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Tandem Clinical Research

Dr. Conar Fitton is working to advance the science of medicine, as well as provide exemplary care for his patients, one day at a time.

Dr. Fitton, a gastroenterologist with over 20 years of experience, currently serves as a Principal Investigator at Tandem Clinical Research’s network clinic in Houma. The local medical professional received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, before earning a Doctor of Medicine degree from Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans. Dr. Fitton then went on to complete an internal medicine internship and residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and a gastroenterology fellowship at the University of Tennessee in Memphis, Tennessee, before settling at Tandem Clinical Research in Houma.

Tandem Clinical Research is a national network of board-certified physicians who not only provide high quality medical care to their patients, but have also conducted more than 400 research trials in a variety of therapeutic indications, such as vaccines, ENT, respiratory issues, migraines, gastroenterology, general pain, neurology, and general medicine. As stated on their website, Tandem Clinical Research’s mission is to "advance the science of medicine while improving the quality of life of our patients." Tandem Clinic Research has seven locations where they conduct these trials and serve patients, from New York City, to Louisiana, to Florida.

Through his position as Principal Investigator, Dr. Fitton serves as the physician who leads the conduct of a trial during any particular study, with the Houma branch focusing heavily on high cholesterol and fatty liver disease. "My position at the clinic is really a leadership role," explained Dr. Fitton. "The Principal Investigator has a responsibility to not only create a good environment for the team, but to also lead a successful clinical trial."

work, because we are constantly researching diseases that do not have any known treatments at this point," said Dr. Fitton. "We are always on the cutting edge of developing new theories to help patients. It is so exciting and absolutely fascinating." Dr. Fitton expressed that especially with diseases that are quickly becoming epidemics within the United States, working to find successful treatments is a very rewarding process. "We are getting on the forefront of this research so we can get our patients healthier, quicker," said Dr. Fitton.

Dr. Fitton also explained that another positive part about being involved in clinical research is that the field is evolving with the times, and rarely becomes stagnant. "The interesting thing about clinical research is that our work is ever-changing," said Dr. Fitton. "We never really find ourselves doing the same thing twice. We are always working on something new, better, and more effective treatment options for these diseases."

The Principal Investigator at Tandem Clinical Research oversees each trial that is conducted, trains the staff, delegates work, ensures adequate patient safety, collects and maintains the integrity of the data, and is overall responsible for the quality and success of the trial.

Dr. Fitton expressed how his work at Tandem Clinical Research is unique and rewarding. "It is such interesting

Alongside this important preventative work, Tandem Clinical Research in Houma currently provides services to patients such as memory screenings, liver ultrasounds, healthy pre-screening, and personalized care. At Tandem Clinical Research, Dr. Fitton and his team are constantly working to give patients the opportunity to help shape the future of health for themselves, loved ones, and others, ensuring a stronger and healthier future for as many people as possible. POV


Tradition runs deep on the bayou. Perpetuating the state’s local customs and cultures is a part of everyday life for so many of our neighbors and friends by continuing to pass on those traditions to the next generations.

Mrs. Brunella Luke has worked for more than two decades to create beautiful, intricate dolls from corn husks, silk, and cloth, and will be receiving a state award for her work this fall. Despite being retired for more than 20 years, the magic of Mrs. Brunella’s corn shuck dolls still captivates and inspires the bayou community-- keeping the culture alive for decades to come.

Mrs. Brunella was born and raised in Chauvin, and has continued to reside here her whole life- eventually raising three sons alongside her husband. "I was born here and never left," chuckled Mrs. Brunella as she recalled those years. An essential part of life in Chauvin, and for Mrs. Brunella particularly, was "Lagniappe on the Bayou," a large, 3-day, volunteerproduced festival which ran from 1969-1994. Lagniappe on the Bayou brought thousands into one of the southernmost regions of food, drinks, crafts, and more. It was during this fair one day that Mrs. Brunella encountered her first corn shuck doll. "I worked at the Magazin during the Lagniappe fair, and I had an elderly friend, Mrs. Thelma Duplantis, who was making the dolls at the time," said Mrs. Brunella. "We never had enough of them to sell-- we would always sell out so fast. That was my first introduction to these corn shuck dolls. Everyone wanted them, and we could tell they were special."

Mrs. Brunella explained that in 1977, shortly after being introduced to these one-of-a-kind dolls, she and her fellow co-workers from the Magazin began joining Mrs. Thelma and quickly learned the technique of how to construct these special dolls. "We would all get together every week and start making the dolls," said Mrs. Brunella. "Mrs. Thelma would show us the parts and how to put everything together. Then, when we were finished, we would bring them back to her and she would put finishing touches on them. It was a long process for each doll, there are a lot of steps to be completed. It made all of us so happy, and we loved having that many dolls to show at the

After four years of making these corn shuck dolls with her mentor and fellow coworkers, in 1981 Mrs. Brunella was comfortable enough with the technique to begin making the dolls on her own. "I would work on them almost every day, from nine in the morning until the late afternoon, and that’s when things really began to take off," said Mrs. Brunella. "I began taking them to different craft shows, selling them in stores, and giving demonstrations to community members on how the corn shuck dolls were made. I would make dolls all day, stop to make dinner for my family, and then keep making dolls!" Mrs. Brunella explained that she mostly sold and presented her uniquely Cajun dolls at Lagniappe on the Bayou, the very same fair where her mentor Mrs. Thelma showed and sold her own dolls. The dolls Mrs. Brunella has created explored a range of topics, taking the form of everything from Halloween witches, to nuns, to pilgrims, to a group of girls enjoying a crab lunch, to a couple at the altar, and even to someone using an outhouse!

Mrs. Brunella retired from making corn shuck dolls in early 2000, after over 20 successful years one of the most challenging parts of making these dolls is finding the materials, and it just got too difficult to access them," said Mrs. Brunella. "It was hard to find high quality corn shucks for the dolls, and other unique materials became too expensive as well." Mrs. Brunella’s corn shuck dolls have exquisite detail, such as beautiful locks of hair-- which was made from handspun silk shipped in especially from Minnesota. Alongside difficulty finding materials, the intricate work on these dolls also began to take its toll on Mrs. Brunella’s fingers. "This craft work is very taxing work on your joints," said Mrs. Brunella. "Constantly shucking corn, arranging the materials, and working in such detail just became too challenging." After Mrs. Brunella’s retirement in 2000, she rarely made new dolls, and usually only for very special occasions or personal requests.

More than two decades after retirement, Mrs. Brunella’s exquisite, hand-crafted work has not gone unnoticed—at the highly awarded annual Rougarou Festival coming back to Houma this October, Mrs. Brunella will be presented as the 2023 recipient of the Lieutenant Governor Tradition Bearer Award. This prestigious award is presented during Louisiana’s Folklife Month, where several citizens across the state of Louisiana are chosen in recognition of their efforts to continue perpetuating the state’s local customs and cultures. Folklife Month, and the the state to celebrate the traditions that are so important to the identity of all Louisianians—and what better place to present Mrs. Brunella with this award than at the Rougarou Fest, a festival dedicated to the showcasing and preservation of bayou folklore. The Rougarou Fest is free and open to the public, and will run from October 20-22, 2023 at the South Louisiana Discovery Center and Barry P. Bonvillian Civic Center in Houma.

"I feel so deeply honored to be receiving this award," said Mrs. Brunella. "I almost feel like I shouldn't be the one getting it—I wish my mentor, Mrs. Thelma, and others who helped teach me how to keep this tradition alive could be here to accept the award with me. But it warms my heart to know I can accept this award in their memory and honor."

In the light of this extraordinary recognition for her contributions to Louisiana culture, Mrs. Brunella expressed how fondly she looks back on her years as a doll maker. "It was such an incredibly rewarding thing to do," Mrs. Brunella said, as she gestured to her personal collection of dozens of dolls in a variety of shapes and sizes. "I think a lot about how it felt to see the faces of those who came to our Magazin, or Lagniappe on the Bayou, and saw these dolls. Seeing people of all ages, from all over, smile at our work and even take a doll home with them was such a great feeling. Lots of people have never seen anything like them. It was a lot of work, and a lot of time, but just so completely rewarding." POV


It is not every day that a creative business opportunity sprouts from the seeds planted in a group chat with friends. For Aaron Pierce, however, that was the beginning of his business Four Horsemen Tackle. Established in 2017, Four Horsemen Tackle is a Louisiana-based tackle supplier and the inventor of the trending popping corks. Over the last few years, they have grown to supply a number of quality fishing tackle products to the

Gulf Coast and surrounding areas. Born and raised in Cut Off, Aaron went to South Lafourche High School. He went on to study Agriculture Business plant science at Louisiana Tech University and afterward completed his master’s degree in oceanography at Louisiana State University. Aaron has been a fishing guide since 1996. He has three good friends who have also been fishing guides for the last twenty years or so. In order to stay in touch with these friends, a group chat was formed and the men decided to call it the Four Horsemen.

For as long as he could remember, Aaron loved to fish. He grew up as many southern boys do, fishing with his father since he was around four or five years old. He always had a passion for it and so it was no surprise that he would embark on a mission to create the perfect fishing cork.

Because Aaron knew there was a need for better fishing products such as corks and baits, he sought to create the quality products he was looking for. He was determined to make a cork with a heavier swivel and a unique popping sound compared to ones he found were too light and quiet. His four horsemen group chat offered up some ideas and helped test his products, thus inspiring him to name his business Four Horsemen Tackle.

Ironically enough, Aaron’s partner in the business, Roger Dowdy who was also born and raised in south Louisiana, was not originally a part of the group chat. However, like Aaron and his fellow horsemen, Roger has also been fishing and guiding for twenty years through Reel Cajun Adventures. Together, Aaron and Roger have over thirty years of combined fishing experience.

Four Horsemen Tackle offers many products with the promise of durability and quality. Among their products are popping corks from three to five inches, armor popping corks that are made to be the most durable and long lasting corks on the water, and plastic baits called Boom Boom Shrimp that imitate the way a shrimp glides through the water.

Four Horsemen Tackle popping corks are claimed to be some of the best fishing corks out there due to the quality material and advanced fishing technology they are made out of. This technology stimulates the fish into a “feeding frenzy” as they put it on their website, and therefore result in these corks being second to none. These corks come in numerous colors such as yellow, orange, pink, green, and red. They also vary in shape from the classic cork to an oval shape to a skinnier version of the cork. A newer armor cork, the “Tiger Bait” cork, dons yellow and purple in support of

LSU. Four Horsemen Tackle’s other newest products include the “Dark Horse” armor cork colored orange and black and the oval armor popper. They sell matrix and vortex shads as well, which are soft plastic lures for freshwater and saltwater fishing.

Four Horsemen Tackle also sells apparel to completely outfit the avid fisherman. Their online store includes products such as trucker hats, performance long and short sleeve shirts, baseball hats, visors, and various t-shirts. As for their custom design offers, Four Horsemen Tackle will put a custom logo or design on a cork!

Outside of Four Horsemen Tackle, Aaron continues his services as a fishing guide through The Lodge in Leeville. Aaron is known for his fishing stories, tips, and techniques. He has a strong customer base and takes about 80 trips a year fishing for trout. In the winter months, from November to April, Aaron works as the nursery and coastal restoration manager at Resource Environmental Solutions LLC and has since 2008. There, he spends time rebuilding islands by pumping sand and dirt, and planting in order to aid in coastal restoration.

For the future of Four Horsemen Tackle, Aaron just hopes to keep selling corks and come out with more products that are durable and work well. “Four Horsemen Tackle makes great products for fishing. They are durable and can hold up. The popping cork is different and unique,” Aaron said on behalf of his business. As it states on their website, the Four Horsemen Tackle team believe and trust in the tried and true products that they sell.

Four Horsemen Tackle products can be found in every tackle store, including national retailers such as Walmart and Academy. Their website can be found online at 4horsementackle.com/shop

Four Horsemen Tackle is a great resource for those who like to participate in fishing activities whether it be for recreational purposes or for their career. It all started with an interest, the need for something new, and the imagination and willingness of southern fishermen to bring it all together. It is the innovation of people like Aaron that allow the fishing industry to continually advance and remain a growing career and recreation for all to enjoy. POV

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