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Three Most Common Leadership Obstacles
8 RuralLeaderMagazine.com Schley County Family Connection Collaborative, was awarded $5,000.00 in grant funds from the Flint Energies Foundation. The grant will be used to assist funding for the Students Against Destructive Decisions program. In 2001, Flint Energies adopted this uniquely simple and rewarding way to enable members to raise money for local charities and service organizations - Operation Round Up®. The electric cooperative’s members contribute nearly $300,000 annually to the Flint Energies Foundation, which supports worthy causes in the 17 counties it serves. Operation Roundup® is a way for members to add voluntarily to those funds in their own unique way. Participating members allow Flint Energies to “round-up” their bill to the nearest dollar. For example, if a bill is $92.71, a member will pay $93, with all 29 cents going directly to the Flint Energies Foundation. On average, a member will contribute $6 a year, but never more than $11.88. If a member decides not to participate or chooses to discontinue contributions at any time, they may simply contact Flint Energies. Nearly 80% of Flint’s members have chosen to participate. Donations to Operation Round Up® are tax deductible and members receive a summary of contributions in future January and February bills. The Flint Energies Foundation Board of Directors disburses all contributions to approved, worthy projects. Member contributions are not used for administration costs. The Foundation is a state-chartered, non-profit, 501(c) foundation. Foundation Board members include Chairman Kathy Waites, Fort Valley; Vice Chairman Joanne Hamlin, Lizella; Treasurer Connie McCutchen, Midland; Sara Mitchem, Kathleen; Charles Harrison, Grovania; Pat Bartness, Warner Robins; George West, Kathleen; Susan Melvin, Warner Robins and Rudy Killingsworth, Buena Vista; Eloise Doty, Butler. Palmetto Electric Cooperative in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, began Operation Round Up, in 1989. Since that time, more than 200 other electric membership cooperatives nationwide have chosen to adopt the program. Funding applications are available by contacting Flint Energies at 1.800.342.3616 or visiting the My Community section of FlintEnergies. com/.— L to R John Greene, SCFC Director and Flint Engergies Foundation Board Members 3 Most Common Leadership Obstacles Padmaja Singh
Every organization faces a different and distinct set of hurdles while tackling the leadership aspect of working. Some of the most common issues faced by team managers are motivating their squad, encouraging them to work together towards the set objective and last but not the least effectively managing the employees. Often people mistake ‘leadership’ skills to be as simple as it is spoken of; however, taking the spot of a leader and implementing the responsibilities that come along require a lot of perseverance and composure.
The main cause behind failing leadership is when the leader is unaware about the common pits or is not proactive enough. Let us look at the Top 3 most common mistakes made by acclaimed leaders: 1) Motivating Employees: Irrespective of the pep talks you give every Monday morning, it is crucial to be insightful enough to analyze whether your employees are really motivated. Disinterested and disoriented workers are usually less productive due to the lack of focus. Solution: An effective leader should work with each of his/ her employ on an individual level and establish an effective incentive structure to keep them well motivated.
In addition, keeping the workplace environment happy and light will see your employees work with more enthusiasm and interest. 2) The ultimate leadership experience: It is critical for you as a manager to ensure that all of your employees that hold a senior position are capable of leading successfully. It is important for you as a manager to make sure you hire the apt candidate for the post. Solution: You can easily distinguish an average candidate from a more professional and specialized one. A successful and effective leader will be better organized and will put forth more zeal than the ones mentioned in his or her resume. — Continued on page 30 Schely County Family Connection Receives $5000 Grant