Changing the pattern of IPM
Company profile
Changing the pattern of Integrated Crop Management (ICM)
Russell IPM is one of the leading
Russell IPM has a dynamic research and development
manufacturers of insects pheromones
team focussed on providing robust solutions against a
for pest monitoring and control. Our core expertise is semiochemicalsbased pest management for public health and agriculture. We offer a wide range of innovative products that are environmentally-friendly and deliver safe, effective and sustainable crop protection both in the farm field and in food storage spaces.
wide range of existing and upcoming pest and disease species. Our vision starts with a healthy soil to promote pest and disease resistant plants, repellents to deter pests away from crops and attractants to draw pests onto traps. Our systems are refined to allow integration with, or enhancement of, natural enemies and pollinators. A range of digital traps are in development to monitor pests, diseases and key environmental factors. These remote monitoring traps will alert growers by text or email when remedial action is required. The addition of sticky roll traps to ICM systems has proven to result in more robust thrips and whitefly control (pages 4-7). Typically the rolls capture the adult flying stages of insects, whilst predators feed on the larval stages. Together predators and rolls work better than either alone. A new range of sticky traps are being adapted to target specific pest species, such as capsids (Lygus species), pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii) and spotted winged drosophila (Drosophila suzukii). In a programme of continuous improvement, the rolls are optimised for different climates and pest species by testing and selecting the best colours, patterns, attractants, base material and glues (page 3). Unique to Russell IPM, our formulation chemists have encapsulated pheromones and incorporated them into the rolls, for convenient and longer-lasting release.
Trap colours selected to attract specific pest species.
Range of pheromones & kairomones added to increase trap catch of specific pests. Scents incorporated onto adhesive surface during manufacturing for ready-to-use traps.
Unique micro-encapsulated formulations developed to produce longer-lasting release.
Patterns printed onto traps to increase the attraction and trap catch of certain pests.
Specially developed, high-tech, non-drying, water-resistant and toxin-free glue. Adhesive o o active from 50 with a dripping point at 185 .
Different specifications to tolerate UV exposure and varying temperatures.
Integrated Thrips solution that deliver Integrated Thrips solution that deliver Integrated Thrips solution that deliver Four years of large scale Four years of large Four years of large scale trials trials combining thescale applitrials the appliFourcombining years of large scale combining thenatural application of cation of enemies cation ofthe natural enemies trials combining thethe applinatural enemies (mainly (mainly predatory mite predatory mite Neoseiulus (mainly the predatory mite cation of natural enemies Neoseiulus cucumeris) and cucumeris) Optiroll Neoseiulus and (mainlyand thecucumeris) predatory mite Optiroll special BlueSuper sticky Blue sticky rolls have proved Optiroll special Blue sticky Neoseiulus cucumeris) and rolls have proved highly highly effective in bringing rolls havespecial highly Optiroll Blue sticky effective inproved bringing Western Thrips under effective in bringing rollsFlower have proved highly Western Flower Thrips control. Western Flower Thrips effective in bringing under control. under control. Western Flower Thrips under control.
Strawberry fruit bronzing (numbers of Strawberry fruitfruit bronzing ofin plots seeds surrounded by (numbers bronzing*) Strawberry bronzing (numbers of seeds byRussell bronzing*) plots withsurrounded and without IPMinblue seeds surrounded by bronzing*) in plots Strawberry fruit bronzing (numbers of with and without Russell IPMIPM blue Optiroll traps. with and without Russell blue seeds surrounded by bronzing*) in plots Optiroll traps. Optiroll traps. with and without Russell IPM blue Optiroll traps.
integration ofBlue Optiroll into an existing TheThe integration of Optiroll into anBlue existing manage ment programme manage ment programme increased the The integration of Optiroll Blue intofrom an existing increased the marketed Class 1 strawberry 67% to 92% while reducing Class 2 from 33% 8%. marketed Class 1 strawberry fromto67% manage ment programme increased the(1)to 92% The integration of Optiroll Blue into an existing marketed ClassClass 1 strawberry from to 67% while reducing 2 from 33% 92% management programme increased the while reducing Class 2 from 33% to67% 8%. to 92% marketed Class 1 strawberry from
The combineduse useprovides providesaarobust The combined while reducing Class 2 from 33% to 8%. The combined provides agiving robust robust controluse system, consistently control system, consistently control system, consistently giving The combined use provides a robust giving bettercontrol thrips control better thrips than either better control than either control system, consistently giving than thrips either method alone. The method alone. The predatory mites method alone. Thefeed predatory mites better control than either predatory mites on thrips feed onthrips thrips larvae, while the traps feed on thrips larvae, while the traps method alone. The predatory mites catch adult thrips, giving growers a larvae, while the traps catch adult catch adult thrips, giving growers a feed on thrips larvae, thetotraps holistic solution that iswhile proven thrips, giving growers a holistic holistic solution that is proven to a catch adult thrips, giving deliver results and increase financial solution that is proven to growers deliver deliver results and increase financial holistic solution that is proven return with the added benefit ofto results and increase financial return withpesticide the added benefitfinancial of deliver increase reducing use. return results with theand added benefit of reducing pesticide use.benefit of return with the added reducing pesticide use. reducing pesticide use.
Reference: Sampson C, Kirk WDJ (2013) PLOS ONE 8(11): 80787. Figures and statements are based on the application of
Reference: Sampson C, Kirk WDJ (2013) PLOS ONE 8(11): 80787. Figures and statements are based on the application of Optiroll Optiroll blue, betweenC,allKirk tunnels first flowering, in integration with programmed releases of predatory in strawberry Reference: WDJ from (2013) PLOS ONE 80787. Figures statements based on grown themites application blue, between allSampson tunnels from first flowering, in integration with8(11): programmed releases and of predatory mitesare in strawberry in semi- of grown in semi-protected tunnels and careful selection of a pesticide programme that was compatible with the predatory mites. Optirolltunnels blue, between tunnelsoffrom first flowering, in integration with programmed releases of predatory mites in strawberry protected and carefulall selection pesticide programme that was compatible predatory mites. Reference: Sampson C, Kirk WDJa (2013) PLOS ONE 8(11): 80787. Figureswith andthe statements are based on the application of
grown in semi-protected tunnels and careful selection of a pesticide programme that was compatible with the predatory mites. Optiroll blue, between all tunnels from first flowering, in integration with programmed releases of predatory mites in strawberry grown in semi-protected tunnels and careful selection of a pesticide programme that was compatible with the predatory mites
The Thecost costofof the theprogramme programmeisis less lessthan thanone one weeks’ weeks’loss lossofof production production
rS results
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Combining Predatory Mites & Mites Combining Predatory Combining Predatory Mites&& Optiroll Super Blue Sticky Traps Optiroll Special Blue Sticky Traps
Optiroll Special Blue Sticky Traps
What do the growers say? “Combining predators with traps has been very What do say? What do the the growers growers say? uccessful in controlling thrips. We have had crop “Combining very success“Combiningpredators predatorswith withtraps trapshas hasbeen beenno very successloss ful due to thrips in newly planted fields and minimal ful in in controlling controllingthrips. thrips.We Wehave havehad hadno nocrop croploss lossdue duetoto loss thrips at thein end of the season onand a replanted 2ndatat year newly planted fields minimal the thrips in newly planted fields and minimalloss loss theend end field.of of the programme is less the season on replanted year field. The ofThe thecost season onaa replanted2nd 2nd yearthan Thecost costofof the programme isisless theloss programme lessthan thanone oneweeks’ weeks’loss lossofofproducproducweeks’ of production”. tion”. tion”.
“After taking part in farm trials testing the blue Optiroll
taking part in farm trials testing the blue Optiroll “After“After taking part in farm trials testing the blue Optiroll from from Russell RussellIPM IPMinin2012, 2012,I Ihave haveused usedthe thetraps trapsroutinely routinely fromon Russell IPM in 2012, I have used the traps on everbearer everbearerstrawberries. strawberries.Using Usingthe therolls, rolls,ininconjunction conjunction routinely on everbearer strawberries. Using the rolls, with with programmed programmedapplications applicationsofofN. N.cucumeris cucumeristhroughthroughin conjunction with has programmed of N.totoWFT out no lost out the the season, season, hasresulted resultedininapplications nofruit fruitbeing being lost WFT cucumeris hroughout the season, has resulted in no damage.” damage.” fruit being lost to WFT damage.”
Farmers were pleased to the blue Farmers were pleased tofind findthat that theOptiroll Optiroll bluetraps, traps, Farmers were pleased to find that the Optiroll blue traps, which selectively attractive to which are selectively attractive towestern western flower thrips, which are are selectively attractive to western flowerflower thrips,thrips, integrated the enemies integrated well with thenatural natural enemies beingreleased released integrated wellwell withwith the natural enemies beingbeing released in pollination was in strawberries strawberries andthat thatbumblebee bumblebee pollination wasnot not in strawberries andand that bumblebee pollination was not affected by affected by the thetraps. traps. affected by the traps.
Yellow sticky rolls by Russell IPM con Russell IPM has developed new versions of its yellow sticky rolls. The new yellow traps show improved attraction and catch of whiteflies (including glasshouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum and silver leaf whitefly, Bemisia tabaci). They also attract aphids, leaf miners and thrips.
Russell IPM’s new Optiroll trap is made for a tear-resistant, robust, year-round protection. Optiroll is ideal for use outside or in polytunnels, as well as greenhouses. Its specially selected polymer makes it particularly well-suited to warmer climates and long-season crops.
The challenge
Whiteflies are insect pests attacking a wide range of green-house grown vegetable and ornamental crops, throughout temperate and tropical climates. Whiteflies have developed resistance to a wide range of chemical insecticides, so control relies on integrating a range of methods, including predators and parasitoids (Integrated Pest Management, IPM). Biological control can fail during extreme temperatures, when there are pest invasions or when incompatible pesticides are used. Adding Russell IPM traps provides growers with added protection, resulting in a more robust IPM strategy.
The solution
As part of an on-going development programme, Russell IPM have introduced two improved sticky yellow roller traps – Actiroll and Optiroll - that increase the whitefly trap catch without the added attraction of beneficial species. The yellow colour of both roller traps is of a wavelength scientifically selected in Russell’s laboratory to enhance the attraction of whiteflies, while still attracting leaf miners, aphids and thrips.
nsistently reduce adult whiteflies CASE STUDIES
The trapping effect of Optiroll demi (15 cm x 100 m) was tested in a glasshouse strawberry crop (Cultivar lusa), from January to May 2015, in a crop using biological pest control and bumblebee pollination. The trial was laid out in a randomised block design, with seven replicates, comparing plots with and without Optiroll traps. Whitefly numbers were assessed at the start of the trial, then in February and April (Figure 1).
Fig. 1.The whitefly population in plots with and without Russell IPM Optiroll demi traps.
Yellow Optiroll demi traps significantly reduced adult whitefly numbers, by 84% in February & 67% in April. The traps are most effective when used from the start of cropping against low whitefly numbers.
A trial was set up in a glasshouse strawberry crop (cultivar Serena) to test the trapping effect of the new Russell IPM yellow rolls (Optiroll and Actiroll, 30 cm x 100 m) against the standard, compared to plots without traps (July – Oct 2016). The numbers of adult whiteflies per leaf and per trap (10 x 25 cm sections) were counted after the traps had been up for six weeks. Fig 2. New traps twice as effective as previous standard yellow roller traps
Fig 3. New roller traps reduce whitefly numbers by up to 87% when applied from planting stage
The new Russell IPM traps caught approximately double the number of whiteflies compared to the standard. (Figure 2) Traps reduced whitefly numbers in the crop by 83-87% (Figure 3)
Target pest
Whiteflies, Aphids, Leafminers, Thrips
Optiroll 10 Yellow
Yellow sticky roll size 10 cm x 100 cm
Whiteflies, Aphids, Leafminers, Thrips
Optiroll 15 Yellow
Yellow sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll 10 Blue
Blue sticky roll size 10 cm x 100 cm
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll 15 Blue
Blue sticky roller trap size 15 cm x 100 cm
Whiteflies, Fungus gnats, Aphids, Leafminers, Thrips
Optiroll Super 15 Yellow
Yellow with Black patterned sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
Whiteflies, Fungus gnats, Aphids, Leafminers, Thrips
Optiroll Super 30 Yellow
Yellow with Black patterned sticky roll size 30 cm x 100 cm
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll Super 15 Blue
Blue with White patterned sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll Super 30 Blue
Blue with White patterned sticky roll size 30 cm x 100 cm
Super plus
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll super plus 15 Blue
Blue with White patterned sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
Western flower thrips, Thrips species
Optiroll super plus 30 Blue
Blue with White patterned sticky roll size 30 cm x 100 cm
PCT-OPTIN-SPT15-W Thrips species, Various pest species
Optiroll super plus 15 White
White with Blue pattern sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
PCT-OPTIN-SPT30-W Thrips species, Various pest species
Optiroll super plus 30 White
White with Blue pattern sticky roll size 15 cm x 100 cm
Russell IPM Ltd Unit 45 First Avenue, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside, Flintshire, CH5 2NU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 1244 281 333, Fax: +44 1244 281 878, E-mail: