LEISD 2014 Summer Technology Infusion Conference

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Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference


Do you seek exciting new ways to engage and connect with learners? Are you committed to sparking curiosity and empowering students to create? Welcome to the 1st annual LEISD summer technology conference.

As a district who is passionate about innovative and meaningful learning, we want to offer you the opportunity to expand your knowledge of using technology as a tool for learning in a fun, fearless environment. Though our keynote speaker, featured presentations and amazing breakout sessions, you are guaranteed to create your personalized learning experience that will drive your creativity for an engaging experience for you and your students.

In LEISD we don’t just teach technology, we use technology to learn.

Schedule at a Glance Day 1

July 16










Micro Edcamp








Door Prizes and Closing

Day 2

July 17








Break outs


Micro Edcamp




Break outs


Break outs


Door Prizes and Closing

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

General Information REGISTRATION / CHECK­IN Wednesday, July 16 8:00am­8:30am Lower Concourse 12:30pm­1:00pm Lower Concourse Thursday, July 17 8:00am­8:30am Lower Concourse 12:30pm­1:00pm Lower Concourse LOST AND FOUND Lost and Found is located in the conference office (Room 2101). Please contact conference staff to report lost items or return found items. You may also email mmiller@leisd.ws to report a misplaced item and we will contact you when that item is returned. FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS Lunch will be provided each day in the cafeteria. We would like to extend a special thanks to our sponsor, Howard Industries and our local partners: Kroger, Joe’s Pizza, and Chicken Express for their contributions. CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE AND CPE FORM All workshops and sessions are eligible for CPE credit hours. Credit hours and session numbers are listed with the descriptions in this program. It is your responsibility to track your CPE hours. A form for tracking is included in this program. Copies of the CPE tracking form may be obtained at registration. A certificate of attendance will be granted provided you sign in each day at the morning gathering and following lunch. WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS Little Elm High School offers wireless internet through the building. Wireless access in the cafeteria may be limited. To help help us resolve any matters quickly if they arise and eliminate disruptions, please do not connect to your personal MyFi devices as these affect the network, slowing things down for everyone. HELP DESK Limited tech support will be available during the conference. We will make every effort to ensure that your experience in hands­on workshops is successful; however, we are limited to the support we are authorized to provide. Please see a member of the conference staff should you need help desk support. HASHTAG Follow LEISD on Twitter at twitter.com/leisd or Facebook for the latest developments. Use the hashtag #LoboLearners to keep the conversation going. PARKING Parking is available in the lower parking lot on the west side of the building.

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference



Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

HIGHLIGHTS KEYNOTE SPEAKER Janet Corder is experienced in offering workshops and sessions throughout the United States and abroad, which has broadened her viewpoint of the needs of educators. She has been selected one of ISTE's (NECC) Best of the Best and are included as part of Texas ASCD's Academies and Institutes. Janet has presented at large conventions including TCEA, OETC, LACUE, NMSA, NYSCATE, CUE and more. She often provides professional development for other school districts and Education Service Centers. She relates to an audience that has a wide range of needs. Janet has been a classroom teacher assigned to integrate technology at the campus level and later worked at the district level. She has co­authored four books that focus on technology professional development and integration. In 2013, Janet was awarded the ISTE Making It Happen Award for Texas. FEATURED PRESENTER Wendy Sanders After 16 years as a classroom teacher, Wendy found a position that is a perfect fit for her. She works as an Instructional Technology Specialist in the Dallas area and brings many experiences to the education table including teaching in Kenya and Honduras. She loves sharing with teachers new ways to meld technology into their curriculum. Even though she considers herself an introvert, she loves inspiring others with creative, cutting­edge ideas.

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

SESSIONS AND WORKSHOPS XXXX ­ Room Number W ­ 95 Minute Hands­on Workshop B ­ 45 Minute Breakout Session Wednesday 9:25 ­ 11:00

2103 W ­ Riding the Wave of Excitement with Digital Guided Reading, Wendy Sanders In this engaging session, teachers will learn how to use iPads in their Guided Reading Groups and Workstations.Teachers will learn how to use iPads in small groups and complementary workstations while incorporating critical thinking. In addition, we'll share ideas for getting books and creating rigorous workstations. Session #14784201 | 1.5 CPE

2105 W ­ Extending the Keynote, Janet Corder Take a journey with Janet and explore new and exciting technology ideas for your classroom. Participate in hands­on, engaging activities that can be modified for multiple subjects and grade levels using most any device that can access the Internet. Be prepared to ride away with new ideas for the 2014­15 school year! Session #14784202 | 1.5 CPE

2107 W ­ Using Technology in a PBL Classroom, Miranda Hansen This session will cover multiple technology tools you can use to assist with PBL from the Planning to Creating. We will also cover strategies to help reduce cheating. Session #14784203 | 1.5 CPE

2108 W ­ Google Add­ons and Chrome Extensions, Julie McClurg So, you heard all about Google Docs and Chrome last year and you've been using both throughout the year, but now...how do you use them with your students? How can you use Google Docs and Chrome for more engaging, efficient, and effective learning? This workshop will provide hands­on practice using Google Docs and Chrome as amazing tools for learning. Session #14784204 | 1.5 CPE

2109 W ­ Using iWork and iLife in the Classroom, Lindsay Lee I will show faculty how to use productivity applications such as Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. Also, I will show how to create an iMovie for flipped classes and use GarageBand for podcasts. All of these tools can be integrated into blended learning environments as well as final products for student projects. Session #14784205 | 1.5 CPE

3102 W ­ Edmodo Changed My Classroom, Michelle Sparks Edmodo is a power learning management system that helped transform and manage my 1:1 classroom. Come learn how to make the most of Edmodo as you individualize for students, provide immediate feedback, and utilize apps that will enhance your classroom. Be ready to make and take! Session #14784206 | 1.5 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Wednesday 1:00 ­ 1:45

2103 B ­ Technology in the Primary Grades: It’s Not Just Fun and Games, Heidi Harrell Come and learn some fast and fun tricks and tools to make meeting the Tech TEKS a breeze in K­2. We are not one to one, but we can still make sure that our students are engaging ​ in meaningful ways with technology. We will address both apps and websites that will make your life easier and engage your students in new and exciting ways. Session #14784207 | 1 CPE

2105 B ­ Digital Reading: Strategies & Skills for the 21st Century Classroom, Ashley Helms In this session we will explore instructional strategies that develop students who are equipped with the skills they will need to be successful 21st century readers. We will discuss how to blend traditional reading strategies with digital texts, and explore ways to invigorate some our our "old­school" resources in new and exciting ways. Session #14784208 | 1 CPE

2107 B ­ Game Mechanics in Education, Marcus Miller What can games teach us about resilience, problem solving, failure, and engagement? A lot actually. By making school feel more like a game, we can increase engagement and retention. Session #14784209 | 1 CPE

2108 B ­ It’s an eBook. How Does That Work?, Deanna Seigler With our district moving toward 1:1, ebooks are the obvious move for our libraries. This session will share how our ebooks work, how to access them on various devices, and how to use their built­in features to best serve and assess our students. Session #14784210 | 1 CPE

2109 B ­ Multiple Intelligences & Learning Styles, Chelcie Guerra In depth look at Apps and Websites that support the 7 learning Styles of students. Ways to differentiate instruction using these apps to increase learning for all. Session #14784211 | 1 CPE

3101 B ­ Edmodo for Administrators, Russell Van Hoose Edmodo is transforming the way that teachers and students connect, engage and learn both inside and outside the classroom. Come learn the foundational skills needed to get started using Edmodo to connect and collaborate with your staff. Administrators will learn to navigate the Edmodo interface, join and contribute to professional communities, and manage their Edmodo Library. Participants will also consider and discuss legal implications, best practices, and digital citizenship skills necessary for Edmodo. Session #14784212 | 1 CPE

3102 B ­ Digital Lessons, Miranda Hansen This session will cover how to use SAS Curriculum Pathways in your classroom. SAS is a FREE website with a variety of lessons for students in the following subjects English, Math, Social Studies, Science and Spanish. Come and learn a great way to incorporate technology in your classroom. Session #14784213 | 1 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Wednesday 2:00 ­ 2:45

2103 B ­ Professional Learning Networks, Russell Van Hoose This fast and easy starter course gets participants set up in twitter with accounts and learns the in's and out's of creating a rich and rewarding PLN's. Come away with your PLN set up and ready to go for the rest of the summer! Session #14784214 | 1 CPE

2105 B ­ InBox Zero & Other Great Things for GAFE & IFFTTT, Jason Baughman Learn how to clean up your inbox and be more productive. We'll also look at using triggers to automate some of your classroom information from ifttt.com and Google Apps. Use these tools to keep students in the know. Session #14784215 | 1 CPE

2107 B ­ Energizing ELAR, Misty Joaquin This session will offer tools and tips on integrating technology into the modern English Language Arts and Reading classroom. We will look at tools for blending traditional activities and technology via blogs, digital feedback, and instruction. Session #14784216 | 1 CPE

2108 B ­ The Edmodo Connection, Audrey Pruitt Are you tired of your students losing their work or leaving it at home? Connecting assignments and projects with Edmodo will save that frustration. We will look at a variety of presentation options that will work for any grade level and any subject area. This session will show you and your students how to connect Drive items, other files, and links to Edmodo assignments. Session #14784217 | 1 CPE

2109 B ­ Global Learning, Julie McClurg Even a single device classroom can provide a plethora of global learning opportunities. It’s easier than you might think! Come to this session and hear how other teachers kindergarten and up foster global learning environments their classrooms. Session #14784218 | 1 CPE

3101 B ­ Engaging Students with QR Codes Is Fun for Everyone, Janet Corder QR codes ­ they're everywhere, but how can they be used in the classroom? Leave this session with lots of QR code activities for all subjects and grade levels. Session #14784231 | 1 CPE

3102 B ­ Digital Assessments, Miranda Hansen This session will cover how to use applications such as Eduphoria, Edmodo, Google Forms, Google Docs, Socrative, and Padlet to assess students digitally. This will include both formative and summative assessments. Session #14784219 | 1 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Thursday 8:30 ­ 10:05

2103 W ­ Infuse Learning, Michelle Sparks Infuse Learning is a tool that allows you to engage and evaluate all your students at the same time as their individual responses appear on your screen. This tool can take your students as deep as you can dream. Be ready to make and take! Session #14784220 | 1.5 CPE

2105 W ­ Extending the Keynote, Janet Corder Take a journey with Janet and explore new and exciting technology ideas for your classroom. Participate in hands­on, engaging activities that can be modified for multiple subjects and grade levels using most any device that can access the Internet. Be prepared to ride away with new ideas for the 2014­15 school year! Session #14784221 | 1.5 CPE

2107 W ­ They All Have Devices, Now What?, Audrey Pruitt As they peer out over the top of their device, you suddenly realize you need some new ideas in your bag of teaching tricks! This class will show you how to set up and use the following products: Kahoot; Padlet; Class Dojo; Bounceapp. Session #14784222 | 1.5 CPE

2108 W ­ Technology in the Classroom for “Dummies”, Tiffany Troxclair Hearing tons of technology buzzwords in staff meetings, professional development and trainings? Are you beginning to feel overwhelmed? Trying to learn everything and struggling to learn anything? Come to this session and we will help you make sense of it all. Session #14784223 | 1.5 CPE

2109 W ­ Swimming in the SAMR Pool, Marcus Miller & Misty Joaquin Are you ready to dive in deeper with instructional technology? Let's move out of the kiddie pool and see how much good technology integration can REDEFINE your student's learning experience. Session #14784224 | 1.5 CPE

3102 W ­ Student Web Publishing and Blogging Made Easy, Kris Majority During this session we will set up Weebly teacher accounts and explore web publishing, blogging, and other useful features Weebly offers. Participants will also be introduced to a FREE site for creating quick and easy grading rubrics. Session #14784225 | 1.5 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Thursday 10:20 ­ 11:10

2103 B ­ Game Mechanics in Education, Marcus Miller What can games teach us about resilience, problem solving, failure, and engagement? A lot actually. By making school feel more like a game, we can increase engagement and retention. Session #14784209 | 1 CPE

2105 B ­ Google Apps 2.0, Russell Van Hoose Think you got the basics down for Docs, Calendar, and Gmail? This session will take you above and beyond the core features and dig deeper into the Google tools. Learn how to utilize advanced features of sites, automate data from Google forms, and use tools outside of the core Apps suite to streamline your life. Session #14784226 | 1 CPE

2107 B ­ Digital Citizenship for the 13 and Under Crowd, Julie McClurg Do you look at the Terms of Service before allowing your students to use an app? Do you look at age restrictions when you instruct your students to use a specific website? This session will focus on what to look for when exploring online resources for these young users as well as share some sites and tools that are geared for students under 13. Session #14784227 | 1 CPE

2108 B ­ The Edmodo Connection, Audrey Pruitt Are you tired of your students losing their work or leaving it at home? Connecting assignments and projects with Edmodo will save that frustration. We will look at a variety of presentation options that will work for any grade level and any subject area. This session will show you and your students how to connect Drive items, other files, and links to Edmodo assignments. Session #14784217 | 1 CPE

2109 B ­ Multiple Intelligences & Learning Styles, Chelcie Guerra In depth look at Apps and Websites that support the 7 learning Styles of students. Ways to differentiate instruction using these apps to increase learning for all. Session #14784211 | 1 CPE

3101 B ­ Augmented Reality (AR) – Better Than the Movies, Janet Corder What is augmented reality? Movies have given us a sense of “alternative reality” for years. Augmented reality makes something come to life! It seems like magic. Come experience AR activities that are readily available and learn how to extend your students' learning. Session #14784232 | 1 CPE

3102 B ­ Read Your Students’ Minds, Ray Winkler This fun and interactive hands­on workshop will train participants in the art of N.L.P. (neuro linguistic programming). for 25 years, CIA, FBI, and Law Enforcement has been using this training to be able to read how others are thinking. At the end of this session you will be able to read your students eye movement to tell if they are learning ( or lying). This is also a useful tool for parent conferences, with your teams, and with your own children. Fun session with lots of ah­ha moments based on the science and technology of NLP. Session #14784228 | 1 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Thursday 1:00 ­ 1:45

2103 B ­ Google Add­ons and Chrome Extensions, Julie McClurg So, you heard all about Google Docs and Chrome last year and you've been using both throughout the year, but now...how do you use them with your students? How can you use Google Docs and Chrome for more engaging, efficient, and effective learning? This workshop will provide hands­on practice using Google Docs and Chrome as amazing tools for learning. Session #14784229 | 1 CPE

2105 B ­ InBox Zero & Other Great Things for GAFE & IFFTTT, Jason Baughman Learn how to clean up your inbox and be more productive. We'll also look at using triggers to automate some of your classroom information from ifttt.com and Google Apps. Use these tools to keep students in the know. Session #14784215 | 1 CPE

2107 B ­ Energizing ELAR, Misty Joaquin This session will offer tools and tips on integrating technology into the modern English Language Arts and Reading classroom. We will look at tools for blending traditional activities and technology via blogs, digital feedback, and instruction. Session #14784216 | 1 CPE

2108 B ­ Engage Your Students with Games, Michelle Sparks Games are a great way to get your students to want to learn and running home to do more! Come learn how to use a variety of different formats in your classroom to get your students excited about learning. Be ready to make and take! Session #14784230 | 1 CPE

2109 B ­ Professional Learning Networks, Russell Van Hoose This fast and easy starter course gets participants set up in twitter with accounts and learns the in's and out's of creating a rich and rewarding PLN's. Come away with your PLN set up and ready to go for the rest of the summer! Session #14784214 | 1 CPE

3101 B ­ No More PowerPoints ­ Go Interactive!, Janet Corder Do you want to jazz up your presentations? Would you like to have innovative and interactive content available to your students 24­7? We’ll explore how to make your lessons more engaging with a few simple web tools: ThingLink, Canva, Smore, Tackk and more. Session #14784233 | 1 CPE

3102 B ­ Digital Assessments, Miranda Hansen This session will cover how to use applications such as Eduphoria, Edmodo, Google Forms, Google Docs, Socrative, and Padlet to assess students digitally. This will include both formative and summative assessments. Session #14784219 | 1 CPE

Little Elm Technology Infusion Conference

Wednesday 2:00 ­ 2:45

2103 B ­ Technology in the Primary Grades: It’s Not Just Fun and Games, Heidi Harrell Come and learn some fast and fun tricks and tools to make meeting the Tech TEKS a breeze in K­2. We are not one to one, but we can still make sure that our students are engaging ​ in meaningful ways with technology. We will address both apps and websites that will make your life easier and engage your students in new and exciting ways. Session #14784207 | 1 CPE

2105 B ­ Digital Reading: Strategies & Skills for the 21st Century Classroom, Ashley Helms In this session we will explore instructional strategies that develop students who are equipped with the skills they will need to be successful 21st century readers. We will discuss how to blend traditional reading strategies with digital texts, and explore ways to invigorate some our our "old­school" resources in new and exciting ways. Session #14784208 | 1 CPE

2107 B ­ Digital Citizenship for the 13 and Under Crowd, Julie McClurg Do you look at the Terms of Service before allowing your students to use an app? Do you look at age restrictions when you instruct your students to use a specific website? This session will focus on what to look for when exploring online resources for these young users as well as share some sites and tools that are geared for students under 13. Session #14784227 | 1 CPE

2108 B ­ The Edmodo Connection, Audrey Pruitt Are you tired of your students losing their work or leaving it at home? Connecting assignments and projects with Edmodo will save that frustration. We will look at a variety of presentation options that will work for any grade level and any subject area. This session will show you and your students how to connect Drive items, other files, and links to Edmodo assignments. Session #14784217 | 1 CPE

2109 B ­ Game Mechanics in Education, Marcus Miller What can games teach us about resilience, problem solving, failure, and engagement? A lot actually. By making school feel more like a game, we can increase engagement and retention. Session #14784209 | 1 CPE

3101 B ­ Edmodo for Administrators, Russell Van Hoose Edmodo is transforming the way that teachers and students connect, engage and learn both inside and outside the classroom. Come learn the foundational skills needed to get started using Edmodo to connect and collaborate with your staff. Administrators will learn to navigate the Edmodo interface, join and contribute to professional communities, and manage their Edmodo Library. Participants will also consider and discuss legal implications, best practices, and digital citizenship skills necessary for Edmodo. Session #14784212 | 1 CPE

3102 B ­ Digital Lessons, Miranda Hansen This session will cover how to use SAS Curriculum Pathways in your classroom. SAS is a FREE website with a variety of lessons for students in the following subjects English, Math, Social Studies, Science and Spanish. Come and learn a great way to incorporate technology in your classroom. Session #14784213 | 1 CPE

Summer Technology Infusion Conference CPE FORM Little Elm ISD Name Campus Department Little Elm ISD is registered with the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) as an approved provider of professional development in the state of Texas. Please use this form as a record of your attendance. Write the title, date, and CPE credit hours in the spaces below. It is the responsibility of the individual to maintain records of the sessions they attend. Retain this sheet as verification for your campus administrator and your personal records. Session Title

Signature Little Elm ISD Box 6000 Little Elm, Texas 75068


CPE Hours


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