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Growning great lambs
Growing great lambs
Maximising returns from weaned lambs to meet premium prices pre-Christmas requires careful focus on feed volume and quality, with the heat of the summer sun approaching and the unknown amount of rain to come. Finishing lambs as quickly as possible achieves premiums not only on the hook but also in setting up for summer.
Current average liveweight gains pre-weaning are around 240-260g/head/day with the potential to achieve 400g/head/day[1]. There are several factors to consider when driving high liveweight gains. The size of the litter can have a direct impact on the rate at which lambs can gain weight. The rate of gain is influenced by the typically higher birth weight, lower competition for feed and higher milk availability for single-born lambs over twins and triplets. The impact this has on average daily gain (ADG) is shown in Table 1 below, where the average daily growth rate exceeds the industry target of 400g/head/day. Focusing on high-energy feed options, such as quality milk from the dam and high clover content pasture, is key to driving ADG. The high 13MJME milk from the dam is easily digested. With milk production steadily dropping off after 4 weeks, the quality of the pasture becomes even more important. Increasing feed digestibility and balancing the diet can make all the difference for ewes and lambs. Depending on if irrigation is available or not, the energy of the pasture can range from 10.5-12 MJME. Where pasture quality drops off and topography can play its part, ADG can range from 240g/day on hill country up to 350g/day1. When MJME of pasture is lower, typically fibre (Neutral detergent Fibre = NDF) increases, naturally reducing dry matter intake of ewes. Driving intake for the ewe supports her milk production volume and quality, therefore providing more milk for her lambs. Meanwhile, the dam has been mobilising her own body reserves for the benefit of her young, causing her to lose weight. To best support livewight gains for the lamb and the dam during lactation, soluble sugars are key in increasing the rate of digestion and therefore better feed conversion for growth and milk production. SealesWinslow Lambermax is a dehydrated mineralised molasses supplement, with a whopping 16MJME, not only enhances digestion and delivers energy, but it’s also uniquely designed with minerals and trace elements to balance the whole diet. At 60g intake for ewes, this delivers an additional
Table 1: Difference in birthweight, liveweight at 12weeks old and the average daily gain (ADG)
TWIN 5.2
4.9 41.5
38.9 437
407 0.96MJME without taking up any more essential rumen space, and increasing the digestibility of the current diet, resulting in more milk for lamb growth. Lambermax is the ideal supplement to achieve high liveweight gains in lambs. For more information on Lambermax, talk to your local Ruralco or SealesWinslow representative today.
THIS PROMOTIONAL FEATURE WAS PROVIDED BY SEALES WINSLOW [1] Muir P.D., Smith, N.B., and Lane, J.C. (2003). Maximising lamb growth rate—just what is possible in a high-performance system. Grasslands 65: 61–63