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Plant Hangers & Baskets
Customers love creating beautiful floral arrangements in the peanut basket and pairing it with one of the classic plant hangers to provide a refined beauty to any outdoor space. Any of our hanging items, like the rings and baskets, can be displayed with the plant hangers or hook stakes.
Between every two pines there is a doorway to
a new world.
– John Muir
Garden Hooked Stake
SKU# H255 $3 .50 (4’) SKU# H256 $4 .00 (5’) Order Minimum: 4
Bird Plant Hanger
SKU# H250R $16 .00 (21 .2” x 14 .0”) Order Minimum: 2 per SKU

Saw-whet Owl Plant Hanger
SKU# H265 $16 .00 (12 .0” x 16 .0”) Order Minimum: 2
Lovebirds Plant Hanger
SKU# H261 $16 .00 (12 .0” x 13 .0”) Order Minimum: 2

Peanut Basket
SKU# H257R $16 .50 (35 .0” x 16 .0”) Order Minimum: 2 per SKU