2013-11-25 Cooper PNG InfoBites. [Coming to you from GRESHAM, Oregon, USA] [Review of recent and current activities in PNG] During November, the Buhutu team has done community checking on the Isaiah passages at Ata'ata village. These were just a portion of the OT Prophecy passages which were prepped at Vital Module 26 during October. Meanwhile, after major input from Valentine Mwadayana, our resident "grant consultant," Charlie Modewa and I completed the drafting process on the grant proposal for the Buhutu Translators Resource Building and printed up a final working version, handing it off to a provincial government administrator to be passed on to, and reviewed by, the Provincial Planning Office. This past weekend (Nov 22-24), if all went as planned, thirteen YWAM-ers (Youth With a Mission) interns & team leader stayed at our village house in Ipouli, as they toured the Buhutu area, as well as several of the plantation compounds, sharing their ministry. [I am sure some had to sleep in our other building!] Originating in many countries, they're trained in Townsville, QLD. Lord willing, on or before the 5th of December, the names of four participants will have been submitted to BTA (the Bible Translation Association of PNG) for potential intake into Translators Training Course Level One (TTC1) which is scheduled to be conducted in our new facility at Alotau during the first half of 2014.
Bush Turkeys of Papua New Guinea In honor of our American Thanksgiving – I present to you the Bush Turkey of Papua New Guinea. Bush Turkeys or Scrub fowl are members of the Tallagalla (4) or Aepypodius (7) genus. In size they range from the size of a domestic hen to the size of a North American Turkey. UNLIKE American Turkeys, the females are mound builders, laying their eggs in mounds of sand, soil and/or vegetation which are incubated by the heat produced by the rotting vegetation (or in some cases, geothermal sources near volcanoes). The mounds with their large reddish brown eggs are eagerly sought, and the eggs are considered to be a real treat, even when, when boiled (or especially when) they contain a young "turkey." The egg is bigger than a goose's egg, and the yoke is very large proportionately. Very nice eggs! [Plates were scanned from Birds of New Guinea, Beehler, Pratt & Zimmerman, 1986, Princeton University Press] 2013-11-25 Cooper PNG InfoBites
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VITAL Participants for Module 26 also included Old Testament teams. I am in the middle next to the last row, Joyce Simon is third from the right - front row. Matiematie is third from the right - second row, but Charlie Modewa was not pictured, since he was working on our Building Proposal Project at the time the photo was taken. VILLAGE CHECKING AT MILA My special memories of community checking sessions in the villages are often of the kids. Here are two snaps of Sebastian's little girl, singing and clapping during morning devotions.
God bless, Russ & Mary And, yes, we appreciate your prayers when we are back together in the United State as well as when on opposite sides of the Pacific! (Lord willing, Russ will be traveling back to PNG in January.) Please visit us on Facebook also US address for personal correspondence Russ & Mary Cooper 2800 SE 1st Street, Apt 64 Gresham, Oregon 97080 USA Phone: 503-491-8915 Email: < Russ_Cooper@sil.org> 2013-11-25 Cooper PNG InfoBites
Wycliffe USA Office for financial support: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, Florida 32862-8200 USA
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