fruit naturally
UK quality
Russell IPM is one of the leading manufacturers of products for insect pheromone-based monitoring and control. For over 25 years, Russell IPM has developed more than 150 insect pheromone lures and several bio-rational pesticides. As the demand for residue free fresh produce continues, Russell IPM is committed to help growers achieve the highest levels of safe and cost-effective insect and disease control. As recognition of our outstanding achievements, Russell IPM has been granted the Queens’s Award for Enterprise: International trade 2011 and the Queens’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation, 2012. With a steadfast commitment to research and development Russell IPM maintains a position at the forefront of pheromone based insect monitoring and control technology with a range of specialist systems for use in the agriculture sector, food processing and distribution facilities and other public health fields.
Over the last 25 years the Russell IPM research and development team has focused on developing high potential new products. To best serve the agriculture sector, our research facilities include pheromone formulation laboratory, quality control analytical laboratory enriched with Gas chromatography (GC-FID), Gas chromatography linked with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), sophisticated and automated multi-species pheromone baited trap manufacturing capability without human touch, wide range of pressure sensitive adhesive coating equipment to incorporate pheromones and attractants in to the adhesive layer, an advanced in house printing facility for custom made products, and natural material based bio-pesticide manufacturing facilities. The recent restriction on the use of certain types of pesticides in Europe has led to the rapid reduction of their use within agriculture and the food industry. Russell IPM can now offer safer alternative agro-ecological approaches to pest management. With real life, proven experience our male and female fruit fly attract and kill systems can successfully control fruit flies without intervention with conventional chemical pesticides. Russell IPM also offers a wide range of biological pesticides to combat the pest problems faced by agriculture with minimum impact on the environment and beneficial insects.
UK quality
Impact boards - standard size
Dimensions Colour Glue Printing Insects 245 x 100mm Yellow Both Sides One side Aphids and Whitefly
The Impact range includes an array of coloured sticky boards and rolls, to attract and contain a broad range of soft bodied insects with an affinity to particular colours and wavelengths of light. Therefore, Russell IPM have developed Impact sticky boards and Optiroll sticky rolls that have been optimised in colour, hue and brightness.
� Each roll contains a specially formulated adhesive layer to capture small insects such as White fly, Aphids, Thrips and Leaf Miners. � The glue is non-drying and UV light stable to ensure Optiroll activity isn’t affected by sunlight. � Range of pressure sensitive adhesive coating equipment to produce different sizes and formats of boards and rolls. � Russell IPM has the technology to incorporate release rate attractant into the adhesive layer.
Optiroll Blue
Clean touch
Optiroll Super Yellow
Specific wavelength of the blue sticky roll is highly attractive to Thrips.
UV stable
Insects, including Whiteflies and Aphids, are drawn to the contrasting colours and pattern of Optiroll Super Yellow.
No mess glue Specific fluorescent yellow and blue shades for maximum attraction Grid lines can be incorporated for ease of counting and monitoring Highly attractive
245 x 100mm Blue
Both Sides One side Thrips
245 x 200mm Yellow Both Sides One side Aphids and Whitefly 245 x 200mm Blue
Both Sides One side Thrips
245 x 400mm Yellow Both Sides One side Aphids and Whitefly 245 x 400mm Blue
Both Sides One side Thrips
Non standard sized boards are also available upon request.
Pheroguard Monitoring pest populations is essential in ensuring timely treatment and protection of crops.
Freshly made, For you, in the UK!
� Ready to use and requires little servicing Xlure SWD is a pioneering lure for effective attraction of Drosophila suzukii in soft fruit and stone fruit orchards. Primarily, this product should be used for monitoring
Early warnings of fruit and vegetable pests can be easily spotted with Russell IPM’s Pheroguard range of monitoring systems. Russell IPM offers over 150 pheromone lures to attract insects of economic importance on a global scale. The nature identical pheromones we offer are the result of over 25 years of research and development. The pheromones are compatible for use with our range of insect monitoring traps such as the McPhail trap, Delta trap, Ferolite,
purposes so that D. suzukii populations can be closely examined to ensure timely treatment and prevent infestation. The Spotted Wing Drosophila fly is a pest of blueberries, strawberries, cherries, plums and peaches and is now widespread geographically across the UK. Russell IPM has produced a nature identical lure to reduce crop damage and prevent infestations becoming severe.
� Allows immediate and simple identification of pest � Resistant to rainfall showers � Simple to assemble and monitor � Lures will last for up to 30 days and can be moved with ease from a saturated trap to a new one.
Optiroll and many more. Pheromones are available for:
Biologically safe 0% Residue Species Specific Compatible with many other IPM solutions Long lasting effects following one appplication
� Codling moth � Diamondback moth � Light brown apple moth � Apple leaf midge � Blueberry midge � Raspberry cane midge � Raspberry leaf midge � Orange wheat blossom midge � Raspberry beetle � Strawberry blossom weevil � Summer fruit tortrix � Spotted wing drosophila
Plus many more for the UK market.
Did you know?
Other SWD lures on the market require liquid in large volumes. Russell IPM however, has devised a solid SWD lure to remove the mess and enable simpler monitoring, as the lure sachet can be easily attached to sticky boards, rolls or McPhail traps without the risk of leakage or spillage.
UK quality
Russell IPM is the leading manufacturer of pheromone based insect monitoring and control systems in the UK and one of the largest in Europe. The company’s core expertise lies within insect behaviour- modifying systems and natural product-based biorational pest management. We have been the commercial partner in DEFRA (UK), KTP (UK) and EU funded projects concerning the development of multi-species attractant and pheromone release control technology. We have worked in collaboration with FERA and UKTI, with the objective to translate cutting edge research and company ambitions into real solutions for the agricultural sector. Our innovation has been recognised by the UK government, who have awarded Russell IPM ‘Innovate UK’ funding for one year to promote our fruit fly pheromone technology to accelerate sustainable economic growth. We are currently working on an innovative SMART trap system that will change the way pest management programmes are implemented for more efficient and effective treatment of infestations.
Russell IPM, Unit 45 First Avenue, Deeside Ind. Park Flintshire, CH5 2NU United Kingdom +44 (0) 1244 281 333