SARMALE INGREDIENT • 1-1.5 kg of minced pork • 1-1.5 kg. pickled cabbage • 2-3 onions • 50 ml. of oil • 150 ml. Rice (1 bunch dill • 4-5 sprigs of thyme • 3 bay leaves • smoked bacon • 3-4 tablespoons of tomato puree • Clay pot PREPARATION Finely chop the onion, put to cook in a little oil, Add rice previously held a few minutes in cold water In a large bowl put the meat with onions and rice, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, chopped dill. Mix well. On a leaf of cabbage put a spoonful of the composition. Insert the ends interior.Se runs. Place in a large saucepan enough, side by side, in a circular shape. On the bottom of the clay pot put a tablespoon of oil previously 2-3 leaves of cabbage Once you finish a layer of cabbage, put a spoonful of broth over them diluted in a glass of water and a few pieces of smoked meat. Among shred cabbage and two bay leaves dry. Then another layer of cabbage, smoked and then rolls again until finished. Fill with water until it exceeds a few cm stuffed cabbage. Cover the pan and simmer for about 40 minutes
The proposed recipe by pupil Muresan Lorena
INGREDIENTS • 1 cup cornmeal • 3 cups water • 3 tablespoons oil 1 teaspoon salt • 6 homemade sausage • Sheep cheese 150g • 200 g of cream • 50 g butter
PREPARATION: 1. Place the boiling water with salt and oil. 2. When water starts boiling, reduce the temperature of the fire and, stirring constantly with a whisk, pour the cornmeal. 3. Reduce heat to low and stir for about 5 minutes, taking care to avoid burns. 4. Turn off heat and allow to breathe polenta 5. Serve with sausage, cheese and samantana
The proposed recipe by pupil Maguranu Carina
INGREDIENTS for the dough • 3 eggs • 125 g of sugar • 125 g butter • 450 g flour • yeast as a walnut filling • plum marmalade decoration • 200g caster sugar PREPARATION 1. In a bowl, mix the eggs with the sugar until sugar melts. Add the soft butter. 2. Mix flour, yeast, 3. Roll the dough and then cut triangles. Put a spoonful of jam and rolls at the base. 4. Bake 20 minutes after being cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
The proposed recipe by pupil Ilona Daria
INGREDIENTS • plums and patience. Romanian plum jam is traditional sweet-sour taste. It is used for pies, cakes and sweets is even recommended by nutritionists as having beneficial effects on health. It has effects on bones, teeth, immune system, nervous system, prevents constipation. When fall begins to be felt people prepare for winter. Romanian women do this for hundreds of years. It is very simple and without additives. It uses traditional cakes for Christmas and Easter.
Traditionally prepared solely pot (boiler) 1. sterilized jars. 2. Wash the plums and their drainage 3. Remove the stem and remove seeds. 4. Place the plums to the pot, along with a few cups of boiling water to start 5. Simmer. Simmer, stir, simmer, stir, simmer, stir, boil ... .timp 7-8 hours, until (about 70% of the original) has dark burgundy color, When cool, it should stand upright spoon in it. 6. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, place cold. Keep a few months.
The proposed recipe by pupil Pomian Gabriela RACITURI DE PORC - PIFTIE ASPIC PIG
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 pig head 1 carrot an onion a few cloves of garlic bay leaf salt pepper
Cover the meat with cold water, give to boil. When it begins to boil, give over very low heat, add the onion, carrot, pepper, bay leaves 3-4 cloves of garlic and simmer over very low heat. Trying a few hours (5-6 hours). If the clot, remove the flesh, a boned and arrange on plates. Soup is cooled, squeeze, pour over meat. Bring soup to cool.
The proposed recipe Morozsak Laura