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Are You Ready?

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Get Out of Town

Get Out of Town


The start of hurricane season is a good time to review your existing plans and update them - or to make plans if you’ve never done so before. You have decisions to make should you stay or evacuate. Experts say emergency plans should address basic issues such as these:

MAKE SURE you have basic emergency supplies, such as a batterypowered radio, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kitand so forth.

KNOW the emergency broadcast station frequency for your area.

THINK about measures you need to take to protect your home & property. Are there things you can do well in advance, such as trimming trees to prepare for a storm? And what will you need to do at the last minute, such as turning offutilities, securing loose items or covering windows?

WHAT ROUTE would you take during an evacutaion? Do have a car, and would you drive? Would you need to depend on public transportation, and if so, will it be available? Check with your area’s emergency manager for information on your community’s evacuation plans.

PETS How will you provide for your pets’ care and safety? Will you evacuate with them? Will they have plenty of food and shelter if left behind?

CONSIDER if there is someone you would tell if you decided to leave home in an emergency (neighbors, out-oftown relatives or others). Doing this also gives family members someone else to contact about your status if they can’t get in touch with you.

WHERE? Where would you go if you needed to evacuate? Would you go to a shelter? Do you have out-of-town friends or relatives who could house you? Remember, hotel rooms are difficultto find during anemergency.

STOCK UP Keep at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food on hand and devise a means of storing ample water for that time frame, in case you need it.

MAP OUT where you would meet and who you would call if you were separated from other family members in an emergency.

PACK Identification, some cash, copies of important papers, medications you take regularly, clothing for at least a few days and other necessities for daily living. You also might want to take copies of a few family photos or other sentimental items you could reasonably transport.

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