O P M O 1 O N E P I E C E
4 M O D U S 1
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Th is document is strict ly f or in- h ouse US E
Our work with formulating Onepiece started around ten years ago. Back then we were only three of us, and we had no idea that our lazy Sunday meetings would develop in to a such a universal craze for jumpsuits. But it did, and today, here we are with a couple of hundred people working with and around us. However, It has always been very important for us to keep this company personal and family-like. It’s a business started by friends, and it really should be held together by friends. We have to admit, we believe we have accomplished something spectacular. But as other companies rival us just to cash in on the jumpsuit hype, we need to keep our heads clear and take pride in that we are the ones getting copied over and over. We are the ones getting referred to where ever we go. We are the ones who created the entire market, and we are the ones running it. As amazing as our growth really is, what naturally follows is that it is hard to keep up with everyone - both work wise and on a personal level. We don’t see this as something negative at all, more like somewhat of a shift in what Onepiece is. Realizing this, we’ve decided to create this document - the OPMO - to help us all keep the Onepiece brand consistent, efficient and also personal. MO, or Modus Operandi simply translates to method of operation, and this document is just that: A manifestation of how do things. This is strictly an in-house document that will be updated from time to time, where we share our thoughts, our strategies and our wishes. We would like all of you to read it through and take it in, as this is an effort to really formulate the essence of the Onepiece brand and our company culture.
It is important that we know where we come from in order to understand where we are - and even more important; where we are going.
PRELUDE We grew up expecting a lot of things of the new millennium. Y2K was the future, even years after we’ve celebrated it’s arrival. Plexiglass, Corian and Minority Report was in vogue. It was efficient and it was cold. Nobody cared about flannels, grunge and west coast hip hop any more. Now, efficiency and productivity was on everyone’s to do list. Being successful was being sharp and precise. Suits where perfectly tailored. Hollywood deemed it was the right time to make a movie out of the American Psycho. When we were young, we had to dig deep to find new stuff. We had to read about music in foreign magazines. And to listen to it, we had to hang out with some geek behind the counter in some obscure record store two cities away - and spend hours flipping through his cd collection. Now we’re just flipping through automatically recommended playlists on our phone. People not even interested in music consumes twice as much new work in a subway-ride, as we did in a week. Some settled years into the 00’s, we got used to being more and more connected with each other. The expansion of instant global communication was efficient and integrated. Calendars on smartphones, Wikipedia wisdom at fingertips and common people got the stardom of their own reality shows through Facebook. The social bar was getting raised. The perfect world was happening and it made people smile for their own cameras. Naturally, the amount of stress from pressure and expectations skyrocketed. The magic mirror of social media had us acting constantly knowledgeable, busy and sexy. We started getting stressed out about things we’ve never even heard about before. People who never needed a calendar in their life, began to panic over their own self appointed appointments. In the midst of a never ending self hype of always out-doing our self and each other, counter reactions started to emerging and Onepiece was conceptualized to represent what had been lost.
Amazing can only be achieved by breaking bounderies. Nothing truly great ever came out of following the rules. To win some, you have to lose some. This was the mindset that led to the foundation of Onepiece, one lazy sunday in Oslo, 2007. In an effort to capture and conceptualize the essence of a care free sunday filled with beautiful nothingness, the idea of a brand built around the art of slacking was born. Simple ideas are often the greatest; whilst searching for the pinnacle of slackerwear, the idea of tying together a hoodie with a pair sweatpants using a giant zipper ended up in what would become the OnePiece Jumpsuit, the very core product of the brand. Some said it would look stupid, some said it wouldn’t last, most people agreed it wouldn’t work out. Always against the grain however, we followed our utopian vision of creating the most innovative and premium leisurewear. The result was a worldwide phenomenon of re-engineered jumpsuits that spread out from people’s homes and out to the streets and clubs. In our crusade against rules, norms and anything not perfectly comfortable, we are the originals, the experts and the dedicated. We are not here to jump in and out of any trends or to stay ahead of any curve. We are here because we love what we do and we believe in what we represent. We’re the slackers, the standouts and the fashion misfits. Someone has to be the one sitting furthest back in the classroom - and in the fashion industry, that’s us.
Starting off in 2007 by simply selling street smart jumpsuits to friends and family from a garage, Onepiece quickly grew to a well established life style brand that offers premium and innovative products to top retailers and through own concept stores world wide.
Numbers Mars 2014:
Retailers: 900+ Concept stores: 8 Employees: 70 Headquarters: Oslo Social Media followers: 1,2 M Founders
Thomas Adams, CEO, Thomas@onepiece.com Knut Gresvig, CDO, mail, Knut@onepiece.com Henrik Nørstrud, CFO, Henrik@onepiece.com Key personel
Casper Roalsvig Vasbotten, Marketing Director, Casper@onepiece.com AndrĂŠ Persson, Retail Manager, Andre@onepiece.com Ole Fjelberg, Managing director UK HQ, Ole@onepiece.com
At the very core of Onepiece lies our values, which should echo through in everything we put our hands on. No matter how small or big the task at hand is, every aspect of our business must always reflect who and what we are.
Rebellious Attitude & Decadent Confidence Onepiece was conceptualized as the bastard son of slacker and street culture. More specifically speaking, it is the rebellious attitude and the decandent confidence of these cultures that we love, and it is here we find a constant stream of inspiration. We admire strong peronalites, big egos and rebellious acts. Onepiece is both passive and active - It’s the attitude that ties it together. While the other four values represent the strict framework that constructs the Onepiece brand, this one represents our style.
Comfort exist in many different ways, but they are all quite neatly tied together. Physical comfort gives physicological comfort. Feeling relaxed releases tension and strain and thus it allows us excell at both focusing and letting loose. Comfort is a cornerstone to most achievements, and the very tangable comfort factor of our products is one of the main reasons why Onepiece is so appriciated. It is a key selling point for our products, and our brand. This is something we take true pride in and continue to develop.
We take what we do and represent seriously. We are the experts in the field, and we offer the absolute best product. Each of our garments goes through extensive quality testing, and nothing is made without careful after thought. Our design process is stream lined, our service personnel are highly educated about our products, our brand and our lifestyle. Ultimately, our knowledge and expertise is what gives us a confidence that is tangible and bold through out everything we express.
Onepiece is a leisure wear brand. We stand for the informal, ultra casual life that comes with a care free and spontaneous mind. Onepiece should always be easily understood, clear and ultimately very simple. We strive for maximum impact, using minimum but bold means - when we create and when we communicate. This however, isn’t always easy, as Easy and Simple are two very different things.
We offer the best product, brand and costumer experience. We are top of the line, experts and the elite. Therefore, Onepiece is a premium brand. This means that we always produce dependable and contently high end results. In every single aspect of our work we have to apply a premium brand thinking and have a clear top of the line approach to whatever we lay our hands on. Out of all our values, the premium quality one is the most fragile. If one aspect, product or expression falls short in this regard, the entire chain is at risk. Consistency is key.
To enhance and clarify what we represent, we use statements. Since consistency is important, we have a set of standard concepts that captures our way of thinking. These will of course be replaced and rethought as we continue to develop, but we felt that we needed to share our thoughts and ideas right away.
Our consumption driven society today demands whole lot from us. We have to be good looking, athletic, smart and motivated. It forces us to succeed and perform at all times; we need to smile in the morning, be efficient at work, strong at the gym, healthy in the kitchen and spectacular in bed. All of this, every day, over and over again. As a counter balance to this circus, Onepiece was formed to represent the other part of what it is being human, by capturing and romanticizing a care free lifestyle and moments of rebellious serenity. We’re here to cherish all the lovely procrastination and its delightful hours spent on video games, late night beer pong and sub-par comedy Netflix. We love that that feeling of absolute bliss when actually you decide to skip class, stay home and order pizza for lunch as you watch piracy version of New Girl.
Behind it all, Onepiece is a very simple brand. It’s comfortable, easy going and always nice to you. We’re like that open house slumber party, where the computer geek made out with the cheerleader. We are fun, accepting, and we’re always welcoming towards all. But at the same time, Onepiece is as stubborn and unpredictable as a raging teenager with hormonal problems. You can’t tell us what to do or what to think, because there is no logic to our actions, and no reasoning in it’s equation. We are the kids your parents warned about. We’re the rebels without cause.
People say that you have to expand your horizons, that you have to think outside the box and that you need to step outside of your comfort zone. We get how new perspectives can solve problems and how boxes can get cramped - but the whole comfort zone thing behing a bad thing, is something we never managed to wrap our head around. Why do people keep making things difficult for themselves? Why live life on hard mode? We say love our comfort zone. Stay in your comfort zone or wear it and bring it with you.
the Fashion misfits
We do a whole lot of jumpsuits. So, you’re afraid they look like over-sized rompers? Yes, people would probably think you look ridiculously silly in one, and yes, we absolutely get that you wouldn’t be be able to keep a straight face if you were ever to try one on. Yes, they might say it is a fashion abomination, and yes, if you where to wear one on in public it would probably ban you from your local cool kids club. We get it. We’ve heard it all before. But we really don’t care. What we offer is provocative. Not everyone can pull it off.
Comfort brings confidence. It’s confidence that allows us to act, to think and to perform. Thus as a comfort driven brand, we have an inherent bond to competition. But we’re not in it for the win, instead we’re rather in it for the strong willed and their determination, their hustle and their struggle. With our roots in street and slacker culture, we keep a close relation to the skate, surf and extreme sports, as we consistently support their scenes and their participants.
Onepiece is always pushing boundaries - those of comfort and utility as well any social ones that get’s in our way. We owe our success to the fact that we never let norms and standards stop us. This is a mentality and a mind set that quite often results in over-the-top, unexpected and ridiculous moments. We cherish these full heartedly, not only because they make vital room for creative exploration and innovation, but perhaps more importantly because sometimes you just want to do what your told not to - regardless if it’s gonna plague you on instagram forever.
This document contains t h ou g h ts and ideas t h at are meant to keep e v ery one at O nepiece up to speed w ith h o w t h e brand is de v e l opin g . S ome content is of sensiti v e nature , so p l ease ask your mana g er before using any material , B E I T te x t or ima g es , in any e x terna l conte x t. E ac h cop y M A D E is strict ly persona l and s h ou l d be read T H O R O UGHLY T H R O UGH and SIG N E D O N T H E O P P O SIN G PA G E BY I T S R E C I P I E NT.