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Computer Science
Overview Computer science is the study of the foundational principles and practices of computation and computational thinking and their application in the design and development of computer systems. Learning computational thinking involves learning to program, that is to write computer code, because this is the means by which computational thinking is expressed. Cambridge IGCSE Computer Science enables learners to develop an interest in computing and to gain confidence in computational thinking and programming. They develop their understanding of the main principles of problem-solving using computers. Syllabus Cambridge A Level Computer Science (9618)
Course Aims The aims are to develop: • computational thinking skills • an understanding of the main principles of solving problems using computers • an understanding of the component parts of computer systems and how they interrelate, including software, data, hardware, communication and people • an understanding of the different methods of communication and the functionality of networks and the internet • the skills necessary to apply this understanding to develop computer based solutions to problems
Course Content AS 1 Information representation 2 Communication 3 Hardware 4 Processor fundamentals 5 System software 6 Security, privacy and data integrity 7 Ethics and ownership 8 Databases 9 Algorithm design and problem-solving 10 Data types and structures 11 Programming 12 Software development ALevel 13 Data representation 14 Communication and Internet technologies 15 Hardware and virtual machines 16 System software 17 Security 18 Artificial intelligence 19 Computational thinking and problem solving 20 Further programming
Assessment The full A Level is assessed by four examination papers. Two in the LXX, which comprise the AS course, and three in the XX.
LXX: Paper 1 Theory Fundamentals Written paper 90 mins 50% AS, 25% A Level
XX: Paper 3 Advanced Theory Written paper 90 mins 25% A Level Paper 2 Fundamental problem-solving and programming skills Written paper 2 hours 50% AS, 25% A Level
Paper 4 Practical (sections 19 and 20 of content) Computer based 150 mins 25% A Level