4 minute read
Inspiring women
Book review Inspiring Women
Cathy Le Feuvre reviews an inspiring new book
With the election of Jersey’s first female Chief Minister and more women now sitting in the Jersey States Assembly than ever before, this is a good time to consider the contribution of women to Jersey’s history, culture and life.
‘Inspiring Women of Jersey’ does just that, but also celebrates more than 70 years of service by Soroptimist International Jersey, the local service club which is part of the worldwide volunteer organisation that encourages women to work for peace and improve the lives of women and girls in Jersey and across the globe.
Commissioned to mark that significant anniversary, this is the first publication solely dedicated to the incredible achievements of women connected to our Island. It also celebrates local artists … Soroptimist International Jersey commissioned local author, Penny Byrne, to write the words, and the book is ‘fabulously illustrated’ by 37 talented local art students, from five schools and Highlands College.
The colourful and informative book has an interactive, educational and easy read feel and it opens with a map of Jersey encouraging us to explore local landmarks that celebrate women. From the JSPCA headquarters in St Saviour’s Road, which is close to where animal welfare pioneers Frances and Charlotte Wilson ran the original Animal’s Shelter, to St Martin’s Churchyard, which is the final resting place of Anne Perchard, farmer and champion of the Jersey cow and a former president of the World Jersey Cattle Bureau. Anne’s story also takes an opportunity to explain the history of the Jersey breed, and her impact on the development and popularity of the ‘small brown cow’ for which our Island is renowned.
Among the 16 main featured characters there are some obvious ones whose stories are already well known but without whom a book about ‘Inspiring Women of Jersey’ would be incomplete, including war heroine Louisa Gould, novelist and scriptwriter Elinor Glyn, artists and writers Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore, inspirational botanist, ornithologist and conservationist Frances Le Sueur, and Jersey’s first female elected politician Ivy Forster.
But there are also women who may be new to some readers and others we’ve perhaps forgotten. Constance Brown, who’s bravery saw her involved in at least 22 sea rescues; Dr Lilian Grandin, Jersey’s first female doctor who worked as a missionary doctor in China; Florence Boot, Jersey-born businesswoman and philanthropist without whom we would not have The Glass Church.
The stories of some fairly recent inspirational women - Anita Regal, Jersey’s first female advocate, and writer and illustrator Babette Cole – are a reminder that inspirational people are not confined to the past and an encouragement to those in this and future generations who may be determined to leave their mark on the world. ‘Inspiring Women of Jersey’ is a book to be enjoyed by readers of all ages, with a creatively designed and fun format by Liz Wackett, packed full of facts about the main characters and others with Jersey connections, and wonderful illustrations.
All proceeds from the sale of the book will support the work helping women and young people undertaken by two of Soroptimist International Jersey’s chosen charities - Jersey Women’s Refuge and Brightly.
‘Inspiring Women of Jersey’ is available to buy from the Jersey Museum, Waterstones and from author Penny Byrne’s website:

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