CHANGE YOUR MINDSET CHANGE YOUR LIFE Let Run/Walk For Life help to dispel some commonly accepted myths regarding exercise.
MYTH NO 1. Exercise, and running/walking in particular is only for the young and athletically gifted. Running and walking really are the sport of the masses, all you need is a pair of reasonable shoes, be in fairly good health, and any one can hit the road. Joining a supervised program is definitely the right place to start.
MYTH NO 2. Running/Walking is a boring activity and is mostly done in isolation. Many converts to running and walking found that the “loneliness of the long distance runner” to be a reality and quickly grew tired of exercising in isolation. Hence the phenomenally successful Run/Walk For Life was born. It’s fun and social, and lasting relationships have been forged at our exercise sessions.
MYTH NO 3. My health will eventually deteriorate and drugs are the only option to improve my well being.
According to the American Council of Sports Medicine, the advantages of running three times a week, up to 40 minutes, include weight loss, lowering of risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels, improving muscle tone and reducing the dependency on medication… For the stressed out there’s more; running reduces stress levels, and increases libido levels!
MYTH NO 4. Dieting is the only way to lose weight...WRONG! Running and walking will help YOU to lose weight! Most diets advocate exercise as non-negotiable for success with weight loss, and running and walking has proven be among the most successful to promote sustainable weight loss.