Handymans guide to manifesting desires

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Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires The only handbook for life you‘ll ever need Published by: Convergence Media Training Products HC #204 – 4734 Ross Street Red Deer, AB T4N-1X1 www.healingcenter.ca www.convergencereiki.com russ@healingcenter.ca 1-888-584-5478 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Manifesting Abundance The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Russ Littau – The Healing Center – www.healingcenter.ca

My Story On July 14, 2009 I found myself sitting on the side of a street in downtown Red Deer, Alberta waiting for the Westerner Parade to commence. What the heck was I doing here? It was a Tuesday. I should be back at my office putting in a full days "work" scheduling workshops, marketing workshops, something far removed from watching a "silly" parade. Yet here I was. Looking back I see the divine orchestration that was just beginning to commence, leading me into something I never dreamed possible. I'm sure you‘ve all heard of the movie The Secret, or read books and attended seminars around the Law of Attraction. I know I have. Little did I know that on that downtown street on a sunny July day that everything would change for me. I was about to embark on an amazing adventure into immersing myself in what creating my world really meant. Probably like many of you I had talked the talk. That morning a still small voice inside told me that starting on that very day I was going to learn what all the talk really meant. Russ Littau Founder of The Healing Center


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The techniques I will share in this book are a blend of the common denominators I discovered from listening to countless hours of teachings from the best of the best in the spiritual and personal development field. Upon that foundation I developed and discovered my own methods direct from that still small voice that resides in each one of us, teaching, guiding, and instructing. Each of these techniques are ones that I use everyday. It has been my experience that we do not learn by listening to information we learn by embracing the stories and adventures, and understandings of those who have walked the walk you are about to begin. I have walked the walk. I am still, and always will be, a student of life. My life. Because I realize that learning truly is a process not a place and so we never reach the end. And thank God for that. We are all students. It is my desire to share my story of transformation and change that you may walk this walk with me.

Welcome to My World – Introductory Video Clip Video Clip One Play the video clip entitled ―Welcome to My World‖


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Section One In the beginning Before we embark upon our journey let’s get a few things straight.

I did it my way My first, and maybe the most important teaching to share, is that these steps will not work for you. Hold on now, don‘t put the book down. Read on a bit further. I have often had the experience of going to a seminar, reading a book, or watching a DVD where the speaker says ―If you follow these steps exactly as I have shared them with you then you will experience the same results I have‖. I don‘t know about you but my results from these experiments have been, well, less than perfect. The steps as they are laid out in the book work for me. They work fantastic. However I am not you. Each one of us is an infinite mixture of life experiences, belief systems, learning styles, etc. Because of this I have made every attempt to not only explain what to do but why you do it and how it works. I encourage you to take the time to really understand why these techniques do what they do so that you may adjust them to fit your particular style and situation. 4

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

These techniques work. They work for me and they‘ll work for you. Give yourself the freedom to allow them to blend into who you are. You truly do create your own world. Not my world. Not the world. But your world. You are the painter of your picture of the world and your experience in it.

“You truly create your own world. Not my world. Not the world. But, your world. You are the painter of your picture of the world and your experience in it.”

The good news and bad news It is a skill and not magic. If it‘s a skill it means anyone can learn it. If anyone can learn it that means you can. You will have to work. Remember it‘s not magic it‘s a skill and any new skill takes time to learn, practice, and excel at. You can do it. This can be the very moment where everything in your life changes.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Section One Building the foundation Everything starts with a solid foundation. Think of this section as constructing the bedrock upon which you’ll build your new world

The three commandments In preparing for this book and the accompanying workshops I listened to hours and hours of teaching from people who have truly walked the walk. As I listened to the unique approach each one had there were three underlying principles that kept rising to the surface. I figure if they all agree and give testimony to these principles they must have some intrinsic value to them. I have followed these principles and now also agree, not only in principle, but in application and experience. They are:

The power of persistence - With out fail every one of my teachers gives testimony that the primary reason they are where they are is because they simply did not quit. I remember listening to an interview with Will Smith when he was asked about his thoughts on how he achieved the degree of success he had. (I‘m paraphrasing what he said.) ―Others may be better than me, may know more than me, have more advantages than me; however they will not outlast me. I simply will not stop. I may ―die‖ in the 6

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires process but that‘s the only thing that will stop me‖. Yes, it‘s ―that‖ Will Smith. You simply cannot fail if you do not quit.

Belief in something bigger than themselves - Laying aside the labels, every teacher emphasized the importance of belief in something bigger than themselves. I echo their sentiments. We are never alone and there are bigger ―forces‖ in play in this world. We are, in a very real way, a conduit through which creation flows. It is truly not by our own strength that creation happens. Much of the work that we are in charge of is daring to believe, challenging the limitations in our life, refusing to listen to defeating words from our friends and from ourselves. When we break through that invisible barrier between allowing our world to be created by our external experiences and creating our external world from the inside out we know who we are, and whose we are.

Inspired Action - The first two Commandments mean nothing with out this step. The world is littered with writers, millionaires, Olympic athletes, and world travelers, who have lived out their dreams exclusively in their mind and talk. With out adding actions to our desires they will be held prisoner within us and we‘ll never experience them in our day to day world.

Done is better then perfect Please, please, please don‘t wait until you have this process perfect before you begin. Don‘t try and digest every single sentence and paragraph and flawlessly implement them all at once. Also, do not fall into the trap of thinking unless you do all of the steps in this book this process will not work 7

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires . Just start. Read a bit and practice a bit. Then read a bit more and practice a bit more. You do not have to master all the steps in this process to master the process. One thoroughly implemented step is worth a thousand left half done. Just start. You‘ll learn as you grow, plus you will begin to see the amazing changes that take place in your life experience much sooner by just picking a couple of steps and applying in your life. Then simply keep adding one by one and before you know it you‘ll be a manifestation magician!

But I’ve always done it this way If we continue to do what we have always done we will experience what we have always experienced. So we try and change what we are ―doing‖ but it doesn‘t work very well. Don‘t you think if we knew what to ―do‖ we wouldn‘t have already done it? So we say ―Of course I would like to do something different but I don‘t know what‖. In that statement lay the key. We have to change our thinking before we can change our doing. There is a ―doing‖ portion of the manifesting equation and it‘s huge. But it needs to be in the right order. So many treat the action statements as the first step rather than enhancing and moving forward the work we do in our thoughts, visions, and dreams.

What if life is an illusion? Question what you have always believed to be true. These can be tricky to find because the very fact that we don‘t question them often means they have faded so deep into our subconscious that we don‘t even know what we don‘t know anymore. This is one of the many valuable aspects of learning how to meditate. Meditative awareness is important in allowing these questions to arise. It doesn‘t necessarily 8

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires mean they are wrong. We may observe them and decide they are valid. The power comes from consciously choosing, which gives us the power over them rather than being disempowered by them.

How big is your sphere? As humans we tend to slip into patterns of thought and action. Often very limited and small ones. Think about how many places you go to on a day to day basis. The grocery store, coffee shop, mall etc. If you think about it it‘s probably a very short list. We can spend our lives travelling in this small circuit. Now think about your thoughts. You probably have an equally limited list of thought patterns that revolve around inside your head every day, all day. If you asked people about the physical places they frequent and why they don‘t search out new ones (trips and such) there will be two responses. The first is because they think they can‘t (vacations, relocations, etc) and validate that with evidence from their physical surroundings. The second is that they never ever thought about going to a different ―grocery store‖ because it doesn‘t fit into their ―routine‖ and is ingrained in their subconscious. The same excuses will apply to your thoughts. We are essentially living our lives asleep. So we need to wake up. We need to start consciously choosing to think differently, to release our physical habits, to stimulate our minds and bodies with new experiences, which will shake off the sleepiness of our existence and open the door to change. 9

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

You’re doing it and you don’t even know it This is actually one of the most humorous rules of how we create our experience. We probably all know people; maybe you were one, who look at all ―this positive thinking weirdo‖ stuff like it‘s a bunch on hogwash. The ironic thing about these types of people is that they are doing it and don‘t even know it. Living an inspired life is not a spectator sport. You don‘t get to sit on the sidelines. When you enter this world you enter the field of play and start creating. You keep creating until you leave. The real question is, considering you‘re doing it anyway, wouldn‘t it be handy to know how you are doing it?

Where oh where has my belief system gone? Using layman‘s terms our mind (not our brain) has two general areas. Our conscious mind (that piece of us that is aware) and our sub-conscious (that we are not aware of). Our sub-conscious takes the lead in what information enters, and resides, in our conscious mind. Therefore it holds the controls over the defining parameters of our experience. It is very powerful and we can‘t directly access it because of its very nature. Guess where our belief systems lay? Yep, in our subconscious. Much of this book will relate to how to connect with those belief systems and change them.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Law of attraction is correct, just backwards It‘s seems like just about everyone has heard the phrase the Law of Attraction. There are, courses, books, DVD‘s, and television shows that wrap themselves around this concept. There‘s nothing broken with the Law of Attraction. It is accurate and a very good starting point however it has been my experience that ―real‖ power lays in the foundational law that this one rests upon. I call it the Law of Reflection. In the next topic we will talk about how your external experience is a direct reflection of your internal state of being. If that is true (it is by the way) than your reflection is the second step in the process. A reflection provides an image of a source of some type. When you look in a mirror you see a representation of who you were. Not who you are . Have I lost you yet? Okay, how about an example. You get up in the morning and head to the washroom to get ready for the day. As you look in the mirror you gaze at the bird‘s nest on top of your head that not that long ago was a beautifully coiffed hair style. Because one of your desires is not to scare people you decide to return your hair to it‘s previous glory of yesterday. Do you take your brush and start dragging it across the mirror? Of course not, that‘s ridiculous. You know that what you see in the mirror is not you. It‘s just a reflection of you. If you want to change the reflection you have to go to the source. Your bird‘s nest. As you brush your hair the mirror will dutifully reflect that change. Yet so many times that‘s exactly what we do with our lives. We attempt to change who we are by changing the reflection in the mirror. Although it seems incredibly real (and it is) we don‘t realize it‘s a reflection. It really is true that much of the ―work‖ involved in understanding and applying the process of conscious manifestation is understanding who we are and how we function on the inside. Once we understand that, and we consciously choose the characteristic of the ―source‖, the mirror of our external experience will, with mathematical certainty, reflect that. 11

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Mirror, mirror on the wall Where you are at is your responsibility but not your fault. As you understand what that sentence really means it will open the doors to creating a world of your dreams like nothing else can. But how can one simple word make that much difference? As soon as we use the word fault we have stepped into the world of judging. Judging is not a bad thing but it is a powerful one. When we judge something we are making a moral assessment of whether it is essentially good or bad. We have a wide vocabulary of words we may use when making a judgment but they still boil down to two basic camps of either good or bad. When we judge something we are essentially sealing it in, like freezing it in time, rendering it unchangeable. Until we release the need to judge, and the act of judging, we condemn an experience, a piece of our history, to be forever the same with no potential to change, or to be changed. In short, when we judge something we do a very effective job of defining it to always be that which we have judged it to be. Judgment is disempowering in that it has a very close cousin called Blame. Blame requires a participant to which we can attach the blame. In most cases, especially within the topics of this book, it is the one we see in the mirror every day. When you look in the mirror you believe you are seeing yourself. But you are not. You are seeing a representation of the past. Although it may be measured in milliseconds what you are experiencing is light waves that originated from you that take a period of time to travel to the 12

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – Š Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires mirror, reflect from the mirror, travel back to your eyes, after which the electrical signals are compiled inside your brain to create a picture that flashes across the screen of your consciousness. You are indeed looking into the past. When we blame the source of the reflection (us) we are actually blaming the wrong culprit. The real culprit is the reflection in the mirror. Isn‘t it interesting though how the mirror does not judge what it sees. It simply offers a glimpse into what was. So, if the real culprit does not blame us what right do we have to blame ourselves. Our reflection of our experience is simply that, a reflection. Neither good nor bad, just a reflection of what was. When we understand this it allows us, if we choose, to release the judgment we chose to place upon ourselves and simply experience the reflection. If it is one we find pleasing we can use the information from it to re-create a similar experience. If it is unpleasant to us we can choose to create a different experience. Who decides the experience? You do. It is your responsibility to change the information the source (you) transmits out to the mirror of your experience and, with mathematical certainty change the reflection. Do you see the drastic difference between these two words? Do you see how one (blame) is very effective in sealing your fate while the other (responsibility) releases you to create? The process of creating your experience is the essence of this book. Our external experience is not our fault; it is our responsibility and offers us the opportunity to choose something different.


external experience is not our fault, it is our responsibility and offers us the opportunity to choose something different”


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The only thing that’s real The present moment is the only time we have any power. It is the only thing that is real. What is this thing called ―present moment‖ you may ask? The best way I can explain it is by walking through a simple exercise with you. I want you to take a quick moment and think of an event from your memory. It could be what you had for breakfast or your last birthday bash. If you will notice, as soon as you read the last sentence your mind immediately went to the event in your past. Now, I would like you to speculate out into your future. Maybe it‘s an appointment you have scheduled for next week, or a vacation you‘re preparing for. Just like when you thought of your past you probably, just as quickly, leaped forward through time to an event in your future. The last step is to pay attention to the book you are now holding in your hands. What does it feel like? What is the color and texture of the pages? Excellent! In a matter of moments you‘re hopping into your awareness and, in a very real way, going back in time, jumping ahead to the future, and returning to this present moment. Present moment awareness is simply being aware of what is happening in this present moment. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, not even 20 minutes from now, but this exact moment in time. As you continue to practice the processes I talk about in this book you will realize the power of this fascinating place called the present moment. 14

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

It truly is where your power lives and the answers lie. Keeping our awareness in the present allows us to become the observer of what we think and feel. Because the present moment is the only place of power, we need to keep our awareness there and bring our thoughts, visions, etc into that moment as opposed to allowing them to take us away. One trick is to keep your eyes open to keep you ―here‖ and then allow the thoughts, visions, etc into your awareness. When you close your eyes you tend to leave the present moment. Sometimes you can do that to latch onto the thought or vision and then open your eyes and bring it into the present moment. Imagine a chef making their world famous beef stew. The chef will reach into the cupboards and fridge to grab ingredients but brings them all to the present moment stew pot to mix. He does not make the stew in the cupboard or on the farm where the beef was produced. He brings all the ingredients to the present moment stew pot to mix them. The world you create uses many different ingredients that lie outside the boundaries of time and space. You bring those ingredients to your present moment stew pot to create your experience.

None of this will make sense to you If you are expecting the concepts and practices in this book to immediately make sense you have come to the wrong place, because they probably won‘t, at least not initially. Thank goodness for that! Each one of us has developed parameters of how we construct and live in our world experience. It‘s our own unique set of rules. When we create our experience we use these rules to determine what is possible, or appropriate, and what isn‘t. As our subconscious (remember that‘s where our belief systems, or rules, reside) monitors our conscious thoughts it tirelessly eliminates those that do not fit into the parameters of the rules we have created. 15 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

When you listen to something that does not fit into your set of rules you will often say to yourself ―That doesn‘t make sense‖. Correct? So, if you read things in this book that ―don‘t make sense‖ to you, excellent! That means you are on the precipice of change. After all, if you really do create your world from the inside out, and you wish to change your experience, than your parameters of logical have to change. After all, it seems only logical, doesn‘t it? <grin>

None of this is real anyway None of this stuff is real. I always find it amusing when people enter into spirited debates about semantics of different healing modalities and philosophies. How some people get so irritated about the conflicting views of how many layers there are in our ―auras‖ and the exact positioning of our sixth chakra. They argue about the sentence structure of our affirmations or the colors we use in our visioning. What makes all this so funny to me is that they are really arguing over nothing. None of the things I have spoken of actually exist. Think about the speedometer in your car. It is only an indicator of how fast you are going. The dial or digits on the gauge is actually the speed of the car it is simply a tool to translate something we are not able to directly perceive (speed) into something that we can. We can use the information provided by the speedometer as a means to understand the nature of how fast we are going and use it as a feedback tool tithe effects of us pressing on the gas or the break pedal. 16

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Not all speedometers look alike. You have needled, and digits. Some glow, some make sounds. Some have very large scales and other are very small. Some have more numbers on them then others. Some are round and some are square. We don‘t fight about whether the shape of my speedometer is better or more accurate than yours do we? We know that it‘s not the cosmetics of the speedometer that matters it's the information that it gives us access to that counts. The tools that we will talk about in this book are designed for the same purpose as the speedometer on your car. They give you a tool to measure aspects of your mind and being that we don‘t have direct, physical access to. They give us tools to interact with that which we can‘t directly connect to in our physical world. Don‘t get too hung up on the mechanics of the tools. Remember their purpose instead. With each tool I do my very best to explain why it works and how to use it. That‘s what‘s important to me. That you receive results. And you will. Later in this book I‘ll talk about your ―Managers‖ in your mind. I‘ll let you in on a little secret. They don‘t exist! So don‘t get hung up on whether they have the right tie on, focus on the intent of them and how you can use them to receive information and interact with the powerful subconscious beliefs they represent. As I‘ve said before none of this stuff is magic. It is a skill. Focus on the ―whys‖ of each tool not the cosmetics of the tool itself. This ―stuff‖ does work. It works for me and is working for countless others who have attended our workshops and bought this home study course. Understand the tools, apply them in the ways that work for you, and you will see results. Fast! 17

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Common sense isn’t so common Common sense is what fits inside our parameters of what our physical world is created from. Common sense is a mutually agreed upon set of rules, or belief systems, that are common to a society. However, there are many different societies and subsequent belief systems that each one of us participate in. You have geographical societies which are the area in which you live. Your coworkers at your place of employment form another society. Friends are another society. Many times the method in which we choose our friends is whether or not they have the same ―common sense‖ beliefs as we have. It may be religious societies, family societies, the list could go on and on. If you embrace the topics in this book I am willing to bet that they will stretch your definitions of logic and totally obliterate the parameters of common sense. However, as you expand and change, that which you call logical will begin to incorporate new ideas, concepts, and behaviors. That is the journey you will take as you continue through the following pages. Logic is the process in which we take that which initially made no sense and by learning and experiencing we come to a place where all of a sudden we see a logical order or process. What do we say when that happens? We say it makes sense. It‘s at the moment that we have taken something that was once illogical and therefore unbelievable (magic) and we have transformed our awareness such that it now becomes not only a possibility but a predictable outcome. We do not live in the past so much as re-live (re-create) the past in our present moment experience.

You’ll never get this right … or wrong 18

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The good news is you cannot do this wrong. The bad news is you cannot do this right. Releasing the need to judge something as right or wrong, good or bad will supercharge your conscious manifesting abilities like nothing else. When we judge something we attach ourselves to it. Because our external experience is always changing and never static when we attach ourselves, through judgment, to an event or outcome it‘s not unlike floating down a river and reaching out and grabbing an overhanging tree. Then we wonder why we‘re not moving down stream. The current in the river is still moving it‘s just that we have latched onto something that‘s preventing us from moving with it. Creation is still happening but because we are now holding on for dear life to the past we are not at the leading edge which is where we must be in order to consciously influence the creative process. Your experience, and your results, are simply that, results. They are neither good nor bad. I really like to substitute pleasant and unpleasant for good or bad. Our results may be unpleasant but they are not bad. If our results are simply ―unpleasant‖ not only are we detached from them but we can use the information from the experience to clarify what we don‘t desire. That allows us, in turn to clarify what we do. Release the need to be right. Release the need to judge. Release the feeling of guilt about your experiences and you will have taken a giant leap in the art and science of Creating Your World from the Inside Out.

You’re in the game whether you like it or not The process of living in the arena of life is a participator sport; you do not get to be a spectator. You simply cannot ―sit this one out‖. One of my mentors, Les Brown, says ―You either move on life or life will move on you.‖ As much as you may want to hide your head under the covers and simply try to fulfill your desire of comfortably moving from life to death, you simple cannot. 19

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The "nature of nature" is constant expansion and acceleration. That is the nature of creation. It is never static, it never maintains a constant rate of speed, and it is constantly manifesting more and more. Given this hard core law of physics you are presented with a choice, and there are only two options. Will you decide to evolve or dissolve? Will you grow and expand, or shrink and atrophy? These are the options. You will find yourself in one or the other. No matter how much you may wish to abstain from deciding you simply can‘t. As a matter of fact if you don‘t choose to grow you have by default chosen to atrophy and energetically die. Plus, building on the words of Les Brown, if you choose to not grow you have placed yourself in direct opposition to your nature, and the "nature of nature", so prepare to be ―motivated‖. The process of creation is a river that never ceases to flow. You have two choices. Do you allow the current of the river to carry you forward into adventures and excitement or do you try and grab hold of large rock jutting out of the currents and hold on for dear life? I‘m sure many of you have stood by a fast moving river and watched it flow past. You probably have watch a tree branch floating down the river. It doesn‘t shake and shudder it simply allows the current to carry it forward. As you continue to watch the branch it passes a rock jutting up from the surface of the water. The water splashes around and over the rock, creating little eddies, and side currents. Over a period of time the force of the flow will wear the rock down, little by little. Same river, same flow, same speed. In one case it carries us forward. The other it wears us down little by little by little. You get to choose which you will be. Remember though, you will choose. You have already. You don‘t have the option of sitting this game out.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The power and freedom comes in knowing that at any point in time we can make a different choice. We hold the power to choose. It‘s never too late.

The illusion of “unchanging” reality I‘m going to take a moment here and speak about what I call our ―Five Senses World‖. As the name implies it is our external world that we build with our five senses. It appears solid, predictable, and many times very powerful. It is very easy to use the information from our external world to create how we will feel and even defines who we are. Why not? After all the ―real world‖ is reality. Right? It‘s solid. It‘s substantial. It doesn't change. It is real. Well, actually not really. Our experience is constantly changing. In every way. It is never static. It is either evolving or dissolving. Each one a sacred and intimate experience. We are experiencing and participating in the death and birth or more accurately resurrection in a different form of our five senses world every time we observe and participate in it. One of the biggest challenges people will face when they embark on creating their world from the inside out is that the external world seems so unchangeable. In our logical mind we cannot reconcile how something as insubstantial as our thoughts and emotions can affect something as unchangeable as our present moment circumstance. What we are not consciously aware of is that our external world is always changing. It is never static. Our brain does not show us many of these changes as the contrasts from one frame of our experience to another is so small it considers it irrelevant for our day to day lives so simply omits it. Always remember, what we experience with our 5 senses is only a small sliver of the vibrational soup in which exist. 21

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Secret of the Universe Here’s the secret of life in two sentences.

Want an unpleasant life? Do nothing.

Want a fantastic life? Do something.

Now I know this sounds like a corny humorous greeting card however there is an abundance of truth in those two statements. In order to grow and evolve we need to expend energy. It’s the nature of nature to expand and it takes energy to expand. If you do nothing your life will naturally atrophy and decay. It is just that simple. Not good or bad, just the law. If you want to grow, expend energy and do something. Anything, but do something. Get moving. It’s just that simple. Not good or bad just the law.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The myth of the dream Often we will hear someone say it takes a long time to build success. We don‘t like that because we think that we will have to wait for years before we can experience the feelings that we think our picture of perfection will give us. This is our first mistake. First of all you have to know that when you achieve your external circumstance that you feel is perfect, it won‘t be. You will have problems and challenges there just as much as you have them now. They may be different but they will still be there. Your picture of perfection is not a destination it‘s simply another set of experiences along your way. Many of us have desired something however haven‘t even started down the path towards it because we feel it will take too long before we are able to feel the feelings of obtaining it. IE someone looking at a concert pianist and wishing to be able to play like that but not taking lessons! We feel it will take too long before we can experience the feeling of playing. The good news is you can feel those feelings you desire right now. The secret is that those feelings are what you will begin to experience as soon as you begin to take steps towards your dream. When you understand that it‘s always about the journey and not the destination you will begin to feel the feelings of already being there as you, step by step, head in that direction.

The illusion of separateness This may stretch your mind a bit, as if we haven‘t already! The concept that what you desire is somehow apart from you; something you have to go and find is an illusion. You heard me right, an illusion. Modern science is constantly building a larger and larger mountain of evidence to validate this. Oh, when we look at ―things‖ from a purely physical perspective they appear separate. We experience the experience of distance. A point where you end and I begin. While that is true at a physical level it is far from it when we dip down into what makes the physical the physical; energy.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Every grade school science class teaches us that everything that appears solid is really energy vibrating at difference frequencies. In many respects that‘s the only thing that differentiates you from a rock or a giraffe. Told you I was going to stretch your mind. At a quantum (very very small) aspect of our world, science has proven that we are all points of concentration of energies in a vast soup that creates the basic ingredients of our universe. Very similar to an eddy whirlpool in a river. The whirlpool has differentiated itself however it is still the river. The two are in actual fact inseparable. ―If that‘s true why can‘t I simply intend for a thing to happen and it instantly will? Why does is seem my dreams are always so far into the distance and unattainable future?‖ There are two fundamental reasons. The first lay in the Newtonian laws of physics. The physical aspect of our world is real; it‘s just not the whole picture. If we didn‘t have this aspect of our existence life would have no meaning. There would be no experience. It‘s crucial for the complete picture of this journey we call life. The second is because of our perceptions and limitations that we have created within us. There is another set of laws called quantum physics. These are the physics of the very very small. They are as relevant and solid as the laws in our physical world they just relate to a different aspect or component of our experience. In a very real way the laws of quantum physics are the blueprints from which our physical world is created. And while we can change our physical experience by interacting directly with it, for instance moving a chair, we can also change it in the area of quantum physics. The beauty of impressing our intentions in the area of Quantum Physics is that the blueprints


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires are surprising easily to change. When we change a blueprint we change what will be created from that blueprint. Because the process of creation goes from thought to substance our blueprint changes will naturally manifest into the physical. This is the fundamental basis of this book and the process of creating your experience. Not magic although the results can appear magically when you don‘t know how the overall process functions.

Which came first, my brain or my mind? Before we go any further I would like to emphasis the differences between our brain and our mind. In short, the brain is a physical entity. It can be measured, observed, x-rayed, and scanned. We can see it in our five senses world. Our mind we cannot. Using the vast array of medical equipment scientists are able to map out large portions of our brains and identify the different sectors and the areas of our body that they control. They know the regions of our brain that manage sounds and colors. They even have identified the Hypothalamus which mixes the chemical cocktails we commonly call emotions. However, too often they fall into the trap of believing that because that is where they see the effects happening they think that‘s where they originate. We are not our physical bodies. That includes our brain. That which we see in the mirror everyday is the vehicle in which we ride around in during this adventure called life. Our vehicles can sustain 25

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires damage. Sometimes it takes a great deal of time and external intervention to repair them. Sometimes the damage is unrepairable. Our mind is an aspect of who the ―real‖ you is. It does not reside, nor can it be defined, in our five senses world. It interacts with it but is not contained or restricted by it. Because of this we have great freedom and ability to change. To change our thoughts. To change our mind. We are not restricted by time and space so massive changes can happen very quickly and with surprisingly little effort. However we have to believe we can. As long as we limit our mind by the parameters of our five senses world change can often be difficult, arduous, and often deceptively impossible. All things are possible. It is never too late to change your mind and your thoughts. There is no damage that is irreparable. All things are possible. It‘s no different than looking at the front wheels of a car turning to change direction and never noticing the driver inside the vehicle turning the steering wheel. If we believe it is the wheels that are making the decisions it would take great effort to modify the direction the vehicle is moving. If we understand the true power lay in the one behind the wheel we suddenly realize that a simple turning of a steering wheel changes everything.

I only have one more question your honor? This entire workshop boils down to very simple questions and truths that can, and will, change the entire course of your life. Are you willing to allow yourself to grow, change, and evolve into a person of peace and power and in doing so will forever become fundamentally different than 99% of the people around you? What does it mean to be who you are really meant to be? At a fundamental level you will think differently 26

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires At a fundamental level you will see differently At a fundamental level you will feel differently You will see in circumstances that others don‘t Where others see difficulties and hardships, you will see opportunities for victory There will be times when you friends and family may think you are ―crazy‖ There may be times you think you‘re ―crazy‖. There may be times when the people you are now with, will no longer have anything in common with you Your life will become one of challenges, victories, and adventures


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Section Three The building blocks of our world – experience

I can get there from here: In this portion of your workshop we are going to be drawing circles and triangles. Within these diagrams, in many ways, lay the secrets of creation. It‘s been my experience that we humans love complexity. We seem to think the more complex the program, system, or process the better it must be. It‘s been my experience that, under this philosophy, we quickly end up serving the process rather that using the process to serve us. I once heard a humorous antic dote that exemplifies this understanding. An individual invented a machine that produced the most valuable oil in the world. This oil was so valuable that heaps of gold and diamonds paled in comparison to its radiance. The inventor invited a close friend to view the machine in operation. As the friend watched the mechanisms and gadgets whirl into action and the precious commodity began to fill the collection jar, he exclaimed ―This is fantastic! This will truly change the world as we know it. How much can the machine produce?‖ ―Just enough to run the machine‖ was the inventors reply. It‘s been my experience that too often this is the way we approach the philosophies and techniques as it relates to manifesting our desires. We spend so much time gorging ourselves on the next ―magic bullet‖ and constructing such elaborate understandings and philosophies that we forget to actually apply any of them in our day to day experiences.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires It is true when I say simple is always better. This small collection of charts and diagrams, if and as you apply them, will change your life. It‘s just that simple. Don‘t be mislead by their simplicity. Plus, remember simple does not mean easy. Don‘t forget the section on the three commandments. They will serve you well as you continue.

The turtle and the hare The journey you‘re about to embark is not the hundred yard dash, it‘s a marathon. You may be tempted to valiantly launch into re-inventing yourself, taking all the processes in this course and ―hit the ground running‖. Here‘s a very important tip. While you will undoubtedly be pleasantly surprised at how fast your experience begins to change remember that this is a journey and you will only see lasting results as you continue to implement these steps day after day. Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare. Both competed against each other in a long distance race. When the starting gun sounded the hare flashed off the starting line leaving the tortoise in a cloud of dust. The tortoise began a slow steady lubbering gait, inching along. As the race progressed the hare began to tire, his breathtaking speed he started with was quickly waning. The tortoise that was only a distance speck on the horizon was getting closer and closer. The hare summoned up any last bit of energy he had left but very quickly was gasping for air and stumbling along the race circuit. Whenever he glanced back the image of the tortoise was getting larger and larger.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Finally the two were neck and neck. The hare, now totally spent, stumbled and feel in a heap. The tortoise seemed to not even notice as he continued the same lumbering pace he began the race with. As you know, only one racer crossed the finish line that day. The old adage that ―slow and steady wins the race‖ applies wonderfully to the process of manifesting your desires. Know that you will only see the full fruits of your efforts as you apply them over and over and over. Develop a set of practices that you will be able to maintain in the long run. Tortoises become fantastic manifestors. Hares do not. Are you ready? Let‘s begin.

Focus/Notice/Awareness Video Clip Video Clip Two Play the video clip entitled ―Focus/Notice/Awareness Circle‖


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

I’ve been walking in circles In this next section we‘re going to be drawing circles and triangles. These diagrams will act as your maps that allow you to navigate the terrain of the manifesting process. Here‘s the good news. You don‘t have to memorize any external practices or procedures. You just have to understand and apply the maps. I‘ll explain. I was teaching a workshop in Toronto, Canada and as it was my first time there I was very unfamiliar with the public transit system. I asked the folks at the front desk the buses I needed to take to make my way to the downtown core. They gave me directions that looked something like this. ―Take the 303 bus to 42 Ave and 23 Street. Then get on the 404 bus which will take you to the Kipling Subway station. Get on the East Subway which will take you downtown.‖ I diligently wrote down the directions and got on the 303 bus. All was going well until, for some reason, I missed my stop at 42 Ave and 23 Street. When I disembarked the bus I quickly realized I was in a very wrong place and now essentially totally lost. If it wasn‘t for the generous help of some passerby‘s I might still be there! <g> Here‘s my point to this story. I had a memorized set of instructions but I didn‘t have an understanding of the process. As long as everything went perfectly I would have arrived at my destination. However, as it is with many ―plans‖, things changed and I was lost. Now another story. I was teaching in Kelowna, British Columbia. I made my way to the down town core and picked up a tourist map. I‘m sure we‘ve all seen these types of maps. They‘re often multi-colored, sprinkled with interesting symbols and sometimes cartoon like caricatures. They list the important streets and avenues often with a menu of places you might like to see during your visit. Because I had this map I did not need to ask for any directions or remember memorized instructions. Why? I had a map that gave me an understanding of the area I was in. If I wanted to visit a certain landmark all I had to do was follow my map. I choose the route I wanted to take and if I ever got lost all I had to do was bring out my map, reorient myself, and I was good to go. 31

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires My desire for this section, and this entire workshop, is that you have an understanding of the landscape and the processes of manifesting. These diagrams or maps will give you just that.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Focus Notice Awareness Circle Focus Notice Awareness Circle

Your coffee shop of manifesting

Welcome to your coffee shop of manifesting. The name of this restaurant is the Focus Notice Awareness Circle. I invite you to join me at the Present Moment table and we‘ll continue our discussion. In this map we will talk about focus notice and awareness. This is probably the simplest map that we will talk about in this course. However, it's been my experience; it's the most powerful as we talked about in the video module. The larger circle is labelled AWARENESS. Think of this circle as the map of the coffee shop. The interior of the circle in the center is labelled PRESENT MOMENT table. This is the table at which you and I are seated. On the outside edge of your PRESENT MOMENT table we‘ve placed the word FOCUS. The smaller circles orbiting your PRESENT MOMENT table are labelled NOTICE. The smaller circle we are labelling I AM. The best way to explain the focus notice awareness circle is with an example. Pretend you and I are sitting in a coffee shop. We are seated at a table we‘ll call the Present Moment which I‘ll explain more about a little later. The coffee shop is full, lots of people drinking coffee and talking, and all their conversations blend together and create the ―buzz‖ that becomes background noise. I AM aware of the buzz. But my FOCUS is on you and our conversation. On occasion, I may NOTICE different things from my surroundings, for instant somebody a few tables over may drop a fork. I may hear the odd specific word from the conversations going on around us. Maybe somebody in the kitchen drops a plate, I notice these things but my FOCUS is maintained on our conversation. 33

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires I AM FOCUSED on our conversation. I AM AWARE of the buzz in the restaurant and on occasion, I NOTICE different aspects from it. Now let's say somebody three tables over mentions the word manifesting and I NOTICE it. I say to myself ―I wonder what they are talking about?‖, and now I make a choice. My FOCUS is on you, our conversation, I NOTICE something three tables over and I choose to change where my FOCUS is. I choose to move my I AM from FOCUSing on our conversations over to the conversation going on three tables over. When I do that, even though the coffee shop is full the people a few tables over and not speaking any louder, but because I AM FOCUSED on their conversation I can pretty much hear what they are now saying. However, your voice now blends in to the white noise or the buzz. I have effectively got up from our table and joined the conversation at the other. Oh, my body may still be sitting at the same table but I AM not. So now my FOCUS is on the other conversation so it becomes bigger and your voice becomes smaller and often the only time that I AM AWARE that my FOCUS has changed is when I hear you ask, ―Are you listening to me?‖ then my I AM FOCUS immediately snaps back to our table. Why is this understanding so important? I mentioned earlier that we are sitting at a table called Present Moment. All the power to introduce and manage long lasting and permanent change takes place at this table. When our focus (when our I AM is sitting at this table) in the present moment we are solidly anchored in the best, and only, place where we can effectively manifest our desires into our physical experience. Where is this Present Moment place in your world at this moment? It‘s in this very moment. Not yesterday or tomorrow. Not last year or six months from now. Not even earlier or later in this day. It‘s in this very moment. However, here‘s what most of us do. Your body may reside in the Present Moment but so often your I AM FOCUS isn‘t. The two common tables that you‘ve got up and 34 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires moved to is reliving the past (focused on something that‘s happened) or pre-living the future (playing out a myriad of scenarios of what might take place in the future). What ever we focus on gets bigger and the role that it plays in our experience is more prominent. What we don't focus doesn‘t. It's been my experience that most people are completely unaware of where their focus is from moment to moment. There are memories we may notice or we may speculate into the future. There's nothing wrong with that. The danger is in not being AWARE of where our I AM FOCUS is. A real world example of this is as follows. We probably all know people who can sing and those who ―think‖ they can sing. Try as they might their singing always sounds like finger nails on a blackboard. The saddest part of the story is they don‘t know it. They are not AWARE of how their voice really sounds. We play out this same scenario numerous times through out the day but in many cases are not AWARE of it. Our predominant place of focus is best situated in this present moment. That is where we are most powerful and effective. As we continue in this workshop, we will discover, in this moment is the creative drawling table on which we produce a blueprint for what we wish to experience in our physical world We referred to your I AM but what exactly is that? The best way to begin is by telling you what it is not. Your I AM is not your physical body. It‘s not your memories or projections into the future. It‘s not your credentials, bank account balance or waist line. Your I AM is the essence of who you really are. Through out the remainder of the course you will continue to step into an evolving understanding of who you really are. Here‘s a crucial understanding related to our Focus/Notice/Awareness Circle You do not have a lot of control over what you notice but you have complete control over what you choose to focus on.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The key word here is choose. Believe me sometimes it‘s easier than others but we do have the power to choose. In many cases we simply have a weak focuser muscle so it‘s easy to have it drawn towards the litany of things we notice. However as you practice your focuser muscle will get stronger and you will be pleasantly amazed at the benefits you‘ll notice.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Physical Non-Physical Video Clip Video Clip Two Play the video clip entitled ―Focus/Notice/Awareness Circle‖


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Present Moment Table

Present Moment Table Physical – Nonphysical circle Let‘s take a closer look at this table we call PRESENT MOMENT. We call this map our physical nonphysical circle. So many times our FOCUS is not at the table of the present moment. It's actually FOCUSED on another table; usually those other tables are reinventing the past or pre-living the future. Our point of power and the point that we have the greatest amount of influence is in this present moment.

Present Moment

Focus/Notice/Awareness Circle There are memories we may notice or we may speculate into the future. There's nothing wrong with that. But our predominant place of focus is best situated in this present moment. That is where we are most powerful and effective. As we continue in this workshop, we will discover in 38

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires this moment is the creative drawling table on which we produce a blueprint for what we wish to experience in our physical world

We are most effective and powerful when our focus is in the present moment

I’ve seen the world from both sides now The world as we know it is divided into two distinct hemispheres. Looking at our map, and we talked about this in the video module, we have them labelled physical and nonphysical. The important thing to remember is that just because one half of our experience is nonphysical, it doesn't mean its non-real and that's one of the most important things to understand with this map. Just because the landmarks and the labels don't fit in the world of our five senses it does not mean they're not real or not relevant. As a matter of fact, in many ways, they are more real than we know. One of the easiest ways to understand what our physical world looks like is it‘s the world that fits in our five senses. It's the portion of our experience that we create with the information we receive through our five senses. It's the world that we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.

At this point in our workshop we haven't explored all the landmarks in the nonphysical aspect of our experience, but we have put some labels there so you have a general understanding of what that landscape looks like. Our thoughts live in the nonphysical portion of our experience, and I 39

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires believe we can agree we can't take our thoughts and put them on a scale and measure their weight or see a color. But just because they don't fit within our five senses world does not mean they are not real. Our memories are another perfect example. We can't experience them with our five senses, but I think we can all agree that our memories are very real and have a very real effect on our five senses world. Here's a good exercise of how, even with this little bit of information we have, you can use this map to begin to navigate the entirety of your experience at any moment in time. Stop, look around and ask yourself, ―What aspect of my experience resides in my five senses world?‖ Now this is something that we do all the time however often we do it unconsciously. What I'm suggesting to you is in this moment stop and really focus on your physical world. Do a bit of an inventory check and ask yourself the questions ―What am I seeing right now. Are there any sounds? Do I notice any aromas? Do I taste anything specific at this moment? What is the ambient temperature? What are the sensations I‘m feeling in my body? Now we‘re going to venture into our non-physical world. Ask yourself the question, ―What are the thoughts that are going through my mind right now?‖ Simply observe them. Resist the urge to analyse or debate them with yourself. Just watch them. Often, at least initially, this is much easier said than done. We rarely stop and really venture into our non-physical world. We‘re aware it‘s there but it‘s much like background noise, like a swarm of mosquitoes flying overhead. The exercise of beginning to consciously explore your nonphysical world is an essential skill in manifesting your desires and experiences. I say this for two reasons. As I‘ve just mentioned, the nonphysical aspect of your experience is the one, for the most part, we don't spend a lot of conscious time thinking about or observing. The second aspect, and we'll talk about this in a minute, is that our nonphysical hemisphere plays a huge role in manifesting our desires. This is where every desire has its inception. 40

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Like most of the exercises in this book the questions are what is important, not the answers. What are the thoughts that are going to my mind right now? I believe you will find they primarily reside in two places. The first one is reliving the past. You are replaying memories of something that has happened. The second is you are pre- living the future. You are speculating and/or contemplating what might happen. At this point in the workshop we don't need to take this understanding any further. Simply learn to be aware of your physical world and your nonphysical world. I believe you will find that the majority of the time your thoughts are spent reliving the past or pre-living the future. The other place that your focus can be is right here in this moment and that is where our manifesting work happens. We‘ve talked about it in the previous chapters and we‘ll explore this in much more detail later in this course.

Direction of flow Why is this understanding so important? The process of creation, or manifesting, follows a flow. As we've talked about in the video the flow has a direction. It has its conception in the nonphysical, then flows through a process of time, which was what we labelled the band in the middle, and appears or manifests in our physical world. In my opinion, this is critical for becoming an effective manifester. Most people live their experience with the direction of flow from the physical to the nonphysical. They say my physical circumstances or environment cause me to think certain thoughts, to focus on certain memories, to contemplate projections into the future. They see their physical world as the cause and their nonphysical world, the effect. The effective manifester sees their life in the exact opposite direction. They say, my nonphysical world is the incubator where my thoughts, desires, memories, etc are conceived and is the cause to the effect that makes its appearance in the physical. 41

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Control, control control Looking at our physical non-physical circle we now have a pretty good understanding of the direction of flow that is the creative flow or power flow. It begins from the non-physical and flows to the physical. We have labelled this Victor. We also have the direction of flow that most people live which begins in the physical and flows toward the non physical. We have labelled this victim.

Why? Our physical world is very much like a playground full of children. Each one has their own unique perspective of the playground but they also share the playground with every other child. While they can choose their physical behaviours and influence their experience, so does every other child. The control they have over the behaviours of the others is very limited. Their behaviours may be to our liking or they may not. For the most part there‘s not a lot we can do about the effect they may have on our physical circumstances. In the video module we added the label ―stuff happens‖ ‗in the physical portion for that very reason. In sharp contrast, our non-physical world is the hemisphere we have complete control. Your thoughts, emotions, and memories are unique to you. People may be able to get into your face but they can‘t get into your head. <g> 42

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Now, some of you may disagree with my previous comments. You may be thinking to yourself ―I have several people in my head that I certainly don‘t want there and I‘ve had no luck in kicking them out!‖ I won‘t disagree with you, however, I will state again that is the area of your experience where you have complete control. You may have, often without even realizing it, allowed them to take residence in your mind. Understand this, in one way or another, you have let them in. Before you get up in arms and take a second look at my last statement and see this logic. You have complete control over your non-physical world (your mind).You have let someone or something take up residence there. Here‘s the good news. If you allowed them in it means you have the power to remove them! As you continue through the remainder of the course we will show you how. We will explore this in detail when we talk about the Experience Triangle Map

Do you have a minute? As I mentioned in the previous paragraph, and in the video, we have our physical world our nonphysical world and the buffer, or that band in the middle of our map, labelled time. To expand on our original formula, our nonphysical world and those things we focus upon flow through the buffer of time and then manifest as an effect in our physical world. The buffer of time could be a quarter of a second, it could be years, or it could be never. Much of what we will talk about in this workshop is how to focus and navigate the landscape of our nonphysical world so we can expedite that process through the buffer of time into the physical in a more predictable, repeatable and expedited fashion. 43

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

I want to talk about one more aspect of time as it relates to our physical and nonphysical world. When we're standing in the landscape or the hemisphere of our nonphysical world time doesn't exist. If I asked you to think about this morning, something that happened a week ago or even a year ago, you can just simply jump from memory to memory to memory. If I asked you to speculate or contemplate what you will do when you're done working with this course at this particular time, or if I asked you to speculate about what you might do later on today or two weeks from now we can effortlessly jump from place to place to place without the experience of the passage of time. Having said that, the experience of time also doesn't exist in our physical world. Now that may cause you to stop and think for a minute, because for most people, they will say, of course time exists in this world. I experience it all the time. However, think about this. If you use just the information that your five senses are giving you, the only place that is real is the room that you may be sitting in, if you're reading this in a room in your house. If you're sitting in a car your entire physical world as it relates to your five senses is the vehicle you are riding in and what you may see when you're looking out the window. Every moment of your experience outside of this moment exists in only one place, and that's in your nonphysical world. It exists as a memory or a prediction of the future, both of which live in your nonphysical world.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The Wave Principle Not only is our physical world always in motion it also has a direction of flow which looks like this: Everything in our physical world has a beginning, middle, and an end. This is a process and law and there‘s very little we can do to slow it down, or speed it up and it‘s impossible to stop it completely. I‘m sure we‘ve all had experiences, let‘s say a fantastic holiday, where we wish that we could ―be‖ in the experience for ever. But we all know that in due course in time the experience comes to its inevitable conclusion. We‘ve also had the reverse where we desperately wish we could speed through an uncomfortable experience but again realize that it will end when it ends and not a moment sooner. Think of ocean waves as they have their conception some distance off shore. As they approach the beach they will crest and as they fall upon the sand the crest collapses and the water gently washes into the sand. Our physical experiences follow the same process. They have a beginning; they reach an apex, and then cascade down to completion. This plays a huge role when we talk about emotions a little later.

The small graph below helps illustration this principle.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires






Everything in our physical world has a beginning, middle and an end.

Why is this so important in our manifesting? So many times we look at what our five senses are telling us and use that information to determine the degree of difficulty in creating change or even choose to allow it to limit our choices and the magnitude of our desires. We look at the world of our five senses, and we say to ourselves. ― I have this desire, but it is so different or at opposite ends of the spectrum from what my ―real world‖ looks like it will be so difficult to achieve and will take a long time or might not even be possible.‖ We look at our physical world as being solid, unchanging and yet it is the one aspect of our experience that is always changing and never stays the same. Our physical world is always in a state of transition. That means that nothing is so solid that it can't become something else and that it can't change. 46

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Experience Triangle Video Clip Four Play the video clip entitled ―Experience Triangle‖

Through out this book we will be talking about something we call an experience. Often people will use words like goals and objectives however we simply use the word experience. Our experience of this roller coaster ride we call life on this place we call earth is made up of an infinite number of experiences. An experience has five unique parts. It is very important to understand the anatomy of an experience as it plays a large role in how we create our world.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Experience Triangle 48

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

What is an experience Through out this book we have been talking about something we call an experience. Often people will use words like goals and objectives however we simply use the word experience. Our experience of this roller coaster ride we call life on this place we call earth is made up of an infinite number of experiences. With our physical/nonphysical circle we have a general overview of our world divided into two regions. A physical one and a non-physical one. With the Experience Triangle we are going to elaborate and add some more details so we can understand our experience in a more detailed fashion.

It’s Movie Night We‘ve all sat in a movie theatre and immersed ourselves in the colors, sights, and sounds, of our favorite action or drama flick. While what we ―see‖ is a fluid experience played out on the screen we know that if we could open up the projector at the back of the theatre and look at the strip of film what we actually see is a series of still pictures. These pictures are flashed upon the screen so fast that we are unable to differentiate between the individual pictures and we experience them as motion. It turns out our mind is performing essentially the same function. It takes in chunks of information, processes it, and displays it across the screen of our awareness in such a way as we ―see‖ it as motion. Using our filmstrip example let‘s take a close look at what one of these chunks of information look like. We will use something we call an Experience Triangle as a map to help us understand and navigate these basic building blocks that we use to create our experience of life. 50

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Our Experience Triangle is divided into five distinct sections or elements. Physical We‘ve represented this in our Physical/Nonphysical map and talked about it already however I‘m going expand on it a little more here. Remember, our Physical/Nonphysical map and the Experience Triangle are not two distinct entities they are simple two maps focusing on different aspects. This is exactly the same as map of any city or town. You can look at a map highlighting the public transit system on one, the street layout on another, and walking trails on another. Each map covers the same geographical area they simple focus, or highlight, different aspects of it. Let‘s continue. The physical aspect of any experience is probably the most humorous and the most frustrating. Mostly because we don‘t understand what it really is. First, it is the one that seems the most solid and unchanging. The crazy part about it is in reality it‘s the one that is the most flexible and is always changing. It‘s kind of like the old story of how an elephant can be taught from birth to believe that by using a very small and thin leash can be tethered to a stake in the ground all day and never try, and therefore realize, that they can easily break it and run away. We have been taught from birth that the ―real world‖ is solid and unchanging. Especially with our thoughts and emotions! We believe that to change a physical circumstance we need to affect a different physical force to do so.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires While this is true, as we continue, you will discover that this is the last step in the creative process not the first. When we understand the complete process you will learn that the physical is often the easiest aspect of our experience to modify and change. Also, there is only one physical ―now‖ moment and place. I know you may initially baulk at this but think about it a moment. If we use only the information your five senses are giving you the only thing you know to be true is what is in your immediate surroundings. We talked about this earlier. So where does everything else in our entire existence live? That leads me to the next layer in our Experience Triangle.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Thoughts and/or Movies

Thought Pies

Voices and/or Dialog


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Thoughts Our thoughts present themselves to us in two basic ways. Through pictures or movies and voices or dialogs. All aspects of our thoughts reside in the nonphysical portion of our physical/nonphysical map. Thought Pie – Pictures and Movies In the video modules we labeled your ―Thought Pies‖. Here‘s a quick review of the Thought Pie for pictures or movies. There are three general components that reside here. The first is memories. If I asked you to remember what you did when you got up this morning you would probably experience it as a movie that played itself out in your awareness. If I asked you to remember what your front door looked like it probably presented itself as a picture in your mind. The second is what we call reverse memories or projections into the future. If I asked you to imagine what you might be doing tomorrow it will probably play itself out as a movie or picture. So, why do we call them reverse memories? In the two short exercises I asked you to perform in both cases the past or the future presented itself in the same way, as pictures or movies. Whether you are reliving the past or pre-living the future you experience them exactly the same way and in the same place.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Pretty mind stretching if you stop to think about it. There is only one place that‘s ―real‖ and it‘s in this very moment. Everything outside of this moment you can only experience in your nonphysical as pictures and/or movies. If that stretched your mind this will shatter it completely. We know that we have complete control over everything that resides in our nonphysical. So, if all of your pasts and futures exist here that means you have total control, and therefore the ability, to change and/or manage them! The people, places, and events that have caused you so much trauma and uncomfortableness feeling little, or no, control and powerless to change them or repair the damage. The only place they exist is in the one aspect of your experience that you are the master of. That is indeed a game changer! The entire process of manifesting lay upon this simple, yet powerful, cornerstone. You create your dreams and desires upon the blueprint of your nonphysical world. The place where there are no limits and you are totally free to choose who you will be and want you wish to experience next. The third landmark in your pictures and movies thought pie resides in the center of the circle. I want you to imagine a bright red apple. Cause it to be a brilliant red, and imagine yourself biting into it and tasting the sweet juiciness of its flavor. You just did that in this region. It is your imagination. This time you used the same root ingredients (pictures or movies) to create an experience for you. While it didn‘t exist in your physical it definitely did in your nonphysical. Plus if, apples happen to be a favorite fruit for you your mouth may even be salivating a bit. This is the region in which you will create a blueprint for your desires and plays an integral role in the manifesting processes we‘ll talk about later. Thought Pie – Voices and Dialogs The best way to explain this Thought Pie is to take you back to the Focus table in our Focus/Notice/Awareness circle. As a quick review the Awareness portion is the coffee shop, the 55

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Notice portion is the random events transpiring in the restaurant, and our Focus is the table which resides in our present moment. We are not alone when sitting (Focusing) at our present moment table. As it relates to our Voices and Dialog Thought Pies there are three distinct ―individuals‖ sitting at this table. The first is literally a cast of thousands. These can be your first grade teacher, a parent, a boss, a close friend, or even a simple encounter with a random stranger. Often these are related to memories or reverse memories (projections into the future). However, at times they may simply be the voice of a teacher telling you you are foolish to register in online university courses because you were labeled as a ―slow learner‖, or a parent‘s angry voice from a very unwise decision you made as a teenager resulting in grief for everyone involved telling you you wouldn‘t every amount to anything. These also can be very encouraging such as a high school football coach you had that always told you you could do anything if you put your mind to it which resounded in your ears at the beginning of every challenging assignment in college and university. The second group is one that‘s experienced by all of us everyday however is probably one of the most misunderstood. To help us understand this easier we are going label these voices as your Managers. These voices form one half of the running internal conversation we are having with ourselves everyday. There is a valuable clue in the previous sentence buried in the word ―conversation‖. If you are having a conversation there has to be two parties correct? There has to be one speaking and one listening. Herein lay one of the biggest mistakes we make as humans. We think there is only one voice because the players on both sides of the conversation both speak with the same sounding voice; our own. 56

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Let‘s talk about the first group and a very important clue rests in the word ―group‖. At any moment you can have one, or many, of your Managers present at your table. Often we will have several internal dialogues occurring at any given time. For instance you could be reading this sentence right now and suddenly another voice asks you if you remembered to lock the garage door when you came home last night. There may be another that reminds you of an appointment you have later today. These typically are the voices that we would love to stop, or at least tone down but, but try as we might, can‘t. The third individual is your I AM voice. This is your voice. This is your power voice. This is the voice that sparks creation. This is your authority voice. It is vitally important to be able to differentiate these last two groups of voices. Here‘s a handy list that will help you cleanly separate the two. Your I AM voice will often begin, or include the words I AM in them – Your Managers take a third party perspective and will often include the word YOU in their sentences. They are, quite literally, like another individual(s) that you talk with during your day to day activities. Your I AM voice is one single voice – Your Managers are often many voices Your IAM voice is clear and calm – Your Managers are often confusing, shouting, and/or all talking at once Your I AM voice is always present moment referenced - Your Managers will bring in characters from the first group (cast of a thousand) and memories or reverse memories to validate their arguments; all of which don‘t reside in this present moment. Spend the time to identify, within your own mind, these three groups. The first is pretty easy but the second two can take a bit of effort. For the longest time we belief that our I AM voice and 57

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Managers voice are one in the same. As we will discover through out this course they serve very different roles in our understanding of our life experiences as well as effective mastering of the manifesting process.

Most times these dialogs are communicated using your own voice however it can also be someone else‘s voice. You may be replaying a conflict you had with a co-worker or a wonderful dinner you had with a loved one. Imagine thoughts as the steering wheel on your car. As you turn it the wheels turn which will determine the direction the car will take if it moves. Notice I said if it moves. It does not make it move, it simply sets the direction. It is very powerful however in, and of itself, has no power. It directs the outcome but unless the car moves it has no effect on our personal experience. People who live their dreams and desires only in their thoughts are simply day dreaming. Not that there‘s anything wrong with that but in all likelihood their desires will finish in the exact same place. In their dreams.

Emotions The best way to explain emotions is to ask you a question. What does it feel like when you‘re feeling flibigit? 58

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

What the heck is that? Okay, here‘s an easier question. What does it feel like when you feel nervous? Here are some common experiences; your mouth gets dry, your stomach gets a bit queasy, your heart flutters, and your knees feel a little weak. Notice how all of these are physical sensations? The reason you couldn‘t tell me what flibigit feels like is because you don‘t have a list of physical sensations attached to the label of flibigit. An emotion is actually divided into two distinct parts. The label of the emotion and the physical sensations of the emotion. The label resides in our non-physical and the sensations live in the physical. A powerful exercise is to NOTICE the sensations you are experiencing when you are immersed in an emotion. The simple question is ―What physical sensations am I experiencing right now (present moment)?‖ Emotions are neither good nor bad. They are simply experiences. Some may be pleasant and others very unpleasant but do not have any moral weighting or personality. Let‘s talk about the ―unpleasant‖ category of emotions for a minute. Which aspect of the emotion do we find uncomfortable? If you were doomed to feel ―flibigit‖ for the rest of the day you would probably be okay with it. Why? Because you have no physical sensations attached to it. However if I said you had to feel nervous for the rest of the day it‘s a whole different story. This leads us to another important understanding. 59

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

It‘s not the LABEL of an emotion that is uncomfortable it‘s the SENSATION (physical) of the emotion that cause discomfort, pain, etc. Why is this understanding so important? Referred back to our physical/non-physical circle we know that everything in our physical world has a beginning, middle, and end.

The most important understanding to take away at this moment is that an emotion has these two distinct characteristics. Practice paying attention to what you are physically feeling when you experience the myriad of emotions we all experience. Focus on the physical sensations. When we talk about obstacles, later in the book you will learn about the role emotions play in our manifesting activities. When we take our thoughts and empower them we have a very powerful tool in instigating the creation and manifestation of our dreams and desires. Thoughts and emotions are the two aspects of our experience that give it its flavor. In any experience it‘s these two aspects that differentiate an experience from a dream to a ―nightmare‖. For some people riding the world‘s largest roller coaster may be the dream of a lifetime. For others, like myself, it would be the ingredients for a nightmare! This is where the diversity of our lives resides. It is in these components where our personal likes and dislike originate. Here is where we choose whether a specific food, an external climate, or even a favorite color is interpreted. This is also very important to remember for the remainder of the teachings in the processes of manifestation. Even though we will build the external picture of what our desired experience is, it is the thoughts and emotions we feel that define the pleasure of an experience. Because of this it‘s important to allow the particulars of our experience to be flexible as long as we retain the thoughts and emotions.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires As an example, our desired experience may be to have a vacation on a warm beach in Mexico. We choose how we are going to feel and think when those external circumstance manifest for us. However, there are undoubtedly variations of the external circumstance that will still cause us to feel and think the same thoughts. Maybe, instead of Mexico it turns out to be a trip to Hawaii that manifests. Even though the external is different in details the theme is essentially the same and most important we will feel and think the same way as if we were in Mexico. Here again, is a fine example of how balance in all things is so important. It‘s very important to select the external circumstance as detailed as we can, while at the same time being flexible in allowing them to manifest a little differently while at the same time retaining the desired internal environment. Our emotions are very powerful, however, unless we use effective techniques to manage them they can be like a loose cannon. Imagine sitting in your car with your hands off the wheel and then punching the gas. Not a pleasant thought is it?

The life cycle of an emotion. For the purposes of this course I want to make an important clarification. We do not create our emotions. We manage them. Granted there are activities that we do in the thought and physical aspects of our lives that generate the experiences of emotions but we do not directly create them.

Here‘s an important understanding as we learn how to manage our emotional experiences. 61

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

First a quick recap…. We manage our emotions we don‘t create them Emotions are experiences and like any experience we feel the entire gamut from pleasurable to painful in our day to day lives It‘s the physical sensation of the emotion that cause us the discomfort not the label Because the important aspect of an emotion is physical we know that it has a beginning, a middle, and an end Building on what we‘ve just talked about, there are three general responses we have to an emotion. In every moment of our existence we are observing and evaluating and responding to the influx of emotions that make up our day to day life. In general there are three responses we take. For our discussion here we will not differentiate between what we would consider ―positive‖ or ―negative‖ emotions. Emotions have a natural life cycle. We receive a stimulus, which after flowing through our filters and belief systems, reaches our present moment awareness. We experience the emotion in its completeness. Once we‘ve learned what we need to learn, experience what we need to experience, and grow in the way that‘s best for us we release the emotion back to where it came from and move forward.

This is often the theory but not necessarily the practice. First – We avoid the emotion like the plague. We put up both hands and ward it off with all our strength. Unfortunately, emotions have a life cycle 62 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires which has to complete itself. No matter how long we hold them off they will always be there. As more and more of these accumulate we spend more and more of our and attention on trying to keep them away. Sooner or later they overflow and we experience an overload on our system causing what‘s commonly called a ―breakdown‖ Second – We allow ourselves to experience the emotion. We don‘t push it aside or run away from it. We don‘t try and dampen it down; we can become stuck in the emotion. Neither learning or growing but simply residing in the emotion. As we know energy is designed to flow continuously. When we choose not to allow the emotion to follow its natural life cycle the energy becomes stagnant. Third – In our present moment awareness we can experience the emotion in all it‘s fullness from a perspective of peace and security so that it doesn‘t shake our very core and allows us the objectivity required to see what we can learn and then grow in the direction that‘s best for us. Then, most importantly, we allow the emotion to fulfill it‘s naturally lifecycle and come to a resolution. We experience, we learn, we grow, and then we release the energy of the emotion back to where it began.

Your I AM place. The apex of the Experience Triangle is labeled your I AM place. This is where you truly live. We‘ve explored our Physical layer, our Thoughts layer, and Emotions. So how can we understand what our I AM is? It‘s actually very simple, and by the way it‘s been my experience that most of the valuable gems in our world are. 63

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

In this place where the real we live. Quite simply we are: Perfect Peace Perfect Stillness Perfect Power Here we ―need‖ nothing. Here we are healthy, wealthy, and wise. Here we are loved and emit love. Here all things are possible. Here we can effortless manifest our desires. Our goal for this workshop is to take our true identify and from that place choose our desires and flow them through the process of creation into manifestation in our physical experience. This would be a fairly simple, easy process except for one small detail which brings me to the last layer of the Experience Triangle.

Belief systems So what is a belief system anyway? We will enter into an in depth discussion of our belief systems shortly however for now here‘s a quick outline of the anatomy of a belief system. From the moment of birth our mind is constantly reviewing stimulus (external/internal) and creating and re-creating pathways of memory and experience in our subconscious. As we create more and more of these patterns we build our own unique map of what, and how, we perceive our reality. Both internally and externally. 64

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Moment by moment our subconscious mind is receiving, responding, and creating/recreating patterns in our being. Important: Our subconscious does not judge or evaluate it simply receives, records, and responds. We can be aware that this process is happening or often completely unaware of the connections. Belief systems are fundamental set of rules (laws) each of us use on which we base our experience. Once a belief system is established we constantly look for evidence to support it. We will tend to exclude or filter out evidence to the contrary.

Why are our belief systems so important? We will explore Belief Systems in depth a little later but for now imagine them residing in your subconscious as a host of diligent workers or ―managers‖ tirelessly sorting, arranging and prioritizing the stream of information we receive and pass to them As our managers gather the myriad of memories we send their way they sort and arrange them just like any competent manager would do. One of the ways they will sort them is by "themes". These similarly themed memories gather together and attach themselves to one another to form a structure called a Belief System. Once a Belief System is created is performs two very important tasks. First - It will filter out any experiences that don't align with its unique structure. Second - It will seek out, or attract to it, experiences that align or are similar to its structure.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires What is crucial to understand, for our purposes here, is that this process of filtering and attracting goes on completely beneath our awareness. Every day, twenty four hours a day, these managers tirelessly perform these tasks. Why is this so important? Remember earlier in the manual we explained that these Belief Systems do not judge. They do not recognize "good" from "bad". If a particular structure has characteristics that you are fond of; let's say a theme similar to "My body is in a constant state of health and wellness. then with out even trying your experience will align with this structure. However, if its one we don't desire, for instance "No matter how much money I make it's never quite enough" the Belief System, not differentiating with the previous example will attract to you experiences of "never having enough money" and even worse will repel or filter out those experiences with a theme similar to "I always have an abundance of finances" To reiterate my previous comments, until we learn how to manage, mentor, and change these structures we're not a lot different than the fellow walking up the down escalator. No matter how hard or long he tries he can't seem to get to the top, and even if for some strange reason he does get there in no time he's on his way down again.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Understanding the power of direction of flow and the role it plays in the manifesting process

Direction of flow in our experience triangle We can now take our direction of flows that we first discovered in the physical non physical circle and apply them to our experience triangle. First, let`s transfer a couple of labels. The physical aspect of your experience triangle aligns to the physical hemisphere of your physical non physical circle so we can label it external. Everything above that we can label internal. As a review our external is where we have the least control and the internal is where we have total control. Now we‘ll move the directional flow arrows. Aligning both maps we add the victor directional flow starting at our I AM place and flowing down towards the physical. This is our victor or power flow. Then add the other flow arrow which starts at the physical and flows upwards towards our I AM place. This we have labeled victim.

Am I a victor or a victim? In the previous section I talked about direction of flow. When the flow originates from our I AM place and flows towards the physical that is our Power Flow or Victor. When the flow originates in the physical and flows towards our I AM that is the victim or disempowered direction of flow.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

So how do we know which direction we are flowing? First a clarification. The direction of flow isn‘t an on/off switch. It isn‘t all one way or the other. The best way to describe it is to think of a football game. The commentators will often talk about which team has the momentum. There are times when one teams marches down the field of play and scores a touchdown in what seems like the blink of an eye. There are other times when they have to fight and scratch for every yard. One play they gain 6 yards the next they loose 4. But, slowly but surely they make their way towards the goal posts. In either case the teams displayed momentum. The opposing players offered varying degrees of resistance but rather slow or fast the ball moved in one direction. Now apply this to our map and the direction of flow. There will be some days where you feel solidly immersed in the victor flow. Everything you touch turns to gold. There will be other days where it feels like all you‘re doing is holding your head above water. There will also be those times when, try as you might, the flow is against you feeling the pangs of the victim flow. For me, the important first step is doing whatever you can (and we‘ve talked about some tools, and will talk about more, to do that) to have the flow heading in the victor direction. Maybe it‘s a torrent or maybe it‘s a trickle but at least you‘re heading the in right direction. Here are a few handy indicators telling you which way you‘re flowing in any given moment. Aligning with our physical/nonphysical map we have a physical indicator and a nonphysical one. When you‘re in a Victor or Power flow your body (physical) will feel relaxed and your mind (nonphysical) will feel clear. Notice I said relaxed not necessarily pain free. Big difference. Your 68

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires mind is clear. That doesn‘t mean you are not noticing pictures, movies, voices in your awareness. It means your focus is in this present moment, your I AM space. In contrast, when the flow is in the victim direction your body will feel tense and your mind feels confused. Notice I used the word tense and not stress. In my experience stress is a very misunderstood word and I‘ve dedicated some words to it in the next section. Here are the questions you ask yourself. ―To what degree is my body relaxed or tense?‖ Remember it‘s not an on/off switch. You may be so relaxed you‘re like a rag doll or maybe you‘re tied up in knots but it will probably fall somewhere in between. Your goal here is to do whatever you can to increase the amount of relaxation in your physical body. The more relaxed you are the greater the degree of flow in the power direction. ―Am I feeling confused?‖ I find with this indicator words that I would use to describe confused are racing thoughts, easily distracted, immersed in swirling relived pasts and pre-lived futures, etc. The biggest, and best, indicator that my mind is clear is that it is quite. My focus is settled into this moment. I can create pictures or movies in my mind that are relaxing and pleasing to me without having my focus dragged away. One additional indicator, and maybe the most important one, is the answer to the question ―Do I feel safe?‖ When the flow is in the victor direction we feel safe. Many times not because of our external circumstances but despite them. There‘s a knowing in you that everything is going to be alright. Your present experience may not be pleasant but you feel safe. The reverse of course is you feel afraid. Notice I said feel afraid and not feeling fear. There‘s a huge different.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Feeling fear is like standing next to a fire and sensing the heat from the flame. Feeling afraid is standing in it. Feeling, or being, afraid is a sensation of impending doom, things are not going to be okay. You feel like there‘s danger around every corner. In this moment you are solidly in the victim flow. The ―good news‖ to the bad news is that in this course you are learning techniques that you can use to switch the flow and are not doomed. <g>

Learning to identify changes in the momentum of this flow quickly and being able to employ techniques to change it is probably one of the most life changing techniques you can learn and master.

When you‘re predominately in the victor or power flow it‘s never a matter of ―if‖ only a matter of ―when‖. Here‘s a handy checklist to determine which flow direction you are in at any given moment.

Victor/Power Flow

Victim Flow

Body relaxed

Body tense

Mind is clear

Mind is confused

You feel Safe

You feel Afraid



In the Five Steps Manifesting Process later in this course we are going to the word ―Relief‖ to describe your Power Flow. 70

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

What is relief ? One of the best ways to elaborate on Relief is to compare it to something often mistaken for Relief called reprieve. The dangers of reprieve as opposed to relief. There is a very big difference between reprieve and relief and learning to identify between the two will be of great value to us as we go about creating our world. Let‘s say you had a headache and you took some aspirin. Remember the feeling when the pain killers kicked in? And then in 2 or 4 hours they wore off and the pain was back. That is what reprieve is. It is also very often a wonderful clue towards uncovering another limited belief (excuse) we have created. Think back to a time when you were thinking about embarking on a new project, a job promotion, a challenge of some type that caused you to step out of your comfort zone. As you experienced the uncomfortablness that is an indicator of growth all of a sudden a multitude of people, places, things or events suddenly arose that provided ample amount of reasons for not proceeding. Isn‘t it interesting how enticing those temptations can be? And how easily we can succumb to them and then enjoy the intoxicated feeling of reprieve. It feels so good. Almost freeing. However, it only lasts for a ―night‖. And then the morning comes and the reprieve is over and we‘re back inside the prison of our creation. Relief does not originate in our external environment. Relief truly does come from inside. It is the feeling of being free. Of being not afraid. Of being not afraid of feeling afraid. It is not being apprehensive about what may happen, could happen, and would happen. Relief (or peace) is our steady state. It is always there. It is what we return to not turn to. It is what we are; not what we covet or chase. We don‘t have to find relief anywhere because we already possess it. As a mater of fact we are it. We are the embodiment of peace. That is who we are. 71

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An important milestone We‘ve come to a very important milestone in this course. It‘s also one where our approach may differ a little from others. You‘ve probably heard teachers and speakers talk about the importance of identifying how we will feel (emotion) when our desire has manifest. They talk about the importance of emotions in the manifesting process. While we are not disagreeing with the concept, for the purposes of our course studies, our focus is on the direction of flow. While we would like to have total control of our emotions it‘s been my experience that, for the most part, we don‘t. We all experience joy and sadness, glory and grief and everything in between. While we definitely can manage them I honestly don‘t think we‘ll have total control. One of the primary reasons is the most important aspect of them (physical sensations) dwell in the hemisphere of our physical/non-physical that we have the least control over. For the purposes of this course the fundamental bedrock upon which everything rests upon is direction of flow. Emotions come and go but we can hone our ability to predominately reside in the power direction of flow which provides the gateway into the manifesting of our desires in ways that we probably never dreamed.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Our creative or power flow is the one that originates from I AM and immerses us in the mindset and sensations of the creative process. When the flow is the opposite direction we, quite simply, are not. Through out the remainder of this course your first priority is to position yourself in the power flow direction.

Getting into the flow So how do we consciously get into the Power Flow? We‘ve explored the various aspects to our experience and important role that direction of flow plays. The question in your mind now is probably ―How do I consciously create, or get into, the Power Flow Direction? I‘d love to say there‘s an easy fast solution however unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it, each one of us has our own unique techniques and methods for creating an environment or nurturing a space where the Power Flow can present itself. Within the last statement is a valuable clue. We create an environment which will be conducive to the physical sensations (the physical aspect of our present moment table) and the awareness (in the non-physical aspect of our present moment table) that allows the Power Flow to present itself. As a quick review one of our basic indicators of Power Flow Direction is our body (physical) feels relaxed and our mind (non-physical) is clear. Here are some examples of using the tools we have learnt so far to solicit the experience of Power Flow.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires You can think about or FOCUS on an enjoyable memory (non-physical). As you FOCUS on the movie that is a memory you feel the pleasurable sensations that place you directly in the Power Flow. One of our students talked about how when he rode his Harley motorcycle he was immersed in the relaxed physical and clear minded non-physical experiences of Power Flow. In this instance he created a certain set of physical circumstances that created an environment conducive to the appearance of Power Flow. Your goal for creating an environment conducive to Power Flow is using tools in your nonphysical (picture, movies, inner dialog, etc) as well as any physical environments that, for you, nurture your Power Flow. We‘ll talk more about this during the Five Steps for Manifesting portion a little later in this course.

Here are the important points: We don‘t directly ―create‖ the Power Flow we create the ―environment‖ which allows it to present itself. The fundamental indicators of Power Flow is relaxed body and clear mind. Each one of us has their own unique methods of creating this environment.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Belief Systems – Our greatest friend and worst enemy We talked about our Belief Systems in a variety of ways and now understand they are the key to substantial, long lasting, change in our life experience. Let‘s go on a more in depth journey into Belief Systems and the role they play in our manifesting activities.

A case study in manifesting a desire Here‘s a quick example of manifesting a desire. We decide we would like the living room couch to be in a different corner so we need to physical relocate it. While this is obviously true, we overlook the fact that even in a very simple task as this one we still use the same process of manifestation as if we were relocating to a different country or embarking on a brand new career. We had a thought of moving the couch which we coupled with an emotion. In this case we decided it will be a pleasurable experience to have the couch in a different location. When we combine a thought with an emotion we create an intention. We then access our belief systems (this almost always happens without us being aware of it) to determine if this experience is possible for us. For instance, one thing our subconscious will do is perform an inventory check of your muscles and bones to see if it is possible for us to perform this task. If our subconscious decides it is ―safe‖ for us it will then allow our intention to communicate and perform all the physiological processes to manifest our desires into our physical world. Our brain communicates to the nerves and muscles in our body. We use our eyes to locate the couch and assist us in applying the correct force in the appropriate direction to move the couch. The couch is moved and we have completed the manifestation process. 75

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires This same process is used to move a couch or change careers, move to a different location in the world, create more finances or a healthy body. It‘s the very same process. As long as our intentions align with our belief systems manifesting our desired experience is as simple as moving a couch. However, if we had previously injured our back, we may still have the intention of moving the couch but would never ever entertain the idea of acting on that intention because as our subconscious did a check of our belief systems it finds that we ―know‖ we are not strong enough to physically move the couch. It then stops those intentions dead in its tracks because it needs to keep us safe.

Our internal Managers (Mini-Me’s) The key to implementing long lasting changes in our lives lay within our subconscious belief systems, so I would like to take a bit of time to explain exactly what your belief systems are. I‘ve asked someone to help in this discussion whom has been affectionately called Mini-Me. Manager is a character from the hit series of Austin Powers movies. In the movie the arch nemesis has a smaller clone of himself he calls Mini-Me. In a very real way so do we. In fact we have many of them. Quietly going about the business of executing the tasks we have given them. 76

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Never bothering us, or even reminding us they are there unless something happens that troubles them, or is outside the boundaries of what is ―safe‖ for us. Then they very quickly, and effectively, perform the task of bringing us back into alignment and safety.

Conscious Mind

Sub-conscious Mind

This following section refers to our focus notice Awareness circle map. The area inside our AWARENESS circle is our conscious mind. That is our experience, both externally (physical) and internally (thoughts, emotions), that we are aware of. Now, go back to your Focus Notice Awareness circle and label the area outside of the circle with sub-conscious Outside of our sphere of awareness lay the vastness of our sub-consciousness. This is the domain of our belief systems embodied in our Managers. Our belief systems are neither good nor bad. They are not our enemy even though it can sometimes feel that way as we understand how one, or more, of them have limited our experience of life. 77

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Detailed Anatomy of Belief Systems Let‘s refer back to our coffee shop map we call Focus/Notice/Awareness circle. A little earlier I referred to our Belief Systems as Managers and we‘ll use that moniker for this discussion.




Where we live


Living in a difference country



Size & type of home

Blood Pressure

Muscle Mass

Weight 78

Material World

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Your own personal organization chart The diagram above might remind you of an organizational chart for a business or corporation and in a very real way that‘s exactly what you have. As you can see we have Managers that manage our blood pressure and ones that take care of brushing our teeth. Just think of how tedious it would be if we had to re-learn how to brush our teeth every day, and think of how devastating it would be if our body suddenly forgot how to regulate blood pressure. So you see our Managers are not evil by any stretch. We have Managers that come as ―standard equipment‖ when we are born such as blood pressure, digestive systems, etc. We also have a never ending number of Managers we create. I can hear you already saying ―I cannot loose these 20 pounds of excess weight no matter how hard I try. I feel awful about myself every time I look in a mirror. And you‘re telling me I created this!‖ Go back to the first part of the book and re-read the portion about blame. Remember our experience is our experience. Neither good nor bad. Our Managers embody this philosophy in that they do not judge or blame. They carry out the job description they have been given. How they received those instructions are topics for another book so for our purposes here I‘m asking you to take a step of faith and simply release the need to judge yourself and your experience and entertain the fact that the job description your Managers have can be changed.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires And it can. The underlying process of this book is to teach you some simple, practical, steps to contact your Managers and give them new job descriptions. Therein lay the excitement and potentials for radically changing your experiences through conscious deliberate steps.


Where are our Managers seated in our restaurant? Let‘s refer back to our coffee shop or Focus/Notice/Awareness circle. Your Managers are standing just outside the perimeter of the coffee shop and their sole function is to ensure no one that doesn‘t align with each one‘s particular job description enter into your present moment experience. (The Present Moment table at which you are seated)


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Here‘s a quick scenario of how that may look. As I‘ve said you have a group of Managers looking after your physical health and in that group you have one specific one that takes care of your body temperature. Their mandate is to ensure it (as an example) doesn‘t go any lower 60 or 100. As long as the stream of experiences that arrive at your Present Moment table are within those parameters they will politely usher them through the doors and seat them with you in your present moment experience. Let‘s say an experience tries to sneak into the restaurant that doesn‘t align with those parameters. They are bringing a body temperature of 110. Your Manager goes into immediate action. They will speak with other Managers, for instance ones that control breathing, blood glucose, heart rate, perspiration and instruct them to spring into action. Their prime goal is to ensure that intruder of 110 does not make it‘s way to your table. All we consciously are aware of is that we start to sweat. Our Managers, totally outside of our awareness, have taken care of the infinite number of actions to keep us safe.

Your first “date” with your Managers Think of this next section as your first date with your Managers. It‘s very much a ―get to know‖ each other experience. Here‘s some advance information on the character of your Managers. Neither Good nor Bad I know I‘ve just mentioned this but it‘s a crucial piece of understanding in the processes and activities contained in this book. We have a wide variety of experiences that range from luscious to excruciating. Our Managers, however, view them all the same. We judge experiences and situations. They don‘t. It will be east to look at them at times as the villains but understand they are not. Very Efficient


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Your managers are very efficient at the responsibilities they are given. They never sleep, or take a coffee break. They truly are workaholics tireless performing their tasks twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Once each one has their job description they will carry it out with razor like precision. This can be a bit of a good news bad news story in that if they are carrying out activities we want them to but can appear challenging if they are carrying out ones we don‘t. However, remember the last comment that they don‘t see either one as being good or bad. They will carry out the ones we despise with the same voracity as the ones we love. Always Learning Building on the last characteristic, even though some my be heading us in the exact opposite direction than we want them to we aren‘t doomed for eternity to ride with them into oblivion. Our Managers are always learning, changing, and growing. If we provide the proper instructions and mentoring we can teach them new directions and paths. One that serve us and they will head of with machine like accuracy in the new direction equipped with their revised job descriptions. This book is all about understanding and applying that process. Learn Passively or Creatively Adding a little more meat to the bones, our Managers learn in two primary methods. Passive - Everyday, as a matter of fact every moment, they are taking in information from our surroundings (physical, thoughts, and emotions). They are recording our observations, motivations, and responses looking for patterns or trends. In this process our I AM usually isn‘t intrinsically involved in the process. Because of this they may easily identify patterns and trends we passionately dislike and use that information to recreate similar experiences. This is what is happening when we are in the victim direction of flow. Creative – In this method of learning we (I AM) are soundly at the helm. Totally aware of all the information that we are receiving and choosing which ones to retain and which ones to release. We choose our desired experiences and impress them upon our Managers, providing new directions. Essentially consciously revising their job descriptions and then implementing the changes. We are aware and present. 82

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This is the victor flow and the one we want to spend as much time as possible in. Tenacious You will be profoundly aware of this aspect of your Manager when you implement changes in their job description. They will cling to their existing roles as if their lives depended upon it. It many ways it does, as I‘ve mentioned in the foundation mind set of them. Their world is very much sits on the foundation of survival. Essentially kill or be killed and they will fight for you, or at times it may appear against you with seal and persistence. Remember though, it‘s not because they are your enemy, it‘s because you‘ve taught them. As we feel Safe, they feel Safe

Becoming a well oiled machine I‘ve made my very best efforts to help you understand that our Managers are neither good or bad, just very efficient and powerful. However, it can be easy to slip into an adversarial relationship with them especially when we are indentifying those which have limited our experiences. Here‘s the good news to this ―bad news‖ story and it begins with the organizational chart we looked at a few pages back. We truly are the CEO of our own corporation. Like traditional corporations some are mired in bureaucracy, others are in anarchy, others are ready to turn over, and well you get the idea. However there are also those companies that embody creativity, passion, an d success. As you learn that you have a whole legion of managers that are very efficient and powerful. As you learn how to mentor them and change their job descriptions. As you develop a new vision statement and communicate to your managers. 83

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires As they learn they can be flexible to adapt to your new vision.

You now have a very powerful organization that can accomplish nothing short of miracles. What was once confusion has now become a well oiled machine. Our Managers are working on the manifesting of our desires without our being aware of the work in progress. As pieces come into our awareness we sometime assume that they have been created, or originated in our awareness. This is like thinking which came first the chicken or the egg. Sometimes it feels like the thought comes first and sometimes the emotion. The only place we arrange them in order is when they come into our awareness. Not when they were created which is outside of our awareness. We think that our subconscious works on a subconscious level or out of habit or is not aware. This is far from the truth. Our managers are very aware; they are monitoring everything from blood pressure to thoughts to our external stimulus. It‘s just that we are not aware of it. That is why it‘s important to have an intelligent process to communicate to our managers when instituting change. Everything begins with an intention. In short, an intention is a thought coupled with desire (emotion). Our desire is forwarded to, and through, the filtering systems of our personal subconscious beliefs. Once it passes through the scrutiny and modification by our belief systems it is impressed upon group consciousness. We have used the terms ―common sense‖ early in the book to describe a common set of societal belief systems. For our purposes we will call that group consciousness. Once the intention traverses the terrain of group consciousness it shines upon the mirror of reflection that we observe as our experience. We will explore these processes in detail later in this book however it‘s important to have a general idea of how we create to establish a foundation. 84

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The observer observing himself Let‘s us review what we‘ve learned so far to help us understand, in another way, the process of manifestation from the source (you) to the reflection (your external experience) We‘ve learned earlier in the book that our external world is a reflection of ourselves. Very real in and of it self, however, only a representation of ourselves. Often the biggest hurdle that presents itself here is ―How can I be the cause of the ―icky‖ stuff I see in my reflection? I sure don‘t desire it, but I seem to be constantly reflecting it.‖ Maybe this well help. We are going to go an imaginary journey where you will become the mirror. Pretend that you are not the source now but the mirror that is reflecting it. You receive the ―light‖ that is emitted from the source and reflect it back. Now we are going to pretend that the source is a fluorescent light. The ones that you commonly see used in office buildings and other public facilities. These are the ones that are flush with the ceiling. The source is the fluorescent tubes in the light fixture. Normally, if you look at the light fixture you do not see the tubes themselves but a diffuser through which the light shines through. The diffuser is a flat piece of translucent material that‘s textured in such a way as it diffuses (scatters) the light. When you look at the diffuser you see the light from the tubes shining through it. Is it true that when you look at the light you are seeing the light emitted from the tubes? Yes. But isn‘t it also true that you are not seeing the real source of the light? That‘s true too, isn‘t it? The light you are seeing is a representation of the light source but only after it is altered by passing through the diffuser. It is the true light and it isn‘t all at the same time. 85

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Now lets‘ pretend we added another diffuser on top of the first one. This one has a blue tint. Now the light from the source (tubes) travels through the first diffuser, which alters it, travels through the second diffuser which colors it and then is perceived by you. Is the light you see now the source? Yes, but it is also not the true source because now it is now only altered but also colored. Let‘s add one more diffuser to the first two. This one is painted black except for two small holes that are left clear. Now the light from the source travels through the first one that diffuses it, the second one that colors it, and now the third one that blocks all of it except for two small circular holes. As the mirror that is perceiving and reflecting the light source are you seeing the light? Even though all you now see are two small circles of light it is indeed the light. But, of course, it also isn‘t. The diffusers are our Managers. The subconscious belief systems that alter, color, and even block our intentions before they are reflected in the mirror of our external experience. Can you now see how important it is to understand these filters and to be able to release those that don‘t serve us anymore? It doesn't matter how strong our intentions are, how many affirmations we use, the size of our vision board, etc if none of them can get through our filters we will never see them accurately reflected in the mirror of our experience.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The Mechanics of Manifestation Video Clip Four Play the video clip entitled ―Experience Triangle‖

The Mechanics of Manifestation

Five Steps of Manifesting The process of guiding an internal desire to an external manifestation of that desire follows a five step process.

1. Create your desired experience (Creating your ―C‖) 2. Impress your desire on your Managers (Revising their job descriptions) 3. Manage resistance (Your Managers baulking at the changes) 4. Take inspired action (Looking for external clues and cues) 5. Repeat the process as desired (Powerfully enjoying the fruits of your labor) 87

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Step One – Creating your desired experience Creating your “C” It’s amazing how the simplest things can be the most profound. In this chapter I’m going to share a simple equation that has single handedly instigating the quickest changes in people’s lives, period. It is ...

A+B=C Math Class 101 A+B=C 2+2=4 1+1+1+1=4 8/2=4 2*2+8-3+9/6=4


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Look closely at the previous equations. What is the one thing that is consistent in each equation? See it? It‘s the number 4. The single digit on the right hand side of the equation. Using our formula we would call this ―C‖. Now look at the aspect of each equation that varies greatly. It‘s everything on the left hand side of the equal sign. However no matter how simple, or complex, the left hand side of the equation is it always results in, or equals, the same thing. Now let‘s apply this to the manifesting process. Here‘s the first clue. The ―C‖ in this equation is our experience triangle. It is our desired outcome. Everything on the left hand side of the equal sign is an infinite number of computations that can take place that will result in the one single outcome. Our ―C‖ which is, in this case, the number 4. Which brings us to the invaluable application of this in our day to day lives. The ―C‖ is our responsibility; totally and completely. We have total freedom to choose the experience we desire. It is one single outcome. It is the ―what‖ of our desire. Everything on the left hand side is the infinite number of ways that a single experience may be created. This is the ―how‖ aspect of our desire. So, if everything on the right hand side of the equal sign is our responsibility, who looks after the left hand side? One thing for sure, and this is often a challenge for us, is that it‘s not our responsibility. As a matter of fact it‘s not even our business. We would do well to stay far enough away. Everything on the left hand side is the domain and responsibility of the universe. After all it is the only one that has a perspective on the whole picture of creation. It‘s very similar to walking in a maze made of tall hedges. Because we can‘t see over the hedges we have a very limited perspective of the whole picture so invariably fumble our way around 89

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires trying to find the right path. The universe is like someone standing on a ladder in the middle of the maze. It can see the entire configuration and can easily identify the shortest, quickest, and easiest way to navigate. Does it not make sense to leave that task up to someone who is far better to handle it than we are? Remember, at the very beginning of the book where I talked about the Two Commandments? One of them is trust in someone/something bigger than us. The process of A+B=C is a common theme in every one of my teachers lives.

Designing your “C” In this step you are creating the picture of what your desired experience (your ―C‖) is. This is where your understanding of the experience triangle really pays off. We know an experience has four components. We also know we have access to three of them (Physical, Emotional/Charge, Thoughts). So, build your experience filling each of these three areas. Here‘s a simple example. Your desired experience is a week vacation in Mexico. What will that look and feel like using our experience model? The physical aspect: A warm sandy beach. Snorkeling in the crystal clear waters. Feeling the sun on your back. Sitting on the deck of your condo watching the sunset. The emotional: You feel happy, relaxed, and calm. Remember, don‘t get too hung up on the exact label of the emotion but the physical experience/sensation of it. The thoughts: (Hint—This is your inner dialog that‘s always talking to you about your surroundings and yourself) You are thinking to yourself how lucky you are to have this opportunity and how good life is here,. Your inner dialog is talking about how successful and resourceful you are to have created this experience. Get the idea? At first this may seem like a very simple exercise but as you start to practice and implement the manifesting practices outlined in this book you may find that creating your perfect ―C‖ may be a bit of a process. And that‘s where the beauty of living your life in this purposeful 90

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires manner is so exciting. You get to create and experience, then create and experience, over and over. Each one a new adventure and each day getting better and better. Here‘s a handy exercise to help you identify the three components (physical,emotional,thoughts) of an experience. I call it the Ten Second Meditation.

Ten Second Meditation At any moment of the day stop and take a couple of deep breathes to calm your mind and relax your body. Now ask yourself three questions. What does my external environment look like right now? What are the thoughts I‘m thinking right now? What are the emotions I‘m feeling right now? The answers to these questions are not important. Simply ask them and observe what the responses may be. At first this may seem a bit of a challenge however with a bit of practice you will begin to be able to easily break down your current experience into these three components. Your desired experience is really no different than the ones you experience everyday with the exception that they are in the future and they are only limited by your imagination. Oh, and your Managers. as well. But not for long! As you read through the daily coaching sessions later in this book you will learn a variety of hints and tips for creating smoking hot ―C‖s. For now, just start. It‘s never that important that you get it ―right‖ the first time just start. It‘s never the last step that‘s important, just the next step.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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Painting the picture of your desire When we begin to create our desire on the pallet of our nonphysical world through our thoughts and feelings (in our conscious mind) we are, in essence, painting a picture. The screen of our consciousness is our canvas and the picture and words are the paints upon the pallet which is the source of all potentials. We all have the same pallet of colors. We get to choose how we will mix the colors and apply them to the canvas of our life.

Building Your “C” 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Start from a place of relief Begin to add general descriptors of your desired experience Add details to the general descriptions using picture, movies, words As you build your experience monitor your state of relief If a detail causes you to leave the place of relief put it on the left hand side of the equal sign 6. Work towards the sweet spot of desire


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Your painting is a representation of what has already happened When you‘re creating your painting of a desire you are building a picture of what you wish to happen. This is your ―C‖. In other sections of this handbook we have gone to great lengths to emphasize the importance of spending the time and attention to creating this picture. Having done that remember that you are visualizing (living on the inside) the painting of the picture, you are living the completed picture. Read that sentence again. It may feel like a very subtle, or even, inconsequential, point but it has huge implications for what you are manifesting. You are living the experience as if it has already happened. Many times our visualizing is the painting of the picture. The very essence of that perspective is one of not enough or lack. When we live the experience as though it has already happened our perspective is one of more than enough or abundance. I‘ll explain …. Pretend we are sitting across the coffee table from each other and you‘re telling me about this amazing adventure you have just had. You used the skills you learned in this course, created your ―C‖, lived it on the inside, took inspired action, and enjoyed the experience. This is an experience that is now in the past. It has already happened. The painting you created has now become a photograph. This perspective will put you perfectly in the perspective of "already happened and more than enough." 93

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Write me a letter, detailing all the fantastic aspects of your experience. Include all the juicy details. How you felt, what you did, who you saw. That is the experience you are living on the inside. It‘s just that simple. A subtle difference at first glance but a life changing shift when you step into it.

I’m not lost I just don’t know where I presently am Everyone who has ever been a boy scout or girl guide knows that if you are lost in the woods the best thing to do is stay where are at until someone finds you. The worst thing you can do is start wandering around looking for a way out. Our first step in creating our ―C‖ which is the experience we want to grow into, is discovering the experience we are currently in that we would like to leave behind. While this may sound easy at first it can be one of the most freeing or condemning exercises in this book. To do this exercise I will remind you of the previous section where we talked about how our external circumstances is a mirror of our internal state of being. Another definition of internal state of being is who we are. Now that may be easy if we look at an external experience we enjoy and find pleasant however not so easy if we interpret one as non-desirable. In order to perform this task properly I will remind you of the crucial difference between responsibility and guilt. When we look at our external experiences and take blame for them we are giving all of our power to them and effectively paralyzing us to change them. Guilt serves no redeeming purpose except to condemn you to experiencing the same undesired experiences over and over. Responsibility, however, houses absolutely no judgment, which is the precursor to guilt. Responsibility is simply observing and 94

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires acknowledging that what is. It is neither good nor bad. It is not anyone‘s fault (especially yours) it simply is. When we can observe our experiences from a perspective of simply observing and not attaching judgment to them we begin to realize that if our external reflection is totally our responsibility then we have the absolute power to change it. That‘s the fundamental, and crucial, difference. When we blame anyone for our external circumstance we give all our power to change it away. When we release the need to judge and blame we reclaim our power to change it. So, look around you. Just look. Don‘t think about how they transpired, who the players were, who the villains and heroes were. Don‘t tell yourself how unfair life was, and is. Don‘t tell yourself how stupid you were. Don‘t relive all the ―mistakes‖ that created it. Just observe. Take note of those aspects of it you don‘t desire anymore. This is your starting point. From here you can use this information of what you don‘t desire about your present circumstances as the building blocks upon which to create new desires and experiences. Even more than helping you to paint your new picture of you, it allows you to take your power back. Taking your power back is the first, and most powerful, step you can take towards living the life of your dreams with no restraint from yourself or anyone else. You really do create your own world.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Thinking small At first glance you may think it‘s incredibly easy to choose the perfect desired experiences. I will suggest that it may be a little more difficult than you think and may take a bit of work on your part. For years you have conditioned yourself to limit your dreams and desires to neatly fit inside the parameters of what you've previously known to be possible. A big part of this book is teaching you how to stretch and change those parameters. Ever wonder why you have not been satisfied with limited experiences and half dreams? It‘s because that isn‘t who you really are. The very essence of our being is one of limitless abundance. You are designed to be comfortable only with the very best. Anything less than that simply doesn‘t resonant with you and leaves you discontented. Resonance is a very appropriate word here because that‘s exactly what is happening. It many ways the external experience you are currently manifesting is a result of opposing forces within you. The true piece of you that knows no limits and dwells in a constant state of abundance and the limiting beliefs you have chosen to impose upon yourself.act as obstacles and create interferences, or static, in the signal you are broadcasting and therefore experiencing in the reflection in your mirror of reality. You are designed for the very best. Frankly anything less just won‘t do and will leave you feeling less than who you really are. This book is about you remembering. Remembering who you really are. In that remembrance freedom is re-discovered and along with it peace. You will find the journey towards this state of being will require energy and work on your part. You have years


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires of programming to investigate, heal, and release. What you will also find is, that if you don‘t quit, you will enter a kingdom of effortless creation that you never dreamt possible. You will find it will become easier and easier to manifest those things that resonate with your true nature. One of the very best. The work and stress you feel now is the stress of limiting yourself. Imagine a large beach ball in a pool. You can use force and submerge the beach ball. As long as you exert force you will be able to keep it under the surface of the water. However that is not the nature of the beach ball. By it‘s very nature it is designed to float on the surface. You can hold that beach ball under the water for a minute or a day and as soon as you release it, it effortlessly floats to the surface of the water and peacefully takes it‘s rightful place. It took energy and work to hold the ball under the water. It took releasing and letting go to allow it return to it‘s natural state. That is the journey you are about to embark upon. You have many beach balls you are holding under the water. One by one we will show you how to discover them, heal them, and release them. Step by step you will return to your natural state of being. One of abundance and boundlessness.

The art of receiving and giving If we look back in our histories we will often find clues as to what really turns us on. Identifying these things are of great value as they help us to construct the ―C‖. The ―C‖ applies to us. For myself I receive great joy out of teaching and speaking to others. My service to, and on behalf, of the universe. But what is it that I truly enjoy independent of anyone else? What is it that I enjoy experiencing/receiving from the universe? For me it‘s exploring and traveling to new places. Places 97

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires that I have never been before. I enjoy sitting in airports waiting for my plane. I enjoy riding on a bus to a new destination. I enjoy exploring a new area and finding the grocery store, the coffee shops, etc. I enjoy packing my carry on bag. I enjoy traveling light. When I look back on my life I see the essence of these activities mirrored in my hobbies. I enjoy creating something from nothing. I.E. music, I enjoy creating new workshops and WebPages and marketing ideas. We have two facets of our purpose in life. One is our service to mankind and the second is service to ourselves. Both are complimentary while at the same time unique unto themselves. ―C‖ of the equation is all about us. We can‘t earn it, because we don‘t have to. We don‘t have to find it because it‘s already here. We don‘t have to worry about being selfish because there is always more than enough. It is simply about choosing our desire, believing we can have it and then gratefully receiving it. It‘s just that simple. Not always that easy to apply. But just that simple. The receiving always comes first. Every time. As our receiving causes us to overflow with abundance in all areas of our lives it is from that overflow that we are able to serve. It is serving from a place of abundance that truly empowers our serving. Serving from a place of lack or not enough is one of the main reasons we are not as effective as we would like to be and often suffer ―burn out‖. If you‘ll pardon a well used metaphor we are a vessel that receives to the brim and as we overflow our abundance spills down on those around us.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Enough is enough How do we know when we have hit the ―sweet spot‖ for our ―C‖? The following is a handy guide you may find helpful in creating your purest ―C‖ possible. The one that‘s based upon relief and marinated with excitement and the slightest sprinkling of the fear that comes from stepping into new, uncharted, territory. Below you will find a scale from one to five. Your goal is to add pieces to your ―C‖ picture and trying to get as close as you can to 5 without slipping out of relief. This is very much an ongoing processes so first time, or ever really. You will find your part. The game is always exciting and fun better.

don‘t get hung up on doing it perfect the ―C‖ will change as you do. That‘s the fun and your ―C‖ can always get better and

5 - My goodness this is Heaven! (Ecstatic) 4 - Wow, this feels pretty cool (excitement) 3 - I think I can do this (interesting) 2 - I know I can do this (confident) 1 - I‘m bored, what‘s on TV? (Indifferent) Remember we always use relief as our fundamental indicator. Over and above all other measurements we must stay in the place of relief. Otherwise the effectiveness of everything else is greatly reduced. 99

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires As you begin to add pieces of the puzzle to your ―C‖ every once in a while take a look at the picture thus far and see where it fits on the thermometer. The higher the rating the more potent your ―C‖ is going to be.

Bursting your bubble Here‘s what you will probably find will happen. You will start from a place of let‘s say 1 or 2. As you add more pieces you start to move up the scale. Then for some strange reason you find yourself moving back down even though your ―C‖ may be getting bigger and bigger. When we challenge a belief system (which is what we are doing with a properly constructed ―C‖) we go from a 1 and begin to move up the scale of believability. This stresses the belief. If you go too far it begins to leave the upper end of our belief system and we‘ll notice ourselves moving back down the scale. This is a very good sign that the desire, at least for this moment, is so far outside the parameters of believability for us that our belief system does not feel threatened in any way. It‘s kind of like deciding your ―C‖ is to manifest one million dollars in the next seven days, or loose 20 pounds of weight by tomorrow. They are wonderful stories but they do not resonate with our sense of believability. As you move up and down the scale as it corresponds to your ―C‖ you will eventually find the spot that stresses your belief systems to the maximum advantage without going too far into the realm of unbelievability. Remember, your ―C‖ contains the passion which is the fuel that will carry you through the processes that lay ahead into the realization of your dreams.

More please … As you continue reading and putting into practice creating your perfect ―C‖, you see the vital importance and value of well crafted desired experience. 100 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

You are also learning the importance of perspective and whether you are looking from a place of not enough (lack) or more than enough (abundance) When you are contemplating and speaking to yourself about your ―C‖ listen for the word ―more‖ in your thought process and expressions of them through speech and/or writing them down. When ever you hear or see the word more that is a sure fire indicator that you are taking a perspective of not enough. The very act of using the word more in conjunction with our desires indicates there is not enough of whatever we want more of. Paying attention to what comes after the ―more‖ will give you an indication of what your real desired experience is. Remember it‘s always about creating an experience that has already happened. Not what is going to happen. You will see the immense value in this when we enter the section of living your ―C‖ from the inside out.

Which “C” is the right “C” for me? Okay, so you‘re studied the process for building your ―C‖. Now you‘re punching them out like cookies on an assembly line. But how many is too many? What if I have some that I‘ve missed? What if I forget to focus on one of them? Can‘t you just feel the ―other than relief‖ starting to creep in? It has been my experience that the quantity isn‘t near so important as the quality of your ―C‖. Remember, the external component of our ―C‖‘s is not nearly as important as the internal state of being. The specifics of the external piece may, as a matter of fact probably will, fluctuate and change however the universe will be reflecting back experiences that are in alignment with how we feel and think on the inside because that‘s what‘s really important.

Your goal is to be in a state of relief. That is the one priority for you. As long as you visualize, daydream and experience those wonderful feelings you will have when a ―C‖ manifests you are doing things perfectly. We have a whole host of Managers diligently carrying out our desires. Granted we will have to mentor them along the way but just because we are not consciously focusing on a ―C‖ does not mean nothing is happening. Actually the exact opposite. When we 101

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires release a ―C‖ from our conscious mind we are delegating it to our managers. They will call us (obstacles) if they need us. You will probably find that different ―C‖‘s will rise to the top of your consciousness from day to day. Simply be aware of them and focus on the one that‘s currently in front and center and causes you to feel the most relief. The rest will take care of themselves.

A perfect Day Here‘s another exercise you can do to help you develop your perfect ―C‖. Think of what a perfect day would look, and feel like, to you. Start from the moment you wake up. ·What time would it be? ·Where would you be? ·What climate would you be in? ·What city would you be in? Pretend you are designing the opening scene in a movie. ·What would you do after you wake up? ·Would you go to the gym? ·Would you travel to a school where you would teach? ·Or maybe you are the student? ·Would you join a group of individuals to create new and exciting ideas and inventions? ·What creative outpouring of your receiving would you do that day? ·Would you go to an office, or would you head to the beach with 102

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires your laptop, or maybe your writing pad? ·What would you do for lunch? ·What would you eat? ·Who would you be eating it with? You get the idea. Create a perfect day for you. No limitations. No can‘t haves. No must dos. You have a blank script and you get to create whatever you wish. Whatever really turns you on. At first glance this may seem extremely easy, however I bet you‘ll find as you actually begin to ask these questions you may find more questions than answers. That‘s perfect! The answers to these questions help you to really discover what your perfect ―C‖ looks like for you. Many of you reading this will have an occupation you get paid for time. A typical eight to five job. Notice how my opening question wasn‘t how would a perfect ―work‖ day feel like to you. This is your perfect day. Maybe it involves going to a workplace office for set hours but maybe, and probably, not. This exercise is designed to stretch your mind and allow you to entertain possibilities that you quite likely never even considered before. Remember, it‘s your life you are creating.

Four score and twenty years ago Many of you have probably heard, and even tried, writing your goals (or in our language our ―C‖) in black and white. Maybe in the form of a list or a narrative. I never had much luck doing that in the past. It definitely caused me to be in a place other than relief. Until I discovered why you write them down. 103

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires While there are many reasons people will give for doing this exercise I finally heard one that really resonated with me and converted me into an avid desire writer. I‘m sure you know we, generally speaking, have two hemispheres in our brain. The right which is the creative and emotional aspect and the left which is the analytical and motor functions domain. Much of the work we do when creating our desired experience and living it on the inside resides comfortably in the right hand hemisphere of our brain. When we write our desires down we are engaging the left hand side of our brain. This allows us to engage both halves working together which will supercharge our manifesting abilities like you wouldn‘t believe!

One of these things is not like the others By now you have probably heard that the teachings in this course come from the common threads I identified during the hours and hours of teaching I immersed myself in from a wide variety of teachers plus the invaluable teachings from the Universe I personally received. In these next few paragraphs I‘m going to talk about the one area that contained the most diverse of opinions. It is directly related to your ―C‖, and the technique that most dabblers of Law of Attraction use, and probably the ones that contain the most mistakes for them. Here it is. How detailed do I get when I‘m creating the intention or the picture of what I desire in my mind? Many teachers will tell you it‘s crucial to be as detailed as possible when creating your pictures or visualizations. Using an easy example, if you are manifesting a new car you are supposed to be very particular and specific about color, year, type, shape, etc. The theory behind this is the more 104

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires specific we are the more accurate the message is we are sending out to the universe. If we don‘t include all the details the universe will get confused. Here is the key, and it‘s in one word. Relief. Relief is always the highest priority and first step in the entire manifestation process. Begin to build your picture. Stir up excitement. However, always remember, as soon as we leave the place of relief we start to hinder the process. If you can define intricate details of your desire and still feel relief that‘s perfect. If there are details that take you from relief, leave them out. At least for now. As you practice and get better at the process you will be able to modify your desires more and more.

Good questions to ask when evaluating your “C” ·Do I have to try and think about it or does it naturally float into my awareness? ·Do I know how I am going to achieve it? Do I know the steps? ·Do I feel excited and a little trepidatious at the same time? ·Am I in relief? ·Is it an experience or the vehicle? (which side of the equal sign) ·Is it all about me? ·Is it the absolute best dream imaginable and still be believable?

Who’s chasing who? When you choose a desire it will begin its journey towards you. Then ―all‖ we need to do is remove the obstacles in between us and it. So many times we think we have to march towards our goal however it‘s much easier, and sometimes the only way, we can experience them is by understanding they are not some static target far away but a moving target heading in our direction. Help it by removing the hurdles we have placed as obstacles. 105

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Defining your “C” At first glance you may say ―Defining my ―C‖ is a no brainer! Of course I know what I want/desire‖. However, when you get right down to it you may find it not as clear cut as you think. For many of us we have pared down our ―C‖ to fit inside our belief systems for so long we have almost forgotten what we ―really‖ want. You may be surprised as you look at the painting of your ―C‖ at how much you have dampened down your true desires. This is one of the really fun parts of this process because you get to reacquaint yourself with the life of adventure and wonderment you may have forgotten existed. Too many people think they know what they want but when it comes right down to it have more of a vague fuzzy idea than a clear cut vision.

What is your Sacred Cow? What‘s your sacred cow? These are those things that we are very emotionally attached to. For some it may be money, others it may be time, etc. Almost like we‘re addicted to it so it‘s sometimes a good idea to stay away from the triggers while making changes. Like a smoker who‘s trying to quit that stays around other smokers all the time. While we are changing beliefs etc we remove ourselves from our triggers until we become stronger. Otherwise it‘s difficult to gain momentum. Remember, direction of flow. Our sacred cows will be those things that as soon as we notice them we feel the flow switch directions.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

The Sacred Cow of Money Money is a symbol not an experience. When we visualize money we are treading on the domain of the left hand side of the equal sign and stepping into the ―hows‖. Let‘s use an analogy of the battery (potential energy) and the light bulb (kinetic energy). The battery has stored potential energy. However all it has is potential. There is no movement until there is something for it to flow into and give life. In this case a small light bulb. When we connect the light bulb to the battery the potential energy now has somewhere to flow and it‘s the flowing of energy that manifests in our physical experience as a glowing light bulb. Money is potential energy, not an experience. Go past the potential energy and focus on what device (light bulb) you wish to give that energy to.

Whew, that was close! The dangers of reprieve as opposed to relief . There is a very big difference between reprieve and relief and learning to identify between the two will be of great value to us as we go about manifesting our desires. Reprieve is temporary. Remember back to when you were sick or in pain. Let‘s say you had a headache and you took some aspirin. Remember the feeling when the pain killers kicked in? And then in 2 or 4 hours they wore off and the pain was back. That is what reprieve is. It is also very often a wonderful clue towards uncovering another limited belief (excuse) we have created. 107

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Think back to a time when you were thinking about embarking on a new project, a job promotion, a challenge of some type that caused you to step out of your comfort zone. As you experienced the uncomfortablenes that is an indicator of growth all of a sudden a multitude of people, places, things or events suddenly arose that provided ample amount of reasons for not proceeding. Isn‘t it interesting how enticing those temptations can be? And how easily we can succumb to them and then enjoy the intoxicated feeling of reprieve. It feels so good. Almost freeing. However, it only lasts for a ―night‖. And then the morning comes and the reprieve is over and we‘re back inside the prison of repitition. Relief does not originate in our external environment. Relief truly does come from inside. It is the feeling of being free. Of being not afraid. Of being not afraid of feeling afraid. It is not being apprehensive about what may happen, could happen, would happen. Relief (or peace) is our steady state (our I AM place). It is always there. It is what we return to not turn to. It is what we are not what we covet or chase. We don‘t have to find relief anywhere because we already possess it. As a mater of fact we are it. We are the embodiment of peace. That is who we are.

Need vs. Desire Need implies some unpleasant or undesired outcome if we don‘t get what we need, therefore it is much easier to attach to the outcome. Desire is simply desire. If we receive it that‘s great. If we don‘t that‘s OK too. It‘s more of a preference. Something we would like however our world won‘t end if we don‘t get, or experience, it. Need also initiates something other than relief. A desire always places us firmly in a place of relief. We may feel anticipation, passion, and excitement when we are pursuing a desire however we always have an underlying feeling of relief.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Taking the Right Perspective It‘s not where you‘re looking to; it‘s where you‘re looking from that matters. Perspective is a point of view. So the question is not what you are looking at, it‘s where you are looking from that matters. When you discover where you are looking from you discover the secret of manifestation. You begin to see the origins of your creation. Change that, and your world will never be the same. There are really only 2 basic perspectives. You can look from a perspective of not enough (lack) or you can look at it from a perspective of more than enough (abundance). Here‘s a fun and easy exercise you can use to clarify exactly where your point of perspective is.

There is the vision, or picture, of a desire and then there is the one who desires it? Now go ahead and create a ―C‖. That is the vision. That is not what sets up the resonance and frankly isn‘t your ―C‖. Go to the vision and look backwards. Look at the one who is looking at the vision. That‘s you by the way. Where are you looking at the vision from? Are you looking at it from a place where it hasn‘t happened yet? Is the ―you‖ in the diagram looking at a ―C‘ that‘s in the future? As I‘ve mentioned before this can initially seem like a subtle difference but it‘s huge. Bigger than you may think actually. In the next step you will begin to live on the inside where you are at, not where you are looking to. Your ―C‖ is where you wish to be as though you were already there. It‘s not going to happen, it has happened. When you hop over to the vision side and look at the observer you should both be in the same place. 109

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You do not resonate where you are looking to you resonate where you are looking from.

The importance of choosing a “C” you can never achieve While this sounds a little crazy stay with me a bit and it will make sense. The following illustration comes from a lecture I heard from Bob Proctor. He divides goals/dreams/desires into three categories. The first is a goal that you know you can achieve because you‘ve done it many times before. The previous sentence pretty much explains itself. While this is very safe it‘s merely another revolution of the same wheel you've been running on. The second is a goal that causes you to stretch but really doesn‘t ―turn your crank‖. While this allows you to step into your discomfort zone of growth, because it doesn‘t really excite you, you quickly give up and return to what you have always thought and done. Also, often in these type of goals you can fairly easily come up with the ―how‖ portion of the equation as to how you‘re going to make it happen. This places us squarely on the left hand side of the equal sign and we now know we have no business being there. Then there is the third one. This is the one that causes your heart to leap with joy and twitter with fear. It‘s the one where you literally salivate every time you think about. There is virtually no ―how‖ mostly because you don‘t have any idea of how it‘s going to happen. This is very convenient because it very effectively keeps you from interfering with the How of the process. This is the one that you don‘t have to try to conjure up 110

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires when you‘re visualizing because it will naturally float into your awareness even when you aren‘t trying because it causes you to feel so great. This also gives you the fuel that will pull you through the process of manifestation and the work that will be involved when releasing the obstacles that will arise. Remember obstacles are not ―bad‖. They are simple the signs of a belief system that is being stressed by you. While they are not always pleasant and will require work on your part they are sure fire signs of progress.

What’s the easiest and most fun solution? Think of what is the easiest and most pleasant answer to a question, or problem. Instead of focusing on how to make things work with what you can see in front of you focus on the easiest and most fun solution. When you find yourself in a ―lack‖ thought process or situation think of what the easiest and most fun ―solution‖ would be. Not the one that fit‘s into your realms of what is possible. What is the ideal solution not just the one that feels possible.

Getting your monies worth. One of the incredibly efficient and valuable aspects of working directly with your Managers is that by changing their job description it can powerfully influence a wide range of ―C‖s as well as the specific one you‘re working on. For instance, let‘s say your specific ―C‖ is to lower your blood pressure to a healthy level. When you begin to live that on the inside you are going to be working with the Manager for your health. As you work with them and they begin to adapt their job description to accomplish this task at the same time they communicate with your Manager for weight, and diet. So now not only is your blood pressure coming in line but also you find yourself naturally desiring to eat better and somehow those extra 15 pounds you just couldn‘t seem to 111

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires get rid of have ―magically‖ disappeared.

What’s the theme of your new life?

Up to this point we have talked about constructing your perfect ―C‖. For me the next logical question would be how many ―C‖‘s should I have? Can I have too many? How do I keep all these things organized, and boy if I spend even ten minutes a day on each of these two dozens ―C‖‘s there will be no more day left for anything else. This is a very valid question, and here‘s where the value of taking a look at all of your ―C‖‘s to discover what the new theme is for your life. Let‘s say you have the following list of ―C‖‘s 1. 2. 3. 4.

Laying on a beach in Mexico working on my tan Completing my first marathon Putting on a pair of jeans that I used to wear ten years ago Dancing the night away in my favorite club

If we look at these I think you may begin to see a central theme flowing through them. Do you see it? I‘m guessing this imaginary person who selected these ―C‖‘s is planning on releasing some extra body fat and desiring a fit and healthy body. Remember, it‘s the essence, or the inner state of being (thoughts and emotions) that we are really looking for in any desire. So, now rather than having four desired experiences you need to work on how about condensing it down to a picture of yourself in perfect health and fitness. You can use the external aspects of your experiences listed above to help construct that picture, or experience, of you being in state of healthfulness you desire.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires This is actually a very valuable exercise to undertake because, once again, it helps you on your journey toward the perfect ―C‖. One that directly works with your managers and will give you the most experiential bang for your manifesting efforts.

Step Two – Impressing your desire on your Managers

What is Stress? Stress, just thinking about the word stresses me out! <grin> It seems like so many of us carry around a huge bucket with a bright label on it saying ―Stress‖. We use it, mis-use it, and abuse it at will. When we boil it down to the basics, consciously creating our experience involves simply taking the model we have built in the non-physical (these are our thoughts which are made up of pictures/movies and voices/dialogs) and applying stress to the existing models to re-position them. As we hold those aspects we have total control over (thoughts and degree of relief) the existing belief systems and our physical world will eventually come into alignment. Stress is merely misalignment. Whenever one of the aspects of an experience is out of alignment, our belief system will try and bring it back into alignment. One of two things will happen. Either our behavior will change or the belief will. In order for the behavior to change all we have to do is stop applying the stress and it will naturally fall back into alignment. That is why it is easier to do nothing than it is to have our experiences get better and better. When things are in alignment there is no stress. It doesn‘t mean we‘re happy or satisfied, just in alignment. 113

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It is often effective to use massive stress to institute change by applying stress to as many of the elements of our experience triangle as possible. This will incur significant amounts of resistance as the alignment process begins. Other times it‘s effective to gently coax a misalignment and allow a smooth slow consistent realignment to happen. The universe is constantly wishing to express itself through us. That is why even if we do nothing stress will be applied to our experience. This is also why all we have to do as the resistance surfaces is nothing. Our being is moving towards its ideal alignment which is the unbounded expression of who we are meant to be. The whole process of releasing and removing obstacles and blockages is simply applying stress and learning how to not get in the road of them leaving. Here‘s an important note relating to stress (enforced misalignment) and relief. Remember it‘s not what we are doing so much as where we are doing it from. When I work out at the gym I am stressing my muscles with the intention of making them grow. When I think about these experiences I am in a state of relief because it is my choice to apply the stress and I am in total control. Are we consciously applying stress to grow or is the circumstance placing us in it? Many times stress is a physical manifestation of loss of control. Again it comes down to stress is neither good nor bad. What makes it so is who is initiating and managing it; you or the external circumstances?


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Giving them their new job descriptions

Becoming an Actor and living your “C” on the inside This is the part where you have an opportunity to resurrect your high school acting lessons. You are going to begin to live your desired experience on the inside or within the nonphysical hemisphere. You are going to ―pretend‖ your desired experience has already happened.

At first glance this may seem very elementary and even childish but stick with me. Do not under estimate the value because of the simplicity in this step. Many times the reasons life is so complicated is because we have chosen it to be that way. Therefore we have decided that the ―solutions‖ must be just as complicated. I‘m very pleased to let you know that‘s not the case here. The premise of these steps lay in our conversation about stress. Remember how our Manager‘s primary task is to keep all aspects of our experience in alignment with our limited beliefs? As long as they‘re aligned there is no stress. Not to say we‘re happy just in alignment. What you are going to do now is begin to consciously apply stress to the system. We are going to use the aspects of our experience where we have total control. These are our thoughts and direction of flow. We are also going to use aspects of the physical however they will be used primarily to support the thought aspects. There are a variety of methods and techniques you can use to do this. We will give you some suggestions here however there are virtually unlimited methods you can use. What‘s important is finding the one(s) that are most effective for you.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires To get you started here‘s a simple and powerful one. You may know this as visualization; however the steps below have a distinct different in that this process includes working with your ―power flow‖ as well as pictures and affirmations in our mind. (Refer to the Direction of Flow we talked about earlier in the workshop if you wish to review)

1. Select a time of your day that you can be undisturbed for ten minutes. Make yourself comfortable and begin to take smooth, relaxed breaths. If you have practiced any type of relaxation or visualizing exercises you will be very familiar with this often used physical step. I know I have and I often wondered what the big deal was with the whole ―deep breathing thing‖. I knew that there were obvious physical relaxing benefits however in the process of writing this book I discovered a whole new dimension of value to the simple, yet powerful, act of conscious deep breathing. As you continue to read and practice the processes and practices in this book you will begin to realize the freedom that comes from simply having all your focus in the present moment. Briefly described, the present moment is having your focus on this exact moment. Not yesterday, or even ten minutes ago. Not tomorrow or ten minutes from now but in this very moment. A very effective way of doing this is to focus on something we can only do in the present moment. We can‘t breathe yesterday and we can‘t breathe tomorrow. We can only breathe in this present moment. So, by focusing on something we can only do ―now‖ we very effectively bring our focus into this very moment. Cool huh? Okay, let‘s go to the next step.

2. Here‘s the ―pretending‖ part. Begin to visual in your mind or your ―C‖. Using the raw materials of your Thought Pies (pictures or movies, and dialogs) to create the pictures of your ―C‖ and then begin to focus on them. The specifics come from the work you‘ve done in the previous section on creating your desired experience(s). 116

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Think of it as daydreaming with a purpose using the items you noted in the previous section. Begin to use your I AM voice to say the thoughts and statements you previously noted. Do your best to immerse yourself in the various emotional sensations that will present themselves; riding upon the Power Flow direction that you will feel when this experience has come to pass. As a review our Power Flow is when our body is relaxed, our mind is clear, we feel safe and immersed in Relief. Do you notice what you are doing now? You are taking all the aspects of your desired ―C‖ that you have control over right now and ―pretending‖ to live them. As with most things consistency is more important than duration. Ten minutes daily is much more effective than twenty minutes today and than an hour next Tuesday, etc. In combination with this begin to do any physical actions, that are in alignment with your desired ―C‖, that you are able to do right now. If your desire is a vacation in Mexico pick up some travel brochures or visit websites that talk about Mexico. If you have a fitness desire begin to read exercise magazines, or start to do some research on healthy eating habits. Each of these examples help us to fill in the physical piece of the desire. There is one distinct difference between living the physical and living the thoughts (non-physical) aspects. As I mentioned we have total control over what we think and imagine. This is not the case with the physical. This is why it‘s important to understand that the physical actions we take are designed to supplement and enhance the other two. (Visuals and Voices – Thought Pies) There are some steps we can take right now but there will also be several we can‘t. That‘s perfect. As your desires begin to manifest in your physical environment more and more opportunities will present themselves to take physical actions towards your desired experience. I‘ll use a couple of examples. Let‘s say your desire is a financial increase of some kind. You begin to visual and think the thoughts you will think and then you promptly go about and max out every credit card you have ―living‖ the physical aspect of it. 117 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Or, you are working on a fitness goal so you go and purchase a complete new wardrobe that‘s four sizes smaller that you currently are. These are two very good examples of what not to do! Remember we‘re creating our world from the inside out, not the other way around. Some of the aspects of your desired experiences you can live right away as we have just mentioned. Other aspects will take a period of time to manifest.

A quick word on props There are probably not many of you that haven‘t heard of, and probably used, affirmation statements, vision boards, objective lists, etc. Because of this I will not spend a lot of time on them other than to say this. They are very valuable tools and props to assist you in living your experience in the two areas you have complete control over which are your thoughts and Power Flow (PF). Just remember they are props not solutions. Use them to assist you in building the vividness and intensity of your internally created experience. Don‘t get too hung up on whether they are constructed exactly perfect, or even worded the right way. These aspects are very important however sometimes I think we elevate them to the status of our solutions rather that a valuable assistant.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Remember the power lies in you choosing to ―be‖ your desired experience. That happens on the inside. If you forget to spend your fifteen minutes a day gazing at your vision board, or break out in a sweat because you‘re reciting 275 affirmation statements you may be a little bit too far into the ―doing‖ column and definitely not in Relief.

A penny for your thoughts Earlier in the book we talked about the different aspects of an experience. The two we have total control, and total access to, are our thoughts and Direction of Flow or Power Flow. When we impress our desires upon our Managers we will spend a significant amount of time working in the area of our thoughts and power flow. This is also where the effects of the stress we are placing on our Managers will start to surface. I would like to spend a little time talking about what a thought and the physical experience of an emotion we attach to it really is. For this I will use the analogy of a radio station. In it‘s very basic form a radio station has programs that it broadcasts through the air that we pick up with the antenna of our radio receivers converting the electrical energy back to sound waves. Your thoughts are the program. They define the characteristics of the signal that will be sent out. Is it a talk show, daily news, or top 40 music? However, with out the broadcast transmitter the program will have no noticeable effect and we sure aren‘t going to be able to pick it up on our radio receivers. When we take that program and empower it with the transmitter we are now sending that signal in every direction for great distances.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires This is why it is so important to monitor what we are thinking and especially what thoughts we focus on. When ever we have a thought in our mind we have a specific program that may be broadcast far and wide. Our opinion of the program is, in many ways, irrelevant. The manager of the radio station may not necessarily like the nature of a talk show in the program line up but it doesn‘t change the fact that it is still there and it will be broadcast through the transmitter. Here‘s where the power of focus comes into play. The program (specific thought) has very little power until we offer it to the transmitter (power flow). When thoughts present themselves in our minds it is very important to be aware of them. When we choose to focus on them we will almost invariably experience the physical sensations of the emotion attached to them. It doesn‘t matter what kind of emotion because any emotion provides the broadcaster with a signal it sends to the mirror of our external experience and it will begin to reflect that back to us. The power is in our choosing what we will focus on. Do not be afraid of unwanted thoughts as you are aware of them. They are very valuable actually because they are our Managers making themselves known to us so we can mentor them through the changes we are impressing upon them. We‘ll talk about how to do that in the next step. As you practice, purposefully choosing what thoughts you will focus on and empower it through your power flow you will have taken a giant step towards not only managing your thoughts and emotions but directing them into the new vision you have for yourself.


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Throwing the small ones back Once you create your desire on the ―C‖ side then throw them back over the fence to the left hand side of the equal sign and enjoy life. When you wish to send more energy to them bring them back work on them and then throw them back over the fence. You cannot make them happen. Once you throw them back the best thing you can do is do things that bring about the power flow in your experience. As you do that you will feel happy, free, etc because then you will be able to sense if there's anything you need to do. If you are stressing at relaxing you will not see or hear when there‘s something for you to do. Often the best thing you can do after you throw your desire back over the fence is forget about it while it‘s there and have fun.

Pouring salt into the wound Here‘s a really cool action step you can take to accelerate the assimilation of the new job descriptions you are giving your managers. We talked many times about how, when you impress your desires, your Managers are going to complain. This is a sign of progress not discouragement. While they will naturally come to your awareness, sometimes you can accelerate the process by stirring them up a little yourself. IMPORTANT: In order to do this effectively it‘s important that you stay in a position of strength (Power Flow) and not allow yourself to get caught up in the dramas they are going to present to you. You may not want to lunge into this technique with your sacred cows. At least not initially. Many times you will know the external triggers or internal thoughts that are obstacles to the changes you desire. They will often be components of the ―how‖ of your desired experience which means it will come from the left hand side of the equal sign. You can use these to purposefully irritate your managers and bring them to you so you can mentor and heal them. 121

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Before you do this be sure to be in as much relief as you can. If you are familiar with any type of meditative practice or relaxation technique it can be very useful here. We have a very simple present moment awareness technique outlined in this book you can use as well. The purpose of this is to place you in a relaxed, calm state. It‘s also a good idea to find a quiet place with no distractions as well. Choose a desired experience (your ―C‖) to work with. Once you have that in your mind select a component of it that you placed on the left hand side of the equal sign when you were creating your perfect ―C‖. Bring that back into your awareness. As you do this pay close attention to how you feel, the other thoughts that may pop into your awareness, as well as how you feel physically (Power Flow). As you focus your attention on the irritant to your place of relief allow yourself to feel a little discomfort. Nothing too intense just a mild sensation(s) letting you know you are leaving the place of relief. Once you get to a place that‘s mildly uncomfortable just stay in that moment. Observe any thoughts that may be going through your mind but don‘t get caught up in them. Just observe them. Do the same thing with your emotions and your physical body. You may want to speak to your managers that you have called into your awareness with this technique and explain to them there is a new direction for them. You may use the emotional releasing technique we have described in this manual. The purpose of this exercise is to gently release the emotional charge around items from the left hand side of the equation you are working with. The more you can release the emotional charge to them the quicker your subconscious beliefs can be released to change. This does not have to be done all in one sitting. Do as much as you‘re comfortable with and then send it back over to the left hand side of the equal sign. 122

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As with most of the techniques in this book quality wins over quantity every time. This should not be a long drawn out exercise. Five or ten minutes is perfect. Plus you want to ease into this exercise because if you try and go too far too fast you run the risk of getting caught up in your mangers dramas and only sealing them in more.


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Step Three Managing Obstacles Your Managers baulking at their new job descriptions

The secret weapon of obstacles It‘s time to discuss one of the most, if not the most, powerful force in our world. It‘s emotions. When you stress your managers they are going to complain. After all they don‘t like change any more than any of us do. When they complain they will make themselves known in your conscious experience (obstacles and/or resistances). When these events occur you will find that you will ―feel‖ them in your thoughts and emotions. Remember these are the two aspects of an experience that we have total control over. So, now I ask you a question, ―Which one causes the discomfort we experience? Is it the thought? I can ask you right now to think about a red rubber ball. In all likely hood you can think about a red rubber ball all day and not feel any emotions. However, if I ask you to think back to a time in your life when you experienced some type of trauma, or one filled with joy, you will experience the power of emotions.‖ The discomfort we feel is in the emotion not the thoughts. This is very important when working with your managers and the obstacles they will present to you. Because of this I would like to take a bit of time to revisit our discussion of what emotions are. 124

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Hooked on a feeling This is going to sound very obvious but take a minute to think about it anyway. An emotion is a physical feeling. It may have a label (happy or sad) but we experience it as a collection of physical sensations in our body. When we‘re nervous we will often get a nauseous stomach or our mouth may go dry. When we are happy our heart rate may increase slightly and our skin may even flush. So, where‘s the power in emotions? It‘s not in the name we use. We could call nervousness ―Earl‖ for all we care because it‘s not the name it‘s the physical sensations. When you are impressing your ―C‖ on your Managers you will probably have them coming to you bringing along a bucket of physical sensations under the banner of emotions. Here‘s the important chapter of this story and it comes in the form of a question. If you had a huge dinner and totally stuffed yourself you may feel a bit nauseous. While it may not be a pleasant feeling it doesn‘t cause you to run screaming into the night because it is simply a nauseous stomach. When your manager comes to you and brings along their good friend nervousness we can redefine that as they are bringing along a nauseous stomach. If we can not step into the concept we have constructed around the label of an emotion and break it down into a simple series of physical sensations it allows us to stand firm and not get caught up in the drama of our managers.

A Rose by any other Name Pay attention to your words and how you choose to use them. All words are labels that are connected to a series of subconscious beliefs. When we use a particular word it accesses these limiting beliefs usually totally unaware. We may consciously think they don‘t have an effect how that is not where the effect takes place. It takes place totally unaware however greatly affects the upper part of the triangle. 125 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The difference between awareness and focus. It is important to speak to you of these two words especially in regards to your thoughts. The pictures, the scripts, and the emotions that you experience. Many times you feel you have to not think of a thing in order to be free of it. That you must drive or release the emotion, thought and no longer be aware of it. We would say to you that is not required and especially in the beginning close to impossible. You see when we try to remove it from our awareness using any particular technique we have to focus on it in order to do so. Then the only way we know if it‘s gone is to look for it (focus) to see if it is, or is not, there. The very act of us looking for it places our focus upon it and sure enough there it is. What‘s truly important is not that you are not aware of a thought or emotion but that you do not focus upon it. Do you see the difference? We‘ll use the illustration of driving a vehicle. As you drive down the road you are aware of the terrain and activity on either side of the road. You are aware of where the ditches are, you are aware of any obstacles that may suddenly enter your path. However, where are you focused? Yes, on the road straight ahead of you. When you focus on the road ahead of you do the ditches suddenly disappear? No. They are still there. You are aware of them however you are not focusing on them. Do you see how this can apply to your thoughts and pictures? It is actually very important to become aware of limiting beliefs and the best way to discover them is to be aware of our thoughts, pictures, and dialogs. They give us valuable clues to obstacles we may wish to work on in order to affect their release. When we are releasing or healing them that is where we put our focus. However, when we are done our healing work we then change where we place focus. The thoughts and pictures may still be in our awareness. We may know they are there. We may even feel they are there. However that is not where we place our focus.


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Our focus is on where we wish to go not where we have come from. Do not be afraid when thoughts and pictures enter your mind for they are coming into your awareness to be released. Do pay attention though to what you are focusing on because where you focus you will go. When you place your focus on something you are giving it life. When you take focus away from something you are allowing it to die.

Of all the things I miss, I miss my mind the most So what do we do with those incessant thoughts in our mind? Don‘t chase them out, replace them out. Rather than looking at those thoughts and trying to stop thinking about them, which by the way is pretty much impossible, instead consciously choose to focus on a thought(s) of your choosing. Those old self defeating thoughts are like plants that you have watered for years and maybe decades. Like a flower blossom, if we simply clip the flowers the plant will produce more. The trick is to choose not to nourish the plant. Now, we can‘t simply ―not‖ nourish it because that energy is always flowing through us and has to go somewhere. This last sentence provides us the key. So, if this energy has to flow somewhere and the only ―plant‖ we have in front of us blooms with a self defeating thought, how about planting a new and different, plant? Take the nourishment from the one and send it to the other. In the beginning this may be challenging. Remember, as a plant begins to grow it can be very fragile and so we have to consciously nurture it. That‘s what you did with the plant of your negative thoughts. It grew the very same way. However, as you continue to choose which plant you will give your energy to the old negative thought one will begin to shrivel and die and the 127

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires new positive thought one you have chosen matures and flourishes.

Do you remember when? A good trick for finding a pleasant emotion sensation to attach to your visioning is to think back to a time when you felt something similar. Allow yourself to begin to feel that emotion. Then change your vision/picture from one of remembering in the past to observing/creating in the present moment. Think of this as ―priming the pump‖ or ―getting in the mood‖. It is so vital that you remain as much as possible in a state of relief, gratitude, and joy (I.E Power Flow). Especially when you are visualizing or consciously focusing on your desires. Think of activities that cause you to feel these feelings. Maybe its music, running, fishing, painting, and walking. It‘s not so important what it is but that it causes you to feel those feelings. Once you feel those feelings you are in a place and space to positively affect your desires and visions.

Circle the wagons we’re under attack! Sometimes a Manager sneaks up and catches you unaware and before you know you're in a full blown attack!. The first thing to do is nothing. Just stand strong and allow the intensity to subside. Don‘t try and change things immediately just focus on not getting caught up in the illusion. Steps for crisis intervention when a Manager freaks out. 1. Stand fast and don‘t allow them to entice you into their fear. 2. Do not ignore them though or try and pretend they are not there. 128

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires 3. If you have a ―C‖ that you can focus on to help you not focus on your Manger(s). Use it as an ―anchor‖ 4. You will probably find your Manager will calm down quite quickly. 5. When you feel the ―charge‖ subside you can begin to create a safe environment. Assure your Manager that everything is going to be alright. 6. Begin to provide awareness to the fear. You can use events from your past, absolutes, etc. Pretend you are talking to a frightened little child. In many ways you are. 7. As you provide awareness to the fear it will begin to transform to love. 8. You will notice your Manager calm down and the ―attack‖ will likely be over. Hint: When a Manager is in the throws of a tantrum remember your ―happy thought‖. Think of something, anything, that you can do, listen, watch, or think of that will cause you to feel happy, relaxed, powerful, etc (Power Flow). Think of this as your trump card that you can use to focus on when you‘re having trouble staying grounded or in relief.

King of the jungle The following is so important in understanding, mentoring, disciplining, and providing new directions to our Managers. The very nature of our Managers is one of fear. This is not a ―bad‖ thing. As I‘ve mentioned earlier our Managers are designed to keep us safe. Because of that they are always on the lookout for what might harm us. They‘re constantly speculating on a litany of scenarios at any given moment that might harm us and strategizing battle plans in case they manifest. They are not looking for what might go ―right‖ they are focused on what might go ―wrong‖. 129

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires When I first learnt this it was a ground breaking day for me. Referring back to our thought pies and the voices of our Managers. Have you every wondered why they always seem so negative? How, without even trying, we seem to come up with every ugly possibility yet have to often fight tooth and nail to come up with positive ones? It‘s because that is their job! They are doing exactly what they are supposed to. The problem is not them, it‘s us. They are doing their job but we aren‘t! It‘s our role to choose and contemplate, using our thoughts (pictures, movies, I AM statements) to create the desired (positive) future. The only reason the Managers voices seem so loud is because we aren‘t speaking out from our I AM place. The next time, and guaranteed it will happen before the sun sets today, you notice your Managers simply doing their job don‘t berate or try and beat them off. They‘re doing their job. Now you do yours. Take your authority back from people, places, and events and begin to choose your experience with authority. You set the direction and start ―walking‖ towards it, and let your Managers ―cover your back‖ along the way.


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Your first “date” with your Managers Think of this next section as your first date with your Managers. It‘s very much a ―get to know‖ each other experience. Here‘s some advance information on the character of your Managers. Neither Good nor Bad I know I‘ve just mentioned this but it‘s a crucial piece of understanding in the processes and activities contained in this book. We have a wide variety of experiences that range from luscious to excruciating. Our Managers, however, view them all the same. We judge experiences and situations. They don‘t. It will be easy to look at them at times as the villains but understand they are not. Very Efficient Your managers are very efficient at the responsibilities they are given. They never sleep, or take a coffee break. They truly are workaholics tireless performing their tasks twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. Once each one has their job description they will carry it out with razor like precision. This can be a bit of a good news bad news story in that if they are carrying out activities we want them to but can appear challenging if they are carrying out ones we don‘t. However, remember the last comment that they don‘t see either one as being good or bad. They will carry out the ones we despise with the same voracity as the ones we love. Always Learning Building on the last characteristic, even though some may be heading us in the exact opposite direction than we want them to we aren‘t doomed for eternity to ride with them into oblivion. Our Managers are always learning, changing, and growing. If we provide the proper instructions and 131

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires mentoring we can teach them new directions and paths. Ones that serve us and they will head off with machine like accuracy in the new direction equipped with their revised job descriptions. Learn Passively or Creatively Adding a little more meat to the bones, our Managers learn in two primary methods. Passive - Everyday, as a matter of fact every moment, they are taking in information from our surroundings (physical, thoughts, and emotions). They are recording our observations, motivations, and responses looking for patterns or trends. In this process our I AM usually isn‘t intrinsically involved in the process. Because of this they may easily identify patterns and trends we passionately dislike and use that information to recreate similar experiences. This is what is happening when we are in the victim direction of flow. Creative – In this method of learning we (I AM) are soundly at the helm. Totally aware of all the information that we are receiving and choosing which ones to retain and which ones to release. We choose our desired experiences and impress them upon our Managers, providing new directions. Essentially consciously revising their job descriptions and then implementing the changes. We are aware and present. This is the Power Flow and the one we want to spend as much time as possible in. Tenacious You will be profoundly aware of this aspect of your Manager when you implement changes in their job description. They will cling to their existing roles as if their lives depended upon it. In many ways it does. Their world rests upon the foundation of survival. Essentially kill or be killed and they will fight for you, or at times it may appear against you with zeal and persistence. Remember though, it‘s not because they are your enemy, it‘s because you‘ve taught them. 132

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Changing your entire perspective on what obstacles are. When you change your perspective everything changes. You will be amazed at the positive impact this revelation will bring to your experience of life and attaining your dreams and desires.

Here it is:

Obstacles are the conscious contact point to your sub-conscious limiting belief systems!

This is huge because the key to creating significant, predictable, long lasting changes in your life experience is by changing your belief systems. You also know that this is the one aspect of your experience triangle that you just can‘t get to. Obstacles are your Managers rising into your conscious awareness. This is your opportunity to consciously affect and mentor them to change.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires We will share several methods and techniques on how you can do this but for now just practice changing how you perceive these ―gifts‖ rather than ―curses‖. First, a little note to get you started. You develop a desired experience ―C‖. You begin to live it on the inside. One of the first indicators that you are making progress is your Managers will create obstacles and they will often be in direct opposition to your ―C‖. The reason they do this is that it is the quickest, most effective method, they can think of to keep you ―safe‖. Remember our subconscious beliefs (Managers) are designed to keep us safe, not necessarily happy. So often when we experience these initial indicators of change we quickly give up and return to our habitual way of experiencing life. We can easily become discouraged or tell ourselves that we were crazy even contemplating things could be different. We cease our actions, release our dreams and viola, we‘re back in alignment and the Managers descend back into our subconscious. Quite simply, the difference between those people who are consistently living and growing into their dreams and those who don‘t is that the former have not only understood the true concept of obstacles and the discomfort of mentoring change but have grown to welcome it. True achievers have become comfortable with being uncomfortable and as a matter of fact regularly go looking for it. It doesn‘t mean they necessarily enjoy discomfort, but they know that it is an indicator of change and growth which will, with mathematical certainty; result in their dreams being manifest in their life. This is probably one of the biggest areas where people become defeated. Like most things it comes down to perspective. We choose our ―C‖, we begin to live it on the inside and impress our desires upon our Managers.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

And then the obstacles show up. What‘s the first thing we say? ―Every time I try to move ahead all these obstacles show up to try and stop me. Plus they are in exact opposition to the direction in which I want to grow. "Life is not fair.‖ Then we do one of two things. We quit, and magically those obstacles go away or we armor up and enter into battle. Preparing to defeat and annihilate those ―demons‖ of negativity! If we could only see what is really happening it would change our view, and re-define, "obstacles". You see obstacles are the byproducts of the process of change. Earlier in the book we briefly talked about how what we want, wants us. As we choose a desire and begin to live it on the inside it will begin heading in our direction. As this happens all those thoughts and belief systems that separate us from the manifestation of the desire are literally squeezed out. As they are squeezed out they leave our sub consciousness and pass through our awareness to the exit door. The best thing we can do is not grab them by the shirtsleeve as they leave. The second reason these obstacles will arise is they are the methods our Managers use to attempt to bring us back into alignment. When this happens remember you are the adult and the one in charge. They may complain and whine, even use ―logic‖ to attempt to bring you back into alignment but you are the one in charge. Don‘t try and argue with them; don‘t enter into a fight with them. Stay firm and determined. Let them know that things are changing. The root of their actions is based in fear. If we treat them as the enemy and enter into battle with them we are only exaggerating the fear they are already feeling and making the matter worse. Assure them they are safe and stay firm in your convictions.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Can We Talk? The primary battleground upon which we‘ll wage our war on limited beliefs lay in the conundrum of our thoughts. Although I was a little over dramatic in my opening sentence, it can often feel like a war zone, however our best strategy is often the exact opposite. Our thoughts take the form of a variety of ongoing dialogs that run about in our mind every day. Identifying and managing these voices is our first defense and fertile ground for navigating our way from limited to limitless futures.

These internal voices are loosely grouped into four categories. We will now define those categories as well as your actions when they arise. The Accuser The name goes a long way towards characterizing this voice. Quite simply, it‘s accusing. It sounds like this: ―What were you thinking …..‖ ―You see, I told you you couldn‘t do it ….‖ Remember, you tried this before and it didn‘t work then either‖ ―You‘re fat, old, stupid, broke, etc, etc, etc‖ It will almost always be in your own voice and will often ―validate‖ it‘s accusations using evidence from your past memories. It will often bring characters (mother, father, teacher, spouse, etc) from these memories who will join in using their own voices as well. It will shout, demean, judge, and be 136

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires condescending. It will come on fast and hard and will often be triggered by something in your external world. Action plan: The first thing to do when you‘re assaulted (that‘s what it feels like) is nothing. Resist the urge to respond or more accurately react in any way. That‘s exactly what it wants you to do. Engage it, Argue with it, anything to give it your attention, which leads us to the second step. Don‘t give it your attention and energy. If you try and argue with it you will very often loose. The very act of giving it your attention and validation by arguing with it achieves it‘s designed purpose which is to cause you to turn back from whatever you were purposefully doing and/or thinking about doing. It‘s a liar. Do not believe anything is says. Don‘t fight with it, don‘t even give it your energy by pushing it away. Ignore it. Remember our recent discussion on focus and awareness. This is a perfect opportunity to practice these tools and techniques

In summary The accuser rushes in like a lion accusing, demeaning, and telling you you can‘t make it. When this happens your first step is to do nothing. Choose to focus on something different, anything other than the voice. Keep walking towards your dreams and desires. The Wounded The voice of the wounded will come upon you very quickly, much like the accuser, with one 137

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires very big difference. The wounded voice will bring with it the immediate experience of an emotion. The memory, which the voice is recounting for you is joined at the hip with the emotion(s) that you felt when the event originally occurred. With this voice the challenge is not in the content of the dialog but the intensity of the emotion. It will always be triggered by an outside (external) trigger. This memory is the raw materials your subconscious uses to create it‘s belief systems we affectionately call our Managers. The reason they are appearing in our awareness is because we are irritating them. How are we irritating them? By choosing to live an experience that lay outside the parameters of what we have taught them to define as feeling safe.

In essence we are causing a ―wound‖ to come to the surface in order to be healed hence it‘s name. We‘ve probably all had the experience of getting a small sliver from a splinter of wood or other material. Our first action is to remove the sliver. Sometimes it‘s too deep and is actually underneath the surface of our skin. Our body sees this foreign object and immediately begins the process of pushing it back up towards the surface of our skin to be expelled from our body. Often as it approaches the surface we have to ―help‖ it a bit by coaxing it with a needle. While we know we are consciously causing an uncomfortable sensation we are fine with it because we know it‘s simply the process of returning our body to a healthy state by removing the sliver. Our belief systems, build from memories, act the very same way. We have this abundance of ―slivers‖ buried in our subconscious that do not serve us anymore. By living our ―C‖ on the inside we are bringing them to the surface so they can be released. 138

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Action Plan Like the accuser, the first step is to do nothing. Why is this so important, especially with these voices? In the past our first response was probably done without thinking. There in lies the secret. When we do things with out thinking it means we‘re reacting to a present moment experience based totally on a memory of a similar experience in the past. In a very real way we re-acted or recreated the memory in the present moment experience. If we want to change the path of our future we can‘t do it by re-creating or re-acting to the past. By consciously doing nothing, or not re-acting, we slip from a subconscious choice to a conscious one that is in alignment with the new direction we are going. The second action step is one of reassurance and comfort. As the label implies it‘s a wound that is coming to the surface to be healed. Think of it like a scared little child embarking upon a new, and therefore, frightening experience. As an adult we know it to be safe however the child doesn‘t. We won‘t berate them or tell them their foolish. That would actually, in many ways, be us now acting as the voice of the accuser. We would reassure them and tell them it‘s going to be okay. We would acknowledge their fears and not try and argue while at the same time holding firm in the direction we are taking them. The key word here is reassure. Help them to feel safe as they embark on this new, and exciting, adventure. In summary The wounded will make it‘s presence know suddenly and often without warning. When this happens your first step is to do nothing. Reassure the voice as you would a frightened child Keep walking towards your dreams and desires. 139

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Worrier Unlike the Accuser and the Wounded this voice starts from deep in the background of our mind and approaches us slowly and with great trepidation. In stark contrast to the first two it will often go unnoticed for long periods of times. However it‘s because of this approach they can often be the most detrimental. They build momentum slowly but surely underneath the radar of your awareness and by the time you notice them they have undermined significant amounts of your progress. A very accurate analogy is the proverbial story of the frog and a boiling pot of water. If the water is too hot when you put the frog in he will promptly jump out. Put him in when the water is pleasantly warm and slowly turn up the heat and before you know you have dinner cooked.

These voices will often start their sentences with the words ―What if‖. What if they say no? What if the economy crashes? What if you loose your job? Another common phrase they will begin with is ―Yeah But‖. This often happens as we begin to see the fruits of our labor. Let‘s say we are reveling in the glory of a ―C‖ we have just manifested. As we enjoy the spoils of our labor a voice creeps up from the back of our mind and says something like: 140

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires ―Yeah but this was just a lucky break‖. ―Yeah but this one wasn‘t very big at all, what about these other ―C‖‘s You can‘t possibly do the same thing with them‖. Another way to characterize these voices is the label of Mr. Negativity. No matter what pleasant experiences you have, goals you have achieved, obstacles you‘ve overcome they will have some type of negative detrimental comment to make. As you will notice in these examples they will often be in the form of a question. They will, often in an insidiously indirect way, question the validity of your choices and actions by posing a multitude of theoretical outcomes in an attempt to have you second guess your decisions and hopefully succumb to the old belief systems and therefore return to ―safety‖ One other very definitive characteristic of them is that they will often not make any logical sense. As you stop and really listen to them you will probably discover that many of the ―what ifs‖ are so unlikely that they border on the absurd. This is why they approach very slowly and subtly from the background. If they came right up to you face and announced themselves you would quickly put them in their place. However, slowly but surely they whisper in your ear, undermining you little by little. Before you know it you end up just like the little frog. Action Steps In this case the best defense is a good offense. The first, and best, action to set up a defense to deal with these nagging individual is to develop an acute awareness of their presences. Not so you can join in with them but so you can route them out before they have a chance to gain a foothold and provide those pot holes and road blocks on your road to your desires.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The best way to develop awareness is simply to practice. As you spend time monitoring your thoughts, identifying who and what they are and dealing with them you will begin to detect the presence of this one in particular much earlier. Call them out for the neurotic naysayers that they are. Choose something in alignment with your desires and keep walking towards them. Worriers can be very resilient and often hang about of f stage murmuring and complaining. Don‘t be surprised if you regularly hear them deep in the background. As you practice the action steps they will loose much of the impact they can have on your conscious thoughts, emotions, and actions. Practice the awareness/focus exercise we talked about with the Accuser and you‘ll do fine. In summary The worrier lives in the background of your mind slowly building momentum. The best offense is to learn to identify them quickly. Call them out, bringing to light the lunacy of their dire predictions. Choose to focus on something in alignment with your desires. Keep walking towards your dreams and desires.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires The Inspirer Just when you thought all your voices were bad, in comes the Inspirer. Like an action hero saving the day the voice of the Inspirer is your opportunity to initial miracles. It never shouts, never judges, never condemns, never is impatient, never berates, or accuses. It‘s in your own voice although initially you may not recognize it, primarily because you‘re used to hearing your voice with all the characteristics that it is not. In the beginning it will be very effectively drowned out by the rampaging of the other three. However, it never gives up and never stops. It supports, encourages, directs, heals, restores, and nurtures. It is your conscious contact point with the universe. One of the best ways to nurture your relationship with this voice is to learn how to meditate. For our purposes in this book let‘s define meditation as the simple act of learning to be still. This activity is not an external one. You meditate in a still silent room and you can meditate while riding your bike. For me, a very effective meditation is walking through nature. You will also find, that as you learn to identify the other three voices you will begin to notice the voice of the inspirer. Look for it because it‘s always there. There are no exceptions. Action Plan: Like most things that are priceless the action steps are very simple. As a matter of fact there is only one.

When you here this voice, act now! 143

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires This is often the voice referred to as ―listening to your heart‖. At first it can be quite challenging because it‘s perception of you is far greater than the one you may currently have. The other area you can count on the voice of the inspirer leading you into is our next step in the manifesting process called Inspired Action which we‘ll talk about in upcoming sections.

The danger in being desperate When we attach (love) to an image or experience we draw it to us because the very essence of who we are in our I AM state is that we do not need anything. That places us firmly in desire and more than enough. When we attach (fear) to an image or experience we actually repel it even though both attachments are as strong as the other. However, when we come from fear we are coming from a place of not having enough or needing a thing to happen. Fear contracts our experience therefore will repel any growth. Love evolves our experience and therefore instigates growth. It‘s as though fear causes us to hold on so tight, our dreams can‘t breath and manifest. Love releases them because we are not afraid that they will get away or not return to us. The reason we hold on to things is we‘re afraid that it may not happen or that it will leave our awareness and never come back. Love realizes the same thing, however, because it knows that it will be fine, no matter what happens it can let it go. When we let things go we release them to live and manifest in our lives in the perfect way and perfect timing. Remember your equation. We must let the mechanics of manifestation do their work and the only way they can is if we put it on the left hand side of the equal sign. It‘s also valuable to remind you that no matter what manifests you can, and already are, in a state of abundance, peace, and joy. Your I AM place. Love is aware of this and is not afraid of the outcome so it becomes more of a preference or desire instead of need. Fear forgets that the inner state of peace that it has attached to the 144

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires desire already resides inside and therefore is deathly afraid to release it‘s dreams because it feels it‘s peace lay in them manifesting. The manifestation of a desire is not the pathway to peace and abundance they are a reflection of that which is already in us. This is the difference between object referral and self referral. When we refer to anything outside of ourselves (desire) to define who we are we instantly give our power to it, more importantly, to the manifestation of it. (Victim Flow) When we refer to that which is already in us and realize everything in our external experience is a reflection of our inner being we take our power from the reflection and reference the source. (Power Flow)

Peace, power and stillness. Abundance, health, and prosperity.

It’s for our own good Our belief systems always have the best intentions. They are primarily designed to do two basic things. 1. Help us to place order in our world and allow our mind to work efficiently 2. Keep us safe They are not designed to: 1. Keep us happy 2. Help us to grow and evolve 3. Or discern right from wrong, good from bad, etc. I also believe that often our belief systems get a really bad rap. We 145

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires look at them like the enemy. Like blockers on a football field they do their very best to keep us from the quarterback (our goal) and they are to be destroyed and annihilated with no mercy.

Because they are the enemy. Aren‘t they? Our belief systems are essential for survival. If they did not tirelessly perform their jobs we would be dead in an instant. They regulate body chemistry and blood pressure, they ensure that we don‘t step out into busy traffic because we forget what cars ere, they warn of us upcoming dangerous even before we are aware of it. They are not ―bad‖ they are just powerful, and just like electricity it can be used to give life and it can be used to take it away. Which path it takes lay in the hands of the one who chooses. That‘s you by the way. So then the key is not to eliminate them but to learn how to consciously choose the ones we wish to change. There in lies the trick. Our beliefs systems don‘t know the difference so they will fight to the death to protect one that limits your financial abundance just as much as the one that regulates your heart functions. In a nutshell, that‘s why, with out training and practice, they are so hard, or seemingly impossible, to change.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Living the future before it happens We often get into the ―stress‖ area when we start to play out potential scenarios in our mind based upon our current physical environment. We use the ―fact‖ that we think we see in front of us to create potential futures rather than going inside and looking at our source for creating new ―facts‖ that we will see. When we create potential futures based solely on what we see in front of us we are using inaccurate, invalid, and outdated information.

Punching through the board

Looking past your “I’ll never get through this obstacle‖. Isn‘t it interesting how when one of these obstacles looms in the distance we loose the ability to see past it? It‘s like our world ends right there. The point of destruction unless something happens to avert the train heading our way. In a very real way as we continue to look at it and not past it, it will grow larger and larger. It makes it very hard to not become attached to a perceived outcome in an unbalanced way. 147

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires It makes it very hard not to try and push or force our desires on our external circumstances. It makes it very difficult for us to trust in the process and surrender. It also very effectively constricts those very things we desire to experience in manifesting. We slipped into trying to make them happen. Remember it‘s a dance not a wrestling match. Miracles are not earned they are received. Miracles are manifested not by conquering but through surrendering. Miracles are not magic they are natural. Miracles do not have to be forced or coerced but welcomed. Miracles are not something we can bargain with the universe for. We cannot force the universe we can only allow it. By consciously choosing a point of awareness past the obstacle it helps us to release our attachment to it and brings our world back in perspective.

Remember your peace Remember your peace. Don‘t resist any old emotions or thoughts that are being released but at the same time don‘t attach your attention to them and be careful not to focus on them to the extent that they begin to replace the ―seeds‖ from which they came from in the first place. Notice the results, be grateful for the results and keep focusing on the dream.

Oh No I’m attached to my thoughts! By now you probably have a variety of ―C‖s that you have constructed. Excellent! You also probably have some that are smaller and some that are super fantastically life changing huge. 148

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That‘s excellent too! In this section we talk about detaching from the results. One of the most important aspects of detaching from the results is that it places us in the place of relief. Remember in the chapter that talks about the different types of ―C‖s we can create and how important it is to shoot for the stars so that we don‘t have any idea of how it‘s going to happen? The value of that type of ―C‖ is that it very effectively prevents us from slipping over to the left hand side of the equal sign. As soon as we slip over to the left hand side we will leave the place of relief. There‘s nothing wrong with having ―C‖‘s that are closer to our known abilities however it will be more tempting to slip over the equal sign and try and ―help out‖ the universe. Here‘s what can happen with those types of ―C‖‘s, we slip over the equal sign and then seem to get stuck there and can‘t get back. We know we‘re somewhere we aren‘t supposed to be. We know that in that moment we are hindering the process. We want to get back to the right side. But for some reason we can‘t. We panic, our heart starts to race, and we break out in a cold sweat! We want to get back but we can‘t. It‘s okay, take a breath, and calm down. Here‘s all you have to do. Pick one of your super duper ―C‖‘s and begin to live that on the inside. You will very quickly settle comfortably into the right hand side of the equal sign, mostly because you haven‘t a clue as to how it‘s going to happen so you can‘t slip over to the left hand side if you tried. This places you back in relief.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Voila! Whatever we focus our attention on grows. If we are focusing our attention on not thinking about the ―how‖ portion of a ―C‖ we are only going to increase our attachment to it. By changing our focus (which is what happens when we chose the super duper ―C‖) we naturally change what we are focusing on.

Remember, priority one, is relief.

Don’t let them “deek” you out Imagine yourself as a goalie in a hockey game. Your desired ―C‖ is your net. It‘s your net. You really like your net and you do not want anyone shooting pucks into it. All of a sudden here comes a forward from the other team. You resist the urge to tense up because you know that will hinder the fast, unanticipated movements you are going to have to make to stop him from getting the puck into your net. You stay loose and relaxed, your eyes focused on his but also being aware of your surroundings, and your net.

He makes a quick cut one way and another trying to trick you into reacting to his apparent changes of direction. He knows if he can get you to look and react in the direction he makes you 150

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires ―think‖ he is going it leaves an opening somewhere else where he can rocket the puck into your net. You know this is his favorite technique and so while you are focused on him you also stay aware of your surroundings and your net. You know that your net is that which needs to be protected. You resist the temptation to succumb to his illusions of movement. He attempts to entice you to expose an alleyway into your net. But you stand fast. You are loose and relaxed. Not rushing out to meet him, not falling for his deceptions. Finally, after failing in his attempts to trick you and tempt you out of your comfort zone he takes his shot and it lands safely in your outstretched glove. When the inevitable obstacles arise as a result of you and your desire coming together they will try the same tricks as the hockey player in this example. You will be tempted to believe them and act, or more accurately, react to their illusions. Their biggest desire is to lead you out of your place of relief. If they can do that they can manipulate you back into alignment with the very belief system you are changing. It doesn‘t mean that there may not be some action required (he took his shot and you gloved it) but in doing that you have prevented him from damaging your desire and taken another huge step towards the realization of your dream.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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On Second Thought Listen to your second thought. When we experience a stimulus we will often have a thought instantly come into our awareness. (Reaction) That is usually a good indication of a belief system that we have. Your second thought is your conscious choice and the place where you can intercept an automatic response. (Creation)

The power of choosing to be grateful Now let us speak of gratitude for a moment. So often you say you find it difficult to be grateful. You look at what you have, and look at others around you, and realize what you don‘t have, and you say ―How can I be grateful?‖ Of course you can‘t be grateful when you look at everyone and everything in your external world. Here is a little bit of very valuable information for you. No matter how much you have or posses there will be someone who possesses much more. However, no matter how much you have or posses there will also be many who have so much less that you do. So how can we be truly be grateful? Simple. Quit comparing. Comparing can be very dangerous. Yes we can look at those who have not and be grateful for what we have. However it seems like far too often we take the other route and look at those who have more, then use this perspective as a weapon pointed directly at ourselves. The key to being grateful is to look at what is in front of you then stop. Release the need to compare. Gratitude is not about comparing. Not for one second. It is about choosing to appreciate everything that is in your experience in this moment. I‘ll give you an example. I was teaching a workshop on a particular weekend and as had been my practice I would refrain from indulging in restaurant food, buy groceries from a local store and 152 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires prepare them in my room. In this particular case my room had a microwave and a small fridge. No utensils of any kind. One of my practices is that I will eat whole grain cereal in the evening. However I had no bowl, not even a spoon. So it was time to innovate. As I stopped by the local grocery store I noticed in their deli they had plastic spoons. Aha a spoon. Now all I had to do was find a bowl. As I looked around my room I spied the small decanter on the coffee maker. Viola, a bowl. My ―dilemma‖ was solved. For the rest of the weekend I had my plastic spoon and ―bowl‖. Whenever I looked at my glorious dishes and cutlery I was grateful. Grateful that I had my spoon and my bowl. Now I know this may seem like almost an insult to many who will say ―You don‘t know the conditions of my life. If I only had your ―problems‖ of a bowl and spoon.‖ I say to you that you can truly be grateful for what you have, simply do not compare. Gratitude is not about comparison. Gratitude is looking at your present moment experience and simply being grateful. It is actually easier than you think. As long as you don‘t compare. As soon as you compare you can slip into that ―look what they have‖ mode and out the door goes gratitude. Release the need to compare. The need to compare what you have with what others have. Besides that none of us really ―owns‖ anything anyway. We are simply temporary custodians of it. All you have to do is watch the weather channel and see where peoples‘ entire lives have been literally washed away through hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, etc. Release the need to compare what you have done with what others have done. Release the need to look at what you don‘t have. In order to see what you don‘t have you have to have something to compare your ―don‘t havidness‖ to. When you release the need to compare, you see what you have for what it truly is, simply a temporary, in many ways insubstantial, experience. One last comment. Being grateful for what you are experiencing in the moment, then releasing your attachment to what you are experiencing in the moment, opens the door for you to experience new objects, places, people, and events.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Anatomy of an addiction At first glance you may ask what addictions have to do with manifesting, I believe you will soon see they have everything to do with it. First I will give you my layman‘s definition of what an addiction is. It is not an addiction to an external behavior; it‘s an addiction to an internal state of being or emotion. In that light we see that there are an infinite number of addictions other than the stereotypical ones like drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc. All of those are simply behaviors. The addiction is in the internal state of being/emotions we experience when we are performing those behaviors. Let‘s talk a little about what an emotion really is. Where does the power in an emotion lie? Is it in the name? Let‘s say I created a new emotion and I called it ―moosh‖. What does moosh feel like? Do you know? Probably not. It‘s just a name or a label. So if it‘s not the name, or label, of an emotion that holds the power what does? What‘s another word for emotion? We call it a feeling don‘t we? What is a feeling? It is a set of physical sensations. So the power of an emotion lies in the physical sensation we experience. Every emotion we feel is a specific chemical cocktail created by our brain. When we attach, or choose, an emotion for any given experience our brain takes the label, looks through it‘s chemical cookbook, and mixes up the appropriate cocktail. It then sends that mixture through our body which causes it to manifest the physical experience of an emotion. What happens when have a thought that causes us to feel panic? Our brain mixes a panic cocktail for us which causes our mouth to go dry; maybe we break out in a cold sweat, or our heart races. It is a set of physical sensations.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires So when we say we feel, or don‘t feel, like doing something we are very literally saying we are experiencing a set of physical sensations that motivate or compel us toward, or away from, a specific external behavior. This also validates even more our earlier discussions of how we can change an external circumstance by directly altering our external world however it talks a lot more energy and is chemically counter intuitive to our mind and belief systems essentially presenting us with an uphill, no win, battle. When we choose our desired experience, and impress that desire upon our managers we are threatening their addictions to that chemical cocktail. Therefore when we begin to consciously choose new, and empowering, experiences we will come face to face with our chemical addictions. This is why the process of change is not always an easy one. This is why when our managers come to us in the form of obstacles it‘s important to understand they are, in many ways, going cold turkey from an addiction. This is also why it‘s best to use compassion rather than aggression when we mentor them and work together with them to release the addictions to an old state of being so we can embrace a new one. So how does this fit in the world of manifesting? In order to replace an existing belief with a new one we have to let go of the old one. Our managers identify who they are by their job description and seal it in with emotion or charge. They are essentially addicted to the emotion attached to the job description which identifies who they are. In order to experience a desire we must become it. We must change who we are. In order to do that we must let go of who we currently are. In order to do that we must release those emotional states and chemical cocktails we have become addicted to. Our thoughts and emotions have a signature frequency. They essentially are frequencies of energy. The whole reason our reflection changes when we change our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs are because we have become a different person. We have not just put on a new set of 155

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires clothes, we have become, at the very core of our being a different person. In order for the new ―you‖ to emerge the old one must, by law, pass away. In order for the old one to pass away we must let go of it. In order to let go of it we must release our addiction to it. Because of this the very nature of true manifestation requires us to die (to old addictions) so we can be made new in the image of who we choose to be. So how do we release our addiction to a given emotion? While there are many methods I have included the following one that is very effective as well as simple to learn. This is based upon my understanding of a healing modality called The Sedona Method. (The Sedona Method written by Hale Dwoskin)


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Obstacle Releasing Exercise PREPERATION Deep, relaxed breaths Come to the present moment Bring an event to your awareness that causes you to feel peaceful, happy, joy, etc. EXPERIENCING THE EVENT IN THE PRESENT MOMENT Trigger the event (Past, present, future) Observe your experience in the present moment Detach from the Emotion (Identify it as not part of who you are) Detach emotion from the event Ask yourself (Can I allow myself to experience this feeling) Observe your experience PREPARING TO RELEASE Ask yourself (Can I allow myself to release this feeling) Acknowledge the feeling and be thankful for the learning you‘ve achieved from it respectfully Release the ―Wanting‖ to release the feeling REPLACING THE EMOTION WITH PEACE Choose to release the Feeling Experience the release Release peace in to replace the pre-existing emotion This may sound strange at first but releasing the need to release an emotion or thought or the need to change an external circumstance is very freeing.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Attaching and Detaching The more we can detach from our external experience the more we can influence the next creation of it, or the next picture in the film strip. Always remember our external experience is only a validation of what we are creating not a pre-requisite. The opportunity to influence the next frame of the filmstrip we call our lives is not in the pictures but in the small black strip in between. Once the picture has formed we cannot change it. Be aware of it. Acknowledge it for what is. Resist the urge to judge it for that will seal it into place and make it much harder to modify it‘s re-creation in the next frame. Our outer world is a creation. Our inner world is creating. Creation is a thing (particle). Creating is a process (wave). In this place of creating forget what ―was‖, other than to use it initially to help you define, through contrast and opposites, what you wish to create. A good indicator of becoming detached from the results is when the issue of whether an experience manifests as we desire it to be or not ceases to become a question. This refers back to our discussions of the ―danger‖ of indecision. Indecision usually means we are attached to both outcomes at the same time. It introduces stress very similar to if you put your foot on the brake and the gas pedal at the same time. This is also the difference between desire and need. If we have a need for one outcome over another we immediately leave the presence of relief and introduce stress. Creation comes from and through effortlessness. Anything other than that places obstructions to the amount of change we can inject into the filmstrip. When we desire an outcome it changes from need to preference. We may desire a certain outcome however we are still okay if it doesn‘t happen when we think it should or how we think it should. It is in this place that the importance and relevance of the question I began this paragraph with disappears.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Another way we attach ourselves to an outcome is by attaching an emotion to it. This also is an integral part of our discussion of need vs. desire. This can be tricky because we are also taught to feel the emotions of an outcome as if it has already happened. The secret lies in the previous sentence. We are to feel the emotions as if it already has/is happening which we only do if we are experiencing it in this present moment. A perceived outcome lies in the future not in the present. When we attach an emotion to a future event we are attaching ourselves to one particular outcome over another. As soon as we do that we are in varying degrees straying from preference to need. We do not create in the future. We can only plant the seeds of creation in the present moment. Nowhere else. This also very effectively removes the troublesome aspect of time and also money. (Remember our ―sacred cows‖ we talked about earlier) If it is already happening than we have no need of money and we‘re not concerned about time. This only comes into play if we are perceiving an event as not happened yet. As soon as we do that we are removing it from the present moment. Always remember your power to change resides in the present moment, nowhere else.

Being okay with it not working out The value of focus and awareness and how it applies to the having, or not having, of what we desire. It‘s important when working towards a desire that we shed any fear of the opposite, or the not having of it. Fear, while not very aware or focused, is very powerful and if we have even an inkling of fear towards thinking/picturing the not having of something empowers that very thing to manifest. We can be confused though because we are taught to only think/imagine of the end result that we desire so how can we think about or even allow the opposite to come into our awareness? The key lies in understanding focus and awareness. Let‘s return to our restaurant scenario. It‘s a busy restaurant and there‘s the ―buzz‖ of many people talking about many different things. As you sit across the table from the person you are with you are focused on what they are saying. You are aware of all the other conversations going on around you; however you are focused on yours. We do the same thing with the having and not having. We know the ―possibility‖ of not having is there, it is in our awareness. However we also have the "having of the thing" in our awareness. 159

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Then we get to choose which one we will place our focus on. Just like in the restaurant we can choose to focus on the activity around us or the conversation we are participating in. The power to manifest lies where we focus not simply the awareness of a thing.

Step Four – taking inspired action The most fun I never had This part of the manifestation process can be the most fun and rewarding as well as the most frustrating. Let me first reiterate that the process of manifesting desires is a dance not a wrestling match. Remember, it‘s the Law of Attraction not Command and Conquer! It is also, in the part of the process, that learning how to be in a meditative state of awareness can be crucial to navigating this all important passage of waters. This is the step where all our inner work begins to reflect back to us in our external experience. The real adventure begins when we start to notice clues and leadings that the universe is reflecting back to us which will lead us into the manifestation of what began as a desire in our hearts. However, the temptation is often the greatest during this phase to try and reach out and grab too hard at the seedlings of our manifestation and drag them into fruition. This is no different 160 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires than tugging at a flower seedling in an attempt to rush its journey to a blossoming plant. After all, we have worked diligently, and often for some period of time without seeing any results. It‘s only natural to want to rush things along especially when it seems so close. So when your intentions and desires begin to reflect in your physical experience treat them just as you would a seedling. Nurture them, and allow them to grow tall and strong. You are so close at this point. Stand fast for a little while longer and you will be rewarded generously for your efforts and patience. So how does the ―action‖ part fit into things? And, if we are taking ourselves out of our comfort zone is that not introducing stress or something other than relief? In a perfect world all that would be required is for us to imagine and manifest, pretty much on the spot. However we do not live in a perfect world and not all of us are concert pianists. Most of us fall somewhere in between pure action and pure intention. We also float back and forth up and down that scale all the time. In the beginning we will probably be focusing more on the action part than the pure intention. Which makes perfect sense because we are learning, or re-learning, a new skill so frankly we are just not that good at it yet.

Easy does it I would like take a moment and touch on something we‘ve talked about before. How does ―Time‖ fit into the picture? As we saw on our Physical/nonphysical map, time does not live in either hemisphere and actual places itself squared in between the two. Here‘s my nutshell definition of time. Time = Rate of Change Having said Time does not exist in either hemisphere does not mean it doesn‘t influence it. 161 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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In our nonphysical world time has very little influence as it relates to the speed at which we can focus on different geographies, time periods, and pictures of how we would like our external or physical world to look. We can change our mind very quickly through mechanisms of our Thought Pies. Time plays a very different role in how it influences our physical world. Our thoughts are nonphysical and can transform quickly and easily. Our physical world, while we know it‘s all energy, is vibrating at a frequency that we experience with our five senses (―solid‖). In the world of our five senses there exists laws. One of the most important ones is that changes or transformations in our physical world have a much slower rate of change. An excellent metaphor to help understand this is to think about water, mist and ice. The mist is our nonphysical world and the ice is our physical. We can easily move our hands and bodies through mist, it flows and changes often even with the most subtle of breezes. Now take the same mist and freeze it into ice. Same raw materials but if we want to change the shape of a solid block of ice it‘s going to take a much more involved and strenuous process. When you create your desired experience and begin to focus on it, or live it on the inside, it‘s real and it‘s here. Right now, in this moment. Our physical world changes as well, immediately and in this moment. However, our physical world will take longer to transform into it‘s new identity. Understanding this process is very important in not giving up or loosing our enthusiasm. Know this. Your physical world is changing and beginning to align with your internal desires. Just because you don‘t see immediate ―results‖ don‘t slip into the impression that ―nothing is happening‖. Keep going, implement the processes, and you will see change with mathematically certainty. 162

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

What is an Inspired Action? In a nutshell, an inspired action is a shortcut. As we hone our ability to detect an inspired action our lives begin to take on the true essence of the adventure that our life can be. Without inspired action we can often expend tremendous amounts of energy and time and often have nothing of value to show for it. We have all had those days when it seems like no matter how hard you try and get ahead you just can‘t. That is a wonderful example of what inspired action is not. It‘s often referred to as working harder not smarter. Inspired actions allow you to expend small amounts of energy and time and achieve exponential results. These are those times, often rare, that everything just seems to ―click‖. We learn to work smarter not harder. Now, many of you probably already know this and have experienced both sides of the coin. The frustrating part is we usually don‘t know how we do it and are confined to those few times when we seem to just get ―lucky‖. Inspired actions are often the precursors to miracles.

I Spy with my Little Eye So how do we identify the leading indicators of an inspired action? Essentially, it means looking for inconsistencies. The indicators of inspired actions are often referred to 163

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires as coincidences. Events and circumstance that are improbable and out of the ordinary. These will often come from our external experience but can also make their appearance as thoughts in our minds. Those times when we ―just feel‖ like doing something. (Sudden urges)

Surprise Me! Be in a state of expecting to be surprised. If we can place ourselves in a place of expecting to be surprised it helps us to stay on the right side of the equal sign and out of the specific hows. It has been my experience that you‘re invariably surprised at exactly how your inspired action shows up anyway. Here‘s another instance where you can use a technique we talked about in building your ―C‖ called ―what‘s the easiest and most fun solution‖. Choose to have your inspired action to be in the form of something unexpected, while at the same time being the most fun ―action‖ you could imagine.

I’m just trying to help One of the potholes we often fall into during the ―action‖ part of our manifesting is we don‘t know when to let go. We have this incessant need to help by doing something. If we don‘t see the inspired actions we can very easily slip into furiously searching for them, or thinking if we just do some more visualizing, or maybe make another vision board, or maybe …. well you get the idea. Our Managers are very powerful and once we communicate our visions and desires to them, mentor them as they go through the resistance of changing direction and re-writing their job descriptions they will do absolute wonders for us. If we let them. Too often we accomplish our part (creating our ―C‖ and impressing it upon Managers) and then don‘t 164

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires allow our managers to do the work we have assigned to them. Your job, especially, in these moments is to stay in a place of relief. As soon as you leave that place, you start to hinder the process. You set the course but you do not ―make‖ it happen. That‘s the universes (left hand side of the equal sign) domain. All the players are very well accomplished at doing their job. Keep your nose out of it. I know for me I often think if it‘s not in my conscious awareness all the time that it maybe won‘t manifest, or maybe I‘m missing something, or maybe my managers have forgot the directions I‘ve given them. I bet we have all had managers or bosses who were constantly looking over our shoulder or checking, confirming, ―assisting‖ us in our tasks that we had been given. Fun experience isn‘t it? Don‘t you find it very effectively prevents you from carrying out the very tasks that they are worried won‘t happen? This is exactly what we are doing when we choose to micromanage our managers. Leave them well enough alone. If they need you they‘ll come to you via an ―obstacle‖. However, if you find yourselves in a spot where you simply have to ―do something‖ then read the following.

If in doubt do what’s in front of you Do what‘s placed in front of you. It may not, actually probably won‘t, seem like it‘s the magic bullet to force your dreams to manifest but that‘s only your perspective. In fact, maybe it isn‘t. Sometimes it‘s been placed there purely to distract you so you don‘t try and ―help‖ the process along. Also don‘t get caught up in thinking it has to be ―work‖. Sometimes it means going for a bike ride, or reading your favorite book, having coffee with a friend. Remember the best way for you to help is to be in a 165

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires state of relief. Any activity that places you there is a plus. In all instances where you find yourself needing to help you have probably left that place of relief. The best activity you can do at that time is one that places you back in the place of relief. You will often find yourself in the place of having some things to do on your ―To Do‖ list but because you are unable to see a direct, and immediate, connection, you don‘t do them. You‘re too busy looking for the sliver bullet task. Remember, your perspective is very limited and not only do you not have the whole picture, you also have no idea of the positive ramifications of simply doing what‘s in front of you.

Your Question of the Day Here‘s a very powerful tip you can use to help draw out inspired actions for your day. Think of this as your daily ―To Do‖ list except instead of tasks you have a list of empowering questions. Notice I said questions not answers. Us humans seem to have this insatiable desire to ask a question and then immediately start trying to answer it. Something we always teach our students is that questions are far more important than answers. Questions are our responsibility. Answers are the Universes. A word of caution though. Don‘t create a three page list of questions. Think of quality over quantity. One well worded question is worth far more one hundred poorly constructed ones. Always structure your questions such that the answer will lead you towards the successful manifestation of your desire, not the failure of it. For instance a success related question would be ―I wonder what I can do today to release this extra ten pounds of body weight?‖. As opposed to ―Why can I not loose this ugly fat I have been carrying around forever!‖. 166 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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In many ways the second question is actually an affirmation. Plus it is littered with judgment and we all know that judging something does nothing but seal that which we have judged; to be that which we have judged it to be. You may have to read that last sentence over a few times however it‘s very profound, and accurate.

We will Receive Unless you are open to receiving all the other efforts you put into your manifesting desires are, for the most part, wasted. Not that there isn‘t value in them but it‘s kind of like filling a hot air balloon and never cutting the ropes that keep it moored to the ground. Never forget that experiencing abundance in your life, in all it‘s forms, requires you to receive it. Don‘t get me wrong, all the other steps are crucial to the process however it seems like the first, and last step, seems to often to be overlooked. I think, in part, because it requires us to do nothing. Receiving does not require effort. You are not ―doing‖ anything. You are not looking for something. You can‘t try to receive. You can‘t force receiving. There isn‘t a magic formula or process that you can force. It simply requires you to stop, relax, and receive. The universe, by it‘s very nature, is abundance. In so many ways a life overflowing with abundance requires us to do nothing other than receive. That‘s why being in a state of relief is so important. Receiving is easy. Receiving is fun. Receiving requires us to expend energy however we do not require us to work. In my younger years I was an avid football fan. At the beginning of a game the ref and the two team captains would approach the center of the field. The ref would flip a coin to decide who would kick off and who would receive. The winning captain would always choose to receive, never to kick off. He knew what the intention of the game was. It was to take the football and get it into the other teams‘ end zone. He couldn‘t very well do that unless he had the ball. By choosing to receive he forced the other team into delivering (kicking) the ball to his team. He knew they wouldn‘t know exactly where the ball was going to land so they had to be aware. 167

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

However they didn‘t have to go looking for it. As a matter of fact if they keep looking for where the ball maybe would appear it was a sure bet they would not be prepared to receive the ball when it showed up. They needed to stay alert. To literally keep their heads up and stay flexible and be ready to move when the ball appeared in their vision. (Awareness) We would do very well to emulate this choice. The definition of receiving is ―Something given, offered, or transmitted‖. Receiving by it‘s very definition does not entail direct action. It does not mean going and finding something. It means receiving. Something has been offered to us. When the Pizza Guy delivers pizza to our door we don‘t have to rip it from their hands or beat them into submission. You may laugh at that last statement but isn‘t that so often exactly what we do in the process of manifesting? Simple choose to receive. Let your morning begin with the statement ―I choose to receive all the wonderful gifts that my manifesting efforts will deliver to me today.‖ Don‘t think about this next statement too much. Just remember it and one day it will make perfect sense to you. As you continue to create, and receive you will come to the realization that you don‘t have to receive anything because you already have it. All you are doing is releasing the illusion that you don‘t.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Just like brushing your teeth Your list of priorities every day is: 1. Relief 2. Stay on the right hand side of the equal sign 3. Keep your awareness in the present moment 4. Take inspired action Do not go to step 2 until you feel securely planted in step 1. The same goes for steps 3 through 4. Until, and unless, you are comfortable in one do not go to the other. This is not a race to see how fast you can get from 1 to 4. If you are not in relief it is close to worthless to try and ―make‖ the others happen. Your goal in each day is to create value. Value has nothing to do with time. For most of us we are conditioned that value equates to time because that is how we create value. We work for an employer who pays us for the time we dedicate to our job. Truly creating your World requires you to expand beyond that paradigm. Notice I didn‘t say that value through time was wrong because it‘s not. However, when you expand your awareness (which is my intention with this book) you discover there are other, more efficient and fun, ways of creating abundance. You will find, and this may stretch your mind a bit, that you will be able to ―accomplish‖ 8 hours worth of value in 1 when you practice these steps listed above.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires I was one of those who would probably be considered a ―work horse‖. You know early to rise, work your butt off all day, and do it again the next day. However there is a huge difference between working hard and working smart. I had heard this statement many times before but didn‘t really believe it. I do now. If you are like I was it will probably feel uncomfortable to live through creating value instead of time based value. Your Managers may begin whining in their neurotic little voices saying ―Get your butt in gear. You need to produce. You‘re sitting here doing nothing. Worse than doing nothing you are walking in the park (enter any activity you enjoy here). You do not get to enjoy those leisure activities until you put in a full day‘s work and then some‖. It will be easy to listen to them and fall for their deceptions. Welcome to the discomfort that is a pre-requisite for change. Trust in the process. Your first priority is one of relief. Only after you have worked on stepping into that place do you go on to the next step. If you happen to be in step 2 or 3 and you find you have left your place of relief go back to step 1 and do it again. When you do this here‘s what happens. Rather than doing 20 activities in a day out of which 2 of them are gang busters and the others are so so, because you have taken inspired action, you are able to identify the 2 gangbuster ones and forget about the other 18. Make sense? This is the essence of working smarter not harder. When you can identify those activities that provide the most value you can focus your attention on those and not waste your valuable energy on those that don‘t provide the value.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Am I really inspired or just confused? Here‘s a good way to differentiate between ―logical‖ actions and ―inspired‖ actions. Logical actions will seem right. Inspired actions will feel right. Logical actions come about by thinking about them, analyzing them, anticipating outcomes of them. Inspired actions feel right and carry with them no need to do any of the ―stuff‖ we do with logical actions. Logical actions will often come accompanied with emotions other than relief. Inspired actions ride upon the waves of relief. Logical actions will many times requires us to DO something we really don‘t desire to do. Inspired actions, while they will take energy, do not feel like ―work‖. Inspired actions flow. Logical actions force. Logical actions are intrinsically connected with a perceived outcome. Inspired actions are totally independent of a perceived outcome. Inspired actions do not require any debate in our mind. Logically actions do. Inspired actions do not have to be defended or validated by others. Logical actions do. Many times we feel compelled to explain our actions and the reasons we are doing them to others. Inspired actions need nothing outside of ourselves. Inspired actions will always lead us into the quickest route to a miracle. Logical actions will often take us the hardest way to disappointment and dissolution. The fruit of inspired actions is always peace.

Make up your Mind The danger in indecision. Let your yes be yes and no be no. The universe tends to be binary. Either this or that. Either upstream or downstream, either particle or wave. If you going with the flow you can feel it. If you‘re going against the flow you can feel it. Being stuck in the middle in indecision means you are going nowhere which the worst place to be.


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The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires If you are swimming upstream you will notice the contrast and then be able to switch to downstream. However if you are ―stuck‖ in that in-between place you are nowhere. Literally. You are not in the black strip yet you are not in the picture. In that place nothing happens which is incredibly contrary to the natural laws of the universe. Things are always happening, either evolving or dissolving but they are moving.

Please sir, may I have some more? Don‘t fall into the trap of constantly looking for new information. We feel we‘re stuck so we think we must go get more information. So we inundate our mind with more new information to stack on top of the other new information we haven‘t allowed ourselves to digest. It‘s not unlike continuing to eat even when we are full. Instead of looking for more information allow some of what you have already ―eaten‖ to digest with in you. When this happens it transforms you. Then when you look at old information around you you will find out it has changed. Because you have.

Are you a rock star groupie? Sometimes we look at people who‘s conferences we attend, books we read, and tapes we listen to like they are rock stars. We attempt to live our lives vicariously through them usually because some piece of us believes we can never live it for ourselves. However like any addiction the effects don‘t last so we need to go back for more and more rather than face ourselves and begin to live our own lives not someone else's.

Keeping a rudder on your boat Keep a vein of consistency when making changes. This allows our set point to change easier because we are not trying to change too many of them at once. As you make changes keep things that you wish to keep consistent, consistent. When we manifested the teaching trip to Lethbridge, everything was different, different surroundings, different sleeping, and different diet. So many changes throw our thermostat way out of whack and it effectively goes into shock. 172

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Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Purposefully keep those things we are comfortable with consistent while making changes to others so it helps to build desired connections between the old and the new.

It’s always darkest before the dawn Ever notice when you approach a long awaited vacation how that last week at work can go so smooth up until the last day? You‘re tying up loose ends and you say to yourself ―I‘m ready to go. I‘ll finish up some last minute details my last day at work and I‘ll even take it a bit easy to prepare for my fantastic time off.‖ Then the last day comes and everything and everybody goes crazy. All off a sudden you find yourself in a death race trying to resolve all these ―catastrophes‖ that have seemed to crop up out of nowhere. You say to yourself ―What the heck happened?? Everything was going so smooth and now on the last day all heck breaks loose?‖ Maybe there‘s an event that you‘re really looking forward to and then right at the last moment something happens that threatens to take away your joy. It‘s in those moments, when it is easy to ask why the Universe has this vendetta towards us that lay our greatest moment of victory. You can bet money that it is a last ditch effort from a subconscious belief system (Manager) to try and keep you ―safe‖. The physical manifestation of a desire is the last step in the creative process. Your subconscious knows this, and if you have been challenging a belief system it has to do something to try and mitigate what it sees as a dangerous situation. 173

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

It‘s in these times where faith and insight is so important. Refusing to ―blink‖, you are face to face with an illusion. It may seem very real but it is an illusion none the less. But like a tiger on a chain, all it can do is roar. It can come close but It can‘t hurt you. Recognize this experience for what it is.

The doorway to the magnificent manifestation of your desire. Stand fast, and the roaring lion will subside in a memory as you step through the doorway of fear into the magnificence of your created experience.

In the nick of time The universe will manifest ―in‖ time but necessarily in ―our‖ time. It will never be late while at the same time not being too early as to cheat us out of an opportunity to stretch our faith and increase our skills. The results will manifest in perfect timing.

Trying to predict the weather We spoke about not being ―deeked‖ out by obstacles when they arise. One method they will use often is using a circumstance and then projecting out a potential future outcome that is undesirable to us in an effort to have us conform back to alignment with the belief. It is very effective if we buy into it. For instance, a phone call from your bank, a registered letter, an ache or pain in your body. If 174

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires you think back, or even if your look around your circumstances today, there was/is an external stimulus that we have taken and extrapolated a whole series of events and outcomes in our mind. Often times scaring the daylights out of us. Here‘s the logic in that exercise. Projecting a potential outcome using external information is like trying to predict the weather 2 weeks from now by looking out the window today. Need I say more?

Okay, I’m tired now When we look in a mirror we see our reflection. If we want to change the image we see in the mirror we don‘t change the mirror we change ourselves which will naturally change the reflection. When we apply this to our experiences we discover that as soon as we change our inner picture of our world our outer picture begins to change to reflect it. So if we choose to live the experience of having a certain sum of money (let‘s say 4000) in our experience our world will begin to reflect that. Do not worry if it doesn‘t reflect the whole amount in a short order of time or all at once. Do not look at that and say you have not achieved your goal or have failed. You are simply experiencing the process of having the external manifest towards your desired outcome. Remember the external world can take significantly longer to rearrange its image to accurately reflect yours. Do not get hung up in the final picture simply enjoy the every increasing accuracy of the process of it becoming.

I didn’t see you coming Ever have those times when you seem to get the ―lucky breaks‖? Or maybe you don‘t experience near enough of them but sure don‘t have a problem seeing people around you falling into them all the time? Many times it‘s not that you don‘t have just as many coming your way it‘s just that you don‘t recognize them. This is why meditation is such an important practice to heighten your ability 175

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires to detect and recognize the opportunities. Either through external coincidences or through internal thoughts, ideas, and inspirations.

I’m not lazy, I’m efficient There‘s a big difference between being Lazy and doing things the ―easy‖ way. Lazy is not taking any of our potential energy and converting it to Kinetic. Doing things the easy way is simply making the most efficient use of our energy & therefore time. When we are sensitive to inspired action we can achieve huge results with a very small amount of energy/time (work). The remainder of our energy can then be used in allowing, learning, growing, playing, expanding etc.

Making ourselves look pretty We attract what we desire. We create what we desire. The way we create what we desire is to initiate through our intentions and then attract that which we desire by becoming attractive. When we become attractive we create a safe and fertile environment for those experiences that we wish to attract. When we ―become‖ what we desire we are creating a hospitable and inviting home for the desire to enter into our physical experience. The more attractive and inviting the home is the faster and easier the desire will come and habitate it with us. It can be very tricky to not try and focus on how things will come to us. We can never accurately guess anyway because we have such a small picture of the world. It is much easier and better to focus on who things come from. That is very easy to find and is only one thing not many.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires

Step Five – enjoying the fruits of your labor

Don’t get caught up in your work When things start to manifest. It can be tricky to not get caught up in the physical experience. In some ways it‘s easier before they do because we don‘t have the physical distraction. When they start we can easily get caught up/attached to the results and hinder the process. This is the time to be very aware of where your attention is. This is often when remnants of old believe systems may pop up in your awareness. It is incredibly easy to gaze at our manifestation and then leap into the desire to maintain and hold on to what we have constructed. This usually comes from the place of concern that we won‘t be able to manifest more and somehow what we have will be taken away from us. Always remember, the physical manifestation of our experience is a glimpse into the past. It is our reflection. While we can use the information the experience gives us when we create our next 177

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires experience it is a slippery slope into focusing too much on our results and not enough on the next creation. It‘s very similar to driving a car looking into the rear view mirror. Enjoy the results of your work. Revel in it, and use that ecstasy to fuel and supercharge your next creative ventures. Enjoy what you have created, look towards what is coming next.

Strike while the iron’s hot We talked about this in the section on living your experience on the inside portion of the book however we can also use it very effectively when we‘re enjoying our manifested experience.

You can‘t ―live‖ in the past We can remember our past and use the information/learning's to create our future. However we cannot stand on our past and hope it will carry us into our future. We cannot rest on our laurels. We can use the past as information to create our future however we cannot lay our future on our past because it won‘t support it. It will be very tempting to focus so much on our manifestations that we begin to hold on to them a little bit too tight. We are enjoying the experience, and the knowing of how we created it, and we begin to not want it to end. A perfect 178

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires example is when we go on a vacation or an event we have been really looking forward to its arrival. We are waiting on pins and needles of excitement for the day to come. It arrives and we throw ourselves with abandon into the magnificent feelings of the event. However, all too soon, we find ourselves looking towards the end of the vacation when we‘ll have to go home. As the end draws nearer we find ourselves wishing we could start the whole thing over again. It‘s as though we are trying to hold onto the moment so it won‘t get away. Then when we‘re back into our normal routines we keep thinking of how good the event was and how we wish we were back there again. Using our weather of either lack (not enough) or abundance (more than enough) where would this behavior or perspective come from? You bet if you knew there was many more of these experiences coming would you be as attached to this one and would not be looking at it from a perspective of not enough or lack. The first few times you will probably find this will take a fair of amount of trust and faith. Don‘t worry if you shift back and forth between lack and abundance. It will probably happen. The important thing is that you are able to identify it and change it. The bad news is you cannot re-live the past. Can you see that you focus in this instance is not on what is in the process of manifesting for you it‘s looking back and what was? Plus, referring to the section on the filmstrip, we know that the only thing that is ―real‖ is this present moment. These behaviors come back to the driving eighty miles an hour down the hiway and only looking in the rear view mirror. The good news is you can re-create a similar, or event better, experience using your manifestation processes. Enjoy your manifestations to the fullest. Revel in them. Know that there are many, many more where that one came from and that, if you choose, they will not only be the same the will be better.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Attract abundance not chase it down. The key word is attract. This applies to the past as much as the future. In order to attract abundance we need to make our selves attractive. If you want to attract more abundance work on making yourself more attractive. Think of it as magnetic. The stronger the magnet the more power it has to pull things toward it. As more and more manifestations occur they will help you to make your magnetic pull stronger and stronger. This is why the best way to attract abundance is to continually work on yourself.

Your Journal is your Best Friend Here is another excellent opportunity for you to use your daily journal. As you‘re enjoying your manifestations write down, not so much what you did, as how you feel when you were doing it. Remember, emotions are very powerful. Jot down the highlights of your day. The empowering self dialog you had; the other aspect of your experience that you have total control over. Think of this as your energetic holiday photographs. Just like we look at the pictures we take during events and remember how they felt we can use our journal the same way. Except now you can use this information to help you live on the inside brand new, and even greater, new desired experiences.

You be the Judge We decide what is true. As we hold that belief our external world begins to mirror that belief which validates what we have chosen to believe is true. However an opposing belief can just as easily be true. The trap we fall into is that we forget that we first created the belief inside and then 180

The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires the external mirrored it. We think it is the other way around and therefore have a very difficult time believing we can change it Remember, when our external environment appears to be something other than we wish it to be that it is just that, the ―appearance‖ of something. Not the true nature behind it. I.e. The appearance of the other shoe dropping. It will only be true if we choose to believe what ―appears‖ to be true is. It is not. We have the power to change it by recognizing that which creates the appearance. When we change that we change the appearance. One is as true as the other.

It’s all about you Our first priority is our personal journey of healing. All the other manifestations of ―abundance‖ are simply reflections of our personal growth, not the cause of it. The ―answers‖ I require are right in front of me. The best action to take is, in many ways, no action but to pay attention. We use information from our memory and information from our ―future‖; mix that in with our external present moment stimulus to create our experience.

The Curse of the Second Time The curse of the second time. You decide you are going to get in shape and start going to the gym. So you go hard core for three days in a row. And then it seems that ―things‖ start to crop up that 181 The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires make it harder for you to go. This is one of the challenges when things start to manifest in your life. As soon as we start to see the changes manifest it‘s easy to slip into the ―performance anxiety‖ mode. As soon as we manifest something we now have something to loose. Before it‘s manifest there isn‘t anything to loose. It flows along the lines of the old saying there is nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing left to loose. Release the need to be correct or perfect. In fact release all that you have manifested and are currently enjoying. Just let it all go. Let the need to it to even continue go. Often that will release the unnecessary fear of failure and allow you the freedom to go forward as though you had nothing left to loose.

When all is said and done, it’s all about Me Our time together has come to an end. While there will be many more things for us to learn and share you now have all the tools you require to literally Create Your World from the Inside Out. In many respects I have left the best for last. There are a variety of reasons for leaving what I am about to share with you to a closing statement. At first glance it may even seem to contradict many of the topics we‘ve discussed in this book. However as you allow the concepts to settle into your awareness I believe you will find it completes them. As you read the following paragraphs it will be deceptively easy to say ―I understand‖ however may I suggest it is much easier to understand intellectually than it is experientially. I encourage you to take the time to allow yourself to really know them. Here they are.


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

Manifesting Abundance

The Skill of Effortlessly Manifesting Your Desires Our external world is a reflection of who we are. It‘s not what we do, it‘s not what we think, and it‘s not even what we feel. It‘s a reflection of the essence of who we are. Manifesting is not a process of doing or feeling; it‘s a result of being. In many of our other classes and workshops I share with our students that there is a very big difference between ―feeling sad‖ and ―being sad‖. The sentences ―I am feeling sad‖ and ―I am sad‖ are immensely different and in many respects at opposite ends of the poles. The two most powerful words in the universe are ―I AM‖. When we connect the words I am with an external circumstance, a thought, or an emotion we are, in a very literal way, identifying and becoming whatever words came after I AM. The words I AM remove the veil of separateness and reveal


The Handyman‘s Guide to Manifesting Your Desires – © Oct, 2009 ISBN 978-0-9918218-0-8

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