2016 Rustic Pathways International Catalog

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Rustic Pathways


OUR MISSION Rustic Pathways empowers students through innovative and responsible travel experiences to positively impact lives and communities around the world.



We provide transformative travel and volunteer experiences for high school students. With 97 programs in 19 countries, you can find programs that suit your personality and interests. 80 percent of our programs feature community service work. Each year, students from over 50 different countries travel with us. We offer merit-based Global Ambassador scholarships.


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The first thing to know about Rustic Pathways is that we are not a tour company. We do not believe in seeing sights through a bus window. We were founded to break the norms of student travel, to create experiences that give our students a greater understanding of the world, and to play a role in building a more unified global community. Chris Stakich, CEO



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WHO WE ARE Our exceptional staff members are the backbone of our organization. Their incredibly diverse backgrounds provide us with a profound understanding of the destinations we visit and offer our students one-of-a-kind experiences. We build leadership teams that pair international staff members with local employees. This results in diverse teams that blend an understanding of our students and their needs with deep local knowledge. Our program leaders come with backgrounds in teaching, experiential education, psychology, wilderness training, river rafting, international development, and other outdoor and educational fields.




Chit Oo

Heather Johnson

Evan Wells

Hailing from Kengtung in eastern Shan State, Chit Oo has been working for us for over seven years. He is fluent in four languages and has a degree in geography from Kengtung University. Chit Oo enjoys sharing his Shan culture and stories of colorful hill tribe people with our students. In his spare time, Chit Oo is also an avid photographer.


Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, Heather is an adventure enthusiast. She has worked for Rustic Pathways for three years, leading programs in New Orleans, Baltimore, and Fiji. When not leading programs, Heather is an English and drama teacher. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Washington State University.

A Kiwi now living between Australia and Fiji, Evan has spent more than two decades helping to shape Rustic Pathways. With a degree in business, and a deep commitment to Fijian communities, Evan proudly manages our South Pacific operations. Outside of Rustic, you can find Evan spending time with his wife and their two young boys.


from more than

speaking more than




staff members

countries across the globe

different languages


SAFETY AND RISK MANAGEMENT At Rustic Pathways, we take the health and well-being of our students very seriously. While we believe in the transformative power of expanding one’s boundaries, we are also heavily invested in managing the risks of doing so. Our comprehensive program leader training, year-round presence in countries, rigorous safety standards, and continued commitment to evaluating risks ensure we remain at the forefront of our industry.

DAVE DENNIS Director of Safety and Risk Management Dave has a master’s degree in risk management and more than 20 years of experience in the adventure and student travel industry. Prior to joining us, he owned a consulting firm that specialized in implementing risk management and emergency response programs for both domestic and global tour operators. He works with our program operations team and local country leadership to ensure the quality and consistency of Rustic Pathways’ programs worldwide.


Philosophy of Risk We understand that risk is an inherent part of our programs. We travel to remote destinations, expose our students to unfamiliar surroundings, and encourage personal growth through new experiences. When conducted responsibly, these experiences create transformations in students that are impossible to replicate. For this reason, risk management is a fundamental component of all our programs. It is driven by strong leadership and executed successfully throughout our on-the-ground teams and partners.

Three Tiers of Risk Management 1

Our safety and risk management director works year-round to monitor worldwide events, maintain global policies, and train our crisis response teams.


Country directors and their teams develop risk management plans for each program and location we visit. They continuously monitor local conditions through on-the-ground reports and State Department advisories.


Our program leaders are trained to monitor risk and ensure the safety and health of our students. We partner with one of the most reputable providers of medical and travel services, International SOS.

RISK MANAGEMENT PLANS Risk Management Plans identify known or foreseen risks and detail the protocols by which we respond to critical incidents and natural disasters. Each risk management plan details the risks and responses that are specific to that country and the activities that occur on each program. It also identifies the nearest clinics and hospitals for every location a program visits, so we know ahead of time where to go for help.

INTERNATIONAL SOS International SOS is a medical emergency service provider that offers all our students access to emergency evacuation services and expert health advisors. A 24-hour provider, International SOS has 27 assistance centers around the world staffed by 5,600 multilingual professionals and a fleet of air ambulances.

SAFETY TRAINING FOR LEADERS All summer program leaders are First Aid and CPR certified, and many are also Wilderness First Aid certified, Wilderness First Responders, or EMTs. Programs in rural areas are staffed with leaders that have the highest level of training. Additionally, all program leaders attend an in-country training that covers common medical issues, emergency scenarios, and critical incident protocols.


RESPONSIBLE TRAVEL We are committed to decreasing our environmental footprint, stimulating local economies, providing direct support for community needs, and teaching our students responsible travel practices. We travel to locations off the tourist track, buy goods from locally owned businesses, engage in community service, and respect local cultures and customs. Our programs support education, infrastructure development, job growth, and other community initiatives. We have partnered with Sustainable Travel International, a global NGO, to evaluate our ongoing impact and to help us continue to operate in the most responsible manner possible.

ANN FULLER Director of Community Partnerships With a master’s in urban planning from NYU, Ann has been integral to the development of the Nasivikoso School in Fiji. She applies her expertise to ensure all of our service initiatives meet rigorous standards and our partner organizations are legitimate providers whose approach is rooted in best practice.


OUR APPROACH TO SERVICE We believe that through responsible travel and well-designed service initiatives, our students can gain an understanding of pressing social and environmental challenges at a global level and help combat these challenges at a local level. We take a comprehensive approach to service, working with community partners from the design process to monitoring and evaluation. Each year, we publish a report that presents our progress, accomplishments, and goals.


Identify and Design Projects with Local Partners 2

Provide Students Opportunities to Engage





Work Together to Achieve Goals

Community Health and Social Services


Monitor and Evaluate

Economic Development


Build Long-Term Partnerships 13

LEARNING THROUGH TRAVEL At the core of our program design is the notion that what students experience while traveling can profoundly shape who they are and how they view the world. We believe that travel provides a unique opportunity for student learning, and we intentionally create programs that promote student growth. Our students are encouraged to interact with their surroundings, try new experiences, and reflect upon their personal growth throughout the program.

BRENT WATKINS Vice President of Program Operations Brent holds a master’s in education from Johns Hopkins University where he is also an adjunct faculty member in the education department. Prior to joining Rustic Pathways, Brent managed the training and preparation of new classroom teachers for Teach For America. With extensive experience in learning development, Brent ensures the highest level of quality across our programming. He works with our global staff to develop powerful curricula for all of our programs.


We inspire curiosity and passion for exploration. We stray off of the tourist track and encourage our students to ask questions and learn from the people and places they encounter. We design programs that allow students to form meaningful relationships around the world. We believe that creating personal connections fosters a shared sense of humanity across cultural boundaries. We encourage our students to think critically about global issues and to push their personal boundaries. Students who travel with us develop a better understanding of our complex world and of themselves. We facilitate debrief discussions that help our students make meaning of what they experience. Our program leaders are trained to ask probing questions and guide our students as they learn about themselves through travel.

LEARNING VALUES Rustic Pathways programs are centered around three learning values. We believe that embracing these values helps students make the most of their experience while traveling in new locations and cultures.




We will learn to conduct ourselves as positive ambassadors of our home countries, families, and the Rustic Pathways global community. We will be respectful of local cultures and remain aware of how our actions are perceived.

We will be active global citizens by engaging with our surroundings and understanding the impact of our actions. We will be compassionate and open-minded participants in cross-cultural dialogue, taking responsible action when needed.

We will achieve personal growth by challenging our social, physical, and emotional boundaries. As we reflect on our experiences, we will work to integrate and build upon the lessons we learned when we return home and during future experiences abroad.


FINANCIAL AID We believe every student should have the opportunity to learn through travel. We are committed to making our transformational experiences available to as many students as possible.

Global Ambassador Scholarship This is an elite, competitive scholarship designed to give exceptional students from around the world a unique opportunity to learn about other cultures through community service. This award is only available to students who live outside of the United States. We highly encourage you to apply! Learn more and apply online at rusticpathways.com/financial-aid.

BESART COPA Global Ambassador Durrës, Albania Besart was one of our 20 Global Ambassador scholarship recipients for 2016. We were impressed by his desire to push his boundaries, gain a new perspective, and truly learn through travel. “Coming from a modest family in Albania, I always dreamed of seeing the world. At the age of 14, I received a full scholarship from my present school in Switzerland. The culture shock of moving from one of the poorest communities in Europe to one of the richest was one of the most significant phases self growth for me. Culture shock taught me the value of adaptability. It also taught me how to understand different cultures from my own. I wanted to get the chance to experience something different, somewhere different; a chance to experience culture shock again.“ I traveled on the Come With Nothing program in Thailand. Being in Southeast Asia, a region which is literally on the other side of the world from where I live, this program definitely enabled me to experience an entirely new culture. Come With Nothing builds strong connections of friendship and trust with the local people—a connection bound by the hot sweat of hard work and effort. Despite the many aspects which make you different from each other, while working together you are able to find a common bond.”


LAUREN FLAMENBAUM Global Ambassador Paris, France Lauren traveled on our Intro to Public Health in the Caribbean program as a Global Ambassador. She found the program inspiring and helpful in readying her for a future in the medical field. “My most important learning moment on the program was visiting the hospitals in the capital, as well as the Wilderness First Aid course. The course taught me to be responsible in certain situations and gave me the ability to think quickly and take care of medical emergencies firsthand.�


RUSTIC PATHWAYS STUDENTS AND PARENTS Rustic Pathways students come from varying backgrounds. In 2015, students from more than 50 different countries traveled with us. While nationalities vary, all of our students share the common desire to learn, explore, and make a positive impact. They not only learn about the cultures of the places they visit, but they also share their own culture, exchange stories, and become friends with students from across the globe.




Lisboa, Portugal

New York, United States

Tangerang, Indonesia

“Traveling as an international student was an incredible experience. I got to learn not only about Peru and its culture, but also about the other students’ countries. It was such an eye-opening experience, where I got to meet a lot of new people. It was amazing to be able to compare the different lifestyles and traditions from different countries, and as of right now, I am able to say that I have friends from various states in America and other countries spread around the globe.”

“Rustic let me live like a local in a place far different than where I’m from and for that I am grateful. I’ll never forget the people that made this journey with me—people from all over the world with very different pasts. After many inside jokes and long bus rides I started to see them not as friends but as family. The two times I have left the country it has been with Rustic. Paying for this trip myself made the experience so much more rewarding. It took over a year to save and every second was worth it.”

“I am a firm believer that life begins beyond your comfort zone, and Rustic Pathways proved it to me. As an international student, I was worried that I might not be able to make friends easily or connect with other students, but I was completely wrong. I was able to taste both American and Moroccan culture at once. It was great to be with a group of people who are openminded, interested in getting to know other cultures, and ready for new and wonderful experiences.”


LABIBA EL HUSSEINI Parent of Izuegbunam Dubai, United Arab Emirates “ Izu had to adjust himself to a totally new group of people, which really made him come out of his comfort zone. Being a teenager is not easy. Traveling opens your eyes not only to other cultures, but it also allows you to look within and understand your place in the world and how, underneath everything, we are all really quite the same. I do realize it is a bit scary letting your kids go overseas to areas which are rural and not easily reachable, but the experience makes them better people.�


AFRICA Ghana - Morocco - Tanzania


Our programs in Africa feature three very different countries. Morocco provides a diverse experience, bringing you through the spice markets of Marrakech and up to a rural village in the high Atlas Mountains. Tanzania welcomes you with open arms and offers you the chance to make a positive impact in a community. Ghana steals a special spot in your heart, as the vibrant and lively people keep you smiling through service projects and bumpy, cross-country road trips. Africa also offers quintessential adventures such as climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, crossing the Sahara on camelback, and spotting wild animals on safari. In each of our program locations, you will have the opportunity to engage with locals, stay in rural villages, and learn what life is really like in Morocco, Ghana, and Tanzania.

Ghana, more than any African country I know, is vibrant. Sure, I love the secluded beaches, the spots where the elephants roam free, and the quiet getaways in the hills of the Volta Region, but when I think of Ghana, I think of clapping, dancing, honking, bustling markets, and a chaos of ancient cultures and languages bumping right up against the encroachment of the Western world. If Ghana had a heartbeat, it would be thumping right out of its chest. Eric Bragg, Ghana Country Director


Program Highlight

SAVE THE RAIN: WATER CONSERVATION PROJECT This program is ideal for students who have a passion for environmental issues, capacity building, or global health. Partner with the innovative non-profit Save the Rain to work on one of the most important issues of your generation: access to clean and plentiful water. Work alongside local laborers to complete a catchment system that will harvest rainwater to provide clean drinking water for an entire household. Your program fee will cover the full costs of a catchment system for one household. Before the service is complete, take a safari to two national parks in search of Africa’s famous big five game animals in their natural habitats, camp on the rim of the great Rift Valley, and go on an educational walk with members of the legendary Maasai warrior tribe.

SERVICE BY THE NUMBERS: GHANA In 2015, students helped construct a junior high school that will serve

Rustic Pathways has worked with Help Our Village Foundation for



local students in the Volta region

years to support local communities

CHAIMA AIT EL MEKKI Morocco Country Director Born and raised in Marrakech, Chaima has been with Rustic since our first summer in Morocco. Fluent in Arabic, French, English, and Spanish, she is an invaluable resource and guide. Chaima has a degree in actuarial finance and combines her knowledge of business, languages, and culture to manage programs. Chaima is a champion of giving back to her community. She brings her talent for encouraging cross-cultural discussions to design programs where students engage with and learn from the Moroccan people.


TOP 8 EXPERIENCES IN AFRICA 1. Summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro on our Climbing Kili program

5. Visiting Africa’s tallest waterfall on Off the Map: Ghana

2. Watching the sunrise atop sand dunes in the Sahara on Moroccan Wanderer

6. Wandering the vibrant markets of Morocco on Souks and Service

3. Spotting the big five in the Serengeti on Safari and a Splash of Paradise

7. Researching chimpanzees with the Jane Goodall Institute on the African Wildlife Conservation program

4. Helping to provide a family with clean drinking water in Tanzania through the Save the Rain: Water Conservation Project

8. Bonding with your home stay family on Volta Village Life and Service 23

ASIA China - India - Mongolia


Asia is for explorers. If you’re looking to learn something new and see sights unlike any you’ve seen before, you will not be disappointed by our programs in China, India, or Mongolia. In China, you can learn Mandarin, care for giant pandas, or explore the highlights of the big cities and the lesser-known province of Yunnan. Our programs in India are as diverse as the country itself. Volunteer with Tibetan refugees, help rehabilitate sloth bears and elephants, and of course, visit the famous Taj Mahal. In Mongolia, our most adventurous students live the nomadic life, trekking across the steppes and staying in traditional gers. Whether you are looking to explore vibrant cities or escape to the expansive countryside, our programs in Asia will stimulate your senses and change your world perspective.

China recalibrates your understanding of what it means to feel foreign. No matter how many places you’ve been or cultures you’ve experienced, this one is a world apart, where life hustles and bustles with a pulse of dizzying fluidity. Food, cars, voices; you will be consumed by it. Moments begin to replace one another— dancing from quiet to funny, personal to profound, strange to beautiful—and you will find that China has welcomed you into her proud and graceful arms. Amanda Cortes, China Country Director


Country Highlight

MONGOLIA: OUR MOST RUGGED ADVENTURE Travel to Mongolia and transform your definition of rugged. Mongolia’s history of wandering, the nomadic culture of its people, and its vast, untouched landscapes appeal to the hardiest of travelers and the most determined of adventurers. We work with nomadic communities in the Tavan Bogd mountain region, where electricity is rare, paved roads are sparse, and villagers still live in traditional gers—circular buildings constructed of a wooden lattice and sheep felt. Mongolia has the lowest population density of any country in the world, with only 4.5 people per square mile, and a horse-to-human ratio of 13 to 1. Most Mongolians learn to ride horseback from a young age, and some ethnic groups still use trained golden eagles for hunting.

SERVICE BY THE NUMBERS: INDIA Rustic Pathways students in India completed

On the Children of India program, Rustic students held



hours of community service in summer 2015

English enrichment sessions for 75 young Indian students

DIVYA PARAMESHWARAN India Country Manager With an MBA in international tourism marketing, extensive experience working in India’s tourism industry, and fluency in four different languages, Divya is an invaluable member of our Rustic Pathways India team. A native of Kerala, she loves sharing her rich cultural traditions with everyone she meets. Divya’s constant cheerful demeanor and zest for adventure make her extremely popular among Rustic Pathways students. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking with her husband, Eldhose, in New Delhi.


TOP 8 EXPERIENCES IN ASIA 1. Feeding, bathing, and caring for giant pandas on Panda Conservation and Wild China

5. Capturing India’s vibrant scenery on Himalayan Photo Expedition

2. Seeing the diversity of India with your own eyes on Namaste India

6. Using your new Mandarin language skills while bartering in local markets on Chinese Language Immersion

3. Holding a golden eagle and taking a bucket shower on Off the Map: Mongolia 4. Wandering the Bund and seeing the iconic Shanghai skyline light up the night on Marvels of China

7. Learning from monks in the Himalayas through Service in the Clouds 8. Hiking through the vast, beautiful, and rugged land on Off the Map: Mongolia 27

LATIN AMERICA Costa Rica - Cuba - Dominican Republic - Peru


From the tropical Caribbean waters, to the jungles of Central America, and up into the high Andes mountains, you’ll make a positive impact while having fun during our programs in Latin America. Service buffs with a sense of adventure have a blast whitewater rafting, zip lining, and absorbing the pura vida lifestyle in Costa Rica. Head to Peru to work with rural indigenous communities and experience the breathtaking scenery of the mountains as well as the Amazon jungle. You may come to the Dominican Republic for the white-sand beaches, but you’ll leave knowing that you contributed to projects that improve living standards for underserved communities. Cuba, our newest addition to the region, offers an opportunity to work alongside park rangers on ecological service projects, learn how to solve issues through design thinking, and experience the vibrant culture through a local lens.

La Republica Dominicana is home of merengue, bachata, the best baseball players, a vast coast, beautiful mountains, and my very large family. I thrive on exposing students to the intricacies of Dominican culture, and complex issues such as wealth inequality, public health, and immigration. My goal is for every student to leave with a changed perspective. Harry Alvarez, Dominican Republic Country Director


Country Highlight


BIENVENIDOS A CUBA! We’re thrilled to begin a cultural exchange with the vibrant island nation of Cuba this year. In true Rustic fashion, students will experience much more than Havana and the country’s tropical coastlines. Built around local interaction, hands-on learning, and engaging service work, our programs here are designed to reveal what life is really like in Cuba. The island’s vibrant streets, lush rainforests, and undiscovered adventures are sure to captivate even the most experienced travelers. Music and dancing are an indispensable part of life here, and the lively beats of the island will provide a tantalizing soundtrack to your trip.

Dominican Republic


people served by the two Rustic Pathways constructed aqueducts in 2015 in the mountain region outside of Jarabacoa


Program Highlight

PERU BY BACKPACK Become a savvy, adventurous backpacker on this life-shaping trek through Peru’s breathtaking natural wonders. This program puts the journey in your hands. Living out of your pack, you will manage your budget, negotiate with locals, and learn to backpack like a pro. Camp under the stars in the magnificent Andes, trek to the most beautiful turquoise lagoons and cascading waterfalls, and explore one of the greatest archeological mysteries on the planet, the Nazca Lines. You will return home knowing how to find hidden spots off the tourist track and how to truly experience local life while traveling.

aqueducts have been completed by Rustic students since beginning the aqueduct project in 2012


homes constructed, with the help of Rustic students, in the batey community of Monte Coca since January 2015

MAURICIO CARAZO Costa Rica Program Manager A former river guide and photographer who hails from the hills of Turrialba, Mau is a great asset to our Costa Rica team. With a degree in business management and tourism and a fervent passion for mountain biking and kayaking, he provides invaluable insight into the logistics and safety of our programs. Mau has been a leader on our team for over six years and has led programs in five Rustic destinations. He now manages all of our adventure and gap year programs in Costa Rica.


TOP 8 EXPERIENCES IN LATIN AMERICA 1. Feeling the adrenaline rush of zip lining and whitewater rafting on Costa Rican Adventurer

5. Being completely awestruck by Machu Picchu on Off the Map: Peru

2. Walking down the historic streets of Havana on Viva Cuba! Culture and Conservation

6. Earning your Wilderness First Aid certification and exploring a future career on Introduction to Public Health in the Caribbean

3. Working with an organization that helps girls from rural communities gain access to an education on Sacred Valley Service 4. Learning about the indigenous tribes on our BribrĂ­ and SarapiquĂ­ programs in Costa Rica

7. Learning from the locals on our Spanish Language Immersion program in Costa Rica 8. Building a new home for a deserving family on the Life in the Bateyes program 31

SOUTHEAST ASIA Burma - Cambodia - Laos - Thailand - Vietnam


Travel with us to the land of verdant rice fields, tranquil villages, and warm smiles. Throughout Southeast Asia, our extensive team of local staff will welcome you into their villages and help you immerse yourself in the local cultures and lifestyles. The wide variety of programs here offers an experience for everyone. First-time travelers enjoy our Ricefields base in Thailand, where you can stay in a comfortable environment while participating in a variety of meaningful service projects. If you’re looking for a challenge, many programs throughout Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam invite you to learn the stories of ethnic minorities and marginalized communities and experience rural village life. You will form tight bonds with your group members as you learn Buddhist traditions, work hard on service projects, and enjoy the simple, easy-going lifestyle in Southeast Asia.

Laos is magical. Without fail, each time I drive on deserted country roads or float down ancient rivers to secluded villages, the stunning scenery takes my breath away. Traces of colonial history and war remain at every turn, but there is also a palpable, hopeful momentum from the people for the future. Laos is at a crossroads, and now is the time to come explore. Tara McCarney, Laos Country Director


Country Highlight


DISCOVER BURMA While Rustic Pathways began offering trips in Burma in 1990, the country was largely cut off from the Western world for decades and can feel a little like a land lost to time. Burma’s colorful cultures, stunning landscapes, and complex history make it an intriguing and eye-opening destination. All of our program managers here are native Burmese, enabling us to take students off the increasingly popular tourist track and into the villages and homes of local people. Program Highlight

FROM THE GROUND UP One of our most unique and powerful programs, From the Ground Up exposes you to the fields of international development and social change. Designed for those with a passion for service and an interest in the inner workings of development projects, you will visit with and learn from innovators and organizations that are bringing about change in Cambodia. Analyze critical social issues, learn about Cambodia’s turbulent past, and gain hands-on work experience. Your group may be asked to generate project proposals or to help bring an already active service project to fruition. Working alongside community members, you will see real results as your project moves towards its goal of creating a positive impact in a local community.



school facilities improved by Rustic Pathways students in rural areas of northern Thailand


students, from the village Ban Chiang Yuen, given swimming lessons at Rustic Pathways’ Ricefields Base in 2015


community members given health screenings at clinics facilitated by Rustic Pathways students on our community health programs

MINSOESAN “BAO JOE” Southeast Asia Senior Program Manager A law student at the University of Taungngu, Bao Joe hails from a small fishing village between Yangon and Mandalay. He speaks exceptional English, enjoys teaching others about the warm culture of the Burmese people, and has a knack for connecting Rustic Pathways and local students. Bao Joe leads trips in both Burma and Thailand each year. He provides a great bridge between these uniquely different cultures, spending much of his time each summer at the Rustic Pathways Children’s Home in Thailand.


TOP 8 EXPERIENCES IN SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Living like a local in remote hill tribe villages on Come With Nothing, Go Home Rich 2. Bonding with an elephant on one of our three elephant conservation programs 3. Swimming in the beautiful turquoise waters of the Kuangsi waterfalls in Laos on Southeast Asian Adventurer 4. Working on the Tonle Sap waterways on Floating VIllage Service Expedition

5. Getting to know and having a blast with our ever-smiling Burmese staff members on the Hill Tribes of the Golden Triangle program 6. Being completely captivated by Angkor Wat at sunrise on Off the Map: Cambodia 7. Venturing to an island in the Irrawaddy River to volunteer alongside locals on community on Irrawaddy Village Service 8. Eating as much mango sticky rice as possible! 35

SOUTH PACIFIC Australia - Fiji - New Zealand


The South Pacific is Rustic Pathways’ true home. Over 33 years ago, Rustic Pathways ran our first-ever program in the wild Outback of Australia. We continue to challenge students with exciting programs and unique service learning opportunities in Australia. You can work with the Australia Zoo or learn survival skills on a deserted island! We also have deep connections in Fiji, where you can join our efforts to construct an elementary school in Nasivikoso village, where our students have been staying with host families for more than 20 years. Outside of service, programs in the South Pacific offer endless adventure opportunities. Scuba dive, snorkel, surf, rappel, sandboard, and maybe even try bungee jumping or sky diving. Our Pacific Adrenaline program even takes you to the adventure capital of the world: New Zealand. Whether exploring the wild lands of Australia or enjoying island life in Fiji, you’ll be welcomed with open arms into our South Pacific Rustic family.

The South Pacific has always held a romantic allure of adventure and ancient traditions for many people. I came to Fiji more than 20 years ago and still love the country as much today as I did when I first explored the rural mountain villages and tiny remote islands all those years ago. Everyone loves the clear, warm waters and tropical islands of Fiji, but for me it’s the people that keep me coming back—their loving attachment to their land, to the surrounding ocean, and to each other. Their warmth and exuberant enthusiasm for life are contagious Evan Wells, Fiji Country Director


Program Highlight

ISLAND SURVIVAL Fly to Australia, get dropped on a remote island far off the coast with only three survival items of your choice, and rise to the challenge. This is Survivor—Rustic-style! For 10 days, your group will be the only human inhabitants on this remote deserted island. Undertake physical and mental challenges carefully designed and coordinated by Australian Army survival specialists. Develop valuable life skills, learn about yourself, and build friendships through intense teamwork while living on a tropical island surrounded by coral reef and turquoise lagoons. Between survival challenges, watch the sun rise and set over the ocean, snorkel above the reefs, collect data on marine life, and contribute to environmental projects designed to preserve this island paradise.

SERVICE BY THE NUMBERS: FIJI In 2015, Rustic Pathways students led educational enrichment projects with students at

Students helped restore coastal ecosystems around Somosomo Village by planting



elementary schools across Fiji

mangrove seedlings this summer

ALEJANDRO ROMERO Australia Program Manager With a degree in business and tourism management, Alejo has been an integral part of the Australian team since 2012. Originally from Colombia, he now lives in Australia, where he manages our Awesome Aussie and Seven Wonders programs, as well as group and gap year operations. With a unique Spanish twist to his newfound Aussie accent, Alejo brings an exciting blend of cultures to our programs. In his spare time, he enjoys sharing his passion for adventure and photography.


TOP 8 EXPERIENCES IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC 1. Cooking over a fire, throwing boomerangs, and driving in a 4x4 on Epic Outback

5. Rafting through caves blaneted with glow worms in New Zealand on Pacific Adrenaline

2. Being welcomed into your home stay family on Highlands and Islands Village Service

6. Tutoring special-needs students on Awesome Aussie Service Adventure

3. Living on a dive boat while conducting research on the Great Barrier Reef through the Minke Whale Research Expedition

7. Working alongside zookeepers with kangaroos, koalas, and more on You, A ‘Roo and Australia Zoo

4. Experiencing true island paradise on Sun, Sand, and International Service

7. Learning how to Scuba dive and spotting manta rays on Fiji Diver’s Dream 39

UNITED STATES Alaska - California - Louisiana - Maryland


The United States is diverse in every sense. It boasts a wide range of sights, activities, people, food, and cultures. You’ll be amazed at how much you have to discover. Aside from taking you to famous monuments and into impressive national parks, our programs here open your eyes to lesser-known areas of the country. While activities vary throughout our operations in the US, one theme that sweeps throughout them all is the notion of home. Whether working with refugees assimilating to a new home, helping residents of New Orleans rebuild their homes, or learning to feel at home in the great expanses of nature, you will be profoundly impacted by your experience on our programs here. Join us and gain a deeper understanding and a new perspective on the United States.

From the wildernesses of Alaska and California to the rich histories and cultures of New Orleans and Baltimore, I believe our programs in the States challenge students in every way. They will open your eyes to the beauty and diversity of the USA. Marc Mankowski, United States Country Director


Program Highlight

CALIFORNIA DREAMING On this program, you will explore the beautiful, diverse landscape of California. From stunning mountains to incredible beaches, there are endless opportunities for outdoor adventure here. Head into the world-renowned Sierra Nevada Mountains and Yosemite National Park. Then travel up the coast through Big Sur, Monterey, Santa Cruz, and San Francisco. This is the perfect introductory challenge for students excited to spend time outside exploring nature. The journey will introduce you to the natural wonders that can be found across California and leave you with an experience you will remember forever.

SERVICE BY THE NUMBERS In 2015, Rustic Pathways students tutored

Students in New Orleans worked a total of



refugee students in Baltimore

hours on housing projects

SAM STEVENS Rustic Pathways Alum Sam participated in our Rebuilding New Orleans program in 2007 and was deeply impacted by his experience. When he returned to his hometown of St. Louis, he involved himself in many service projects and received a community service scholarship to return to New Orleans and attend Tulane University. Sam has been in New Orleans ever since, pursuing a career in the rebuilding and emergency management sector. He worked at the St. Bernard Project and was the site manager for a few of the projects that partnered with Rustic Pathways. He recently completed a masters of science in Emergency Management from Tulane’s Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy. Now he is a program manager for Youth Rebuilding New Orleans, a nonprofit organization that rebuilds homes for locally displaced teachers.


TOP 8 PROGRAM EXPERIENCES IN THE UNITED STATES 1. Soaking in the jaw-dropping views of Denali National Park on Off the Map: Alaska

5. Jamming out to live jazz and eating beignets in the French Quarter in New Orleans

2. Feeling the energetic buzz of the political heart of the United States in Washington D.C.

6. Bonding with refugee students and learning about their life stories through Beyond Capitol Hill: Youth Refugee Tutoring Project

3. Reconstructing a home destroyed by Hurricane Katrina on Rebuilding New Orleans 4. Hiking through giant Redwood forests and surfing the famous Pacific waves on California Dreaming

7. Understanding and experiencing the diversity of the United States 8. Returning home with new friends from all around the world 43

RUSTIC PATHWAYS GAP YEAR Far from simply a year off of school, a gap year may well be the most fulfilling, exciting, and important year of your education. Understanding what goes on beyond the borders of your home country and how it affects us all will change the way you think about nearly everything and enhance your understanding of how to approach any endeavor. When you return to the classroom, you’ll be ready to take hold of the amazing opportunities you’ve been given and make the most of them.

Scholarships We offer scholarships to outstanding students from all over the world who demonstrate commitment to success on our programs. These scholarships are awarded to qualified students based on a combination of merit and financial need. They may cover up to 100 percent of the program cost of a gap semester. Visit rusticpathways.com/financial-aid for more information.

ALINE ARONSKY Rustic Pathways Gap Year Alum I could fill a book on how I grew as a person during the last year. Firstly, my gap year prepared me for college. I became more comfortable with making friends. I learned how to be away from home. I learned how to adapt to extremely unfamiliar situations. I learned who, at my core, I truly am. But mostly, I learned about the world around me. What I learned on my gap year is unrivaled by anything I could have learned in a classroom. I debated ethics with a writer who carried his entire life’s possessions in a backpack. I interviewed a woman who built a home for people with special needs in India. The conversations I had with these people taught me more about life and myself than any textbook ever could have.



Spanish Language Immersion

Spend time exploring, learning, and volunteering in the South Pacific, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Each semester is designed to provide adventurous, well-rounded, and team-oriented experiences. The rich experience of each semester contains a mix of working on community service projects, learning valuable skills, seeing culturally important places, and embarking on outdoor adventures.

An in-depth experience in Costa Rica, Peru, and the Dominican Republic, this program is perfect for students looking to improve their proficiency in Spanish and truly experience what life is like in these countries. You’ll live with home stay families and fully immerse yourself in Spanish-speaking cultures during classes, service projects, and adventure activities.

Roadtrip Semester

Internship Semester

In an exciting partnership with Roadtrip Nation, you will travel across the United States in small groups, meeting with community leaders, business owners, academics, and activists. Through interviews and meetings, explore your passions and learn how others have carved their life paths. This program is perfect for independent and adventurous students ready to define their life goals.

For independent students, this program is centered around internships in Rustic Pathways’ destination countries across the globe. Varying from country to country, internships will be with local NGOs and Rustic Pathways partners. The program culminates in a group camping excursion where you’ll unpack the experiences of working in other countries and prepare to launch into college with confidence. 45

RUSTIC PATHWAYS GROUPS Rustic Pathways Groups provides a unique opportunity for students and educators to learn, bond, and grow together. Perfect for school classes or clubs, Groups programs encourage students to encounter new experiences, challenge themselves, and gain a new perspective on the world. We offer predesigned, partially customized, and fully customized itineraries and will work with you to fit any budget or schedule. We guarantee you will be able to provide your students with the specific experience you seek.

A Holistic Approach to Travel Our responsibility to you, your students, and their families does not start and end with your trip. We work with you from the time you express interest in a program until well after your group has returned. We help you develop your perfect itinerary, provide you with personalized tools to recruit your students, and design educational resources to advance their learning before, during, and after your trip. We’re excited to start planning your journey! Email groups@rusticpathways.com to get started.

3 FACTS ABOUT RUSTIC PATHWAYS GROUPS 1. We are inclusive. Your private group can be a class, a school club, a sports team, a band, a group of friends – you name it! 2. For every six students traveling, one leader travels free. 3. All of our programs are customizable. Choose one of our pre-designed itineraries or work with us to build something that fits into your group’s interest, schedule, and budget.



Pushing Boundaries

These programs center around immersive travel, global understanding, and personal development through hands-on service work. Get to know community members as you work together on a variety of initiatives. Your group will reflect upon your work and brainstorm how to stay involved in global development projects.

These programs will challenge your students to step beyond their comfort zones, both mentally and physically. Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, explore rugged Mongolia, or visit refugees on the Thai-Burma border. Your students will return home with a newfound group cohesion and an empowered sense of self.

Local Immersion

Cultural Exploration

Local Immersion programs get students off the beaten path and invite them to reevaluate the luxuries they enjoy at home. These programs immerse your group in a foreign culture, open a dialogue between your students and their local hosts, and provide your students with an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Alongside our energetic and well-informed staff, your students will gain a firsthand understanding of the local ways of life. These journeys take you to both top tourist attractions and hidden local gems, providing your students with the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of a culture other than their own.

Curriculum Based

Schools to Schools

Take your classroom global with hands-on, experiential learning. Subjects are brought to life when you take your class to a new and interesting location. Teach biology or environmental conservation as your students monitor coral reefs in Fiji or make history come alive while trekking while trekking the ancient Incan ruins of Peru.

Forge a long-term partnership with a high-need community. Beyond a simple sister school relationship, Schools to Schools provides the local expertise and support needed to champion large-scale projects. Your students will be encouraged to think critically about the meaning of global citizenship during these programs. 47

HOW TO CHOOSE A PROGRAM The task of selecting a Rustic Pathways experience is not an easy one, but fear not! The secret to choosing a program is understanding what you’re looking for and finding the programs that best fit your interests.

3 QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF TO FIND THE BEST PROGRAM FOR YOU: Where do I want to travel? Is there a specific country or region that calls your name? Would you rather be at the beach, in the rainforest, or on the mountains? Think about whether you want to travel far away or go somewhere closer to home this summer. Then, browse our website to see what is offered in the region of your interest.

What do I want to experience? What do you want to see, learn, or do on your trip? Do you want to complete a service project, make new friends, learn a new skill, or go on a wild adventure? Most of our programs offer a variety of activities, but some programs are more specific than others and may be a better fit for you. You can also combine a week of service with a week of adventure for a well-rounded experience.

What kind of service will I enjoy? Consider whether you want to work with other people, with animals, or with nature. Would you rather run a summer camp for youth, help build a home for a deserving family, or get your hands dirty on a reforestation project? Take time to think about what you would enjoy working on and where your skill sets lie!

OUR PROGRAMS CONNECT! An exciting aspect of our programs is the opportunity to visit multiple countries during the same summer. Many programs have been designed to interconnect, and almost all of our trips can be combined. While browsing through programs and dates on our website, you may notice that many connecting programs have a two- or three-day gap between the departure date the return date. This accounts for travel time to and from North America. Most programs can be seamlessly combined without missing a day.



CHINA Chinese Language Immersion 2 weeks | 36 language study hours

Group: $3,495 USD Private: $3,995 USD

Silk Road Service

$3,895 USD

2 weeks | 22 service hours

Panda Conservation and Wild China

AUSTRALIA Awesome Aussie Service Adventure 2 weeks | 25 service hours

Epic Outback

2 weeks | 25 service hours

Golden Sands and Helping Hands 1 week | 30 service hours

The Minke Whale Research Expedition 1 week | 20 service hours

You, A ‘Roo, and Australia Zoo 1 week | 30 service hours

Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve 2 weeks | 60 service hours

Island Survival

2 weeks | 15 service hours

Seven Wonders

2 weeks | 15 service hours

+ internal airfare

$3,995 USD

2 weeks | 22 service hours $4,295 USD

+ internal airfare

Marvels of China

$2,495 USD

1 week

+ internal airfare

$4,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$2,195 USD


$6,495 USD

Intro to Community Service in Costa Rica

$1,995 USD

$2,495 USD

Ramp Up Your Spanish

$1,895 USD

$4,995 USD

Spanish Language Immersion

$4,495 USD

Sarapiquí: A Tropical Service Adventure

$2,295 USD

$5,695 USD

Bribrí Village Service Experience

$2,295 USD

Summer Camp Leadership in Costa Rica

$3,895 USD

Heart of the Jungle

$3,995 USD

$3,995 USD

Surf and Service

$2,295 USD

$3,995 USD

Traveling Soccer and Service Team

$3,695 USD

$4,495 USD

Young Explorers

$3,995 USD

$1,995 USD

Turtle Conservation Project

$1,995 USD

Nicoya Turtle Expedition

$3,495 USD

Caribbean Adrenaline

$2,495 USD

Costa Rican Adventurer

$4,295 USD

+ internal airfare

+ internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare

1 week | 25 service hours

1 week | 20 language study hours 2 weeks | 40 language study hours

Group: $3,295 USD Private: $3,995 USD

1 week | 25 service hours 1 week | 15 service hours

2 weeks | 70 service hours

BURMA Irrawaddy Village Service 2 weeks | 30 service hours

Tribal Issues

2 weeks | 18 service hours

Off the Map: Burma 2 weeks

Hill Tribes of the Golden Triangle 1 week

2 weeks | 25 service hours + internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare

1 week | 14 service hours 2 weeks | 25 service hours 2 weeks | 12 service hours 1 week | 30 service hours

2 weeks | 35 service hours

CAMBODIA Floating Village Service Expedition 2 weeks | 30 service hours

The Cambodia Children’s Project 2 weeks | 42 service hours

1 week $3,495 USD

2 weeks

$3,295 USD

From the Ground Up

$3,995 USD

Off the Map: Cambodia

$4,795 USD

Viva Cuba! Culture and Conservation

$4,495 USD

$4,495 USD

Innovation in Action: Cuba

$5,195 USD

2 weeks | 45 service hours 3 weeks | 42 service hours

Snapshots of Southeast Asia 2 weeks

+ internal airfare

CUBA 16 days | 24 service hours 16 days | 12 service hours




Intro to Public Health in the Caribbean

$3,995 USD

Children of India

$2,295 USD

Life in the Bateyes

$3,295 USD

Indian Wildlife Conservation

$1,995 USD

Summer Camp Leadership in the DR

$3,895 USD

Service in the Clouds

$3,695 USD

Marine Life and Coastal Restoration

$3,495 USD

Namaste India

Mountain Air and Village Service

$1,595 USD

Himalayan Photo Expedition

Island Living and Eco-Service

$1,995 USD

2 weeks | 30 service hours 2 weeks | 50 service hours 2 weeks | 70 service hours 2 weeks | 40 service hours 1 week | 20 service hours 1 week | 15 service hours

1 week | 18 service hours 1 week | 18 service hours

2 weeks | 40 service hours 2 weeks 2 weeks

$3,695 USD

+ internal airfare

$4,495 USD

+ internal airfare

LAOS Sticky Rice Service Adventure 2 weeks | 40 service hours

Come With Nothing: The Mekong Expedition 3 weeks | 65 service hours

Lao Elephant Retreat and Luang Prabang 1 week | 10 service hours

Southeast Asian Adventurer 2 weeks

$3,295 USD

+ internal airfare

$4,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$2,195 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,995 USD

+ internal airfare

FIJI Sun, Sand, and International Service

$3,295 USD


Intro to Community Service in Fiji

$1,795 USD

Off the Map: Mongolia

Highlands and Islands Service Immersion

$3,495 USD

Marine Service and Adventure

$3,995 USD

Escape to the Fiji Islands

$2,295 USD

Big Fiji Explorer

$3,995 USD

2 weeks | 60 service hours 1 week | 30 service hours

2 weeks | 60 service hours 2 weeks | 30 service hours 1 week | 8 service hours

2 weeks | 8 service hours

Fiji Diver’s Dream 1 week

Pacific Adrenaline 3 weeks

$2,495 USD

+ PADI certification

2 weeks | 28 service hours

Off the Map: Ghana 2 weeks | 18 service hours


$4,995 USD

+ internal airfare

Have Questions? Get in Touch! Our Global Programs Advisors are always happy to discuss program options and answer any questions you have. Give them a call at +1 440.975.9691 or email rustic@rusticpathways.com.

$6,895 USD

+ internal airfare

Enroll Online!

GHANA Volta Village Life and Service

3 weeks | 25 service hours

$3,495 USD $3,995 USD

+ internal airfare

Detailed program itineraries, packing lists, and FAQs can be found on our website. Once you decide on your programs, choose your dates and enroll online at rusticpathways.com!

THAILAND Ricefields, Monks, and Smiling Children 2 weeks | 44 service hours

Intro to Community Service in Thailand 1 week | 26 service hours

Community Health and Wilderness First Aid 1 week | 14 service hours

Hill Tribe Support and Refugee Experience 2 weeks | 45 service hours

The Rustic Pathways Children’s Home

MOROCCO Souks and Service

2 weeks | 30 service hours

Moroccan Wanderer 2 weeks | 12 service hours

Advanced Photography Workshop 2 weeks

1 week | 22 service hours $3,295 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,895 USD

+ internal airfare

$4,995 USD

+ internal airfare

The Children’s Home and Elephant Sanctuary 2 weeks | 26 service hours

Come With Nothing, Go Home Rich 3 weeks | 65 service hours

Soccer Beyond Borders 2 weeks | 25 service hours

Elephants and Amazing Thailand 2 weeks | 10 service hours

Elephants and Amazing Thailand


2 weeks | 10 service hours

Andes to Amazon

2 weeks | 25 service hours

Sacred Valley Service 2 weeks | 40 service hours

Lake Titicaca Service Adventure 2 weeks | 25 service hours

Off the Map: Peru 2 weeks

Peru by Backpack

3 weeks | 10 service hours

$3,595 USD

Amazing Thailand Adventure

$3,695 USD

Thai Elephant Conservation Program

$3,695 USD

Backroads of Southeast Asia

$4,295 USD

Island Hopping and Diving

$5,295 USD

Wonders and Riches of Southeast Asia

+ internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare + internal airfare

TANZANIA Save the Rain: Water Conservation Project 2 weeks | 30 service hours

African Wildlife Conservation 2 weeks | 30 service hours

1 week

1 week | 10 service hours

3 weeks | 12 service hours 2 weeks 2 weeks

$3,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$1,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$2,295 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$1,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,795 USD

+ internal airfare

$4,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,695 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$1,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$2,295 USD

+ internal airfare

$6,995 USD

+ internal airfare

$4,595 USD

+ internal airfare

$5,995 USD

+ internal airfare


Rebuilding New Orleans

$3,495 USD

$3,895 USD

Beyond Capital Hill: Refugee Youth Tutoring

$3,495 USD

+ internal airfare

2 weeks | 50 service hours 2 weeks | 40 service hours

Culture and the Crater

$3,695 USD

California Dreaming

$3,895 USD

Faces of East Africa

$1,995 USD

Off the Map: Alaska

$4,295 USD

2 weeks | 50 service hours 1 week | 25 service hours

Safari and a Splash of Paradise 1 week

Climbing Kili 1 week

The Ultimate African Adventure 3 weeks

2 weeks | 15 service hours 2 weeks

$3,495 USD

+ internal airfare

$3,995 USD $8,495 USD

Connect with Us:

+ internal airfare


rustic@rusticpathways.com rusticpathways.com

Rustic Pathways

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