Abundance Bootcamp

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awareness. However we also have the having of the thing in our awareness. Then we get to choose which one we will place our focus on. Just like in the restaurant we can choose to focus on the activity around us or the conversation we are participating in . The power to manifest lay in where we focus not simply the awareness of a thing.

Set at goal (picture), which will begin it’s journey towards you. Then “all” we need to do is remove the obstacles in between us and it. so many times we think we have to march towards our goal however it’s much easier, and sometimes the only way, we can experience them by understanding they are not some static target far away but a moving target heading in our direction. Help it by removing the hurdles we have placed as obstacles.

Do not personalize your limiting believes or sub-routines.

In defining your “C” think about whether the motive behind the desire is one of running toward a desire or running away from a fear?

Energy, like electricity or water, will always take the path of least resistance. If we place a resistor inbetween the source of energy and the result (light bulb) we restrict the flow and it will take another path.

Like charging a capacitor. A capacitor will store/build energy until the potential is large enough that it discharges the amount of stored energy. (strobe light).

Choosing a dream/goal – Choose one that makes you feel good. If you can’t feel the feeling the goal is too big. What would really turn your crank? Pick a dream that would really turn your crank. That will instill the excitement and passion which fuels everything else. Live a life of ecstacy.

You don’t get happiness you create it. It’s no one elses responsibility but yours.

The Healing Center

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We do not, and actually cannot create anything outside of this present moment.

Chapter One

In the Beginning My Story The techniques I will share in this book are a blend of the common denominators I discovered from listening to countless hours of teachings from the best of the best in the spiritual and personal development field. Upon that foundation I developed and discovered my own methods direct from that still voice that resides in each one of us, teaching , guiding, and instructing. Each of these techniques are ones that I use everyday. It has been my experience that we do not learn by listening to information we learn by embracing the stories and adventures, and understandings of one who has walked the walk you are about to begin. I have walked the walk. I am still, and always will be, a student of life. My life. Because I realize that learning truly is a process not a place and so we never reach the end. And thank God for that. We are all students. It is my desire to share my story of transformation and change that you may walk this walk with me.

I did it my way My first, and maybe the most important teaching to share, is that these steps will not work for you.

It is not what you’re looking too it’s where you’re looking from.

A time for sowing and a time for reaping.

What really, really, really, turns your crank? That goes on the right hand side of the equal sign.

Once you create your desires on the c side then throw them back over the fence and enjoy life. When you wish to send more energy to them bring them back work on them and then throw them back over the fence. You cannot make them happen. Once you throw them back the best thing you can do is do things that make you feel happy, free, etc because then you will be able to sense if theres anything you need to do. If you are stressing at relaxing you will not see or hear when there’s something for you to do. Often the best thing you can do after you through your desire back over the fence is forget about while it’s there and have fun.

The value of focus and awareness and how it applies to the having, and not having, of what we want. It’s important when working towards a desire that we shed any fear of the opposite, or the not having of it. Fear, while not very aware or focused, is very powerful and if we have even an inkling of fear towards thinking/picturing the not having of something empowers that very thing to manifest. We can be confused thought because we are taught to only think/ imagine of the end result that we desire so how can we think about or even allow the opposite to come into our awareness. The key lay in understanding focus and awareness.

Hold on now, don’t put the book down. Read on a bit further. I have often had the experience of going to a seminar, reading a book, or watching a DVD where the speaker says “If you follow these steps exactly as I have shared them with you then you will experience the same results I have”. I don’t know about you but my results from these experiments have been, well less than

To illustrate this I will take you to a restaurant. It’s a busy restaurant and there’s the “buzz” of many people talking about many different things. As you sit across the table from the person you are with you are focused on what they are saying. You are aware of all the other conversations going on around you however you are focused on yours. We do the same thing with the having and not having. We know the “possibility” of not having is there, it is in our

the next frame of the filmstrip we call our lives is not in the pictures but in the small black stip in between. Once the picture has formed we cannot change it. Be aware of it. Acknowledge it for what is. Resist the urge to judge it for that will seal it into place and make it much harder to modify it’s re-creation in the next frame. Our outer world is a creation. Our inner world is creating. Creation is a thing (particle). Creating is a process (wave). In this place of creating forget what was other than to use it initially to help you define, through contrast and opposites, what you wish to create.

Attaching and Detaching A good indicator of becoming detached from the results is when the issue of whether an experience manifests as we desire it to be or not ceases to become a question. This refers back to our discussions of the “danger” of indecision. Indecision usually means we are attached to both outcomes at the same time. It’s introduces stress very similar to if you put your foot on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time. This is also the difference between desire and need. If we have a need for one outcome over another we immediately leave the presence of relief and introduce stress. Creation comes from and through effortlessness. Anything other than that places obstructions to the amount of change we can inject into the filmstrip. When we desire an outcome it changes from need to preference. We may desire a certain outcome however we are still okay if it doesn’t happen when we think it should or how we think it should. It is in this place that the importance and relevance of the question I began this paragraph with disappears.

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perfect. The steps as they are laid out in the book work for me. They work fantastic. However I am not you. Each one of us are an infinite mixture of life experiences, belief systems, learning styles, etc. Because of this I have made every attempt to not only explain what to do but why you do it and how it works. I encourage you to take the time to really understand why these techniques do what they do so that you may adjust them to fit your particular style and situation. These techniques work. They work for me and they’ll work for you. Allow yourself the freedom to allow them to blend into who you are. You truly do create your own world. Not my world. Not the world. But your world. You are the painter of your picture of the world and your experience in it. It is a skill and not magic. If it’s a skill it means anyone can learn it. If anyone can learn it it means you can. You will have to work. Remember it’s not magic it’s a skill and any new skill takes time to learn, practice, and excel at it. You can do it.

Another way we attach ourselves to an outcome is by attaching an emotion to it. This also is an integral part of our discussion of need vs desire. This can be tricky because we are also taught to feel the emotions of an outcome as if it has already happened. The secret lay in previous sentence. We are to feel the emotions as if it already has/is happening which we can only do if we are experiencing it in this present moment. A perceived outcome lay in the future not in the present. When we attach an emtoin to a future event we are attaching ourselves to one particular outcome over another. As soon as we do that we in varying degress from preference to need. We do not create in the future. We can only plant the seeds of creation in the present moment. Nowhere else. This also very effectively removes the troublesome aspect of time and also money. If it is already happening than we have no need of money and we’re not concered about time. This only comes into play if we are perceiving an event as not happened yet. As soon as we do that we are removing it from the present moment. Always remember your power to change lay in the present moment nowhere else.

This can be the very moment where everything in your life changes.

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The Two Commandments In preparing for this workbook and the accompanying workshops I listened to hours and hours of teaching from people who have truly walked the walk. As I listened to the unique approach each one had there were two underlying principles that kept rising to the surface. I figure if they all agree and give testimony to these principles they must have some intrinsic value to them. I have followed these principles and now also agree, not only in principle, but in application and experience. They are: The Power of Persistence. Without out fail every one of my teachers gives testimony that the primary reason there are where they are is because this simply did not quit. I remember listening to an interview with Will Smith when he was asked about his thoughts on how he achieved the degree of success he had. I’m paraphrasing what he said. “Others may be better than me, may know more than me, have more advantages than me, however they will not outlast me. I simply will not stop. I may “die” in the process but that’s the only thing that will stop me”. You simply cannot fail if you do not quit. Believe in something bigger than us. Laying aside the labels, every teacher emphasised the importance of believe in something bigger than us. I echo their sentiments. We are never alone and there are bigger “forces” in play in this world. We are, in a very real way, a conduit through which creation flows. It is truly not by our own strength that creation happens. Much of the work that we are in charge of is daring to believe, challenging the limitations in our life, refusing to listen to defeating words from our friends and from ourselves. And when we break through that invisible barrier between allowing our world to be created by our external experiences and creating our external world from the inside out that we know who we are, and whose we are.

Especially regarding your thoughts. The pictures, the scripts, and the emotions that you experience. Many times you feel you have to not think of a thing in order to be free of it. That you must drive/release the emotion, thought, picture and you must no longer be aware of it. We would say to you that is not required and especially in the beginning close to impossible. You see because when we try to remove it from our awareness using any particular technique we have to focus on it in order to do so. Then the only way we know if it’s gone is to look for it (focus) to see if it is, or is not, there. The very act of us looking for it places our focus upon it and sure enough there it is.

What’s truly important is not that you are not aware of a thought or emotion but that you do not focus upon it. Do you see the difference? We’ll use the illustration of driving a vehicle. As you drive down the road you are aware of the terrain and activity on either side of the road. You aware of where the ditches are, you are aware of and obsticles that may suddenly enter your path. However, where are you focused? Yes on the road straight ahead of you. When you focus on the road ahead of you do the ditches suddenly disappear? No. They are still there. You are aware of them however you are not focusing on them. Do you see how this can apply to your thoughts and pictures?

It is actually very important to become aware of limited beliefs in lives and the best way to discover them is to be aware of our thoughts, pictures, and emotions.They give us valuable clues on obstacles we can work on releasing. And when we are releasing or healing them that is where we put our focus. However when we are done our healing work with then change where we place focus. The thoughts and pictures may still be in our awareness. We may know they are there. We may even feel they are there. However that is not where we have place our focus.

Our focus is on where we wish to go not where we have come from. Do not be afraid when thoughts and pictures enter your mind for they are comining into your awareness to be released. Do pay attention thought to what you are focusing on because where you focus you will go. When you place your focus on something you are giving it life. When you take focus away from something you are allowing it to die.

The more we can detach from our external experience the more we can influence the next creation of it, or the next picture in the film strip. Always remember our external experience is only a validation of what we are creating not a pre-reqisite. The opportunity to influence

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Punching through the board Looking past your “I’ll never get through this obstacle”. Isn’t it interesting how when one of these obstacles looms in the distance we loose the ability to see past it. It’s like our world ends right there. The point of destruction. Unless something happens. Something happens to avert the train heading our way. In a very real way as we continue to look at it and not past it it will grow larger and larger. It makes it very hard to not become attached to a perceived outcome in an unbalanced way. It makes it very hard not to try and push or force our desires on our external circumstances. It makes it very difficult for us to trust in the process and surrend. It also very effectively constricts those very things we desire to experience in manifesting in our experience because we slipped into trying to make them happen. Remember it’s a dance not a wrestling match. Miracles are not earned they are received. Miracles are manifests not by conqouring but through surrendering. Miracles are not magic they are natural. Miracles do not have to be forced or coerced but welcomed. Miracles are not something we can bargain with the universe for. WE cannot force the universe we can only allow it. By consciously choosing a point of awareness past the obstacle it helps us to release our attachement to it and brings our world back in perspective.

Use your existing techniques and apply them to the science of manifestation rather than looking at it as a totally new skill. Each one of us is different bringing our own unique set of experiences and tools to the manifestation table. Remember, it’s always about application of a technique not the technique itself.

Priming the pump, getting in the mood. It is so vital that you remain as much as possible in a state of relief, gratitude, joy. Especially when you are visualization or consciously focusing on your desires. Think of activities that cause you to feel these feeling? Maybe it’s music, runnining, fishing, painting, walking. It’s not so important what it is but that it causes you to feel those feelings. Once you feel those feelings you are in a place and space to positively affect your desires and visions.

The difference between awareness and focus. It is important that we speak to you of these two words.

But I’ve always done it this way If we continue to do what we have always done we will experience what we have always experienced. So we try and change what we are “doing” but it doesn’t work very well. Do you think if we knew what to “do” we wouldn’t have already done it? So we say “Of course I would like to do something different but I don’t know what”. In that statement lay the key. We have to change our thinking before we can change our doing.

What if life is an illusion? Question what you have always believed to be true – These can be tricky to find because the very fact that we don’t question them often means they have faded so deep into our subconscious that we don’t even know what we know anymore. This is one of the many valuable aspects of learning how to meditate. Mediative awareness is important in allowing these questions to arise. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are wrong. We may observe them and decide they are valid. The power comes from consciously choosing which gives us the power over them rather than being disempowered by them.

How big is your Truman Sphere? As humans we tend to slip into patterns of thought and action. Often very limited and small ones. Think about how many places you go to on a day to day basis. The grocery store, coffee shop, mall etc. If you think about it it’s probably a very short list. And we can spend our lives travelling in this small circuit. Now think about your thoughts. We probably have a pretty short list of thought patterns that revolve around inside our head every day, all day. If you talked with people about the physical places they frequent and why they don’t search out new ones (trips and such) there will be two responses. The first is because they think they can’t (vacations, relocations, etc) and validate that with evidence from their physical surroundings.

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The second is that they never even thought about going to a different “grocery store” because it is ingrained in their subconscousness. The same excuses will apply to our thoughts. Because we are essentially living our lives asleep. So we need to wake up . We need to start consciously choosing to think different, to break our physical habits, to stimulate our minds and bodies with new stimulus which will shake off the sleepiness of our existences and open the door to change.

“performance anxiety” mode. As soon as we manifest something we now have something to loose. Before it’s manifest there isn’t anything to loose. It’s flows along the lines of the old saying there is nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing left to loose. Release the need to be correct or perfect. In fact release all that you have manifested and are currently enjoying. Just let it all go. Let the need to even continue go. Often that will release the uncsiouce feat of failure and allow you the freedom to go forward as though you had nothing left to loose.

It’s all in how you look at it

You’re doing it and you don’t even know it

Our action can never be mistakes or failures as long as we don’t leave them on the right hand side of the equal sign. When we judge them we leave them on the right hand side of the equal sign. Forgiveness moves them to the left. We can only make mistakes in our observation/ perception of them. The mistake is not in the behavior it is in your perception.

This is actually one of the most humorist rules of how we create our experience. We probably all know people, maybe you were one, who look at all “this positive thinking weirdo” stuff like it’s a bunch on hogwash. The ironic thing about these types of people is that they are doing it and don’t even know it.

When you plant a carrot seed in the garden you don’t go looking for it to show up in the front yard. Overlaying your visioning on your current external environment.

Creating your World is not a spectator sport. You don’t get to sit on the sidelines. When you enter this world you enter the field of play and starting creating. You keep creating until you leave. The real question is, considering you’re doing it anyway, wouldn’t it be handy to know how you are doing it?

Where oh where has my belief system gone? Using layman’s terms our mind (not our brain) has two general areas. Our consciousness (that piece of us that is aware) and our subconscousness (that we are not aware of). Our subconsciouss takes the lead in what information enters, and resides, in our conscious mind. Therefore it holds the controls over the defining parameters of our experience. It is very powerful and we can’t directly access it because of it’s very nature. Guess where our belief systems lay? Yep, in our subconscious. Much of this book and course will relate to how to connect with those belief systems and change them.

The value of contrast. When we find ourselves thinking about something we don’t want or experiencing something we don’t find pleasant use this to hone in on what you do want. What is the opposite of the experience or vision? That is what you choose to focus on.

Depth of field pictures.

The miracle is not so much in the appearance of things but in the organization of how they happen.

The universe is always in motion. Never static. It is either evolving or dissolving. Wathcing trees in rotary park.

Don’t listen to what comes after “maybe because”

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Do you remember when? A good trick for finding a pleasant emotion to attach to your visioning is to think back to a time when you felt something similar. Allow yourself to begin to feel that emotion. Then change your vision/picture from one of remembering in the past to observing in the present moment.

Of all the things I miss, I miss my mind the most So what do we do with those incessant thoughts in our mind? Don’t chase them out replace them out. Rather than looking at those thoughts and trying to stop thinking about them, which by the way is pretty much impossible, instead consciously choose to focus on a thought(s) of your choosing. Those old self defeating thoughts are like plants that you have watered for years and maybe decades. Like a flower blossums if we simply try and clip the flowers the plant will simple produce more. The trick is to choose to not nourise the plant. Now, we can’t simply “not to” nourish it because that energy is always flowing through us and has to go somewhere. This last sentence provides us the key. So, if this energy has to flow somewhere. And the only “plant” we have in front of us blooms with a self defeating thought. How about planting a new, and different, plant. Take the nourishment from the one and send it to the other. In the beginning this may be challenging. Remember as a plant begins to grow it can be very fragile and so we have to consciously nuture it. That’s what you did the plant of your negative thoughts. It grew the very same way. However as you continue to choose which plant you will give your energy to the old negative thought one will begin to shrivel and die and the new positive thought one you have chosen matures and flourishes. All the “answers” I required are right in front of me. The best action to take is, in many ways, no action but to pay attention.

Mirror mirror on the wall Where you are at is your responsibility but not your fault. As you understand what that sentence really means it will open the doors to creating a world of your dreams like nothing else can. But how can one simply word make that much difference? As soon as we use the word fault we have stepping into the world of judging. Judging is not a bad thing but it is a powerful one. When we judge something we are making a moral assesement of whether it is essentially good or bad. We have a wide vocabluarly of words we may use when making a judgement but they still boil own to two basic camps of either good or bad. When we judge something we are essentially sealing it in, like freezing it in time. Rendering it unchangeable. Until we release the need to judge, and the acting of judging, we condemn an experience, a piece of our history, to be forever the same with no potential to change, or to be changed. In short, when we judge something we do a very effective job of defining it to always be that which we have judged it to be.

We use information from our memory and information from our “future”, mix that in with our external present moment stimulus to create our experience.

Judglement is disempowering in that it has a very close cousin called Blame.

The Curse of the Second Time

When you look in the mirror you believe you are seeing yourself. But you are not. You are seeing a representation of the past. Although it may be measured in milliseconds what you are experiencing is light waves that originated from you that take a period of time to travel to the mirror, reflect from the mirror, travel back to your eyes, after which the electrical signals are compiled inside your brain to create a picture that flashes across the screen of your

The curse of the second time. You decide you are going to get in shape and start going to the gym. So you go hard core for three days in a row. And then it seems that “things” start to crop up that make it harder for you to go. This is one of the challenges when things start to manifest in your life. As soon as we start to see the changes manifest it’s easy to slip into the

Blame requires a participant to which we can attach the blame to. In most cases, especially within the topic of this book, it is the one we see in the mirror every day.

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consciousness. You are indeed looking into the past. When we blame the source of the reflection (us) we are actually blaming the wrong culprit. The real culprit is the reflection in the mirror. Isn’t it interesting though how the mirror does not judge what it sees. It simply offers a glimpse into what was. So, if the real culprit does not blame us what right do we have to blame ourselves. Our relfection of our experience is simply that, a relfection. Neither good or bad, just a reflection of what was. When we understand this it allows us, if we choose, to release the judgement we choose to place upon ourselves and simply experience the reflection. If it is one we find pleasing we can use the information from it to re-create a similar experience. If it is unpleasant to us we can choose to create a different experience. Who decides the experience? You do. It is your responsibility to change the information the source (you) transmit out to the mirror of your experience and, with mathematical, certainty change the reflection. Do you see the drastic difference between these two words? Do you see how one (blame) is very effective as sealing your fate while the other (responsibility) releases you to create? The process of creating your experience is the essence of this book. Our external experience is not our fault, it is our responsibility and offers us the opportunity to choose something different.

The only thing that’s real The present moment is the only time we have any power. It is the only thing that is real. What is this thing called “present moment” you may ask. The best way I can explain it is by walking through a simply exercise with you. I want you to take a quick moment and think of an event from your memory. It could be what you had for breakfast or your last birthday bash. If you will notice, as soon as you read the last sentence your mind immediately went to an event in your past. Now, I would like you to speculate out into your future. Maybe it’s a appointment you have scheduled for next week, or a vacation you’re preparing for. Just like when you thought of

Are you a rock star groupie? Sometimes we look at people who’s conferences we attend, books we read, and tapes we listen to like they are rock stars. We attempt to live our lives vicariously through them usually because some piece of us believes we can never live it for ourselves. However like any addiction the effects don’t last so we need to go back for more and more rather than face ourselves and begin to live our own lives not someone elses.

You be the Judge We decide what is true. As we hold that belief our external world begins to mirrot that belief which validates what we have chosen to believe is true. However we an opposing belief can just as easily be true as well. Trap we fall into is that we forget that we first created the belief inside and then the external mirrored it. We think it is the other way around and therefore have a very difficult time believing we can change it.h Remember, when our external environment appears to be something other than we wish it to be that it is just that, the “appearance” of something. Not the true nature behind it. ie The appearance of the other shoe dropping. It will only be true if we choose to believe what “appears” to be true is. It is not. We have the power to change it by recognixing that which creates the appearance. When we change that we change the appearance. One is as true as the other.

Reiki Practitioners As Reiki Practitioners we should be, and already are, magnificient manifesters. We know that the energy flows through us not from us. In every treatment we are manifesting. It the same energy that “creates” a healing as creates finances, a book, a painting, and answer to a problem, state of healthfulness, etc. It’s all the same energy. It is simply the intention we place that flavours the energy as it flows through us. We already have the process figured out. We just need to learn how to apply it and realease those hidden programs that introduce interference in the intention.

It’s all about you Our first priority is our personal journey of healing. All the other manifestions of “abundance” are simply reflections of our personal growth, not the cause of ti.

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Don’t get caught up in your work When things start to manifest. It can be tricky to not get caught up in the physical as things start to manifest. In some ways it’s easier before they do because we don’t have the physical distraction. When they start we can easily get caught up/attached to the results and hinder the process. This is the time to be very aware of where your attention is. This is often when remanants of old believe systems may pop up in your awareness. It is incredibly easy to gaze at our manifestation and then leap into the desire to maintain and hold on to what we have constructed. This usually comes from the place of concern that we won’t be able to manifest and more and somehow what we have will be taken away from us. Always remember, the physical manifestation of our experience is a glimpse into the past. It is our reflection. While we can use the information the experience gives us when we create our next experiences it is a slippery slope into focusing too much on our results and not enough on the next creation. It’s very similar to driving a car looking into the rear view mirror. Enjoy the results of your work. Revel in it, and use that exctasy to feul and supercharge your next creative ventures. Enjoy what you have created, look towards what is coming next.

You can’t live in the past We can remember our past and use the information/learnings to create our future. However we cannot stand on our past and hope it will carry us into our futures. Cannot rest on our larels. WE can use the past as information to create our future however we cannot lay our future on our past because it won’t support it. Attract abundance not chase it down. The key word is attract. In order to attract abundance we need to make our selves attractive. If you want to attract more abundance work on making yourself more attractive. Think of it as magnetic. The stronger the magnet the more power it has to pull things toward it. This is why the best way to attract abundance is to continually work on yourself.

your past you probably just as quick traversed time into an event in your future. The last step is to pay attention to the book you are now holding in your hands. What does it feel like, notice the color and texture of the pages. Execellent! In a matter of moments your hopping onto your awareness and, in a very real way, went back in time, jumped ahead to the future, and returned to this present moment. Present moment awareness is simply being aware of what is happening in this present moment. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not even 20 minutes from now, but this exact moment in time. As you continue to practice the processes I will talk about in this book you will realize the power of this fascinating place called the present moment. It truly is where your power and the answers lie. Keeping our awareness in the present allows us to become the observer of what we think and feel. Because the present moment is the only place of power, we need to keep our awareness there and bring our thought, visions, etc into that moment as opposed to allowing them to take us away. One trick is to keep you eyes open to keep you “here” and then hold the thoughts, visions, etc into our awareness. When we close our eyes we tend to leave the present moment. Sometimes we can do that to latch onto the thought or vision and then open our eyes and bring it into the present moment. Imagine a chef making their world famous beef stew. The chef will reach into the cupboards and fridge to grab ingredients but brings them all to the present moment stew pot to mix. He does not make the stew in the cupboard or on the farm where the beef was produced. He brings all the ingredients to the present moment stew pot to mix them. The world you create uses many different ingredients that lay outside the boundaries of time and space. You bring those ingredients to your present moment stew pot to create your experience.

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None of this will make sense to you If you are expecting the concepts and practices in this book to immediately make sense you have come to the wrong place! Because they probably won’t, at least not initially. Thank goodness for that! Each one of us as developed parameters of how we construct and live in our world experience. It’s our own unique set of rules. When we create our experience we use these rules to determine what is possible, or appropriate, and what isn’t. As our subconsous (remember that’s where our belief systems, or rules, reside) monitors our conscious thoughts it tireless eliminates those that do not fit into the parameters of the rules we have created. When you listen to something that does not fit into your set of rules you will often say to yourself “That doesn’t make sense”. Correct? So, if you read things in this book that “don’t make sense” to you, excellent! That means you are on the precipice of change. After all, if you really do create your world from the inside out, and you wish to change your experience, than your parameters of logical have to change. After all, it seems only logical, doesn’t it? <grin>

Big difference between being Lazy and doing things the “easy” way. Lazy is not taking any of our potential energy and converting it to Kenitic. Doing things the easy way is simply making the most effeciient use of our energy & therefore time. When we are sensitive to inspired action we can achieve huge results with a very small amount of energy/time (work). The remainder of our energy can then be used in allowing, learning, growing, playing, expanding etc.

Making ourselves look pretty We attract what we desire. We create what we desire. The way we create what we desire is to initiate through our intentions and then attract that which we desire by becoming attractive. When we become attractive we create a safe and fertile environment for those experiences that we wish to attract. Behold I stand at the door and knock. When we “become” what we desire we are creating a hospitable and inviting home for the desire to enter into our physicall experience. The more attractive and inviting the home is the faster and easier the desire will come and habitate it with us.

It can be very tricky to try and focus on how things will come to us. WE can never accurately guess anyway because we have such a small picture of the world. It is much easier and better to focus on who things come from. That is very easy to find and is only one thing not many.

Common Sense isn’t so Common Common sense is what fits inside our parameters of what our physical world is created from. Common sense is a mutually agreed upon set of rules, or belief systems, that are commonly agree upon by our society. However, there are many different societies and subsequent belief systems, that each one of us participate in. You have geographical societies which are the area in which you or may your coworkers at your place of employment. Your friends are another society. Many times the method in which we choose our friends is whether or not they have the same “common sense” beliefs as we have. We may religious societies, family societies, the list could go on. If you embrace the topics in this book I am willing to bet that they will stretch your definitions of logic and totally obliterate the perimeters of common sense.

Chapter 5 Enjoying the Fruits of your Labor

so smooth up until the last day? You’re tying up loose ends and you say to yourself “I’m ready to go. I’ll finish up some last minute details my last day at work and I’ll even take it a bit easy to prepare for my fantastic time off.” Then the last day comes and everything and everybody goes crazy. All off a sudden you find yourself in a death race trying to resolve all these “catastrophes” that have seem to cropped up out of nowhere. You say to yourself “What the heck happened?? Everything was going so smooth and now on the last day all heck breaks loose?” Maybe there’s an event that you’re really looking forward to and then right at the last moment something happens that threatens to take away your joy? It’s in those moments, when it is easy to ask why the Universe has this vendetta towards that lay our greatest moment of victory. You can bet money that it is a last ditch effort from a subconscious belief system to try and keep you “safe”. The physical manifestation of a desire is the last step in the creative process. Your subconscious know this, and if you have been challenging a belief systems it has to do something to try and mitigate what it sees as a dangerous situation. It’s in these times where faith and insight is so important. Also refusing to “blink”. You are face to face with an illusion. It may seem very real but it is an illusion none the less. But like a tiger on a chain. All it can do is roar. It can come close but It can’t hurt you. Recognize this experience for what it is. The doorway to the magnificent manifestation of your desire. Stand fast, and the roaring lion will subside in a memory as you step through the doorway of fear into the magnificence of your created experience.

In the nick of time Time – The universe will manifest “in” time but necessisarily in “our” time. It will never be late while at the same time not being too early as to cheat us out of an opportunity to stretch our faith. The results will manifest in perfect timing.

I’m not lazy, I’m efficient

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However, you can expand and change, that which you call logical to incorporate new ideas, concepts, and behavours. That is the journey you will take as you continue through the following pages. Logical is the process in which we take that which initial made no sense and by learning and experiencing we come to a place where all of a sudden we see a logical order or process. What do we say when that happens? We say it makes sense. It’s at the moment that we have taken something that was once illogical and therefore unbelievable (magic) and we have transformed our awareness such that it now becomes not on a possibility but a predictable outcome. We do not live in the past so much as re-live (re-create) the past in our present moment experience.

You will never get this right, or wrong The good news is you cannot do this wrong. The bad news is you cannot do this right. Releasing the need to judge something as either right or wrong or good or bad will supercharge you conscious manifesting abilities like nothing else. As I have previously mentioned, when we judge something we attach ourselves to it. Because our external experience is always changing and never static when we attach ourselves, through judgement, to an event or outcome it’s a lot like floating down a river and reaching out and grabbing an overhanging tree. Then we wonder why we’re not moving down stream. The current in the river is still moving it’s just that we have latched onto something that’s preventing us from moving with it. Creation is still happening but because we are now holding on for dear life to the past we are not at the leading edge which is where we have to be to consciously influence the creative process.

Having your focus and attention to a single moment in time. Not being distracted by events of the past and/or anticipation of the future. Your experience, and your results, are simply that, results. They are neither good nor bad. I really like to substitute pleasant and unpleasant for good or bad. Our results may be unpleasant but they are not bad. If our results are simply “unpleasant” not only are we detached from them but we can use the information from the experience to clarify what we don’t desire. That allows us, in turn to clarify what we do. Release the need to be right. Release the need to judge. Release the feeling of guilt about your experiences and you will have taken a gaint leap in the art and science of Creating Your World from the Inside Out.

The illusions of ―unchanging reality‖. I’m going to take a moment here and speak about what I call our “Five Senses World”. As the name implies it is our external world that we build with our five senses. It appears solid, predictable, and many times very powerful. It is very easy to use the information from our external world to create how we will feel and even define who we are.

Feeling emotions not being overwhelmed or controlled by them.

1. Stop 2. Look Listen We can generally hold our attention to one thought for about 6 seconds. By teaching our conscious mind to maintain focus longer we start to reside more and more in Present Moment Awareness.

We cannot teach someone PMA but we can create an environment where they can re-discover it for themselves. Not equating what’s obvious to what’s real.

Why not? After all the “real world” is reality. Right? It’s solid. It’s substantial. It doesn't change. It is real.

Difference between idiot light on car and gauge.

Well, actually not really.

When we spend our time flitting between past and future and only passing by PAM as we move from one to another the only indicator of our PMA is when something happens that has enough severity that it causes our idiot light go turn on. Those of us who drive know that when the “oil light” comes on it’s pretty close to being too late to avoid damage.

Our experience is constantly changing. In every way. It is never static. It is either evolving or dissolving. Each one a scared and intimate experience. We are experiencing and participating in the death and birth or more accurately reserection in a different form of our five sense world everytime we observe and participate in it. One of the biggest challenges people will face when they embark on creating their world from the inside out is that the external world seems so unchangeable. In our logical mind we cannot reconcile how something as insubstantial as our thoughts and emotions can affect something so unchangeable as our present moment circumstance. But what we are not consciously aware of is that our external world is always changing. It never is static. Our brain does not show us many of these changes as the contrasts from one frame of our

PMA allows us to consistently be measuring the stimulus and our response to it. The gauge allows us to be aware of any trends from the normal allowing us to make some choices to help return the gauge back to normal.

It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn Every notice how as you approach a long awaited vacation how that last week at work can go

didn’t really believe. I do now. If you are like I was it will probably feel uncomfortable to live through creating value instead of time based value. You may your “managers” (we’ll talk about them later in the book) whining in their neruoic little voices saying “Get your butt in gear. You need to produce. You’re sitting here doing nothing. Worse than doing nothing you are walking in the park (enter any activity you enjoy here). You do not get to enjoy those leasure activities until you put in a full day’s work and then some”. It will be easy to listen to them and fall for their deceptions. Welcome to the discomfort that is a pre-requisite for change. Trust in the process.

experience to another is so small it considers it irrelevant for our day to day lives so simply emits it. Always remember, what we experience with our 5 senses is only a small sliver of the vibrational soup that we exist in.

We are peaceful by default – The power of relief

Your first priority is one of relief. Only after you have worked on stepping into that place do you go on to the next step. If you happen to be in step 2 or 3 and you find you have left your place of relief go back to step 1 and do it again.

There is no other shoe

When you do this here’s what happens. Rather than doing 20 activities in a day out of which 2 of them are gang busters and the others are so so, because you have taken inspired action, you are able to identify the 2 gangbuster ones and forget about the other 18. Makes sense?

The Myth of the dream

This is the essence of working smarter not harder. When you can identify those activities that provide the most value you can focus your attention on those and not waster your valuable energy on those that don’t provide the value.

Keeping a rudder on your boat Keep a vein of consistancey when making changes. This allows our set point to change easier because we are not trying to change too many of them at once. As you make changes keep things that you wish to keep consistent, consistent. I.E. Lethbridge, everything was different, different sourroundings, different sleeping, different diet. So many changes trhought our thermostat out of wack and it effectively goes into shock. Purposefully keep those things we are comfortable with consistent while so it helps to build desired connections between the old and the new.

Present Moment Awareness

Often we will hear someone say it takes a long time to build success and we don’t like that because we think that we will have to wait for years before we can experience the feelings that we think our picture of perfection will give us. This is our first mistake. First of all you have to know that when you achieve your external circumstance that you feel are perfect they won’t be perfect. You will have problems and challenges there just as much as you have them now. They may be different but they will still be there. Your picture of perfection is not a destination it’s simply another set of experiences along your way. How many of us have desired something however haven’t even started down the path towards it because we feel it will take too long before we are able to feel the feelings of obtaining it. IE someone looking at a concert pianist and wishing to be able to play like that but not taking lessons because we feel it will take so long before we can experience the feeling of playing. The good news is you can feel those feelings you desire right now. The secret is that those feels are what you will begin to feel as soon as you begin to take steps towards your dream. When you understand that it’s always about the journey and not the destination you will begin to feel the feelings of being at your destination and you step by step head in that direction.

spired actions are often referred to as coincidences. Events and circumstance that are improbable and out of the ordinary.

I only have one more question your honor. This entire workshop boils down to one simple question that can, and will, change the entire course of your life. Are you willing to allow yourself to grow, change, and evolve into a person of peace and power and in doing so will forever become fundamentally different that 99% of the people around you? What does it mean to be who you are really meant to be? At a fundamental level you will think differently At a fundamental level you will see differently

These will often come from our external experience but can also make their appearance as thoughts in our minds. Sudden urges.

Just like brushing your teeth Your list of priorities every day is:

1. Relief 2. Keep on the right hand side of the equal sign 3. Keep your awareness in the present moment 4. Take inspired action

At a fundamental level you will feel differently You will see in circumstances that others don’t Where others see difficulties and hardships will you will see opportunities for victory There will be times when you friends and family may think you are “crazy” There may be times you think you’re “crazy”. There may be times when the people you associate no longer have anything in common with you You life will become one of challenges, victories, and adventures

Do not go to step 2 until you feel securely placed in step 1. The same goes for steps 3 through 4. Until, and unless, you are comfortable in one do not go to the other. This is not a race to see how fast you can get from 1 to 4. If you are not in relief it is close to worthless to try and “make” the others happen. Your goal in each day is to create value. Value has nothing to do with time. For most of us we are conditioned that value equates to time because that is how we create value. We work for an employer who pays us for the time we dedicate to our job. Truly Creating your World requires you to expand beyond that paradymn. Notice I didn’t say that value through time was wrong because it’s not. However, when you expand your awareness (which is my intention with this book) you discover there are other, more efficient and fun, ways of creating abundance. You will find, and this may stretch your mind a bit, that you will be able to “accomplish” 8 hours worth of value in 1 when you practice this steps listed above. I was one of those who would probably be considered a “work horse”. You know early to rise, work your butt off all day, and do it again the next day. However there is a huge difference between working hard and working smart. I had heard this statement many times before but

wonderful example of what inspired action is not. It’s often referred to as working harder not smarter. Inspired actions allow you to expend small amounts of energy and time and achieve exponential results. These are those times, often rare, that everything just seems to “click”. We learn to work smarter not harder. Now, many of you probably already know this and have experienced both sides of the coin. The frustrating part is we usually don’t know how we do it and are confined to those few times when we seem to just get “lucky”. Inspired actions are often the procurers to miracles.

Am I really Inspired or just confused? Here’s a good way to differentiate between “logical” actions and “inspired” actions. Logical action will seem right. Inspired actions will feel right. Logical actions come about by thinking about them, analyzing them, anticipating outcomes of them. Inspired actions feel right and carry with them no need to do any of the “stuff” we do with logical actions. Logical actions will often come accompanied with emotions other than relief. Inspired actions ride upon the waves of relief. Logical actions will many time requires us to DO something we really don’t desire to do. Inspired actions, while they will take energy, do not feel like “work”. Inspired actions flow. Logical actions force. Logical actions are intrinsically connected with a perceived outcome. Inspired actions are totally independent of a perceived outcome. Inspired actions do not require any debate in our mind. Logicaly actions do. Inspired actions do not have to be defended or validated by others. Logically actions do. Many times we feel compelled to explain our actions and the reasons we are doing them to others. Inspired need nothing outside of ourselves. Inspired actions will always lead us into the quickest route to a miracle. Logical actions will often take us the hardest way to disappointment and dissolution. The fruit of inspired actions is always peace.

I Spy with my Little Eye So how do we identify the leading indicators of an inspired action? Essentially, it means looking for inconsistencies. The indicators of in-

contrary to the natural laws of the universe. Things are always happening, either evolving or dissolving but they are moving.

Chapter Two

How we create our World (the mechcanics)

Little Control


Consciousness: total control




Subconsciousness: total control but very little conscious access

This part of the manifestation process can be the most fun and rewarding as well as the most frustrating. Let me first reitereate that the process of Creating Your World from the Inside Out is a dance not a wrestling match. Remember, it’s the Law of Attraction on Command and Conquer!



The most fun I never had

Belief Systems Creating

What is an Experience? Through out this book and workshop we will be talking about something we call an experience. Often people will use words like goals and objectives however we simply use the word experience.

It is also, in the part of the process, that learning how to be in a meditative state of awareness can be crucial to navigating this all important passage of waters. This is the step where all our inner work begins to reflect back to us in our external experience. The real adventure begins when we start to notice clues and leadings that the universe is reflecting back to us which will lead us into the manifestation of what began as a desire in our hearts. However, the temptation is often the greatest during this phase to try and reach out and grab too hard at the seedlings of our manifestation and drag them into fruition. This is no different that tugging at a flower seedling in an attempt to rush it’s journey to a blossoming plant. After all, we have worked diligently, and often for some period of time without seeing any results. It’s only natural to want to rush things along especially when it seems so close. So when your intentions and desires begin to reflect in your physical experience treat them just as you would a seedling. Nuture them, and allow them to grow tall and strong. You are so close at this point. Stand fast for a little while along and you will be rewarding generously for you efforts and patience.

What is an Inspired Action? In a nutshell, an inspired action is a shortcut. As we hone our ability to detect an inspired action our lives begin to take on the true essence of the adventure that our life can be. Without inspired action we can often expend tremendous amounts of energy and time and often have nothing of value to show for it. I’m sure you all have had those days when it seems like no matter how hard you try and get ahead you just can’t. That is

Choose to release the Feeling Experience the release Release peace in to replace the pre-existing emotion This may sound strange at first but releasing the need to release an emotion or thought or the need to change an external circumstance is very freeing.

Manager Principle

Chapter 4 Taking the plunge Inspired Action

Make up your Mind The danger in indecision. Let your yes be yes and no be no. The universe tends to be binary. Either this or that. Either upstream or downstream, either particle or wave. If you going with the flow you can feel it. If you’re going against the flow you can feel it. Being stuck in the middle in indecision means you are going nowhere which the the worst place to be. If you are swimming upstream you will notice the contrast and then be able to switch to downstream. However if you are “stuck” in that inbetween place you are nowhere. Literaly. You are not in the black strip yet you are not in the picture. In that place nothing happens which is incredibly

What is Stress?

others have done. Release the need to look at what you don’t have. In order to see what you don’t have you have to have something to compare your “don’t havidness” to. When you release the need to compare you see what you have for what it truly is. Simply a temporary, in many ways insubtantion, experience. One last comment. Being grateful for what you are experiencing in the moment releasing your attachment to what you are experiencing in the moment which releases you to experience new object, places, people, and events.

Stress, just thinking about the word stresses me out! <grin> It seems like so many of us carry around a huge bucket with a bright label on it saying “Stress”. We use it, mis-use it, and abuse it at will. When we boil it down to the basics, consciously creating our experience involves simply taking one, or more, of the four aspects of an experience and applying stress on them to reposition them. As we hold those aspects we have total control over (thoughts and emotions) the remaing two will eventually come into aligmentment. Stress is merely misalignment. Whenever one of the 4 aspect of experience is out of aligment our belief system will try and bring it back into aligment. One of two things will happen. Either behavior will change or the belief will. In order for the behavior to change all we have to do is stop applying the stress and it will natural fall back into aligment. That is why it is easier to do nothing that it is to have our experience get better and better. When things are in aligment there is no stress. Sometimes it is effective to use massive stress to institute change by applying stress to as many of the four elements as possible. This will incur significant amounts of resistance as the alignemtn process begins. Other times it’s effective to gently coax a misalignment and allow a smooth slow consistent realignment to happen. The universe is constantly wishig to express itself through us. That is why even if we do nothgin stress will be applied to our experience. This is also why all we have to do as the resistance surfaces is nothing. Our being is moving towards it’s Ideal alignment which is the

Obstalce Releasing Exercise PREPERATION Deep, relaxed breaths Come to the present moment Bring an event to your awareness that causes you to feel peacefull, happy, joy, etc. EXPERIENCING THE EVENT IN THE PRESENT MOMENT Trigger the event (Past, present, future) Observe your experience in the present moment Detach from the Emotion (Identify it as not part of who you are) Detach emotion from the event Ask yourself (Can I allow myself to experience this feeling) Observe your experience


Ask yourself (Can I allow myself to release this feeling) Acknowledge the feeling and be thankful for the learning you’ve achieved from it respectfully Release the “Wanting” to release the feeling REPLACING THE EMOTION WITH PEACE

instantly come into our awareness. That is usually a good indication of a beliefe system that we have. Your second thought is your conscious choice and the place where you can intercept and automatic response.

The Power of Choosing to Be Grateful Now let us speak of gratitude for a moment. So often you say you find it difficult to be greatful. You look at what you have, and look at others around you, and realize what you don’t have, and you say how can I be greatful. Of course you can’t be greatful when you look at everyone and everything in your external world. Here is a little bit of very valuable information for you. No matter how much you have or posess there will be someone who possesses much more. However, no matter how much you have or posess there will also be many who have so much less that you do. So how can we be truly be grateful? Simple. Quite comparing. Comparing can be very dangerous. Yes we can look at those who have and be grateful for what we have. However it seems like far too often you take the other route and look at those who have more and then use this perspective as a weapon pointed directly at youself. The key to being grateful is to look at what is in front of you then stop. Release the need to compare. Gratitude is not about comparing. Not for one second. It is about appreciating everything that is in your experience in this moment. I’ll give you an example. I was teaching a workshop on a particular weekend and as had been my practice I would refrain from indulging on restaurant food and buy groceries from a local store and make them in my room. In this particular car my room had a microwave and a small fridge. No utensils of any kind. One of my practices is I will eat whole grain cereal in the evening. However I had no bowel and not even a spoon. So it was time to innovate. As I stopped by the local grocery store I noticed in their deli they had plastic spoons. Aha spoon. Now all I had to do was find a bowel. As I looked around me room I spied the small decanter on the coffee maker. Viola, a bowel. My “delima” was solved. For the rest of the weekend I had my plastic spoon and “bowel”. Whenver I looked at my glorius dishes and cutlery I was grateful. Grateful that I had my spoon and my bowel. Now I know this may seem like almost an insult to many who will say you don’t know the conditions of my life. If I only had your “problems” of a bowel and spoon. I say to you that you can truly be grateful for what you have, simple do not compare. Gratitude is not about comparison. Gratitude is looking at your present moment experience and simply being grateful. It is actually easier than you think. As long as you don’t compare. As soon as you compare you can slip into that “look what they have” mod and out the door goes gratitude. Release the need to compare. The need to compare what you have with what others have. Besides that none of us really “owns” anything anyway. We are simply temporary custodians of it. All you have to do is watch the weather channel and see where peoples’ entire lives have been literally washed away through hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc. Release the need to compare what you have done with what

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2. Allow us to grow and evolve 3. Judge or discern right from wrong, good from bad, etc. I also believe that often our belief systems get a really bad rap. We look at them like the enemy. Like blockers on a football field they do their very best to keep us from the quarterback (our goal) and they are to be destroyed and aniliated with no mercy. Because they are the enemy. Aren’t they. Our belief systems are essential for survivial. If they did not tirelessly perform their jobs we would be dead in an instant. They regular body chemistry and blood pressure, they ensure that we don’t step out into busy traffic because we forget what cars were, they warn of us upcoming dangerous even before we are aware of it. They are not “bad” they are just powerful, and just like electricity it can be used to give life and it can be used to take it away. Which one is in the hands of the one who chooses. That’s you by the way. So then the key is not to eliminate them but to learn how to consciously select choose and selelct one we wish to change. There in lies the trick. Our beliefs systems don’t know the difference so they will fit to the death to protect one that limits your financial abundance just as much as the one that regulates your heart functions. In a nutshell, that’s why, with out training and practice, they are so hard, or seemingly impossible, to change.

Remember your peace Remember your peace. Don’t resist any old emotions or thoughts that are being released but at the same time don’t attach you attention to them and be careful not to focus on them to the extent that they begin to replace the “seeds” from which they came from in the first place. Notcei the results, be gratfule for the results and keep focusing on the dream.

On Second Thought Listen to your second thought. When we experience a stimulus we will often have a thought

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Chapter 3 The process of change …. Obstacles

Living the future before it happens We often get into the “stress” area when we start to play out potential scenarios in our mind based upon our current physical environment. We use the “fact” that we think we see in front of us to create potential futures rather than going inside and looking at our source for creating new “facts” that we will see. When we create potential futures based on what we see in front of us we are using inaccurate and invalid outdated information.

It’s for our own good Out belief systems always have the best intentions. They are primarily designed to do two basic things. 1. Allow us to place order in our world and allow our mind to work effeciiently 2. Keep us safe They are not designed to: 1. Make us happy

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Chapter 2 unbounded expression of who we are meant to be. So then the whole process of releasing removing obstacles and blockages is simply applying stress and learning how to not get in the road of them leaving. That is one of the steps of the manifestation process we will discuss in this book. There’s a very big difference between stress (enforced pressure) and relief. Remember it’s not what we are doing so much as where we are doing it from. When I work out a the gym I am stressing my muscles with the intention of making them grow. When I think about these experiences I am in a state of relief because it is my choice to apply the stress and I am in total control. Stress is a force, relief is a state of being. Are we consciuslu applying stress to grow or is the circumstance placning us in it. Many times stress is a physical manifestation of loss of control. Again it comes down to stress is neither good nor bad what makes it so is who is initiating it. Us or our circumstance.

Living your desire from the inside out It all begins, and ends actually, with you Impressing your C on group consciousness Using our experience model we now know the two aspects we have total control over is our thoughts and our emotions. Also, or thoughts and emotions are not limited by space or time, as a matter of fact they are not limited by anything that exists in our physical environment. The only limitations are the ones we create which contain thoughts and emotions as the two main ingredients. It only makes sense to start here. One of the first, and probably best, techniques for this is visualization, or imagining. Another way to think of this is like daydreaming but with a purpose and specific intent. Like all of these processes consistency is more important than duration. It is far more effective to practice your visualizing 5 minutes every day than 30 minutes today, 20 minutes next week, etc. We have a tendancy to equate value with quantity. I.E. The bigger the better. However this is often deceiving and does not, in any way, apply to our visaling. Creating a desired state: Use you memory/imagination to create a feeling (emotion). The power from the emotion allows you to choose your state of being. I.E. Feeling powerful, motivated, peaceful. Once you have achieved this state (position of power) allow yourself to bring your perceived limitations into your awareness that they may be released. If you feel yourself being pulled from your state of being. Released the limitation, go back and strengthen the state of being. Then try again. Many times limiting beliefs need to be released in stages. Others will go all at once. As a rule of thumb when you get to the spot where you are only able to partially feel the feeling of a limiting belief it will be an instance where you will release in stages.

revolution of the same wheel your been running on.

The second is a goal causes you to stretch but really doesn’t “turn your crank”. While this allows you to step into your discomfort zone of growth, because it doesn’t really excite you, you quickly give up and return to what you have always thought and done. Also, often in these type of goals you can fairly easily come up with the “how” portion of the equation as to how you’re going to make it happen. This places us squarely on the left hand side of the equal sign and we now know we have no business being there. Then there is the third one. This is the one that causes your heart leap with joy and twitter with fear. It’s the one where you literally salivate every time you think about. There is virtually no “how” mostly because you don’t have any idea on how it’s going to happen. This is very convenient because it very effectively keeps you from intereering with the How of the process. This is the one that you don’t to try and conjure up when you’re visualizing because it will naturally float into your awareness even when you aren’t trying to because it causes you to feel so great. This also gives you the fuel that will pull you through the process of manifestation and the work that will be involved when releasing the obstacles that will arise. Remember obstacles are not “bad”. They are simple the signs of a belief system that is being stressed by you. While they are not always pleasant and will require work on your part they are sure fire signs of progress.

What’s the easiest and most fun solution? Think of what is the easiest and most pleasant answer to a question (thinking about money for Lethbridge. Instead of focusing on how to make things work with what I have focus on the easier and more fun option of simply bringing in more money. When you find yourself in a “lack” thought process or situation think of what the easiest and most fun “solution” would be. Not the one that fit’s into your realms of what is possible. What is the ideal solution not just the one that feels possible.

Our internal managers—Mini Me’s The key to implementing long last changes in our lives lay within our subconscious belief systems so I would like to take a bit of time to explain exactly what your belief systems are. I’ve asked someone to help in this discussion who has been affectionately called Mini-Me. Mini-Me is a charcter from the hit series of Austin Powers movies. In the move the arch nemeis has a smaller clone of himself he calls Mini-Me. In a very real way so do we. In fact we have many of them. Quietley going about the business of executing the tasks we have given them. Never bothering us, or even reminding us they are there unless something happens that troubles them or is outside the boundaries of what is proper for us. Then they very quickly, and effectively, perform the task of brining us back into alignemtns and safety.

Need vs Desire Need vs desire – Need implies some unpleasant or undesired outcomes if we don’t get what we need therefore it is much easier to attach to the outcome. Desire is simply desire. If we received it that’s great. If we don’t that’s OK do. It’s more of a preference. Something we would like however I world won’t end if we don’t get, or experience, it. Need also initiates something other than relief. A desire always places us firmly in a place of relief. We may feel anticipation, passion, excitement when we are pursuing a desire however we always have an underlying feeling of relief.

Taking the Right Perspective

In this illustration you will see that we have a small sphere we can consciousness. That is our experience, both externally (physical) and internally (thoughts, emotions), that we are aware of.

It’s not where you’re looking to; it’s where you’re looking from that matters. Perspective is a point of view. So the question is not what you are looking at, it’s where you are looking from that matters. When you discover where you are looking from you discover the secret of manifestation. You begin to see the origins of your creation. Change that, and your world will never be the same. There are really only 2 perspectives. You can look from a perspective of not enough (lack) or you can look at it from a perspective of more than enough (abundance).

Outside of our sphere of awareness lay the vastness of our sub-consciousness. This is the domain of our belief systems.

What we want, wants us

Our belief system are neither good nor bad. They are not our enemy even though it can sometime feel that way as we understand how one, or more, of them have limited our experience of life.

Living our desired experiences is so much something we have to chase as attract. By this stage of the process we have defined our “C” and the universe is busy working on all the parameters to bring it to you.

As you can see we have Mini-Me’s that manage our blood pressure. We ones that take care of the physical of brushing our teeth. Just think of how tedious it would be if we had to re-learn how to brush our teeth every day, and think of how devastating it would be if our body suddenly forgot how to regulate blood pressure.

Now our very important job is to release those obstacles between us and our desires as our Sub-Consciousness brings them to our awareness.

The importance of choosing a ―C‖ you can never achieve

So you see our Mini-Me’s are not evil by any stretch.

While this sounds a little crazy stay with me a bit and it will make sense. The following illustration comes from a lecture I heard from Bob Proctor.

We will have Mini-Me’s that come as “standard equipment” when we are born such as blood pressure, digestive systems, etc.

He divides goals/dreams/desires into three categories.

We also a neverending number of Min-Me’s that we create. I can hear you already saying “I cannot loose these 20 pounds of excess weight no matter how hard I try. I feel awful about

The first is a goal that you know you can achieve because you’ve done it many times before. The previous sentence pretty much explains itself. While this is very safe it merely another

beliefs etc we remove ourselves from our triggers until we become stronger. Otherwise it’s difficult to gain momentum.

The Sacred Cow of Money Money is a symbol not an experience. When we visualize money we are treading on the domain of the left had side of the equal sign and stepping into the “hows”. Choose the experience money will enable you to experience. The analogy of the battery (potential energy) and the light bulb (kinetic energy)

myself everytime I look in a mirror. And you’re telling me I created this!” Go back to the first part of the book and re-read the portion about blame. Remember our ex-

Whew, that was close! The dangers of reprieve as opposed to relief. There is a very big difference between reprieve and relief and learning to identify between the two will be of great to use to us as we go about creating our world. First I will say reprieve is temporary. Remember back to when you were sick or in pain. Let’s say you had a headache and you took some aspirin. Remember the feeling when the pain killers kicked in? And then in 2 or 4 hours they wore off and the pain was back. That is what reprieve is. It is also very often a wonderful clue towards uncovering another limited belief (excuse) we have created. Think back to a time when you were thinking about embarking on a new project, a job promotion, a challenge of some time that caused you to step out of your comfort zone. As you experienced the uncomfortableness that is an indicator of growth all of a sudden a multitude of people, places, things or events suddenly arose that provided ample amount of reasons for not proceeding. Isn’t it interesting how enticing those temptations can be. And how easily we can succumb to them and then enjoy the intoxicated feeling of reprieve. It feels so good. Almost freeing. However only lasts for a “night”. And then the morning comes and the repieve is over and we’re back inside the prison of our creation.

Relief does not orginate in our external environment. Relief trulys does come from inside. It is the feeling of being free. Of being not afraid. Of being not afraid of feeling afraid. It is not being aprehensice about what may happen, could happen, would happen. Relieve (or peace) is out steady state. It is always there. It is what we return to not turn to. It is what we are not what we covet or chase. We don’t have to find relief anywhere because we already posess it. As a mater of fact we are it. We are the embodiment of peace. That is who we are.

perience is our experience. Neither good nor bad. Our Min-Me’s embody this philosophy in that they do not judgement or blame. They carry out the job description they have been given. How they received those instructions are topics for another book so for our purposes here I’m asking you to take a step of faith and simply releasing the need to judgement yourself and your experience and entertain the fact that the job description your Mini-Me’s have can be changed. And it can. The underlying process of this book is to teach you some simple, pracitcal, steps to contact your Mini-Me’s and give them new job descriptions. Therein lay the excitement and potentials for radically changing your experiences through conscious deliverate steps.

better at the process you will be able to modify your desires more and more.

Good questions to ask when evaluating your “C”

Do I have to try and think about my it or does it naturally float into my awareness Do I know how I am going to achieve it. Do I know the steps Do I feel excited and a little trepedacious at the same time Am I in relief Is it an experience or the vehicle Is it all about me

The Mechanics of Manifestation

Is it the absolute best dream imaginable and still be believable

Defining your ―C‖ At first glance you may say “Defining my “C” is a no brainer! Of course I know what I want/ desire”. However when you get right down to it you may find not as clear cut as you think. For many of us we have pared down our “C” to fit inside our belief systems for so long we have almost forgot what we “really” want. You may be surprised as you look at the painting of your “C” of how much you have dampered down your true desires. This is one of the really fun parts of this process because you get to reacquaint yourself with the life of adventure and wonderment you may have forgotten existed. Too many people think they know what they want but when it comes right down to it have more of a vague fuzzy idea than a clear cut vision.

What is your Sacred Cow? Everthing begins with an intent. In short, an intention is a thought coupled with desire (emotion). Our desire is forwarded to, and throught, the filtering systems of our personal

What’s your sacred cow? These are those things that you are very emotionally attached to. For some it may be money, others it may be time, etc. Almost like we’re addicated to it so it’s sometimes a good idea to stay away from the triggers while making changes. Like a smoker who’s trying to quite that stays around other smokers all the time. While we are changing

seven days, or loose 20 pounds of weight by tomorrow. They are wonderful stories but they do not resonate with our sense of believability. As you move up and down the scale as it corresponds to your “C” you will eventually find that spots that stresses your belief systems to the maximum avantage without going too far into the realm of unbelievability. Remember, your “C” contains the passion which is the fuel that will carry you through the processes that lay ahead into the realization of your dreams.

subconscious beliefs. Once it passes through the scrutiny and modification by our belief systems it is impressed upon group consciousness. We have used the terms “common sense” early in the book to describe a common set of societal belief systems. For our purposes we will call that group consciousness. Once the desire traverses the terrain of group consciousness it shines upon the mirror of relfection that we observe as our experience. We will explore this processes in details later in this book however it’s important to have a general idea of how we create to establish a foundation.

One of these things is not like the others By now you have probably heard that the teachings of Creating My World come from the common threads I identified during the hours and hours of teaching I immersed myself in from a wide variety of teachers plus the invaluable teachings from the Universe I personally received. In these next few paragraphs I’m going to talk about the one area that contained the most diversity of opinions. It is directly related to your “C”, is the technique that most dabblers of Law of Attraction use, and probably the ones that contains the most mistakes for them. Here it is. How detailed for I get when I’m creating the intention or the picture of what I desire in my mind? Many teachers will tell you it’s crucial to be as detailed as possible when creating your pictures or visualizations. Using an easy example, if you are manifesting a new car you are supposed to be very particular and specific about color, year, type, shape, etc. The theory behind this is the more specific we are the more accurate the message is we are sending out to the universe. If we don’t include all the details the universe will get confused. Here is the key, and it’s in one word. Relief. Relief is always the highest priority and first step in the entire manifestation process. Begin to build your picture. Stir up excitement. However, always remember, as soon as we leave the place of relief we start to hinder the process. If you can define intricate details of your desire and still feel relief that’s perfect. If there are details that take you from relief, leave them out. At least for now. As you practice and get

Part 3 Chapter 3 The process of manifestation

What is it you ―really‖ want? The Power of Intentions Everything begins with an intention. The short definition of an intent is a thought coupled with a desire to manifest the thought. Here’s real simple one. When you finish reading this page you will turn to the next one. That is a wonderful example of creating your world from the inside out. There was a thought in your mind that you would like to continue reading this book. Because the experience of reading a book and turning pages is one you have practiced often the mechanics have been stored in your subconsciousness so you don’t have to go through the whole process of determining what to do to continue reading. How ever the process still happens.

fear that comes from stepping into new, uncharted, territory. Below you will find a scale from one to five. You goal is to add pieces to your “C” puzzle and trying to get as close as you can to 5 without slipping out of relief. This is very much an ongoing process so don’t get hung up on doing it perfect the first time, or ever really. You will find your “C” will change as you do. That’s the fun part. The game is always exciting and fun and your “C” can always get better and better.

5 - My goodness this is Heaven! (ecstatic) 4 - Wow, this feels pretty cool (excitement) 3 - I think I can do this (interesting) 2 - I know I can do this (confident)

That thought is coupled with a desire. You have enjoyed what you have been reading. It has been a pleasant experience so you wish to re-create the experience again.

1 - I’m bored, what’s on TV? (indifferent)

Your mind (conscious and subconscious) begins the mechanical process of sending signals to nerves and muscles, coordinating these movents with your eyes, and your hand moves to the corner of the page and you turn it.

Remember we always use relief as our fundamental indicator. Over and above all other measurements we must stay in the place of relief. Otherwise the effectiveness of everything else is greatly reduced.

You have just completed the process of creating your world by taking an intention from conception to the completion of the manifestation in your five senses world.

As you begin to add pieces of the puzzle to your “C” everyone once in a while take a look at the picture thus far and see where it fits on the thermometer. The higher the rating the more potent your “C” is going to be.

Everything begins with an intention.

Painting the picture of your desire When we begin to live our desire on the inside through out thoughts and feelings (in our conscious mind) we are, in essence, painting a picture. The screen of our consciousness is our canvas and the picture, emotions, words are the paints upon the pallet which is the source of all potentials. We all have the same pallet of colors. We get to choose how we will mix the colors and apply them to the canvas of our life. This brings us to the next, crucial, principle of manifestation and that is …


Bursting your bubble Here’s what you will probably will find will happen. You will start from a place of let’s say 1 or 2. As you add more pieces you start to move up the scale. Then for some strange reason you find yourself moving back down even though your “C” may be getting bigger and bigger. When we challenge a belief system (which is what we are doing with a properly constructed “C”) we go from a 1 and begin to move up the scale of believability. This stresses the belief. I few go too far it begins to leave the upper end of our belief system and we’ll notice ourselves moving back down the scale. This is a very good sign that the desire, at least for this moment, is so far outside the parameters of believability for us that our belief does not feel threatened in any way. It’s kind of like deciding your “C” is to manifest one million dollars in the next

these things are of great value as they help us to construct the “C”. The “C” applies to us. For myself I receive great joy out of teaching and speaking to others. My service to, and on behalf, of the universe. But what is it that I truly enjoy independent of anyone else? What is it that I enjoy experiencing/receiving from the universe? For me it’s exploring and traveling to new places. Places that I have never been before. I enjoy sitting in airports waiting for my plane. I enjoy riding on a bus to a new destination. I enjoy exploring a new area and finding the grocery store, the coffee shops, etc. I enjoy packing my carry on bag. I enjoy traveling light. I enjoy seeing new sights and exploring new places. When I look back on my life I see the essene of these activities mirrored in my hobbies. I enjoying creating something from nothing. I.E. music, I enjoy creating new workshops and webpages and marketing ideas. We have two facets our of purpose in life. One is our service to mankind and the second is service to ourselves. Both are complimentary while at the same time unique unto themselves. The “C” of the equation is all about us. We can’t earn it, because we don’t have to. We don’t have to find it because it’s already here. We don’t have to worry about being selfish because there is always more than enough. It is simply about choosing our desire, believing we can have it and then gratefully receive it. It’s just that simply, Not always that easy to apply. But just that simple. The receiving always comes first. Every time. As our receiving cause us to overflow with abundance in all areas of our lives it is from that overflow that we are able to serve. It is serving from a play of abundance that truly empowers our servering. Serving from a place of lack or not enough is one of the main reasons we are not as effective as we would like to be and often suffer “burn out”. If you’re pardon a well used metaphor we are a vessel that receives to the brim and as we overflow our abundance washes down on those around us.

Enough is enough

You painting is a representation of what has already happened When you create your painting of a desire you are building a picture of what you wish to happen. This is you “C”. In other sections of this handbook we have gone to great lengths to emphasis the importance of spending the time and attention to creating this picture. Having done that remember that you are visualizing (living on the inside) on the painting of the picture, you are living the completed picture. Read that sentence again. It may feel like a very subtle, or even, inconsequential, point but it has huge implications in what you are manifesting. You are living the experience as if it has already happened. Many times our visualizing is painting the picture. The very essence of that perspective is one of not enough or lack. When we live the experience as though it has already happened our perspective is one of more then enough or abundance. Here’s a trick. Pretend we are sitting across the coffee table from each other and you’re telling me about this amazing adventure you have just had. You used the skills you learned in the Creating My World Abundance Boot Camp, created your “C”, lived it on the inside, took inspired action, and enjoyed the experience. This is an experience that is now in the past. It has already happened. The painting you created has now become a photograph. This perspective will put you perfectly in the perspective of already happened and more than enough. Write me a letter, detailing all the fantastic aspects of your experience. Include all the juicy details. How you felt, what you did, who you saw. That it the experience you are living on the inside. It’s just that simple. A subtle difference at first glance but a life changing shift we you step into it.

How do we know when we have hit the “sweet spot” for out “C”? The following is a handy guide you may find helpful in creating your purest “C” possible. The one that’s based upon relief and marinated with excitement and the slightest sprinkling of the

The Art of Receiving and Giving If we look back in our histories we will often find clues as to what really turns us on. Identifing

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