6 minute read
President’s Letter
Hello runners,
I hope this latest issue of RunMinnesota finds you well and you’ve enjoyed a great holiday season. As the calendar turns to 2019 I have been reminded a lot recently about how time really does fly by. I will have a child graduating from college (!) in May and it seems like just yesterday my running consisted of chasing her around the house. 2019 will also mark the end of my tenure as President of the MDRA board of directors. It really is hard to believe it has been three years. Board meetings, races, training programs, expos, etc., etc. There are two groups of people that made me look forward to each of those events. I am very grateful for our members who make this organization one of the best, if not the best, of its kind anywhere. And I am very thankful for our wonderful board members, volunteers and coaches who donate their time to put on our programs and races and the behind the scenes work that too often goes unnoticed. I assure you I’ve noticed and appreciate everything you’ve done.
I do remember being a little bit nervous with this new role coinciding with a new operations manager when I started. But along with a great board of directors our previous President, Norm Champ was, and continues to be, a wonderful help to MDRA and sounding board for me. I admittedly had some trepidation in writing these letters as I don’t consider myself a writer and this is the one duty I’ve struggled with at times. However, after my second one was out Norm took the time to send me an email with a “nice job, you’ve found your groove” and that meant a lot. It also reminded me that people read these!
I would be remiss to not take a moment to recognize a lot of people that deserve it. Starting with the board members who I have had the pleasure of working with the past three plus years:
Josh, Paul, Sheila, Kevin, Rochelle, Randy, Nathan C., Nathan K., Randy, Jenny, Craig, Scott, Sam, Rick, Mary, Lisa, Kristin, Dennis, Kelly, Kathy, Sarah, Mike, Cindy, Wendy, Damon, David, Steve, Jim, Noelle, Eve, Mike, Melissa and Kate. Thank you all for your work.
The number of volunteers is far too many to mention by name but thank you to anyone who has helped at one of our races or with one of our programs. They simply don’t happen without you.
A special shout out to all the coaches for their dedication in a challenging role – Sarah, Chad, Nathan, Gloria, Rochelle, Laurie, Kelly, Jenny, Sheila and Kristen.
Thank you as well to our race directors – Rob, Heidi, John, Lee, Sam, Craig and our timing guru Jack. And to Rick in his dedication to get indoor running up and going again at the U.S. Bank Stadium and to Nathan C. for basically owning the Saturday Polar Bear runs.
I sincerely apologize if I missed anyone. As I was writing this I realized how many good people we have who step up every year and donate their time to make sure this operation runs somewhat smoothly!
As I look back over the past three years I am particularly proud of a couple things we have been able to accomplish and how we have grown the MDRA. We are in a very solid financial position and set up to do wonderful things in the future. We established the MDRA Foundation and have awarded a Community Giving Grant the past two years as part of our focus on being a resource and supporter of this great sport.
It has been a very rewarding experience for me to be a small part of MDRA and I look forward to the future. I’ll still be around as I will
A well-costumed runner is pictured during this year’s Monster Dash in St. Paul. Photo by Wayne Kryduba
be on the board for one more year as a Past President helping as needed and you will see me at our races volunteering.
One quick housekeeping note – please don’t forget the MDRA Annual Party on Saturday, January 19. Starting at 11:00am at the Edina Community Center we will have free pizza, soda, ice cream and a short program. We will award our Grand Prix winners and recognize our volunteer of the year and the Distinguished Service award winner. Free for members, $5 for guests.
Now please enjoy the rest of this edition of RunMinnesota. We have a great article on Courtney Dauwalter, a bio of local legend Doug Krohn, a story about Elm Creek and the benefits of joining a group/club/association.
Thank you all once again for your support of the MDRA. We’ll see you out there!
Alberto is an avid runner who strives to balance family life and fitness activities with work and writing. After completing 21 marathons, including one Boston Marathon, Alberto has rediscovered trail running for the unique opportunity that it offers to be in contact with nature and to inspire others to be better stewards of our planet. Alberto earned an MBA from Carlson School of Management and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. Alberto can be reached at alberto.vp@comcast.net.
Sarah Sarah Barker runs and writes from her dining room in St. Paul. She really enjoys the Como Park Relays, and really doesn’t enjoy being photographed.
Daniel enjoyed a few years of marathoning following college, including Boston, New York, Grandma’s and Twin Cities. His best marathon time was 2:24 at Twin Cities Marathon in the 1980s. In the last couple years, he has reunited with some old running buddies and now runs the city lakes on Monday evenings with the Road Warriors group, sponsored by Run N Fun. In addition to running with the Road Warriors, Dan looks forward to his daily runs to and from work.
Patrick O’Regan is a runner and freelance business writer. He is a graduate of St. Thomas College and the University of Minnesota. Born and raised in Montgomery, Minnesota, Pat currently resides in Inver Grove Heights. He runs eight to 10 races a year, mostly 5Ks and 10Ks, with two marathons to his credit. He has also “competed” in three National Championships.
SHEILA Mulrooney Eldred said that most of her friends are runners (she even married one of them) and she still gets together with five members of her college cross country team, more than 20 years later). She’s written for The New York Times, the Washington Post, Nature, STAT News, FiveThirtyEight and, of course, Runner’s World.
Senior Editor:
Gloria Jansen
Art Director:
Chad Richardson
Advertising Coordinator/Sales:
Sarah Ahlers McInerney
Wayne Kryduba
Jack Moran
MDRA Officers:
Dave Marek, President Randy Fulton, Vice President Jenny Harrington, Secretary Steve Hennessy, Treasurer
MDRA Board Members:
Rochelle Christensen, Kathy Larsen, Rick Recker, Sarah Stangl, Wendy Jones, Kelly May, Dennis Barker, David Daubert, Damon Rothstein
Contact RunMinnesota!
RunMinnesota P.O. Box 6419 Minneapolis, MN 55406-0419 runminnesota@gmail.com
RunMinnesota magazine is published four times a year and is produced by the Minnesota Distance Running Association. RunMinnesota is available through a member subscription or at select retail locations. To get RunMinnesota mailed to you, join online at runmdra.org.