Activity Report 2015/2016 - Adrian runs for AIESEC / Run & Impact

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Activity report 2015 / 2016

Personal message Idea into action Accomplishments & Highlights Impact & Value Donor wall Run & Impact Future timeline

Personal message The first year of the project was a springboard for this year's edition. After a year in which we tried to test within limits, to learn how the whole process works, to develop this initiative – I convinced myself that is 100% worth it! This pilot edition gave the chance to 8 members to create a positive change through AIESEC’s Global Citizen program, members which would not have gone in another context. By offering international volunteering experiences, we bring an important contribution to the development of every participant of the program and of course, to the development of communities around us. If you are a donor, a helper, a volunteer or contributed to the project in a different way – you had an important role in achieving the impact and making a difference in someone’s life. I will continue developing the initiative and I wish I could transform it into a national movement. And who knows – maybe very soon it will become an international one.

Idea into action Many people asked me WHY did I start this project for AIESEC. Well, one of the reason is that I’m an Alumnus of AIESEC in Bucharest & Romania. After spending so much time in this organization and constantly receiving help from other people, I truly believe that it’s time to give something back to the future generation and to the organization. Being a Vice President in AIESEC Bucharest, I sent 108 people abroad in international internships and worked with even more. A part of them decided to give up from various reasons, but the most common one was the lack of money. From my point of view, it's extremely sad, when someone can not achieve his/her dream because of an external reasons. So, I decided that I can create the framework and give the opportunity to members of this organization to learn, develop and bring an impact in the society by working on volunteering projects in an international environment. My belief is that even a short international experience can shape each individual, challenge him/her and grow on personal and/or professional level. I had the chance to go in an internship in Switzerland, to experience and to live properly this opportunity. Living abroad and taking advantage of this experience, I totally understand the impact of the experience on each of us. That's why, I want to gather people who believe what I believe and trust that this program can change each individual and bring the change that we want to see around us.

Accomplishments & Highlights 8 Participants

went in an international experience

They worked on topics like: entrepreneurship, education, creativity, development and brought impact in 6 different countries over 4 continents: Brazil, Egypt (2), Mexico, Portugal (2), Russia & Turkey.

Find their stories in the next pages.

1400 KM

marathons and trainings

3050 EURO

raised for the scholarships

7 official races in Switzerland, Italy, Germany and The Netherlands.

98 Donors

with 31 euro on average

Impact & Value

Participant’s perspective

Ana Sima AIESEC Sibiu Volunteer in Brazil

“Becoming a participant at Adrian’s scholarschip it made me happier. Simple, no? When were you the last time trully happy? I remember this moment when I was 3 minutes from the ocean, the sky full of stars, a dog by my side and around me a few people that want to make the world a better place. All I was thinking was „God, I am happy. This is how it is to be happy”. This scolarship pushed me to break borders, it was the tool that gave me the impulse to act more upon my thoughts. And doing so, made me meet people that had an impact on me, be in places I never thought I would be and it made me taste of the person I want to be. Now I am going after being always that person. To be honest, it is freaking hard. Maybe one day I will meet you, and I can explain it to you. But I know that without this experience I wouldn’t have the strenght to do it.”

“It may come as a surprise for the person reading this, but I cannot possibly express how much this AIESEC exchange has changed the course of my life after I came back home. I remember how, before going to Egypt, I used to have many prejudices against men and, for as long as I remember, I felt sorry for women living in an Islam country. You see, my perception of that world has been influenced by media to such a great extent that I grew afraid of it. In retrospect, not only did this experience shutter all my convictions, but it made me fall head over heels in love with this culture. My new passion for its language and culture gave me the courage to apply for a job and now move to a Middle East country. Once I returned to Romania, I did everything in my power to raise awareness, to inform and to convince the youth to seize the opportunities that AIESEC offers, being involved in the recruitment process that took place in my hometown.”

Andreea Anghel AIESEC Cluj-Napoca Volunteer in Egypt

Impact & Value

Participant’s perspective

Andreea Prodan AIESEC Galati Volunteer in Russia

“I am part of AIESEC in Galati for more than a year, and helping other student to apply on volunteering programs made me feel like a director behind the scene. The opportunity to apply for an Exchange scholarship made me realize that I want to be an actor, someone who brings impact and creates a change in this world. I’ve had a journey full of adventures and unforgettable memories. Even if it took me five days to arrive at Saint Petersburg, even if I was the only foreign student form that camp, even if I worked with children who didn’t understand me, a part of my soul remained there. After spending six weeks with those children, I realized all the hard work and the effort was worth every second with them. After this experience which completely changed my mentality and the worldview, I had decided to continue my AIESEC activity, while giving the opportunities to other students who are willing to change. So I had become a Vice President of the International Volunteering department. It’s a strenuous work, but the results always make me remember the impact this kind of an opportunity has. It is said that “Exchange is not just a few weeks of your life, it is a life in a few weeks”. I wasn’t able to realize the truth behind these words until I lived them myself.“

“My experience, my Creative Seed in Mexico started off as a dream, a dream to experience the world while planting seeds of creativity among children from 2 continents. The dream was to have 6 amazing weeks filled with creative workshops with the kids in Mexico so that afterwards I can come back to Romania, take all my experience and shape 6 similar weeks with the kids in my city, Iasi. And this dream grew up so beautiful. It started with me giving a piece of myself to the kids and it ended up giving me so much more. In the end, I am left with incredible friendships, with people I can call family and with the joy I could bring a change in the hearts of the kids. The most important thing I learned from this experience is that: Anything is possible with a little bit of courage! And you know what‘s funny? The courage I needed was only for taking the decision to go for it. After that, everything became clear on what I have to do and the puzzle pieces came into place one by one.”

Madalina Dirdara AIESEC Iasi Volunteer in Mexico

Impact & Value

Participant’s perspective

Oana Ciobanu AIESEC Craiova Volunteer in Turkey

“8 months have past since I’ve come back from my amazing exchange in Turkey, and looking back to the things I’ve accomplished or I realized in this period I am proud to say I grew up a lot. In my AIESEC life I’ve started my journey wishing that this experience will help me to realize my dream of becoming Vice-President oGCDP, but one thing led to another and now I am Vice-President oGIP-outgoing corporate - and I couldn’t be happier, I realized that at least for one or two years I want to be very involved in AIESEC because it is the proper way for me to give something back for the society I live in. At my personal level I become more self-confident, knowing that now I can do anything, more tolerant with other people mentalities about life, and this is a big step in life for me and also I visited my first country, thing that count a lot for my personal development.”

“I remember my first week at the nursery were my project was and I can't say how scared I was when I saw all those kids with who I was supposed to talk and teach them English. I was so scared because before that I had no interaction with that many kids at a time so I felt such a big responsibility in that moment. The first week was really hard for me, hard to adapt to Egyptian culture, hard to adapt to the new environment but most of all hard to interact with the kids from nursery. Now I can proudly say that I gave my best and in the next weeks results started to be seen and a connection with the kids was built, a connection that I have never had before in my life with children. I started to be for them a teacher, friend, a person that they can trust to learn things from and this made from my project a success and transformed me in a person who loves children now more than anything and has the skills to interact with them. This project gave me patience when it comes to adapt to new situations and what is more important it gave me pure love and happiness from those little angels who now I miss so much.”

Claudia Radulescu AIESEC Craiova Volunteer in Egypt

Impact & Value

Participant’s perspective

Maria Sirbu AIESEC Cluj-Napoca Volunteer in Portugal

“When I first applied for this scholarship I said that I want a chance to help others, to develop a community or to inspire someone to do the same. By going on this internship I managed to do all of these: I helped the 9th graders to become self-aware and more confident in their strengths, we started changing the mindset in the community regarding gender equality and I inspired the students to continue this project and to become changing agents through ambassadorship. Maybe others may say that the real impact you can see it in one of the African communities, but for me this experience was incredibly hard and beautiful at the same time. I saw all the changes happening only in 5 weeks, I actually “saw” through their eyes and felt the same things as them. I have never thought that I would get the opportunity to go in an exchange programme, but this dream came true this winter and now I just can’t wait for the next one!“

“My journey started smooth. And it ended full of strong feelings, questions, aims, dreams! It made me pass through my fears, and it made me be more curious, willing to discover new things everyday. A new me actually. Happy moments, slaps, mindfulness. Working everyday with beautiful people, seeing in their eyes the fact that they care, and they want to change something at the age of sixteen, it impressed me a lot and made me question myself. We created ten different projects, each one of them supported one specific goal from United Nations. Over 200 high school students supported and worked together for Zero Hunger, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Climate Action, Peace Justice and Strong Institutions. Each one of them had faith and believed the fact that even if we are so young, we are the voice and we can change something, but together.”

Annabell Nutu AIESEC Timisoara Volunteer in Portugal

Donor wall


Thank you for your contribution!

Run and Impact Last edition, through Adrian runs for AIESEC Project, we manage to offer the chance to 8 members to volunteer abroad and to bring a small change in the world. This year we decided to continue the initiative with a 5 years vision and a new brand: Run & Impact. The initiative strives to the fulfillment of everyone's right to affordable and accessible education, by offering the possibility to AIESEC members to learn, to develop, to become a better version of themselves and to bring an impact in the society by working on AIESEC volunteering projects in an international environment.

“Our belief is that responsible and entrepreneurial leadership can help us solve many of today’s challenges. Leaders who not only have the capabilities to create impact, but also the values that will guide their ethics and decision-making.”

Our goal for 2016 is to offer at least 25 scholarships to 25 members. The goal of the scholarship is to cover a part of transportation costs and living expenses. That means, we need to raise 12’500 euros.

WE RELY ON YOUR DONATIONS! This year, we will need your help more than ever. Your support can start a ripple effect that will make a difference this year and for many years to come.

Donate NOW!

Future timeline June – September 2016

Opening the application We will open the first round of application, for the first 5 AIESEC members who will receive the scholarships.

Winners + Fundraising The winner will receive a fix amount of money and the rest should be raised by his/her own network and resources. Starting volunteering experience abroad The approximate start date of the internship should be 1st of August. There are a lot of opportunities during summer, so it may vary depending on the project.

th 14 of June

End of June

st 1 of July

24th of July

1stof August

Application & Selection Process The future scholars have to send their application within one week and until the end of the June, we plan to select the most suitable 5 members. Matching Deadline The scholars have to find their dream internship within 3 weeks after being selected. This period of time is more than enough.


of September

Bringing impact in exchange The scholars will have around 2 month to learn, to develop themselves and to bring an impact in a foreign society. Afterwards – we hope they will continue to be change agents in their own country.

*After the implementation of this round, we will start the next one. The number of rounds depends on the amount of money we will raise. Run & Impact

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