Woolwich Framework 2019

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WOOLWICH FRAMEWORK 2019 GROUP 5 Bartlett School of Planning MSc Urban Design and City Planning

BPLN0057 Urban Design: Design Guidance, Incentive and Control Emmanuella Lulan Madi Rungarun Consuelo

Warren-zhang Shen Mukhametaliyev Tiyanukulmongkhon Morales

C o ntents

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4


Woolwich Framework

Strategic Site Interventions





Developing the vision


A206 Road






Summary of potential approaches


Arsenal Way


Factors for assessment


Site Analysis


Movement objective


Bathway Quarter





General Gordon Square and Beresford Square

Organisation of the framework implementation







Potential approaches Strategies 2.4

Functional mix objective Potential approaches Strategies


Historical character objective Potential approaches Strategies


Open spaces objective Potential approaches Strategies

Group reflection Individual contribution Riverside potential approaches

SECTION 1 1.1 Location 1.2 History 1.3 Site Analysis 1.4 SWOT

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION

Lo cation Woolwich Town Centre Located in South-East London, within the Royal Borough of Greenwich, the town of Woolwich has been an important military and industrial area throughout its history. Woolwich has received significant attention over the past years, because after decades of facing economic hardships the town is now being invested in by large-scale urban renewal projects. These projects have attracting numerous investors and citizens to reside in the area bringing utmost prosperity and growth to the town: average property values in the area are currently around £300,000, 53% higher than the average price in 2012 (London Assembly , 2015).

Labelled as an “opportunity area” in the London Plan, Woolwich is categorized as a major source of brownfield land which has a huge capacity for housing and commercial development and an existing or improving public-transport access. Greater London Authority 2019

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION

H i s tor y Woolwich was a small settlement until the start of the 16th century. In 1512, King George VIII founded the Woolwich Dockyard, which later on became home to many great ships, making Woolwich an industrial centre for the military and maritime services. It is also home to the famous North London Football Club Arsenal, and their nickname “The Gunners” came from the history of Woolwich being an army base and having factories that developed weapons and ammunitions. Woolwich used to be a town of significant prosperity and economic growth, significantly because of its use as a military base, weapon producer and due to the presence of the Woolwich Dockyard. The area also attracted International firms such as Siemens, which provided employment for many of the dockyard workers and soldiers after the Napoleonic and Crimean wars.

The decline of Woolwich both economically and socially occurred after the second World War. The area was serving the sole purpose of being a military base to the British Government and military; however, once the war was over, there was a lack of employment and economic growth in the area and the authorities had failed to fill that void. In the late 1800’s soldiers and dockyard workers were provided jobs by emerging firms after the wars had ended, this was not the case in the 1960’s. Woolwich suffered terribly from economic hardship and social deprivation as the Royal Ordinance Factory closed down in 1967 and then the Siemens factory in 1968.

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION

S i t e Analysi s













Connectivity This plan addresses connectivity in terms of street network and accessibility index (PTAL). Together they describe an area highly connected to public transport. Regarding street network Woolwich has a strong hierarchy of streets marked by motorised traffic flows producing unfriendly spaces for pedestrians. In Woolwich town centre secondary streets with public transport predominate, and in the area of Royal Arsenal, the tertiary streets without public transport and low flow of cars prevail. In this current situation it is possible to observe the clear contrast between both areas, and for this later it is proposed the recognition of pedestrians as the centre in street design. Concerning the PTAL index, Woolwich town centre has the highest of the indexes in terms of accessibility since it has easy access to train and DLR. The level that surrounds the core is one level before the maximum. However, with the future implementation of the Crossrail, Royal Arsenal area will also be covered by the maximum index (6b). In this scenario, the proposal presented in the next section focuses on pedestrian connectivity and accessibility, which has not been properly considered.


Open Spaces Legend Street hierarchy Primary Secondary Tertiary Pedestrian path PTAL (0-6)

6b (best) 6a 5

Green spaces within the boundary are extremely fragmented and close to none. The green spaces are poorly managed and lack biodiversity. On the other hand, there are significantly more green spaces outside the boundary, therefore, in this project the writers propose to create a green network which links all green spaces together, the writers have proposed to increase green spaces and corridors to enhance the public realm. There are also many unused spaces, such as warehouses and brownfields. In this project, the writers will propose mix use within these sites in an attempt to increase mix functional uses, to bring back vitality to Woolwich Town Centre.

Legend Unused space/parking space Public open space Green space within boundary Green space outside boundary

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION

S i t e Analysi s

Royal Arsenal Development

Height Woolwich Town Center has a diverse heigh of buildings from 5-meters (1- floor) to 75-meters (about 21-floor) due to a mixture of existing and new buildings. Almost of historical buildings are not higher than 20 meters or about 3-6 floors covering Woolwich Town Center in the West side of the A206 highway which dramatically contrasts to the height of new developments opposite. Current situation of massing and height in Woolwich town centre is a huge difference from low rise to very high rise buildings without transition, and this can contribute the disunited of urban fabric and bring the feeling of gentrification, segregation and exclusiveness to the urban public as a human scale on the street level. Another finding is most of the new developments which tend to be higher than 75 meters (or about 21 floors) are supposed to be located next to the riverside covering all riverfront surface of Woolwich town centre. It seems to be a blocked overall riverside view, and land uses to public spaces and the rest asset behind. However, the benefit of high rise buildings is the increase in the number of housing. Density is also important for the residential-led development which is one of the requirements of the London Plan Policy.

Land Use Legend

Based on the land use map, there are several cluster spaces for retail uses. The town centre of Woolwich is the main shopping and leisure area for local residents for a long time, where is pedestrianised. It provides both chain stores and local stores at the same time that local people can enjoy both services. Yet during the site visit, the town centre shopping areas failed to present a high-quality leisure space with pleasant environment for people. Neither did it offer a vibrant atmosphere.

Legend Food services Services Local retail stores Chain-stores Banks Residential Warehouses Office Space

The continuity is low from the town centre to the riverside, which leads to the generation of another set of service part along the main road. There is little service provided along the A206 road and leads to segregation from the town centre to surrounding areas. According to previous SPD, local authorities argued that the low vitality was resulted from lacking a big scale convenient store in the Woolwich area. However, after the construction of the new retail cluster at the southwest part within the boundary, there is no promotion of activity in Woolwich, where also replacing the role of the town centre as well. Moreover, as what the land use map is showing, the residential and retail are relatively separated. Hence, including different functions in the same areas could be a potential resolution for a future proposal.

Industrial Site Others

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION

S i t e Analysi s

Typology It is apparent from the typology analysis that row terraces have formed a fine-grain urban fabric in the commercial core of the town centre, with small units stacked next to each other resulting in a variety of affordable retail offerings that match the local incomes. However, newer developments have adopted a ‘one door, large unit’ approach (a ‘shed’ typology) that suits superstores and chain businesses, but is perhaps less appropriate for local enterprises and startups. Such a typology, especially the cluster in the north-east part of the centre, would hardly generate intensive footfall and hence contribute to vitality and safety of the neighborhood. Finally, ‘mansion’ typology presents its own set of challenges. Buildings in Bathway Quarter of Woolwich, for instance, might be problematic in terms of ownership and frontages (if the number of entrances is insufficient), shall the local authority promote small start-ups and creative enterprises in that area.

Historical Character Legend Row terraces

Mansions / Slabs (multiple entrances)

Sheds (single entrance)

According to Historic English (2019) map shows 29 historical listed buildings within the framework. Almost one-fourth (8 buildings) are located as a cluster around the Bathway Quarter and over half are located outspread as a pathway both side of highway A206 by more likely above in the current new development area. (Historic English, 2019) and this can be a potential to preserve its character in the new developments in globalization world. The Woolwich’s historical context and existing buildings plays a key role in the definition of these places to be ‘unique’ Thus, the number of listed buildings could be significant Woolwich’s character indicator. According to the Historic English (2019) map shows 29 listed buildings in the SPD, 2012 framework and 8 listed buildings further area right next in the North (Yellow framework) can be an extension area of a new framwork for Woolwich Town Center development guidelines.

Legend Historical listed buildings

Se ct io n 1 - I N T ROD U C T ION


STRENGHTS - Fine-grain historic core with mix of uses and active frontages. - Abundance of open and green spaces along the potential circulation corridors.



- Enhanced pedestrian corridors to the riverside and through the Warren / Royal Arsenal area.

- High-density new developments in Warren / Royal Arsenal with suboptimal and monofunctional uses.

- Improve Leisure activities in and around Woolwich town centre.

- Lack of interfaces.

-High level of the transport connection.

THREATS - Suboptimal typologies and uses in the greenfield / brownfield developments. -Gentrification lead by development in Royal Arsenal, increasing land and real estate prices.

- Busy roads as severances. - Increase Social housing.

-Woolwich falls under opportunity area.

- Increase traffic congestions. - Unmanaged building appereance.

- Improve the environmental quality. - Develop Woolwich into a Metropolitan Centre.

- Several vacant spaces.

- Lack of collaboration between multiple ownership.

- Passive frontages throughout the town center (deeper high streets).

- Big brands (Tesco) taking over local businesses.

- Poor connection between Woolwich Town Centre and Royal Arsenal.

SECTION 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6

Developing the Vision Summary of Potential Approaches Movement Objective Functional Mix Objective Historical Character Objective Open Spaces Objective

Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

D e veloping t h e vi si o n Woolwich will become a rejuvenated metropolitan town centre, with vitality, accessibility and inclusiveness interwoven in its urban fabric.

The vision spatial concept

An intensified development will be accompanied by a wide array of communal and commercial uses that is affordable to both existing and new residents. The rich heritage will be celebrated through careful preservation and enhancement of the surrounding environment. The most attractive sites and the riverside neighbourhood will be easily accessible and generate a continuous flow of citizens on foot. The plan below shows the spatial concept to achieve the vision of the framework. The vision is developed through four main objectives: movement, functional mixture, historical character and open spaces.





Legend Movement

Key routes Key links

Functional Mix

Fine-grain retail New developments

Historical Character Open Spaces

Key historical areas to protect Green corridors Key public spaces













Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

D e veloping t h e vi si o n

Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 3


Functional Mix

Historical Character

Open Spaces






Create more pedestrian linkages: strategic connections are proposed in the two main problematic streets.


Provide mixed housing: the accommodation will be mixed tenure and mix of types to encourage the social mix.


Integrating heritage considerations early on in the design process: integrate heritage considerations early on the design process.


Increase Green spaces: create new green spaces to provide a sense of identity and resilience to Woolwich Town Centre.


Increase walkability: promote a friendly and stimulating environment for pedestrians.


Encourage community functions: community use is a important way to support residential and retail development.


Creative enterprise zones / Cultural clusters: potential historical buildings for the community to be social infrastructures.


Animate the Riverside: Intense footfall along the riverside supported by active frontages and appropriate building layouts.


Increase legibility: implementing wayfinding systems across Woolwich.


Increase variety of retail and commertial uses: diverse retail categories encourage footfall and vitality to create a vibrant environment.


Respond to the existing character: new development needs to be cooperative and develop in within the frame for the historical character.


Implement Green Corridors: Well-connected green infrastructure in Woolwich can promote its image.


Biodiversity: Providing a balanced atmosphere between the built environment and the natural environment.

04 05

Introduce new offices and workspace: attract business to support retail and create other functions that differ from residential related is assissting local dynamics. Ground floor use: ground floor use is an essential component of functional mix that should be controled by local authorities.

Objective 1 Movement Design Framework

Objective 2 Functional Mix Objective 3 Historical Character

Design Policy

Practice Guide

Design Framework

Design Policy




Design Policy



Design Standard


Practice Guide

Design Policy



Assets of Community Value (ACV)

Design Policy



Design Framework


Evidence - Research Informal Townscape Assessment



Objective 4 Open Spaces

Royal Greenwich Local Plan

Greenwich Biodiversity Action Plan

Green Space Strategies

Greener Greenwich SPD

Spaceshaper, a user’s guide

The London Plan, the spatial development strategy for London

South Lanarkshire Green Network

The Londond Plan The Spatial Development Strategy for Greater London 2017

CAMRA Guide to Nominating Pubs

Tower Hamlets Draft Local Plan

Creative Enterprise Zones

Ascot, Sunninghill & Sunningdate Neighbourhood Plan

One Woolwich Design & Access Statement

Spray Street SPD

Design Coding


Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework

Whitechapel Vision

Design Framework

Kentish Town Planning Framework

Grahame Park SPD

Formal Developer Contributions


Design Framework

Formal / Informal tool


Main tools

Design Coding

Document name


Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

S u mmary o f p o t en t i al a p p r o a c h e s The following documents were used and applied

Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Tower Hamlets Draft Local Plan 2031: Managing Growth and Sharing the Benefits. Although this document has detailed strategies in different themes, the policy on transport and connectivity does not consider a specific approach on the streets neither walkability, nor adequate graphics support to translate its vision into the area.

This document focuses on a specific site in Woolwich town center and illastrates clear some points for character conservation by height control around Spray Street. However, this document is only focus on too small area which is including many parts of done new developments.This might still be a gap led new developments try to make taller buildings and ignore about overall context scale and elements of historical character.

Riverside cases that we did not use Waterloo Area SPD has a set of urban design principles that it purposes on a riverside plot. However, the principles are not further translated into more precise indicators or measurements that the planning authority may use in assessing planning applications. Neither does it have detailed description of incentive and control tools for delivery of the desired principles.

National Planning Policy Framework It only mentions how to preserve the wildlife but does not provide detailed solutions in how to preserve them, for example, setting out monitoring tools to survey the health of soil, planting plants that can create pollination for insects.


Objective 1 Movement

Objective 2 Functional Mix

Objective 3 Historical Character

Objective 4 Open Spaces

The London Plan, the spatial development strategy for London

Enfield local plan Towards a New Local Plan 2036 In Enfield local plan, they have set several goals that Enfield should achieve in 2036. And the plan also mentioned how local government will achieve the goal, what strategies they will use, and what policies they will follow and create, which is a very clear and comprehensive plan. Yet look in detailed, the local plan claimed that they will respect local context while they said that they are hard to reject the planning application of tall buildings for meeting the local housing need. And, they said that they will encourage infrastructures like cycle lanes, while according to the research, the bike lane has caused inconvenience to local residents and business and has adverse impact on local issue.

Waterloo Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) March 2013

Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Urban Design Guidance SPD. This SPD is structured as an urban design guidance and in this sense, it is useful in establishing desired results. However, it does not provide comprehensive tools to achieve the results. It could have been helpful to illustrate the relationship between desires and potential deliveries.

Spray Street SPD

Main reason

Newcastle-under-Lyme and Stoke-on-Trent Urban Design Guidance

Document name

Tower Hamlets Draft Local Plan

The following documents were NOT used or applied

National Planning Policy Framework

S u mmary o f p o t en t i al a p p r o a c h e s

This document could have been developed in more depth to educate local communities how to utilise green spaces, nor does it provide specific design codes for planners to provide high quality green spaces to integrate within the local community.

Se c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

M o vement O b j ect i ve /

Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives


Revitalising Whitechapel Road: Whitechapel Road will undergo a significant and comprehensive Public Realm Improvement Scheme to transform the appearance of this key route through Whitechapel and lift and regenerate the Whitechapel area as a whole. Practical interventions will include: - Iconic infrastructure on Whitechapel Road, delivered through an international design competition - Improved movement/pedestrian crossings and way-finding - New north-south links extending to Whitechapel Road (from over-station development and through RLH campus)



Formal Tools


Design frameworks


Direct investment

Informal Tools


Practice guides: -Mayor of London Road Strategy -Healthy Streets for London

Routes and connections: The framework presents an opportunity to achieve a step change to the way pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles move around and through the area. The public realm strategy should support a liveable neighbourhood that promotes cycling and walking, restrains vehicle traffic from the streets, reduces vehicle speeds, creates an attractive streetscape and supports climate change adaptation. Streets should be legible, clutter-free and support ease of movement for all users. Where possible, the Council supports the delivery of shared surfaces that prioritise movement for pedestrians and cyclists.


Design frameworks Design standards Design policy


Process management: -Construction Management Plan (CMP)


Developer contributions: -Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Development consents

Building on Ebbsfleet's connections Ebbsfleet's streets will provide a legible network of safe and comfortable green streets and public spaces, integrating landscape, parking and water sensitive design to provide attractive and functional places. Development will prioritise walking and cycling to support healthy living and focus points of convergence at local centres to encourage interaction of new and existing communities. Streets will be characterised by a clearly defined street hierarchy. The design of streets will have an important role in changing travel habits and reducing the need to travel by car. Streets will be designed to allow greater shared space to accommodate walking and cycling.


Design frameworks Design standards Design coding: -Street typology


Direct investment


Development consents




Practice guides: -Healthy Streets for London Case study


Case study

Se c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

M o vement O b j ect i ve /

Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives


Street Hierarchy The approach establishes a network of FIXED routes between plots that create a safe, accessible and legible street pattern, knitting the site into the surrounding area. UNFIXED streets subdivide the plots further to encourage movement and permeability as more local, residential connections. The balanced integration of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles along safe and attractive routes is a priority, in order to create defined streets that are active, legible, overlooked and visually open. This code for public realm should be established for the streetscapes using materials in common with those used in the adjacent streets, the existing estate, and throughout Barnet.


Former Connaught Estate The connections with the surrounding context and the permeability of the site is clearly defined - the street network and hierarchy are described on the parameter plans and in the detail of the masterplan layout. The hard landscape palette has been developed to provide robust materials with proved well wearing properties. The palette has drawn on inspiration for the surrounding context with materials replicated on site to provide a visual link between the site and the surrounding landscape.


Design standards: -British Standards Design coding: -Street typology


Process management


Development consents


Design frameworks Design standards



A high-quality network of connected spaces and routes for pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles, which are integrated with existing routes and movement patterns, is essential to creating a pleasant and attractive environment that supports sustainable patterns of movement, generates activity and encourages healthy lifestyles. The Spray Street site should utilise its location in the centre of surrounding developments and areas of activity, to strengthen connections and increase footfall and activity, both throughout the site and across the wider town centre.

Formal Tools

Design standards Design coding: -Street typology

Informal Tools


Practice guides: -TfL Streetscape Guidance -Manual for Streets


Practice guides: -Accessible London



S e c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

M o vement O b j ect i ve /

S tr ategies

Woolwich has been addressed in both the London Plan and the Royal Greenwich Local Plan as a key transport hub, thus becoming a transportation node that interconnects different services, such as ferry, buses, train, DLR and a Crossrail station that will soon begin its operation. Hence, transportation is considered as a strength in Woolwich reaching the highest level in the PTAL (Public Transport Access Level) indexes.

M.S.1: Create more pedestrian linkages

However, on a pedestrian level, the place has not achieved the London Plan or Royal Greenwich Local Plan aspirations. The disconnection between the Woolwich's core centre with Royal Arsenal and the riverside persists. Moreover, the streetscape does not promote walkability due to the prevalence of cars over pedestrians. Desire Outcome: Improve pedestrian connectivity by integrating the public spaces across Woolwich and Royal Arsenal. Promote pedestrian movements through a high-quality walking experience that ease access for residents of Woolwich Centre to the riverside to produce a network of democratic spaces for a mixed community. Moreover, this objective promotes the use and implementation of the principles established in Healthy Streets for London. Strategies



To achieve 'Movement Objective' three main strategies are developed: M.S.1 : Create more pedestrian linkages M.S.2 : Increase walkability M.S.3 : Increase legibility

M.S.1: Create more pedestrian linkages Policy Context Policy 6.7 Better streets and surface transport Policy 6.10 Walking Policy 6.11 Smoothing traffic flow and tackling congestion


Strategic connections are proposed on two main streets that currently act as a barrier which are A205 and A206. Four pedestrian crossings are considered along of the route A205. On the A206 route, five pedestrian crossings will be implemented, which are projected as principal axes of the pedestrian network between the centre of Woolwich and the riverside. For the specific case of the first crossing, from the west, due it is interrupted by the Leisure Center, its replacement is contemplated by new developments, and its use will be moved into Woolwich's core with subsidy incentive.

Tools The tools used to carry out this strategy are based on a study of different documents used as knowledge to develop this objective. Thus, this strategy is mainly oriented to the application of formal tools, which provide guidance, incentive and control to be able to observe in detail the future realisation of the proposal. Besides, the use of case studies and practice guides is contemplated in order to achieve a satisfactory outcome that impacts all Woolwich.

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards

Knowledge: -Practice guides: 1. Mayor of London Road Strategy

Incentive: -Direct investment -Subsidy Control: -Development consents

2. Streetscape Guidance - Case studies











Supporting Case Studies

Exhibition Road, London The renovation of this road seeks to integrate vehicles and pedestrians, reducing the speed and making easy the pedestrian movement through different points of interests in a single surface. This example provides a useful approach to think and implement new crossing points making key axes for pedestrians.

Colourful Crossings, London This innovative action carried out for TfL, and Better Bankside seeks to explore how people perceive crossings and how they can be transformed to propose a stimulating environment in everyday life.

S e c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

M o vement O b j ect i ve /

S tr ategies

M.S.2: Increase walkability

M.S.2: Increase walkability

Policy Context Policy 6.10 Walking Policy 6.11 Smoothing traffic flow and tackling congestion Policy 7.2 An inclusive environment Policy 7.5 Public realm Promote a friendly and enjoyable environment for pedestrians. Implement high-quality streetscape to encourage people to choose walking and use public transport and cycling instead of cars. Strategic axes of the street network will be renovated with varieties of interventions that enhance the walking experience, to encourage residents to use and enjoy the public space and at the same time attract visitors to the area. Particular emphasis will have the A206 route, which is currently presented as an unwelcoming environment for pedestrians and acts as a barrier between Woolwich Core and the Riverside.

Tools This strategy uses both formal and informal tools being complementary to achieve the aim. However, in this case, informal tools have a predominant role working as a background of knowledge for futures public realm projects. In this sense, several guides and manuals from the public sector which are detailed in this section set principles that need to be used to deliver this strategy. Another essential tool is design coding specifically street typology. Hence, through the use of street coding is possible to develop at the same time different criteria to enhance pedestrian experience, and also recognising the different street hierarchy level.

Supporting Case Studies Ebbsfleet Implementation Framework This is a useful example of a framework, where design codes for different streets hierarchies are established, creating a minimum provision of elements that enhance street walkability.

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards -Design coding: 1. Street typology

Knowledge: -Practice guides: 1. Mayor of London Road Strategy 2. Streetscape Guidance 3. Accessible London 4. Manual for Streets 5.Healthy Streets for London

Incentive: -Direct investment Control: -Development consents






- Case studies Superkilen, Copenhagen This project is part of a partnership between Copenhagen Municipality and Realdania. The superkilen was thought as a new element to become a centre for the neighbourhood and be a source of inspiration for new developments in other places. The project used a high-quality standard for street furniture and the implementation of several playful components along the street. After years to be built the evaluation has been successful and both residents and visitor have been enjoyed an inclusive public space.









S e c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

M o vement O b j ect i ve /

S tr ategies

M.S.3: Increase legibility

M.S.3: Increase legibility

Policy Context Policy 6.10 Walking Policy 7.2 An inclusive environment Policy 7.5 Public realm Implementing wayfinding systems across Woolwich to contribute to unifying the area enhancing its identity through historical and new landmarks. Also, legibility will encourage both residents and visitors to walk to their destinations efficiently. Several landmarks are identified, both historical and new, to create easy navigation through Woolwich and at the same time to value its rich identity. Wayfinding systems will be implemented along five important pathways in the intervention area.

Tools The tools used to achieve this strategy are focused mainly on informal tools which provide knowledge through several practical guides. Therefore for the future implementation of the legible street network in Woolwich, the practical guides give information on where to put the legible points, how to make inclusive signs and more. Concerning formal tools, it is important to use design standard to ensure the work in association with TfL for the implementation of the same legible system that is already in other neighbourhoods across London contributing in this process to unify the visual language in the public space.

Supporting Case Studies Legible London System Architecture “Legible London is a wayfinding project designed to provide better information throughout the Capital for people who want to walk. A study conducted two years ago on behalf of TfL found that the present multitude of pedestrian sign systems in central London are ineffective and often confusing, and that there was a consequent over-reliance on the Tube map to help people navigate above ground. TfL has worked with the London Development Agency and in partnership with London Boroughs to develop a way of providing coordinated walking information across the capital, offering benefits for our transport system, for public health, the economy, tourism and the environment.�

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards

Knowledge: -Practice guides: 1. Mayor of London Road Strategy 2. Streetscape Guidance 3. Accessible London 4. Manual for Streets 5.Legible London System Architecture

Incentive: -Direct investment














S e c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

F u nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e /

Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives

Formal Tools


1. Good Growth Policies

3. Design

• Policy GG1 Building strong and inclusive communities • Policy GG2 Making the best use of land • Policy GG3 Creating a healthy city • Policy GG4 Delivering the homes Londoners need • Policy GG5 Growing a good economy

• Policy D6 Optimising housing density


2. Housing Policies

• High levels of housing growth. • Growth in the number of jobs in Royal Greenwich. • Growth and enhancement of the designated town centres, including the progress of Woolwich towards becoming a Metropolitan Centre. • Appropriate infrastructure to support growth.

2-1 Strategic policies • H1 New Housing • H2 Housing Mix • H3 Affordable Housing 2-2 Development management policies • H(b) Conversions • H(d) Supported Housing • H(e) Children’s play area

Design policy: -GLA Planning


Design frameworks: -The Core Strategy




Indicators Appraisal

Design frameworks: -Community Action Plan Design coding: -Neighbourhood Plan






Design review

• Policy H1 Increasing housing supply • Policy H5 Delivering affordable housing • Policy H7 Affordable housing tenure • Policy H12 Housing size mix

• Policy SD5 Offices, other strategic functions and residential development in the CAZ • Policy SD6 Town centres • Policy SD7 Town centre network • Policy SD8 Town centres: development principles and Development Plan Documents • Policy SD9 Town centres: Local partnerships and implementation • Policy SD10 Strategic and local regeneration

1. Spatial strategy


4. House

2. Spatial Development Patterns


Informal Tools

5. Social infrastructure • Policy S3 Education and childcare facilities

6. Economy • Policy E1 Offices • Policy E3 Affordable workspace

7. Heritage and culture • Policy HC5 Supporting London’s culture and creative industries • Policy HC7 Protecting public houses

3. Economic Activities and Employment Policies 3-1 Strategic policies • EA1 Economic Development 3-2 Development management policies • EA(a) Local Employment Sites

4. Open space 5. Cohesive and Healthy communipolicies 4-2 Development ties policies management policies • OS(b) Community Open Space

5-1 Strategic policies • CH1 Cohesive communities • CH2 Healthy communities 5-2 Development management policies • CH(a) Lack of community facilities

Core Objective 1: Social and Community Needs 1.1 Strengthened physical and social links 1.2 Greater local participation in community initiatives 1.3 Ensure a mix of housing and access to an adequate choice of service and infrastructures.


Core Objective 2: Economic Activity To attract, maintain and enhance employment, particularly where it can enrich and enliven the public realm.


Direct investment


Development consents

S e c t ion 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

F u nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e /

Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives


Street Hierarchy The approach establishes a network of FIXED routes between plots that create a safe, accessible and legible street pattern, knitting the site into the surrounding area. UNFIXED streets subdivide the plots further to encourage movement and permeability as more local, residential connections. The balanced integration of pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles along safe and attractive routes is a priority, in order to create defined streets that are active, legible, overlooked and visually open. This code for public realm should be established for the streetscapes using materials in common with those used in the adjacent streets, the existing estate, and throughout Barnet.


Former Connaught Estate The connections with the surrounding context and the permeability of the site is clearly defined - the street network and hierarchy are described on the parameter plans and in the detail of the masterplan layout. The hard landscape palette has been developed to provide robust materials with proved well wearing properties. The palette has drawn on inspiration for the surrounding context with materials replicated on site to provide a visual link between the site and the surrounding landscape.


Design standards: -British Standards Design coding: -Street typology


Process management


Development consents


Design frameworks Design policies



Formal Tools

Design standards Design coding: -Street typology

Informal Tools


Practice guides: -TfL Streetscape Guidance -Manual for Streets


Practice guides: -Accessible London


Public consultation

• Create a landmark high quality mixed use development, which will help integrate the Royal Arsenal and Crossrail station into the town centre





• Increase and diversify housing development



• Contribute to Woolwich’s growth

• Expand and improve the cultural and leisure offer • Attract and retain people within Woolwich

Se c t io n 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

Fu nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e / In the Woolwich Town Centre SPD, it is necessary to intensified this area. While at the mean time, the Arsenal way is essential as offering employment opportunities for individuals. With the open of crossrail, the employment and residential pressure will be pushed to another level. Hence, the arsenal area is a opportunity area for mixed use as proposed in the Woolwich Town Centre SPD. However, SPD argued that the Arsenal way need a new master plan for this area and little development has been observed during the site visit. Therefore, this Woolwich framework will propose a initial plan for the Arsenal way. This proposal suggested provide multi-function development while maintaining the original functions and local context.

Str ategies KEY

proposing area

Desire Outcome: Mixed function areas with appropriate amount of residential area, community functions, working space and retail options. This area will work as a connection point between Plumstead, Woolwich, Broadwater Green and Thamesmead with various functions serve for different purpose.














Strategies FM.S.1. Provide mixed housing Provide new residential development which is at least 50% affordable. And this strategy could mitigate the accommodation pressure would be brough by crossrail. The accommodation will be mixed tenure and mix of flats and houses to encourage the diversity. FM.S.2. Encourage community functions New buildings will be used for more than commertial uses, but serve for community functions as well. Providing a strong local sense and neighbourhood identity will active the use of the Arsenal way. Ultimately, there will be some spaces maintained for community-relate use such as nursery, clinic, community centre, new school and others. FM.S.3. Increase variety of retail and commertial uses In order to provide enough business for the potential residents and work as a connected point between different areas in Woolwich, new food stores and other markets, retails and commertial functions will be installed in this area. This strategy is applied under the privilege of original businesses, while enhance it to another level. FM.S.4. Introduce new offices and workspace Playing an essential role of providing employment in Woolwich, this function will be maintained and strengthen to fulfill the future needs. This strategy will bring more employment opportunities for not only local people but other as well. FM.S.5. Ground floor use Ground floor use is an essential component of functional mix, as it defines the building’s interface with the public realm, affecting vitality and safety of the adjacent street. Factors such as increase of online shopping or deterioration of income, that affected Woolwich at some point of time, can decrease liveliness and attractiveness of the city core. It is the local authority’s role to protect, direct and cherish the community and business uses on the ground.

Problems of the site: 1: Ware house appearence does not fit into local context. 2: There are numerous proportion of land are left blank or used as garbage point. 3: Locating at marginal area of the site boundary. 4: Pressure of arriving crossrail on ratail and accommodation. 5: Monofunction area.

Strength and requirements: 1: This is an important employment area and will remain these uses will remain important to Woolwich and the wider area (SPD). 2: Existing businesses will be prioritised for protection and fully consulted as part of any more detailed proposals in the future (SPD). 3: The development of this area can connect the existing residents and businesses in Plumstead, Woolwich town centre, Broadwater Green and Thamesmead as this site is centrally located. Opportunity: 1: The arriving crossrail and others new development around the area.

Se c t io n 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

Fu nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e /

Str ategies

FM.S.1. Provide mixed housing Mixed housing will be provided in the Arsenal way, Spray street, and Thomas street as well. Moreover, the current leisure centre will be moved into town centre area and be replaced by mixed housing as well to provide a better cluster of functions at town centre for local residents as well as offer a clearer function layout at Woolwich. Both flat and houses will be installed in Woolwich at different locations with mixed tenure to fit into surrounding neighbourhoods. And among them, affordable housing is one of the priorities. Policy Context The London Plan: Policy H1: Increasing housing supply Policy H5: Delivering affordable housing Policy H7: Affordable housing tenure Policy H10: Redevelopment of existing housing and estate regeneration Policy H12: Housing size mix Policy H13: Build to rent Local Plan: Royal Greenwich Plan: H(d): Supported housing

Supporting Case Studies

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design policy(the London Plan, local plan, supplementary plans) - Design Framework

Evidence: - Research - Audit

Incentive: -Direct investment - Process management Control: - Adoption - Development consent - Warranting

Promotion: - Award - Campaign - Advocacy Evaluation: - Indicator - Competitions - Design review Assistence: - Enabling Knowledge: - Case studies

(Ely Court, London) This project demonstrates that Local Authority commission and deliver housing with high quality to integrate previously segregated neighbourhoods. The masterplan recurred the design in 19th century that bring vehicles and pedestrians together at a shared surface. Formal tools: Design Policy, Design coding, Design framework, Direct investment, Development consent Informal tools: Award, Research, Design review, Enabling

The estate regeneration project replaces a series of unpopular 1970s buildings. The design takes inspiration from the surrounding Warner Estate’s popular half-houses. Stacked dwellings take on the architectural expression of a big house and gabled fronts enhance the streetscape. The scheme was designed to meet the London Housing Design Guide Standards that drafted by private sectors. The scheme was cited by the planning committee as “an exceptional design” and “an opportunity not to be missed”. Formal tools: Design policy, Design framework, Design standards, Adoption, Process management, Development consent (Hammond Court, London)


Informal tools: Research, Audit, Advocacy, Case studies, Enabling, Design review












FM.S.2. Encourage community functions In order to support new housing development, community functions are needed for local residents. Plus, there is little community functions and facilities in Woolwich currently. Hence, this functions should not be overlooked. For providing ample community sevices, certain places will be maintained for these services compulsorily especially around housing development. Case study 1: Qianxun Community Centre The building appearance restore the traditional local house which echoing both natural and cultural context within increasingly speedy development cities. As a community center at the edge of the compound, this building needs to provide public services for the surrounding communities, including communal affairs, social events, art exhibitions, parent-child activities, sports, convenient store and so on: these public activities constitute the internal demands of the project. Here, the internal demands and external environment of the building are integrated, so as to create a dynamic community space. Policy Context The London Plan: - Policy S1: Developing London’s social infrastructure (S2-S6) - Policy GG1: Building strong and inclusive communities Royal Greenwich Local Plan: - OS(b): Community open space - CH1: Cohesive communities - CH(a): Lack of community facilities

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design policy(the London Plan, local plan, supplementary plans) - Design Framework

Evidence: - Research - Audit

Incentive: -Direct investment - Process management Control: - Adoption - Development consent - Warranting

Promotion: - Award - Partnership - Advocacy Evaluation: - Indicator - Competitions - Design review Assistence: - Enabling Evaluation: - Indicator - Competitions - Design review


Se c t io n 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

Fu nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e /

Str ategies

FM.S.3. Increase variety of retail and commertial uses In Woolwich Town centre SPD, it acknowledged the importance of providing qualitative and various retial for local residents with the high demand of potential need from future citizens. Moreover, to encourage the vitality and dynamic of Woolwich, diverse types of services should be provided. Policy Context The London Plan: - Policy GG5: Growing a good economy - Policy SD6: Town centres Royal Greewich Local Plan: - EA1: Economic development - Growth and enhancement of the designated town centres, including the progress of Woolwich towards becoming a Metropolitan Centre. - Appropriate infrastructure to support growth. Supporting Case Studies

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design policy(the London Plan, local plan, supplementary plans) - Design Framework

Evidence: - Research - Audit

- Design standards Incentive: -Direct investment - Process management Control: - Adoption - Development consent

Promotion: - Award - Campaign - Advocacy


Evaluation: - Indicator - Competitions - Design review Assistence: - Enabling

- Developer contribution












- Warranting

Case study 1: Nya Eriksberg, Uppsala, 2013 This project redeveloped the original buildings into a multi-functional community with different and numerous services and retail options where existing functions are maintained and enhanced. The proposal entails creating a long-term process with the aim of generating a vibrant area with diversity, greenery and beneficial life qualities. Formal tools: Design policy, Design coding, Direct investment, Process management, Bonuses, Adoption, Development consent, Developer contribution Informal tools: Research, Audit, Award, Advocacy, Competitions, Enabling FM.S.4. Introduce new offices and workspace With the increasing of all the functions such as residential and retail, the employment plays an indispensable role in functional mix. Where in the local plan and supplementary plans admit the importance and enhancement of employment opportunity. Policy Context The London Plan: - Policy SD5 Offices, other strategic functions and residential development in the CAZ - Policy E1 Offices Royal Greenwich Local Plan: - Growth in the number of jobs in Royal Greenwich. - EA(a) Local Employment Sites

Supporting Case Studies Case study 1: small tower, Strasbourg, 2017 This small tower has been built in the historic Krutenau district in Strasbourg. The city has a number of vacant plots that are too small to be of interest to promoters. Within only 120 sqm, a programme of offices and accommodation, with a kitchen garden and even an organic swimming pool on the topmost terrace have been proposed.

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design policy(the London Plan, local plan, supplementary plans) - Design Framework

Evidence: - Research - Audit

- Design standards Incentive: -Direct investment - Process management

Formal tools: Design policy, Design coding, Design standards, Direct investments, Developer contribution, Adoption, Development consent

Control: - Adoption - Development consent

Informal tools: Research, Education, Advocacy, Campaigns, Enabling

- Warranting

- Developer contribution

Promotion: - Award - Partnership - Advocacy Evaluation: - Indicator - Competitions - Design review Assistence: - Enabling


Se c t io n 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

Fu nctiona l M i x O b j ect i v e /

Str ategies

FM.S.5. Ground floor use Ground floor use is an essential component of functional mix, as it defines the building’s interface with the public realm, affecting vitality and safety of the adjacent street. Factors such as increase of online shopping or deterioration of income, that affected Woolwich at some point of time, can decrease liveliness and attractiveness of the city core. It is the local authority’s role to protect, direct and cherish the community and business uses on the ground. First, this could be encouraged and enforced through designated shopping (or non-retail) frontages, as utilized by the Greenwich Local Plan, for example. In case of new developments, ground floor use can be mediated through development consents or warranting. In case of the existing building stock, conversion consents coupled with a clear design coding may create a coherent active frontage. It is also important to address both the supply and demand sides of the issue. Ground floor businesses tend to flourish in the settings of improved public realm, so investments in improvement of paving or designated pedestrianized streets could be significant demand drivers. Affordability is another factor to ensure ground floor businesses are inclusive to the existing locals and not just the middle class newcomers. Start-up enterprises usually struggle with affording high rent and hence lose the floor space to more established superstores and franchises. This could be mitigated through subsidies funded from development contributions for example. Training businesses on how to modernize and survive in the digital age, provision of research to underpin their marketing strategies can be another tool of promotion. Both funding and expert support proved to be effective in Baltic Triangle neighbourhoods, Liverpool, hosting successful start-ups and creative industries. In addition. coordination and partnerships are found to be key in setting up ground-floor activity in a clustered manner that produces most synergies. All of the stakeholders, including the authority, entrepreneurs and communities, should cooperate, as has been demonstrated by the city centre revitalization in Kajaani, Finland, for example.

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design policy - Design Framework - Design coding

Promotion: - Partnerships

Incentive: - Direct investment - Subsidy

Siren is a retaurant business in the Baltic Triangle, a Liverpool startup area that enjoys authorities funding in setting up successfull local enterprises https://baltictriangle.co.uk/food-and-drink/

Control: - Development consent - Developer contribution - Warranting

Knowledge: - Research - Training

Use of designated primary and secondary retail frontages in the Greenwich Local Plan

Se ct io n 2 - W O O LWIC H F R A ME WORK

Hi s torical Ch aract er O b je c tiv e /

Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives

ASCOT, SUNNINGHIL & SUNNINGDALE Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2026 (p.33)

Policy NP/GD1 Respecting the Townscape : Due to the Royal Borough’s Townscape Assessment has not been adopted as Planning Policy or as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Design standards Design coding


Case studies Education/Training



Developer contributions Adoption Development consent


Research Audit


Partnerships Campiagns

Formal Tools


- To protect the character and distinctiveness of the area. In an area where some development may already have impacted on its defined character,

Informal Tools

O p en S p ac e

- to stop future development from eroding it further.

CREATIVE ENTERPRISE ZONES Prospectus 2017 (p.20) Case study : Tottenham Pathfider

CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) Case study : George & Dragon, Hudswell North Yorkshire


Strategy 6 - Great places Putting Tottenham’s character and heritage centre-stage while creating better public spaces to meet, shop and have fun.Tottenham is home to talented artists, creators and makers. It is an increasingly attractive choice for an expanding cluster of creative industries who provide jobs and give character and identity to the area.


Design frameworks Design policy


Partnerships Advocacy


Developer contributions Adoption Development consent

Localism Act 2011

Asset of Community Value (ACV)

Asset of Community Value (ACV) - Pub Heritage Protecting the local pub from demolition or change of use without a planning application. National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors. A second tier – the Regional Inventories of Historic Pub Interiors – records interiors which, though more altered, still have significant historic and architectural value.


Subsidy Direct Investment


Case studies

Chapter 4 . Draft Policy - Design and Historic Environment


Design standards Design coding


Case studies Practice guide

1. Strategic Policy DH1: Good Design and Local Character and Historic Environment 2. Strategic Policy DH3: The Historic Environment 3. Policy DH5: Building Heights


Developer contributions Adoption Development consent


Research (i.e. UCL Bartlett Woolwich architecture research)


Design review

S e c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

H i s tor ical Ch aract er Ob je c tiv e / “Woolwich is a famous historic town and has tremendous potential to once again become a thriving centre. Woolwich has an exceptional setting on the Thames with a stunning historic legacy of high quality buildings. Woolwich is also benefitting from major new transport infrastructure including the Docklands Light Railway and Crossrail which bring Docklands, the City and the West End within easy reach” (SPD, 2012).

Str ategies Historical Cluster

Historical Pathway

Historic context, the time line shows activities and function of Woowich since 1716 until 1974, There was gradully transformation from military uses, industial factories, commercial, football club until “Woolwich” neighbourhood where have a mixture of existing town scape, community, built and un-built added by new residents, new developments to make a stronger sense of place and community and bring back life to Woolwich again. According to Historic English (2019) map shows 29 historical listed buildings within the framework. Almost one-fourth (8 buildings) are located as a cluster around the Bathway Quarter and over half are located outspread as a pathway both side of highway A206 by more likely above in the current new development area. (Historic English, 2019) and this can be a potential to preserve its character in the new developments in globalization world. Desire Outcome: To improve Woolwich’s historical character which is contemporary process and to re-use a historical buildings where can be used as a cultural heritage transfer to the generation to remain the unique existing character together the new development for new generation intregrating to value local community in a sustainable way.

Strategies: To achieve the objective 03 : Historical character within London Plan Policy context There are three main strategies below Listed historical buildings

HC.S.1. : Creative enterprise zones / Cultural clusters HC.S.2. : Respond to existing character HC.S.3. : Integrating heritage considerations early on in the design process.

(Historic English, 2019)

Listed Historical Buildings Red boundary (SPD 2012 Framework)

Yellow boundary (Protential extended framwork)

South Entrance Rotunda Woolwich foot tunnel Granda Cinema Royal Arsenal Cooperative Society Woolwich Methodist Church Police Station 24-28 Market Street 18, Woolwich Townhall Magistrates Court Public Library University of Greenwich Woolwich Old Townhall Equitable House Public House The Former Woolwich Covered Market Main entrance to Royal Arsenal Royal Arsenal Brass Foudary Royal Arsenal Main Guardroom Royal Arsenal Verbruggens House The officers block Royal Arsenal Royal Arsenal dial square entrance range Royal Arsenal Royal Laboratory East Pavilion Royal Arsenal Royal Laboratory West Pavilion Royal Arsenal The Board Room Royal Arsenal Former New Cariage Store Building 10 Royal Arsenal Building 41 and 41A Royal Laboratory Square Royal Arsenal West Riverside Guardroom Royal Arsenal East Riverside Guardroom Royal Arsenal Middle gate and attacted Boundary Wall to the West Royal Arsenal Middle gate house

Royal Arsenal Former Paper Cartridge Factory Building 17 Royal Arsenal Building 18 Royal Arsenal Building 19 Royal Arsenal Building 20 Royal Arsenal Rifle Shell Factory Gateway Royal Arsenal The Grand Store West and South Rangers Buildings Royal Arsenal Armstrong Gun factory

Framework and Site boundary analysis The Woolwich’s historical context and existing buildings plays a key role in the definition of these places to be ‘unique’ Thus, the number of listed buildings could be significant Woolwich’s character indicator. According to the Historic English (2019) map shows 29 listed buildings in the SPD, 2012 framework and 8 listed buildings further area right next in the North (Yellow framework) can be an extension area of a new framwork for Woolwich Town Center development guidelines.

Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

H i s tor ical Ch aract er Ob je c tiv e /

Str ategies

HC.S.3 : Integrating heritage considerations early on in the design process. According to rapidly developing and gentrification by developers due to private ownership and opportunity area promoting and also national Infrastructure implementation Thus, In order to embrace the value of historical context, indeed to integrat heritage considerations early on the design process.

Policy HC1 Heritage conservation and growth Although Woolwich is not a fully London’s conservation area, its location is an important historical industry area and Victorian suburb which can be promoted as a urban character of Woolwich to be unique. Tools The SPD could have had used a formal tool (Design coding and Design framework) to guideline for both of the 3-dimension visualize design (how building look like) and 2-dimension masterplan to frame an important historical area. Also informal tool (Evidence, Knowledge, Promotion) as a tool for support listed historical buildings (heritage values) and context surroundings (historic environment) by practice guides through case studies to set out clear vision that recognizes and embeds the role of heritage in place-making, planning, proposal and design process of new developments and existing to be more cohesive each other both in terms of horizontal diversity (lot-size, uses, looks, style) and vertical diversity (scale, height). From the policy context (Draft New London Plan 2017) on character map will see that, Woolwich is a historical industrial area however, from London’s Convervation Areas map shows that Woolwich area is not covered by conservation area therefore, in order to achieve the unique character is more focus on Infomal tools because it can be indirect force and participation to control its characters and surroundings.

Formal tools Guidance: - Design standards - Design Coding - Design Framework Control: - Developer contributions - Adoption - Development consent

Informal tools Evidence: - Research - Audit Knowledge: - Case studies - Education / Training Promotion: - Partnerships - Campiagns

(Policy Context Draft New London Plan 2017)

Supporting Case Studies Ascot, Sunninghill & Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2026 (p.33) Design Guilelines : Policy NP/GD1 Respecting the Townscape. Highlight : - Community feedback in the consultations was the desire to retain and protect the character of the area. - The Townscape Assessment is a helpful document in informing what defines the character of an area and we have therefore used its Classifications as a basis for zoning for some of our policies. - The policies in this section all relate to ensuring that the key characteristics and descriptions that define the character of our neighbourhood are respected.

Artists impression of what the High Street could look like

- In an area where some development may already have impacted on its defined character, to stop future development from eroding it further.

The vision was agreed with residents; representatives of the parish council and stakeholder group; The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead; and the Prince’s Foundation, following a series of workshops and meetings.

- The policy is not intended to stifle or prevent development; it is an encouragement to applicants to respond creatively and respectfully to the character of the area when designing their development.

Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

H i s tor ical Ch aract er Ob je c tiv e /

Str ategies

HC.S.1 : Creative Enterprise Zones / Cultural Clusters Historical buildings where can be a potential public spaces for community to be social infrastructures, public facilities, gathering place and also cultural exchanges. Thus, creative enterprises can be fill-in those areas in order to delivery cultural public uses for all in community to create more sense of community. Policy context Policy HC5 - Supporting London's culture and creative industries Policy HC7 - Protecting public houses In order to The continued growth and evolution of London’s diverse cultural facilities, indeed to Identify, protect and enhance new and existing locally-distinct clusters of cultural facilities, venues and related uses defined as Cultural Quarters. Tools Formal tool (Subsidy, Design framework and control) to guideline to set and area to promote Cultural Quarters (1.Bathway Quarter 2. the former Woolwich Covered Market to Royal Arsenal Riverside) and direct invest (i.e. Good Growth Fund) for government-owned building for public uses and access or collaborate with private who take over the place (developer contribution) as an Informal Tool (Partnership, Design review) to integrate uses with creative activities and respond to the historical surroundings. Another tool, Asset of Community Value (ACV) to allow local residents own their heritage assets and run business as a community value function to protect transfer to selling and losing the cultural venues to external investors.

Formal tools Guidance: - Design Framework Control: - Developer contributions - Adoption - Development consent Incentive: - Subsidy - Direct Investment

Informal tools Promotion: - Partnerships - Advocacy Asset of Community Value (ACV) Localism Act 2011 Knowledge: - Case studies

Supporting Case Studies 1. Creative Enterprise Zones Prospectus 2017 (p.20) Case study : Tottenham Pathfider Strategy 6 - Great places – putting Tottenham’s character and heritage centre-stage while creating better public spaces to meet, shop and have fun. Tottenham is home to talented artists, creators and makers. It is an increasingly attractive choice for an expanding cluster of creative industries who provide jobs and give character and identity to the area. Tottenham’s creative landscape is flourishing; but the arrival of Crossrail 2 and rapid development is already having an impact on the affordability of creative workspace.

2. CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) Currently 265 – are listed on our National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors. A second tier – the Regional Inventories of Historic Pub Interiors – records interiors which, though more altered, still have significant historic and architectural value. (Pub Heritage, 2019) Case study : George & Dragon, Hudswell North Yorkshire - The first community-owned pub in North Yorkshire was officially opened by local MP William Hague in June 2010. The pub closed in 2008, so a group of villagers founded the Hudswell Community Pub Initiative to raise funds to buy it back through a variety of grants and award schemes.

Woolwich Grand Theatre was rejeced for an Assets of Community Value (ACV) decision in December 2014 (Royal Borough of Greenwich, 2019) where was considered to be demolished and replace by private residential instesd.

Se ct io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

H i s tor ical Ch aract er Ob je c tiv e /

Str ategies

HC.S.2 : Respond to existing character Among new rapid developments and policy that support demand of housing, developers are a key role that drive design and historical environment of area through new projects and also bring new community. In order to enrich the historical character, new development need to be coorperate and develope in the the frame that support historical environm Policy context Policy HC3 Strategic and Local Views Clearly identifying important local views in Local Plans and strategies enables the effective management of development in and around the views. Local views should be given the same degree of protection as Strategic Views. Tools The formal tools (Design Standard, Design Coding, Control) and Informal tool (Case studies, Practice Guides) to guideline to the residential development realize to its historical surrounding event though there are gaps of flexible regulation to let free new delovelopment approach. The Woolwich’s historical context and existing buildings plays a key role in the definition of these places to be ‘unique’ there are 29 buildings are heritage listed. Thus, in order to make overall area is more cohesive and perserve its historical enviroment together development in an opportunity area whrere have a potential to address the shortage of housing issue in the future.

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: - Design standards - Design Coding

Evidence - Research (i.e. UCL Bartlett Woolwich research)

Control: - Developer contributions - Adoption - Development consent

Knowledge: - Case studies - Practice Guides Evaluation: - Design Review

Supporting Case Studies Tower Hamlets Draft Local Plan 2031 (p.48) CHAPTER 4 . DRAFT POLICIES - Design and Historic Environment Highlight : 1. Strategic Policy DH1: Good Design and Local Character and Historic Environment. 1.1 Being sensitive to and responding to the existing character and reflecting this in: - The scale, height, mass, bulk and form of development. - The building plot sizes, plot coverage and street patterns. - The building lines and setbacks, roof line and roof forms, streetscape rhythm and other streetscape elements - The architectural language, design details, elements and materials applied on elevations, roof forms and landscapes - Rnhancing the natural environment and protecting features of positive value within the site - Retaining and respecting the features that contribute to each place’s heritage, character and local distinctiveness - Taking into account impacts on microclimate - Focusing tall buildings in identified Tall Building Zones 1.2. Ensuring developments are designed to be easily adaptable to different uses and the changing needs of user 1.3. Reusing existing buildings where possible.

2. Strategic Policy DH3: The Historic Environment 2.1 Development is required to conserve and enhance the Borough’s designated and non-designated heritage assets and their settings. 2.2 Proposals for the demolition of a heritage asset will only be considered under exceptional circumstances where substantial public benefit outweighs the substantial harm of demolition. 3. Policy DH5: Building Heights 3.1 Tall Buildings are only acceptable within identified Tall Building Zones 3.2 Be of a height and scale, mass and volume that are proportionate to its location and in keeping with the positive character of the local context of its surroundings, including the predominant building heights 3.3 Not harm heritage assets or strategic and local views, including their settings and backdrops 3.4 Present a human scale of development at the street level by appropriately designed massing, high quality details and materials 3.5 To demonstrate how the design respects the character of its context.

Tower Hamlets’s desing coding

S e c t io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve / Strategies

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches


(1) South Lanarkshire Green Network-Quality Design Guide (2) Whitechapel Vision (3) Spray street master plan (4) Spaceshaper - CABE (5) London Plan 2011 (6) Greener Greenwich Supplementary Planning Document (7) Green space strategies - a good practice guide - CABE

Potential ap p roaches Formal Tools (1) Design Standard - ‘Design Principle - Achieving a balance between creating attractive and sheltered spaces that people want to use and allowing appropriate levels of natural surveillance.’ (2) Developer Contributions - ‘MED CITY CAMPUS-Create a much-needed active green space for Whitechapel with a range and diversity of places for the community to enjoy, relax and socialise within.’ (2) Developer Contribution - ‘DURWARD STREET GARDENS- Important opportunity to enlarge and improve the public realm and provide new open space around the transport Interchange while providing amenity for businesses and local residents.’ (3) Design Coding - ‘Opportunities for public realm planting, green roofs and private amenity space should be actively considered through new development, including connecting with and supporting surrounding green infrastructure.’

Informal Tools Case Studies (4) Practice Guide - Why prepare a green space strategy? - ‘Good quality green spaces are an essential element of urban neighbourhoods and make a profound contribution to the quality of life of communities. They offer many economic, social and environmental benefits. Approaching their planning and management strategically will maximise the value of capital investment and revenue expenditure.’

(5) Design Policy - London Plan 2011 - ‘Policy 5.3 states that major development proposals should meet the minimum standards outlined in the Mayors Supplementary Planning Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction. The standards include measures to achieve sustainable design principles including promoting and protecting biodiversity and green infrastructure.’ (6) Design Policy - ‘5.1.18 The design of new developments should not cause a net loss of publicly accessible open space and should improve access and the accessibility of open spaces.’


(1) Design & Access Statment - One Woolwich (2) London Plan 2011 (3) Greener Greenwich Supplementary Planning Document (4) Green space strategies - a good practice guide - CABE

(1) Design Framework - ‘The Wall Garden’

Case Studies

(2) Design Policy - ‘London Plan 2011 - Policy 5.3 states that major development proposals should meet the minimum standards outlined in the Mayors Supplementary Planning Guidance on Sustainable Design and Construction. The standards include measures to achieve sustainable design principles including promoting and protecting biodiversity and green infrastructure.’

(4) Practice Guide - Why prepare a green space strategy? - ‘Good quality green spaces are an essential element of urban neighbourhoods and make a profound contribution to the quality of life of communities. They offer many economic, social and environmental benefits. Approaching their planning and management strategically will maximise the value of capital investment and revenue expenditure.’

(3) Design Policy - 3.5.7 - ‘Green spaces and corridors help to cool our urban environments, improve air quality and ameliorate surface run-off.’

S e c t io n 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve / Strategies


Potential ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches (1) New London Plan (2) Royal Greenwich Local Plan: Core Strategy with Detailed Policies (3) South Lanarkshire Green Network-Quality Design Guide (4) Design & Access Statment - One Woolwich (5) Greenwich Biodiversity Action Plan

Formal Tools

(1) Design Policy - ‘Policy G6 Biodiversity and access to nature - Biodiversity enhancement should be considered from the start of the development process; seek opportunities to create habitats that are of particular relevance and benefit in an urban context. (2) Design Policy - ’Policy OS4 Biodiversity - Biodiversity enhancements will be encouraged particularly in areas that are currently deficient in accessible wildlife sites.’ (3) Design Standard - ‘Design principles - Functional linking of space through wide, green habitat corridors.’ (4) Design Framework - ‘Enhace the biodiversity of this urban site, through incorporation of pollinating and nectar producing species along witht he inclusion of artificial habitats within the landscape’ (5) Design Framework- ‘Generic actions to be taken to address the main factors underlying a decline in biodiversity’


(1) Riverside Walk Enhancement Strategy (2) Charlton Riverside Spd (3) South Tyneside Local Development Framework (4) Erith Western Gateway Development Framework

(1) Enhancement Strategy 8 re-development principles including continuity, paving and accessibility, applied across the City of London riverside to ensure high quality and active use of the public realm. (2) SPD The riverside section includes height, massing, setback, ground-floor use, orientation, layout and funding guidance. (3) Development Framework The riverside section includes permeability, ground floor, layout, height principles as well as partnership framework and control tools such as development contributions. (4) Development Framework The riverside section includes active frontages, flood levels, connections, public realm and planning obligations provisions.

Informal Tools

Case Studies 4) Practice Guide - Why prepare a green space strategy? - ‘Good quality green spaces are an essential element of urban neighbourhoods and make a profound contribution to the quality of life of communities. They offer many economic, social and environmental benefits. Approaching their planning and management strategically will maximise the value of capital investment and revenue expenditure.’

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve /

Str ategies

High quality built environemnt is an essential part of enhancing the public realm and the vitality of Woolwich Town Centre. Recent improvements to the design of the town centre, including introducing more job oppotunities with the new Tesco along Love Lane and other retailers, providing new housing developments along the Riverside and within the Town Centre. However, the SPD rarely mentioned animating Woolwich Town Centre and The Riverside through provision of green infrastructure. In this project, the site should capitalise on connecting the entire site with green infrastructure, such as, high quality green/open spaces (parks, or pocket garden); green corridors along main streets; incooperate intensive and extensive green roofs; public realm planting and all development should achieve carbon emission reductions in line with the energy hierarchy set out by the Mayor: Be lean, Be Clean, Be green. Therefore, opportunities for public realm should be strongly considered throughout all developments and it should connect with the surrounding green infrastructure. Finally, as an important point of arrival within Woolwich, the green infrastrucutres could provide opportunities to create a gateway to the Town Centre, improving walkability, legability and connectivity with the surrounding areas of activity.


Example 1

Example 2

Red Cross Garden, Southwark

East Village, Stratford, London - A local park providing opportunities for children to play and others to sit down and chat.

Example 3

Example 4

Funen Amsterdam- Courtyard at the centre of a development, residence are encouraged to actively used the public space.

Dalston Eastern Curve Garden, Dalston, London - A volunteer run community garden, where community meet and creates funds for new garden projects.

Desire Outcome: Increase green infrastructure coverage by integrating the spaces across Woolwich and Royal Arsenal. Creating an animated riverside and Woolwich Town Centre through high quality green spaces, for socialising and events; allowing more opportunities and place for adults and children to play; providing green corridors for more plesent physical connection while walking in and around Woolwich; incrase biodiversity to help create a more resilient Woolwich for future climate change and to promote a healthy community living environment. Green infrastructure finally can unify the area by enhancing its identity. Strategies O.S.S.1. Increase Green spaces: Create new green spaces to provide a sense of identity and resilience to Woolwich Town Centre. Increase green space coverage will help to cool down the urban environment, improve air quality, reduce srface run-off and improve citizens mental and physical health. O.S.S.1.1: Example 1 & 2 -Health and wellbeing * Provide sporting facilities that are integrated within the landscape to benefit users health. * Multifunctional facilities encouraged allowing flexibility of use. * Connecting local green spaces well to the surrounding residential estates to encourage high levels of running, walking and cycling, to create a more sustainable and efficient way of getting between spaces. O.S.S.1.2: Example 3 -Active edges * Buildings meet green spaces to create animation and foster a sense of community. O.S.S.1.2: Example 4 -Growing Space * Provide small pocket parks to encourage informal meet-ups and enable residents to participate in growing their own plants/food.

Tools Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards -Design coding -Design policy

Knowledge: -Practice guides - Case studies

Incentive: -Direct investment Control: -Developer contributions

Evaluation: -Indicators

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve /

Str ategies

O.S.S.2 Implement Green Corridors: Well-connected green infrastructure in Woolwich can promote its image, allowing it to have more attractive and competitive character. It also provides the ability for wildlife species to migrate between sites,these can include, intensive and extensive green roof designs and street trees.

Examples Example 1:

Example 1:

Tools O.S.S.2.1 - Street Trees - Example 1: Semi-mature street trees loacted in Olympic Village London, allows shared surfaces and creates a pedestrian friendly environment, another example would be groups of street trees in Basal, Switzerland. Therefore overall with these Design Policies and Framework by other case studies implimenting them in Woolwich could help contribute to: − High quality public realm − Integrated storm water management − Wayfinding and a better walking and cycling environment − Enhancing local identity

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards -Design policy

Knowledge: -Practice guides - Case studies

Incentive: -Direct investment Control: -Developer contributions

O.S.S.2.2 - Green Roofs - Example 2: According to ‘Living Roofs and Walls - Technical Report: Supporting London Plan Policy’, it stated that US city of Chicago has been encouraging green roof implimentation. They stated a study showed ‘the temperature on a conventional roof was 28°C higher than on a green roof.’

Groups of street trees in Basal, Switzerland. Example 1:

Guidance for dedicated Commercial Lanes

Example 2:

Green Roof, Chicago City Hall.

Semi-mature street trees loacted in Olympic Village London, creates a pedestrian friendly environment.

Example 1:

Street trees in commerical streets

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve / O.S.S.3 Biodiversity: Enhace the biodiversity of Woolwich of this urban site, by planting pollinating and nectoar producing species in green spaces and green corridors. Providing a balanced atmosphere between the built environment and the natural environment, where wildlife and humans live together.

Str ategies

Tools Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design standards -Design policy -Design framework

Knowledge: - Case studies

Incentive: -Direct investment Control: -Developer contributions


Legend Green Network Green spaces Primary Green Corridors Secondary Green Corridors

This is the proposed Green network that potentially connects green spaces outside and inside the site to the the Riverside, at the same time, enhancing the local legebility and character.

Ankara - Turkey

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve / O.S.S.4 Animate the Riverside: Riverside presents an opporunity to revitalize the area and attract citizens to the newly redeveloped sites, extending the neighborhood core, creating new jobs and providing more opportunities for leisure, shopping and community bonding. Since riverside is an important asset of the area that has features quite distinct from the rest of the open spaces throughout the neighborhood, it should be approached from multiple perspectives. A detailed set of sub-strategies is presented further in the report as an appendix to this section. To summarise, riverside design principles shall include continuity, coherence, appropriate setback and massing, accessibility, cycle ban, active frontage, permeability, flood defense, provision of green and public spaces. Guidance and control tools are the most effective in implementing these sub-strategies.

Str ategies


Tall buildings along the river, not in

Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design coding -Design policy -Design framework

Evidence: - Audit

Incentive: -Direct investment -Bonuses

the town centre (right). Photograph: WXY architecture + urban design

Knowledge: - Practice guides Promotion: - Awards Public spaces and landscape design retain

Control: -Developer contributions -Development consents

visitors near the Seine (top). Photograph: Francois Guillot/AFP Pleasant waterfront as a business opportunity for leisure (right), factor of vitality. Photograph: Express

O.S.S.4.1 Continuity

O.S.S.4.3 Setback

Publicly accessible direct route along the waterfront with minimum diversions.

Buildings should not be placed too far or too close to the riverside as this may obstruct the movement or weaken attractiveness and use of the frontages. Authorities may enforce minimum and maximum values levels, or even the exact setback value to enhance continuity of the route.

Case studies:



Formal tools

Case studies:

Informal tools


Formal tools

Guidance: -Design coding


(Appendix) Informal tools

Guidance: -Design coding -Design standards

Control: -Development consents

Control: -Development consents

O.S.S.4.2 Coherence

Case studies:

Enhance distinct and coherent feel and character of the waterfront through consistent use of lightning, paving materials and design.

Formal tools Guidance: -Design coding Control: -Development consents -Developer contributions




O.S.S.4.4 Public Space

Formal tools

Informal tools

Informal tools

Provide minimum density of public places per km with consideration of the demographic residing next to the waterfront. Install publicly accessible playgrounds and benches to attract and retain visitors. Ensure that public spaces do not obstruct the movement.

Guidance: -Design coding -Design framework

Knowledge: - Practice guides

Incentives: Bonuses Control: -Development consents -Warrants

Promotion: - Awards

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve /

Str ategies

O.S.S.4.5 Massing

O.S.S.4.8 Cycle ban

Density and height parameters along the waterfront could be used as an incentive to attract developers while helping in achieving housing targets. Waterfront presents an opportunity for taller houses and maintaining lower heights in Woolwich core in line with the character.

Minimize any obstacles to relaxation of the visitors through banning cycles on the waterfront. Use signs at every entrance and penalties to enforce the ban.

Case studies:



Formal tools



Case studies:

Informal tools

Formal tools

Guidance: -Design framework


(Appendix) Informal tools

Guidance: -Design coding -Design policies

Control: -Development consents

O.S.S.4.6 Accessibility

O.S.S.4.9 Active frontage

Inclusive design with the same-level surface and minimum of ladders and ramps to provide accessible movement for all users.

Ensure active use of the frontages facing the riverside through appropriate layout and functional zoning requirements. Promote active use such as retail, cafes, terraces, community spaces etc.

Case studies:




Formal tools

Informal tools

Guidance: -Design coding

Evidence: - Audit

Control: -Development consents -Developer contributions O.S.S.4.7 Green Green the waterfront with an optimal density of trees (sufficient to create shadows but without obstructing the views to the river) and landscape design, choose the species that are most efficient in addressing climate change. Case studies: Formal tools



(Appendix) Informal tools

Knowledge: Guidance: -Design standards - Practice guides -Design frameworks Promotion: - Awards

Case studies:




Formal tools Guidance: -Design frameworks -Design policies Control: -Development consents -Warrants



Informal tools

Se c t ion 2 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Op en Spa ces O b j ect i ve /

Str ategies

O.S.S.4.10 Permeability

O.S.S.4.11 Flood defense

Ensure the riverside is well connected to Woolwich through a minimum level of pedestrian street density / maximum size of blocks and considerations of circulation corridors in the masterplan.

Minimize flood risk, ensure maintenance and adaptability of flood defences.

Case studies:



Formal tools Guidance: -Design coding -Design standards Control: -Development consents




Informal tools

Case studies:


Formal tools Guidance: -Design policies



(Appendix) Informal tools

SECTION 3 3.1 A 206 Road 3.2 Arsenal Way 3.3 Bathway Quarter 3.4 General Gordon and Beresford Square


A 2 06 Road Site Description

Case Study 1: Passeig De St Joan Boulevard, Barcelona

Currently, the A2016 road isolates Woolwich town centre. The street is oriented to motorised traffic, therefore, provide an unfriendly space for pedestrians, segregating the centre of Woolwich from Royal Arsenal and at the same time from the riverside. The previous SPD (2012) recognise the problem along this road but propose the solution based on small scale interventions "a range of small scale improvements". However, this plan considers the A206 road as a significant problem in its current condition and proposes a different streetscape where both residents and visitors can enjoy new experiences in the public space.

It is a proposal for the renovation of a main street, which proposes two fundamental objectives: prioritising the pedestrian use along the street and converting it into the new urban green corridor. As a result, this new axis has recovered its social value as an urban space, while at the same time considering key aspects of biodiversity and sustainability. From this case of study, the concept where the pedestrian leads the design can be applied in Woolwich, and in the conception of the street, the pedestrian enjoyment in the public space is prioritised rather than the street as merely a functional device.

Desired Outcome The aim is to transform the A206 road into a space where the pedestrian is the centre from the conception of the design until its implementation. This new axis that runs parallel to the riverside will act as an access door of multiple pedestrian connections demarcated with colourful pavements and playable street furniture to give a clear hierarchy to these new crossings. Moreover, this road is one of the green corridors for Woolwich. Therefore, it will have a strong green component in the different human levels: ground level (grass and ground cover), medium level (bushes) and high level (trees). A lively public space is proposed through fine grain retail in ground floors, renovating currently deteriorated buildings to enhance the historic character of Woolwich.

Case Study 2: Mayor’s Transport Strategy, London "Outer London high streets, town centres and communities are often traffic dominated, noisy and polluted, which impacts the local economy and residents’ quality of life. Approximately one-third of CO2 emissions from London’s transport is generated by cars in the area, and for the good of current and future residents of this part of the city, the dominance of motorised transport must be addressed". This extract comes from a recent GLA document and is therefore highly relevant and applicable to Woolwich. In this sense, the future intervention is the A206 must pursue a sustainable pedestrian and cyclist approach.


A rsenal Way The Arsenal way is an essential place for Woolwich that playing an indispensable role of offering employment. And the Srsenal way has high potential of being a functional mixed place that provide employment, retail, business and residential use. The stacking skills will be utilised here to mitigate the residential pressure, among which more than 50% will be ensured to be affordable and mixed housing, while at the same time keep the original functions of the place.

Stacking buildings














Case study 2: MY Micro, NewYork MY Micro NY is a residential project in New York city. This 9-story building at 335 East 27th Street in Kips Bay was erected in 2015 and contains 55 “micro” apartments that range in size from 260 to 360 square feet. 22 of the units are “affordable. This proposal was one of 33 submitted to the city’s Department of Housing Preservation that sponsored the plans to permit smaller housing units. The modular units were manufactured at the Brooklyn Navy Yard and stacked and bolted together at the Kips Bay site along with stairs, an elevator and other shared spaces (Horsley, 2016).

Case study 1: Hongya cave, China

(Hongya cave, Chongqing, China. Source: Visual China)

The hanging-foot building in Hongya cave belongs to the fence type building and constructed leaning on the slope of mountain. The hanging-foot building groups a linear road space. The lower part of the hanging foot building is empty and the upper part is formed into a solid body. Hongya cave has stacked 11 floors in total working as a multi-functional commertial block.

(MY Micro NY, New York. Source: CAPSYSCORP, 2015)


A rsenal Way

(New Project: Colorado Rockies Mixed-Use, Stantec, 2017)

(Pitt Street Mall, Tony Caro Architecture, 2012)

Case study 1: Colorado Rockies Mixed-Use, USA Colorado Rockies Mixed-Use is a major new mixed-use development has been proposed for the full-block surface parking lot in Lower Downtown Denver. The project includes hotel, office, residential, retail, and restaurant uses along with a significant public space activated through baseball-related entertainment and events. It appears all the parking are underground. This project is significant for not only the Rockies and the Stadium District, but for LoDo and all of Downtown Denver. This project will close that gap and significantly energize the connection between Coors Field and Lower Downtown.

Case study 2: Pitt Street mall, Australia

Case study 3: Strøget, Copenhagen

Pitt Street was pedestrianized as early as late 1970’s. Its retail rental rates are amongst the highest in the world. However, over the past two decades, the Mall’s public domain had deteriorated due to the intensive levels of pedestrian traffic and incessant re-development of adjacent major retail stores and arcades. So, it has been redeveloped. The Pitt Street Mall Public Domain Upgrade is functional and yet poetic. Through their simplicity, clarity and understatement each element of the project – the carpet of paving, the placement of trees to shade seats and intelligent lighting – combine to equal more than the sum of the parts. The paving is more than practical with a single centreline drain that catches the water and echoes the historic tank stream in its alignment and detail. The seats are arranged to accommodate incidental perching or planned meetings and are carefully placed out of the way of pedestrian movement, while the fine catenaries of lights just above adjust to neighbouring ambient light levels or special events.

Until 1962, all the streets and squares of central Copenhagen were used intensively for vehicle traffic and parking, and were under pressure from the rapidly growing fleet of private vehicles. The pedestrianization of Strøget, which was converted in 1962 as an experiment and gave rise to much public debate before the street was converted.

(Strøget, Copenhagen, Copenhagen government, 1962)

Formal tools:


A rsenal Way As one of the first revitalization projects since the devastation of 2005's Hurricane Katrina, the city of New Orleans transformed an old industrial rail corridor into a celebrated Greenway. Presently, this district contains a spectrum of socioeconomic conditions and racial compositions, creating a challenging context for community engagement. The design team rigorously followed five overarching design principles—History, Environment, Art, Community and Economics. All New Orleans communities is allowed to have the voice during design process, especially neighborhoods and organizations within the Corridor.

(Lafitte Greenway+ Revitalization Corridor, New Orleans, ASLA, 2013)



Formal tools: 1) the Lafitte Greenway Master Plan, 2) the Lafitte Corridor Revitalization Plan 3) construction documents for the Greenway 4) Operations and Maintenance Plan.












Informal tools: 1) community engagement 2) field study visit and research

(Perth Cultural Centre, Perth, Australia. Source: PROJECT FOR PUBLIC SPACES, 2009)

The Perth Cultural Centre (PCC) is located between Perth’s city center and the Northbridge retail district, surrounded by universities, galleries, downtown, and transportation hub. However, it is in a poor using condition, people pass by without using it as it is not working. After test ideas for improving and managing the spaces, MRA team decided to add more seating and shade to outdoor spaces, painting the steps to create informal places to sit during performances, installing free wi-fi and a large screen for projecting movies and digital art. Communities has been involved that functioned as a powerful network of vitality and main users.

(Slade Gardens Community Hub Planning Submission, London, MAX Architects, 2019)

This community centre will accommodate multiple charities, community needs and social functions in a single facility, while also safeguarding the site as a children’s play space for future generations. Conceived as a highly flexible community space, the hub contains the core activities of the Adventure Playground and the One O’clock Club. In addition, these facilities can be combined to create a multi-function space available for an inclusive range of community, cultural and social functions. A café is will serve and enliven the wider park and help generate revenue. This project was emerged in order to create a playful building that blending in with its park context and respecting the conservation area into which it overlaps.


Ba t hway Q u art er About one-forth of historical buildings are located as a cluster around Bathway Quarter where can be promoted as a unique character of the Woolwich town center. This area has a potential public spaces for community to be social facilities, gathering place and also cultural exchange and according to the London Plan policies which is aim to increase more creative enterprises for example, artist studios, galleries, jazz bars, coffee shops, design industries on the ground floor active frontages together enhance London’s heritage that plays a key role to the city character, so that, it is important to concern about historical conservation both of listed buildings itself and also its surroundings to be covering overall area cohisive in the same theme.

Case Study : Hackney Wick, Fish Island

Within the strategies that provided as the different tools for different kind of developments (with exsiting and new), to achieve the unique cultural cluster in Bathway Quarter need to adopt tools both of formal and informal tools to conserve the historical context. the potential tools which can be used is :

en S p ace

Guidance : Design Framework to defind heritage zoning which can be from high, medium, low historical conservation zone by gradually changing between old and new town Design Coding to be a guidelines for 3D dimension for physical architectures for example, height, massing, lot-size, material, setback and important detail elements through research, case studies.

Stour Space on Fish Island began as an abandoned warehouse – ten years on it is a thriving creative venue with a packed programme of arts and community activities, and has been listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV).

Control : Developers should respond to the existing character and adopt to the design process. Incentive : Some important listed buildings can be preserved by govenrment (subsidy) and community (ACV) or collaboration with private sectors (partnerships) so thus, local participation is also important to defind the character. Promotion : As a campiagns to re-use the existing buildings by creative enterprises and cultural activities.

‘Creating Complexity’ (2016) has been prepared in support of the planning application for the Wickside development in Hackney Wick, Fish Island

The map laypoy shows preserving, converting and using existing fabric on site for creative activity in line with HLF studies (“New ideas need old buildings’, 2013)


Ge neral Go rd o n S q u are a n d B e r e s fo r d S q u a r e Site Description General Gordon Square and Beresford Square are both face along Woolwich New Road and are nodes connecting to Powis Street. Both of them are also very visible after walking out of the train station. General Gordon Square public space was created in the 20th century its sourroundings gives the square a more commerical atmosphere. On the other hand, Beresford Square is a mix between military and civilian old Woolwich and is enclused by a group of buildings, yet provides openess and a market for loacl citizens. Both sites are poorly supplied with green infrastructure, and the links to Arsenal have veen eroded.

Desired Outcome Increase green infrastructure and around the site to have a more legible entrace for when people arrive at Woolwich Arsnel Station. Furthermore, allowing more opportunities and place for adults and children to play; providing green corridors for more plesent physical connection while walking in and around Woolwich. These can be achieve through using tools such as, design standard, developer contribution, design codes and practice guides. They will make provide guidance and control to the proposal implimentation to green infrastructure.

Case Study 1: Parramatta Road Corridor, Australia This is a revitalisation project seeking to integrate land use and transport simultaneously improving the public realm with high quality green corridors. The strenght of this specific case study which Woolwich could learn from, is the fact that it worked closely with a third party to provide urban design inputs into Parramatta Road corridor. The two parties considered urban design guidelines which included: identifying development principles and requirements, and establishing a design framework to target local identity, built form, public realm and amenities. Finally they mention the importance of stakeholder engagemnts with various councils. Woolwich’s SPD lacks the decision cohesion between stakeholders and Greenwich council, therefore,

Case Study 1: Watercolour images courtesy of Tim Throsby and UrbanGrowth NSW

Case Study 2: Russell Square, London This is a green space located in the centre of london. The green space provides diversesity in plant species, encouraging a diverse community of wildlife. At the same, the space is also share by local residence, tourist and local workers. The spaces is exremely well managed with a water feature in the middle, creating a diverse character, welcoming different types of people; inclusive atmosphere, the park provides urban furniture and flat grass to site on. In the summer it creates a vibrant atmophere during the summer becuase of the balance created by shading from trees and sunlight. Woolwich needs to create incentives and guidence for developers to create high quality green spaces for the well-being of local residence under the control of the local authority (Greenwich council).






rr Co




w Ne



oo W

General Gordon Square Beresford Square

Case Study 2: Russel Square


SECTION 4 4.1 Phasing 4.2 Factors for Assessment 4.3 Organisation of the framework implementation 4.4 Conclusion 4.5 References 4.6 Appendix

Se ct io n 4 - D ELIV E RY

P h asing Development Infrastructure Funding Study

Crossrail Funding


The team was not able to find a publicly available funding study specific to Woolwich. Yet it is crucial in assessing the cost of delivering public infrastucture and proceeding onto identifying funding sources and arranging agreements with the potential funders. Below is the example of such a study in another Opporunity Area - Old Oak.

Local development framework should address the issue of funding the crossrail because a lot of the development is contingent on its delivery. The original SPD did not mention funding options, whereas a variety of such could be utilised. Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity Area Planning Framework, for example, proposes planning obligations from the development in the area and Mayoral Community Infrastructure Levy as sources of funding.

Once the need and sources of funding have been established, the local authorities may prioritise them based on several criteria such as urgency, impact, clusterization and viability. Urgency is assessed against local and strategic needs (e.g. housing). Impact is differentiating between developments with low and high externalities to the area. Clusterization leads to synergy of the developments, as their simultaneous delivery enhances one another. Viability relates to financial or other constraints of the projects, such as contingency on the crossrail, for example. It is logical that the most viable, high-impact, urgent and clustered developments should be delivered first.

Illustrative Phasing Map

Development Contributions It is useful to have set out contributions towards punlic purposes (such as affordable housing or improvements of public realm) under the framework, with clearly specified mechanisms and stakeholders. Vauxhall Nine Elms Opportunity Area Planning Framework (below) includes tarriffs zoning to determine contributions.

Se ct io n 4 - D ELIV E RY

Fa ctors for assessment Objective 1

Objective 2

Objective 3

Objective 3


Functional Mix

Historical Character

Open Spaces

The factors in assessing the success of the framework previously proposed concerning the movement objective are based on a document called "Measuring Pedestrian Activity, TfL" and are the following:

Following the monitoring indicators from Royal Greenwich Local Plan, this plan proposed seven indicators to assess the delivery and application of functional mixed in the Woolwich. Moreover, several indicators suggested by professionals (Dovey & Pafka, 2017; Papa, 2018) have been adopted and adjust according to Woolwich local context.

Historical and character conservation Indicators and assessing criteria is brought partly from "Royal Greenwich Appendix Local Plan" which are an effective tool to audit and check about how area identity are there meanwhile new developing.

Indicators for assessment

Indicators for assessment

Indicators for assessment


Walking trip rates


Travel diary surveys such as the London Area Travel Survey (LATS) or the National Travel Survey (NTS) provide walking trip rates, and through that information, it would be possible to measure before/after of the movement objective implementation.

02 02

Pedestrian counters and activities Using a systematic observation methodology to inform stationary activities could produce indicators of success in the public realm. It could be assessed in different seasons of the year to evaluate the variation of people on the streets.

03 03


Pedestrian desire lines It is vital to ensure that pedestrians’ desire lines and their interaction with vehicular traffic are properly assessed. Environments built with no consideration of pedestrian movement patterns can lead to potentially discourage walking.

User attitudes Measuring through surveys of pedestrians’ attitudes towards the walking environment could be useful to assess in the short term tangibles interventions such as street furniture, colours, greenery.




Population density and flow during different time slot This indicator shows the footfall of people walk through or staying within functional mixed area. It can indicate the vitality and show the activity routine of local people. Population - job mix This indicator explores the relation between different type of jobs and individuals’ age, gender, ethnic background and other issues to ensure the balance of employment opportunities. Normally, the more developed of a multi-functional space, the more mix it will have. (Papa, 2018) Land use mix ratio To represent how many types of services has been offered within the area. Multi-functional place should provide residential use, commercial use, leisure use and office within the site. (Le Corbusier, 1957; Jacobs, 1961; Hoek, 2008; Dovey & Pafka, 2017)


Economic active level: retail and leisure catchment & development rate and trend It means how much money people spend in this area. Developers will always try to keep the active level high to ensure their profits while actually at the same time it advantage liveliness.

Indicators for assessment 01



Aesthetic: - Location aesthetic - Ability to recognize space order - Daylight or nightlight effect


Changes to the number of Locally Listed Buildings DH(d) Satellite Antennae in Royal Greenwich The purpose of the local heritage list is to identify buildings, structures and monuments of local architectural or historic importance and to preserve their features of interest as far as possible. Thus, the number of locally listed buildings is an important indicator of whether strong historical character or not.

Environnmental Acceptance Ecological: - Impact on Habitats - Impact on living creatures

Update on preparation of Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Strategies (CAMS) Due to CAMS adopted as formal Planning Guidance, would strengthen the Council’s policies for the Conservation Area and help to protect its historic buildings and features, and significant open spaces, from the potentially adverse effects of property alteration and new development.


Sense of safety: - Sociological - Land use

Number of schemes nominated for and/or awarded a design award The SPAB presents a range of annual awards celebrating outstanding achievement in aspects of the care and repair of old buildings and encouraging good new design in the context of built heritage thus, the number of SPAB awards will be a indicator for historical character conservation.

Suitability to everyone Psychological: - Individual feeling - Attracting attention - Orientation ability

New London Architecture (NLA) has announced the results of its London Tall Buildings Survey, capturing the capital’s changing skyline which can be an urban character and its identity change measuring of certain location.

Housing tenure and type mix ratio The mixed of housing tenure and types is one of the essential positive aspects to promote functional mix.

Business type mix In order to create a dynamic and vibrant area for not only consumers but local residents as well, various categories of retail and business should appear at the same place.

Number of tall buildings approved in appropriate locations

The factors in assessing the success of the open space objective was based on research by Cafuta (2015), she proposed ‘a newly-developed SEC model’, ‘the model was designed using the systematic principle, the top–down approach, and the decomposition method’ and a questionnaire was developed to support the evaluation methodology of urban open space characteristic.


Cost Effectiveness Functional - Daylight or nightlight intensity - Light reflection from the surface - Location of urban furniture - Appearance of urban furniture Economic - Energy cost - Urban furniture installation cost - Urban furniture maintenance cost

Se ct io n 4 - W O OLWIC H F R A ME WORK

Organisatio n o f t h e f ra m e wo r k im p le m e n ta tio n An overall organisation chart (The City of London Open Space Strategy, 2015) for open spaces was created to illustrate limilations and strengths of tools used in the project (The concept was taken from the City of London Open Space Strategy SPD, but some aspects have been altered ).

END GOAL: VISION Policy + Implementation

London Plan

Objectives + Strategies

Royal Greenwich Local Plan . . .

The Governement

Woolwich will become a rejuvenated metropolitan town centre.

All Case studies mentioned

Planning + TFL

Private Developers

Consultation with Stakeholders


S u p p o r t e r s

Functional Mix

Create more Increase pedestrian legibility linkages

Provide Mixed housing

Provide working space & offices

Mixed retail and commercial uses

Increase walkability

Histortical Character

Integrating Creative heritage enterprise considerations zones/ Culture early on in the clusters design process

Regulate ground floor function Integrate community function

Open Space

Increase Green Spaces

Implement Green Corridors

Respond to the existing character

Animate the Riverside


Development Management:

Tools Formal

- Securing financial contributions to improve the vision of masterplan


Guidence: -Design Standard -Design Policy

Knowledge - Case Studies - Practice Guides - Education/Training

-Design Coding -Design Framework Control: - Developer Contributions - Adoption - Development Consent Incentive: - Subsidy

Evaluation - Indicators - Research - Audit - Design Review

Promotion - Partnerships - Campiagns

-Direct investment

Development Management:

The Governement


Planning + TFL


Private Developers


Consultation with Stakeholders


- Securing financial contributions to improve existing open space and create additional open space

This organization chart shows the overall sequence to creating a vision for a masterplan. Firstly, different actors (yellow column) must come together. Secondly, all parties must be informed on all the policies and pratice guides applicable to the development of a new Masterplan. These should include setting out clear objectives that can be achieved with strategies through the help of formal and Informal tools. From this research, tools in general can all contribute to positive development outcomes, the most important aspect is the need for all parties to be involved with the planning process and to work collaboratively, in order to secure financial contributions (formular at the bottom). Only when all parties are on the same page is when the vision can be achieved.

Section 4 - DELIVERY

Conclusion Overall Success and Limiting Factors: Managing the urban landscape is a complex process subject to conflicting agendas, such as housing, retail infrastructure, transport infrastructure etc. The tools used in the project overall can deliver well vibrant and well connected open spaces. However, new infrastructures and new interventions need the collaboration, and financial support of all parties integrated approaches to land management. Limitation to formal tools used: - Guidance: The division between guidance tools are not entirely clear cut nor do they encompass fixed legally binding design requirements, for example, Design framework often can include other aspects of design policies, coding and standards. Therefore, planners must clearly define each tool's purpose within a project before carrying out development. - Incentive: This is a less directly interventionalist form of governmental, in other words, it depends on whether the state is directly funding public resources to achieve a certain outcome, or whether they are "indirect and focus on rewarding defined 'good behaviour' with enhanced development rights" (Carmona, 2017). This tool can only work well when there is enough non-refundable state treasure feeding into private developers pockets. Nevertheless, this does not guarantee a high-quality design. - Control: Control that has fixed regulatory rules means planners have to follow technical processes that are fixed using strict guidelines. This restricts planner to created and interpret a design through their own creative lens. On the other hand, discretionary systems do provide planners with flexible decision making and a bottom-up regulatory approach. Nonetheless, it creates a potential conflict of interest and slows down planning application processes. Limitation to informal tools used: - Knowledge: Knowledge of good urban design and its importance can be promoted to citizens and planners through specialist training, but without continual reinforcement of high-quality urban design it can be easily taken for granted and lost. Finally, knowledge should be considered with other informal tools to achieve maximum utilisation. - Evaluation: Evaluation unlike other informal tools that create a decision-making environment, has the ability to shape particular outcomes of design. It possesses a series of tools that can not be proceduralized and the quality of design is usually judged by an external party. Without democratic monitoring procedures and guidelines to compare an official judgement about design, would create challenges in decision making and evaluation. - Promotion: It takes knowledge to the individuals and the organisations in ways that engage attention and promotes the importance of good design. The drawback of this tool is its perception and widespread acceptance by the public since it has been introduced only recently.

Section 4 - DELIVERY

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Se ct io n 4 - D EL IV E RY

A p pe ndix /

G rou p reflect io n

The overall experience of this project challenged us as a team to be critical when reading masterplans made by different councils. We as a team enjoyed the trip down to Woolwich and experiencing a different side of London. During stage 2, we all agreed that our Masterplan was not doing justice to Woolwich, because much of the phasing was not achieved when we were on site. Another issue we found on site was that many of the goals set out were not with the intention to bring vitality back for the local community. However, we all agreed that the vision of the masterplan was good but too ambitious because the document did not provide tools for design or guidance for the area. Therefore, as a team, we decided to keep the vision with some editing and integrate design tools and indicators to try achieving the document aims. Overall, each of us contributed equally to the project and learnt that a balance between government control and private developers investments is always needed in planning.

Se ct io n 4 - D EL IV E RY

A p pe ndix /

I n dividu al co n t rib ution

Emma: I was responsible for: 1. Contributed to creating the new vision. 2. Contributed to creating a structure to our document. 3. Writing out the site analysis, objectives, strategies and indicators for Open Spaces. 4. Gathering and analysing documents to provide Woolwich SPD with better tools to improve their masterplan. 5. Creating the organisation chart to summarise main issues that Woolwich SPD faced. Rung: I was responsible for: 1. Writing out the site analysis, (height & listed building map) objectives, strategies and indicators for Historical Character part. 2. Gathering and analysing documents to provide Woolwich SPD with better tools to improve their masterplan. 3. Creating the organisation chart to summarise reference documents do/do not be used.

Consuelo: I was responsible for: 1. Contributed to creating the vision and organisation of the document. 2. Creating the layout of the report. 3. Creating the vision spatial concept map. 4. Site analysis, indicators, objective, strategies and tools for Movement. 5. Approaches review for movement objective. 6. A206 strategic site.

Lulan: I was responsible for: 1. Leftover space map. 2. The London plan, Royal Greenwich Local Plan. 3. Supplementary political documents within functional mixed part (i.e spray street SPD). 4. Functional mix strategies, indicators, formal and informal tools, maps, case studies, literatures.

Madi: I was responsible for: 1. Typology analysis 2. SWOT analysis 3. Riverside sub-strategies and case studies 4. Ground-floor sub-strategies and case studies 5. Phasing rationale and case studies

Se ct ion 4 - D E L IV E RY

A p pe ndix / A

R ivers ide po t en t ial ap p roaches

Supporting Case studies for potential approaches

Case study’s objectives


8 re-development principles including continuity, paving and accessibility, applied across the City of London riverside to ensure high quality and active use of the public realm.

Formal Tools


Design standards Design coding Design framework


Case studies


Developer contributions Development consents


Research Audit









Informal Tools


Design frameworks Design policy


Developer contributions Development consent

Permeability: Establishment of a set number of walks and views to ensure connection of the riverside with the wider development area Ground floor use: Site-specific Guidance on use classes on the ground floor to ensure active frontages. Layout: Site-specific layout prescriptions to ensure a continuous frontage. Height: Guidance on number of storeys at buildings along the riverside. Partnership: Used to incentivise stakeholders and maintain integrity of the vision through Planning Obligations and Agreements. Control tools: Include development contributions and warranting under Planning Obligations and Agreements.


Design Frameworks Design Coding

Promotion Partnerships


Developer contributions Development consents Warranting

Evaluation Design Review

Active facades and uses: Ground floor mediation to ensure ‘passive surveilance’ and activity along the riverside. Levels: Site-specific design principle for improving flood mitigation. Connections: A circulation plan that establishes multiple connections to the riverside. Public realm framwork: Designates a specific ‘Riverside Gardens’ character area along the waterfront with a set of requirements for biodiversity, landscape design, visual permeability, recreational amenity, and flood protection. Planning obligations and development agreements: Tools to mitigate any adverse impacts of the development that could interfere with the established design framework.

Guidance Design Frameworks Design coding

> Height and massing guidance as means of delivering density targets while preserving local character, topography and views and responding to PTAL. > A minimum setback of A0m to allow a generous movement space. > Use of active frontages along the waterfront as a tool of placemaking, creation of character, and fostering the communities. > Funding options such as Community Infrastructure Levy, Section A06, Joint Ventures, government loans as means of financing public realm interventions, flood defences, open spaces, community facilities etc. > Building orientation and layout used as a tool to maximize views towards the river.





Development consents Warranting

Knowledge Research

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