Gun Srisawat M.Arch II
Southern California Institute of Architecture
Table of Contents 2GAX
Design Studio Visual Studies I Advanced Materials and Tectonics 2GBX
Visual Studies II
Undergrate Thesis LYNK architect
Renovate Nobel House
Some of my other Projects
Models and Render
Gun Srisawat Southern California Institute of Architecture M.Arch II 100 S One Santa Fe Ave. 412 Los Angeles, California 90013
Gun Srisawat M.Arch II
Southern California Institute of Architecture
1 + 909-348-3979 onscalearchitect@gmail.com Instagram : Itsmegun Š 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of copyright owner.
04 14 26 34 36 40 42
SEMBLANCES Design Studio
Instructor : Herwig Baumgartner Partner : Peter Chu This studio will interrogate the potential of new forms of digital perception in architecture. The studio will exploit contemporary methods of measuring and analyzing 3D form and space in conjunction with human and computational forms of design production to identify how this transforms our understanding of the relationship between context and architecture. The technology behind data collection allows for the production of overwhelming quantities of information which need to be interpreted and structured. How can we rethink our relationship as designers to these methods to allow for new possibilities in architectural production. Our focus is on the aesthetic dimension of architecture and the possible production of new modes of being in the world. If, as argued above, the shift in modes of reproduction accompanies transformations in the architectural invention, a contemporary approach to architecture would be affiliated to modes of imaging that dislocate the subjectivity of single point perspective, such as machine vision. As a starting point we will work on producing a composite form of selected source material derived from the site context that redefines the formal relationships inherent in selected elements and shifts these toward an architectural scale. QR code link to Final Animation in Youtube or Click https://youtu.be/tIoxn8uDUak
1. Original Soaps 2. Duplicate and Reasem3. 18 Cuts by read the texture and shape 4. Developing new envelop
Top View panning
Site Plan and Contex, Not to scale
Cross Section Drawing, Not to scale
Chunk and Interior, Not to scale
1. Panning Elevation, Event space 2. Panning Elevation, Main Entrance 3. Physical Model Powder Print scale 1 to 32 4. Site Model CNC and Powder Print scale 1 to 32
Visual Studies I FALL 2017 VS4200 ( 2GAX ): Visual Studies 1 Instructor: Kristy Balliet & Casey Rehm Partner : Weitse Yuan
The course will cover issue of contemporart representation and development of splines in relationship to complex digital form and physical and visual space. Visualization today encompasses the development, exploration and communication of information and idea in multiple mediums. This course will engage recent techniques related to splines, gesture interface and virtual reality. And develop critical visual literacy and review methods for generating and evaluating line, surfacees and volume. We will review modes of drawing and modeling in three dimensional space, including the importance of precision and abstraction. Exercises and assiciated tutorials provide opportunities to discover novel concepts through transformation and tactical work flow, multiple realities and digital/physical fabrication.
The Gestural Line Exercise 1 The first exercise requires the generation and design of lines through gestural animation. You will create a series of lines in space and then redesign their relationships and qualities. The initial digital models will engage two different techniques. The first model will be the result of a set of designed lines in Maya and the second model, the generation of lines in Virtual Reality, using Oculus Medium. Both models will use an imaginary bounding area. The project will develop by evaluating and modifying the quality of the
Composite Model Exercise 2 The second will deal with patern, tecture, and surface articulation with VR environments. By choosing three diferent object and read it as a surface of the model. Model in both digital and physical form. We will review modes of drawing and modeling in threedimensional space, including the importance of precision and abstraction. The character of the final modelwill be designed and built by every team. You will be expected to develop expertise and execute your intentions with clarity.
Advanced Materials and Tectonics AS 32000
Fall 2017 ( 2GAX ): Instructor: Maxi Spina Team : Peter Yun Chu, Weitse Yuan, Sandy Lao The class paired areas of investigation and speculation are Tectonics predominantly building envelopes and performance largely consisting of technical, technological, cultural and environmental dimensions. Working in groups throughout the entire semester, the student analyzes and document a precedent in order to formulate a series of hypotheses in an attempt to construct a number of interrelated tectonic conjectures. In scrutinizing building assemblies, the class will attempt to positionconstruction analysis so as to produce both technical knowledge and critical awareness of embedded cultural habits. The class will thus seek out an alternative understanding of the tectonic one that not only mirrors the realm of construction materials, methods, sequences, tolerances, etc. But also embrace architectural processes of expression, encompassing issues of geometry and technique; posture and character; etc.
The Silo Design Transformation. This design transformation aimed at exploring approaches for heat gain reduction and shading through facade design, The study used digital simulation from Ladybug to analyze radiation analysis and shadow studies which take place in Los Angeles, California. Testing took place from June to December 2017. The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of thermal transformation and orientation from Original Building “The Silo� which located in Nordhavn, Copenhagen, Denmark. According to the climate in Nordhavn, the external screen shading for this building has to be resistant to the sea breeze and salty moisture from entering a building. Stainless steel is the best material solution for this context. But the problem is the Climate in L.A. is hot and dry almost entire year. So our study was compared three different shading strategies to determine its effect on thermal mass in the building. The First type is to increase the angle of cladding material to reflect more sunlight. The second is adding more upper shading, and third is rotate the entire shading.
1. Axonometric of Envelop system, Not to scale.
In summary, the results of the study showed that adding more shading in the west and south sides of the building are very effective to reduce UV light. And the study also found that another way to reduce heat mass during the night from a concrete wall is to constructing two layers of exterior wall with space in the middle and changing the window glass from clear to 6 mm-thick green tinted heat absorbing glass might be the best way to save investment cost.
25 Energy Efficient Window Treatments Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% on south-facing and 775 on west-facing. You can use awning to shade one window or have an awning custom-made to shade the entire side of the building. Suppot
Awning require ventilation to keep hot air form becoming trapped around the window. Grommets or other opening along Fireproof Layer
the tops and sides of awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to side or top to vent hot air. High reflecWall Insulation Panel
tivity window film help block summer heat gain. They are best used in climates with long cooling seasons, cbecause they Triple-glazed Window
also block the sun’s heat in the winter.
Holding Elements
1.80 1.80
Integrated Blind
Energy Efficient Window Treatments Energy Efficient Window Treatments Energy Efficient Window Treatments
3.70 3.70 3.70
Primary Steel Rectangular Hollow Section
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
Summer - Original Facade The Original building is located in Denmark which is lack of sunlight, and the original design is to receive more sun light. Meanwhile, it also keeps the view from inside to outside.
Secondary Steel Rectangular Hollow Section Steel Frame Structure
7.50 7.50
3.70 3.70
Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% onWood south-facing Platform windows and 77% on west-facing windows. You can use an awning to shade one window or have an awning Window awnings reduce solar heat in building. the summer by up require to 65% ventilation on south-facing windows custom-made to can shade the entire side gain of the Awnings to keep hot airand from Galvanised-steel Cladding 77% on west-facing windows. can use an awning to shadeor an the awning Window awnings reduce solar heat gain in the(eyelets) summer byone upwindow toopenings 65% or onhave south-facing windows and becoming trappedcan around theYou window. Grommets other along tops and sides custom-made to shade the entire side of use the building. Awnings require ventilation keepanhot air from 77% west-facing windows. You can an awning to shade one window awning of an on awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to the sidesor ortohave top to vent hot air. becoming trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides custom-made to shade the entire side of the building. Awnings require ventilation to keep hot air from of an awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to the openings sides or top to vent becoming trapped around thehelp window. (eyelets) other along the hot topsair. andlong sides High-reflectivity window films blockGrommets summer heat gain. or They are best used in climates with By assembling the steel structure, we can a shape for the galvanised-steel of an awning can frame provide ventilation. The make awning may also to the sides or cladding. top to vent hot air. cooling seasons, because they also block the sun's heat in open the winter. High-reflectivity window films help block summer heat gain. They are best used in climates with long cooling seasons, window becausefilms theyhelp also block block summer the sun'sheat heat gain. in theThey winter. High-reflectivity are best usedarea, in climates long The effectiveness of these reflective films depends on Size of window glazing windowwith orientation seasons, because they also block the heat the winter. ,cooling climate, buildingof orientation and whether the sun's window hasin The effectiveness these reflective films depends on Size ofinterior windowinsulation. glazing area, window orientation
Energy Efficient Window Treatments , climate, building orientation and whether the window has interior insulation.
The effectiveness of these reflective filmseffective depends on on Size of window glazing window orientation WindowSilver, awnings can reduce films solar heat gain inare the more summer by up to 65% south-facing windows andarea, 77% on west-facing windows. mirror-like typically than the colored, more transparent ones. Eastand You can , climate, building orientation whether the window has interior insulation. use an awning to shade one window or haveand an custom-made shade the entire side of the building. Awnings require to west-facing windows, because of awning their potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these films. Silver, mirror-like films typically are moregreater effective thantothe colored, more transparent ones. Eastand ventilation keep hotNorth-facing air from becoming trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides of an awning windowsbecause won't benefit them, and south-facing windows may more benefit somewhat, but can prowest-facing windows, of theirfrom greater potential for heat gain, can benefit from these films. vide ventilation. The awning may also open to are sides oreffective top to ventthan hot air. High-reflectivity window films helpones. block summer heat gain. They Silver, mirror-like films typically more the colored, more transparent Eastand the benefit could be offset by thethereduction ofand heatsouth-facing from the winter sun. North-facing windows won't benefit from them, windows may benefit somewhat, but are bestwest-facing used in climates with longbecause cooling seasons, they also block sun’sgain, heat in thebenefit winter. more from these films. windows, of theirbecause greater potential fortheheat can
1.80 1.80 1.80
the benefit could be offset by the reduction of heat from the winter sun. North-facing windows won't benefit from them, and south-facing windows may benefit somewhat, but The effectiveness of these reflective films depends on Size of window glazing area, window orientation the benefit could be by the thewindow reduction of heatinsulation. from the winter sun. films typically are more effective than the , climate, building orientation andoffset whether has interior Silver, mirror-like
3.70 3.70
Summer - New Facade The New Facade reduce the sun lighthour for per day in the summer, and prevent the heat to the interior.
colored, more transparent ones. East- and west-facing windows, because of their greater potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these films. North-facing windows won’t benefit from them, and south-facing windows may benefit somewhat, but the benefit could be offset by the reduction of heat from the winter sun.
6.50 6.50
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
3.70 3.70
3.70 Suppot Fireproof Layer
Wall Insulation Panel
Energy Efficient Window Treatments
Triple-glazed Window
1.80 1.80
1.80 1.80 1.80
3.70 3.70
7.50 7.50
3.70 3.70
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% on south-facing windows and
on west-facing windows. You can use an awning to shade one window or have an awning This project aimedisby adding as Thisisproject aimed by more addingpanels more panels as77% custom-made to shade the entire side of the building. Awnings require ventilation to keep hot air from trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides new cladding. The second layer ofElements the cladding new cladding. The Holding second layer of the claddingofbecoming an awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to the sides or top to vent hot air. keeps thekeeps samethe angle with thewith firstthe layer the at the same angle firstatlayer High-reflectivity window films help block summer heat gain. They are best used in climates with long Blind cooling seasons, because they also block the sun's heat in the winter. first step,first butstep, it gets direction to assembutopposite it getsIntegrated opposite direction to assemThe effectiveness of these reflective films depends on Size of window glazing area, window orientation ble. It canble. block more sun lightsun and radiation than than It can block more light and radiation , climate, building orientation and whether the window has interior insulation. theone-layer original one-layer cladding Moreover, the original cladding facade. Moreover, Primary Steelfacade. Rectangular Hollow Section 3.70 Silver, mirror-like films typically are more effective than the colored, more transparent ones. East- and 3.70 considering 1.80 to blocking sun lightwestern from western west-facing windows, because of their greater potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these films. considering to blocking the sun the light from North-facing windows won't benefit from them, and south-facing windows may benefit somewhat, but and southern diration, the horizontal adding the benefit could be offset by the reduction of heat from the winter sun. and southern diration, the horizontal adding panels have been enlarged Summer panels have been enlarged 3.70 Secondary Steel Rectangular Hollow Section 3.70 on the southern elevation the vertical one has on the southern elevation and theand vertical one has 6.50 been enlarged on the western elevation. been enlarged on the western Steelelevation. Frame Structure
Energy Efficient Window Treatments 5.50 Energy5.50 Efficient Window Treatments Energy Efficient Window Treatments
Summer - Original Facade
Winter - Original Facade
The Original building is located in Denmark which is lack of sunlight, and the original design is to receive more sun light. Meanwhile, it also keeps the view from inside to outside.
The Original building is located in Denmark which is lack of sunlight, and the original design is to receive more sun light. Meanwhile, it also keeps the view from inside to outside.
3.70 3.70 Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% onWood south-facing Platform windows and 77% on west-facing windows. You can use an awning to shade one window or have an awning Window awnings reduce solar heat in building. the summer by up require to 65% ventilation on south-facing windows custom-made to can shade the entire side gain of the Awnings to keep hot airand from Galvanised-steel Cladding 3.70 77% on west-facing windows. can use an awning to shadeor an the awning Window awnings reduce solar heat gain in the(eyelets) summer byone upwindow toopenings 65% or onhave south-facing windows and becoming trappedcan around theYou window. Grommets other along tops and sides custom-made to shade the entire side of use the building. Awnings require ventilation tohave keepanhot air from 77% on west-facing windows. You can an awning to shade one window or awning 1.80 of an awning can provide ventilation. The awning may also open to the sides or top to vent hot air. Option Two - trapped Second Facade becoming around theentire window. (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and custom-made to shade the sideGrommets of the building. Awnings require ventilation to keep hot sides air from of an awning can provide ventilation. Thecladding. awning may also open to the openings sides or top to vent This project is aimed by adding more panels as new becoming trapped around thehelp window. Grommets (eyelets) other along the hot topsair. andlong sides High-reflectivity window films block summer heat gain. or They are best used in climates with 3.70 second of the cladding keeps the same ByThe assembling the steel frame structure, weangle can make a shape for the galvanised-steel of an layer awning can provide ventilation. Thewith awning may also to the sides or cladding. top to vent hot air. 5.50 cooling because they also block thetosun's heat in open the winter. the first layer atseasons, the firstwindow step, butfilms it gets opposite direction High-reflectivity help block summer heat gain. They are best used in climates with long assemble. It can block more sun lightthey and radiation than thesun's heat in the winter. cooling seasons, because also block block the 3.70 High-reflectivity window films help heat They are best usedarea, in climates with longDetail 01A The effectiveness of these reflective filmssummer depends on gain. Size of window glazing window orientation original one-layer cladding facade. Moreover, considering to seasons, they also block the heat the winter. blocking the sun light frombecause western southern diration, thesun's ,cooling climate, building orientation and whether the window hasin The effectiveness of theseand reflective films depends on Size ofinterior windowinsulation. glazing area, window orientation horizontal adding panels have been enlarged Energy Efficient Window Treatments , climate, building orientation and whether the window has interior insulation.
Dual finish
Detail 01A 01A Detail Dual Dualfinish finish Detail 01A
Dual finish IGU IGU24 24mm mmthickness thickness Polymide strips create the thermal breakbreak Polymide strips create the thermal
IGU 24 mm thickness External aluminium extrusion External aluminium extrusion
on theThe southern elevation vertical one has been effective eneffectiveness of the these reflective films depends on on Size of window glazing window orientation Window awnings can reduceand solar heat gain inare the summer by up to 65% south-facing windows andarea, 77% on west-facing windows. can 24 mm thickness Silver, mirror-like films typically more than the colored, more transparent ones. Eastand IGU You larged theto western elevation. Polymide strips create the thermal break z 1 m. , on climate, building orientation whether the window has interior insulation. use an awning shade one window or haveand an custom-made shade the entire side of the building. Awnings require to west-facing windows, because of awning their potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these films. zfilms 1 m. typically Silver, mirror-like are moregreater effective thantothe colored, more transparent ones. Eastand ventilation keep hotNorth-facing air from becoming trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides of an awning can proextrusionExternal aluminium extrusion windowsbecause won't benefit them, and south-facing windows may more benefit somewhat, butExternal aluminium west-facing windows, of theirfrom greater potential for heat gain, can benefit from these films. 01A vide ventilation. The awning may also open to are the sides oreffective top to ventthan hot air. High-reflectivity window films helpones. block summer heat gain. They Silver, mirror-like films typically more the colored, more transparent Eastand z 01A the benefit could be offset by the reduction of heat from the winter sun. Thermally broken sub-sil windows won't benefit from them, they andalso south-facing windows benefit somewhat, but are bestNorth-facing used in climates with long cooling seasons, because block the sun’s heat inmay the winter. 01A Thermally broken sub-sil west-facing windows, Thermally broken sub-sil z 1 m. because of their greater potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these films.
1.80 1.80
1 m.
x 1 m. be offset by the benefit could m. reduction of heat from the winter sun. y 1the x 1 m. windows won't y 1 m. benefit from them, and south-facing windows may benefit somewhat, but North-facing The effectiveness of these reflective films depends on Size of window glazing area, window orientation 01A Precedent Study: Thethe Silobenefit could be offset by the reduction of heat from the winter sun. x
3.70 3.70
1 m.
1 m.
, climate, building orientation and whether the window has interior insulation.Silver, mirror-like films typically are more effective than the
System: Galvanised-steel & Steel colored, moreCladding transparent ones. East- and west-facing windows, because of their greater potential for heat gain, can benefit more from these x
y 1 m. from them, and south-facing windows may benefit somewhat, but the benefit could be offset by the films. North-facing windows won’t benefit reduction of heat from the winter sun.
6.50 6.50
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
1 m.
Internal aluminium extrusion
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
Polymide strips create the thermal break
Summer - New Facade
Winter - New Facade
The New Facade reduce the sun lighthour for per day in the summer, and prevent the heat to the interior. Internal aluminium extrusion
The new facade extent the cladding at the south side to prevent the sunlight from the south side with a high angel of the sun and it extraordinary reduce the temperature inside the building.
Internal aluminium extrusion
Thermally broken sub-sil Internal aluminium extrusion
Advance Tectonics 3200 Gun Srisawat _ Lingchen “Sandy“ Liao _ Weitse “Alfred“ Yuan _ Yun “Peter“ Chu
3.70 3.70
Enevelop Detail, Not to scale
Interior heat gain, analysis by Ladybug
3.70 1.80
Energy Efficient Window Treatments
1.80 1.80
Window awnings can reduce solar heat gain in the summer by up to 65% on south-facing windows and
77% on west-facing windows. You can use an awning to shade one window or have an awning This project aimedisby adding as Thisisproject aimed by more addingpanels more panels ascustom-made to shade the entire side of the building. Awnings require ventilation to keep hot air from new cladding. The second layer oflayer the cladding new cladding. The second of the claddingbecoming trapped around the window. Grommets (eyelets) or other openings along the tops and sides
SunlightHours Analysis Los_Angeles_Intl_Arpt_CA_USA 21 JUN 9:00 - 21 JUN 18:00
Big Picture Visual Studies II
Spring 2018 ( 2GBX ): Visual Studies II Instructor: Ryan Tyler Martinez & Casey Reas Partner : Siyao Zheng
It introduces Processing, a flexible software sketchbook and language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts, and advanced 3D modeling in Zbrush and Autodesk Maya for the production of architectural representation through the development of digital techniques. Beginning with the fundamentals of Processing, the course will examine the notion of “Regularity and Random”, “Growth, Form, and Simulation”, and “Emergence” in both two and three dimensions. Students will be required to constantly work between code and output, gaining familiarity with the constraints and advantages of the software. Later in the semester students will work in teams of two and will be introduced to XGen, a geometry instancer that lets you populate the surface of polygon meshes with an arbitrary number of primitives either randomly or uniformly placed. XGen lets you quickly populate large-scale environments, including grass savannas, forests, rocky landscapes, and debris trails. As a final deliverable for the class, teams will work with other teams to create large pictorial landscapes using the combination of their output from Processing, spherical envelope volumes in Zbrush and XGen surface textures in Autodesk Maya. QR CODE TO Processing Animation in Youtube.
Zago Vertical Studio Ur-form SCI-Arc Semester: Fall 2018 Instructors: Andrew Zago The studio will explore contemporary expressions for primal architectural conditions. This exploration will be done through building proposals, in dialog with other works of architecture, and with reference also to works in painting, sculpture, and other allied fields. It will operate under the assumption that the haptic sensation created by drawings and models is an inextricable part of forming these primal conditions. It is offered as an inchoate response to our increasingly anxious times. The studio looks to establish fundamental conditions of architectural form; a kind of ur-form that can be seen as an architectural resistance — a protective coating for our imperiled cultural life. At the risk of being merely fusty or worse, irrelevant, the studio will look for some flinty architectural core that, while hopefully novel, can neither be classified progressive nor reactionary. The exploration of outline, mass, and deep section — through geometric and material studies, and through the examination of a curated set of buildings and artworks, will lay the aesthetic and diagrammatic foundation for the studio work. Each option studio, I feel, has the responsibility to situate itself uniquely within the range of studios offered, within the pedagogic framework of the school and, most importantly, within the field. This studio builds upon some strands of the SCI-Arc pedagogy, especially as found in the MArch 1 program in that its concerns are largely disciplinary. Working disciplinarily in this studio is not considered a matter of glorified games-playing in which telltale traces of an architectural pedigree are used to signify cleverness. Rather, it sees the discipline as a complexly wrought but evolving edifice made of numerable assertions, breakthroughs, disputations, reversals, and inversions serving to provide a springboard for architectural novelty, not a refuge in the past. It also asserts that disciplinary expertise can function as a political catalyst when projected into the world in the form of a project. This studio is technologically agnostic. It encourages extra-building explorations, but works from the premise that architecture is mostly about buildings and only marginally related to other design fields.
CATIA: Intuitive Designs and Parametric Modeling SCI-Arc Semester: Fall 2018 Instructor: Kerenza Harris In architecture practice today, performance and constructability are two of the most important factors in the design and delivery of a project. The creation and use of parametric geometry to create intelligent digital models that integrate and respond to specified sets of performance criteria, offers a more holistic approach to design and its relationship to built form. Using immersive technologies like VR as an integrated tool of design and review also allows architects to anticipate and accommodate issues of collaboration, fabrication and installation globally, throughout the various phases of design. This course aims at giving students computational tools to facilitate the practical implementation of performance goals in everyday practice and allows them to seamlessly integrate immersive technology and parametric intelligence into their current and more intuitive design processes. Using CATIA 3dexperience platform, students are working with the most powerful and advanced parametric tools in the industry.
DESIGN DEVELOPMENT INTEGRATED DESIGN PROJECT SCI-Arc Semester: Fall 2018 Instructor: Herwig Baumgartner This course investigates issues related to the implementation of design: technology, the use of materials, systems integration, and the archetypal analytical strategies of force, order and character. The course includes a review of basic and advanced construction methods, analysis of building codes, the design of structural and mechanical systems, Environmental systems, Buildings service systems, the development of building materials and the integration of building components and systems. The intent of this course is to develop a cohesive understanding of how architects communicate complex building systems for the built environment and to demonstrate the ability to document a comprehensive architectural project and Stewardship of the Environment. A series of built case studies will be presented by the instructors along with visiting professionals in the field who are exploring new project delivery methods. These case studies will be shown in- depth with construction photographs, 3D renderings, and technical drawings and details. Pertinent specific topics for the course will be highlighted in each presentation, with a focus on the evolution of building design from concept to built form.
BAMBOO STUDIO 6 AR 416 Advanced Architectural Design (Thesis Project) Bamboo Architecture: Design and Construction Instructor : Assistant Professor Supreedee Rittironk, Ph.D. Team : Chawin Poomngram Chomsutha Pranwiwat Mongkol Plangkongkom Phonthakorn Srisawat Peewara Wongphonchai Wanipha Ngramsomsri Shuthasuk Chantanomsuk Tanthai Tengkankij Thammatat Kongtong
Thammasat University is one of few universities in Thailand that are serious about utilization of bamboo in architecture. As a research university, the creation of architecture will come from the role of research and design integration. Faculty of Architecture and Planning is in the support of creating Bamboo design studio and the researcher to do indepth research to explore further uses of bamboo. Studio is formed into a 8-10 undergraduate students, with hands-on design-construction approach. Later on, bamboo studio has been successful and created many researches and design projects. It has been 8 years that faculty has created 8 generation of bamboo designers. Later on, few interested students decided to continue to so research and design project. Then, the interest has kept coming to develop and promote the most use out of this Bamboo material.
QR code link to Bamboo studio 6 in Youtube or Click https://youtu.be/JM_HqUSdBF4
1st Floor Plan
2nd Floor Plan
Not to scale
Not to scale
This QR CODE lead to walkthrough animation in Youtube. https://youtu.be/MgfvFrcNxUU
Noble House Location Subject
Phattanakarn 44, Bangkok Thailand Renovate project
This is my first project as a junior architect at LYNK architect Company, I had been assign to collect information with clients to know what and how them want to renovate their house. After i had recive an construction drawing and know this house had been build in 1991 by A49 a big name architect company in Thailand and i found out that there the foundation of this house has been shrink more than 157 cm. and still, so I have to talk with an Engineer to find the right way to renovate. Then i sketch new plan with new furniture layout and new wall line.
Function Requirement. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
client want extra more space for car park. new living room with double spcae new kitchen space for elder new garden new bedroom with walkin closet and bathroom
Other Render Project 2013 - 2016
ia415 Interior Design Production house 2016
ar315 Thai Pavilion at Milan World Expo 2014
LA. new Flower Market 2018
ar416 High rise design 2016 All Black Stadium 2018
ar415 Trung International Airport 2015
Visual Studies, 2013
Model making through 2012 - 2018