeats. The bookies will already be saying “We told you so”. But let’s remember

one thing.....over recent seasons we have ALWAYS started badly. It’s not done us too much harm though, has it?! Apparently we got our just desserts at Rushall, but Tuesday night proved to be a tight game, settled ultimately by an early goal. After that it was much a case of a midfield battle, where, despite some good movement and passing, neither side produced much in front of goal. The silly finale is best forgotten as it was totally out of tune with the rest of the match, but there was sufficient on the night to hopefully see us beginning to develop as a team. At the end of the day, this is still a new squad that will naturally take time to bed in. It’s an awfully long season, with many points to aim for, so despite the early setbacks, I, for one, am looking forward positively to another entertaining campaign.

ex-Rammy fullback Lee Neville returns to the Riverside with Hyde

wayne goodison

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Unknown to many supporters, Wayne Goodison, the new club coach, has a huge amount of experience, not just at non-league, but at every level of the game. We had a little chat about his background both as a player and as a coach. “I really don’t like banging on about my playing career, and most players don’t know anything about it unless they go hunting for themselves. I’m not one for going ‘I did this’, or ‘I did that’. At the end of the day I had a very average career as a professional footballer really, and it was a good long time ago now - as you can tell from the old black and white photos we used to have back in the 80s!” Wayne left school at sixteen years of age to take on a two-year football apprenticeship at Barnsley, a team that was, at that time, in the old Division Two, which would now be the Championship. He was lucky enough to be signed on professional terms with the club at the end of that period, making his full debut shortly after-

wards, back in 1982. He played firstteam football for the next four and a half years before going on loan to Crewe under the long-serving Dario Gradi (who’s still at the club after 32 years!). “Crewe were in the Fourth Division then, but I was really impressed with the way the club was run. They had a fantastic setup, and a great manager. Initially it was a month’s loan, that then became two months, and eventually I was there for three and a half years.” Crewe had an amazing youth policy and set-up, even back then, which was the envy of many a club, and was responsible for players such as England Captain David Platt, Robbie Savage, Neil Lennon and Steve Jones, and Dario Gradi’s efforts with regard to player development and technical excellence were second to none. “It was a great place to play. We even managed to get promotion for the second time in Crewe’s history!

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Wayne, when men were men, and shorts were short!

wayne goodison

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“After Crewe I spent two years playing for Rochdale, which some Rammy fans may even remember. I really enjoyed my time there. “Football was a very different game back then, particularly at that level. We all laugh now about how much professional players at all levels are getting paid, but back then it was a lot more humble. While I was at Rochdale I started wondering whether it was time to start looking for a career outside of football, so that I could pay the bills. Your life as a professional footballer is notoriously short, and could be ended at any moment with a wild tackle or an injury, and we all have to pay the bills. “About that time I’d just got married, and my wife kept saying that it was about time I went and got myself a proper job, so that’s what I did. I became self-employed, working in recruitment for a hospitality company, which meant that, although not full-time, I could still manage to play some football.” A two year spell playing for today’s opponents Hyde United followed, before almost a year at Accrington and then three and a half at Buxton.” Coaching was always in the back of Wayne’s mind, and had been something he’d become involved with, even as far back as his days at Barnsley.

“I’d had quite a bad knee injury, when I started out at Barnsley, that kept me out of the game for nine months. The club were really decent with me, and they suggested that I do my coaching badges, so I began with that at about ninenteen. It was really useful because when I went to Crewe I got to do a lot of coaching work with their youth setup - working with the academy kids they had coming through, which we were all encouraged to do by Dario. So I’ve always been really interested in coaching. Infact, when I finished at Buxton, they asked me to look after the team for a while when the manager left. They suggested I be player manager,

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which was supposed to be a very short term thing, but it eventually lasted about six months. I have to say that it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, so I can understand a little bit of what Robbo’s going through at the moment.Trying to play, manage and organise at that level is so difficult, people just don’t understand the commitment it entails, and what people like Robbo actually do for their football clubs. His achievements in assembling a team last season, and in keeping Rammy in this league are huge, and really shouldn’t be overlooked by anyone. “After the managing at Buxton I decided to have a break for a few months before Mark Molyneaux (Rammy’s goalkeeping coach) asked me to go and help him out at Trafford, before both of us moving over to Chorley where we had a great two and a half years. We managed to get to the playoff finals up at Chorley, and were so close to getting promoted! In the end we were beaten on penalties by Radcliffe Borough in 2003, but they were great times.” A return to Trafford was on the cards for Wayne, as Gary Moore, who’d played under him at the club, was appointed manager and asked Wayne to go along and help with the coaching, taking the club to the dizzying heights of the Evostik Premier by way of the play-offs, during their four year tenure. The move to join Rammy came about shortly after Robbo had taken over. Wayne had coached Robbo for a time at

Salford, and the two had remained friends, so when he phoned to congratulate Robbo on his appointment, Wayne was invited along for the coaching job, which he duly accepted. “I was very impressed with Robbo’s plans for a new squad at Rammy, and with what he achieved last season in terrible circumstances. I admire his passion and his commitment, and can see this club really going places under his leadership. The offer to be involved was too good to turn down, and I was very proud to become the coach at Ramsbottom United.”

the chairman

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We caught up with Club Chairman Harry Williams, working on the pitch with a divotting fork, on the morning after the Buxton game. We took the opportunity to first ask him how he felt about the well-publicised shenanigans towards the end of Tuesday’s match, when tempers became more than a little frayed. “I’ll be honest and say that I didn’t see any of it. I have so much to do for home games that I seldom get to see any football any more. The only thing I knew about it until afterwards was the sound of the referee blowing his whistle frantically. I was round the back, opening the gates up for the away team to get out after the game. Roger Davis came up to me shortly after and said, ‘It’s all let loose out there, H!’. That’s all I knew about it. “We don’t want any of this kind of stuff going on down here though. This is a family club and I don’t want kids seeing any kind of aggro on the pitch. I understand that people get frustrated, particularly if they’re up against players who they’re struggling to contain. I remember when Geoff Lay used to play for us, he’d run rings around players who’d end up taking a bit of a swing at him - my advice was always to just laugh it off, laugh at them - there’s nothing you can do that has more impact. Hitting out just gets you into trouble and shows that you can’t control yourself. “The referee was good about it, and hasn’t raised a stink, and that’s what I think we’d all prefer, but then you go on the internet and there’s videos of this and that, seemingly from Buxton fans. Those fans have to remember that nothing good is going to come from it all blowing up. I’ve already had the MEN phoning this morning for a

statement, and these smug kids with their cameras who think they’re clever posting it for all to see don’t realise that it’ll be Buxton that get in trouble as much as anyone else! “I know that our squad were in the dressing room for a good long while after the final whistle, and I know that our management team have level heads on them, so I hope they can do their bit to make sure our players behave professionally, so I’d like to hope that the silliness will blow over quickly.” While many fans think that football involves turning up on a Tuesday or Saturday before going home for your tea, we asked Harry a little bit about the post-match work for him and his merry band of helpers.

Volunteer Andy Brown on mop duty

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“I reckon that matches like the Buxton one take about fifteen hours of work for the 3-4 of us. There’s washing kits, cleaning the changing rooms, divotting the pitch (which isn’t too bad at this time of year), and then cutting and marking it out for the next game - we cut it at least twice a week in August. Andy and Jack sort out the litter about the place and empty and sort the bins for recycling and the like. “Jack and Chris normally give the dressing rooms a clean straight after the match, and then Andy goes in and does the showers and the floor again in the morning. “I was talking to the groundsman down at Rushall last week, and our match was the twelfth they’d had so far this season! Twelve matches to prepare for, and they’d had no rain for about two months. It’s a thankless job sometimes looking after a pitch! “I’d like to say that the Rammy players have been really well behaved so far this season, laying their kits out neatly after the games, which shows that they have a bit of respect for the club. Some of the players have a thing for cutting the feet off the socks, which I can’t fathom out. We bought 22 pairs of socks at the start of the season, and we just have seven pairs left. It’s not so bad if they look after their own pairs, which they seem to be doing this season, but sometimes you just find a pile of mutilated socks on

the floor, which is a bit bizarre. We’re always after more help down at the ground though, so if anyone can spare a bit on a weekday, anytime between about 10 and 2 o’clock, we’d really appreciate the lift with stuff.”

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After dropping down from the Conference

losses and no points gained during

their relegation hangover would not spill

extremely ominous for the Tigers. Their

Premier Division Hyde United hoped that

today’s opposition

over into 2014/15 Conference North season. With a mixed bag of pre-season results, Hyde’s league campaign got off to

November, league survival was looking

second league victory came, when they

beat North Ferriby United 1-0 at home. The New Year saw no change in fortunes

a dreadful start with defeats in each of

as they were thrashed at Stalybridge

finally stopped when the Tigers gained

adrift at the bottom of the Conference

their opening five games. The rot was their first point in a draw at home to Tamworth at the end of September. A second

successive draw away to Gloucester City was followed by two more defeats, leaving Hyde staring at the wrong end of the division.

An 8-0 away win at Chadderton in the

Manchester Premier Cup gave the Tigers fans some respite and this was followed by their first league win of the season when

they defeated Lowestoft Town 5-1 at home. Any optimism was short lived as

Celtic, losing 7-1. With the club nine points North Hyde dispensed of Scott McNiven’s

services and former manager Gary Lowe returned to try and save something from

the disastrous season. The Ewen Fields home faithful would have to wait for the beginning of March before they saw another league win, which came courtesy

of a 1-0 victory over Sollihull Moors. With relegation now a formality their league

form slightly picked up as they picked up rhree draws.

With the season coming to a close, April

Hyde were knocked out of the FA Cup at

saw a draw at home draw to Stockport

Ewen Fields by Marine. With a further five

defeats, leaving Hyde relegated.

the Second Qualifying Round stage at

County sandwiched between four further

1885 1887 1898 1906 1920 1970 Formed as Hyde FC.

Suffer record defeat of 26-0 at the hands of Preston North End in the FA Cup

Won the North Cheshire League, their first piece of silverware.

Moved to their current home of Ewen Fields after merging with Hyde St George’s

Won the Manchester League five times and recorded their record victory of 13-0 over Eccles United

Returned to the Cheshire League du to the financial burden of travel in the Northern Premier League.

The population of Hyde increased in the 18th and early 19th centuries due to the success of the cotton mills during the Industrial Revolution.

United was added to the club’s name, due to a match between two groups, the Forty Gang and the Discharged Soldiers and Sailors, who used to meet in the market place.

From 1904 to 1914 Hyde Seals water polo team were regarded as the finest in the world, winning the World Championships in 1904, 1905 and 1906.

Hyde United changed their name to Hyde FC in 2010 as a result of a sponsorship deal with Manchester City. • 1889 saw Ardwick AFC (now Man-

chester City) play Newton Heath (now Manchester United)) in a match to raise funds for the families of miners who were killed in an explosion at Hyde Colliery.

The largest bell in the clock tower of Hyde Town Hall is known as ‘Owd Joss’ and is named after Joshua Bradley, a former poor child worker in the mills.

Other notable people from Hyde include, famous artist L.S. Lowry, World Champion boxer Ricky Hatton, singer and musician Wayne Fontana and television presenter Timmy Mallett.

St George’s Church was built in 1832 and was the first Church of England place of worship in the town.

did you know?

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1989 2003 2004 2005 2009 2012 2015 Made it to the FATrophy Semi-Finals for the first time, a feat they repeated in 1995 and 1996.

Relegated to the Northern Premier League Division One.

Won the Northern Premier League Division One title.

Won the Northern Premier League Premier Division title at the first attempt, gaining promotion to the Conference North.

Were wound up for a week due to the banking crisis.

Won the Conference North and gained promotion to the National Conference.

Suffered a second successive relegation after finishing bottom of the Conference North table.

Hyde photos kindly provided by Paul Prole

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six to watch

Gary Lowe (Manager) Age: Managerial Career; Woodley Sports & Curzon Ashton. Lowe won the FA Youth Cup with Crystal Palace and also made 18 appearances for Hyde United in the 1980’s. His managerial career started at Woodley Sports, before he moved onto Curzon Ashton. His first spell as Hyde United manager came at the start of 2011/12 season, where he led the Tigers to the Conference North title, but he left at the end of the season. With the club bottom of the Conference North he returned in January 2015, but was unable to prevent a second successive relegation as they finished bottom of the league.

where he made an International Challenge Trophy appearance against Estonia Under 23s.

Shane Killock (Defender) Age: 26 Previous Clubs; Huddersfield Town, Oxford United, AFC Telford United & Harrogate Town. Killock originally made a big impact for Hyde in 2008, when he made 14 appearances for the club on loan from Huddersfield Town. He later moved to Oxford United and following his release in 2009, he joined AFC Telford. After a spell playing for Harrogate Town he moved to Ewen Fields during this summer and it is hoped that this imposing centre back will add some steel to the Tigers backline during the coming season.

Josh Ollerenshaw (Goalkeeper) Age: 24 Previous Clubs; Oldham Athletic, Curzon Ashton, Colwyn Bay, Fleetwood Town, Warrington Town, Buxton & Stalybridge Celtic. Ollerenshaw stands at 6ft 5in and started his career at Oldham Athletic, he had a number of loan spells at Salford City, Mossley and Northwich Victoria before joining Gary Lowe at Curzon Ashton on a permanent basis. He later moved onto Colwyn Bay and Fleetwood Town, unfortunately he did not get a chance at the latter and re-joined Colwyn Bay. The big keeper joined Hyde United in January 2015 from Stalybridge Celtic. His pedigree was further enhanced by a callScott Spencer in action for Stockport County in up to the England C squad, their FA Trophy tie against Rammy last season.

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Andy Pearson (Midfielder) Age: 25 Previous Clubs; Wigan Athletic, Altrincham, Rhyl, Guiseley, FC United of Manchester & Nantwich Town. After being a regular member of the Wigan Youth and Reserve teams, Pearson signed for Altrincham on his release. After a short time in North Wales with Rhyl, he enjoyed his first spell with Hyde United, signing during the summer of 2011, where he played a key role in the Championship winning side of 2011/12. He subsequently went on loan to Guiseley, helping guide them to a Play-Off Semi-Final in 2013, where they lost out to FC Halifax Town. He has also played for FC United of Manchester and Nantwich Town and signed for the Tigers from the latter in January 2015.

Scott Spencer (Striker) Age: 26 Previous Cubs; Oldham Athletic, Everton, Yeovil Town, Macclesfield Town, Rochdale, Southend United, Lincoln City, FC Halifax Town & Stockport County. Spencer was originally signed by Everton as a 17 year-old from Oldham Athletic. His career never really took off at Goodison Park, but he went on to have Football League Experience at clubs including Yeovil Town, Rochdale and Southend United. After turning down a number of offers he first signed for Hyde for the 2011/12 season. He made a sen-

sational start, scoring goals in each of his first nine appearances; this earned him a call up to the England C team, for whom he earned four caps. He spent last season at Stockport County but returned to Ewen Fields over the summer, where he hopes to add to his 108 appearances and 49 goals for the Tigers.

Lee Neville (Defender) Age: 27 Previous Clubs; Witton Albion, Salford City, Oldham Town, FC United of Manchester & Ramsbottom United. This talented left sided defender spent time at Witton Albion before he signed for his first spell at Salford City in 2009. He went onto join FC United of Manchester, where he made over 100 appearances during a four year stay with the rebels. His second spell at Salford City followed and he spent the second half of last season at the Harry Williams Riverside stadium, helping to keep the Ram’s in the Northern Premier Division. Lee signed for Hyde United during the summer and will surely be a strong acquisition to the left hand side of the Tigers team.

Ex-Rammy defender Lee Neville in action for The Tigers.

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grant shenton

We’re still a mile away from where we need to be, but the effort and commitment seemed to be much improved on Tuesday. How did you feel about the performance? I thought we played well and kept the ball really well, but we're missing that little cutting edge around the box at the moment but that will come. Two young centre-halfs, with Andy Dawson taking a bit of time to recover from Saturday's game. A difficult job, how did you feel they did? Both lads played really well against a strong front line. Apart from the goal they both didn't put foot wrong. Kieran is such a young lad and he's only going to get better.

It's going to take time for a new team to gel, and we can see improvements with each match. Still missing a couple of strong, experienced players in the squad though, would you say? I do agree to an extent but players only get experience from playing matches. We are a young changing room and it could only help to have few more experienced players with a bit of a wise head on their shoulders.

What is the mood like in the dressing room? Are people managing to remain positive? We all want those first points on the board and I'd take a scruffy one nil to

get them. That being said I've told the lads, as have the gaffers, that it's a long season and we’re only two games into it. Anything can happen over those weeks and months.

What did you make of Tuesday's 'brawl' in injury time? I would like to apologise to all the fans for the scenes at the end of the game. I can't justify what broke out but sometimes these things happen. We all know that it doesn't make for good viewing, so from all the lads in the changing room I’d like to say sorry. A few people have pointed at weak refereeing being the possible cause of things becoming niggly, but I'm not so sure. I think he should have at least booked number 9 for the challenge on Spencer, but he was no worse than any other referee. What do you think? In my opinion the game was even in terms of decisions, but that's football. In this game we are notorious for pointing a finger elsewhere to place blame. Cards and fouls rarely win football matches - it’s goals and cleansheets - so that's what I want us to worry about and talk about, not referees’ decisions. Are you finding the new lads are starting to settle into The Rammy Way? The changing room has changed alot from last pre-season with only me ,

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Gassy and Pughy left I believe. It's not the Rammy changing room of old, but that's not to say we haven't got a good group of lads. It's different but still a great changing room to be involved with.

I went in the changing rooms to see a load of socks that are missing their feet. Could you explain this bizarre custom to us, the laysupporter? I do this also. most lads like ankle socks on when wearing boots (they don't slide around in the boot) because football socks tend to slide around when you play, making it uncomfortable, and difficult to feel the ball. That's all it is, no strange vodoo ritual or anything.

Thoughts about Hyde? I'm looking forward to this game. They have a good manager who will have them playing good football which I think will make for a great game, so enjoy. COYR

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next up for the rams

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We love Whitby! In fact, if someone had

liner knows much more about these things

like as an away game in August?” we

knowledge and judgement on that occa-

said to us pre-season, “Where would you

reckon that most of us would have said,

“How about Colwyn Bay or Whitby?”

than we do, so we deferred to his superior sion!

Overall last season Whitby finished up a

closely follwed by the words, “But not for a

disappointing thirteenth in the league, with

According to some bloke who appeared

their results (not scoring a huge number,

bloody mid-week, eh!”

on the Rammy forum shortly after the fixtures were released (so how true it is, we

have no idea), the league has what they call the central core (Rammy etc), and the

North and South teams in three different groups when it comes to working out mid-

week fixtures. Apart from the local derbies, which they try to schedule for Bank Holi-

days - hence Salford and Workington for ours - they try to schedule mid-weeks so

that the core teams (us) get to play the

more remote Northern ones (Blyth, Darlington, Whitby). It means that teams like Stamford and Halesowen don’t get ridiculous trips to Blyth on a midweek evening,

a hint of George Graham’s Arsenal about

but not conceding many either), a fact that they put right in their opening away game

against Stourbridge, putting four past the

visitors, who were no doubt jet-lagged

after crossing the time-zones on their seven hour journey from the West Midlands. Four different players found the net

for Whitby including summer signing Mikey Roberts whose transfer from Spen-

nymoor was financed by an anonymous donor to the club. The 24 year-old scored 20 goals last season and has had interest

from a number of professional clubs including Crystal Palace.

Tuesday saw Whitby playing in a ‘local

which makes sense, but it also means that

derby’ against Blyth Spartans, which is but

So, get your flexi-time figured out so you

The result was 3-2 to Blyth, with Roberts

we do.

can bunk off early next Wednesday, and

get yourself over to Whitby for a bag of fish and chips and a late night.

There will be a club coach running,

which is £12 for the journey, with a depar-

a mere two hours drive for the poor sods!

finding the score-sheet twice for Whitby, the first a penalty, putting him on three

goals in two games, and definitely one to keep an eye on.

If you’re not going to the game then see

ture time to be confirmed at the time of

if you can get Whitby Town Radio on your

Last year we had a couple of great trips

Last year they did a pretty good job of

writing (bloody early we expect!).

to the North Yorkshire seaside, the first a Wednesday night 2-0 defeat back in Sep-

tember and the second in the FA Trophy -

a trip which coincided with Whitby’s host-

ing of the annual Goth Fest. The Rammy

Ultras took it upon themselves to wear Halloween fancy dress, and really looked

the part walking through Whitby. Most

computer - there’s a link via their website.

commentary (once they figured out how to

work the volume controls) and gave a

decent, well-balanced view of the game. They’ll even read out text messages if you fancy bombarding them


Rammy stuff. If


importantly though, that’s the game that

going to the

amazing volleyed goal from Jon Robinson


saw us come home 2-1 winners after an with the very last kick of the game. We

reckoned he was miles off-side, but the





journey, and enjoy the chips!

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Robbo’s (offside) winner with the last kick of the match, but we weren’t going to question the liner about it.

Hillary, resplendent in blue witch’s hat and pink gloves, and carrying it off with style!

Is that Sophie in a photo? And I’d swear Carlsberg’s wearing a cape!

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What a pain in the backside! Two hours twenty minutes at the best of times to get over to Whitby, but at rush-hour on a Wednesday night, who knows how long it’ll take. The journey is 121 miles, and probably won’t be too bad once you get past Leeds, but the A169 after Malton becomes single-carriageway for quite long stretches, which can be trouble if a tractor decides to pull out and chug along slowly. Route-wise, below is the way we normally go. It is possible to go on the A59 through Harrogate, but there’s a roundabout in the middle of Harrogate which is terrible at rush-hour, so probably not the best way (Google maps says it’s the same distance that way, but 20 minutes longer on the journey-time). 1) M66S down junction 4 for the M62 East

2) M62E to junction 9 for the M1 North

4) After about 40 minutes, at Malton take the slip-road for the A169, sign-posted Whitby and Pickering, left at the roundabout 5) Follow Whitby on the A169 for about 50 minutes on the A169, then right at the roundabout where you can go no further, which is the A171 6) At the next roundabout (at the garden centre) take a left which is sign-posted B1461 for Whitby Pavilion 7) Take a left at Lidl and the Spar petrol station, onto Love Lane

8) At the roundabout at the end of Love Lane take a right, sign-posted ‘Town Centre’, onto Whitebridge Road, which becomes Upgang Lane

9) The ground is about 400yds on your left. Good luck!

If you want the easier way, then just type YO21 3HZ 3) M1N to junction 44 for the into your sat-nav and see A64, sign-posted York what happens.

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Here’s a map of the last, fiddly bit when you get into Whitby:

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Pit your wits against The Mighty Molly by trying to correctly guess the results from today’s Evostik Premier games. Each correct score earns 3pts, with correct results earning 1pt.






today’s guest

Hyde’s assistant manager Martyn Booty made around 400 appearances in league football as a defender. He played for Coventry, Crewe, Reading, Southend, Chesterfield and Huddersfield before being appointed to Huddersfield’s coaching staff in 2008. He went on to play non-league football at Curzon, Salford and Buxton before re-joining Curzon in 2009 as assistant manager. He helped Hyde to become Conference North champions in 2011.







last week’s points

Last week Molly scored nine points, predicting one correct score (Matlock v Salford) and six correct results. Lui got Grantham v Ilkeston right, and four other results to score 7pts.

MOLLY 9pts



Molly: Guest: You:

3-1 2-1

Molly: Guest: You:

2-0 3-1

Molly: Guest: You:

2-1 1-1

Molly: Guest: You:

1-2 0-2

Molly: Guest: You:

2-0 1-1

Molly: Guest: You:

3-1 0-2

Molly: Guest: You:

1-2 1-0

Molly: Guest: You:

1-1 0-2

Molly: Guest: You:

1-1 2-1

Molly: Guest: You:

1-1 0-2

Molly: Guest: You:

0-1 1-1

Molly: Guest: You:

2-0 2-0


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PROGRAMME TEAM Programme Editor: Rob Moss League News: Gareth Bird Darkside Column: Darren Comer Exile Column: Richard Isaacs Tony’s Teasers: Tony Cunningham Editorial Page: Tony Cunningham Supporters Club Column: Rob Moss Photographs: Rob Moss, Ste Heard, Darren Comer, Angie Heard

Other Contributors: Phil Edghill, Jon Robinson, Grant Shenton,

Newsthump.com, the Evostik League, Mark Molyneaux. Special thanks to match officials and opposition officials, supporters and

photographers too numerous to mention.

Printed by: 4 colour digital, Newport

under license from Terry Brumpton and JJ Sports Promotions; fairprint

Edinburgh and Alston Press Bury. The views expressed in this programme are purely those of the individual

contributors and are not representative of the views of

Ramsbottom United Football Club. To get in touch with us, please email: programme@rammyunited.co.uk

Welcome to everyone from Hyde United for this afternoon’s game. The defeat to Buxton on Tuesday was quite hard to take as I thought we played some good football and on the balance of play definitely didn't deserve to lose. Teams at this level are durable and resilient which means you've got to have that 'bit of magic' in the final third and be ruthless in front of goal to get results. Unfortunately we didn't work their goalkeeper enough, we gave away an early goal as we did at Rushall, which allows teams to sit back and play on the counter attack. I said to the lads after the game the two areas of the pitch that matter most are scoring and not conceding goals, and we have struggled in those areas in the first two games. I am confident that once we get one in front during a game it will give the lads confidence to go on and score more, but we have to make the right decisions in attack and be resolute defensively to make it happen. There were plenty of positives to take from the Buxton game and we need to be on the front foot against a team who like us haven't won a game yet. Today's game is a big one for us and I have huge respect for their manager Gary Lowe. I spent seven years playing for him for two different clubs with great memories along the way. He has bags of experience and knows non-league inside out. We still talk regularly and I'm sure Hyde will prove to be a stern test this afternoon. Lastly I want to apologise on behalf of everyone for the unsavoury scenes at the end of Tuesday's game. It's gone now, and more important we need the fans behind the players to hopefully get a win today and get our season up and running. Enjoy the game!

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The new season’s first round of midweek matches saw Stourbridge secure their first point with a 4-3 win over Nantwich town on Monday night. The visiting Dabber’s took an early lead through Matthew Bell before former Carlisle United striker Karl Hawley equalised for the home side seven minutes before halftime. Nantwich edged themselves ahead on fifty minutes with a goal from Darren Thornton, before strikes from Karl Hawley, with his second of the evening, Matthew Dodd and Kayelden Brown gave Stourbridge a 4-2 lead. A late penalty by Matt Kosylo ensured a nervy finish, but the Glassboy’s held on to claim all three points. Four teams all made it two wins from their first two games as Skelmersdale United, Rushall Olympic, Buxton and Blyth Spartans all gained victories on Tuesday evening. At the Wessex Lancs College Stadium Skelmersdale beat Workington 2-0 courtesy of two second half goals from Tony Rendell and Danny Mitchley. An exciting five goal thriller at the Zeeco Stadium saw Rushall come away with a 3-2 victory over Stamford. The Pic’s took a fourth minute lead via Luke Benbow, but two goals in a matter of minutes just before half-time from Jordan Smith and Ryan Robbins ensured Stamford entered the break in front. The Rushall win was guaranteed by second-half goals from Jack Duggan and Bilal Yafal. A north east derby saw Blyth Spartans come out on top against Whitby town at Croft Park. An exciting encounter saw Dan Maguire strike first for Blyth, but this was cancelled out as Whitby edged in front through two goals from Michael Roberts. The Spartans talisman Robbie Dale ensured the home faithful went home happy as he scored twice in the last half hour to earn Blyth a 3-2 win. Frickley Athletic are still waiting for their first points of the season, as they were soundly beaten by newly promoted Darlington 3-0. A bumper crowd of 903 saw Tom Portas give the Quakers the lead, before Nathan Cartman dou-

bled their advantage on 32 minutes. A third goal from Kevin Burgess near the end ensured all three points stayed in the north east. Tuesday evening also brought first wins of the season for Colwyn Bay, Salford City, Mickleover Sports, Ilkeston and Barwell. The Bay beat Hyde United 2-0 at home with two goals in the last four minutes by Christopher Sharp and Robbie Booth. Salford City came away from Matlock Town with a 2-1 win after an injury time Chris Lynch strike, with all the goals coming in the last nineteen minutes. Lee Hughes got off the mark for Ilkeston as they recovered from going behind to a first minute goal from Grantham’s Lindokuhke Ndlovu. Liam Marshall struck four minutes form the end to give Ilkeston a 2-1 away win. There were goal’s galore for Barwell as they trounced Sutton Coalfield Town 5-1 away from home. Leading 3-0 at the break, Brady Hickey and Jamie Towers added two further secondhalf goals, although Sutton Coalfield did grab a consolation through Ryan Pace’s strike.


Clitheroe maintained their 100% start to the season with a 5-1 away victory at Droylsden. After going behind in the third minute, three first half goals in a four minute spell through Lloyd Dean, Gregg Anderson and Scott Baker gave Clitheroe control, and two further strikes from an own goal and Louis Mayers in the secondhalf confirmed an emphatic win. Kendall Town 2-1 winners against Burscough, Witton Albion, who thrashed Prescot Cables 6-0 away and Scarborough Athletic 1-0 victors over Farsley Celtic also gained second victories of the season to leave four clubs at the top of the league, all on six points. At the bottom, five teams: Prescot Cables, Radcliffe Borough, Farsley Celtic, New Mills and Burscough are still pointless and must surely be hoping that their fortunes can change sooner rather than later.

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Full back Cavell Coo has been released by Salford City. He joined the club in October 2014 from Ashton United, having impressed then manager Phil Power in two FA Cup ties between the two clubs. Coo made 18 appearances last season, which included 2 from the bench and he also made the 2014/15 Evo-Stik League First Division North Team of the Season. Another player leaving Moor Lane is winger Josh Hancock. The former Witton Albion and AFC Telford player only joined The Ammies this summer, but he has decided to depart Salford to search for regular first team football.

Rovers last season. He can operate at either right full-back or right midfield and will be available for selection for their opening game of the season.


After impressing in pre-season friendlies against FC United of Manchester and Bradford City, Whitby have signed Defender Kieran Weledji. The 20 year old defensive prospect started his career in the Junior ranks at Middlesbrough, but was released in July. Manager Darren Williams was quick to snap up Weledji after two assured displays in the friendly matches.


Full back Jamie Smith has joined Rushall on a short term loan from Vanarama National League club Worcester City. The youngster impressed manager Richard Sneekes in a preseason friendly between the two sides and the Pics are delighted to have managed to secure the services of this exciting prospect.


Frickley manager Karl Rose has signed striker Conor Bower on a dual registration contract from Harrogate Town. The 20 year old forward started his football career as a Junior at Bradford City before joining Garforth Town. He joined FC United at the start of last season, after a short a short spell playing in Sweden. Bower finished the season at Ossett Albion, where he scored 12 goals. Marine Versatile Mitch Duggan has joined Marine AFC on a month’s loan from Vanarama National League side Tranmere Rovers. The 18 year old, a product of Tranmere’s Youth System, made his Football League debut for


Northern Premier Division newcomers Sutton Coalfield have been boosted by the decision of central defender Joel Kettle to sign a new one year deal. Manager Neil tooth was delighted to secure one of his key players under contract and said, “Centre half’s like Joel don’t come around that often so when they do you have to make sure you keep hold of them”. The Royals have also snapped up two young defenders on loan to boost their squad for the up and coming season. Kyle Rowley has joined from League One Walsall and Joe Ballinger has signed from Solihull Moor. Sutton Coldfield Town have appointed their first commercial manager. The Royals, promoted back into the EVOSTIK NPL's top flight in May as First Division South play-off winners, announced the appointment of Tony Ridge at Coles Lane on Wednesday. Delighted officials say Ridge had already organised a four week advertising campaign in the Sutton Observer and sold a number of the club's new larger pitchside advertising boards

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before being unveiled. A club spokesman said: "Tony has a lot of experience in commercial and marketing matters in the car industry and has been acting for the Royals for the past few months.


Barwell have boosted their squad in time for the first game of the season with two new signings. Winger Elliot Chamberlain has signed from Corby Town and has played internationally for Wales at Under 17, Under 19 and under 21 levels. He started at Leicester City and has also represented AFC Telford United, Stockport County, Exeter City and Gloucester City. Young Goalkeeper Connor O’Keefe joins from Mossley, he has previously played for Macclesfield Town and Loughborough University.


Skelmersdale are keeping their fingers crossed as they await a planning decision from West Lancashire Borough Council regarding the new stand that they want to build at Stormy corner. The project, which has been in the pipeline for the past 18 months, is currently being scrutinised by the local authorities planning department. The stand which will stretch from either penalty area on the current open side of the ground will be a three step terrace, but it also could easily be converted to hold seating housing approximately 380 fans.


The Spartans have added two more players to their already strong squad in the form of ex Sunderland Academy starlet Andrew Cartwright and German Goalkeeper Fabian

Otte. Right-back Cartwright made 32 appearances for the Black Cuts Under-21 side last season and is the son of former Blyth midfielder Peter Cartwright. German stopper Otte, appeared for the Spartans during pre-season and the 24 year-old counts Bayer 03 Leverkusen Under-23’s, USA’s Carolina Railhawks and New Zealand’s Western Suburbs amongst his former clubs.


Nantwich groundsman Pete Temmen has been crowned Evo-Stik Northern Premier League Groundsman of the Year for 2015. Temmen picked up his award at the St George’s National Football Centre last week and was amongst more than 100 fellow groundsmen who were honoured at the awards. The man who keeps the playing surface at the Weaver Stadium in pristine condition was also ‘Highly Commended’ by judges in the national section for clubs from steps 1 to 4.


The Robins have pulled off a major transfer coup by signing former West Bromwich Albion and Coventry City striker Lee Hughes. The 39 year-old experienced striker was released by Kidderminster Harriers in the summer, but chose Ilkeston over other offers due to their full-time status. Another deciding factor for the former Notts County marksmen was manager Gavin Strachan, an old team mate at Coventry City. Hughes also played under Gordon Strachan at the Sky Blues and he has already seen some of his father’s fiery Scottish temperament in 36 year-old Gavin. For more Evostik news, visit www.evostikleague.co.uk

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RAMSBOTTOM Shirts: Blue. Shorts: Blue. 1 (Goal) Grant SHENTO 2 (Right Back) Kyle HARROP

5 (Centre Back) Andy DAWSON

7 (Right Wing) Dominic McHale

4 (Midfield) Alex MEANEY 9 (Forward) Lee GASKELL

Referee: Mr Simeon Lucas

10 (Forward) Peter BOYLE 11 (Left Wing) Warren BURRELL

8 (Midfield) Spencer HARRISON

3 (Left Back) Lee NEVILLE

6 (Centre Back) Big KHAMSUK

1 (Goal) Josh OLLERE

Shirts: Red. Shorts: Black


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Substitutes: 12 Saindou DJANFAR 14 Clevon BEADLE 15 Jake CLIFFE 16 Lee PUGH 17 Tom HARTLEY

: Blue. Stockings: Blue. 1 (Goal) HENTON capt 6 (CentreBack) Keiran NOLAN

3 (Left Back) Ben WOODS

8 (Midfield) Prince HAYWOOD

11 (Left Wing) Grant SPENCER

10 (Forward) David KUBA-KUBA

Linesmen: Mr Paul Bell, Mr Ainsley Sawicz

9 (Forward) Spencer HARRIS 4 (Midfield) Shane KILLOCK

7 (Right Wing) Elliot HARRISON

5 (CentreBack) Adam JONES

2 (Right Back) George RILEY


s: Black. Stockings: Black.


Substitutes: 12 Sam FITTON 14 Ayrton BEVINS 15 Ryan ELLISON 16 James BURKE 17 Andy PEARSON

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SULTS 2014-15

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ATTENDANCES 2014-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

TEAM FCUM Workington Halesowen Town Kings Lynn Town Ilkeston Blyth Spartans Stourbridge Stamford Witton Albion Marine Ramsbottom United Buxton Matlock Town Belper Town Whitby Town Skelmersdale United Curzon Ashton Nantwich Town Grantham Town Frickley Athletic Rushall Olympic Trafford Ashton United Barwell

AVG 2155 548 529 518 466 464 462 406 376 369 354 314 302 295 289 281 276 268 251 250 246 228 207 193


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

TEAM FCUM (P) Workington Ashton United Curzon Ashton (P) Ilkeston Blyth Spartans Skelmersdale United Barwell Rushall Olympic Buxton Halesowen Town Grantham Town Whitby Town Matlock Town Nantwich Town Stourbridge Ramsbottom United King's Lynn Town Frickley Athletic Stamford Marine Witton Albion (R) Trafford (R) Belper Town (R)

P 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46





































W 26 27 24 23 22 21 21 21 21 18 13 15 14 15 16 14 15 14 12 13 11 14 6 6

D 14 9 12 14 15 16 10 10 9 17 20 14 16 11 7 11 8 10 14 11 16 7 15 14

L 6 10 10 9 9 9 15 15 16 11 13 17 16 20 23 21 23 22 20 22 19 25 25 26

F 78 63 75 79 79 84 58 69 76 70 56 64 56 57 61 59 66 60 60 56 58 58 58 62

A 37 39 54 46 56 54 48 63 64 57 48 72 63 60 76 72 80 81 73 75 69 86 93 96

GD 41 24 21 33 23 30 10 6 12 13 8 -8 -7 -3 -15 -13 -14 -21 -13 -19 -11 -28 -35 -34

Pts 92 90 84 83 81 79 73 73 72 71 59 59 58 56 55 53 53 52 50 50 49 49 33 32

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Can you spare as little as half an hour to help get the club and pitch ready for the next match? Volunteers are desperately needed every day of the week between 11 and 2pm, so if you are available then please come down and help Harry keep things in tiptop condition.

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US dentist Walter Palmer has been granted a licence to hunt John Terry, after Chelsea officials declared their captain to now be too old to make a meaningful contribution to the club. Terry was substituted at half-time during his side’s 3-0 defeat to Manchester City, with club officials immediately offering him to anyone willing to pay a few quid. The highest bid came from Walter Palmer in the US, who said that as long as the paperwork looked reasonably kosher, he’d offer a few hundred grand for the privilege of shooting him with a bow and arrow. As one Chelsea official explained, “Having John Terry’s head mounted on the wall of a dentist’s surgery will make room in the squad for younger members to step up and potentially lead the pride.” “It is the natural order of things, and people shouldn’t be sad because John has had a long and fruitful career with Chelsea – it’s just now we don’t care what happens to him.” Palmer himself spoke of his delight at the deal, “I’m so excited, I’ve been told about a few places he hangs out, so we’re going to stalk him for a few days before I take a shot.” “And from what I’ve read about him, most people won’t give a toss compared to Cecil the lion.”


Jose Mourinho has been thanked by administrators inside the NHS, after he reduced waiting lists to zero by declaring no-one genuinely in need of treatment. The newly qualified medical expert and Chelsea football manager, was keen to bring his gifts to bear across the NHS after flexing his diagnostician muscles during Chelsea’s opening day draw against Swansea. As one Chelsea insider told us, “If you want to

know if a player needs treating or not, do not look at the doctors, do not look at them – you look to Jose, only Jose.” Mourinho himself told reporters he was glad to help the NHS with his special skills. He said, “To make a correct diagnosis, you must first understand people who fake injuries, and I spend all day with footballers, so I know fakers.” “53 year-old Joseph Miller of Stoke? Fake. He does not need a new hip, take him off the list.” “42 year-old Sarah Matthews of Basingstoke? Fake. She does not need a bunionectomy, take her off the list.” “I can do this all day. It is like a gift – only the special one can decide when someone should be healed.” Football fan Simon Williams told us, “It does seem like Jose has been blessed with a divine gift.” “So maybe he could use it to stop his players rolling around like they’ve been hit by a sniper?”


The Australian cricket team has applied for political asylum, claiming they face severe mental and physical abuse if they return to their country. Lawyers representing the team have claimed that the abuse they will face if returned home cannot be expressed in the English Language, largely because that’s not what Australians actually speak. The Home Office is reported to be taking the application extremely seriously after spending about five minutes reading their fellow countrymen’s comments on Twitter. “My God, the abuse,” a clearly shaken Home Office spokesman told us. “Some of it is frankly indescribable.” “To be honest some of it is incomprehensible, as well. What the heck is ‘a pack of drongoes worse than a wombat’s arse and a dead dingoes donger of runs?'” He asked

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tony’s teasers

1-WHICH CLUB plays at the The Beeches? 2-WHO IS THE MANAGER of Radcliffe Borough? 3-WHICH COLOURS do Aberystwyth Town play in? 4-IN WHAT YEAR did leek Town win the NPL and promotion to the Conference? 5-IN WHICH LEAGUE do Worsborough Bridge play? 6-WHAT IS THE NICKNAME of Stafford Rangers? 7-WHERE DOES Brett Ormerod now play? 8-WHAT IS THE LINK BETWEEN Stockport County and Atherton Collieries? 9-RAMMY LINK: Adam Morning is now playing where? 10-MISC: Which club beat Macclesfield Town on the opening day of the season? HOW DID YOU DO? answers at bottom of page 10-Non-League guru! 8-9 Non-league enthusiast 6-7 Pretty good, but much to learn 4-5 Average, so time to read up on the non-league game 2-3 You must be missing out on the delights of non-league 0-1 Obviously an armchair Premier League viewer!

match officials SIMEON LUCAS


34-year-old Paul Bell is an accountant who is engaged with a 15-year-old stepdaughter and a new baby on the way. He started refereeing junior football aged 14 and progressed to adults in 2008/09. Paul was promoted to his current level at the start of the 2011/12 season.


28-year-old Simeon Lucas is an accountant at KPMG in Manchester from Darwen who began refereeing at age 14 in the Blackburn League. After a spell at University he became a non-league referee and Football League assistant, having officiated at over 100 league games to date.

21-year-old Ainsley Sawicz from Rossendale is a sales engineer/transport manager who is single with no children. He played for a local team as a youngster and then became an official after being asked to run the line at a game to help a team out.

ANSWERS: 1-Tividale 2-Danny Johnson 3-Green, Black and White 4-1996-7 5-Northern Counties East League 6-e Boro’ 7-Bamber Bridge 8-Alan lord (manager at both) 9-Ashton United 10-Torquay United

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BUXTON FC Hardy (10)

0 1

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RAMSBOTTOM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Shenton Beadle Woods Meaney Nolan Jones McHale Haywood+ Gaskell* Kuba-Kuba Spencer

Subs: Cliffe+, Djanfar*, Heron, Hartley, Fitzgerald

BUXTON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Barnes Bembo-Leta Green Ravenhill Gascoigne Young Abadaki # Burrell Taylor Hardy+ Burbeary*

Subs: Worsfold+, Barraclough*, Doran#, Williams, Jameson

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match review

Hardy (10)

Buxton are said to be one of the fancied teams in the NPL this season and came to the Harry Williams Riverside Stadium fresh from a convincing win against Darlington on the opening day. On that basis the Rams will feel far from disheartened by a narrow defeat in a game that was closely contested throughout. The problem was that a much improved performance from the defeat at Rushall never really offered anything more than the final outcome. The Rams looked to play neat progressive football throughout and in Dominic Hale, playing notionally on the right but often floating inside, have a match winner. The problem on the night was that despite a mid field trio of Alex Meaney, Prince Haywood A yellow card for Abadaki, controlled and frustrated by Prince Haywood’s expert close attention

0 1

18.08.15 Att: 209

and David Kuba-Kuba buzzing about tirelessy, all neat in possession, the Rams could not find the way to get him involved sufficiently often or quickly to pose more than an occasional threat to a well drilled and effective Buxton back four. As a result his contribution until sent-off in the closing moments in an unseemly brawl that started and restarted 3 times taking up the whole of the 4 minutes of added on time, was restricted to a mazey run from touchline to penalty spot in the first half, and a brilliant ball inside the fullback half-way through the second half which put Grant Spencer clear on goal - his cross/shot going just wide of the post. In truth those were the only two

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Callum Jones takes on and beats goalscorer Liam Hardy

and never looking able to get up or beyond Lee Gaskell or his eventual replacement Saidou Djanfar. A second-half switch to bring McHale closer in support of the centre forward produced no great result and, as the game progressed. contd...

We played some good football tonight and the only thing lacking was a little creativity up top to stop Gassy having to come back looking for the ball. I was impressed with what I was - smiffylad75 Have faith in Robbo. He’ll get us there! - Frank

have your say

moments in which the Rams looked like unlocking the Buxton defence in which Joel Bembo-Leta was outstanding and their goalkeeper Phil Barnes comfortable - his only save coming from a diving header from his own defender. Once they had taken the lead on ten minutes, by way of a low shot from the edge of the area which had sufficient direction and pace to leave Grant Shenton with little chance, Buxton were content to sit back and deny The Rams any chance of getting behind their back four. The Rammy midfield could not be criticised for effort, but in style, size and pace they are all much of a muchness, lacking in physical presence what they offer in endeavour,

Dom needs to put a bit more thought into what he’s doing off the ball. When he has the ball he’s great, but he needs to show for it more. - Pashley5 Rams worked hard in some departments 2nite. Not enough support up front from midfield and no-one shouts for the ball #peaksntroughs - @grahamgconnor

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match review

Hardy (10)

Buxton, moving the ball quickly and accurately, had increasing joy exploiting the space between the Rams full-backs and centre-halves. From one such move a ball from the deadball line seemed certain to present the visitors with a second goal but was denied by a fine plunging save from Shenton. The Rams never gave up trying but with diminishing results and the

0 1

18.08.15 Att: 209

chance of a final charge in added time evaporated with the referee's loss of control which resulted in a 22 man fight by the dug outs which saw McHale for the Rams and Taylor for Buxton both sent off. Determined to get full value from the fine and suspension they continued their spat all the way to the dressing rooms. It is just as well that they are some distance apart!

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rammy in exile

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Good afternoon everyone - I hope today finds you well and healthy. We welcome a new opponent for the first time in Hyde United to the HarryWIlliams RIverside Stadium this afternoon. Unfortunately, I did not make it to the game on Tuesday night against Buxton, which was a pity as I am very keen to come up and watch this new look Rammy team in action. I have heard so much so far about the quality on the park and although we are currently without a point and without a goal, there is still plenty of encouraging signs I believe. I have been slightly bemused by the comments on the fans’ forum, some calling for Robbo's head after just two games of the new campaign (and even some after the first game!). Give the guy a chance! He is working his rear end off to get the team together and it will take some time to shape it. He was given the rough end of the stick back in January and he pulled off the miracle of keeping us up last season. This season was always going to be tough. You have to remember that Bernard and Jonno started their tenure with a 5-0 defeat at Newcastle Town and just one point from their opening two games (2-2 against Glossop North End in the second game) so lets give Robbo, Edgy and the coaches time to mould the team their way and find their formations etc. It does take time, this league is hard work and you have to develop the squad to work at this level of the game. This isn't North West Counties, this is hard graft and you have to really dig deep. I have to say that I was really disappointed with the video footage of the 'brawl' (otherwise known as a com-

plete and utter set of handbags!) from the game against Buxton on Tuesday night. Good grief, what a load of old nonsense, not overly helped by the running commentary of the videoing Buxton supporter with his rose tinted spectacles on, blaming everything on Rammy. Unfortunately, because of the 'Radcliffe incident' a couple of years ago - and it should be noted that none of the people involved in that are now with our club - our club continues to get a bad rap whenever anything happens like this. It really isn't fair on us that we get tarnished in this way and I hope that we don't get carpeted for this. From what I hear, I don't think we will but you know what the FA are like and they will no doubt have received the youtube clips.

I won't be at today's game. No, I am not at the Ashes last Test match at The Oval, I am doing something much more important. I am strapping the pads on for Calmore Sports Third XI down at the King George V Playing Fields against Bramshaw Second XI in my final match of the 2015 season. My scores of 0 not out, 10 and 0 this season are not exactly going to get England coach Trevor Bayliss banging my door down as a stand in replacement for Joe Root. I have quite enjoyed my cricket this season when I have had opportunity to play which is not very often because of my work commitments. I suppose having lost the weight that I have, I am much more able to contribute to the cause ... ok ok I know my scores are rubbish but you know what I mean!! Oh breaking news! Anyone who read my column in the programme on Tuesday night will have seen my commenting of Steve Harmison's

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Ashington FC side playing in the FA Cup Extra Preliminary Round and the fact that Sky were running a feature on the game on Saturday that finished 2-2, well, the replay was played on Wednesday night against Albion Sports, who share Farsley's ground and Harmy's Barmy Army won 3-2 in front of a packed house of 120! Well done Steve - they now play Thackley (who Rammy played in 2000 in the FA Vase, the FA Cup in 2002 and again in 2006, losing 1-0 in the replay) next Saturday - the same day as Twenty20 Finals Day, which I will be working on all day! Lancashire v Hampshire ... my two worlds collide

again!! Anyway, that will do for me today. Come on lads, lets get our season off and running with a win today. But everyone, please get behind the team. Support Robbo and the boys. We need everyone here to back us. As has been the Southampton motto for the last few seasons after the mass exoduses .... "WE MARCH ON". As we do. COME ON RAMMY!

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mr cantankerous

...and I’ ll tell you another thing... “It’s the Kop End,” said Alan Shearer in his tweet while reviewing Benteke’s goal during the Liverpool v Bournemouth match on Monday night, “so NOT offside!!!” Well do you want to hear what I think? Doesn’t matter, I’m going to tell you anyway - I think they should stop messing about with the rules! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think all their tinkering is useless - they got it rightish when they changed the off-side rule to allow players to not be offside if they’re not interfering with play. I remember loads of times when some poor fella is laid down in the area desperately needing treatment only for him to be playing the entire opposition team on-side. Ah, the good old days when they used to just let players quietly expire on the pitch without any rush to give them treatment (unlike that Chelski bint who got her roasting last week from The Chosen One).

Remember when this was all you needed to explain offside to the kids?

Other times that they’ve got rule changes right? How about never! They get em wrong - every time. But do they learn? Do they ever hold up their hands and say, “Do you know what, we got that wrong?” Do they eck as like. What they do is they bring out another, even more stupid rule change to try and correct the last stupid one they came up with. Let’s take a couple of examples, one of which we’ve had to suffer from quite seriously here at Rammy. Remember when Andy Dawson had to leave the

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pitch in the last minute cos he had ‘blood on his shirt’? I’m alright with the blood on shirt thing - get them off. We don’t want that Terry Butcher thing going on again, where he looked like he WAS some kind of butcher. BUT... Dawson had to leave the field and wait until the opposition had taken the corner (and scored) before he could come back on! What’s that about! If you have to change your shirt, or someone crocks you, and you get treatment then YOU have to leave the field! Of all the numb-nuts rules I’ve ever heard, they’re encouraging players to turn down treatment, and if they’re badly hurt then they have to leave the pitch! And then how about the goalkeeper rule. Overnight keepers couldn’t just be the fat kid who was crap out-field. They had to be able to volley the ball under pressure from a striker cos they suddenly weren’t allowed to pick it up. Next they were only allowed five seconds to boot it, and then they were allowed three steps, and now they seem to be allowed just about anything - we’re back where we bloody well started, wherein lies a really good lesson for the rule changers: If it ain’t broke then don’t fix it! And so, the new rule they’ve brought out this summer to try and help fix the new rule they brought out last summer is all the wrong way round for me. Learn your lessons, put the beloved off-side rule back exactly the way it was before, and stop messing with the beautiful game just for the sake of justifying your travel and hotel expenses for a jolly trip away! ...and I’ ll tell you another thing...

from the darkside

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Pre-season saw us visiting some great stomping grounds of old, and I was quite looking forward to our visit to Colne’s Holt House Stadium as I hadn’t been to their ground since the late 1980’s, when Colne Dynamos and Rossendale United regularly battled it out for supremacy in the North West Counties League. I can even remember turning up on a cold December evening to find the stadium in complete darkness, and being informed by a lone steward that the game had been called off. Jeez, the modern football supporter doesn’t know the hassles of following the game in those long gone, pre-internet days Once again, I was joined by Mrs Darkside and Jack the Lad for the journey and I managed to remember my way to the ground without too

much help (or is it hindrance?) from the old satellite navigation thingy. Another healthy turnout of Ultras had made the journey to this Burnley FC heartland, including Mr and Mrs Carlsberg fresh from their Portuguese holiday, although Ethan/Carlsberg Jr was missing in action and last seen bashing COD (that’s playing Call of Duty on da X-Box to us old farts, of which I’m sure there’s many reading this). Colne had an excellent support that reminded me a lot of our very own, Rammy Ultras, in that they were small in number, but loud in their support of the team. The game kicked off with both sets of supporters under the covered terrace behind the goal, with both singing and supporting their

team side by side, without a hint of trouble. Millwall v West Ham, this was not, and long may that continue at non-league grounds up and down the country. A big cheers to the Colne support and if there’s any justice in the football world (which I don’t think there is, sadly) it would be nice to play them again in the near future, but this time in the NPL. Robbo must have had some selection headaches during the pre-season, trying to give as many players a run out as he could, yet at the same time trying to get

some idea of his best starting eleven. I don’t really envy him this job, but I think most of us have been quite optimistic with what we’ve seen. Again, this was another mix ‘n’ match team which saw us looking dangerous in attack, but some defensive errors saw this game ending in a 3-3 draw which, on reflection, was probably a fair result as Colne looked a decent outfit for the NWCL and certainly worked hard throughout the ninety minutes With most people back from their holidays now, it was a pretty large convoy of cars that made our way

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back to sunny Rammy for few postmatch pints in the Cricket Club. As we were making our way back down the M65 I spotted Robbie in the car behind and took great pleasure in flicking the ‘V’s at him from out of the window, only to be informed by Rob later that it wasn’t actually him. So, if you were travelling down the M65 a couple of Saturdays ago and had someone abusing you with a couple of fingers, I apologise profusely and please don’t beat me up round the back of the tea hut

continental tour with a visit to play Flint Town in Wales (well, just outside Wrexham to be precise and for those of us who have visited there it wasn’t particularly appealing, more scary), but when that game fell through we arranged the Sheffield game. As Martin Hulme would say, “Get in!”


SHEFFIELD... If I was one of these modernists who goes around twittering and spotifying all day long, I’d probably have one of those bucketlists that seem to be all the rage these days. But, stuff swimming with dolphins or climbing Everest, if I had a bucketlist then a visit to Sheffield FC would be pretty high on that list. That’s not just because I could visit Tanners Croft and Lara, our Derbyshire Ultras, for afternoon tea and cream scones, but also so I could say I had visited the home of “The Oldest Football Club in the World”. This weekend was originally down for the Rams to have their

What a great day we had for the game, with the sun shining and the birds singing (that’s not the Pussycat Dolls, by the way) - what better way to spend your Sunday afternoon? Well, shopping at The Rock in Bury with your Ladies Darts companions in Mrs Darkside’s case, although to be fair to my (much) better half the shopping trip was arranged before this fixture came out, and she did bring me a big box of After Eights back with her. With a 2.00 kick off time, I left Ramsbottom before lunchtime accompanied, yet again, by Jack the Lad.

from the darkside

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There’s not many better drives in the UK than going through Glossop and over Snake Pass, especially if there is ninety minutes of football involved in the journey. We made good progress, dodging the many cyclists (how popular is cycling becoming since British cyclists actually got good at the sport? Damn em’, I say) and soon I was giving Young Jack a history lesson about how The Dam Busters was filmed at Derwent Reservoir, like we ALL do every time we pass it. Have you watched it yet, Jack ? That’ll be a no, I reckon. Bloody teenagers Sheffield now play their football in Dronfield, more or less in between Sheffield and Chesterfield, and our visit coincided with the “Dronfest” music festival which was being staged in a field next door to the football ground. At least we got two events for the price of one, £8 again, although the only artist I recognised on the bill was Andy Fairweather Low and he seemed a bit dated, to my young punk ears at least, even back in the 1970’s. It was an excellent turnout from East Lancashire, as well as the aforementioned Tanners Croft who had only had to travel a few stops on the train, for what was our longest distance game of pre-season. We out-numbered the Sheffield support, although this is not surprising as I would not like to be faced with over a 20 mile round trip to watch my local team. It must be difficult for the Sheffield support at the moment and I wish them all the best in their quest to find a new ground closer to their south Yorkshire roots. I bought myself a programme, £2 and it was for Sheffields previous game against

Northampton Town with a page on Ramsbottom United inserted, so I wasn’t too impressed with that. I was more impressed with the local, Dronfield pasty and got quite a shock biting into it and actually getting a real piece of steak. Greggs, this certainly was not! Despite a Grant Spencer penalty in the first half and a late wonder goal from substitute, Tom ‘Baby Boris’ Hartley, another experimental Rams side ended up losing 3-2 in what was probably our worst pre-season performance. After the game a few of the travelling support headed to the adjoining Coach and Horses pub for a post-match pint, whilst the rest of us made plans to meet up back in Rammy to watch the end of the cricket down at The Riverside and, of course, have a few pints of Moorehouses finest ale. That’ll do me nicely, thank you. MOSSLEY... With just one week to go to the big kick off and with all those higher up the Footballing Pyramid starting their seasons for some strange reason, our final friendly saw us visiting a regular haunt from the NWCL days, Seel Park to take on Mossley FC. One of the beauties of pre-season friendlies is that they are often played in sunshine and, as we set off from Ramsbottom, we weren’t let down in that department. The Masseys, Andy and Hilary, joined me for the short journey over to Saddleworth and we passed the time by listening to the BBC 5Live coverage of Leeds United against Burnley in the Championship (that’s the Second Division in old currency, Mr Cunningham, and quite rightly so).

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Hilary’s joy at a late Leeds goal (she’s a Yorkshire lass originally, tha’ knows) was short lived as Burnley got an immediate equaliser and pretty soon we were arriving in Mossley and parking up in one of the streets close to the ground. There weren’t as many Ultras at Mossley as we had seen other away games, which was surprising as it was only a half hour drive away, but maybe they were all saving themselves for the big day out in Rushall next week. I went in the bar and spent a bit of time with Chairman Harry, Andy Edmunson and Woolly, making arrangements for the Rammy Rocket down to Rushall, and we were soon joined by John ‘Harry’ Ayres and Peter ‘Hackers’ Taylor. By the time we had hung the flags up it was time for kick off, well 2.55 to be precise. After complaining about the early kick off to all and sundry, Carlsberg informed me that my watch was slow and the game had, in fact, kicked off bang on time. With that, I sloped off for one of the locally baked, cheese and onion pies which went down well, but not as good as the Dronfield pasty. Never

mind, we have Workington away in a few weeks time, winner of the “Darkside Award for Best Pie/Pasty 2014/15” so I’ll wait to spoil my fine figure until then. A good first half saw the Rams take in a 1-0 lead at the break, with Pughie scoring the goal with an exquisite free kick from the left (you can see the goal on YouTube or the Rammy forum, thanks to Carlsberg). In the second half we seemed to get dragged down to Mossley’s level and the game got a bit disjointed, although it wasn’t helped by a whistle happy referee. The main talking point of the half was the non-sending off of Shents, who brought down one of their forwards outside the area, and was lucky to stay on the pitch. A late Mossley equaliser made it 11 and it was probably a fair result for the hard work and effort they had put in, and anyway, it’s the next week and the NPL that are all important from here on in, so let’s here it from all of you... Come on you RAMS!

Rammy players leave the pitch 32 victors at Sheffield FC, home of football

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Tired of missing out on getting hold of a programme?

Get your copy reserved for the season by contacting Rob on 07944 038512, or by email: rob@rammyunited.co.uk

Watch the match in style with our Corporate Hospitality Packages starting at just ÂŁ25 per person. For further information call 07576 390762, or email bobsolo@googlemail.com

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fixtures & results 2015-16 PLEASE NOTE:

The forthcoming match against Frickley coincides with a cricket match going on next-door. Can all supporters please find suitable parking away from the ground as the car-park will be full well before 3pm. This season we want to hear first-hand what our supporters think about everything, from team and player performances right through to what everyone thought of the pies and the parking!

To that end, we’ve had printed a load of ‘Have Your Say’ cards, which you can pick up near the tea-bar. Onto these you can write your thoughts and then post them into the boxes near the exits as you leave. These will be available at every game from now on.

Alternatively, you can use your phone to text TV444 followed by your comment to 82055. These cost the same as any other text you would send.

The comments will be given to Robbo/Harry etc, and will be posted to @RammyReaction on Twitter. A selection will be published in the programme.

Ramsbottom United Football Club Chairman: H Williams Vice Chairman: C Woolfall Secretary: A Cunningham Matchday Secretary: A Edmunson Treasurers: H Williams, C Woolfall Committee: H Williams, C Woolfall, A Edmundson, K Hitchen, A Cunningham Catering Manager: S Fletcher

Recent Senior Honours: Bolton Comination Div 1 Champions: 1972/73 Bolton Comb. Premier Champions 1976/77: Bolton Comb. Div2 cup runners up: 1979/80,1982/83 Bolton Comb. Div2 runners up: 1982/83 Bolton Comb. Cup winners: 1976/77, 1979/80, 1983/84 Bolton Comb. Div1 runners up: 1984/85 Bolton Comb. Cup runners up: 1985/86, 1987/88 Manchester League Cup Winners: 1990/91 Manchester League Champions: 1990/91 Yorkshire Cup runners up: 1993/94 Northwest Counties Div2 Champions: 1996/97 Northwest Counties Div2 Trophy: 1995/96 Bolton Hospital Cup winners: 1974/75, 05/06. 06/07, 07/08 Northwest Counties Premier runners Up 2010/11 Northwest Counties Premier Champions: 2011/12 Northern Premier League Div1 playoff winners: 2013/14 The Harry Williams Riverside Stadium, Acre Bottom, Ramsbottom, Lancashire Tel: 01706 822799

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SEASON 2014-15

SEASON 2014-15




0-0 1-2

4-1 1-1 1-2







4 0






5 1



0 4


Jon Robinson Jordan Hulme Phil Dean Grant Spencer Osebi Abadaki


14 13 11 10 6




7 1

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

TEAM Ashton United Barwell Blyth Spartans Buxton Colwyn Bay Darlington Frickley Athletic Grantham Town Halesowen Town Hyde United Ilkeston Marine Matlock Town Mickleover Sports Nantwich Town Ramsbottom United Rushall Olympic Salford City Skelmersdale United Stamford Stourbridge Sutton Coldfield Town Whitby Town Workington

Clevon Beadle Jake Cliffe Andy Dawson Saindou Djanfar Andy Fitzgerald Lee Gaskell Kyle Harrop Prince Haywood Luke Heron Callum Jones David Kuba-Kuba Dominic McHale Alex Meaney Kieran Nolan Shelton Payne Lee Pugh Grant Shenton Grant Spencer Ben Woods

Avg 126 227 403 708 214 908 236 228 471 509 505 294 344 208 302 209 237 518 217 489 387 148 241 488


TEAM 1 Skelmersdale United 2 Rushall Olympic 3 Buxton 4 Blyth Spartans 5 Mickleover Sports 6 Salford City 7 Whitby Town 8 Barwell 9 Nantwich Town 10 Darlington 11 Colwyn Bay 12 Matlock Town 13 Ilkeston 14 Halesowen Town 15 Stourbridge 16 Ashton United 17 Marine 18 Grantham Town 19 Hyde United 20 Workington 21 Sutton Coldfield Town 22 Ramsbottom United 23 Stamford 24 Frickley Athletic

P 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

W 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


SIGNED July-15 Jan-15 Aug-08 Aug-15 July-15 Aug-10 Jan-15 July-15 Jan-15 Jan-15 Nov-14 July-15 July-15 July-15 Aug-15 July-15 Aug-10 July-15 July-15

SEASON APPS 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 2 2

SUB 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GOALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CAREER APPS 1 3 173 1 1 176 21 2 9 6 13 2 2 2 1 36 229 144 2

SUB 0 3 5 1 0 37 2 0 6 0 7 1 0 0 0 7 1 20 0

D 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2

GOALS 0 1 23 0 0 110 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 43 0

F 5 5 3 4 2 2 6 5 9 3 2 3 3 1 4 0 0 3 2 1 2 0 5 1

A GD Pts 1 4 6 2 3 6 0 3 6 2 2 6 0 2 4 1 1 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 7 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 0 3 4 -1 3 2 -1 3 7 -3 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 -1 1 4 -2 1 3 -2 1 6 -4 1 3 -3 0 9 -4 0 5 -4 0

YELS 0 0 25 0 0 10 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 9 12 20 0

REDS 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 0

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who’s who? meet the rammy squad for 2015/16

Jon Robinson

Phil Edghill

Grant Shenton

Date of birth: 28/12/81 Place of birth: Salford Position: Manager / Striker Height: 5ft 9ins Previous clubs: Salford, Flixton, New Mills, Bacup A passionate and neversay-die striker who will score goals by sheer enthusiasm alone. Took over the managerial reins in January 2015.

Date of birth: 13/09/79 Place of birth: Oldham Position: Manager / Midfield Height: 6ft Previous clubs: Rochdale, Curzon, Hyde, Salford Versatile midfielder who’s happy anywhere on the pitch. Intelligent, mature and articulate addition to Rammy’s management.

Date of birth: 28/01/91 Place of birth: Newton Heath Position: Goalkeeper Height: 6ft 2ins Previous clubs: Maine Road, FCUM Charismatic and influential goalkeeper whose vision helps score as many goals as his athleticism denies.

Kyle Harrop

Lee Pugh

Ben Woods

Date of birth: 22/05/92 Place of birth: Chadderton Position: Defender Height: 6ft Previous clubs: Curzon, Bacup, Trafford, Ashton United, Nantwich Full back with a great ability to read the game.

Date of birth: 26/05/92 Place of birth: Rossendale Position: Defender Height: 6ft Previous clubs: Bury, Hyde, Bacup, Clitheroe, Chester No-nonsense hard man with a huge long throw and mean free kick.

Date of birth: 1/07/97 Place of birth: Manchester Position: Wing-back Height: 5ft 10ins Previous clubs: Hough End Griffins Extremely talented young full back with bags of pace, which allows him to wreak havoc coming forward.

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Andy Fitzgerald

Andy Dawson

Kieran Nolan

Date of birth: 22/12/93 Place of birth: Stockport Position: Defender Height: 6ft 1in Previous clubs: Manchester United, Blackburn, Stockport, Curzon, Hyde Hard working full back with a great pedigree.

Date of birth: 19/09/85 Place of birth: Rochdale Position: Centre-Half Height: 6ft 3ins Previous clubs: Blackburn A Rammy favourite and one of the club’s longest serving players.Struggled with injury for the past three seasons, but after a series of knee operations is back in the squad.

Date of birth: 12/01/91 Place of birth: Salford Position: Centre-Half Height: 6ft 1in Previous clubs: Manchester City, Bolton Skillful young centre back who’s come through the Bolton academy setup. Very brave, creative and has huge potential.

Prince Haywood

Melford Knight

Alex Meaney

Date of birth: 2/04/92 Place of birth: Modena, Italy Position: Midfield Height: 6ft 1in Previous clubs: Modenese, Stalybridge, Colwyn Bay No-nonsense hard working midfielder with bags of experience despite his age.

Position: Midfield Previous clubs: New Mills, Glossop, Runcorn Linnets, Mossley, Trafford Strong and experienced midfielder who likes to get stuck in. The Enforcer in the middle!

Position: Midfield Previous clubs: Stockport, Lancaster, Nantwich, Chorley, Skelmersdale, Curzon Ashton A left-footed attacking midfielder who works tirelessly and has a great eye for reading play.

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Zac Hargreaves

Jake Cliffe

Jamie Rother

Date of birth: 18/10/98 Place of birth: Bury Position: Midfield Height: 5ft 11ins Previous clubs: Bury, Burnley Young and nippy midfielder with great skill, fitness and masses of potential.

Date of birth: 14/09/95 Place of birth: Bury Position: Midfield Height: 5ft 11ins Previous clubs: Preston, Bury Young and very promising midfielder whose performances become more outstanding every time he takes the field.

Date of birth: 28/01/91 Place of birth: Middleton Position: Midfield Height: 5ft 8ins Previous clubs: Oldham, Salford, Bacup, New Mills A very hard-working midfielder whose neversay-die attitude makes him a real inspiration in the Rammy team.

David Kuba-Kuba

Grant Spencer

Tom Hartley

Date of birth: 1/03/95 Place of birth: London Position: Midfield/Wing Height: 5ft 8ins Previous clubs: Preston, FCUM A very hard-working midfielder who’s skilled, strong and confident on the ball. Extremely influential player on the field for Rammy.

Date of birth: 4/10/91 Place of birth: Manchester Position: Midfield Height: 5ft 7ins Previous clubs: Bolton, Salford, Curzon, Rossendale, Hyde A creative midfielder who has the ability to take on anyone and deliver a great ball. He has an eye for the sensational and is worth almost a goal a game.

Date of birth: 11/11/96 Place of birth: Rawtenstall Position: Midfield/Striker Height: 5ft 7ins Previous clubs: Blackburn, Moston Tough and skillful young striker / attacking midfielder who is a very exciting prospect for the future.

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Marley Gough

Luke Heron

Lee Gaskell

Date of birth: 15/09/92 Place of birth: Bolton Position: Midfield/Striker Height: 5ft 8ins Previous clubs: Burnley, Bolton, Lancaster, Mossley A creative midfielder and playmaker with an eye for goal.

Date of birth: 24/03/96 Place of birth: Bury Position: Winger Height: 6ft Previous clubs: Oldham, Trafford Young and creative wide player whose performances are going from strength to strength.

Date of birth: 07/02/85 Place of birth: Bury Position: Striker Height: 6ft Previous clubs: Bury, Morecambe, Trafford, Warrington Tall and classy striker who has an eye for the spectacular but isn’t afraid to work hard for the cause.

Clevon Beadle

Saindou Djanfar

Wayne Goodison

Date of birth: 19/12/95 Place of birth: Manchester Position: Winger Height: 5ft 11ins Previous clubs: Trafford, Radcliffe Leggy young and passionate winger with bags of pace who likes to run at defenders and can deliver a mean cross.

Date of birth: 27/02/91 Place of birth: Mayotte, Africa Position: Striker Height: 5ft 11ins Previous clubs: Chateaux Gombert, En Avant Guingamp, Endoume, Luynes Sport, Consolat, CA Plan de Cuques Tall and fast striker with great technique and whose potential is frightening.

Position: Coach Previous clubs: Barnsley, Crewe, Rochdale, Hyde, Accrington, Buxton Vastly experienced coach with some great ideas for getting the best out of his players. Played over 200 matches in professional football as a right-back.

supporters club

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Here we go again. ‘Trial By Twiface’ as I call it. I suppose that the internet and social media are good in one respect in that it allows people to very quickly to be able to watch events for themselves and make up their own minds on things, without being spoonfed opinions by the main-stream media. But then on the other hand, it means that idiots like those who ramb led incoherently and inaccurately over the videos they decided to post to youtube can state platitudes, rosetinted opinions, and basically incorrect facts without any kind of recourse. Nobody saw Robbo kicking anyone, infact Robbo was doing nothing but trying to break up the silly and pointless shoving that was going on... but some idiot from Buxton can just ramble on in the background about “did you see their manager just kick one of our lads... get off the pitch you Rammy animals” and so on, and that kind of thing sticks! The mainstream media know that they can get sued for saying such stuff, and so they don’t. The MEN and Daily Mirror articles only pointed out the facts that they knew to be fact. For the rest they quoted people or just let the videos speak for themselves. There’s no sueing some 16-year-old from Buxton for what he’s said on a video - and what if you did? It’d just cause more trouble for both clubs... and that’s something that these people forget when they post this stuff onto the internet - this causes trouble for all of us. It doesn’t help the game of football in any way, it doesn’t help Rammy, but it also does (importantly for them, if they engaged their brains) nothing for the reputation of Buxton! Now I have the full thing on video, from a couple of angles (thanks to

Jack, our fantastic camera operator, who got everything in high definition, from a close-in angle). I also have almost 200 photos of what was going on. My camera was almost spewing smoke by the end of it all, and I was less than ten yards away. Out of all of that I’ve released one photograph, which I put on the forum and printed here. It’s the photo of the Buxton captain punching Dominic McHale while he was on the ground. If I watch back the whole incident then I can see lots of pushing, shoving, shouting and aggravation, but if you think to yourself calmly and dispassionately, “what is actually really going on in there?” and mentally strip away all the handbag waving etc, then what do you see? If 22 people decided to fight then that situation would have looked very different indeed. The tackle from Meaney was stupid and rash retaliation for what the wound-up number 9 did to Spencer moments before. Dominic McHale was a bit of an idiot in winding up the number 9 after he went off the pitch. But the only real punches thrown are those that were shown in the photo I put on the forum, and here. The referee got it absolutely right with the handing out of cards, and was absolutely right in not making a big deal of it after the game. If the Buxton fans hadn’t stuck their videos on youtube then we could have all dished out the punishments and retributions to our players and got on with the season. But they did, and so we are were we are, and I believe need to take a stance to at least try and defend ourselves. To go back to my original point though, this ‘Trial by Twitface’ is a situation that is unpleasant, unfair, and

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causing lots of trouble. Within an hour of something happening, before even the League or the FA (or in this case even our club chairman) have even learnt about an event, the judge, jury and executioners on social media have tried and executed the club based on scant evidence and a rambling and incorrect voice-over. Although I won’t go back across the details, who can forget the tannoy announcer at Radcliffe blathering on about “the players, officials and managers of Ramsbottom United” when not one of the club officials was at the game... and I’m not even sure there were any players there! That doesn’t matter on social media though. We were hung drawn and quartered within an hour, just as we were on Tuesday. We have to be so careful with this stuff, folks. If you end up involved in any of this kind of ‘Trial by Twitface’ then please think carefully before you say stuff, even leaping in to defend

ourselves, which can often inflame the situation even more. Please also think carefully before posting a photo or video of something. These things can be taken out of context and misinterpreted, particularly if pointed at by the Daily Mirror website with a rabble-rousing headline. The same goes for the forum. Just ask yourself who will be reading what I am writing. The players we are slating, or the opposition we are berating will all be reading what we are typing in the drunken privacy of our own homes. Most importantly, let’s stick together. Ramsbottom United is very quickly gaining a reputation which we do not deserve, and I think we all have a vested interest in, and a duty to try and repair that reputation.

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Manager: Jon ROBINSON


Manager: Gary LOWE


Referee: Simeon Lucas Referee’s Assistants: Paul Bell, Ainsley Sawicz Next home game: Saturday 29th August 3pm, Rammy v Frickley Athletic

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