Societies Taster & first Sessions! Culture & Faith Societies
Academic & Career Societies
Arts Societies
Hobbies & Interest Societies
Campaigns, Causes, & Politics Societies
Student Media
Calendar 1 of 2
Student Activities 2015
Wednesday 23rd September Muslim Society Muslim Society Biological Sciences M u s li m S o c S ie t p y e e c h & L a n g u a g e th e ide ts ou 4, rk pa r Ca Wednesday y t ie Eid Prayers c o et, S Gre & t + Mee T Ei iety B d Soc G P L ra ye rs S o Greet & c iety Picnic,12.30pm Sisters Meet Thursday Comedy Society Students’ Union 7.30 am 4.30pm in Mojo’s Introductory 7.30 am 23rd 4pm at the Harris Gardens Introduction Talk r M u u o 24th sl H & im tee ee mit Ce M com ff the u n t Co sl tr Mee im e Ce n tr s! e P tie cie le So e 0 Centr a m 12 Musli er s ov e bring your own Meet September 6pm, in Palmer (A ra fa t Da y If ta r on 22 nd s ! ber ine mem onl w es ieti fello soc all d Fin food! Drinks provided! Food & tour September in HUMMS 124. , m 1p Sept after magrib prayers)!
Law Society
Welcome Reception 5pm, Foxhill house Meet the committee & fellow members
Fee karma food & refreshments
7pm HUMMS 125
7pm in HUMMSS 175
Not Drinking Much Pakistan Society Nepalese Society S o c i e t y ty cie So e im An Meet and Greet Meet and Greet Quiz 6.30pm HumSS 175
5pm The Gurkha Square Humms 124 Restaurant, 5pm Games & activities Enjoy authentic with drinks & snacks. Nepalese food, £10 -£15
Christian Union Hong Kong Society
BBQ 6pm, at the Chaplaincy (behind the library) Free food, everyone welcome!
Games & Role Play Society Meet in Mojo’s and walk to HUMMS, 6.30pm
St Johns Ambulance
Bowling Trip 7pm, meet outside Palmer Building. £7 for transport.
Music Society Saxophone Ensemble 7.30pm, L29 G02 London Road Turn up & try!
Vegan & Vegetarian
Drama Society
First Meeting 7pm Van Emden Theatre
FRIDAY 25th September
Rock Soc
Freshers pub crawl 7.30pm, Meet outside Palmer Building
Sunday 27th September
Taster Training Session Behind Mojos Bar, 2pm All welcome regardless of ability.
Hindu Society
Meet & Greet 5pm, Palmer 102 Games, food, and gifts!
Meet & Greet & Welcome back! 11am Psychology building.
Cypriot & Hellenic Saturday Society 26th Greek Gathering 8pm, Kendrick Halls September
TUESDAY 29th September ZooSoc
Society Taster Henley Business School, 1pm.
Round table Debate on ‘Reasons & Reasons’ 2pm, Van Emden Theatre
Classics Society Pizza Party 4pm, HUMMS G40 See our library & Eat free pizza!
Student Media Taster Day!
Bible Study
Day out with the committee 2pm Meet at Sports Park
Write for the campus Newspaper! Broadcast on the radio station! Make videos! 11am, 3Sixty, RUSU.
Monday 28th September
Bible Study
Meet & Greet 6pm, Palmer 109 Enjoy some light refreshments!
7.30pm, RUSU Boardroo m
International Chemistr y Society Society Coffee Meet-Up Meet & Greet 5pm, Park Bar
4pm, Cafe Mondial
Krishna Consciousness
Retreat to Bhakivedanta Manor, 11am, meet outside palmer building! Cost for transport.
Afro Caribbean
Welcome Meeting & Sikh Society SEO London Meet & Greet Introduction 12pm, outside Palmer Palmer 109, 6pm Building
Junction11 Radio
Social 9pm, Park Bar
Chess Club
Taster Session & Blitz Event 6pm, Palmer 108
Music Society
Hindu Society Finance Society
Bollywood Blast Welcome Meeting Introductory Session 6-7pm, 3Sixty 6pm, Palmer 102 6pm, Palmer G03 Free pizza & drinks! Wear comfy clothing & Free pizza & drinks! bring water,
Music Society W e d n e s d a y RAG (Raise & Give) P o k e r S o ciety Wind Band RAG Race Have you got L e a r n H o l d ’em 30th 7.30pm, L29 G01 what it takes? London Road Turn up & try!
Freshe Brothers Meet & Greet Science Hunt , 2pm crawl 13.45pm at the Muslim Meet & Greet, Meet in front of Palm er. de tsi ou et Me , 1pm Centre 3pm (Wea ther Depe nden t) Palmer Building Lunch provided. Agriculture 2U02
Bird Soc Ha rri s Ga rde n Wa lk Bible Study Campus Walk Me et at the ga tes of the Welcome Service M ee t at Black Bridge Ha rri s Ga rde n, 1pm MAP Centre on W hi teknights An y typ e of cam era we lco me , 10am La ke , 3pm fro m ph on es to ful l DS LR Meet at Sports Park
(Domestic do it your, s k in r d , n io t (Domestic do it your- Introduc self) Taster Session First Aid Taster Session Welcome picnic self) Taster Session t a h c d n a Bunting and decoration g in d 7pm, Palmer 107 il u B r e lm a 7pm, Palmer G02 Bunting and decoration 7pm, P making, 7pm, Palmer ! r Learn how to save lives a B k r a P n e h t making, 7pm, HUMMS 125
Biological Sciences Mu ty cie So e Al al Re s li m S o c ie Psychology Society t y Fresh ers Scavenger rs week pub
Photo Soc
Freshers Dinner Social 10pm, meet in front of 7pm, Happy Dinner Restaurant. Park Bar. Enjoy traditional Hong Dress as your favourite Kong dishes £15-£20 pp. animal!
Welcome Party 4pm, St Patricks JCR
of the town centre.
Krishna Consciousness Video Games Sci-Fi Society Anime Society Introduction F ir s t Meet Up! Ghibli & Pizza night S oc ie ty 6pm, Palmer 108 6.30pm - 10pm HUMMSS 127 + 128
Bible Study
11am - 3pm Palmer Square
Education (Ed Soc)
International Development
Welcome Sports Day & Picnic, 12.30pm, Taster Session 1pm, TBC London Road Green
Samba Band 6.30pm, L29 G01 London Road Turn up & try!
Pool & Snooker
Taster Session Meet outside SportsPark, 1.30pm
Music Society Feminism Society Music Society Music Society Music Society Gospel Choi Singer SongModel United Nations r W hat does feminism Malaysian, Bruneian, Clarinet Choir Jazz Ensemble Ukulele Band Choir Taster Session y t ie c o S h c n re F Welcome session & quiz writers mean to you? 5.30pm, L29 G03 6.15pm, L29 G01 6.30pm, L29 G02 6.30pm, L29 G03 6.30pm, HUMM Si ng ap or ea n So cie ty and Wine Followed by Park House for se ee h C S G 2 ‘Bohemian Night’ 5 All London Road Turn up & try!
welcome! 6pm, Palmer G10.
London Road Turn up & try!
London Road Turn up & try!
London Road Turn up & try!
Come & give it a go ! Free snacks!
Fresh Meet 2015 7pm, Palmer
7pm, meet outside Palmer.
Taster 7pm, Palmer G04
drinks. 7pm, HUMMS G27
Student Activities 2015
Societies Taster & first Sessions! Culture & Faith Societies
Academic & Career Societies
Hobbies & Interest Societies
Arts Societies
Campaigns, Causes, & Politics Societies
Student Media
Calendar 2 of 2
Wednesday 23rd September ) Give & se (Rai RAG M us ic So cie W ty e d n M e us s ic d So M cie us a ic ty y So cie LoveWorld ty European Law Fashion Society T h u r s d a y Car park 4, outside the Brass Band Flute Choir String Ensemble Get Acquainted (ELSA) Wine Reception Explore the world of RU LOST Info Meeting Students’ Union 30th 8pm, L29 G03 5pm, Palmer 108 7pm, Palmer G02 7.30pm, L29 G01 7.30pm, L29 G02 fashion. 3pm, Foxhill G02 1st London Road London Road Could you find your way London Road Free Food! Meet over 120 Societies! Sept Meet new people! 4p m , Pa lm er 10 2 e m b e r ! Tur ine n onl up & try! Find all societies Turn up & try! OCTOBER Turn up & try! back? ies!
Art Society
Ch ris tia n Un ion P h i l o s o phy ty cie So ss Ba & um Dr CU Central First Meeting 7pm, HUMMS
Welcome Meeting 6pm, Art Department
Info about Hospitality.
Travel Society
Welcome Party Palmer Reception Welcome 6.30pm Start the term on a Park Bar, 7pm! positive vibe!
Social: Quiz Mojo’s, 7pm S ocial: Quiz Karaoke Mojo’s, afterwards! 7pm
7pm, HUMMS G27 Join our weekly meeting!
Saturday 3rd October
La tin -A m er ica n, S c e o nc u ie t Sc s al & im G An u id e s The Spark Meet & Greet - headSocial, 7.30pm Sp an ish WildSoc Newspaper ing to the pub! Park Bar, then London First Meeting
Baking Society
Co ok ie Portraits Social: Quiz 7.30pm, meet outs ide Back of Beyond Pub Road, then where the 7.30pm, TBC 7pm, Mojo’s Sports Park night takes us! 7pm
Real Ale Society Afro Caribbean
Binghams Brewery Society Cook-out/BBQ Tour! 4pm, meet at Park Bar 1pm, meet at Palmer £3 for 1, £4 for 2. Tickets £10 from Invite your friends! committee members.
Circus Arts
Taster Session 6pm in 3Sixty, RUSU Hula hoop, juggling, unicycling & more!
Sunday 4th October
Day Picnic Taster Session 2pm, Reading Uni Sport 2pm, field behind field (behind sports Mojo’s park) Classic games, Everyone w elcome! free food!
Friday 2nd October
Information Session 5pm, Palmer 103
Information Session 5pm, HUMMS G74
Poetry Slam
Art Society
Taster Session Life Drawing 4pm, grass outside Session, 7pm Palmer Facebar, Come and meet poets Ambrose Place
Sign Language
Hip Hop Society
Can Hip-Hop be Defined? 6pm, HUMMS 124
Conservative Association
Pizza Night 6pm, TBC
New Members Reception, 6.30pm
Bird Soc
Park House
Night Walk Archaeology Ice Breaker 7pm, in front of 7pm, Park Bar SportsPark
Reading Liberal Agriculture Politics Li vi n g W ag e ty cie y So t ic us ie M c E o r S a n s a m m u r e s G S o c ie t y rs e rm fa s s RU:O re N d TV y c n Th a F o u g h t S oc ie ty Campaign A Night of Music Monday What is your opinion on 7.30pm, meet at White t-shirt Party Kaffee & Kuchen Tuesday Construction Entrepreneurship Society LG BT+ Society Introduction o luc iz Ma , u q 7pm ke 7 ca .3 d 0 g p an m in t ee e P ff e a Co lm M 5p e m e , r m Pa 10 o lm lc er S 4 W e , 10 o hi te t-shirt soW 5 c ie 6th t y T a s te Q r to d a e 6pm, Palmer 5th h n e 7pm, h The study the legalisation of Mojo’s, t SU RU e, ng Lou then head to Q Club. ht! ig n 1 2 S 2 S M R ee U t 1p , ne w m m pe , 1p op H le e ci n al le y B u s in e s s Introduction, . b lu All C welco me reM ar October iju ana in the UK? October ces voi 4 ng 0 G Bri er m W al P , e a M ! r a 9P a z 6w iz h p & it e sh e ar re t e F ! yo 7p ur m , m S ee c t at Park h o o l ! e m o lc and free pizza! e W e gardl n ess of o abilit y. ry Eve 7pm, HUMMS ! nts me tru ins and th ou gh Vegan & ts. Bar Food & G Italian Society a m e Model United s Poker Society & R o le VegetariJunction11 Om an i H is t o r y Si ty ng C cie ap la So or ss ea nd ic n Ba s F il m S o c ie t y Aperi tivo Economics Learn hold’em Play Society Nations Wednesday Radio Nutrition an Discussion et Gre & et Me So Fi cie rs ty t S cr ee n in g So 6pm, cie Palm er ty 103 knock-out S o c ie t y S oc G u ie id ty e First Simulation / to To Scave w nger n Hunt Evening Social 126 S 7th MS HU , 7pm Society Welcoming new First Meet-up! Fres 7pm, Minghella Food & tournament hers & ReTo fo ga llo Pa w rt ed Debate y b y 3pm, m meet ea outsi de l 7pm, Palmer 9p m, Par er k oth et Me Welcome Students! Cinema 7.3 0p drink October m, s provi Pal ded! me r 7.30pm, £1 entry t u rn e rs Social 8pm, Mojos 2. 30 p 7pm, HUMMS G27 m , TB Food C Scien ce/ G 02
Travel Society
Around The World Social! Park
RUSU Boardroom
Chemistry Building
Gospel Choir Thursday Business Society First Social Welcome! 8th 9pm, Park Bar Cafe Mondial m, 6p October za!
Synthetic Biology Society
Free Piz
Japanese Society
Meteorology Society
Jewish Society
Hip-Hop Society
Discussion on Misogyny & Homophobia in Hip Hop 6pm, HUMMS 124
English Society
The firs t Sh ab ba t White t-shirt social! An introduction to Sushi Making gy lo ro eo 6pm, Met Din ner of the yea r! 8.30pm, Park Bar 4.3 0pm, HUMMS 125 iGEM GU01 1pm, HUMMS 175 Play with food & eat it! Quiz, chat, socialize! 8pm, Chaplaincy Bring a white-t! Free!
5pm, Palmer
Debate Society
Howard League Bright Futures How to get the best Society gra Meet & Greet 6pm, Park Bar
Saturday 10th October
duate job? 6.30pm, Palmer G03
Education (Ed Soc)
White t-shirt social! 9pm, Park Bar, then Saturday Union Bring a white-t!
Taster Session 7pm, Palmer Drinks & snacks Provided!
7pm, Palmer
Singer Scouts & Guides Songwriters Games
Big Jam 7.30pm, meet outside 7.30pm, meet outside SportsPark Palmer. Followed by All welcome! karaoke at Mojos.
Sunday 11th October
Gospel Choir
8pm, Park Bar Boogie like Brutus!
Drama Society
White t-shirt social 8pm, Park Bar First Social Bring a white t, 9pm, Park Bar crack out the pens! Let’s be creative!
Taster Session / Inter-university event 7am, Meet at SU Car park, £20
Pizza & Soda!
Monday 12th October
(Archaeology) Generation Night! Cotton Club, then Q 9pm, Dress as OAP/ Kid/Parent etc , £3
Thursday 15th October
Friday 9th October Nigerian Society Independence Day Balloon Release 6pm, field in front of Palmer