2 minute read
Ready for take-off
Philippa Evans-Bevan met Steve Davies, Associate Member of the Guild of Aviation Artists UK, as he takes off, on his solo flight
Steve Davies was born in Southampton but came to Jersey as a baby with his adoptive parents, where he attended De La Salle College.
At the age of 14 he underwent major corrective eye surgery, leaving him with chronic double vision. During his recovery period he found solace in his love of drawing and developed a new style and passion for black and white detailed sketching.
Steve explained: ‘I was inspired by my late father and also the artwork for Airfix kits by Roy Cross. Artists Ian and Cam Kennedy were illustrating aircraft in many comic books, and as a teenager I loved this world of visual adventure. I wanted to replicate it, using my newly found drawing ability.’
Steve’s art teacher, Mike Blanchard, strongly encouraged his talent for drawing and he excelled.
‘My style is very individualist,’ said Steve, ‘and although I specialise in highly detailed black and white pencil drawings, with a splash of colour, these are not just in aviation or military themed work, but in all subjects. I am always delighted to draw other subjects for my commission clients.’
Steve’s genre has developed and been honed over 35 years, but it is not exclusively inspired by Airfix artworks, nor from the covers of the War Picture Library for the 2000AD, Battle, Warlord and Commando issues by DC Thompson and Co. Steve’s fascination with Impressionist and Romantic painters of the 19th Century has also had an influence on his art. Steve’s first job after leaving school was with the Jersey Evening Post in their art department, he then moved on to graphics and subsequently landed a job in finance. So, a deviation from his passion for drawing but alongside the day job, Steve continued to draw.
He is very modest about his artistic accolades, not least being a member of the UK based Guild of Aviation Artists with no less than eight successful submissions.
The Jersey Arts Trust Projection Gallery showcased Steve’s work for Remembrance Day in 2015.
He was awarded Artist of the Year by the magazine Society and Living and his work has been exhibited at Jersey Airport and in the Jersey Museum. In May 2021 Steve presented his work to the then LieutenantGovernor, Sir Stephen Dalton, and Lady Dalton at the Alliance Club, which was well received.
Covid has had a profound impact on everybody’s lives; for Steve, it precipitated a clear decision to give up the day job and concentrate on what he loves. Steve now has a strategic vision to grow his business locally in Jersey, in the UK, and internationally. Starting close to home, Steve has a busy itinerary planned leading up to Christmas at the Vibrant Jersey Christmas Fayre at the Pomme D’Or, the Healthy Living and Lifestyle Festival at the Radisson and all the Genuine Jersey Simply Christmas Markets.
Stephen Davies Art
Graphic artist / illustrator, specialising in highly detailed black and white pencil drawing in aviation or military themed work and in all subjects. My speciality is aviation and I am also an Associate Member of the UK Guild of Aviation Artists. I can illustrate / draw anything a client / customer wishes or desires. My artwork can be seen and purchased from many outlets in Jersey as well as directly from me. Please contact me directly for any work not shown on the website.
Contact Stephen Davies
07797 734 774 Email: stephenjedavies@yahoo.com www.stevedaviesart.com