Achab Biciclette Folder

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The Bike Collection

Hearth of Darkness

“We live like we dream, perfectly alone.” Heart of darkness- Joseph Conrad

Everyone gets everything he wants. I wanted a mission, and for my sins, they gave me one. Brought it up to me like room service. It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another�. Captain Benjamin L. Willard

Moby Dick

“The force of desire and the knowledge of destruction.Wanting something that you know will destroy you is a metaphysical experience. There are those who seek it and those who shun it. There are those who spend half their lives following it and, if they survive, the other half hoping that it will not happen again.� G.R.

Samurai in the Mud

“A Samurai was only a Samurai in the eyes of others, not in his own eyes. He had no eyes, he was already dead. For a Samurai there was no tomorrow, there was no yesterday, there was not even a present, there was only the here and now, he was the here and now, he was Ku. Ku was his whole life, his whole existence, all of his yesterdays, todays, tomorrows.� Simon Graham

“An archer has only one target, his heart�

Jackson Squirting

“The modern artist… is working and expressing an inner world – in other words – expressing the energy, the motion, and other inner forces”.

“When I am in a painting, I’m not aware of what I’m doing. It is only after a sort of ‘get acquainted’ period that I see what I have been about. I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc, because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. Otherwise there is pure harmony, an easy give and take, and the painting comes out well.” Jackson Pollock

The Inflexible Club of Love

“Scoundrel of a priest that I am, always singing my “Little love song” Always drunk with wine and pleasure/drunk with poetry. The authority of the abbot into the nettles I throw it back to the temple; I prefer my flute, even if not many recognize the tone”.

“To this withered and naked tree/you are a new Spring:/with flourishing branches an explosion of flowers/an ancient promise renews itself./If I were to ever forget the festival/of your generosity/I should be reborn through the centuries as a beast.�

Hearth Of Darkness Bicicletta Unica. Telaio Full Carbon Mono Scocca. Ruote Carbonio 404, Tubolari, Forcella Carbonio, Montata Shimano 105. Decorata A Mano.

Moby Dick Bicicletta Unica. Triathlon, Telaio Full Carbon Mono Scocca. Ruote Carbonio 808, Tubolari, Forcella Carbonio, Montata Shimano Durace. Dipinta A Mano.

Samurai In The Mud Bicicletta Unica. Ciclocross, Telaio Full Carbon Mono Scocca. Ruote Carbonio, Forcella Carbonio, Montata Shimano 105. Hand Painted.

Jackson Squirting Bicicletta Unica. Telaio Full Carbon Mono Scocca. Cerchi Acciaio, Tubolari, Forcella Carbonio, Montata Shimano. Dipinta A Mano.

The Inflexible Club of Love Bicicletta Unica. Routa Fissa, Telaio Full Carbon Mono Scocca. Cerchi Velocity, Tubolari, Forcella Carbonio, Sella Brooks, Manubrio Legno Ciclistica, Montata Shimano. Decorata A Mano.

“Days. No, months. But no, years. Not even. A lifetime. I have taken a lifetime. To transform what was torture for everyone into a game. I grew up hearing that if work was healthy, it was better to have leprosy. Neapolitans say ‘to labour’ instead of to work. But I don’t recall one day of labour. I remember a warm room with lots of toys and me in the middle holding my hands out to touch glossy paint. Sweet chrome. Strong steel. And now I am here. In this Number One where those called Harley live outside time. I was only four years old with fat little wobbly hands, but I was already drawing confused squiggles that I called motorcycles and, even if I didn’t know it, I had two V cylinders. It never went away. It will never go away. This mild illness that ties me to something I don’t know how to explain. That I have never tried to explain. Some understand it. Others don’t. It’s not important. There are a thousand things that I will not understand, closed as I am in a world of bolts, handles and cylinders. And motorcycles that have been copying themselves for 90 years. Always the same. Different from each other. Always new. Because I will never tire of playing with them.” Because everyone has his whale.

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