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In every community, there are extraordinary individuals who embody the true spirit of heroism and selflessness. They are the backbone of our society, ensuring our safety, security, and wellbeing. This July, as we celebrate our nation's independence, let us take a moment to honor our hometown heroes—the dedicated men and women serving in the military, police force, fire department, and as first responders. Their unwavering courage, sacrifice, and commitment deserve our utmost respect and gratitude.

It's sometimes odd to me to see how far away the concept of veterans is to my son. I was raised in a household where both of my grandparents were World War II veterans. I grew up surrounded by the greatest generation. My dad was in the Louisiana Army National Guard, and is a veteran of Desert Storm/Desert Shield. By the time my son was born, however, my dad had retired from the military and both of my grandfathers had passed away. No one in his immediate family is in any branch of service. As he learns the history of our country and what our holidays and days of remembrance mean, it always strikes me how it's just that for him… History. It reminds me of how important it is to make sure he understands how many people died for the freedoms he experiences every day.

In our Honoring Our Heroes issue, we take a moment to reflect on generations of service and the legacies they are creating.

Our first story is one that spans the generations. Four generations of the same family have volunteered their service with the Thibodaux Volunteer Fire Department. Brothers Josh and Ron R. Bourgeois make up the third generation, with their sons becoming the fourth. Learn more about this family dedicated to service on page 16.

Military Museum now proudly displays this impressive tribute to veterans from all over the country—even deciding to continue the previous owner's work by adding new names of Terrebonne Parish veterans to the car to honor these local heroes for their service. See the vehicle and learn more start on page 20.

Finally, we share a few of the treasures we have here in Terrebonne and Lafourche Parish. Our parishes are home to multiple parks, museums and monuments dedicated to our hometown heroes. From military veterans to police, firefighters and even war dogs and K9 handlers, you will find a quiet spot to reflect on those who have served our area and our country with pride. Check out the locations that honor our heroes starting on page 24.

As we celebrate July and reflect upon the meaning of independence, let us remember and honor our hometown heroes—the military personnel, police officers, firefighters, and first responders who protect and serve us every day.

Next, we take a moment to take in the newest addition to the Region Military Museum in Houma. The local museum recently received a donated Chevy Camaro, on which the previous owner had printed names of hundreds of veterans who had served in the military from World War I all the way up to modern day. The Regional

Take a moment this month to express your appreciation, whether through a simple thank you, a kind gesture, or by supporting organizations that assist these brave individuals. Together, let's recognize and celebrate the true heroes in our hometowns. POV

What's your favorite way to celebrate the 4th of July?


My favorite way to celebrate is at our family's camp in Grand Isle. We usually get together with my husband's parents, his siblings and their children, and we spend time hanging out on the beach and relaxing on the porch at the camp. We have a barbecue and watch the fireworks from all the surrounding camps. It's a yearly tradition that we've had since our kids were little, and we love it!


When I hear July 4th, first I think of family. I think about my little man and the fireworks he'll want. Next I think of BBQ and boats! My perfect July 4th weekend would be BBQing at the camp, and friends taking a boat ride to visit. We'd enjoy watching the kids burn all the gas riding up and down the canal fishing, and take a boat ride to Gros Marina and the Spunky Monkey.


My favorite way to spend the 4th of July is on the Grand Isle beach. This year we will be home swimming, barbecuing and hanging out with our family.


My favorite way to celebrate July 4th is hanging out with my family, whether it's at the house, the camp, or riding in the boat with the red, white, and blue flag blowing in the wind!


Spending time with family near sun and sand with a little bit of shade, and always my mom's Jello-cake for my brother's July 5th birthday!

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