Around Vättern 2022

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GÖTA CANAL & Motala Verkstad – 200th anniversary 10 years with East Vättern Scarp Landscape Steam ship Per Brahe – Sweden's Titanic Vättern Sea Rescue Society CAMPING – Off season




Facts about Lake Vättern Lake surface: 1,912 km2 Length: 135 km Width: 31 km Deepest point: 128 m Vättern is the second largest lake in Sweden, and the sixth largest in Europe. The name Vättern simply means ‘water’. The largest inflow from Forviksån comes from lakes Unden and Viken, and from the Huskvarna river. Vättern flows into the Motala Ström river system. Lake Vättern is a deep rift basin. To the east is Omberg, which is a horst, i.e. a raised elongated block of the earth's crust between two faults. Vättern has more than 30 different species of fish, including grayling, smelt, char, whitefish and vättern salmon, which is actually not salmon, but rather brown trout. Visitors can see Vättern fish in summer at Vättern Aquarium in Motala.


Around Vättern 2022 Göta Canal & Motala Verkstad

together Around Vättern

Our furthest destination, Göta Canal, which celebrates its bicentennial this year, laid the foundation for Swedish industry with the company Motala Verkstad. Pages 6–7

A deep-diving director

Meet director Thom Bitten-Austin who has made several films about life by Vättern and below its surface. Pages 8-9

Per Brahe steamship – Sweden's Titanic

This year marks 100 years since the steamer Per Brahe was salvaged. Learn more about what would become the great public entertainment. Pages 10-11

Vättern Sea Rescue Society

An essential volunteer organisation that saves lives. We provide important information for safety at sea.

The lake unifies all those who live and work around Lake Vättern. This year, the network and the magazine you hold in your hands celebrates its 25th anniversary, or should I say, 110th.

Pages 12-13

Camping off season

Camp all year around and experience the changing seasons at Lake Vättern. Pages 14-15

10-years with East Vättern Scarp Landscape The "Östra Vätterbranterna" (East Vättern Scarp Landscape) Biosphere Reserve was established in 2012, and we have reviewed the past decade. Pages 16-17

Presentation of places around Vättern: Askersund Motala Vadstena Skänninge/Väderstad Ödeshög Gränna/Visingsö Jönköping/Huskvarna Habo Tidaholm Hjo Karlsborg

20-21 24-25 28-29 32-33 36-37 42-43 48-49 52-53 56-57 58-59 60-61

Production: Wettersaga AB, Ödeshög Tel. +46(0)768-95 50 36 · Editors and advertising: Åse Wännerstam Editor: 0390 Communications, Gränna Cover photo: © CS Kommunikationsbyrå AB Print: Mittmedia Print 2022, Circulation: 70,000 copies Publisher: Åse Wännerstam

In 1912, four leaders from four counties met to discuss cooperation between visitors and residents around Lake Vättern. In this edition, we have presented a few people who have made this cooperation possible. Is this your first visit to Vättern? Then you are extra welcome, and we believe there is a good chance you’ll be returning. At least that’s what we hope – those of us who live and work here. In all the years I’ve been meeting and greeting visitors, I have often heard: If we had known how much there is to see here, we would have stayed longer. That is what we behind the magazine and website hope to inspire. Do you live by Lake Vättern or have a business here? If so, this magazine is also intended for you. Discover your local area and enjoy all the wonderful things you can experience here. We hope to inspire you to take a staycation and enjoy the local area. We have so many gems and good entrepreneurs around Vättern and have posted our best tips and trip suggestions on our website. Many of our sponsors are destinations in themselves. Are you perhaps one of the many tourists who have only visited Vättern in summer? If so, we heartily recommend new visits during other seasons of the year. Personally, I love autumn at Lake Vättern. This is a more dramatic time of year, with the crisp autumn air and wind, and all the colourful foliage. The mysterious mist that envelopes the entire landscape. A visit to the budding beech forest among the lilies of Vadstena Abbey or a glimpse of the blue and white flowered hillside is an equally captivating experience in springtime. Did you know that residents of Vättern love to swim – all year round? Even in winter. Book your trip and try it yourself. Those of us who live here are keen to protect Vättern and its landscape, and we hope our visitors will do the same. We want you to enjoy Vättern and share it with others. And we hope you leave the landscape as you found it. Thank you for helping us to maintain a sustainable place to visit. We extend our thanks to all our colleagues, sponsors and partners around Vättern who make this possible. There are many of us, and we work together. And we hope our readers and visitors appreciate what we have accomplished. Welcome around Vättern! Åse Wännerstam




together around Vättern

TEXT: Åse Wännerstam

Åse Wännerstam and Eva Sandegren

The magazine you now hold in your hands is celebrating its 25th anniversary. It is the result of a project initiated in the late 1990s. However, the collaboration Around Vättern (Runt Vättern) dates even further back in time. In 1912, four leaders from four counties around Lake Vättern met to discuss the best way to welcome all the visitors who came to the area.

History of collaboration Lake Vättern connects the surrounding landscape and was a natural fairway until vehicles became more common. At that point, the lake was suddenly perceived as a dividing factor, and the distance between the towns on opposite sides of the lake increased. In 1912, four leaders from counties in Jönköping met to discuss different issues requiring collaboration. One of these issues was tourism. Even then, they realised the power and attraction of Lake Vättern. The current collaborative partnership Around Vättern (Runt Vättern) was initiated in the 1990s, but the work did not gain momentum until the CEO of the Göta Canal company, Claes-Göran Österlund and Calle Tollén head of tourism in Jönköping were able to get funding from the four county administrative boards of Alfa Bank and the Göta Canal company. In 1997, Claes-Göran was able to gather all the municipalities around the lake and assumed leadership of the association. Else-Marie Bertilsson from

Tidaholm was hired as the secretary, and these three became a driving force for many years. Soon it became clear that there were opportunities in advertising Vättern’s municipalities and businesses in printed form. This was where Stefan Sahlén came in. “I had an advertising and newspaper business in Vadstena. I had a solid network of contacts around the lake, and Vadstena’s tourism manager at the time, Gunnar Gidegård, was convinced that collaboration was essential for developing tourism around Vättern. Earlier, there had been very little competition between the tourism areas of Gränne, Hjo and Vadstena. I was contacted and asked to publish a magazine. Project funding made it possible to publish a magazine in 1997, not unlike the one you now hold in your hands. Even then, fishing, history, art, hiking and cycling, as well as magnificent and varied nature were all significant tourist attractions. Different working groups were established to contribute to the content. This magazine was published in Swedish, English and German.


Everything is connected When the project was finished, Stefan took the initiative to publish the magazine on his own. He saw the strength of the common vision that unites all of those who live and work around Lake Vättern, as well as those who visit. Everything is connected. The magazine became entirely financed by advertising. Several municipalities and various project groups saw the opportunity to market themselves and bought full-page ads. Gradually, a cooperative agreement developed. “Some were a little hesitant at first, but the interest grew. Municipalities were aware that this was something that would continue to work over time. It all involved networking,” says Stefan.

Once in Vättern, always in Vättern Vättern is clearly an attractive destination, and several projects over the years have identified common issues to follow up. From 2013 to 2016, the Leader-financed Crayfish Kingdom was the dominant project. Here, crayfish was initially the area of focus. There were crayfish festivals, Crayfish Day and crayfish cooking competitions. Many of these activities have continued. Part two of the project has involved a general focus on Lake Vättern as a destination. Project manager Anna Österlund along with Lotta Karlsson and Karin Käverö from Svecia Travels helped to create the strong network that currently exists around


the lake. Lotta, who was head of tourism in Motala at the time, joined in 1999. Today, she is one of the most active participants at the lake. In recent years, the network, website and magazine were managed by Eva Sandegren. She has lived in Gränna for many years. “We write about life in a unique area, and I have learned a lot in the last seven years of Around Vättern. I have been project manager and publisher for the last four years and have met many engaged collaborators and entrepreneurs. Now we have new goals for Around Vättern, which is exciting,” says Eva. Åse Wännerstam has been responsible for collaboration since autumn 2021. However, she has been involved in the network for ten years. These are her views on opportunities today: “I have been part of this network since 2010 and have had various roles, as a businessperson and project manager, as well as an advisory function. I am very pleased and honoured to be given the chance to continue developing the magazine, our website – – and the network of people and businesses around the lake. We have seen a steady increase in the number of visitors to the region, especially during the pandemic. More people are discovering the beauty of the area and our excellent businesses. Working with sustainable tourism inspires both me and my colleagues, and we want to leave behind an area that later generations will appreciate and enjoy.

The winner of the 2008 Crayfish cooking competition was the former head of tourism in Tidaholm Else-Marie Bertilsson. Her recipe from her mother's old cookbook from the 1930s initially won her a partial victory and it later won the major competition. She has revealed the secret of her recipe: BOILING CRAYFISH 5 litres water 50 g sea salt Boil the water, add the salt and let it dissolve. Add the crayfish and boil them until the first one floats up to the surface, about 1 min. Lift each one out with a skimmer spoon and placed them in a pot with a lid. CRAYFISH BROTH 5 litres water 205 g sea salt 5 sugar cubes ½ bottle of porter beer ¼ onion A generous amount of dill weed Bring the water to a boil and add all the ingredients (salt, sugar, porter beer, onion, dill week). Boil for 10 minutes. Remove the dill and place the warm crayfish in the broth. Push them down with a wooden spoon. Bring the water to a boil and cook the crayfish for 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and add fresh dill weed. Cool the pot quickly. This is delicious!

Stefan Sahlén was born and raised by Lake Vättern. He describes his special connection to the lake. “There are two aspects. From what I hear and see on social media, the proximity to Vättern and the water is very unique and affects everyone who lives here. Flat plains combined with a huge lake. Water is something we are naturally drawn to. I developed a strong interest in boats, and for nearly ten years I managed charter operations on Göta Canal – Wetterkanal Charter. I have been boating on the lake for nearly 36 years and have come to know Vättern and the people around the lake – fishermen, hikers and the nature. The Askersund archipelago is also close to my heart, since I grew up there.




– 200-year canal and industry TEXT and photo: stefan sahlén

This was not where construction of the Göta Canal began but rather where traffic on the lake started in 1822, with the lock named Ettan at Sjötorp.


Göta Canal is one of Sweden’s largest and most important cultural history constructions. It is also one of the country’s strongest brands. 2022,marks 200 years since the canal opened for traffic. This will be celebrated with pomp and circumstance, including cannon salutes and participation of both ministers and royalty. There were proposals to build a waterway across Sweden as far back as the 16th century. Baltzar von Platen, a count, naval officer and minister of state, was finally successful in pushing through the canal project. His specific plans were approved by King Karl XIII, and on 11 April 1810, the king issued a letter of privilege that gave the Göta Canal Company the right to build and operate the canal. A labour force, land and woods were all at the company’s disposal. In May 1810, the first spade was put into the ground at Motala. The work was soon underway in 15 different locations along the canal. On 23 September 1822, the canal between Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern was inaugurated. This was an important event and essential for the transport of people and goods by water at the time. It took another ten years before the entire stretch through Östergötland to Söderköping and Mem was built, but that's enough history for now. There will be another opportunity for celebrations in 2032. “This year, we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Göta Canal’s grand opening,” says Magnus Hollwin, who

is in charge of marketing the canal as a major tourist destination. Around 2 million people visit each year, and several thousand boats travel at 5 knots through its locks and a changing landscape. There is a good explanation for why Göta Canal and Motala Verksted are celebrating their bicentennials this year. When the canal opened for traffic, the ongoing canal construction was simultaneously gifted with equipment from the UK, which would be essential for continuing the work between Vättern and the east coast. The equipment included a dredger that was transported to Motala, where a dry dock and smithy were built. It is therefore only natural that this year’s opening of the canal season will be right at the dry dock and the original Motala Workshop, also celebrating its anniversary. This will take place on 3 May, initially with a a wide range of guests from the business community and the Ministry. The canal company will also invite the public to attend and participate. There is plenty of space on both sides of the canal. On 4 May, the western lock will open and a similar event will take place at Norrkvarn. The bicentennial will also be celebrated later in the year. There will be two Canal Days, one in the east and one in the west. Events for the public include family activities in collaboration with some of the businesses along the canal. This will ensure a lively celebration of Göta Canal.

Old Motala Verkstad from the east. The bell tower, originally called a ‘porridge bell’, marks the site for the 1810 smithy that formed the foundation for Motala Verkstad.

This year, 2022, marks 200 years since Motala Verkstad was established as a spare parts workshop that manufactured shovel blades for wooden shovels, cast and forged parts of the lock gates, and produced many other parts for the construction of the Göta Canal. No one could have imagined that this initially modest company would grow to become an entire community. Around 1850, it would develop into an internationally recognised and world-leading company that won awards in London, Moscow and Vienna. So welcome to the celebration of what would make Sweden a leading manufacturer of a wide range of essential products, including railway locomotives, bridges, masts, ships, steam engines and steam boilers. The technical knowledge that was developed at Motala Verkstad at the time resulted in a large number of other spin-offs in the form of companies and products that most of us still remember. Of course you have heard about Electrolux. Motala manufactured ten million refrigerators that were exported to the entire world. Luxor was the leading brand for radio and television sets, computers and more. This is where the Swedish industrial engineering first began.

After several years of inaccessibility due to the poor conditions of a section of the quay along Old Motala Workshop, AB Göta Canal company invested in a complete renovation of the quay in the winter of 2020–2021. The result was a new guest marina for boaters, and above all an attractive destination with a wide range of services, sights, activities, dining, accommodation and a popular walking trail. This bicentennial year also offers special activities such as dramatised guided tours. But let us go back 200 years, or rather 210 years to 1810. The lock at Motala harbour, Förstlingen, was built this year. Just halfway to the future steep ‘staircase’ of five interconnected locks at Borenshult, a smithy and dry dock were established for the assembly and service of the dredger purchased from England, which was essential for continuing canal construction. In 1822, the dredger was put to use, and the production of parts for the canal construction began to pick up. At that time, Motala was not a city, a town, or even a village. It only had a few residents. It would take a long time before the Motala we know today would develop into a city with all city rights. Motala Verkstad parish soon became its own, much larger commu-


“Not only that,” adds Magnus Hollwin. “We will also participate in the Swedish Navy's 500th anniversary celebration with a rowing race from Vadstena via Motala and through the Göta Canal to the Baltic Sea. This will take place in early June.” These and many other anniversary activities and events can be found at “And they hammered bridges and timbered locks, and their jaws were full of chewed tobacco, and knuckles struck the snus boxes, the hands that dug the Göta Canal” The penultimate verse of Tage Danielsson’s well-known poem honours the workers who dug and realised Baltzar von Platen's vision of connecting the North Sea with the Baltic Sea. They did not actually dig the ground with their bare hands. Instead, they used wooden shovels. Nearly 50 km, around half of the Göta Canal’s 90 km stretch between Mem near Slätbaken and Sjötorp on the eastern shore of Lake Vänern, and the rest is the lake system. The company Motala Verkstad was established in 1822, near the middle of the canal by the eastern shore of Lake Vättern. At that time, Motala was not a town or even a village. It just had a few residents and a prison. Baltzar von Platen, who had been given the thumbs up by King Karl XIV Johan to build a waterway through Sweden, chose the site for an entirely rational reason: A perfect site for a repair workshop that would provide the rest of the canal construction activities with all types of necessities. The workshop’s first product was said to have been shovel blades for the thousands of wooden shovels, which were the primary tools for all manual work on the canal. Lock gates and bridges were among the many products produced by Motala Verkstad. This was 200 years ago, and it is therefore celebrating its anniversary this year. It all started with Baltzar von Platen's idea of a workshop between Lake Vättern and Lake Boren that would later give rise to so many things. This is basically the cradle of Swedish industrial engineering. They managed the impossible. Bridges, vessels, steam engines, boilers, railway locomotives, church towers, masts and many spin-off products in the form of knowhow. Or how about ten million refrigerators for the global market?

nity, with a school, church, priest, doctor, shop ... basically everything needed for a functioning community. In the early part of the 19th century, Motala Verkstad parish had a population ten times larger than Motala village.

Motala Industrial Museum is located by the canal at Old Motala Verkstad. Visitors can learn about the entire history, from early construction to the later spin-off Motala products, such as refrigerators, torpedoes, and more.



The director that dives deep TEXT: Åse Wännerstam

Thom Britten-Austin.

It is a beautiful summer day in August as I stroll across the beach to the south of the village of Hjo. Such an amazing view of the coastline, and so close to Vättern. In one of these houses, I have scheduled a meeting with film-maker and director Thom Britten-Austin. Thom is behind the film adaptation of the dramatic documentary film The Sinking of Per Brahe. This is a dramatic story about the events that led to the sinking of the steamer S/S Per Brahe on the night of 19 November 1918, where 24 people lost their lives. The artist couple John and Ester Bauer and their young son were among the dead.

Brit in Hjo Thom was born in Stockholm in 1953, and he grew up there and in the south of England. Both parents are writers. He has inherited his talent for telling a story. His mother, Margareta, is Ingmar Bergman’s sister, and his father, Paul Britten-Austin, is mostly known for his biography of Carl Michael Bellman. In his younger years, Thom worked on films and TV production in both England and for SVT in Sweden, but started his own IT company in 1981. When I ask him how he came to live in Hjo, he says: “My wife, Monica, is from here. She was born in one of the beautiful wooden houses in Hjo, Villa Viktoria. After living in Stockholm for 30 years, I wanted to get away from the crowds and air pollution in Huddinge, and I was ready for something new.

ter World War I ended, six years after the Titanic disaster. Despite this, it took four years for the vessel to finally be salvaged, and there were skeletal remains on board. Captain Boija’s body was never found, and there were rumours that he had survived and moved to America with the ship’s money chest.

Cover-up Thom could not help but wonder if something had been covered up and contacted the Swedish National Archives to get access to all the documents in the case. This was easier said than done. The documents were nearly impossible to get hold of. At least, until Thom explained he was Ingmar Bergman’s nephew. The very next day, he had the documents he needed.

“The story was just too good to pass up.” Thom Britten-Austin

Sweden’s Titanic It is not difficult understand his passion for Vättern when he has the changing seasons right outside his window. Why did you want to make a film about the Per Brahe shipwreck? “We actually came upon this story by chance. We were in the middle of another project. But the shipwreck had everything. Drama, conspiracy, secrecy. The story was just too good to pass up. Thom says that he suspects there was a cover-up by the Göta Canal shipping company, which blamed everything on Captain Theodor Boija. Per Brahe sank just a week af-

PER BRAHE WAS OVERLOADED By reading the 280-page interrogation protocol, with some hefty detective work, it was clear that the ship was extremely overloaded. Among other things, there were 40 cider barrels on deck that weighed 800 kg each. The barrels were not even properly secured. It was also clear that the shipping company pressured its captains into taking on heavy loads and keeping a tight schedule to Stockholm. “I learned that overloading probably caused the vessel turned 200 metres too early at Hästholmen the night of the accident. There is otherwise no reasonable explanation for Boija, an experienced captain, to make that manoeuvre in such weather,” says Thom. This is verified by diver Ernst Lagerström. In his book My Life as a Diver, he describes the position of the ship at the bottom of the lake. He was one of the divers involved in salvaging the ship.



The Bauer Family in the film Ödesnatten på Vättern (Fateful Night on Vättern)

The film The Sinking of Per Brahe is a dramatic story that has won several awards at film festivals in Venice, Prague and Luleå. When the film was shown in locations around Vättern, tickets were quickly sold out.

Passion for Vättern Thom has produced several films based on Vättern. In his film project MINA’s Adventure on Vättern, audiences can follow the M/S MINA on Lake Vättern during the summer of 2019. This is a series in six episodes shown on YouTube. Thom raises questions about Lake Vättern. Is there really a sea monster in the lake? What will be left for future generations? The episodes combine subtle

humour, although it does not sidestep more serious issues. When asked what he thinks might be found in the depths, he replies: “It's strange, because when we tried to measure and see how deep Vättern really is, we realised that there are surface currents at several levels. The sounding weight just swung back and forth. We could never get down to the bottom. So who knows what’s hiding down there. A lot of inexplicable things have happened,” he says, enigmatically. As Thom says in one of the video clips, people can believe what they like. There are many myths and legends about Vättern. No smoke without fire, perhaps?

Thom’s other film projectS in Vättern: MINA’s Adventure in Vättern Six YouTube videos tell the story of the M/S MINA, Sweden's oldest galleon still in operation. In his film project Under the Surface he visits harbours around Vättern and discusses geography, history and shipwrecks. Kungamord 1167 In this docudrama, we follow conspiracy theories regarding the 1167 murder of the Swedish King Karl Sverkersson in Visingsö. Vita Nejlikor A new film adaptation of the blame following the sinking of Per Brahe. This will première at Hästholmens bygdegård on 24 July 2022.

M/S Mina




The source of the ‘Great Public Entertainment’ was one of Sweden's most tragic accidents. The S/S Per Brahe sank just one week after World War I ended, six years after the Titanic disaster. Despite this, it took four years for the vessel to finally be salvaged, and there were skeletal remains on board.

Sweden’s Titanic On the evening of 18 November 1918, the S/S Per Brahe departed from Gränna Harbour heading to Hästholmen. The wind speed had reached storm levels. The schedule was tight, the steamer was seriously overloaded and the crew was careless about lashing the ropes around the large barrels of cider to secure them on the deck. “If it doesn’t go wrong this time, it will never go wrong,” laughed Captain Boija before the ship headed out. On board were 24 people, including artist John Bauer and his family. The S/S Per Brahe never reached Hästholmen.

covered by national news By morning, it was clear that a terrible accident had occurred during the night. The news spread quickly through-

out the village and across the country. Speculations on the cause began immediately, and the general opinion was that the ship had been poorly and overly loaded, and that the Göta Canal company was responsible. In December 1918, two divers from Stockholm, F. Gillström and E. Lagerström made several dives down to the shipwreck. They confirmed that the ship was overloaded and that this was likely the reason it sank. Per Brahe was on the right keel with the bow two metres higher than the stern. The bell was retrieved from the ship, but nothing else was done for two years.

before it disappeared. When it was salvaged, it was confirmed that it most likely went under in this fashion. Many stories hinted at the possibility that some of the passengers had survived for a few weeks until the divers went down in December. There were rumours that the divers saw people moving and that the shock of this sight kept them from telling anyone else until long afterwards. For years, rumours of surviving passengers continued. Some said that one or more of the passengers had been seen in different places around the world. Captain Boija was even blamed for snatching the money box.

Warnings and mystique

First attempt at salvage

The rumours and myths surrounding the disaster reached incredible proportions. Per Brahe became a legendary ship. Rumours began circulating that the cargo had contained an enormous amount of money and weapons. Several people claimed that they had a sense of impending doom and therefore decided against boarding the ship on the night of the accident. The day before the accident, there was a party up on a hill by Gränna. They had a good view across Vättern and see the steamer. Someone pointed toward the lake, shouting: “Look, there goes the Per Brahe!”. But they were told that the steamer was currently in Jönköping. Everyone watched as the vessel steamed ahead at top speed. Suddenly it plunged into the depths with its stern first and the bow pointing skyward for a few moments

One of the former divers from Gränna, E.M. Johansson, could not shake the thought that the ship could be salvaged. He invested his own money and contacted the wellknown salvaging expert Captain Edlund with the Neptun Company. On 16 July, an exploratory dive was done and one of the cargo’s many sewing machines was brought up. The sewing machine was tested and worked perfectly. This find became national news. Then the remains of Miss Velis Allard from Gränna were found. Every major newspaper in the country had a reporter present in Hästholmen But there were no detailed accounts from the wreck. Instead they had to settle for the diver, Gustavson’s phrase “Pelle must come up” [Pelle is a nickname for Per]. The work dragged on and the hired sailing ship captains grew tired and returned home. The money ran out and autumn


Per Brahe sees the light of day

storms were on the way. This was viewed as a bad omen. However, the interest in Hästholmen had only increased, and a cooperation organisation was formed with the aim of salvaging Per Brahe. This cooperative organisation was spearheaded by some of the community’s most wellknown and highly regarded individuals. The organisation decided to begin the work the following year.

Salvage – Pelle must come up! Technical preparations were led by the head of the cooperative organisation, building contractor K. Johansson from Ödeshög. Divers Ernst Lagerström and C . G. Bergmark from Stockholm were hired. Lagerström, who made the dive in 1918, was highly experienced. On Wednesday, 14 June 1922, two steady sailing galleons arrived with hoists and other devices. Given their previous failed attempts, they were now equipped with 48 ropes, each carrying a weight of 17.5 tonnes. This was going to be done properly. The ropes would be wrapped around the bottom of the ship to lift it up like a hammock. For several days, there was lively activity at the wreckage site. Divers brought up sewing machines and other goods. On 2 July, they were successful in loosening the bow from the bottom of the lake. Over the next few days, this was lifted another two metres, which gave them hope that the salvaging project would be successful. On 9-10 July, however, there was a setback. This is how reporter Sven Jerring, who was at the scene, described the events: “Spirits were still good even after the major blow that struck during the night between 9 and 10 July, the most threatening incident during this summer’s salvaging project. On Sunday, 9 July, the mood was more hopeful than ever. The galleons’ lifting bridges were reinforced by double clamping systems in the fore and aft, wire ropes and pulleys were in perfect order, and they were ready for the crucial battle with Vättern. There was a south-eastern wind and calm sea. Late Sunday night, the lifting began. Wires were pulled in slowly but surely, and early Monday morning, the ship was almost freed from the bottom. The wind picked up, but they had come much too far to give up on their first try. However, the wind grew more violent and the sea level rose further. At 6 in the morning, the strong breeze developed into a gale, which neared storm force. Between 8 and 9 in the morning, the situation was unsustainable. It was all about saving whatever could be saved”. The next day, rumours were spreading like wildfire, and telephone and telegraph lines were heating up. Would the salvaging project be cancelled? Was all hope lost? The cooperative organisation was firm. Now, more than ever, they were determined that Per Brahe would be brought up! One week after that stormy night, divers went down to straighten out the tangled wires on the bottom and salvaged the two pulleys. Thankfully, they discovered that the stern had come loose. A large barge had now joined the two galleons. On Friday, 21 July, they big day was announced.

Per Brahe fever and the Great Public Entertainment A feverish mass hysteria ensued over the news reports and interest in Per Brahe. Every minute detail was reported and immediately became front page news. It was humankind’s battle against the powerful Lake Vättern. Even early in the salvaging process, there were thousands of onlookers. According to news reports, nearly 20,000 people had gathered in Hästholmen. Spectators came from all parts of Sweden. Long rows of heavy omnibuses parked here and remained. Extra trains were set up, which for a time became more ordinary than extra, to bring thousands of curious spectators to the salvaging site. The rocky slopes by the beach was filled with people and their picnic baskets. No one wanted to miss the performance. Many remained and spent the night in tents or under bushes. Coffee, sandwiches and drinks: This sign hung on every other house in Hästholmen. A bustling market flourished


What happened to the Per Brahe? After it was salvaged, the vessel was repaired and returned to ship traffic in 1924, under the name Östergyllen. It would change names several times – in 1927 to Kallerö, in 1928 to Ostkusten, and finally in 1929 to Åland II. It sailed in different parts of the Baltic Sea. In 1959, the vessel was scrapped.

Divers’ trials and tribulations Lagerström prepared for the final dive before the ship would be lifted. He fastened an extra wire to the stern of the wreck. He put on one thick Icelandic sweater after the other. Several layers of wool. It was cold at 32 metres depth! He pulled on his diving suit and inch-thick lead shoes. His bronzed, chiselled face was hidden beneath his copper helmet, and he disappeared down to the sunken steamer. The two crew members manning the oxygen machine were mechanically doing their job, and at the water’s edge, a third crew member, indifferently smoking a cigarette, released the air hose, foot by foot, as it drifted into the water. They had the diver’s life in their hands, but this was an average task for them, and they did not dwell on it. Nor did the diver. He put his life on the line each day, and did not stop to consider the risks. It was all part of the job.

around the harbour. Vendors selling coffee, fruit, candy, ice cream and drinks were everywhere, and stands serving beer sold a significant amount to thirsty visitors. The harbour itself became so congested that it was necessary to block off a larger area. One harbour shop devised a little Per Brahe museum. Despite the fact that the objects had been at the bottom of the lake for four years, many were in mint condition. The public greedily fingered sewing machines, buckets and lifeboats. One sewing machine was broken and each of its parts were sold for SEK 1. Sales were eventually came to a halt, but the disgusting part that these bizarre souvenirs actually found buyers! Rowboats took passengers out to the ships for 75 öre per person. Sven Jerring continued its report: “Approaching the galleons is not something most people will get to experience. It was a big deal, and no one was going to stop them. Building contractor Johansson took his command seriously. No one was permitted on board if they had no reason to be there. An example! A super-elegant luxury yacht approaches at a distance of a few hundred metres. Its owner rows over in a dinghy, and apparently takes it for granted that he will get a closer look at the attraction. Nope! Out here, in this moment, an affluent Stockholm CEO has less prestige than a simple man at the winches. Johansson makes an authoritative, deterrent gesture, and in a commanding voice says: ‘No one gets in here! We are lifting Per Brahe!’ And with that, the CEO slinks back to his mahogany box that is likely worth twice that of Per Brahe and the salvaging fleet together.”

Now it was time. Everything was ready. Per Brahe would be resting on the wires like a hammock. At any moment, the winches would be moving. Things became lively on board. Fifty men were given instructions and formed groups around the different pulleys. That evening, the steamer Trafik arrived from Hjo to assist. The wreckage had loosened so much that they could see the propeller blades in the mud. Just before eleven that night, Per Brahe was released from the bottom of the lake, and the galleon was pulled out of the water as if it had been freed from a great weight. Cheers on the salvaging ship were answered by cheers from the masses on the beach. The spectators had faithfully remained in place. The Swedish flag was raised on Per Brahe’s mast. Early on Saturday morning, 12 August, the final chapter of the story of Per Brahe’s salvage began. Five assisting steamers were in place: Nelly, Skattkärr, Nya Herrres, Vänern and Wille. Decimetre by decimetre, Per Brahe was lifted up over the surface of the water. The bow, foredeck, wheelhouse, captain’s cabin, boiler room and finally the aft deck. Cheers resounded around the lake!

The dead are recovered Divers repeatedly expressed their objections to bringing up the dead, but did not insist against this morbid work. The work of identifying the bodies was difficult, as most of them were unrecognisable. When the first body was recovered, there were no negative reactions among the spectators. Celebrations continued uninterrupted. However, as the mood of the men on board changed, so did the behaviour of the public. Coffin after coffin was carried out. The crew was deeply moved. Divers who had earlier been cheerful and celebratory were now silent and sombre. Flags were lowered at half mast each time a new corpse was carried out. People were reminded of the horrific situation the passengers had been subjected to. Most of the bodies were found trapped in their cabins. This included Ester Bauer with the couple’s son in her lap. John Bauer was found on the stairs outside, where he was likely on his way to get help but was overtaken by water. Divers said that they had never seen so much cargo everywhere on the ship. The boiler room door bore clear signs of attempts to break it open. The window was smashed and the handle broken on the outside. The entire door was bent at the bottom. They had fought for their lives. The ten unidentified victims were brought to Västra Tollstad cemetery, where they were buried in a common grave. The burial took place on Sunday, 20 July. Flags flew at half mast everywhere across Hästholmen village.



Swedish Sea Rescue Society on Lake Vättern Today there are two lifeboat stations, RS Vadstena/Motala and RS Visingsö. A total of 40 volunteers operate across Lake Vättern, and on lakes in Östergötland and adjacent counties. The Visingsö station was established in 1980, and it mainly operates water ambulances between Visingsö and Gränna. This station has the highest number of ambulance transports in Sweden. It entails different requirements and different equipment. This station also takes on assignments in the southern part of Vättern. In 2011, the station was renamed Vadstena/Motala, since Motala is the harbour located closest to most of the volunteers in the society. Rescue units are located in both Vadstena and Motala, and their main bridge is in Vadstena. The station is open all year, 24 hours a day, with the aid of four on-call teams. The stations try to meet regularly to share their experiences. However, the pandemic has unfortunately prevented larger gatherings over the past year. Otherwise, this would be routine. They also participate in exercises with the Armed Forces and Coast Guard.

Volunteer sea rescuers Volunteer work as a sea rescuer with the Sea Rescue Society requires a genuine interest in the lake and a strong willingness to help people in need. Experience at sea is naturally a plus, but not a requirement. The most important thing is your attitude and a strong interest in making a difference for your fellow humans. The Society has an agreement with the Swedish Maritime Administration but it receives no government funding. There are currently around 2,300 volunteer sea rescuers in Sweden.

Donations and bequests Daily operations are funded by membership fees. Larger investments are financed by donations, sponsors and sometimes by bequests. Some are recurring donations, such as the Swedish Postcode Lottery, which donated SEK 16 mil-

TEXT: Åse Wännerstam

lion to the Sea Rescue Society in 2021. In January this year, construction began on a new lifeboat station in Motala. Last year, the station was given a new 11-metre lifeboat, donated by the Stig Kjellgren legacy. “My glasses are a little broken, but I’m not buying any new ones, because there would be less left for you. These words were spoken by Stig shortly before he passed away. He bequeathed his entire fortune to the Swedish Sea Rescue Society.

Life as a sea rescuer We phoned Johan Weber, head of the Vadstena/Motala lifeboat station, for an interview. He explains that he has always had a passion for the lake. His family often travelled to the north of Motala in their little boat. Johan developed an interest in sailing and competed in both the Swedish and Nordic championships as an active junior. Over the last seven years, he has been in charge of the Vadstena station, where he and his father-in-law are part of the same on-call team. Johan would like to see more applicants who wish to become volunteers. Especially more female sea rescuers. People come and go, since this is a volunteer and non-profit operation. Time constraints and family life often take priority. Most people of working age do this in addition to their ordinary jobs. You must be able to reach the lifeboats at 15-minutes notice. Johan tries to get the right mix of experience and skills in each of the various on-call teams. For those interested in developing their skills, there are several internal training programmes.

More alarms and inexperienced boaters Johan noticed some major changes during the pandemic. More people chose to holiday at home and bought a boat for the first time. The summer of 2020 was explosive, where rescue operations increased by 100 % compared to 2019. And in 2021, they maintained the same level as the previous year, with 140 rescue operations. It is clear that there are many new, inexperienced people at sea. Some pur-

chased larger boats but never learned how to operate them. How much fuel does a boat need? Is the battery fully charged? Fortunately, the number of society members has increased. The Society is also more visible in the media, and this has spurred more interest among the public. More people want to become sea rescuers. Johan emphasises that members should contact the Sea Rescue Society at an early stage of an event, when preventive measures can minimise the risk of a life-threatening situation. Many people wait far too long, he says.

Lake Vättern is fickle Vättern is known for being unpredictable. It pays to be prepared. Winds can suddenly whip up and churn the lake. Those who have boating experience along the coast are generally accustomed to long waves. Vättern's waves have short peaks, and the lake can be rough. It is important to read up and learn about the lake before heading out on Vättern.

Rescue with a happy outcome Johan mentions a dramatic rescue operation in 2021. This was an American kayak paddler who had planned to kayak across Vättern. He had checked the map and decided to paddle from Karlsborg to Motala. However, just south of Karlsborg, he steered in the wrong direction and ended up in the middle of the lake. The little white kayak took in water and was capsized. Thank goodness he had his mobile phone in a waterproof case and was able to call for help. But there was a problem. There were whitecaps on Lake Vättern. The kayak paddler was dressed in black and his kayak was white. His position was difficult to determine. A major rescue operation was initiated, where the military, Sea Rescue Society, Coast Guard and Swedish Maritime Administration worked together. Helicopters and boats headed out to search. Finally, the kayaker was spotted from a Coast Guard plane and was brought to shore, cold but conscious. It felt great to be able to rescue him, says Johan.



The Swedish Sea Rescue Society was established by enthusiastic volunteers 100 years ago. And it has continued. All lifeboats have volunteer crews that are ready to go, 24 hours a day, all year round. We are involved in about 90 per cent of all sea rescues in Sweden, without government funding. The entire operation relies on donations, memberships and volunteer work. If you would like to support the Swedish Sea Rescue Society: Plusgiro 900 500-0, Bankgiro 900-5000

Requirements for participation as an on-call team member: • • • • • •

A strong willingness to help people in need A genuine interest in the lake You can get to a lifeboat within 15 minutes after you are alerted 18 years old, or 16 with the approval of a guardian Can swim 200 metres without a floating device Physically healthy and with normal physical fitness

Johan Weber, head of the Vadstena/Motala lifeboat station.

SEA RESCUERS’ TEN BEST TIPS 1. Always have life vests on board – for everyone 2. Check the weather report 3. Fully charged mobile phone and an extra charger 4. Waterproof case for the mobile phone 5. Portable VHF radio 6. Download the 112 app 7. Learn where defibrillators are located 8. Stay sober at sea 9. Put away mobile phones on the beach – keep track of each other 10. Contact us BEFORE a situation becomes serious!

Photo: Jeppe Gustafsson/Bild Östergötland



CAMPING LIFE – off season TEXT: Josefine Gustafsson

It’s a sunny morning in September as I drive among the pine trees of Vadstena Camping. I see the fabric of a little red tent fluttering in the breeze next to a Volvo station wagon. Vättern is calm and beautiful. On the way to the service shop, where I've arranged to meet Marita Fagrell who has worked at the campsite for nearly 20 years, I pass a few children bouncing on a colourful trampoline. A group of young pensioners are playing minigolf by the beach. “We’re like little farmers dependent on the weather! Visitors who want peace and quiet arrive at this time of year. In about a month, people will be coming for the crayfish,” says Marita.

Camping all year round On the other side of Lake Vättern is Hjo Camping, within walking distance to the picturesque village. Campsite owner Annelie Lindblad explains that the interest in year-round camping has increased. “This is the first year we’re trying drop-in weekends all year round. Last year, we allowed caravan owners to book off season. But they have to stay at least a month,” says Annelie.

The camping trend is nothing new The camping trend hit long before Covid, but it reached new heights during the pandemic. The number of visitors to Vadstena Camping has tripled since 2004. These are

often families with children. Parents want their children to experience what they did when they were young. They camp in tents or borrow a caravan. Other visitors have tents on top of their ‘little buses’. Those who invest in larger motorhomes, often pensioners, like to extend the season and come at different times of the year, as long as weather permits. Only a few weeks remain before Vadstena Camping closes. Yet there are still many visitors, considering that

“We chose to holiday for a few weeks in September, because it was more peaceful,” says Ines Steger with a smile. this is the middle of September and quite windy. A woman wearing a woollen cap sits and crochets outside her van. “We chose to holiday for a few weeks in September, because it was more peaceful,” says Ines Steger with a smile. Her partner, Norbert Friedrich sits down in a folding chair nearby. They are from Germany and have brought their bicycles. “In two days, we’re heading for Öland. The weather there is supposed to be good,” says Norbert.

Luxury camping at Nerikes Riveria I head north to meet Peter Gylling at Harge Bad & Camping, a few miles south of Askersund. We sit in the sun outside the service shop, just a stone’s throw from Nerikes Riveria, a long, sandy beach with pine trees instead of palm trees. Its location close to to the northern Vättern archipelago makes this an especially attractive campsite. “The best part of owning a campsite is meeting all the nice people who come here,” says Peter Gylling. Among the 200 camping pitches, 70 are seasonal campers who sit in their caravans or motorhomes and work. As I wander around the area, I notice all the motorhomes. Cabins are also available for rent at different price levels. A few are furnished more as hotel rooms.

Experienced van campers A green campervan sticks out among caravans and motorhomes. “I’m on my way to the Vätternrundan, and I rented this van in Malmö,” says Ahrne Bendix, who comes from a town on the island of Zealand in Denmark. For years, he and his wife have gone camping in Sweden. They also have a cabin just outside Älmhult.


mping. Photo Jo


sefine Gustafsson


Grilling at Strömsnäs Nature Camping.

t from Germany. Ines and Norber stafsson. Gu e Photo Josefin

Hammock camping.

Julareds Glamping

“I've been camping for 30 years! I’ve spent much of the last five years in a tent. This has truly become a trend.

“I’ve spent much of the last five years in a tent. This has truly become a trend.” We often camp in a tent by Lake Vättern,” he says enthusiastically, as he hangs a towel to dry on the bicycle rack on the back of the van.

Camping out in the wilderness Wilderness camping has also become more popular, especially among young people, but also among older people who are keen on outdoor recreation. Unique to Sweden is the ‘right to roam’, which allows everyone to spend the night in the wilderness. As long as you respect nature and adhere to the principle of “Do not disturb, do not destroy”. Certain nature reserves and national parks permit camping in tents and making campfires, such as Store Mosse National Park in Småland. Applicable rules are clearly described on county administration websites.

Tiveden invites campers Near Tiveden National Park, there is a reasonably sized campsite for people looking for wilderness experiences. For twelve years, Marlies and Heim have been running Camping Tiveden, which is open from early April to mid-October. “This is a gem in paradise that we have renovated, developed and put a lot of energy and love into. We also have glamping tents and a few deluxe cabins that we also let during the winter season,” says Marlies.

Nature camping – the simple life Looking for something in between wilderness camping and a traditional campsite? Then Strömsnäs Nature Camping is for you. The wooded environment by the lake makes camping even more attractive for nature lovers. “A visitor phoned and wondered if it was okay to bring a hammock along. At first, I didn't understand what he meant, but then I went out to look for trees with the right amount of spacing, and it turned that we have two suitable spots for hammocks,” says Ingela Hermansson, who runs Strömsnäs Nature Camping, just a few kilometres from Forsvik near the Göta Canal.

outside Habo.

“People who come to us are searching for more space and peace. We have three swimming areas, and they are never crowded. We maintain a somewhat simpler standard,” she explains. “Occasionally, Karlsborg Camping phones us when they have a really big motorhome or converted bus that they don't have room for. That's cool,” says Ingela.

Camping under the stars The concept of nature camping is common on the Danish island of Mön. They have marketed their camping as a place to get a good view of the night sky and stars. The campsite dims its lighting so that both animals and people can experience darkness. The entire island of Mön is internationally classified as a Dark Sky Park, and is therefore one of UNESCO’s global Biosphere areas. On my way south, I stop by Borghamn Strand, the northern gateway to Mount Omberg. Here you can pitch a tent in a more secluded spot but still have access to facilities and the opportunity to enjoy a coffee and a snack at a café. A few motorhomes are parked at pitches near Lake Vättern in the little harbour. You can't get closer to Vättern than this.



10 Years with east vättern

scarp landscape TEXT & PHOTO: Josefine Gustafsson

Ten years after the bombastic inauguration, Around Vättern dug up the story and speculated on the future of the East Vättern Scarp Landscape. It all started in the 1990s with disputes over one forested area. Many meetings later, it was decided that an application would be sent to become part of the UNESCO network of approximately 700 biosphere reserves in the world. Ten years have passed since the UNESCO designation, and the area has now become part of the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB). In this area, collaboration and joint management aims to achieve local solutions to global challenges. The person given the enormous task of preparing the application was Simon Jonegård, a recent graduate in the field of landscape science, who was inspired by Sweden's first biosphere reserve, Vattenriket, in Kristianstad. The seven organisations that formed the non-profit organisation East Vättern Scarp Landscape included Gränna Skogsgrupp, the county administrative board of Jönköping county, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF), Jönköpings municipality, the Swedish Forest Agency, and Södra forest industry group. I have arranged to meet Simon at the southern part of

will be determined whether this area will be worthy of the designation for another decade. What was the most significant event in the last ten years? “For me personally, the inauguration and ICC* meeting were two major events that left lasting impressions. There was such strong support and pride in receiving the UNESCO stamp on this area. A lot of great things happened, and we saw the potential. It was so cool, because we understood what all this meant,” says Simon with a wide smile. Ellen Nystedt thinks for a moment and says, “Personally, I think it was the 2005–2006 pollarding project that put our biosphere reserve on the map. The

“There was such strong support and pride in receiving the UNESCO stamp on this area.”

Unique landscape! Everyone travelling by train via Huskvarna or Highway E4 can experience the dramatic mountain slopes and sweeping views of Lake Vättern.

the biosphere reserve, Grenåsa outside Tenhult. He was initially the coordinator for the biosphere reserve but is now self-employed. Ellen Nystedt, head of the focus group ‘Living Landscape’ is also seated at the café. She is self-employed as well. They have both been commissioned to conduct the 10-year evaluation, which will be submitted to UNESCO headquarters in Paris. In autumn of 2022, it

Simon Jonegård.


A selection of activities in the Biosphere Reserve 2012 Sweden's first species identification rally, the 2012 Bioblitz, took place in Röttle with significant media coverage and about 1000 visitors 2013 Seine fishing, a cultural heritage activity in East Vättern Scarp was researched and presented in a book 2014 The Biosphere Academy was established, which is a hub for learning and a bridge between formal education and traditional knowledge 2015 A landscape ecological deficiency and functionality analysis was performed, which is a tool for prioritising nature conservation activities. 2016 Lövsuccé, the 2016–2021 Biosphere Programme Strategy for sustainable development with six focus areas was adopted. This was a project that involved

fact that we got to work together with Öland municipality. And the fact that there was a larger perspective on the landscape. I had just recently moved here. The community association and community spirit with respect to our nature and cultural heritage, with the sense of pride in the East Vättern scarp and the beauty of its nature and cultural landscape.” I phone Charlotte Strandell who has been the coordinator for the East Vättern Scarp Landscape over the past year. She also lives in my area. “The local involvement and collaboration between many different actors is something that stands out in East Vättern. The biosphere reserve committee's work to educate preschools, schools and universities is also important,” she says. When looking back over the past ten years, what stands out in your mind? “That I’m proud of my region! That I see the potential of the resources that can be developed locally, such as sustainable forestry or tourism. That's what it boils down to,” says Simon. “And now we also have signs (which we have been advocating for for ages). And of course the biosphere reserve is now a natural part of the community identity. The biosphere reserve is also a natural route for seeking common solutions. The community is open to innovative thinking. The biosphere reserve will be a place that warmly embraces new ideas for small businesses, and for what I want to do with my property,” says Ellen hopefully. As Charlotte talks about the future, she highlights cycling.

collaboration between landowners and various actors to increase the number of deciduous trees 2017 Växa Tillsammans (Grow Together), a social project that brought young and old Swedes together in the biosphere reserve through activities such as beekeeping, language walks and dance theatre performances 2018 Topic evening about solar energy 2019 Naturen tar over (Nature takes over), an art project in collaboration with Österängen Contemporary Art Museum 2020 Mera Friluftsliv (More outdoor recreation), an information project to provide signage at various ‘demonstration areas’ 2021 Project Continuity Forest and Pasture Forest with a field conference and film

“I am positive that East Vättern will gain even more importance as a cycling destination. There will be a focus on all types of cycling,” she says. Charlotte’s best tips for visitors is Bauergården, which is a cycling hotel that also collaborates with Cykellyckas, where Elna Dahlstrand is a guide. She mentions the farm shops in the area, especially Lupiners Gårdfor locally sourced meat, sheepskins and pottery. They also have their own hiking trail. Flättinge Gårdscafé run by sisters Sandra, Josefine and Louise offers locally sourced, organic and fair trade coffee, and is absolutely work a visit in East Vättern Scarp, says Charlotte.

Ten gems in the Reserve 1. Visingsö, a cycling paradise for the whole family 2. Gränna, André Expedition Museum & Grännaberget 3. Röttle. village with a beautiful waterfall and historical community 4. Äppledalen with the Vista Kulle nature reserve and lake 5. Västanåleden a lovely trail loop along Lake Vättern 6. Bunn & Ören Magical guided boat tours through a John Bauer landscape, or rent a kayak and paddle on your own 7. Råbyskogen forest– experience the peace and tranquillity of nature 8. Huskvarnaberget nature reserve, Pustaleden trail, Smedbyn and Husqvarna Museum 9. Klevens café for a beautiful view and delicious cookies

*ICC International Coordinating Council, UNESCO'S governing body for the Biosphere regions in 120 countries

10. Uvaberget by Tenhult Lake and Grenåsa village shop and museum




We congratulate five places around Vättern celebrating anniversaries in 2022

Jönköpings Södra Football Club, 100 years Jönköping Södra Football Club celebrates its centennial this year on 9 December. The club was established in 1922, and the first match of the season was played here ten years later. As the first team in Småland, the club played ten seasons in the top tier from 1946 to 1969. This centennial year will be marked by centennial matches and a lavish banquet. On its birthday, the club will hold an open house at Odensberg and release its anniversary book.

Jönköping Södras ho

me pitch, Stadsparks


S/S TRAFIK, 130 years Steamship Trafik, at Hjo Harbour, 130 years old this year, is one of Sweden's oldest and best preserved steamships. Over the years, the steamer has received numerous awards, including: Best working life museum (2013), Vessel of cultural history interest by the Swedish National Maritime Museum (2001). It is maintained and operated by the non-profit organisation Sällskapet S/S Trafiks Vänner. It will be making several trips this year, including Hästholmen, where it will celebrate the anniversary of the Per Brahe salvage (read the Great Public Entertainment).

Photo: Jesper Anhede



Andrée Balloon Club, 50 years Andrée Balloon Club pictured here on 29 October 1972. This club was based on the success of a balloon festival held during the summer to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Andrée expedition from Danskön in Svalbard. Numerous hot air balloons rose up from Åsavallen in Gränna. 10,000 spectators followed the balloon journey across Vättern. A number of homing pigeons were released bearing the message “Yesterday, a large meeting in Gränna determined that the city would become Sweden's balloon capital. A place for annual international balloonist meetings and balloon competitions.” For many years, the club has been organising the Andreé Memorial, which has eventually become the largest annual balloon competition, which at one point had more than 60 registered participants. The club is a member of the Swedish World Air Sports Federation and the Swedish Sports Confederation.

Photo: Maggie Rolfsson.

Hjo Arts and Crafts Fair, 50th anniversary Hjo Arts and Crafts Fair is the largest of its kind in Scandinavia, with about 300 stands. Some exhibitors have been participating for 40 years. Crafts are judged prior to entry, and must be of high quality to participate. This year, the fair will be held on the weekend of 8–10 July.

Naturum Tåkern, 10 years Naturum Tåkern was inaugurated on 25 May 2012 by King Carl XVI Gustaf. Since then, this visitor centre at the bird reserve has received nearly 700,000 visitors. The centre has exhibits, a nature playground, barbecue grills, a bird watching tower, and a popular fairy tale path that Princess Estelle was given as a baptism gift by the county. Naturum is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm, from 1 April to 4 September. Entrance is free and most activities for kids are free of charge.




– the summer town all year round Want to slip away for the weekend and just do what you please? The cosy town of Askersund has exactly what you need to fill a few days of relaxation. Combine a concert, theatre performance or art exhibit with comfortable accommodations, village shopping and lovely autumn or spring walks in nature. A special meal, chocolate weekend or perhaps a few days of Christmas cheer. Perhaps a cycling trip in the countryside or a trip with the M/S Wettervik out in the North Vättern archipelago? Askersund offers wonderful experiences for everyone all year round. Contact Visit Askersund Tourist Information for personal tips, or visit for more information.

VisitAskersund Tourist information Visiting address in summer season: Askersund Harbour Tel. +46(0)583-810 88 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram VisitAskersund Infopoints • Best Western Hotel Norra Vättern • Garvaregården Hotel B&B Café • Sjöängen Cultural Centre • Olshammarsgården • Hotel PerOlofGården


Stjernsund Castle

– a rare and well-preserved gem among castles Just south of Askersund, beautifully situated on a promontory between Lake Alsen and the northern archipelago of Lake Vättern, is Stjernsund Castle. Stjernsund Castle is characterised by its well-preserved interior from the 1850s, when it was owned by the royal House of Bernadotte. Stroll through the tranquil gardens of the castle park and visit the castle gift shop, which has a range of items, including castle replicas. Guests are welcome to visit exhibits and the castle's Orangery. The castle café by the lake shore serves coffee and meals.

Castle by Lake Vättern Stjernsund Castle’s history includes many intriguing stories from past centuries told by knowledgeable guides on tours of the castle and park. The well-kept interior also tells its own silent story. On certain guided tours, the Castle princess makes an appearance to greet families with children. Annual exhibitions are held in the castle wings, and the stables display royal carriages and other items. The castle park invites visitors to stroll through the gardens, and the park’s transformation over the ages can be viewed in the recently opened Orangery. Agave plants also thrive around Stjernsund Castle. The gift shop has a carefully selected range of items that depict the castle’s history, including replicas of interior items, for those who may want to decorate their home with a touch of royalty. Stjernsund castle café, located on the lake shore, serves coffee and meals. The castle park also has a lawn open to visitors who want to enjoy their own picnics.

Tranquil spot where all roads meet The lake and its lively boat traffic between Askersund’s harbours and archipelago provides a backdrop for castle activities. Kungsbryggan, or ‘King’s Dock’ was, as the name implies, solely for the king's use. There is a small dock here for dinghies, which makes it possible to get to Stjernsund

by sea. Along Slottsallén, the road leading up to the castle, there is a local egg shop that also sells locally sourced meat and other goods. Toward the northyou can see the quaint wooden town of Askersund. Hikers can also try the ‘egg trail’ along Alsen beach between the town and the castle.

Home to royalty, landlords – and Mrs. Cassel Stjernsund Castle and its park facilities comprise a protected monument under the Swedish Cultural Heritage Act, and is managed by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities. The castle’s history dates back to the 17th century, when Johan Oxenstierna built a country manor. In 1785, mill owner Olof Burenstam bought the estate and began construction on the stately building you see today. He also redesigned the park as an English landscape garden. When Stjernsund was owned by the House of Bernadotte from 1823 to 1860, King Karl XIV Johan used it for overnight stays on his trips between Stockholm and Norway. His grandson, Prince Gustaf, also known as the ‘Singer Prince’, had the castle redecorated, and it now has one of the most well documented interiors from the 19th century. The castle has a stunning view of the Prinskullen nature reserve, named for the Singing Prince’s poetic journeys to the area. Upon Prince Gustaf's death, the castle went to his brother, Prince August. He had one of the four wings, the Billiard wing, redecorated in a more modern style at the time. This wing is also very well preserved. In 1860, the estate was purchased by the Cassel Family, who developed it into a model farm, known for its breeding of Swedish Red-and-White cattle (SRB). Augusta Cassel lived in parts of the castle until 1961. Even this period is highly visible and well preserved in the castle’s interior and fleet of vehicles. Welcome to Stjernsund Castle!




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Text and photos: Camilla Linusson


the new Vättern Room Museum After several years of lying dismantled in a container, the new Vättern Room Museum will now finally be recreated at Hästholmen Harbour. Roland Törnquist with Modell & Utställningsteknik will again be restoring the museum with a creative hand. Roland has plenty of experience with site-built solutions and is meticulous about achieving the right atmosphere. The museum will become a marine experience, where visitors will be shown a virtual water world, filmed in Lake Vättern. This will involve a combination of history, culture, people, important places around the lake, the Per Brahe steamer, old ships, fishing and stones from Borghamn. There will be something for visitors of all ages and interests. Roland has already found a lot of good material for decorations. Lanterns, steering wheels, pulleys and hoists. Outside the Vättern room itself, Modellteknik will construct a dock with a beach, and hopefully find an authentic Vättern boat. The exhibition is expected to be ready for the Great Public Entertainment event on 23 July.

Roland Törnqvist at Modell & Utställningsteknik, whose creative mind has developed the museum with the aid of his colleague, Johan Andersson. Flisan the dog is always included.

Round table discussion Around Vättern

– Underwater concert “whisper, listen” The Rätten till Vättern (Right to Vättern) project was initiated by Österängen Konsthall in Jönköping in 2021. This project raises awareness about Vättern through art and activities, with participation by many environmental and cultural organisations around the lake. Katarina Vallbo and the Ugglan Art Association in Vadstena were among the contracted artists. Katarina Vallbo's art exhibit Viska, Lyssna (Whisper, Listen) will be installed in various places around Lake Vättern. We were present at the artwork's installation in Hästholmen. Katarina describes her work: “The artwork is all about communication. I invite everyone to converse and to listen. Fish, plants, organisms, water molecules. The artwork is intended to make us listen and reflect on everything beneath the surface of the lake. Lake surfaces are both fascinating and full of contrasts. They are both definitive and permeable at the same time. The artwork consists of tables placed below the surface of the water. These are composed of eco-friendly materials, with oak products, wooden plugs and limestone, and will

become a habitat for aquatic animals. Once the artwork is installed, it will be visible from land under the right weather conditions. This will reinforce the idea that there is something below the surface that we don’t see, something we must listen to and protect. The other part of the artwork is an oak chair placed on land. It communicates with other chairs around Lake Vättern. The chairs will be placed at Husbacken in Hästholmen, by Oset in Huskvarna, in Hjo, in Karlsborg and in Borghamn. Stones with the engraved text “I’m listening” will also be placed around the lake. This will later be returned to Lake Vättern, thereby creating a connection with the lake. In Hästholmen, divers have already begun installing the tables, so we hope this will be an exciting and frequently visited underwater attraction! Finally, the underwater art installation Viska, Lyssna (Whisper, Listen) is in place beneath the lake between Husbacken and Lortknölen by Hästholmen Harbour. 6.3 metres deep, according to the sounding weight. The lake installation will be an exciting project, where safety has been prioritised. There was some trouble when the half-tonne oak basket with stones from Borghamn was lowered into the lake. On the first try, the bag slipped and it plunged down vertically. The second attempt was more successful. The entire process took six hours. Many people were involved. Divers Roland Törnqvist and Jan Hektor, assisted by Johan Andersson, and the S/S Pricken from Askersund with its crew.




Welcome to a journey of discovery in Motala, and explore our lakeside city. Perhaps you’d like to spend a day at Varamobaden beach, the longest freshwater beach in the Nordic region, with sand as fine as a Caribbean beach. If you're looking for an active holiday, there is a lot to choose between – kayaking on Lake Boren, or standup paddleboarding on beautiful Lake Vättern. Enjoy the lakeside city as you power walk alongside Motala River or fish in Lake Salstern. Watch a spectacular sunset while having a good meal at a lakeside restaurant. At Motala harbour, you can stroll past the boats and choose between several restaurants just a stone’s throw from Motala city centre. Have you signed up for the world’s largest recreational cycling event, Vätternrundan? Motala is both the starting point and finish line for the 315 km cycling route, which is held each year in June.

The lake has given us our history. We know that people had settled here as early as 11,000 years ago, likely due to the lakeside location. Inquisitive minds can find more information about archaeological findings and other Motala history at Charlottenborg Manor House. Another well-known piece of history is that of Motala Verkstad, which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year! Baltzar von Paten began construction of the Göta Canal in Motala in May 1810, but it was not completed until 1832.

Tourist Information Motala Visitor Service Visiting address summer season: Motala town square, Stora torget Tel. +46(0)141-101 205 · Follow us on Facebook and Instagram For an updated list of events, see InfoPoints in Motala municipality: • Best Western Motala Stadshotell • Motala Library • Borensberg Library • Brunneby Musteri Charlottenborg Manor House • Hotell Carl Friman • Hotell Östermalm • ICA near Tjällmo • Kaffeteriet

• • • • • • •

Lindgården Miniature Golf Course Fornåsa Flea Market Mallboden Café & Hostel Medevi ProSalus / Medevi Ointment Motala Motor Museum / Hotell Nostalgi Rapps Photo Sveriges Rundradiomuseum (Swedish Broadcasting Museum) • Övralid

rkstad area.

Old Motala Ve

This was heavy and demanding work. After a while, they realised the importance of skilled labour, being able to manufacture what was needed for canal construction, and the benefit of having their own repair workshop. In 1822, Baltzar von Platen took the initiative to establish what would become Motala Verkstad. And the rest is history.


Motala Verkstad would be known as the cradle of Swedish industrial engineering, and it became one of the country's leading industries. The list of things the company has manufactured is long, but it includes steam boilers, railway locomotives, ships and bridges, just to name few. The company has won several prizes at world fairs. Motala Verkstad has had enormous importance for the city of Motala, and is still active today as a manufacturer of high-quality products. An entire working community emerged around the company, which is now called the Motala Verkstad area. This area, located near Göta Canal, is popular among both Motala residents and visitors. This area has an atmosphere of time gone by, a true spiritual centre. The Motala Industrial Museum displays the entire intriguing history of Motala Verkstad. In the old shipbuilding sheds next to the dry dock, you can enjoy a delicious waffle at the café or spend the night at a hostel. In summer, there are also several guided tours of the area. There are also audio guides that describe the history of the area in Swedish and English.

The distance of the Göta Canal through the the city of Motala is 3.5 km. The old towpaths along the canal are perfect for walking or cycling. Make sure to visit Göta Canal’s steepest ‘staircase’ of five interconnected locks at Borenshult, where the water runs into Lake Boren. Göta Canal continues in Borensberg. Nature lovers will likely appreciate the Östgötaleden trail, part of which winds around Motala. This is a perfect place to get an overview of the city, a combination of nature and culture. In the Råssnäs recreation area, active families can try a challenging obstacle course. Check the website for more tips on adventures in nature. Make sure to visit Borensberg, the little town by Göta Canal. Borensberg is within easy cycling distance from Motala, and offers quaint shops and lovely beaches.


Slag bridge.

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Mallboden Fruit and berry products · CAFÉ FARM SHOP & RESTAURANT Visit Brunneby Musteri for a flavourful experience. Farm Shop summer opening hours: Mon-fri 10-18 Sat- sun 10-17 Brunneby Musteri, Borensberg

Ulfåsa Möbler

Swedish national poet and Nobel laureate Verner von Heidenstams last home, 1925-1940.

Open: May – August For current opening hours, see our website. Adults 60:-, age 12-15 30:Book and museum shop Serving in “Farfarstugan” Hiking trails around the area +46 (0)141-22 00 36 +46 (0)141-22 05 56

Stay a while at our café and try our famous and delicious waffles. And/or stay the night in our cosy apartments +46 141 21 09 23 Varvsgatan 17, Motala


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We arrange package tours along the Göta Canal For more information, please contact us at

“We don’t sell boats, we sell a boating life.” • We perform every kind of work when it comes to boats, and handle boats up to about 25 tons • We have our own service workshop, with knowledgeable boat builders and engine mechanics • Sales of new and used boats and engines constitute a significant part of our business, as well as our very well-stocked accessory store • Our sales staff will help you with the right products, making your boating life both trouble-free and expedient

Welcome to the William family with staff!

AB Motala Båtvarv · Fabriksgatan 26, Motala · +46 141-381800 · Opening hours: mon-fri 9AM-6PM, lunch 1PM-2PM, sat 9AM-1PM • Tel: +46(0)141-20 99 00

Nostalgia and experiencies for the whole family!

See everything from T-Fords to modern racing vehicles at Motala Motor Museum.

At Vätternakvariet you can see fish from rainforests to Lake Vättern.

Experience, eat and stay. Motala Harbor • Tel. +46(0)141-564 00 • •

Ope all ye n ar!


Take a trip on Vättern


M/Y Modig.

Text and photos: Stefan Sahlén

Vättern is the second largest lake in Sweden, and the sixth largest in Europe, and it has been an essential transport route. Goods were transported across the lake up to the 1970s. Vättern was also important for passenger traffic.

M/S Wettervik

Apart from the ferry line between Gränna and Visingsö, there is no longer any commercial traffic on the lake. There are also few opportunities to get out on the lake without your own boat. Fortunately, there are some solutions. Here are a few tips:

M/Y Modig This is probably as close you can get to a commercial boat trip on Lake Vättern. In principle, this is a boat route for those intending to cycle along Göta Canal, or who simply want to enjoy Vättern on a quick trip between the east and western side of the lake – or vice versa. Three days a week during the summer season, the M/Y Modig will bring you to and from Karlsborg and Motala in under an hour.

M/S Kung Sverker.

M/S Wettervik and Pricken Europe’s largest entirely undeveloped archipelago, or ‘Sweden's most secret archipelago’, as some have put it, is in the northern part of the lake. In summer, leisure boats flock to this area, and to the more than 50 larger islands and thousands of islets and skerries. The passenger boat M/S Wettervik, leaving from Askersund, will take you out on lovely rides through narrow straits and in shallow waters. The shipping company also has a smaller boat, Pricken, used for sea rescues, sea marking and towing, but it can also be booked as a charter boat for groups of up to 12 people.

M/S Kung Sverker

S/S Trafik.

Shrimp cruises on Lake Vättern with entertainment and guided tours around the islands of Motala Bay. This is offered on the 115-year old vessel, M/S Kung Sverker, which otherwise makes daily trips on the Göta Canal. The boat leaves from Motala harbour.

S/S Trafik She is described as one of Sweden's best preserved steamers. The vessel was built in 1891, and in the following year it was put into regular passenger traffic across Lake Vättern between Hjo and Hästholmen on the eastern side of the lake. S/S Trafik has undergone numerous restorations since then, but it continues to operate on Lake Vättern with regular routes between Hjo and Visingsö, as well as Hjo and Hästholmen. It also makes round trips from Hjo to Hjo, and hosts jazz evenings on board.

Fishing If you're interested in fishing, it is possible to get out on Lake Vättern without your own boat on guided fishing trips fishing gear to help you catch salmon, trout, char and pike. Fishing companies Trolling Vättern and Extreme Fishing leave from Motala or from the west side of Vättern and Vänern respectively.

Hire a boat There are also opportunities, although limited, to hire a boat at Lake Vättern, with or without a skipper/ guide. Göta Canal Charter rents boats on Göta Canal. It can also mediate contact with private boat owners available for booking on Lake Vättern only.

The steam trawler S/S Strand before docking in autumn 2021. The ship and restoration work can be viewed at this quay next summer.

Trolling on Lake


Floating vessel history at Old Motala Verkstad

In September last year, 2021, she returned to Motala after nearly 50 years away. We're talking about the S/S Strand, a steam-powered tugboat from 1890 of great historical interest. Motala was its home port between 1956 and 1975. For the last 47 years, the vessel was kept in Gothenburg, initially for restoration, but it later fell into disrepair. Then a group of experienced steamship enthusiasts from Motala and the surrounding area started an association with the goal of restoring the S/S Strand largely to its original condition. The steam engine is an original from 1890 and was still in good enough shape to manage the journey from Göteborg to Motala on its own. This was after a year of work by the association's members in Göteborg. During

the winter, the S/S Strand was kept on land at Old Motala Verkstad, preparing for further restoration. “Our aim is to bring passengers on trips along Lake Vättern in a couple of years, but mostly to display the technical history and share knowledge of how to restore old machines,” says Magnus Lindlöf, the head of the association. This goal will be achieved already next summer. After docking at the end of April, the S/S Strand will have a berth at the ‘workshop’ where restoration efforts will continue, and where visitors can view the vessel and learn about its history. This history is so valuable and interesting that the S/S Strand was recently labelled a vessel of cultural history interest by the Swedish National Maritime Museum.




In Vadstena, you’ll find yourself surrounded by history – among castles, courtyards, abbeys, and medieval buildings. The picturesque and charming town centre with cobbled streets and old preserved wooden houses is lovely, authentic, and vibrant. A stroll through town will take you through centuries of history and architecture, but also past cosy shops and delightful dining venues. Vadstena shopping is unique and personal, whether you're into fashion, interior design, antiquities, crafts, or architectural conservation. For those interested in history, we recommend one of the local guided tours and the many museums. But Vadstena is so much more than history. Residents organise events, activities, and experiences, where Vadstena’s beautiful surroundings set the stage and provide a source of inspiration. Studios and galleries crowd the town

Vadstena Infocenter Open all year round. Street address Storgatan 28 +46 10 234 73 70 More information about local services, accommodations, culinary experiences and activities is posted on Vadstena’s website,, and in social media @vadstenaguiden Calendar of events

centre and open up for exciting encounters. The creativity is expressed through a strong and proud tradition of expert craftsmanship. While Vadstena Lace enjoys a special position, glass, iron work, and other crafts are produced here as well. At the castle, a rock concert is as natural as an opera performance. Recurring summer events include productions by Shakespearefabriken and Vadstena-Akademien, but also Medieval Days, triathlon competitions, and markets. A stay in Vadstena can also lead to personal growth, creativity, and inspiration – for spectators and practitioners

alike. Nature is varied and close at hand, with a variety of bird species at Lake Tåkern, the lovely fertile Östgöta plains, and, of course, Lake Vättern. You’ll find food made with locally sourced ingredients and you can visit market gardens and farm shops. Vadstena's beautiful gardens and proud agricultural traditions are widely recognised. Lake Vättern is perfect for swimming, fishing, kayaking and boating. The plains are bicycle friendly with winding roads between churches and rolling cornfields. Vätterviksbadet swimming area is shallow and perfect for children, with a cycling lane from the centre of town.


The guest marina at Vadstena Castle is popular with boaters on Lake Vättern and Göta Canal. At the foot of the mystical Mount Omberg, Borghamn offers a place to rest on your pilgrimage to Vadstena. In Borghamn, limestone quarrying and fishing have been the main sources of livelihood for nearly a thousand years. Mount Omberg has ancient castles from the Migration Period. The impressive scenery on the mountain offers wonderful cycling and hiking adventures with spectacular views of Lake Vättern. The Östgötaleden Trail, also known as the Pilgrim Trail, crosses the mountain and guides you via Borghamn to Vadstena. For centuries, people have come to Vadstena in search of recreation and inspiration. Vadstena Abbey Church is


one of the world’s pilgrimage destinations. The church presents the story of Saint Birgitta, and many music events are organised here. The Pilgrim Centre in the historic abbey upholds the tradition and is open to everyone. Others find what they're looking for on their own, through yoga, or in the spa. It is especially peaceful here in the spring and autumn, with plenty of room for recreation. The place promotes a sense of well being. Vadstena has always been a town to visit, to return to, to enjoy, and to live in. Vadstena has not only one history but several. And we create them together. Welcome to Vadstena!



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Storgatan 22, Vadstena Phone +46(0)143-311 30


Berit Johansson & Jan Johansson

Memorial Exhibition

MEDIEVAL DAYS 2–3 July Daily guided tours 27 June–14 August

Vadstena Castle 17 June – 30 September

Book tickets online via the website

Vadstena Municipality in cooperation with Stiftelsen Vadstena Slotts möblering and Visit Vadstena

Tel +46(0)143- 621600





WEEKEND I N VA D S T E N A Stora Torget | | | 0143-100 14


Welcome to Vadstena Abbey!













In the abbey area you are surrounded by medieval buildings and gardens. This is a place where you can experience historical times in the Sancta Birgitta Abbey Museum’s exhibitions with it’s 13th century palace. Visit the Vadstena Abbey Church, built in accordance with Saint Birgitta’s vision. The Abbey Church collects three stars in Guide Michelin sightseeing book.

Kings Knights Pilgrims Nuns and Saint Birgitta

Vadstena Abbey Church Summer opening hours

Monday-Friday 8-19 Weekend 9-19

Café in the Trossboden from Midsummer to mid August, open 11-18

Prayers & services several times daily

(The building to the right when facing church entrance)

Daily guided tours More information and opening hours at





Out on our beautiful plains

– welcome to Väderstad and Skänninge!

Come along on a journey with stunning views, taste experiences, inspiring shopping and of course a large portion of history. Our destination is the picturesque villages of Väderstad and Skänninge. Take a look around and enjoy the sweeping views. This is known as a ‘slätta’ (plain) in the Östergötland dialect. People have lived here and farmed this fertile soil for thousands of years. You can see church towers from here, weather permitting. Churches were important historically, as people wanted to express their gratitude and also display their wealth. All churches in the area are open to visitors. The most wellknown is the medieval Bjälbo Church, which was part of

estate belonging to the House of Bjälbo, also known as Folkungaätten, the House of Folkung. This is where Swedish statesman Birger Jarl was born in 1210. The road to Bjälbo passes the picturesque town of Väderstad, which has interior design industries and several groceries with various delicacies. Take a break at a pub or bakery and enjoy the tranquillity of the village and delicious meals.

Next comes the little town of Skänninge, one of the country’s oldest! Skänninge has a rich history that must be seen and experienced, whether on your own, on a guided tour, or by a visit to the town’s City Hall and Museum. The town square has several charming shops and there is a ‘cultural reserve’ in the old town, with museums, herb gardens and a summer café.

Mjölby with its lovely river.


Shopping at Väderstad squa



Visit Bjälbo Church, which is a monument to the House of Bjälbo’s bloody battles for pow er in medieval Sweden.

Help protect farmers’ rapeseed fields! The popular trend of walking through rapeseed fields for photos has led to irritation among rapeseed farmers. In this photo, Sissela is actually riding along a trail through the field, approved by Nina, the farmer. Ask for permission first, and enjoy the beautiful views!



Welcome to a classic & personal Flower shop

Welcome to Marieanne’s Fashion shop

in Skänninge!

Second-hand & Vinyl records Västra Kyrkogatan 2, Skänninge Mobile: +46(0)70-6575573 Mail: Like us on Facebook!

Nya Blomsterhandeln

The shop with the large selection! Open: Mondays-Fridays 09.30-17.00 Saturdays 09.30-13.00

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Linköpingsgatan 4 Skänninge Tel 0142-40114

Home-cooked and local – beats the most!

SKÄNNINGE In the middle of Skänningeslätten by road 206 you will find our porkshop ”Fläskomat”. An unmanned farm shop that offers meat and high quality charcuterie products from our farm’s pigs. Welcome!

sonal r e p n w o Your ore! grocery st Welcome to us!

Östra Kyrkogatan 1 Skänninge

Rustic, tasty dishes Sandwiches & Fika

Sandwich cakes

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Västra Kyrkogatan 6 Skänninge +46(0)142-42465 Welcome!

Experience the history with us!

Café Sjölingården


history | nature | culture Guidings on Mount Omberg Visit us on facebook and at

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Welcome to our self-service shop in Fallsberg, outside of Skänninge. We offer an array of vegetables, berries, eggs and other products produced by us and our local partners. The self-service shop is open every day between 7 am to 7 pm. On weekends, during the high season (late June to mid-October), we offer the opportunity to harverst vegetables yourself in our organic market garden. The market garden is open to all on Saturdays and Sundays between 10 am to 3 pm. Bring your family and friends and pick whatever is in-season. We grow up to forty food crops, as well as flowers. Take the children on a quiz-walk or relax with a coffee or an ice cream. Come on guys, let’s farm!

Fallsbergs Gård, 561 91 Skänninge, tel. +46(0)70-7881236, @hermelinsgrönsaker,

You’ll find more travel tips, articles and inspiration at Follow us: @runtvattern Would you like to share Vättern with others? Don’t forget to use: #vättern #runtvättern





Quality from the heart of Östergötland since 1967

We offer a selection of timeless products, materials and hardware for old houses and apartments. A carefully curated collection of new and vintage items. You are more then welcome to visit our store at Folkungagatan 23 Väderstad. Drivers, take EXIT 107 from ROAD E4 or call us at phone +46 (0)142 61 17 80

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IT IS EASY TO KEEP DISTANCE IN OUR LARGE STORE ON THE COUNTYSIDE. Opening hours: Weekdays 10 AM to 6PM • Saturdays 10AM to 4PM • Sundays 11AM to 5PM | Visit our web shop:


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We love outdoor recreation! Ödeshög is the perfect destination for visitors who love spending time in nature during all four seasons. You can hike, cycle, paddle a kayak, go cross-country skiing, go ice bathing, camping and much more. Discover Omberg all year round

Get close to nature

Omberg is a fantastic place for discovery and offers everything from guided kayaking, hiking, MTB trips, zipline and courses for beginners. Woods & Water of Sweden also rents out mountain bikes. In the immediate vicinity are several charming accommodation facilities, cafés and restaurants. Just a stone’s throw from Mount Omberg is Särtshöga Vineyard, one of the world's northernmost wineries. Visit 31's Glass & Kök for a taste of Sweden's most delicious ice cream (according to Mauri at Uppdrag Mat). At the foot of Mount Omberg is Omberg Turisthotell, recommended by White Guide Nordic. In Ödeshög, you are surrounded by history, tales, and legends. Alvastra Abbey Ruins and the Rök runestone is not far away, both of which offer history and mystery. If you’d like to learn more about the tales, history, and nature of Mount Omberg, there are several hiking packages and guided tours to book through Wettersaga, Woods & Waters, and Ombergs Turisthotell.

Visitors who want to explore nature on foot can take the Östgötaleden trail, leading to stunning views along the lake, through the woods, rolling fields and mountains. Did you know that the route between Ödeshög and Mount Omberg has been named one of Sweden's 12 signature trails, often described as Sweden's most beautiful hiking trails? Be sure to visit the nearby nature reserve. Ödeshög has as many as 15 nature reserves – all with their own unique and valuable nature. Here you can explore primeval forests, giant spruce trees, limestone marshes, hidden and forgotten historical sites, deciduous forests, and picturesque agricultural landscapes with amazing biodiversity. Lake Tåkern has the well-known and incredibly popular visitor centre, Naturum Tåkern. This has activities for the whole family, including a bird watching tower, barbecue grills, fairy tale path, nature playground, guided tours and activities, an exhibition, laboratory and much more.

Visit Ödeshög Tourist Information Visiting address in summer season: Hästholmen Harbour Phone: +46 142-351 67 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram: @visitodeshog


Pilgrimages throughout Swedish history Some of the Nordic region's most beautiful pilgrim trails, Birgittaleden, Franciskusleden and Klosterleden, lead through Jönköping, Gränna, Ödeshög and Vadstena, with Vadstena Abbey Church as their final destination. Along the trails, you can stop at some of our lovely, historical sites, such as Alvastra Cloister Ruins, Eriksgata, Narbäck & Holkaberg, and the Ellen Keys Strand manor.

Cycling trips for everyone Cycling is one of the best ways to experience Ödeshög and its surrounding nature. Choose among several beautiful and interesting cycling paths. For the more adventurous visitor – how about mountain biking and downhill biking at Mount Omberg or Skönatorpet? Maybe you’re gearing up for the Vätternrundan cycling event and want to test a few of the larger cycling trails, such as the Runt-Vättern trail, Vättern-Sommen trail, Vätternrundan or Tjejvätternrundan. Or why not bring your friends, family or partner along on

a relaxing cycling trip along the Östgötaslätten fields? No matter what you prefer, there is something here for everyone.

Hästholmen Harbour and "det stora folknöjet" Summer is a busy time in the town of Hästholmen and its harbour. People gather from all around to enjoy the lovely views and good meals, go swimming in Lake Vättern, test their luck at fishing, or explore Mount Omberg’s caves and scarps by kayak. Hästholmen Harbour also had a major role in Swedish history. This was where the S/S Per Brahe steamship sank during the night of 19 November 1918, with the much beloved artist couple, John and Ester Bauer on board. On the weekend of 23–24 July, Hästholmen celebrates the centennial of the Per Brahe’s salvaging, known as ‘Det Stora Folknöjet’. This will be a huge event filled with various activities, such as markets, a moped exhibition, lectures and a new inauguration of the Vätternrummet Museum.


Explore our beautiful countryside Östgötaslätten is known for its fertile agricultural land, bright yellow rapeseed fields, and for all the charming destinations and shops along roads between the fields. Our countryside offers unique farm shops, locally produced products and u-pick sites, flea markets, florists, fashion and interior design shops, and studios with local artists and craftspersons. Ödeshög has a broad range of shops that sell everything from fashion and shoes, second-hand items, fresh-caught fish from Lake Vättern, locally produced and locally sourced foods, and arts and crafts by local artists. Ödeshög also has grocery stores, a liquor store and pharmacy. Lysings konditori is the perfect spot for a coffee and a bite to eat. The bakery is known for its variety of gluten-free baked goods. Still hungry? There are several restaurants to choose from. Follow us on social media for more inspiration. You can find us on Instagram and Facebook under @visitodeshog



Electrical goods, armatures, appliances, , phone accessories

Bed and Breakfast in Omberg

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070-633 16 21

Storgatan 23, 599 32 Ödeshög

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9-18, Sat 9-13 Welcome! Teleskoplastare Kompaktlastare Lastväxlare Vagnar Skogsekipage Vallmaskiner Vedprocessor mm.

Du hittar oss i Öninge, Ödeshög vid Vättern. Demomaskin finns hemma för provkörning

070-36 73 200

Möbler & färg för personliga hem

Ombud Möre Maskiner


Shopping for all the family Nostalgia & Retro

Building plots Öninge Wetter With a good location about 600 m from Lake Vättern, overlooking the Östgöta plain and in the shadow of the magical Omberg, ready-to-build plots are offered in Öninge about 3 km west of Ödeshög.

Tools & Machine


Antiques & Second


Interior and Hom

Fabrics and Yarns


Nearby is Omberg’s Golf, the beach and the picturesque Hästholmen with its marina. Buy - Exchange - Sell New - Second hand - Antique

Riddargatan 10, Ödeshög · +46(0)144-31840

You find us by E4 at Ödeshög – follow signs. Open Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-16, Sun 12-16 Like us on Facebook



Opening times can be found at

Experience Lake Tåkern’s rich bird life, animal life and vegetation through the exhibitions at the Naturum Tåkern visitor centre, play to your heart’s content in Tåkern’s nature playground, take a walk along Princess Estelle’s fairy trail, or get out the binoculars to see what is happening in nature right now.




The App Kyrkguiden – all that’s going on in the Swedish Church where ever you are. Driving directions, listen to a guide, opening hours, summer music, etc.

Velcome to Ödeshög and Alvastrabygden 2018-03-19 15:59 Sida 1 and Facebook

Aching feet? We have Hallux valgus shoes! Food analysis with personally fitted soles for SEK 399 The perfect shoe store. +46(0)144-100 64

Open Mon–Fri 10 am–6 pm, Sat 10 am–1 pm

Storgatan 19, Ödeshög

Open churches · Services Summer café 2018-03-19 15:59 Sida 1

Oldfashioned country fair Heda village

Quality Art & Crafts Konst och Konsthantverk with 130 exhibitors Ca 130 utställare – Underhållning Entertainment – Food hela dagen Servering

Saturday July 2 from 10 to 5 o’clock

Lördag 7 juli kl 10–17

Omberg De Lux package Narr Chocolate Shop

Experience Omberg with your own guide and let desire guide your steps. Listen to legends and learn history in a magnificent nature!

Chocolate factory with shop Lievägen 12, 599 31 Ödeshög Open: Mon-Fri 10-18, Sat 10-17, Sun 11-16

Tel. +46(0)144-33002 ·



The little fashion shop in the country with a wide range of items!






U-pick & Farm sales














Welcome to Ombergsboden

+46(0)70-694 08 90

Welcome to Äggboden

Tel. +46(0)73-076 23 05

Open daily from 8am to 8 pm We offer raspberries and strawberries in season

Tel. 0768-955036 +46(0)144-640 25

Tel. 0768-955036 +46(0)70-744 33 48

Fiskboden in Ödeshög

Rent a Kayak!

Locally fished from nearby lakes!

Fresh fish subject to availability and season.

Welcome to our fishmarket at Torget Stora torget 4, Ödeshög. Open: Call +46(0)76-8270361, or see FB




Here you will find our rental bases.

Art around Omberg Konstrunda

varje år under Kristi Open studios every year in Mayhimmelsfärdshelg during Ascension Weekend

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GRÄNNA & VISINGSÖ Gränna, on the south-eastern shore of Lake Vättern, is an idyllic Swedish small town with beautiful old wooden houses, well-kept gardens, a fairy-tale forest, and cobbled streets. From the harbour, ferries depart frequently for Visingsö – the gem of Lake Vättern!

Tourist information Infopoints: • • • •

Persgården Tempelgården Gladhytt Örserumsbrunn Gestgifveri & konferens hotel • BauerGården Destination Jönköping +46 (0)771 211 300

Event calendar:


Both Gränna and Visingsö offer beautiful views, castles, cobblestones, charming wooden houses, castle ruins, trails, and oak forests. And not least, a fascinating history. Wherever you set foot, you find yourself surrounded by history. Come and enjoy the tranquillity, nature, and atmosphere. You can also choose from a wide selection of culture, activities, and adventures.

Nature experiences Beyond the peppermint candy shops and the cobblestone streets are fairy-tale forests and magical trails. Scenic sites worthy of exploration. The stunning nature is rich in unique plant and animal species, several of which are rare or even endangered. There are plenty of hiking trails and charming country roads for cycling, both in Gränna and on Visingsö. The area between Huskvarna and Gränna is a paradise for cyclists, with its quiet country roads and winding gravel paths. The variety of routes makes it easy to find one that suits any cyclist’s skill level and interests. If you prefer to put your hiking boots on and enjoy nature on foot, there are several trails to choose from. Hike near the idyllic summer village of Röttle, along the magical John Bauer fairytale trail, or Klevens nature trail.

On Visingsö, you can opt for a somewhat different mode of transport and book the popular horse-drawn carriage known as ‘remmalag’. For more than 100 years, they have transported visitors around the beautiful island. The ride is at a leisurely pace, allowing you to enjoy the sights and smells of nature. Start your day early with a walk along Lake Vättern, or maybe out on one of Gränna’s many lakes. Take a guided boat tour on the beautiful lakes of Bunn and Ören, or rent a canoe or kayak and glide quietly across the crystal-clear water.

Intriguing history Whether on Visingsö or in Gränna, you will find plenty of historical landmarks. In Gränna, you can visit the Grenna Museum, which highlights polar history, including an exhibit on S.A. Andrée’s famous polar expedition. If you want a taste of what S.A. Andrée must have encountered en route to the North Pole, you can book a hot air balloon tour and discover Gränna from a whole new vantage point. Several castle ruins and towers in the county bear witness to former periods of great power. In Näs, on Visingsö’s southern point, you’ll find the ruins of Sweden's first royal


castle from the 12th century. The Visingsborg Castle ruin, located at Visingsö Harbour, is another relic from the 16th and 17th centuries, when this area was control by counts. Yet another popular remnant from the same period is Brahehus, beautifully situated at the top of northern Gränna with stunning views of the town and the water. Röttle Village, just south of Gränna, is Count Per Brahe's industrial village from the 17th century. Here you can visit the Rasmus Mill and see how they used to grind flour back in the day.

Local delicacies The peppermint candy production started in Gränna in the 1850s by impoverished widow Amalia Erikson. Peppermint candy sticks have been produced here ever since, and every year, new, exciting flavours and shapes of this highly popular souvenir are introduced. Today, there are numerous shops in Gränna where you can watch the production process. In some shops, you can even try making your own candy canes. But Gränna and Visingsö are so much more than just sweet peppermint candies. Several local delicacies include homemade cider, tea, crispbread and chocolate.



Welcome up to us at Kaffestugan på Grännaberget!

Open May-August · +46(0)390-101 09 ·

Welcome to Gränna Golf Clubb & Golfkrog! We offer you a nice, well-kept and technically interesting forest/parkcourse, laid out in the vicinites of Västanå Castle dating from the 17th century. Book your start-time in the Sweetspot app or via our homepage!

A beautifully located restaurant at Gränna Golf Club with proximity to both nature and the E4. Here we serve food prepared with love from well-selected ingredients. Open every day 8 - 17 (1/4 - 16/10)

+46(0)390-100 30 ·

Welcome to Getingaryds Camping & Cabins Playground Miniature golf | Fishing Boats | Bikes

9 km north of Gränna along the tourist road between Gränna and Ödeshög. Phone +46 390-210 15, +46 70-723 31 72

GRÄNNA SUMMER MARKET 13/7 Electrical goods, armatures, appliances, hardware, phone and camping accessories 0390-10015

Welcome back to Gränna Summer Market! After two years of suspended markets due to restrictions we hope that no such thing will happen again. Our big market is ALWAYS on Wednesday week 28, this year 13/7. In Hamnallén, in the middle of the walkway from Gränna town down to the harbor with all its restaurants.

Weekdays 10:00 – 18:00 Lunch 13:00 – 13:30 Saturdays 10:00 – 14:00


Gränna AIS

Brahegatan 53A, 563 32 Gränna

Padel in Gränna by the Sports hall! Everyone is welcome! Booking via – Rackets, free loan

Gränna AIS Padel +46(0)70-515 19 92

+46(0)390-104 85

Welcome to our churches

GRÄNNA KYRKA Brahegatan, Gränna.

Brahegatan 24, Gränna Tel +46 390-561 30



Wisingsborg, Visingsö.

Information and opening hours:

For 10 years, Aktion Rädda Vättern has fought for Lake Vättern to have clean drinking water. The protests include the defense’s shootings over Lake Vättern and a new mine at Gränna. It’s also leaking toxic PFAS chemicals from Karlsborg Airport to the waters of Lake Vättern. These chemicals are not broken down, are water soluble and especially dangerous for young children. They affect the immune system, are carcinogenic, etc. In all instances, we have protested and appealed. Now the decision lies with the government. The airport MUST be cleaned up. Help us get a cleaner drinking water by becoming a member in AKTION RÄDDA VÄTTERN today!



Flower shop & garden market in a unique environment



Fresh barbeque • Manual delicatessen • Our own delicious shrimp sandwich

Catering and restaurant with outdoor serving Complete rights Öpen during summer all days 11-16 – Some days open in the evening for barbecue.


See all info at


Hanna´s KöK


Catering · Mat & Fest

25 years Anniversary this year!

Ödeshögsvägen 36, Gränna Skiftesvägen 6, Gränna


RUDENSTAMS GÅRDSBUTIK & KAFÉ In our shop you find selected products from our farm and from other local suppliers. In the café you can enjoy the nice view as you taste some of the freshly baked fika. Lunch is served Monday-Saturday Welcome!

Open: Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00, Sat 10.00 - 15.00

Food Artisans since 1989

Dinner, lunch or picnic, Come get your Fish at Gränna Smokehouse.

Eat now!

Spoil yourself


Lunch plates Baked potatoes Mixes Baguettes Salmon wraps Fish skewers

Prawns Frozen fish Fresh fish Seafood Cured salmon

Whitefish Salmon fillet Vättern char Vättern trout Vättern salmon Flounder Mackerel Prawns Perch Eel

s ou





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3D0-70% iscount!


Summer openings: Weekdays 10-18. Sat 10-18. Sun 10-16. Regular openings: Weekdays 10-18 | Sat 10-14 | Brahegatan 41, Gränna

Heated pools – always 27oC







Winner of the Swedish Cultural Heritage Prize 2021

Experience cultural history in new ways

Join the Andrée expedition at


Free entry +46 36 10 38 90

2022_Jonkopingslansmuseum_RuntVattern_ENG.indd 1

2022-02-11 11:43:58

Over 300 years' history of a brand and a factory May-September October-April Mon-Fri: 10-17 Mon-Fri: 10-15 Sat-Sun: 12-16 Sat-Sun: 12-16

Times change

– and so does the Match Museum Opening hours: JANUARY– MAY:


Tue – Sun 11–15

Mon – Fri 10–17 Sat – Sun 10 – 15

SEPTEMBER 2022 – MAY 2023:

The museum is closed due to remodeling. We will reopen in the summer of 2023.

036-14 611462 • www.hus qvarnamus eum.s e +46 (0)36 61 62 www.husqvar



JÖNKÖPING & HUSKVARNA Jönköping is beautifully situated along the southern shore of Lake Vättern. Here you can enjoy the city vibes, beach life, and nature. Jönköping's city centre features cosy alleys and canals that open up to three lakes. The old mill town of Huskvarna, east of Jönköping, offers a wealth of cultural treasures.



Central Jönköping has a wide selection of shops and lovely restaurants. The pier is one of Jönköping's watering holes, with places for meals, socialising, or just an ice cream in the sun on what may be Sweden’s longest park bench. A beach promenade stretches from the Pier and along several kilometres of sandy beaches and the crystal clear water of Lake Vättern. In central Jönköping, on the north-eastern shore of Lake Munksjön, is Atollen shopping centre, which has restaurants, cafés, and shops. Asecs shopping centre also has several shops of different sizes. The mall has 80 shops, open seven days a week, all year round, and is conveniently located along the E4 highway. Jönköping has plenty of high-quality restaurants with different cuisines. Dine in or get a take-away meal to enjoy by the water. If you're looking for a place to explore by bike, you've come to the right place! Jönköping and the surrounding area are made to experience by bike. Enjoy the endless views, the rolling landscape, and the cosy cafés along the way. Whether you’re cycling south to Taberg, west along the highlands above Bankeryd, east up the Klevaliden hill, or north up to Grännaberget Mountain, there are always plenty of lookout points. If you’re looking for something a little more challenging, there are several great MTB tracks of various shapes and level of difficulty. Jönköping offers many beautiful views. If you want a great view of the city, there are several lookout points to choose from. Some have views of Mount Taberg in Taberg, Vattenlednings Park, Brunstorpsberget, or Utsikten in Huskvarna. Perfect for enjoying a delicious picnic in good company.

Huskvarna has developed around its world-famous industry. Today, visitors flock to the Husqvarna Museum, where products such as rifles, motorcycles, stoves, and sewing machines are on display, along with many other products made in the factory for 325 years. Right next door is Smedbyn, with its charming red cottages housing handicraft studios, cafés, and galleries. There is plenty of nature to explore in Huskvarna, whether wandering a scenic path in town, exploring winding gravel roads by bike, or enjoying quiet view of Lake Vättern. Just north of the city is Äppledalen, known as ‘Småland’s Tuscany’. This offers stunning view of the lake and lovely fields, breathtaking surroundings and many pleasant farm shops with lots of locally sourced products. Make sure to stop at some of the lovely coffee shops along the way, such as Kroatorpet, Brunstorps Trädgårdscafé and Rudenstams Gårdsbutik & Kafé.

Tourist Information Infopoints: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Match Museum Elite Stora Hotellet Villa Björkhagen Grand Hotel Familjen Ericsson's City Hotel Hotel Savoy First Hotel Municipal reception Husqvarna Museum Huskvarna Stadshotell Rudenstams Gårdsbutik & Kafé Hotell Taberg

Destination Jönköping +46(0)771 211 300

Event calendar:



Culture The unique Match Museum is located on the site of the former match factory. The museum tells the story of an industry that once was vital to the city. This area includes galleries, different artists and craftsmen, restaurants and soon a entirely new hotel. The Jönköping County Museum is located just a short distance away. At this art and cultural-historical museum, you can visit John Bauer's magical fairy tale world. The exhibition Följa John (Swedish expression for Simon Says) invites both young and old to explore the great picture treasure of John Bauer. You can even test the museum's main exhibition, Kampen i Tiden (the Battle in Time) which invites both children and adults to take part in exciting adventures in an interactive game world.

Higher up, and with amazing views of Jönköping, is the City Park. You’ll find restaurants and coffee shops, as well as scenic hiking trails along animal enclosures. The park also includes Fröjden, a popular outdoor dance venue, an open-air museum, Jönköping’s largest playground, and a unique bird museum. There is a lot more to be said about Jönköping and its surroundings – but how about it exploring it in person instead? Welcome!




A week around Vättern


7 6



Tips! New app!


The app Ställplatser (motorhome pitches) has suggestions and information about various pitches for guests who want to expand their routes or who are searching for alternatives if their first choice is full.

New association! This presents motorhome pitches, waste emptying sites, maps of different motorhome experiences – and a social community. – Free 2022.

Our website! Find even more tips for activities and motorhome pitches at!


There are many good motorhome pitches with views of our magnificent lake. Many wonderful experiences, good locally produced and sourced food, and interesting roads and detours. We have prepared a suggested route to help you create memories for life. “It is the road that is worth the effort”.

1. Askersund City Camp Stay in a central location at Askersund Harbour. Savour the view of northern Vättern, and rent a boat or canoe to get out on the lake. Enjoy a delicious ice cream at the harbour and summer fun in the little town. Head towards Laxå through the Tiveden National park and continue on Highway 95 toward Granvik.

5. Gränna-Visingsö Gränna, the Candy Cane Capital. Book a course in candy cane manufacturing or take a stroll past the shops along the charming main street. Stay at the motorhome campsite by the harbour and enjoy a wonderful sunset. A good detour from Gränna is a ferry ride out to Visingsö, where you can rent a bike and visit the pleasant farm shops and cafés and see the sights. From Gränna, take the tourist road along the lake. Turn off at Hästholmen and have an ice cream at the 31:ans Ice cream, which was declared Sweden's best ice cream in 2020. Drive over Omberg and enjoy the view. Continue to Borghamn and have a salmon sandwich with fresh-caught fish from Lake Vättern at a recently renovated fish café, Borghamns kiosk & fisk.

2. Granvik Granvik is known for its fishing and beautiful surroundings. Behind you, Tiveden National Park, the northern archipelago of Lake Vättern ahead, and walking distance to the lovely bay of Djäknesundet. Many swimming beaches. Enjoy a good meal at Granvik Pub. The harbour has 5 motorhome pitches, and the woods offer wilderness camping.

6. Vadstena Vadstena – a motorhome pitch in the centre of the medieval town of Vadstena. Visit Gustav Vasa’s castle, stroll through a unique town with charming shops, second-hand stores and cafés. Enjoy a fine meal at at Vadstena Klosterhotel.

3. Gate Bison Farm On the way to Gate Bison Farm, you will pass Karlsborg with its impressive fortress and Military Museum. Then take a detour towards Forsvik for a brief stop at the Göta Canal lock and old mill museum. A popular route going south from here is Baltzar von Platen road, which is fairly straight with a few slight curves, down to the little community of Mossebo, then passing Tibro down to the wooden town of Hjo. A stop at Moster Elin’s ice cream shop at Hjo Harbour is recommended. Gate Bison Farm offers bison safaris and bison burgers at the Bison Saloon. You can also rent ATVs. Motorhome pitches with a view of Lake Vättern.

4. Jönköping-Huskvarna

7. Motala

After a day of rural life on the bison farm, visitors may be interested in a trip to Vättern’s largest city, Jönköping. Enjoy shopping in the charming city centre, and of course fine dining at the award-winning restaurant, Sjön. Then take a short trip to Huskvarna and the Oset motorhome campsite – a beautiful location by the shores of Lake Vättern. In the morning, you can rent and try a paddleboard in the shallow waters of the lake.

Motala Södra beach, with pitches 10 metres from the lake shore overlooking Baltzar von Platen's Solfjäderstad. Within walking distance to Motala Harbour, with a harbour pub and café that has cosy outdoor seating by the harbour entrance to the Göta Canal and Motala River. Here, visitors can visit the Motor Museum and Vättern Aquarium to see which fish are lurking below the lake. Finish up with a swim at Varamon beach, the largest fresh water beach in the Nordic region. From Huskvarna, drive the old scenic highway to Gränna. Along the route, you can stop at Rudenstams, which has both a farm café and farm shop. You can also book cider tasting and a fruit safari. Well worth a visit.




Brandstorps Lanthandel & Café – Enjoy this retro café along highway 195, with its vintage atmosphere and large collection of items.

HABO Cycling, cake and coffee in Brandstorps Lanthandel

Strömbäck Gårdscafé – a quiet place for a stressed soul. Visit the café in the courtyard or relax on the wide veranda and enjoy the peace of the surrounding woods.

Both the Västgötaleden and Runt Vätternleden trail in Habo connect with the Sverigeleden trail (Swedish Trail). Here you can cycle through woods, meadows and fields on cycling paths or small roads with little traffic. There are plenty of places to stop along the way if you're hungry or tired.

Vildmarkscaféet – Experience Wildpark A café with a wilderness theme. There are plenty of exciting things to experience in the park.

Sjöstugan and Furusjöbadet – stop for a ice cream at the kiosk and head for the lovely beach at Furusjö, where you can take a dip. Open: June – August, 12 noon–6 pm daily

Landhs konditori – a traditional bakery located right on the town square in Habo. Here you can enjoy everything from baked goods to a light lunch.

Holmenstugan Tourist information Library, Jönköpingsvägen 2 Tel +46(0)36-442 81 11

– Café and restaurant in scenic surroundings out in the country. Enjoy a a coffee on the terrace by the pond.


Glamping & Vintage Sustainable and eco-friendly shopping is a growing trend. In Habo, you’ll find Vildungar a second-hand shop selling children’s clothing and toys, run by Marika. She says: “I wanted to offer customers a smart, eco-friendly and economical shop without sacrificing quality. The items are second-hand, but like new. www. Reuse, which is part of the municipality's sustainability work, is something that gives both people and items a second chance. Habo has shops with second-hand clothing and furniture that offer assembly and tailoring services. Find your own treasures and give yourself and others added value, while reducing your carbon footprint. Shop from circular businesses for the benefit of children and a better world where their dreams can come true. Erikshjälpen one of Habo’s second-hand shops belongs to ERIKS Development Partner, a non-profit organisation that works to ensure children’s rights to education, health and protection. This is where the dream begins. The organisation believes in a future for children whose parents are unemployed, and in a more environmentally sound world with hope for future generations. After a day of second-hand shopping, it's great to stretch out in a comfortable bed and enjoy the tranquillity of nature. At Julared Glamping you will find luxuriously equipped dome tents surrounded by woods, so you can wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the trees.




Vättern – a unique lake Not the largest and not the deepest. Yet Vättern may be the most unique lake in Sweden. The lake has its own unique character, with great depth and clear, cold, nutrient-poor water, and a visibility depth of about 15 metres. Its location in southern Sweden gives its ecosystem a very unusual combination of southern and northern species. Even the environments around the lake are unique. All of this makes Vättern a popular destination for various activities, including fishing, diving, kayaking, hiking, trout safaris, cycling and much more.

Bucket-list worthy fishing Lake Vättern offers world-class fishing. This is due to sustainable management and close cooperation between government authorities, researchers and stakeholders. Visitors to Vättern can fish without purchasing a fishing permit. Keep in mind that there are certain fishing regulations that must be followed. Fishing in Lake Vättern can be challenging for visitors who don't have their own boats. It may be wise to contact one of the many fishing guides who have boats and knowledge of how to fish successfully. Commercial fishing on Lake Vättern is based on a long-term sustainable practice. The primary catch is crayfish, but also some char, trout, burbot and others. Commercial fishing helps keep the harbours alive, and you can buy both fresh-caught fish and processed catches in local shops, or enjoy them at our restaurants. Local fish at its best!

Fisheries management One of the important measures taken in the fisheries management are regulations of the fishing to protect the fish stocks in Lake Vättern from over-exploitation. Fisheries surveillance in addition to providing extensive information on and around the lake is important to ensure compliance to the fisheries regulations.

Dietary recommendations There is dietary advice and recommendations for fish caught in Lake Vättern and other lakes, especially for those in high-risk groups. See the Swedish Food Agency’s website for more information (

Arctic char

Arctic char in Lake Vättern attracts a large number of fishing tourists each year. Vättern has Sweden’s largest and most valuable population of Arctic char in southern Sweden. Even if you don't know how to fish, you can learn more about Arctic char on the Trout and Char Day on the last Sunday of October (30 October 2022) at Huskvarna Harbour. From the harbour docks, you can see one of nature’s amazing spectacles, the Arctic char spawning dance. The Trout and Char Day is one of Sweden's biggest environmental events for the public.

Looking for



The grayling population in Lake Vättern is the southernmost natural population in Sweden. Grayling occurs normally much further north, but thanks to Vättern’s unique characteristics, it can survive in a somewhat warmer climate.

Brown trout

Challenges Due to its unique characteristics, Lake Vättern also faces some challenges. Enviromental monitoring and many different studies are conducted to learn how Vättern is doing. Want to learn more? Visit and

Brown trout spawn in many of Lake Vättern's tributaries in the autumn. The population has grown due to extensive work on restoring creeks and rivers around the lake. Brown trout is a popular fish for consumption, and is caught by both commercial and recreational fishermen.


ton Measuring plank


Would you like to learn more about Lake Vättern? Follow your curiosity and get to know about life in Lake Vättern. Understand the relationships and challenges, as well as finding school assignments. Find out about the unique lake on our website.


Find out about Lake Vättern in more detail?

Facts about Vättern Area: 1912 km2 Maximum length: 135 km Maximum width: 31 km Maximum depth: 128 m (average depth 40 m) Volume 74 km3 Lake retention time (water replacement time): about 60 years Beach length: 516 km


Height above sea level (masl): 88.5 m Greatest visibility depth: 17 m Catchment area: 4448 km2– About 150 rivers and creeks flow into Lake Vättern. The two largest are the Forsvik River to the west and Huskvarna River to the south. Outlet: By Motala Ström river to the Baltic Sea Number of islands, islets and skerries: about 12,000

Reports and more in-depth information can be found on our website.


Jönköpings, Västra Götalands, Örebro och Östergötlands län




Do Tidaholm. Do the tranquillity, adventure, nature, hiking, and the town. There are activities for all ages. Do Tidaholm your way! Do nature in Tidaholm There is something special about Tidaholm. Here, in nature's own amusement park, you’ll find primeval forests, plateaus, meadows, streams, lakes, and ponds. A variety of environments for hiking, fishing, adventure and discovery. Tidaholm’s surroundings inspire and provide a source of energy and creativity. Do the town of Tidaholm The beautiful River Tidan runs through the town, combining beautiful nature with quaint urban scenery. Cosy cafés and unique shops line the streets. Well-preserved environments are reminiscent of the time around the turn of the last century, when Tidaholm was a prominent mill town. It is around the River Tidan that the town of Tidaholm emerged, and small oases have formed alongside the flowing river. Stroll around town and enjoy beautiful architecture and a quaint city centre. The two islands of Turbinhusön and Vulcanön in the middle of town offer numerous experiences. Do hiking in Tidaholm Tidaholm has many beautiful hiking trails. The Pilgrim Trail between Hjo and Kungslena offers hiking through a varied cultural landscape. It takes you from the idyllic small town of Hjo on the shore of Lake Vättern, over the barren Hökensås Ridge, through forests and open plains, and up to the small medieval village of Kungslena at the foot of Mount Varvsberget. Hökensås is a wilderness region of great nature value, deep forests, and soothing tranquillity. Hökensås Nature Reserve has lovely hiking trails and exercise tracks of varying distances. If you want more action, there is a 19 km MTB trail that takes you through the forests on wonderful soft surface.

Do fishing in Tidaholm Every year, people looking to fish come to Hökensås, a paradise for fishing enthusiasts and known as Sweden's best recreational fishing area. There are also about fifty lakes and ponds, 30 of which are excellent fishing waters. In Baltak, just south of Tidaholm, you can fly-fish for rainbow trout in the rippling waters of the Tidan River. You are guaranteed a great fishing experience on this beautiful stretch of river, which is about three kilometres long. Did you know that you can also fish in the centre of Tidaholm? Do culture in Tidaholm The Vulcanön Island is Tidaholm’s cultural centre, providing an arena for culture and arts. Tidaholm Museum tells the story of Vulcan, the world's largest match factory around the turn of the last century, as well as the story of Tidaholm Bruk (Tidaholm works) that also manufactured cars. The old match factory houses a lithographic workshop, which bears witness to the creativity that has thrived here for hundreds of years. Turbinhusön is an idyllic island near the shore with a well-preserved cultural environment. Enjoy a coffee in a 19th century setting, on the outdoor terrace beautifully situated by the rippling waters of the River Tidan. Be sure to visit the art gallery, the blacksmith homes, and the culture house. Here you will find exhibitions, crafts, and a shop. In the village, you can visit Kungslena Church, a well-known medieval church with an intriguing history – well worth a visit. Do Tidaholm for kids Kids will be kids, so obviously, we have plenty of space and activities for the young ones in Tidaholm. Our brand-new play paradise on Vulcanön Island is scheduled to open in the spring of 2022. Barnens

Hus (Children’s House) is located in the same building as Tidaholm Museum and Tourist Centre. Play is the key activity here, and kids are invited to explore different rooms in the thematically constructed environment. Buy something from the shop, have a look at the crafts factory, and discover the theatre. Another excursion is Hökensås, a fun adventure for the kids. There are fishing ponds suited for beginners and more experienced fishermen. Another great adventure for kids is family fishing. Guided family fishing on Hökensås Ridge is organised every Tuesday and Thursday during summer. End the day with a refreshing evening swim at one of the lovely beaches. Do autumn in Tidaholm Pack a backpack and lunch and experience Tidaholm’s varied nature. Here you can hike, cycle, fish and pick berries and mushrooms. In nature’s own amusement park, you can discover everything that the woods and fields have to offer, and see how autumn changes the greenery of nature to beautiful autumn colours. Make sure to visit some of our farm shops. Most offer self service, so you can visit them whenever it suits you. In autumn, you can experience Kulturhelg (Cultural Weekend) in Tidaholm. This is a cultural festival with stands, a food court and lots of interesting side events. Do winter in Tidaholm When snow falls, there are many different cross-country ski trails to choose between, and when the lake ice is thick enough, you can go ice fishing. Tidaholm also has cross-country trails with artificial snow and a smaller alpine slope. Take a break at one of our many barbecue grills. A drive or a walk around the city will help you find your own favourite winter spot.

Tourist information Tidaholm Tourist Information Visiting address: Vulcans väg 5 Tel: +46(0)502-606208 Follow us on Facebook (@tidaholmsturisbyra) and Instagram (visittidaholm) Infopoints: • Circle K • First Camp Hökensås • Maplelake camping


i trails at Hellids

Lille Havssjön swim

Cross-country sk ming beach at Höke



Cycling excursio n by the medieva l church at Kungslena.


Take a break in Turbinhusön by the by the rippling waters of Tidan River.



HJO – EIGHT SUMMER TIPS! 1. Refreshing swim In Hjo, a swim in the lake is always within easy reach, and on hot summer days, there's nothing better than a dip or two in cool water. Visit Guldkroksbadet, in Hjo Harbour, a free outdoor facility with heated pools for people of all ages. There is also a sandy beach by Lake Vättern, where guests can rent a bathing cabin for a day. Other central swimming areas include the south pier of the harbour with convenient steps into the water, or the jetties by the beach promenade south of the town square. If you want shallow waters, Lake Mullsjön is the place to go.

2. Discover Swedish design in the Estrid Ericson exhibition Founder of Firma Svenskt Tenn, Estrid Ericson is one of our design icons of the 20th century. She grew up in Hjo but moved to Stockholm in 1924, at the age of 30, to use her inheritance from her father to create what has now become an internationally recognised interior design brand. The exhibition on Estrid Ericson and the company Svenskt Tenn describes Estrid's childhood in Hjo, along with a broad selection of both older and newer objects from Svenskt Tenn. There is free entrance to the exhibition.

3. History of Hjo – on your own or with a guide

6. Sightseeing with the Lok-Hjo-Motivet Train

You can easily experience the history of Hjo on your own, by scanning our QR codes on buildings around the wooden town. There are also guided tours. During the tour, you can learn about monks stepping ashore, devastating fires, steamboats, travelling merchants, cattle paths, and outhouses. An exciting journey into the history of this idyllic little town.

If you want to experience Hjo comfortably seated, we recommend you hop aboard the sightseeing train, Lok-HjoMotivet. During the 20-minute ride, you’ll get tips on where to shop and eat, and see the award-winning wooden town and Hjo Town Park, the historic environment of Hantverksgatan, and the harbour area. Simple sight seeing!

4. Standup paddleboarding and kayaking on Lake Vättern Experience Hjo from the seaside. This summer, you can rent kayaks and standup paddle boards at the Biergarten restaurant. A fantastic way to experience Lake Vättern.

5. A game of chess in Hjo TOWN Park Would you like to challenge your friends or family members to a game of chess? Outdoor chess in Hjo Town Park is a great spontaneous activity, completely free of charge. As a bonus, you’ll get a fantastic view of Lake Vättern.

7. Bison safari We suggest a visit to the Bison Farm, where you can expect a unique and exciting nature experience. On your safari tour, you see the animals up close and can get to know Bamse the bison bull and his friends. A popular adventure for young and old alike.

8. Steamboat tour on Lake Vättern Join the steamer Trafik on a trip on Lake Vättern. Trafik, celebrating its 130th birthday this year, was built in 1892, and is one of Sweden's best preserved steamships. During the summer months, she takes trips to Visingsö, Vadstena and Hästholmen. You can also take shorter day cruises or evening jazz tours. We wish you a pleasant trip and a lovely experience on Lake Vättern.

Tourist information VISIT HJO – HJO TOURIST INFORMATION Contact us: +46-(0)503-352 55, Visit us: at the Kulturkvarteret or digitally at Send us post: Bangatan 1 B, 544 30 Hjo Follow us: Visit Hjo on Facebook and Instagram Share with us: use #ilovehjo to enable your content being shared on our channels Our authorised tourist information at Kulturkvarteret is open all year: High season: daily from June to August (Mon–Fri 9 am–6 pm, Sat 10 am–5 pm, Sun 12 noon–4pm, Midsummer’s Eve 10 am–2pm). For the rest of the year, please check the opening hours at

Photo: Jesper Anhede


Photo: Jesper An


Photo: Jesper An


AUTUMN IN HJO A colourful and eventful period

Photo: Jesper Anhede

In autumn, when the leaves turn different colours and lake Vättern grows more chilly, visitors can step into a fairy tale world and experience the tranquillity of the little wooden town. Mist from the lake covers the town in a greyish white haze, where both morning and evening walks are framed by an intense pink and purple display of colour over Lake Vättern, mixed with the yellow, orange and brown of the trees and houses in the town. Autumn in Hjo is a colourful and peaceful time, but it also offers numerous activities. The season kicks off with the annual Harvest Festival in September. This is the day when all food producers gather to sell their crops and local produce in the town square, with activities and tips for visitors interested in cultivation and artisan food products. The autumn season continues through October and November with many cultural events and concerts, including Hjo Culture Weeks. During this two-week period, there are theatre and dance performance, films, visits from authors, and many other cultural activities. Around the same time, trout safaris begin along the Hjo River, an activity that takes place in the evening, which adds to the fun. By torchlight, you get a chance to see trout in action as they make their arduous journey up the river in the nature reserve in the town centre. Each safari is led by guides who show the way, provide information and answer any questions. Trout safaris are offered from mid-October to mid-November. Welcome to autumn in Hjo.




GOLDEN TOWN OF KARLSBORG – glittering on the shores of Lake Vättern!

“Of all the favourites in my summer basket, I pick Karlsborg”, said a visitor last summer. And that’s easy to understand, since Karlsborg has just about everything – whether you’re in search of life’s pleasures or life’s adventures. Long beaches, delicious food, relaxing boat rides, paddling, horseback riding, a high-altitude course, a national park, 13 nature reserves and 28 fantastic hiking trails are just a few examples of what Karlsborg has to offer. For water enthusiasts, Karlsborg is a paradise. In fact, it's difficult not to be close to the water here. Lake Vättern offers a wonderful archipelago including the Ombo Islands, Göta Canal with its fishing and boating, and the little lakes in Tiveden that provide tranquillity amidst the wilderness. With its mill and Göta Canal's oldest lock, Forsvik offers plenty of exciting history. More adventures await at Karlsborg Fortress. During the action-packed guided adventure tour for the whole family, you will learn more about the captivating history of the fortress. Come and experience summer in Karlsborg!

Karlsborg Fortress Construction of the mighty fortress began in 1819 on the peninsula Vanäs Udde. The site was proposed by General and Vice Admiral Baltzar von Platen, who also took the initiative to the Göta Canal project. The idea was to move the government, the Riksdag, the royal family, as well as the central bank gold reserve here in the event of war. Even in modern times, the gold reserve has been housed in one of the fortress’ cellars. During World War II, 140 tonnes of gold were kept in the fortress. Today, Karlsborg Fortress is one of Sweden’s largest and best-preserved fortresses, with its own museum, guided tours, exciting activities, shops, and restaurants. Inside the impressive walls of Karlsborg Fortress, an adventure awaits visitors of all ages.

Visit Karlsborg InfoCenter Storgatan 65, 546 32 Karlsborg Phone: +46(0)505-173 50 Email: Instagram: @visitkarlsborg Facebook: @visitkarlsborg

Tiveden is Sweden's nearest wilderness Tiveden National Park spans 20km² of untouched forest interspersed by lakes, caves, and large boulders. The forest here has been deliberately preserved in a way that is rare in Sweden these days. In Tiveden, magical wilderness and magnificent nature await. And so do incredible opportunities for hiking, cycling, horseback riding, paddling, fishing, or venturing out on the high-altitude course. Perfect whether you are an experienced outdoors enthusiast or want to try real outdoor life for the first time!

Forsvik An idyllic place with picturesque mill buildings and Göta Canal’s oldest single lock. Enjoy the glittering water, the aroma of coffee from the cafés, the local selection of small shops, or a tasty ice cream while watching the boats glide through the lock. Built in 1813 and with a drop of 3.5 metres, the lock is not only Göta Canal’s oldest but also the tallest. Forsvik Mill has an amazing industrial history. Swedish engineer Jan Ericsson, who later invented the propeller, once lived here. The mill still offers activities. At Bruksmuséet, you can trace the history of the mill from its very first steps all the way to the present. This is a true gem with authentic charm!

A gem even in autumn and winter Autumn in Karlsborg is lovely. It is impossible miss the bright yellow leaves of the chestnut trees inside Karlsborg Fortress. The fortress offers many different activities for people of all ages during the autumn school holiday. There are also several traditional events to look forward to during the autumn season. Hikes in both Granvik and Stora Fjället nature reserves are popular this time of year. Even in its winter garb, the nature here is gorgeous, and our municipality has winter activities for everyone. Walks along the beaches of Lake Vättern in the winter light is a unique nature experience. Or try cross-country skiing on prepared ski trails, three of which are illuminated, in Norra Skogen's recreational park. If the ice on the lake is thick, Karlsborg is a paradise for long-distance skating and ice fishing. Experience nostalgia at our popular outdoor skating and ice hockey rink in Hanken, with electric lighting and surrounded by nature. Just a stone's throw from Tiveden National Park is our scenic ski resort, Stenkällegården. The ski resort offers three slopes of different lengths and steepness. Two t-bar lifts and a platter lift brings you to the top of the slope. Relax and enjoy a sack lunch by the glow of a campfire. We invite you to experience the golden town of Karlsborg – with something for everyone!










With a fantastic location in the heart of Karlsborg between Vättern and Bottensjön you will find our hotel.

Welcome to Forsviks Bruk, in a beautiful setting next to the water. Here you can experience 600 years of industrial history from many different perspectives.

Proximity to the water, Karlsborg Fortress and Göta Kanal makes it the perfect accommodation option.

For opening hours, activities and information:

Forsviks bruk is a part of Region Västra Götaland.

Storgatan 41, Karlsborg · +46(0)505-61010 ·



KARLSBORGS FORTRESS Maximize your vacation! Book your adventure at







Cosy shopping! Clothes Home décor Gifts You find us at Forsvik´s lock, by the Göta Canal. Open all summer. Welcome!


Tfn +46 730 44 46 32

30-70% lower pric






Open in summer: Weekdays 10-18, Sat-Sun 10-16.

Ordinary opening times: Weekdays 10-18, Sat 10-14. Garverigatan 15, Mullsjö




HJO – VISINGSÖ Dep. HJO 10.00 – arr. HJO 18.15 Sundays: 19.6, 17.7, 7.8, 14.8 and 21.8


Sat 2.7: Harbour’s Day, 2 round trips. Dep. HJO 11.00. We will meet “Byabåtarna” from Visingsö, return 12.00. Dep 14.00, arrival 15.00. Fri 8.7: Dep. HJO 15.00, arrival HJO 16.00. “STEAM BOAT JAZZ” at night with DIXIE TALKS Dep. HJO 19.00, arrival 22.00 Sun 10.7: Dep. HJO 13.00 & 15:00, arr. 14.00 & 16.00 Fri 22.7: Roundtrip with music on board. Dep. HJO 15.00, arrival HJO 16.00. “STEAM BOAT JAZZ” at night with PEORIA JAZZBAND Dep. HJO 19.00, arrival 22.00

Sat 11.7: HJO – HÄSTHOLMEN ”THE GREAT PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT” Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the salvage of the S/S Per Brahe 1922. Dep. HJO 9.30 – arr. HÄSTHOLMEN 11.00 Dep. HÄSTHOLMEN 16.00 – arr. HJO 17.30 Roundtrip from HÄSTHOLMEN 13.30 – 15.00 Sun 11.7: Roundtrip from HÄSTHOLMEN 13.30 – 15.00

• Groceries • Delicacies • Nostalgic Café • Home decoration

• Gift items • Coffee/tea in bulk • Trailer rental • Q-star fuel

Fri 17.7: HJO – VADSTENA Dep. HJO 9.30 – arr. VADSTENA 12.25 Dep. VADSTENA 16.00 – arr. HJO 18.55

CAFÉ & SOUVENIRS ON BOARD Only cash payment on board

Sat. 9.7 HJO-HÄSTHOLMEN – See the current timetable at Pre-booking of tickets at and HJO Tourist Information phone +46 503-352 55 and

Open Mon-Fri 09-18, Sat-Sun 10-14 (to 16 during summer) Kyrkliden 2, Brandstorp · +46 (0)502-50007

open Always ers! p for cam

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With the camp site as a base, you have experiences for a whole week within reach of one of the largest tourist regions.


Phone +46 143 127 30

Train trips

Cosy pub


Mini golf

Choo-choo train ”Rödingen”. Children’s stages at the camp. Trips to Vadstena for city walks and visits to the Toy Museum. Shopping and evening tours.

Pub with à la carte menu. Full rights. Large screen TV. Open: 18:00 to 23:00. Please try our self-caught crayfish.

Service shop with long opening hours where we bake bread every morning.

Challenge your friends in miniature golf. Our beautiful new 9-hole course is located right next to the beach and restaurant.

H NEW FOR THIS YEAR H This year’s news includes a paddle track, cable car and pump track. We have also continued to build new cottages with high standard and renovated our oldest service house. The restaurant, whose outdoor seating we glazed in last year, has this year been expanded with a boardwalk along the water’s edge. Something happens almost every night in July in the restaurant – quizzes, live music, troubadours, etc. Welcome to a wonderful stay at Vadstena Camping!

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