foto: Lauri T채ht
Back to back quadruple three-stair sets with decent flatground. The short distance between the stairs requiers quick feet and rapid speed, as only no-push lines are feasible here. Also a good chill spot, with big grass plains next to it. Minimal possibility of getting kicked out, but might have tourist overload during the summer.
Linnahall, or city conven nence from the Soviet Un waiting for new investors coming. Its current state making skating difficult. broken glass and the mino
ntion hall, is a colossal monster remanion. It’s currently closed down and is s, whose money could give it a second e is classified as “a piece of shit”, Other danger factors include lots of or possibility of falling to your death.
Dubbed the “Cop never before seen pyramid! The obsta for traffic. No confi
penhagen spot�, it is something in Estonia: an actual grindable acle is next to a road, so watch out irmed info on kickouts.
Vabaduse V채ljak
Freedom Square is the meet up and warm up point for many Tallinn skateboarders. Even though the actual space is large and consists of many spots within the square, this segment is only about the best: the flatground and marble ledges next to the Independence War Victory Column. Large flatground area and the ledges are on a downward slope, perfect for lines. Getting kicked out is 50/50, but don’t skate the column as it has a silent alarm.
Underi ledge
Marie Under was a famous Estonian poet in the 20th century. Famous enough, to get this memorial built next to the National Library of Estonia. This spot features excellent long ledges: one horizontal and one with a slight downward angle. Also has a long bench for maximum chill factor. Kickouts during library business hours are common, but you usually get to skate it during the weekend.
Metsakooli DIY
Metsakooli DIY sounds e Funded privately by ska by year Metsakooli DIY annually by the skatebo stretch of asphalt and t ride. It is situated next Easter egg: There’s a ch in the quarter pipe.
exactly what it is: a do-it-yourself-spot. aters and skateboard enthusiasts, year grows larger as new obstacles are built oarders themselves. The turf is a long the obstacles provide a cruise-friendly t to a public park and a youth center. hance to cook your food using the grill
Viru Keskus
Viru Keskus is a downtown shopping mall with an exterior area for general purposes. That general area happens to be really great for skateboarding. It has ledges, stairs and lots of sweet flatground. You will get kicked out within minutes during the malls business hours, which is til 9pm. If you take that into account, you can fully take advantage of this spot during the summer, when daylight lasts well into the late hours.