4 minute read
Just haven't met you yet
Best-selling author Sophie Cousens explains how the Jersey coastline inspired her new novel Just Haven’t Met You Yet, which has just been published
When I first moved to Jersey seven years ago, I immediately fell in love with the wild coastal landscape, unique heritage, and close-knit community. Being a storyteller, I couldn’t help but think that this beautiful place had all the ingredients to be the perfect backdrop for a novel.
Before coming here, I knew very little about the Island, I only had certain associations: cows, potatoes, low tax and Bergerac. Seeing the Island for myself, what struck me was how varied the landscape is. There are just so many different beaches, all with their own character, their own story.
My husband, Tim, works in finance and we initially moved here for his work. We fell in love with Jersey and wanted to stay, but at the time, my career was in television and there were limited employment opportunities for me here. It seemed a good time to commit to writing, which had always been a long-held ambition. I had dabbled over the years without much success, so was thrilled to finally sign a book deal with Penguin Random House in 2019. My first novel This Time Next Year went on to be an instant New York Times Bestseller, and has sold into 17 territories around the world.
It feels like a fairy tale and I still regularly pinch myself that I am a real published author. Perhaps it would not have happened if we hadn’t moved here. Every day I feel lucky that I get to call this beautiful place my home, to walk on the beaches, swim in the sea, and feel inspired by nature.
When my editor asked me what I was going to write my second novel about, I said ‘Jersey’. People often say, ‘you should write what you know’, and I definitely find it easier to describe places I am familiar with. The book is ostensibly about hopeless romantic Laura, who comes to Jersey to write about her family history.
She picks up the wrong suitcase at the Airport and when she opens the bag, she sees in the contents everything she is looking for in a man. Perhaps this could be fate’s way of guiding her to the person she’s meant to be with? With the help of surly cab driver, Ted, Laura sets off around the Island to research her story and track down the suitcase’s mystery owner. Her search takes her on a tour of the island, from Rozel, up along the north coast, across to Plémont and then down to L’Etacq. Along the way she discovers the joys of Black Butter, Jersey Wonders, and even sea swimming.
The book is primarily a love story, but it’s also about family and friendship, memory and loss. It explores how we hold on to the things that are important to us, and the restorative power of the sea. Some readers have said it feels like a love story for Jersey and I hope I have managed to capture on the page everything about this Island that I first fell in love with - the spirit of Jersey and the people who live here.
RRP £7.99 Available at Waterstones and Amazon among other outlets.
Here's a taster from Just Haven’t Met You Yet:
From the footpath that hugs the cliff, a powerful swell is visible, pulsing towards the Island, then churning white over craggy brown rocks as it reaches land. To my left, the sharp coast softens to sand and Plémont bay comes into view below me - an enormous sandy cove, guarded on every side by steep rock. There is something hypnotic about watching waves break on sand. They are so reliable in their behaviour; not one breaks rank, refusing to adhere to the ebb and flow.
The North Coast
‘I didn’t know Jersey had all these cliffs,’ I say, snapping a photo of the scene. ‘The Island slopes down like a block of cheese. The north is like this, the south is flat, beaches.’ ‘So, I’m on top of the cheese right now?’ He smiles. ‘You are.’ ‘I’M ON TOP OF THE CHEEEEESE!’ I shout at the sea.The air here feels so unlike London, like I’m breathing new air that no one has ever breathed before.
The narrow road hugs the bay, along the top of the harbour covering one side of the cove. At the far end is a bright blue kiosk with a red-andwhite awning. Some boys jump off the harbour wall, squealing with delight before hitting the glassy water below. On the sand and pebble beach, I can see a woman climbing over rocks with two toddlers, collecting shells and other treasures in bright pink buckets. The children’s skirts are tucked into their knickers to stop them getting wet. This is the Jersey I imagined.
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