Effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction on Nervous System in terms of Academic Achievement of Xth Grade students Ms. Rupanshi Gautam
Abstract In the age of ‘Information Exploration’ and ‘Information Explosion’, for an educator it is essential to know the effective and essential ways of imparting the exploding knowledge to the learners. The researchers and developments in the field of education have contributed towards the emergence of various disciplines. Educational Technology is the application of scientific knowledge about learning and conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and training. The advances in computer technology and communication technology have revolutionized the education system. They have changed the style of teaching and learning. As Jawaharlal Nehru said “No country can be prosperous without the development of science and technology”. It is necessary to develop science and technology to make the free India, rich and prosperous. Today teaching of science has become the main intervention for learning the science principles and concepts. In the subjects like science, visual experiences are more effective than verbal experiences. The present paper is an attempt to explore academic achievements of students in science with computer assisted instruction. It was hypothesised that the academic achievement of student through Computer Assisted Instruction is more than those taught through Traditional method of teaching and there exists no significant difference between the groups of students taught through computer assisted instruction and traditional method of teaching. On the basis of objectives of the study, population of the present study consisted of students of grade X of Shri Mahavir Jain Public School, Kurukshetra. The sample comprised of 50 students of grade X selected on purposive basis. In the present study the tools used for collecting data were pre-test, post-test prepared by the investigator herself and development of Computer Assisted Instruction on the topic of Nervous System. The findings of the study revealed that there was significant difference in the academic achievement of the students on the topic nervous system when taught through computer assisted instructional and traditional method of teaching.
Key Words: Academic Achievement, Computer Assisted Instruction , Introduction Educational Technology provide the necessary conceptual framework and helps to solve the problems stemming from the needs of an instructional system. As a result of its impact, some ideas have emerged. One idea is that education should be treated as an individualized activity and children should not be forced to go
through the same steps of learning at the same pace. The quick learner can move faster in their learning activities whereas more time should be provided to slow learners. So, there must be suitable provisions for each individual student. This concept helped in evolving a number of new instructional strategies originally the Programmed Instruction (PI) and now
Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) are two significant creations in this direction. The National Policy of Education (1986) has emphasized that educational technology should play an important role in educational sectors. Education technology can help teachers deliver instruction and target students more efficiently. Computer Assisted Instruction may be defined as a method of instruction in which there is a purposeful interaction between a learner and the computer device (having useful instructional material as software) for helping the individual learner to achieve objectives with his own pace and abilities at his command. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS,1993) developed the Benchmarks for Science Literacy to use computers in science classrooms. The AAAS stated that “Computers have become invaluable in science because they speed up and extend people’ ability to collect, store, compile, and analyse data, prepare research. Lawrence Stolurow and Danied Davis (1965) developed a complex model of teaching in which computer can present the instruction in the place of teacher. They have divided Computer Assisted Instructions into two aspects: one is pre-tutorial phase and tutorial phase. Academic Achievement is often referred to as the success of proficiency gained in some academic work. Crow and Crow(1956) define academic achievement “the extent to which the learner is profiting from instructions in a given area of learning.” Need of the Study The present-day classroom instructions are based on chalk and talk. Lecturing is the heart of this method. It can be extremely useful for imparting large amount of factual information to a large number of
people in a short time and for revision purpose. But it is generally accepted that the large amount of information imparted through lecturing mode cannot be retained by students for a long time. It leads to the habit of cramming and isolation from real life situation. So, to ensure effective teaching learning process, teacher’s instruction should be supplemented and enriched with instructional strategies like CAI. Today teaching of science has become the main intervention for learning the science principles and concepts. In the subjects like science, visual experiences are more effective than verbal experiences. As the combination of sound and vision makes the class dramatic and imaginative, computer is one of the best media for science teaching. The investigator felt it important to assess the effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instruction in terms of academic achievements of students of class X to teach them science subject. Therefore, to reach a definite conclusion, this study has been undertaken. Objectives:1.To develop the computer assisted instruction on Nervous System for X grade students. 2.To compare academic achievement of X grade students on the topic of Nervous System while teaching through computer assisted instruction and taught through traditional method of teaching. Hypothesis: In this study following Research and Null Hypothesis were formulated: 1.Research Hypothesis: The academic achievement of student through Computer Assisted Instruction is more than those taught through Traditional method of teaching.
2.Null Hypothesis: There exists no significant difference between the groups of students taught through computer assisted instruction and traditional method of teaching.
In the present study the tools used for collecting data were pre-test , post-test prepared by the investigator and development of Computer Assisted Instruction.
Method: -
Statistical Tools used:-
There are basically three different type of methods in educational research: Historical Research, Descriptive Research and Experimental Research. Keeping in view the present problem, the investigator decided to adopt the experimental method. “Experimentation can be considered as a technique of deliberately staying a situation to force nature to provide ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer to specific hypothesis concerning the phenomenon under discussion” said Mouly in The Science of Educational Research, 1964.In this experimental method, it was essential for an investigator to set up an experimental design.
To analysis the data- Mean, Standard deviation and ‘t’ test was employed.
Design of the Study: -
Phase IV: The achievement test as post-test was administered to all the students.
In the present study,two -group design was employed which includes pre-test, posttest, controlled group experimental research design. One group is called experimental and other group is called control group. Sampling: Random Sampling method being considered the best because it is unbiased for the present study.
Procedure:The study was conducted in four phases: Phase I: Previous academic record of the students was used to classify the students in two groups i.e. control group and experimental group. Phase II: Pre-test was administered to all the students in two groups. Phase III: First group was taught through traditional methods and second group was taught through computer.
Analysis and Interpretation of data:The data have been analysed by using descriptive statistics i.e. Mean, Median, Mode, standard deviation and t test for the distribution. Result of hypothesis-I: There exists no significant difference between the group of students taught through computer assisted instruction.
Population and Sample:-
Meth od
On the basis of objectives of the study, population of the present study consisted of students of grade X of Shri Mahavir Jain Public School, Kurukshetra. The sample comprised of 50 students of grade X selected on purposive basis.
Tradi tiona l Com puter
Tools Used:-
N M ea n Contr 2 23 ol 5 .0 5 Experi 2 26 menta 5 .9 l 5
S. ‘t D ; 2. 0 6 2. 2 6
5. 7 3
Signif icanc e 00.01 level
Interpretation: As the calculated value of ‘t’ i.e.5.73 is greater than the tabular value of ‘t’ at the levels of significance 0.01 level, so the calculated value ‘t’ is significant so, the hypothesis I is rejected and consequently research hypothesis is accepted.
Findings:There was significant difference in the academic achievement of the students on the nervous system when taught through computer assisted instructional and traditional method of teaching.
Delimitations: The present study was delimited as under: 1.The study was delimited to one school of Kurukshetra. 2.The study was confined to one variable of performance that is academic achievement. 3.The study was delimited to the students of grade X. 4.It was further delimited to 50 students for the subject of science. 5.Only one topic nervous system of subject science has been taken. Suggestions for further study:
The present study was related to the achievement of the students. Further studies may be conducted on more variable like creativity,
self-concept, motivation, socioeconomic status etc. The study has been undertaken to find the effect of methods of teaching on learning of science concepts. Similar studies can be conducted by taking concepts of different disciplines like mathematics, English etc. The sample taken in the present study was too small. The similar study may be conducted on a large sample. The sample taken in the present study was a random sample. The study may be replicated sample to find the effect of the methods of teaching on homogenous groups. The present study may be modified by introducing more topics of science at secondary school stage. The present study was delimited to only one school of Kurukshetra. The study can be extended to more schools. The study was confined to the students of grade X. Further studies may be conducted on the students of higher classes. Conclusion:The results reveal that teaching through Computer Assisted Instruction is more effective than teaching through traditional method in terms of academic achievement of the students. The concept that computer is an interesting media and so, the learner immediately becomes ready to learn was acceptable but it was found true only for the average and genius students. The less intelligent students feel more comfortable with the printed text and they require teacher to taught them each and every word.
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