Meet the ( retiring) Constable Politician, singer and organic dairy farmer - the Constable of St Saviour, Sadie Le Sueur-Rennard, who is standing down at the next election, told Kieranne Grimshaw about her role and how she has been juggling milking cattle with tackling Island-wide and parochial issues
ntering the world of politics was not what Sadie Le SueurRennard had planned to do, although her background has always been customer focussed. ‘I used to work for Channel Airways and then in the perfume retail industry – I love meeting people,’ Sadie said. She also loves animals and when growing up on a farm, Sadie used to help her father with the cows. She remembers the days when he regularly took cows to America and was away for long periods, including when a foot-and-mouth epidemic raged in the Island.