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Overview Biology is the studying of the natural world and how it functions, from plants to human life, so biology has the utmost relevance to the world. In Biology A level we will build upon the topics we have previously studied, looking in more detail at the complex processes within living organisms, whilst also studying the impact we have on the world around us. Within the Biology course, students will develop a wide range of skills including research, problem solving, organisation and analytical skills, all of which can be applied in many different careers, both scientific and non-scientific.

Syllabus Oxford AQA International AS/A level Biology (9610)


Course Aims The Oxford AQA International AS/A level in Biology should enable students to: • develop a deep appreciation of, and enjoyment and enthusiasm for, science • appreciate the breadth of the subject • prepares for further study in biology • understand the tentative nature of science and understand the importance of critical thinking • apply scientific knowledge and understanding in novel contexts • develop practical, mathematical and communication skills

Course Content The course is split into the following four sections:

Unit 1: The diversity of living organisms (AS) - Nutrition, Cell structure, Enzymes, Cell transport, Gas exchange, Variation, DNA, Genes, Chromosomes, Protein synthesis, Cell replication, Bio diversity.

Unit 2: Biological systems and disease (AS) - Diseases & Pathogens, Digestion & Absorption, Cholera, HIV, Immune system, Circulatory system, Heart disease, Plant transport system, Plant based viruses, Cell division, Genetic mutations.

Unit 3: Populations and genes (A2) - Biotic and abiotic factors on populations, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Energy transfer, Nutrient cycles, Inheritance, Allele frequency within a population, Evolution.

Unit 4: Control (A2) – Human Control Systems, Receptors, Nerve impulses, Synapses, Skeletal muscles, Plant control Systems, Homeostasis, Blood glucose control, Heart rate, Transcription and translation, Recombinant DNA technology.

Assessment The full A Level is assessed by five examination papers. Two in the LXX, which comprise the AS course, and three in the XX.

LXX: Paper 1 Unit 1 Short answer and comprehension questions 90 mins 50% AS, 20% A Level Paper 2 Unit 2 Short and long answer questions

90 mins 50% AS, 20% A Level

XX: Paper 3 Unit 3 Short and long answer questions 90 mins 20% A Level Paper 4 Unit 4 Short, long and data analysis answer questions 90 mins 20% A Level Paper 5 All units & practical work Short answer and synoptic questions 90 mins 20% A Level

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