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Running Briefs
News and Notes from the Roads, Trails and Track
Congratulations are in order for Bill Miles, who was recently given the Pat Lanin Distinguished Service award. Miles earned the award for his forty-one years as a Minnesota high school cross country and track coach.
Hamline earns Volunteer of the Year
The MDRA Volunteer of the Year for 2016 is the Hamline Cross Country for their 15-year history of volunteering at the Victory Labor Day Races.
MDRA Election Results
The MDRA elections were held and results were announced at the 2017 Annual Party. We’d like to welcome Dennis Barker to the board as well as congratulate president, Dave Marek, and vice president, Randy Fulton, on their re-election for one year terms and board members, Rochelle Christensen and Shelia Becker, for two terms. Thank you to outgoing board member Craig Moscetti and to our dedicated board members and officers past and present for their commitment of service to the MDRA. A special thank you to outgoing past president Norm Champ!
Recognition for Indoor Running
Congratulations to MDRA Board Member, Rick Recker, who recently received the Third aWards recognition for his work with Indoor Stadium Running. The Third aWards are given annually to a Leader, Local Business, Neighborhood Project/Initiative and Youth Leader for their tireless work on behalf of the people, neighborhoods and communities of the Third Ward.
MDRA Grant program under discussion
In accord with the MDRA mission, we are currently working to create a Minnesota Distance Running Association grant program. Information on the grant will be announced on runmdra.org as soon as it’s available.
Polar Bears aren’t afraid of summer!
Announcing the year round MDRA Polar Bears! The concept is pretty simple. We’ll continue to offer free, unsupported runs in Minneapolis and Saint Paul on Saturday mornings throughout the year. Our first installment of the year round PB group will be on Saturday, March 11. As always, everyone and all paces are welcome!
MDRA Spring Races
Here are the MDRA races planned for this spring (info at runmdra.org): • Lake Johanna, March 18
First run in 1961, this is the oldest continuously sponsored race by the MDRA.
• MDRA 7 Mile, March 25
A challenging early spring warmup featuring hills and unpredictable weather. • Ron Daws 25K, April 1
This race commemorates 1968 Olympic marathoner Ron Daws. Daws, a ‘60s/’70s Minnesota running icon, trained over this same course. The hilly terrain is the perfect training course for Boston or for those who are looking for a testing workout.
• Fred Kurz Handicapped 10 Mile, April 8
Test yourself against area runners of all ages and ability levels. Start times are handicapped by the “world-renowned” Lanin Guessometric Method, with the slowest runners starting first and, ideally, all runners finishing together. Enjoy the camaraderie of a mass finish!
• MDRA Mudball Classic, April 23
The MDRA Mudball Trail Classic is a great family friendly event that makes its way by Wirth Lake Beach and Glenwood.
Run Grandma’s and train with MDRA!
MDRA’s Spring Marathon and Half Marathon Training Program is the official Twin Cities/metro training group for Grandma’s Marathon and the Garry Bjorklund Half. Let MDRA guide you to a great experience at one of the best marathons in the country! Miss out on the Garry Bjorklund lottery? Class participants get guaranteed entries! The class is only in its second week, so it’s not too late to join us. More information and registration on runmdra.org.