Home Business :: How To Filter The Quality Leads From The Tire Kickers
For years I struggled with filtering quality leads from curious waste of my time leads. Even if you have targeted leads, some of them do not really intend joining you. When you are generating leads using a system, it is impossible to follow up with each lead individually one to one because there are too many to follow up on when you obtain 100 plus leads per day. So you need to have a system in place that can automatically follow up with and filter them so that you only get in touch with the serious people one to one using Skype, telephone, e-mail or on the social sites. So what method can you implement to filter the serious people from the people that are not serious? How can you make this filtering process automated because one does not want to use precious time that you could be using to speak to quality leads on finding the ones that really need to be followed up on by phone. One also need to build your business in such a way that you actually do benefit from the time freedom that Network Marketing give you the opportunity to benefit from. It should not be just another job. The knowledge that I gained and that I am going to share with you has the potential to drastically change your success in your mlm business. Apart from needing on going training in the latest training in marketing strategies and a system that generate the leads for you, you need an e-mail marketing service like Aweber. You need expert written follow up messages that follow up with your leads that build an relationship with them on auto pilot. These messages should provide them with value that they can benefit from. The main secret of how to filter your leads is this.... An application form. Your leads need to complete and application form before they will be able to join your team. Only serious people would complete an application form. When a person has completed your application form, you know that they are serious and that this is a person that you can mentor to their success in their business. These are the people that are most likely to become one of your team members. You may also want too follow up on or other leads, one to one but they are less serious and are being followed up with your value packed e-mail serious providing them with information that should be useful to them. Remember that they can at anytime unsubscribe. The messages that they receive consist of information that they requested to receive so it is not spam. They should also not receive the messages every single day but should receive their messages periodically, maybe once or twice a
week only. Why is it important killer deal to make use of an e-mail marketing service like Aweber? Making use of such a service will ensure that you never send e-mails to people who have not requested to receive them and in every e-mail that they do receive there is an unsubscribe link. You can set your messages to be sent at different times of the day as well as how often a message will be sent. You can create different e-mail list and web forms. A web form can be created as an opt in form to receive information from you and can be placed in a widget on your website or blog. This is when your auto responder takes over. Your application form link should be in your messages so that people may apply to be considered to become one of your team members. If you are a member of the Better Networker Association, you need to have a unsubscribe link in the e-mails that you send to your leads. I trust that this was helpful to you and recommend that you implement such a strategy in growing your mlm business making use of a tool like Aweber. http://www.articlebiz.com/article/1051358404-1-how-to-filter-the-quality-leads-from-the-tire-kickers/