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What is it and how can I join the fight against it?

Zachary Reeve | Part 3 English Literature

as it stands not enough is being done and even the plans in place that have not taken effect yet are not sufficient.


The devastating Australian wildfires have turned the attention of people across the world to the issue of climate change, with David Attenborough stating in a recent BBC interview that “The moment of crisis has come”. Alexander Droeger/Pixabay

own contribution to the greenhouse effect causes there to be more water vapour in the atmosphere, which, in turn, warms the planet further. In short, human activity is contributing to global warming primarily through the production of CO2.


Climate change, scientists believe, is caused by a build-up of greenhouse gases that prevent heat from escaping the atmosphere, called the greenhouse effect. The gas that contributes most to the warming of the planet is water vapour, with some estimates stating that it contributes to up to 70% of the greenhouse effect. Interestingly, however, experts consider carbon dioxide (CO2) to be the most influential greenhouse gas involved in warming the planet to dangerous levels, even if it is less damaging than water vapour.

This is because, unlike water vapour, CO2 is produced in significant quantities by human activities, meaning that it is the gas that humans have the most control over increasing and limiting. There is also the added factor that its WHERE WE ARE

Since pre-industrial times, the planet has warmed about 1°C, with scientists generally agreeing that limiting global warming to an average increase of 1.5°C maximum is imperative to prevent catastrophe. However, at the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions the planet is projected to warm by over 4°C by the end of the century.

The Paris Agreement, an accord agreed to by every nation, pledged to keep global temperatures below 2.0°C, whilst striving to limit them to 1.5°C. However, the policies that have been enacted since the agreement are projected to limit global warming to 3°C, well above the 1.5° ‘danger line’. This figure only improves to between 2.5°C and 2.8°C when current pledges that have not been enacted yet are taken into account, which shows that The two biggest annual emitters of CO2 are first China, and second the United States, which has become particularly significant since it was announced on June 1, 2017, that the U.S. would withdraw from the Paris agreement.


The biggest cuts to carbon emissions will come from structural changes, such as big businesses adopting green initiatives or environmentally driven policies being enacted in government. However, everyone has a carbon footprint that is contributing to climate change and reducing this is one way that you can help the planet.

Travel accounts for “almost a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions”, according to the EU. Opting to use public transport over traveling in a car where possible is a good way to cut carbon emissions. However, avoiding flying wherever possible is increasingly being emphasised. For example, a return flight from London to Rome, which is a trip that can be made by train, produces 234kg of CO2 per person.

Roughly a quarter of carbon emissions come from the production of food, with a recent report suggesting that people should cut their intake of meat and dairy by a fifth. However, some environmental advocates see this as too soft of a target. Health expert Marco Springmann recently told the Guardian that a vegan diet is one of the best ways to significantly reduce your overall carbon footprint, as it reduces your food related carbon emissions by up to three quarters.

Rumours of a World War 3? The facts.

Madelyn Morgan | Digital News Editor

Around the world WW3 became the trending topic across social media and the news in reaction to the US airstrikes that Killed Qassem Soleimani one of the countries most celebrated military strategists on Friday January 3rd2020.

Iran has vowed to “turn day into night” after Donald Trump’s open mockery. Many are concerned at the possibility that this could trigger a world war three as well as the UK becoming involved.

Many would have seen the trending World War III had been used more than 201,000 times by 1pm, according to Yahoo statistics.

The day following the attack at one point, the term “Franz Ferdinand” was also trending.

The airstrike took place near Baghdad airport, as ordered by President Donald Trump.

The Pentagon has stated is was “aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans”. tensions between the US and Iran have been growing since 2018 when Donald Trump announced the US would be withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal.

General Soleimani was influential in Iran’s influence in the Middle East as the leader for military operation in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.

However, the US has labelled him and his force as terrorists, making them responsible for the deaths of hundreds

“General Soleimani was influential in Iran’s influence in the Middle East ”

of US personnel.

Soleimani’s death provoked huge upset and anger in Iran. Iranian officials have warned the killing of General Soleimani amounts to an act of war that will be met with strong retaliation. Iran’s retaliation was attacking air bases which were housing US forces.

Iraqi parliament voted for US troop to leave however; political chaos could mean the departure could take some time for formal requests.

In relation to the UK it is unlikely Iran will seek to act against them. There is no danger of nuclear action either as such Iran does not have a nuclear weapons programme as it has been insisted, they did not want a nuclear bomb.

It has been speculated that the strike against General Soleimani suggests an increasing confidence by Trump in the use of military power.


If you haven’t heard of a Drone, you’re living under a rock. Ironically, that’s where most of them end up! Amrit Kaur | Part 1 English Language

Since the invention of the camera in the 1800s, technology has advanced quite rapidly; the thought of a flying camera would have been like the thought of a flying car in today’s day and age. from YouTube, various films and generally, the technological advancements has allowed the use of the Drone to become apparent today.

Drones have been both a thrill “It must always

be under your control within

The Drone was used earlier on, during the 1800s, for military purposes, when the Australian soldiers attacked Venice.

sight of 500m”

and a weapon, it can take some incredible views that the people could not capture, but has unfortunately invaded privacy of others and private land to where the law is reinforced. There are certain restrictions to where you can fly this newly, developing piece of technology.

It must always be under your control within sight of 500m and flying it near an airport or by any other air craft is not permitted.

“ the owner of the Drone MUST register their details with the Civil Aviation Authority or will face a £1000 fine”

It’s definitely forbidden flying it over congested areas such as streets, towns and cities. If you own a drone that weighs between 250kg and 20kg, you need to ensure that it has been registered as the legal owner.

The reason why the law was enforced on the Drone was because of disruption in November 2018 when Drone’s were being flown over the UK’s busiest airport in Gatwick. They were flying over the runway where the aeroplanes were trying to take off. This caused a lot of inconvenience to the people and delayed around 1000 flights.

Due to this, the owner of the Drone MUST register their details with the Civil Aviation Authority or will face a £1000 fine.

The Drone operator must be over 18, and pay a £9 annual fee. The yearly fee isn’t worth getting a fine, so if you own a Drone and wish to use it, I’d look up how to get registered.

To where technology is growing exponentially, Drone’s may be used as Taxi services in the near future from the decision of a Chinese company called ‘EHANG’ in Dubai. This automated vehicle is a 2 seat, flying vehicle which lifts and lands just like a helicopter.



Australia is currently ablaze with the worst wildfires the country has seen in decades. The fires have been fuelled by months of drought with at least 25 people killed as well as the huge ecological consequence the fires have had on rare and endangered species. Madelyn Morgan | Digital News Editor

Many scientists believe there is a correlation between the fires and climate change. land and smoke has also spread into their skies as well as spread south through the Pacific Ocean into Chile and Argentina.

NASA had estimated 306 million tonnes of c02 have been emitted. Chris Dickman has stated; “what we are seeing is the effects of climate change… we’re probably seeing what climate change may look like for other parts of the world in the first stages in Australia”.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology in Victoria, because the fires are so big, they are generating their own weather in the form of giant thunderstorms, thus starting more fires.

Information as of January 14th estimate over 46 million acres have been destroyed, the University of Sydney professor Chris Dickman has revised the estimate of animals killed in the bushfires to be more than 800 million, with a national impact on more than one billion animals.

“Biodiversity has been going down over the last several decades and its known Australia has the highest rate of extinction for mammals, its events like this that may well hasten the extinction process”

Air quality has dropped to hazardous levels and the cost of dealing with the fires is exceeding 4 billion AUD, tourism has reduced by roughly one billion AUD.

The fires could be seen from New ZeaThe landscape around Australia and New Zealand have been widely affected, predominantly seen on social media as people compare images of the country before and after the destruction.

The Australian state of New South Wales (NSW), who have been hit worst by the seasons enormous bushfires have now announced an independent 6-month inquiry into the ongoing bushfires.

Climate change will be considered, not as a direct cause but contribution to drier and hotter conditions which start and maintain Australia’s fires. Australia is one of the highest emitters of carbon pollution per-capita, due to its heavy reliance on coal fuelled power.

The inquiry will begin with examining how state authorities prepared and response to the unpresented crises.

At present, there are still dozens of fires still not under control and 2,400 Other than the violence during protests has been escalated, protesters have also been seeking different forms of protest to support the movement. Colette Chan | Int. Development

Due to the ongoing protests, a lot business especially the restaurants, have been affected greatly. Local protesters have come up the creation of “yellow economic circle”, at which they would only support the “yellow” (pro-democracy) businesses; whereas, the pro-government and pro-China businesses are boycotted or vandalised.

The belief of fighting for democracy and supporting the alliances drives the local protesters to show support in a hard time for Hong Kongers.

Apps and posters are designed to promote the yellow economic circle and avoid the consumption in “blue” (pro-government) businesses.

Yellow businesses are recognised with their acts of support during the protests, for instance donating money to the non-profit groups that provide financial aid to Hong Kong protesters, providing protesters necessities, advertising their products in relate to support Hong Kong.

These businesses are greatly “punished” by the pro-democracy supporters. Mostly, you can see a phenomenon where there would be a large group of people queuing for the yellow restaurants. In contrast, “blue” businesses are boycotted by the pro-democracy supporters, which barely there would be anyone visiting the “blue” shops.

The most significant “blue” business is the Hong Kong Maxim’s Caterers Limited, a well-known food beverage and restaurant chain.

“ It is difficult to have a clear boundary for polarisation between the ‘yellow’ and ‘blue’ businesses ”

Annie Wu, the daughter of Maxim’s founder, has been criticising the anti-ELAB movement and the protesters; during the protests, she even put pressure to the staff and students of the school she founded - Penalties will be given if they show support to protests. Consequently, the shops under Maxims such as its franchised Starbucks were being boycotted and vandalised.

However, it is said to be difficult to reshape Hong Kong’s economic landscape. “The economic pillars of Hong Kong – finance, logistics and real estate – are controlled by one or a few companies, which mean it’s largely impossible for consumers to rock the boat” said Andrew Yuen Chi-lok of the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s business school (Source: HKFP).

Yellow retailers try to ease the reliance on goods from mainland China, while the majorities of the commodities supplies are from China. It is difficult to have a clear boundary for polarisation between the “yellow” and “blue” businesses.

Moreover, a lot of corporations in Hong Kong has extensive business exposure in China. This draws a question to whether the yellow economic circle is immoral, when consumers do not have a definite for distinguishing yellow or blue businesses.

Civil rights activism always involves economic reconstruction; It is challenging the feudalism society. Hong Kong protesters remain positive towards strengthening the yellow economic circle as a form of fighting for democracy.

In the next issue, a story of frontline protester will be covered. A confession of an arrested frontline protester – if there is another chance, would he choose to protest differently?


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