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Six Tips for a Suc
come alive. Create a book club
Educators say it's important for students to keep reading during the summer months. It doesn't have to be text books or even pleasure books. Comics are great for keeping the brain stimulated. Get your kids and their friends together once a week for book club to discuss something everyone in the group read. Rotate where the club meets to include community parks, the local ice cream shop and the community pool. Many libraries will host a summer reading program, and you can contact your local librarian for resources or ideas for keeping kids interested. When looking for a summer educational program, make certain it has the following: * Emphasis on cognitive development and building self-esteem in a fun environment. * The use of relatable tools that children can learn with, such as LEGO Bricks. * Time for working with groups as well as individually. * Engaging lesson plans that promote creativity. Summer is almost here, so get your children signed up for ongoing educational programs so they'll be ready to jump right back into school when it starts up again next fall.—BPT
6 Tips for A Successful Small Business
RuralLeaderMagazine.com | JULY/AUGUST 2015 9 Since its inception, the United States has always been considered "the land of opportunity" - a place where any individual with the motivation and drive can start a business and succeed. This notion still holds true today as 99 percent of all American companies are small businesses, according to Small Business Administration. But this doesn't mean being an entrepreneur or running a business is easy.
Each business has its own set of circumstances and variables that influence its success, but you control more than you might think, especially the intangibles. We talked to Jessica Walsh, a graphic designer who by age 25 became a partner of a New York design firm (now called Sagmeister & Walsh), about what she does to stay at the top of her game. Below are Jessica's tips to lead entrepreneurs to the promise land. *Don't be afraid to experiment. No business can get off the ground or grow without taking a few risks or trying new things. Continued on page 11