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Eco-Village Community- Live With Earth A step in the transition to a sustainable future Rui Pessoa Vaz de Figueiredo Vasques Sustainable Designer , Social Entrepreneur & Musician

PROJECTS / IDEAS Design project for sustainable development; Sustainable Buildings: Eco-Village Community Project presented to the Graduate School of Design from IADE for fulfilment of the requirements necessary for obtaining a Masters degree in production Design, choice of specialization in Industrial Production Design and sustainability held under the scientific guidance of Specialist Ant贸nio Jos茅 Macedo Coutinho da Cruz Rodrigues, invited Associate Professor Equated, the school of Design and the IADE, with a final ranking of 2020. 20102011 IADE, Lisbon Abstract:

There will be future space and living conditions for all? There will also be water, energy and resources? Will there ever be peace, freedom, equality and cooperation among mankind? This work represents a global view of this world we live in today with an environmental perspective and a positive attitude to the changes needed for a new way: A look at how the man on the planet has evolved, organizing a civilization that has grown exploring all the features of the Earth with a single objective based on economic growth and forgetting the essentials of human and natural ecosystems; A look at the societies of the day today and how these are questions and propose to change its structures; A look at how science, technology and ultimately human consciousness can be combined and directed to the welfare of humanity and the environment. An approach to natural and human disasters of the present through Design for sustainable development in the future. Key-words: Sustainability, Society, Tecnology, Scientific Method, Permaculture

Eco-Village Community - Live With Earth The development of this thesis arises as a response to several problems which has been observed over the past centuries, in our world, in society and in the way in which the man has adversely affected the planet and himself, throughout its evolution. In this case these are natural disasters and human disasters, unequal distribution of

resources, living conditions and poverty, pollution, slow destruction of natural cycles, by changing the chemical and physical components of the Earth, its rhythm and balance. The work covers knowledge which help to understand the social system, the functioning of the planet as a superorganismo alive, the mental processes of the brain, features of human behavior, social action, collecting important pieces which allow a vision able to distance yourself or solve these problems. The project uses the benefits of Industrial Design, to create structures prefabricated easy transport and Assembly, taking into account the expenses of production and life cycle of the product; Sustainable Design that selects the best materials, waste renewal systems, resource production and use of renewable energies; belongs to the branch of urbanism and Design in their sheds. Intends to address these issues today that compromise the quality of the future of generations to come. It also features an advanced methodology of design, strategy and well-defined goals. Finally, comes the idea of establishing a sustainable social comunidademodelo composed of ecological housing and self-sufficient structures, concept to dedicate myself in the future.

Cultural Knowledge Within the social sciences on Cultural, such as anthropology and sociology, as well as general interest scientific documentaries and cultural (the Zeitgeist Movement). On the topics of anthropology I me about the evolution of societies, community studies and themes about the production and appropriation of space. In sociology, aboard as social action aspects and the filmedocumentรกrio that reports the society in which we live (the Zeitgeist Movement) and proposes a transition to a resource-based Economy, where they occur, the references still psychology, technology, spirituality and sustainability. Scientific Knowledge In the context of scientific knowledge that interested me for topics related to the environmental sciences and Earth, including Ecology, where I made an extensive summary of the different fields that this science covers and that are related to our planet. I tried yet, neuroscience, in "the book of consciousness" by Antรณnio Damรกsio, where floor me about the process of memory and recollection in the brain and in the book "Proust was a neuroscientist", Jonah Lehrer, who tells us of art and neuroscience, and where I removed information relating to the process of vision in the brain, transposing these themes for the way the man "feel and see the world". Experimental Knowledge In the experimental field searched knowledge related to the themes: sustainability, Ecological Constructions and Permaculture, analyzing the community of peace studies in Alentejo, Tamera, where there is the experimentation for the development and innovation of solar energy equipment, and the Cal-Earth Institute in California who

studies the architecture with the basic principles and the physical Earth, resistant to natural disasters and ecological and local materials as the Earth. Logistics Knowledge In the logistical knowledge aboard and Design-related topics with the Green Marketing. In relation to Green Marketing aboard the book "Green Target", Alfonso, Carolina explains this new strand of Marketing and presents us with the Green Consumer, so trying to figure out how this growing audience behaves. After the characterization of the target audience of the project consulted Design books that present standards, reasoning, ways, methods and basic principles of design, where selected later aspects are integrated in this work.

Introduction to the project

Upon completion of the detailed research and analysis of the information collected there are several ideas and hypotheses, design within the topics covered. Within the scope of knowledge in different areas and science, appears in each one of them an idea that matters to retain, called "project runway," to the ideology to be created in the implementation of the project and in its concept. It is in this phase that begins to create, when relate the different studied knowledge from various fields, about a project perspective, with pre-defined goals and strategies, by grouping them and creating a link between them, through the triangulations and later of three related concepts of where the object to delve into one of them.


This project was designed with the aim of "improving what is already precious", "to put the pieces together" through research, commitment, creativity and academic monitoring. Having as root the Adobe buildings, existing Cal-Earth Institute, where they create structures drawn from the arc, semicircle and the dome, and that adapt to the balance between the natural elements, fire, water, air and Earth. The idea was to improve this technology through Design and innovation, especially in the aspects of its construction structure, while adding a geodesic dome, which facilitates the reference points needed for construction, allowing the execution of the same by machines, saving the human effort and performing the work in less time and with greater resistance. Were then developed several models of different dimensions, able to host populations since 2 till 10 or more people, from T1 to T5, for a good adaptation of the structures to the needs. Then comes the main project: the creation of a self-sustaining community in terms of resources, energy and waste, which uses the capture of solar energy, wind power and geothermal energy, which decomposes the organic or inorganic waste into natural

fertilizers and biofuels, which leverages the soil water and regenerates the water polluted, all this through existing systems and technologies. The predominant production of vital resources to humans as food and natural medicines and artistic and cultural activities like crafts, exhibitions, learning, knowledge, events, etc ... Then arises, a social model where people have everything they need to survive and not damage the site where it is installed, able to adapt to any type of region, soil, climate, culture and other variables, and easily built from materials produced localment, and producing goods and values. Applicable worldwide, given the construction materials and resources that can produce locally, through studies and experimentation to prove, by the Cal-Earth Institute that's spilling their Adobe structures on the planet. Thus, this model encompasses both developed countries, as developing countries, the most needy for this kind of structures, given the growing existence of thousands of homeless people. The values are based on traditional societies, such as: preservation, solidarity, cooperation, sharing, mutual aid, Permaculture, ecology, agriculture, handicraft, production resources, energy production, economic production, production of Earth. In-depth studies will be developed in the future, in the area of other relevant areas, creating specifications and mockups of actual models other situations which allow their actual execution, to test new social models in operation. After the completion of this work is the reflection on this subject interesting seized and developed, with efforts to create an entity able to mutually benefit humanity and the planet: Live With Earth. This information was interpreted and directed toward the path of sustainability and inspire me to give it continuity.

"Sustainable development is the right way forward, both for the survival of mankind, as the planet and all initiatives that support are essential nowadays and in the future, in different societies and cultures worldwide. Only thus is it possible a network of related information, where communication is fluent and is becoming more consistent due to

the amount of valid energy available and constant exchange of experiences, analysis and hard data to generate positive results and become this civilized planet. "

Rui Pessoa Vaz de Figueiredo Vasques

Live With Earth – Eco Village-Community Online: Bibliography AFONSO, C., (2010). Green Target, As Novas Tendências do Marketing, Cap. 7 e 8, pp. 83114, Lisboa, Smart Book. DAMÁSIO, A. (2010). O Livro da Consciência – A Construção do Cérebro Consciente, Temas e Debates, Ed. Círculo de Leitores. LEHRER, J. (2009). Proust era um Neurocientista – Como a Arte Antecipa a Ciência, Ed. Lua de Papel, Livros que fazem pensar, Divulgação Científica

Web http://www. Live With Earth ( Starting 2012 )Facebook News and Publications : showComment=1368800347100#c1792209442834473308

Projecto Registado no IGAC , Inspecção-Geral das Actividades Culturais , MInistério da Cultura como: CONSTRUÇÕES SUSTENTÁVEIS - COMUNIDADE ECO-VILLAGE REGISTO Nº 1237/2012

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