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Mathematics and Further Mathematics
Overview Mathematics is one of the most satisfying subjects that a person can study - working through a long, difficult problem to arrive at a correct solution which can never be disproven is one of the greatest feelings one can have. The real beauty of mathematics is its very nature of being the language of the universe, everything can - essentially- be explained, described, predicted and derived with mathematics; it forms the basis for all of the hard sciences and is hugely important to humanity as a whole. For students that are planning to study a mathematics related discipline at university, Further Mathematics can be taken as an additional A Level in the subject. An extremely challenging but rewarding course, Further Maths is excellent preparation for maths, science and engineering degrees.
Syllabus Edexcel International A Level in Mathematics (XMA01/YMA01) Edexcel International A Level in Further Mathematics (XFM01/YFM01)
Course Aims The aims are to: • To develop an understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment • Extending the range of mathematical skills and techniques and to use them in more difficult, unstructured problems • Use mathematics as an effective means of communication • Recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and understand the relationship between ‘real-world’ problems, standard and other mathematical models and how these can be refined and improve • Take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development
Course Content Summary of main unit content – Maths: P1 - Algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x,y); trigonometry; differentiation; integration. P2 - Proof; algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; sequences and series; exponentials and logarithms; trigonometry; differentiation; integration. P3 - Algebra and functions; trigonometry; exponentials and logarithms; differentiation; integration; numerical methods. P4 - Proof; algebra and functions; coordinate geometry in the (x, y) plane; binomial expansion; differentiation; integration; vectors. M1 - Mathematical models in mechanics; vectors in mechanics; kinematics of a particle moving in a straight line; dynamics of a particle moving in a straight line or plane; statics of a particle; moments. S1 - Mathematical models in probability and statistics; representation and summary of data; probability; correlation and regression; discrete random variables; discrete distributions; the Normal distribution. Summary of main unit content – Further Maths: Further maths requires a further 6 units. Of these FP1 (described below) is compulsory, but then there is a choice between several further pure maths, mechanics, statistics or decision maths units. The decision of which options to choose will be made based upon the abilities and interests of the class. FP1 - Complex numbers; roots of quadratic equations; numerical solution of equations; coordinate systems; matrix algebra; transformations using matrices; series; proof.
Assessment Each unit is examined separately in a modular manner at various points through both the LXX and the XX. All exams are 90 minutes long and carry equal weighting.