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Make the Most of Your 2022 Conference Experience: 6 Tips for Success
By Christine Bowen, Running USA Chief Operating Officer
The Running USA team is so excited to welcome all to our 2022 Industry Conference in Orlando! It has been more than two years since we last gathered in Las Vegas, and we are thrilled to be back in-person for great education, networking, captivating speakers and insight that will move your business forward in the year to come. Throw in great morning runs and interesting conversation over cocktails, and we’ve got ourselves a winner!
2022 marks my twelfth edition as the lead planner and production manager of the event, and it has truly been an honor to host so many of you in cities around the continental U.S. and beyond. We’ll never forget our 2019 conference in Puerto Rico, or any of the other amazing locations we’ve visited together. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but we had such positive feedback on our 2017 event at the Coronado Springs that we are thrilled to be gathering here again.
I’m also excited to share with you that in February 2023 we’ll be meeting in Denver, a location decision that reflects the desires of our attendees for an easy to access urban destination.
But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let’s focus on the event in front of us. It’s been more than 24 months since we’ve done this, so here are a few rust buster tips to make your time at this year’s conference a success.
1. For best results, step outside your comfort zone.
This year more than ever, we know it’s tough to unleash your inner introvert. But the good news is, everyone is feeling equally socially awkward! The most important way to make the most of your time here is to be open to introducing yourself to those you don’t know and anyone you’d like to meet. Need a digital assist? Use the conference app to reach out and set up a meeting.
2. All of our programming is designed to be relevant to everyone.
We’re often asked what sessions make the most sense for certain job titles to attend. The quick answer is – all of the sessions on the schedule will have relevance for any role in the industry. This year we have worked especially hard to broaden the appeal of the general sessions. Come with a plan of which sessions you want to attend. During the breakout programming, you’re sure to find multiple options that will spark your interest. If it is your first time attending, you want to make sure to add the First Timers session to your Sunday schedule. I promise you will get out what you put in, so speak up and ask questions.
3. Use the attendee list to your advantage.
You can find the attendee list in the conference app or on RunningUSA.org. Think of it as your yearbook for the event. Who would you most like to meet? Are there shared challenges that you could talk over with fellow events of similar size? One of our industry’s best and most unique qualities is the willingness of professionals to share openly. Make the most of having so many industry leaders in one space.
4. Take advantage of the designated breaks.
They’re not just for checking email. Based on attendee feedback from past events, we know that our set break times are crucial for you to be able to schedule short meetings, check out the expo, or get to know that person you bumped into at happy hour a little bit better.
5. Don’t forget to sleep and pace yourself.
Take it from me, the most valuable tip on this list might be the most obvious. Be sure to get some shut eye every night. Eat well, hydrate and make sure to get outside for fresh air each day. Especially this year, it will be easy to become overwhelmed in the catch ups, conversations and collaborations that are sure to transpire this week. We hope you have a wonderful time, and thank you for being a part of the magic of the 2022 Industry Conference!
6. Use social media
We encourage you to tweet and post about the conference while you’re there. Tag people you’ve met, or hope to meet, and make complimentary comments about their session, panels and the conference itself. Always use the conference #hashtag, #runningusa22.
About the Author: Christine Bowen is the Chief Operating Officer of Running USA.