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Members Present: Cindy Campbell, Nathan Campeau, Norm Champ, Rochelle Christensen, Mike Corfin, Randy Fulton, Jenny Harrington, Nate Klema, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Craig Moscetti, Rick Recker
Members Absent: Sheila Becker, Lisa Richardson, Sarah Stangl
Guests: Sarah McInerney, Dennis Barker, Kristen Kinnear-Ohlman, Kelly Tabara
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for December 12, 2016 were approved and accepted by Rick Recker, seconded by Rochelle Christensen.
Treasurer’s Report
• December revenue was favorable to budget by $4.9K and YTD revenue was favorable to budget by $22.4K. MTD’s favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $3.7K. YTD’s favorability was primarily driven by race receipts of $18.8K. • All other revenue categories are materially in-line with 2016’s budget. • 2016 YTD revenue is favorable to 2015 YTD revenue by $22.8K. The favorability is primarily driven by race receipts of $18.2K. • December expenses were favorable by $8.7K to budget and YTD expenses were favorable by $20.0K. MTD’s favorability is primarily driven by timing of magazine expense of $5.7K and Grand Prix of $1.7K. YTD’s favorability is primarily driven by timing of magazine expense of $8.1K, annual expense $6.7K and lower than expected miscellaneous expense of $7.7K. • 2016 YTD expenses are favorable to 2015 YTD expenses by $25.5K and net income by $48.2K.
The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Rochelle Christensen and seconded by Craig Moscetti.
Office Manager’s Report
Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 37 29 Renewals 263 262 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,101 2,015 (prior month: 2,033)
As of November 30 Last Month Current Facebook 5816 5891 Twitter 1543 1565 Pinterest 398 420 Instagram 129 1,242
Advocacy: No new update.
Club Administration: Discussed MDRA sponsoring Youth Running Development Program for kids in need of shoes. Jenny and Sarah will work on grant application to be added to website.
Programs: Grand Prix numbers are up 20ppl from last year. We would like to thank MSFA, SMG and the US bank Stadium’s security team for all of their help with the indoor running. The program has been successful with many in attendance. Parking is easy and the price is right for the program. Polar Bear runs continue to be successful with 40-60 runners each week. We ordered Polar Bear hats which will be listed for sale on the website. We need a new name for the program going forward – please send us ideas! Spring marathon coaches have been assigned with first info session being held Feb. 28 and first run being held March 4.
Promotions: Assigned tasks to Board members for the Annual party.
Publications: We are looking for photography and articles for the magazine. Discussed possibility of adding a “membership portal” to our site. We are looking at getting analytics on how many people visit MDRAs site for races.
Race: Discussed Fred Kurtz increase in fees for timing and discussed alternate options.
USATF: No update.
New Business: Kelly Tabara presented an Intro to Trail Running free seminar for members as well as a Trail Running program similar to the marathon training program to start this summer. The program was approved and further details will be posted on the MDRA website. Further discussion will take place on what will make the program successful and which race the program will be geared towards. Promotional idea of ordering Road #s for Road IDs with MDRA logo to give to high school students.
Old Business: Thank you to Craig Moscetti for his service on the board. Thank you to Norm Champ for his service on the board as the Past President.
The meeting was adjourned by Mike Corfin, seconded by Kathy Larsen.
The next MDRA Board meeting will be February 13, 2017.
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Members Present: Dennis Barker, Sheila Becker, Cindy Campbell, Nathan Campeau, Rochelle Christensen, Jenny Harrington, Nate Klema, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Rick Recker, Sarah Stangl
Members Absent: Mike Corfin, Randy Fulton, Lisa Richardson
Guests: Sarah McInerney
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for January 10, 2017 were approved and accepted by Cindy Campbell, seconded by Kathy Larsen.
Treasurer’s Report
January revenue was favorable to plan by $1.9K. MTD’s favorability was primarily driven by US Bank Stadium revenue of $1.3K.
All other revenue categories are materially in-line with 2017’s budget. 2017 revenue is favorable to 2016 revenue by $0.9K. The favorability is primarily driven by indoor stadium of $1.3 offset by training revenue of $0.6K.
January expenses were unfavorable by $1.1K to plan. January’s un-favorability is driven by additional annual expense of $1.3K. 2016 YTD expenses are favorable to 2015 YTD expenses by $25.5K and net income by $48.2K.
The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Jenny Harrington and seconded by Nathan Campeau.
Office Manager’s Report
Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 34 38 Renewals 182 169 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,082 2,024 (prior month: 2,015)
As of November 30 Last Month Current
Facebook 5816 5891
Twitter 1543 1565
Pinterest 398 420
Instagram 129 142
Advocacy: No new update.
Club Administration: Insurance company is changing our policy to P.O. Box.
Programs: Best attendance of Polar Bear runs last weekend due to great weather. The new name for the Polar Bears was announced this week and we will continue to use the name Polar Bears year round. Indoor running had a good season and will slow down for remaining runs. Marathon training class starts February 28 with Info session and March 4th for first run. We are the official Grandmas training program which includes advertising opportunities. Women’s Training camp is ready to go. Trail running class is in the works.
Promotions: Wells Fargo Run Club event had no members sign up, however MDRA should continue to have a presence. Securian Expo Booth was great and stayed busy with 10 new members and 8 renewals - New Members were from the eastern suburbs. Party recap? TPT health fair on Feb 15th. We will have a table at Get in Gear. Polar Bear hats are in and up for sale.
Publications: March/April magazine is in progress. There was a website crash last month which has been fixed. The website is backed up on a daily basis going forward. We are always looking for more contributors for magazine content.
Race: Lake Jo, 7Mile, Ron Daws, Fred Kurz and the Mudball are all open for registration. There will be a race committee meeting at 6:00pm on March 13th before the board meeting.
USATF: No update.
New Business: Sarah will be reaching out to new members to get feedback on their membership. Discussed the resources page on MDRA and updating it. Dennis Barker was appointed as the Publications Committee leader with Nathan Campeau and Rick Recker joining the committee. Jenny Harrington was appointed as the Grants Committee leader and is currently working on the grant application and process. The 2017 budget was approved and accepted by Cindy Campbell and seconded by Kathy Larsen.
Old Business: All board members should bring ideas to next meeting on new goals for 2017 – goals should be measurable.
The meeting was adjourned by Rick Recker, seconded by Kathy Larsen. The next MDRA Board meeting will be April 10, 2017.
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Members Present: Dennis Barker, Sheila Becker, Nathan Campeau, Rochelle Christensen, Randy Fulton, Jenny Harrington, Nate Klema, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Sarah Stangl
Members Absent: Cindy Campbell, Mike Corfin, Rick Recker, Lisa Richardson
Guests: Sarah McInerney
Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for February 13, 2017 were approved and accepted by Kathy Larsen, seconded by Sarah Stangl.
Treasurer’s Report
February Revenue was on plan and YTD revenue was favorable to plan by $1.9K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $3.0K offset by dome receipts of $2.6K. YTD’s favorability was primarily driven by dome receipts of $3.9K offset by ads 1.1K and memberships 1.0K. 2017 YTD revenue is unfavorable to 2016 YTD revenue by $2.5K. The un-favorability is driven by the timing of training class income of $3.3K.
February expenses were unfavorable by $2.9K to plan and YTD expenses were unfavorable by $4.0K. MTD’s un-favorability is primarily driven by higher marketing materials of 1.3K. YTD’s un-favorability is primarily driven by higher promotions $1.5K and annual expense $1.4K. 2017 YTD expenses are unfavorable to 2016 YTD expenses by $1.1K and net income by $3.7K.
The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Jenny Harrington and seconded by Randy Fulton.
Office Manager’s Report
Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 35 42 Renewals 129 81 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,101 2,026 (prior month: 2,024)
As of November 30 Last Month Current Facebook 5962 5979 Twitter 1590 1605 Pinterest 429 443 Instagram 154 159
Advocacy: No new update.
Club Administration: Sarah is working on getting a quote on a membership dashboard where members are able to auto-renew on site.
Programs: New Trail Running Program introduced August 2- September 20. The first non-traditional Polar Bear run had 20 runners and will need more in future runs to be sustainable program. Spring Training session has 72 people signed up which is similar to previous years. We would like to send a big thank you to Rick Recker for running a successful Stadium running season. MDRA is competing in the USATF circuit and is welcoming members to join.
Promotions: Women’s Training Camp is open for registration. MDRA booth will be up at the Get in Gear race. Polar Bear hats are selling.
Publications: New brochure design passed around in meeting for review/edits. The first publications meeting will be at the end of March – TBD.
Race: Spring races and COLH are all open for registration. COLH has a new site design and a new poster and t-shirt design for 2017. Getting medal quotes. Colf, Miss 10 Mile, 15Kand Victory will use tempotickets instead of Zap. Volunteer opportunities posted on http://signup.com/ go/9VWMmz.
USATF: No update.
New Business: Our new grant application will be posted to the website this month with a due date of April 30, 2017.Look into doing a meet of the miles this summer.
Old Business: 2017 Goals discussion about increasing membership and if there are any gaps in the running community that we can help to fill – all suggestions welcome.

The meeting was adjourned by Randy Fulton, seconded by Sheila Becker.
The next MDRA Board meeting will be April 10, 2017.
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