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First comes the Anniversary Issue section, highlighting important milestones in the business among retailers, brands, events, associations and even some products themselves.

Senior writer Danny Smith has spent the first half of 2023 researching and compiling important dates within the run specialty business and the result is a look at more than 60 special occasions being celebrated industry-wide. From Brooklyn Running to Running Soles marking a decade in business to celebrations such as half a century since three iconic run specialty retailers opened their doors – and from Saucony’s 150th milestone to Swiftwick’s 15th – Smith has it covered.

Undoubtedly there are other anniversaries being celebrated in 2023 and we apologize if we missed any this time around. Feel free to contact Danny Smith at smithwriting@gmail.com and we will surely include you in an upcoming issue of Running Insight+

And, of course, we will be doing this all again in 2024, when an entire new collection of anniversaries will be marked. Let us know who you are — we will love to celebrate with you.

Let the party begin!

Tech And The Run Specialty Dealer

Part 2 of our Double Issue begins on page 46 and is a conversation over the role of technology in run specialty retailing. On the one side there are the proponents of the human element, the ability of a store associate to connect with new and experienced runners alike and offer the personal touch that sets specialty retail apart from the big boxes or online retailers.

Then there are the men and women who embrace and rely on what the latest and greatest technology brings to the shoe fitting and selling game.

This issue aims to bring them all together in one big happy, technically advanced and customer-friendly family. The best running stores already know they have to marry both concepts –making sure their associates are adept at whatever foot scanning technology they have invested in while at the same time knowing how to connect with a customer by asking the right questions and actually listening to their responses.

Running Insight strives to live in both worlds – connecting monthly digitally and personally at retailer visits and especially at The Running Event in Austin in November. We’ll see you there.

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