Annual Report
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Rutgers WPF People should be free to choose if and when they want to have children
Rutgers WPF is a renowned centre of expertise in the area of sexual and reproductive health and rights. We aim to create a world wherein sexual and reproductive health is available to everyone and where sexual and reproductive rights are endorsed, regardless gender, cultural background or sexual preference. In our work we focus specifically on young people, women, and vulnerable groups such as those who are ill or disabled. We often work indirectly with these groups: Rutgers WPF supports professionals in their work so that they in turn can increase and apply their expertise to the people they work for in the area of sexual health. We work mainly in the Netherlands, Africa and Asia. Rutgers WPF was established in 2010 from the merger between Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population Foundation (WPF). Rutgers WPF enjoys long-term collaboration with partner organisations in Africa and Asia. We are the Dutch member of IPPF. Rutgers WPF offers the following: • Building the capacity of professionals and partner organisations. • Scientific research. • Flyers, websites, teaching packages, training courses and campaigns. • Seminars, conferences and expert meetings. • Advocacy, at national (Dutch) and European level as well as at UN level.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
In this Annual Report 4
Welcome to Rutgers WPF
Activities in 2011
6 Rutgers WPF in the Netherlands Rutgers WPF aims at making sexual and reproductive health and rights available to everyone. We are committed to promoting an open and positive attitude towards sexuality. In this chapter we present a selection of our activities carried out in the Netherlands in 2010.
12 Our international work Rutgers WPF works in Asia, Africa and Europe at improving sexual and reproductive health and rights. Correct information is the key. What did we achieve in 2010?
18 Advocacy Rutgers WPF works in several ways to influence policy: through
In 2011 Rutgers WPF will continue to work actively at improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of every human being. Having the right information remains crucial in helping people all over the world to make their own choices.
26 Financial situation Despite cuts in expenditure and the economic crisis Rutgers WPF will continue her activities with undiminished energy. Please read the explanation of figures and the abridged Audit Report 2010.
31 Thanks to our donors! Special thanks to all our donors without whose generous contributions our work would be impossible.
dialogue with politicians and governments, through networks and
through campaigns. In this chapter you will find a selection of
Composition of the Supervisory Board in 2010.
activities carried out in and outside the Netherlands.
23 The organisation
34 Colophon
Rutgers WPF is a foundation that was established in 2010. A staff of approximately 130 people in the Netherlands and three Asian field offices dedicate themselves to achieving better sexual health and rights worldwide. This chapter gives a glimpse behind the scenes.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Welcome to Rutgers WPF The year 2010 was a successful year for Rutgers WPF. Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population Foundation (WPF) were legally merged on 30 December 2010. The whole of 2010 was used to ensure that both organisations were at the same level of thinking in relation to content, organisation and practice. This success becomes apparent when you read this first joint Annual Report in which we present the highlights of 2010. This concerns activities carried out by Rutgers Nisso Groep and WPF, but we will refer to them in this Annual Report as activities carried out by Rutgers WPF.
In the Netherlands, 2010 was also the year of a new
of our southern partners’ activities will have to stop.
government. Substantial cutbacks are ahead for public
The successful campaign Speak easy on sex (Maak seks
health in the Netherlands as well as development aid.
lekker duidelijk) started in the Netherlands in 2010.
This will influence our national and international work.
This campaign promotes sexual empowerment of
Rutgers WPF regrets that development aid has been
young people and aims to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
passed down from a minister with special responsibility
Rutgers WPF and STI AIDS the Netherlands developed
in this matter to a state secretary who also has
the campaign, with support from the Ministry of Health
European Affairs in his portfolio. The good news is
and ZonMw, the Dutch organisation for health research
that sexual and reproductive health and rights will
and development. All Municipal Health Services are
remain at the front line of development policy in the
collaborating on a regional adaptation of the campaign.
Netherlands. Also good news, on another level, is that the Dutch Postcode Lottery has doubled its annual
The fact that Rutgers WPF won the 2010 PSO Innovation
donation to Rutgers WPF. A real token of appreciation
Award for the programme on male counselling is also
for our work!
something we are very proud of. This programme focuses on counselling the perpetrators of intimate partner
On the subject of money, we are also very pleased with
violence. We work on this with organisations in South
the MFS II grant for the period 2011-2015. In 2010,
Africa and Indonesia.
we put a lot of energy into complying with the strict grant procedure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2010 will also be remembered as the year Frans Baneke,
For this purpose, we collaborated with AMREF Flying
former managing director of WPF, was bestowed the
Doctors, Simavi, dance4life International and CHOICE
Order of Orange-Nassau. Frans is one of the people who
for youth and sexuality. Rutgers WPF was the lead
initiated Mother’s Night, a campaign focusing worldwide
agency. Unfortunately, we will receive a third less of
attention on the 350,000 women who die annually from
the grant funds we applied for which means that some
the complications of pregnancy and child birth.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
And 2011? We can tell you now that this will also be a special year. At the start of 2011 we expect being awarded ISO certification of our quality management system, highlighting the merger and proof that quality for Rutgers WPF is more than just a banner on the website. In this Annual Report you can read about the achievements we made in 2010. May you enjoy reading it! Dianda Veldman Managing Director Rutgers WPF Would you like to react to this Annual Report? Send an e-mail to
The Dutch Postcode Lottery has doubled its annual donation to Rutgers WPF
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Rutgers WPF in the Netherlands Rutgers WPF aims at making sexual and reproductive health and rights available to everyone. We are committed to promoting an open and positive attitude towards sexuality. Please see below a selection of our activities carried out in the Netherlands in 2010.
Speak easy on sex (Maak seks lekker duidelijk)
outcomes is that Dutch young people are inclined to avoid
The youth campaign Speak easy on sex was an outright
taking responsibility for contraception.
success. Within a month, more than 165,000 young people visited the campaign site on Hyves, the popular
Week of Spring Fever (Week van de Lentekriebels)
Dutch social media website. Via 63,000
In the Week of Spring Fever many hundred primary
young people played the game Canyoufixit, on average
schools organised lessons (during five days) on
six minutes each time. The site
relationships and sexuality. The Week of Spring Fever is
(Your child and sex) is also much appreciated by parents.
an annual event which takes place in the third week of
Speak easy on sex has promoted sexual empowerment
March. An effect study carried out in the senior classes
and prevention of unwanted pregnancy. Rutgers WPF
of primary school has shown that structurally including
and STI AIDS the Netherlands developed the campaign
lessons on relationships and sexuality proves effective.
with the support of the Ministry of Health and ZonMw, the
Children, parents and teachers are positive about the
Dutch organisation for health research and development.
lessons; the matching teaching material is easy to use
All Municipal Health Services will collaborate in a
and instructive for young children. Programming for 2011
regional adaptation of the campaign in 2010.
will of course also include a Week of Spring Fever.
Research first
Sexuality education? Just do it!
The campaign was developed after triple research carried
Sexuality education for young children? Just do it!
out in 2010. The theoretical foundation of the campaign is
(Seksuele opvoeding voor jonge kinderen? Gewoon doen!)
based on literature research into unwanted pregnancies
This is the line of approach and also the title of a successful
and sexual intimidating behaviour. This research not only
conference held on 23 April 2010. Approximately 170
produced a theoretical model but also a list of ‘changeable’
professionals from youth welfare, youth health care, child
points of action for the campaign. Subsequently qualitative
care centres, primary schools and centres for youth care
research was carried out among young people regarding
took part in the conference. One of the conclusions was
their desires and boundaries. When do they experience
that every professional should be aware of the sexual
boundaries and how do they cope in these situations? Ten
development of young children. During the conference
profiles have been drawn up for girls and boys. Finally, in
an update was presented on Growing pains of sex
2010 research was carried out into the background of
(Seks in de groei), a scientific literature study on the sexual
inadequate contraceptive use among youth. One of the
development of children. The conference included an
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
informative magazine and a brochure for parents and
Competition You are totally sexy
professionals. The conference was co-organised by
The competition You are totally sexy produced many
Rutgers WPF and the Fund Scientific Research Sexuality
wonderful project proposals from young people on sex
(Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Seksualiteit).
with an illness of disability. Five winners were given the go-ahead to work out their proposal. A short film is
Sexuality education on School TV
in the making with tips and tricks on dating and a
In 2010 Teleac School TV developed together with
workshop on ‘pimping’ your wheelchair is also planned.
Rutgers WPF a four-part drama series about relationships
Please visit the site for all
and sexuality: Love Plaza (Liefdesplein). Love Plaza,
suggestions and ideas. Rutgers WPF developed the
successor to Love Palace (Het Liefdespaleis), was created
competition with support from the IPPF Innovation Fund.
for sexuality and relational education lessons in senior primary school. Subjects such as adolescence, dating,
Local authorities and sexual health
homosexuality, transgressing sexual boundaries and safe
In 2010 we developed guidelines for local authorities
sex are introduced in a playful and open way. The teaching
on sexual health. The guidelines offer information,
material includes an instruction booklet for teachers.
figures, examples and arguments for local authorities
Love Plaza can be seen on Teleac School TV.
who wish to execute active policy in the area of sexual health. The guidelines include tips for development,
Test: What should I choose? (Wat kies ik?)
execution and local policy. If desired, local authorities
Googling ‘Sex’ on the Internet appears to be too
can receive advice on request. The guidelines are a
embarrassing for migrant girls. This is why the new test on
product of Rutgers WPF, STI AIDS the Netherlands
the Internet is called: What should I choose? (Wat kies ik?).
and the Centre for Healthy Living. In 2011 the
The test is for girls and young women who are looking for a
guidelines will be further expanded.
suitable method of contraception. The test also includes a brochure on how to avoid pregnancy (Wel seks, niet zwanger).
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Magic Million
also to people with an illness or disability. At the beginning
In 2010 the website for young people
of 2011, Rutgers WPF will publish a new series of brochures
exceeded the magic number of one million visitors.
on sexual functioning, together with LOPS (Dutch is a product developed by several organisations:
Organisation Outpatient Sexological Consultation) and with
STI AIDS Netherlands, Rutgers WPF, Centre for Prevention
support from the NVVS (Dutch Sexology Association).
of Infectious Disease, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, the Ministry of Health and the
Mandatory education programmes
Municipal Health Services.
Rutgers WPF has a long tradition in carrying out mandatory education programmes for juvenile sex offenders in the attracted more than one million
Netherlands. With these education programmes we want to offer young people competences in the area of sexual interaction in order to prevent their sexually intimidating behaviour in the future. In 2010 we will continue to work on the formal recognition of these education programmes
visitors in 2010
under the title: Con-tact. Provisional recognition has, a website of Rutgers WPF will be
Juvenile institutions and sex
showcased to the public in a completely new form in
Judicial institutions seriously paid attention to sexual
Spring 2011, sponsored by the Innovation Fund for Health
health in 2010. A vision document on sexual health was
Care Insurers. This new website will offer information and
developed and a national seminar was organised. Staff
self-help possibilities not only to the general public but
agreed not only to focus on problematic issues but also on
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
already been received from the Commission on Behavioural Interventions of the Ministry of Justice.
boys’ healthy sexual development. Nearly all institutions in
one thing in common: They had personal problems or
the Netherlands follow this course of advice, for basic
problems at home. It also appeared that nearly all of the
trainings and training of trainers’ courses. A more
young people felt bad about the transactional sex. Rutgers
in-depth training and peer group supervision courses
WPF advises professionals to discuss these issues with
are planned.
young people during sexual counselling, but to be aware that transactional sex is a difficult subject for these young
Sex in exchange for a reward?
people to discuss.
Rutgers WPF interviewed together with the Municipal Health Service Amsterdam 30 young people about sex for
Sexual health in the Netherlands
a reward: transactional sex. What kind of transactional sex
What is the situation regarding sexual health and health
do they have and why? There appear to be four types of
care in the Netherlands? Rutgers WPF regularly publishes
transactional sex:
reports on this, by order of the Ministry of Health. In 2010
• Instrumental sex, a material reward is the main goal;
preparations have been made for the biannual screening
• Thrill-seeking, the thrill of sex is the primary motivation,
Sexual health in the Netherlands (Seksuele gezondheid
the reward is less important; • Abuse, the reward is used as justification by the offender; • Prostitution: transactional sex is the main source of income.
in Nederland) that will commence in 2011. We also published various reports in 2010 on sexual health, based on registrations from health care and social services. To achieve this, we worked closely with NIVEL (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), LOPS (Dutch
The young participants – differing in gender, sexual
Organisation Outpatient Sexological Consultation),
preference, educational level and country of birth – had
abortion clinics and the Health Inspectorate.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
het informatiecentrum van Rutgers WPF beantwoordt In 2010 bijna negenhonderd vragen over seksualiteit
Researching disabled victims
out a study into the situation of transgenders. In 2010
In the Netherlands there is little known about the
Rutgers WPF carried out a preliminary study in order to
sexual abuse of people with mental, physical or sensory
decide on the exact course the SCP should follow in its
disabilities. And if research has been done, then this is
research. This preliminary study was done together with
carried out among professionals. In 2010 Rutgers WPF
the Dutch Transgender Network and the SCP.
and MOVISIE (the Netherlands centre for social development) started asking people with physical and
Continuation of research Sex under 25
sensory disabilities themselves about their experience
In 2010 preparations began for the follow-up research
of sexual abuse. The methodology is adapted per group.
of Sex under 25 (Seks onder je 25e), on the sexual health
For example questions are read to blind people via the
of young people in the Netherlands. A number of 10,000
Internet, whereas deaf people are presented with a
young people between 12 and 25 years has been
questionnaire through sign language. People with mental
requested to complete a questionnaire via the Internet
disabilities are personally interviewed. Family members
in 2011. The selection procedure has been set up and
and supervisors of people with mental disabilities are
the questionnaire has been developed in 2010. A network
also questioned. The results will be available in 2011.
of stakeholders was closely involved. The results of this study will be distributed to all the parties involved during
Situation of transgenders
a work conference in 2011. Next year an Action Plan to
Transgenders, including transvestites, transsexuals and
improve the sexual health of youth will also be set up.
people who feel partly man, partly woman, often have
Rutgers WPF and STI AIDS the Netherlands will execute
to deal with discrimination and violence. In 2011 the
the research, in close cooperation with many parties in
Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) will carry
the field.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Rutgers WPF works from five basic programmes in the Netherlands: Sexuality Education and Development In this programme we support children’s and young people’s safe and healthy sexual development in order for them to make responsible choices regarding relationships and sexuality. We also support parents in providing sexuality education. Contraception and Abortion We offer women and their partners knowledge and skills so that they can avoid unwanted pregnancies.
Information Centre
Sexual Violence and Intimidation This programme contributes to a decrease in the amount of sexual violence and to limiting the damage that sexual violence can cause. To that end we carry out mandatory educational programmes for juvenile sex offenders, by order of the Child Protection Council.
In 2010 the Rutgers WPF Information Centre answered almost nine hundred questions regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights. The centre, located in our office at Utrecht, can also be visited on request. The centre supports staff members as well as external professionals through (scientific) magazines, journals and the large collection of books and brochures relating to sexual
Sexual Functioning and Illness or Disability With this programme we aim to improve the sexual functioning of people, in particular those with an illness or disability.
and reproductive health and rights that are available. The collection is continually updated.
Intervention-related research Rutgers WPF regularly does research in the wide area of sexual health. New in 2010 was the so-called interventionrelated research: studies carried out on the effect of current interventions. Supporting the development of interventions was also focussed on in 2010.
Method of research Monitoring and Registration This programme acquires current and reliable figures for professionals and policy makers. This is done on the basis of periodic research into the sexual and reproductive health of groups of Dutch people and through the records kept on sexological health care.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Our international work Rutgers WPF works in Asia, Africa and Europe at improving sexual and reproductive health and rights. Correct information is the key. What did we achieve in 2010?
now be applied to Vietnam and Pakistan; in 2011 toolkits
In 2010 SAFE II (Sexual Awareness For Europe) started, a
will also be available in these countries. Please use the
large international project aimed at providing insight into
following link to see a film on this project:
the sexual health of young people in Europe. Rutgers WPF
PSO is an association that focuses on the capacity
was involved in carrying out one of the eight components
building of civil society organisations in developing
of the project: qualitative research into the sexual health
countries via its members.
of young people in five European countries (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Spain and Germany).
Violence against women
Rutgers WPF is supervising the five research teams
For almost ten years Rutgers WPF has been working
and will be responsible for the final reporting.
in South Africa and Indonesia on projects aimed at decreasing gender based violence against women and
Standard set of indicators
supporting victims. In 2010 these experiences were
2010 saw the kickoff of the three-year European project
applied to Pakistan and Vietnam. By improving the
Youth Sexual Aggression and Victimization under leadership
expertise of sixty partner organisations, the foundation
of Rutgers WPF. In this project a standard set of indicators
was laid for a broader programme in Pakistan. Line of
will be worked on in order to record sexual aggression
approach: setting up ‘safe districts’.
among European youth. Ten countries took part. In 2010 research was systematically listed; the pre-test of the
Sexuality education in schools
standard set of indicators will be on the agenda for 2011.
In 2010 we carried out and finalised various educational
The Health Programme of the European Commission will
projects. Some of them were transferred to the local
contribute financially to this project.
partner organisations or governmental bodies. Some examples are as follows:
Winner PSO Innovation Award In 2010 Rutgers WPF won the PSO Innovation Award for
the programme Male Counselling, aimed at counselling
In West Uganda a teaching package was developed for
the perpetrators of intimate partner violence. We worked
primary schools, based on the programme for secondary
to achieve this with partner organisations in South Africa
schools, The World Starts With Me. Teachers, parents and
and Indonesia. The training and manuals have been com-
pupils worked together with the Kyambuogo University on
pleted, the counsellors have been trained and the tests on
this. The teaching package consists of twelve lessons and
counselling of male clients have recently been finalised.
is an initiative of Rutgers WPF and Save the Children
The experience gained in Indonesia and South Africa will
Uganda. A special version has also been produced for
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Ugandan youth born with HIV. This has led to social
workers becoming aware that these young people also
In September 2010 the Indonesia Minister for National
have the right to good sexual and reproductive health.
Education launched two educational programmes: MAJU
The distribution of the teaching material and the training
and LANGKAH PASTIKU. The programmes are for visually
of new teachers will be passed on to the Straight Talk
disabled and hearing-impaired youth respectively. The
Foundation in Uganda. As well as this, the teaching
teaching packages are already being used in 72 schools
package The World Starts With Me was evaluated at the
for blind and deaf youth, and the Minister is considering
end of 2010. The effects will be made known in 2011.
rolling out the programme at a national level.
In Thailand the successful educational programme
After Africa, Papua is the part of the world in which HIV most
The World Turns By My Hands closed with a meeting
often occurs. This is why the DAKU! sexuality education pro-
of all the participating schools. The teaching package is,
gramme for secondary schools in Indonesia is being adapted
in the meantime, being used by 240 teachers from all
for use in Papua. The programme is aimed at the prevention of
of the (nearly) hundred secondary schools in the Bangkok
HIV among young people. We aim at 16 secondary schools in
Metropolitan Authority who will also continue to use this
Papua joining the project in three years time. This will be made
programme in the future.
possible through a grant from the European Commission.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
In 2010 werken we in Mali, Malawi, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Rusland en China dance4life
Mali, Malawi, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Russia and China.
dance4life is an international organisation that dedicates
The RAP rule formed an integral part of this programme:
itself, together with young people, to reduce the spread of
Rights, Acceptance and Participation. Young people were
HIV and AIDS. In Vietnam and Indonesia Rutgers WPF
supported in learning about their rights and how to make
carries out its work according to the dance4life principles.
well-informed choices about their own sexuality. We want
The programme in Vietnam has been running successfully
the environment to accept that young people also have
for a number of years. At the closing event on 27 November
sexual feelings. And we encouraged young people to
2010 more than a thousand young people took part.
participate in all phases. For instance, young people trained
The event was even broadcast live on Vietnamese
by Rutgers WPF carried out their own research into the
television. The closing event in Indonesia was visited by
youth friendliness of reproductive health care in Malawi and
two thousand young people. Satellite contact was made
Bangladesh. During Regional Events in Kenya, Bangladesh
with all the other countries where events were being
and Mali we trained young people from several countries
held simultaneously.
in how to address sensitive themes like sexual violence, abortion and sexual diversity. The evaluation of the
Young people as agents of change
programme showed that young people can be successful
Youth Incentives, our international youth programme,
agents of change and improve knowledge and attitudes of
wrapped up its activities in 2010. In 2010 we worked in
peers, as well as staff of partner organisations.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Youth Incentives programme finishes
were: extra training is needed, in particular of peer
The evaluation of the six-year programme Youth
educators. More attention should also be paid to the
Incentives showed a well-balanced and innovative
role of religion, to gender and conceptions of masculinity.
programme focussing on the acceptance of young
The report recommends enticing other development
people as sexual beings and on youth participation.
organisations to use this programme.
Two external consultants carried out the evaluation, The achievements of the programme have been recorded
Rutgers WPF addresses sensitive issues
on a DVD with six short films where young people show how they discuss sexual themes. All Youth Incentives topics are dealt with: abortion, pleasure, negotiating condom use, discussing relationships and sexuality, respect for your boyfriend or girlfriend, sexual violence and diversity. The films can also be viewed on YouTube.
helped by a young researcher from the researched country itself. They praised the work which was aimed
Brochures and toolkit
at the direct environment of the young people – parents,
Many countries in Asia and Africa do not allow their
teachers, community leaders. Points for improvement
youngsters to be free in thought or behaviour.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Organisations that fight against discrimination of homosexuals often only focus on men. Youth Incentives, therefore, published a brochure for girls who struggle with their sexual identity: A Different Way. Clear and simple without moralising or judging. Several other brochures were published in 2010 as well, for example Say NO to Sexual Violence, Abortion and Young People and The Grey Areas of Sexual Violence. A toolkit was also produced on communicating with young people on sexual health. All these products are available in English and French.
MFS-II grant 2011-2015 In 2010 much time was spent on applying for the MFS II grant for the period 2011-2015 and at the end of November our application was approved. This grant is crucial in order to continue our work in developing countries after 2010. Rutgers WPF submitted the application to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on behalf of five organisations concerning a five-year programme on sexual and reproductive health and rights in ten countries. The organisations, working together under the name of SRHR Alliance, are Rutgers WPF, AMREF Flying Doctors, Simavi, dance4life international and CHOICE for youth and sexuality. The Alliance will have a budget of 44 million for five years at its disposal, a third less than applied for because of reduced budgets. Regrettably, we were forced to cancel the planned activities in Ghana but will continue working in the other nine countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Pakistan. In the final months of 2010 meetings were organised in the countries concerned in order to work out the programmes per country, so that work could be commenced as soon as possible in 2011.
Rutgers WPF international Rutgers WPF works internationally to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of every human being, regardless of cultural background or sexual orientation. Providing clear and trustworthy information is crucial in order to help people make well-informed choices. The international work of Rutgers WPF takes place mainly in Asia and Africa, but many different projects are carried out in Europe as well. Our international work focuses mainly on the following important areas: • Comprehensive sexuality education. • Gender based violence. • Access to contraceptives, safe abortion and good ante and postnatal care. • Addressing sensitive themes: homosexuality, abortion and sexual violence. • Capacity building of partner organisations in developing countries.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Advocacy Rutgers WPF works in several ways to influence policy: through dialogue with politicians and governments, through networks and through campaigns. In this chapter you will find a selection of activities carried out in and outside the Netherlands. Advocacy in the Netherlands
chronically ill or disabled. This quick scan mapped the interventions being carried out in the field, gave an
Contraceptive Pill covered by health insurance
overview of the materials and methods available and
“Keep the contraceptive pill in the basic insurance
indicated the need for information and help in the field.
health package in the Netherlands”. This was the message
The quick scan resulted in a proposal to the Ministry of
Rutgers WPF, together with ten partner organisations,
Health and in an expert meeting. In the expert meeting
passed on to the members of the Dutch House of
a large number of experts discussed the results of the
Commons, Commission of Welfare Insurers and the
research and its adaptation to a good sexuality policy
media. Ultimately, the contraceptive pill was excluded
for the chronically ill or disabled.
from the basic package, but this only applied to women older than 21 years.
Mother’s Night With Mother’s Night, Rutgers WPF annually focuses
Adjustment of primary objectives
attention on maternal mortality. The Mother’s Night
Rutgers WPF provided primary and secondary schools
Campaign started on 8 April 2010, a month before
with proposals how to adjust the primary objectives
Mother’s Day. Campaign advertisements and the special
relating to sexual empowerment and sexual diversity.
Mother’s Night song May all the Children could be heard
This resulted from research that showed many young
on many Dutch radio stations. The ‘breakfast in bed’
people facing sexual pressure and intimidation.
event on the square in front of the Dutch House of
Furthermore, many young people with a homosexual
Commons enjoyed much success – as many as 16 female
orientation appear to be excluded and misunderstood in
parliamentarians took part. These MPs quickly agreed that
school. By adapting the primary objectives all primary
more attention should be paid to this subject and that
and secondary schools will be obliged to provide education
money should be made available to fight against maternal
relating to sexual empowerment and sexual diversity.
mortality worldwide. The parliamentary commission for
The proposal has been presented to the Minister of
HIV/AIDS promptly added ‘and sexual and reproductive
Education but has not yet been dealt with in the Dutch
health and rights’ to its name. Later in the year Rutgers
House of Commons, despite the insistence of several
WPF joined the Simavi campaign for Millennium
political parties.
Development Goal 5. In this way the departing Prime Minister Balkenende was asked to keep maternal
Quick scan and expert meeting
mortality and sexual and reproductive health and
Rutgers WPF carried out research on the amount of
rights on the agenda just before the UN meeting
interventions that concern sexual health and the
on the Millennium Goals.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Enough is enough
Environment Influences Sexual Development. About three
In 2010 a new Government was installed in the
hundred people from Africa, Asia, Latin America, North
Netherlands and the budget for development cooperation
America and Europe attended. Young people were actively
was reduced. Rutgers WPF continued to demonstrate the
involved in the organisation, held keynote speeches and
importance of sexual and reproductive health and rights
supervised the workshops. The youngest participant at
as a separate issue. For this reason we also joined the
the conference (17 years) presented a booklet with
Campaign Enough is enough, an NGO campaign against
personal stories of young people to Marijke Wijnroks,
budget cuts. At the end of November a policy document
AIDS Ambassador at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
by the Dutch Minister for European Affairs and International Cooperation indicated that sexual and repro-
Undo the Taboo
ductive health and rights is one of the four priorities of
Just before this conference the event Undo the Taboo took
foreign policy. Rutgers WPF is very happy with this choice,
place. During this event thirty five young participants from
although it is still unclear what effect this choice will have.
Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Netherlands encouraged Dutch policy makers to keep young people’s sexual and
Sexuality under 18
reproductive rights high on the international agenda.
On 11 and 12 October 2010 Rutgers WPF organised a bi-annual international conference for the fourth time.
Campaign MYBODY
Theme of this year: Sexuality under 18. How the Social
By promoting the MYBODY campaign Rutgers WPF has
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
asked political support for sexual and reproductive health
International Advocacy
care and rights worldwide. Dieuwertje Blok, Nadia van Nie and former Member of European Parliament Kathalijne
Ten years of Millennium Development Goals
Buitenweg were Ambassadors for the cause. MYBODY
It has been 10 years since the Millennium Development
called for attention for at crucial political moments and
Goals (MDGs) of the United Nations were developed in
during conferences, such as the National Conference
2000. MDG5 on maternal mortality and access to
STI*HIV*AIDS in Amsterdam. In 2011 MYBODY activities
reproductive health care is lagging behind. Therefore,
will be integrated under the new company name Rutgers
Rutgers WPF has actively involved itself in the talks that
WPF and the brand name MYBODY will stop to exist.
precede the UN meeting on the MDGs and Ban-ki-Moon’s Global strategy for women’s and children’s health.
Transgenders at work Transgenders are often rejected at job interviews because of their sexual orientation. Moreover, they find it hard to find jobs in which they are really accepted, which causes psychological problems, as a Rutgers WPF study has shown. Rutgers WPF organised an expert meeting about transgenderism in 2010 and discussed the issue with the Ministry of Education. Subsequently, a website was set up and guidelines for professionals were developed how to behave towards transgenders.
Population issues
There is a growing tendency among international policy makers towards accepting the female condom
Rutgers WPF released a brochure resulting from the lecture tour The Population Question and Development.
Promotion of the Female Condom
Furthermore, a research trainee at the University of
The Female Condom is the only contraceptive which
Groningen carried out a literature survey: Does it take
gives women sole control in protecting themselves against
two to tango? Sexuality and Population. We also published
unwanted pregnancy, STIs and HIV. Acceptance of the
for the 22nd time in the Netherlands the State of the World
female condom by international policy makers, however,
Population Report from UNFPA: From Conflict and Crisis
seems to be miles away. Therefore, Rutgers WPF
to Renewal. Generations of Change. Our advocacy
promoting global access to the female condom,
department is increasingly focusing on issues from
demonstrated the female condom to thousands of
a population perspective.
interested parties and drawing attention from the
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
international media during the International AIDS
the importance of reproductive health care. Young people
Conference in Vienna (Austria). A Linking & Learning
from the stricken areas were trained to advocate with the
meeting was organised in Nigeria during which
authorities and aid organisations.
organisations from Nigeria, Cameroon, Zimbabwe and Mozambique were able to exchange experiences. Finally,
we participated in a UNAIDS meeting on strategies on
The field office in Vietnam developed two documentaries:
HIV/AIDS control. And we also scored a small success:
on comprehensive sexuality education of young people
UNFPA is promoting the development of more variations
with a hearing impairment and on young people in
of the female condom and is in the process of obtaining
juvenile detention centres.
approval from the WHO. We noticed a growing tendency among international policy makers towards accepting the
female condom.
We started an innovative project with Kenyan students who participated in our life skills and comprehensive
Advocacy at Field Offices and partner organisations
sexuality education programmes. Our aim was to get
As well as international lobbying, Rutgers WPF dedicated
them involved in advocating for better sexual and
itself to increasing the advocacy capacity of field offices and
reproductive health and rights for young people in Kenya.
partner organisations in Africa and Asia. The field offices
Twenty young people forming the advocacy network
were nationally involved in lobbying with regard to the
WAYAN, were supported by our Kenyan partner
review process of the MDGs and to the development of
organisation CSA who also provided accommodation.
national policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The Dutch youth organisation, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality, trained them. In November WAYAN organised
a successful meeting with ministries, local authorities,
We raised an appeal to Indonesian parliamentarians in
media, donors and civil society at which they advocated
the districts Jakarta and Bali to support the government’s
for youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health care and
proposal to finance DAKU! – the life skills education
comprehensive sexuality education for all Kenyan youth.
programme of Indonesia.
Rwanda en Bangladesh Pakistan
Partners in Rwanda and Bangladesh reaped the first
The field office and partner organisations in Pakistan
benefits from former advocacy trainings. Our partner in
immediately took action after the flood disaster that struck
Rwanda successfully advocated for integration of sexual
great parts of their country. They started giving
and reproductive health and rights in all activities of the
humanitarian aid to the victims without losing sight of
National Youth Coalition. Thanks to this both sustainability
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
and outreach of their activities have increased hugely.
Also, action was taken to break the abortion taboo.
YouAct is a European youth network in the field of sexual
Young people who were linked to our partner organisation
and reproductive health and rights. YouAct successfully
interviewed young female prisoners who had had an
completed the project Youth Advocates in action in 2010.
abortion. Their stories formed the basis of an awareness
This project was organised under the auspices of Rutgers
raising campaign and led to talks with Rwandan
WPF and has turned YouAct into a professional and
independent organisation. YouAct will carry on raising young people’s awareness and mobilising them with
In Bangladesh we helped raise a national network
regard to their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
of organisations seeking an official comprehensive sexuality education curriculum in Bangladeshi schools, in this way increasing pressure on the government.
Mali and Malawi Partners in Mali and Malawi enrolled in an advocacy training course. In Malawi this led to new local regulations to prohibit forced child marriages.
CHOICE keeps up the good work Rutgers WPF gave organisational and financial support to CHOICE, the Dutch youth organisation that advocates for young people’s sexual and reproductive rights. CHOICE collaborated with young people all over the world. They gave training courses, supported various local advocacy events and worked closely together with partner organisations in Pakistan, Vietnam, Malawi, and Kenya. CHOICE participated in international conferences to let young people’s voices be heard internationally. Together with PANN Foundation CHOICE organised a national youth debate about homosexuality in the Netherlands. CHOICE also supported Dutch secondary school students in organising HIV/AIDS campaigns at their schools. They were helped in this by World AIDS Campaign and Positive Guest Speakers.
Rutgers WPF Advocacy Rutgers WPF advocated for sexual and reproductive health and rights at four levels: in the Netherlands, in Europe, at an international level and in some partner countries. The approach varied from direct dialogue with politicians and authorities to advocating through networks and platforms and campaigns. On top of that, we advocated for our partner organisations in Africa and Asia. We also made policy makers, politicians and the general public aware of the link between sexual and reproductive health and rights, population growth and poverty.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
The organisation Rutgers WPF is a foundation that was established in 2010. A staff of approximately 130 people in the Netherlands and three Asian field offices dedicate themselves to achieving better sexual health and rights worldwide. This chapter gives a glimpse behind the scenes.
regard to country of origin, cultural background, age and
December 30, 2010 was an important day, since as of
sex. Therefore, membership terms have been formulated
that date Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population
and new candidates have been approached. For the exact
Foundation legally merged into the foundation Rutgers
composition of the Supervisory Board we refer to the
WPF. There were several festivities for staff and
attached appendix on page 33.
stakeholders surrounding the merger.
Employee Satisfaction Survey Previous history
The Employee Satisfaction Survey carried out in 2010
At the end of February 2010, the World Population
showed that employees at the Rutgers WPF offices in
Foundation staff moved into the Rutgers Nisso Groep
Utrecht were quite satisfied with their work. Of course,
office at Oudenoord 176 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
there is always room for improvement, e.g. more career
After some adjustments we all quickly settled in and a
opportunities. In 2010 employees were given several
new organisation and meeting structure was adopted.
opportunities for personal development.
Managers of the new departments were appointed and all employees found their place in the temporary organisation
Dealing with stress
structure. View organisation chart on page 24.
The sickness absentee rate increased enormously in 2010. Causes varied and were sometimes of a private
nature. If it was work-related, the main cause was work
Rutgers WPF employs 85 people in the Netherlands,
pressure and the many work duties due to the merger
80 percent of these being female. The average age of
process, the application procedure for the MFS II grant
employees is 43. Forty-five volunteers were active for
and preparing for ISO certification. The Occupational
Rutgers WPF in the Netherlands in 2010. On top of that,
Health Service organised workshops for employees on how
around 45 employees worked at field offices in Indonesia,
to deal with work pressure. The issue of work pressure will
Vietnam and Pakistan. Dianda Veldman is managing
receive a prominent place on the agenda.
director of Rutgers WPF.
ISO certification The new Supervisory Board
Rutgers WPF worked diligently at obtaining ISO certification.
The two Supervisory Boards held joint meetings in 2010,
We especially focussed on project management. All work
since we knew a merger was imminent. Meanwhile a
procedures were assessed and researchers and consultants
new Supervisory Board was installed consisting of twelve
were instructed on how to carry out projects adequately.
members from both organisations. The Supervisory Board
It is expected that ISO certification of our quality
wants more diversity among its members, both with
management system will be granted in 2011.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Organisation Chart Rutgers WPF 2010
Supervisory Board
Managing Director
General Affairs
Assistant to Managing Director
Communication & Fundraising
Finance & Control
National Research
Coรถrdination SRHR Alliance
National Programmes
International Research
International Programmes
Country Coรถrdination
Information Centre
Programme Coรถrdination
Summary In 2010 Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population Foundation joined forces and eventually merged into Rutgers WPF. The foundation employs 85 people in the Netherlands and approximately 45 people at field offices in Indonesia, Vietnam and Pakistan. They all do their utmost to realise the organisational objective: improving sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people, regardless of gender, cultural background or sexual orientation. Rutgers WPF is governed by a Supervisory Board.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Field Offices
Activities in 2011 In 2011 Rutgers WPF will continue to work actively at improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of every human being. Having the right information remains crucial in helping people all over the world to make their own choices.
We will continue to focus special attention on young people,
In Europe we would like to expand our activities, preferably
women and vulnerable groups, such as those who are
in collaboration with other international organisations.
chronically ill or disabled. We will do so by supporting
We venture to claim that our expertise is quite unique in
professionals working with these client groups and
Europe and hope to be able to use it further.
increasing their expertise with regard to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Cooperation Rutgers WPF has gained a lot of experience in cooperating
In the Netherlands
with organisations such as STI AIDS the Netherlands,
In the Netherlands there is still a lot to be done with regard
members of the SRHR Alliance and large developing
to sexual and reproductive health and rights. We regard it as
organisations such as HIVOS and ICCO. We have learned
a challenge to keep up the high standard of sexual health, to
from one another, complemented skills and ensured that
prevent sexual misconduct and to empower young people.
duplicate work was avoided - our target groups profiting
Special target groups are young people struggling between
from all this.
two cultures and the disabled.
Funds It will be a great challenge to acquire sufficient funds for the
Through collaboration with partner organisations we achieve more
coming years. In 2010 we were confronted with cuts in the budgets for developing aid. However, we were very pleased that the government assigned sexual and reproductive health as one of its priorities. We hope this will coincide with extra financial stimuli. These will be very much needed considering the fact that funding for sexuality education among others is still decreasing. It will become clear in 2011 how the Dutch government will apply cuts in expenditure on public health, the sector
from which Rutgers WPF gets most of her funds for her
Rutgers WPF is continuing her activities in developing
national activities. We hope that the public health sector will
countries in Africa en Asia in 2011. In accordance with
be spared and even receive more funds for innovation and
our policy we give long-term support to our partner
implementation and for groups that really need it. Rutgers
organisations and do not limit ourselves to single projects.
WPF would very much like to continue contributing to this.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Financial situation Despite cuts in expenditure and the economic crisis Rutgers WPF will continue her activities with undiminished energy. Please read below the explanation of the figures and the abridged Audit Report 2010. The financial figures for 2010 present the
at the request and for the benefit of their
was 11.2% higher than budgeted (€ 12.7
results of the joint organisation for the first
partner organisations in developing countries.
million vs € 11.4 million). The increase with respect to 2009 is above all due to higher
time. The comparative figures for 2009 are given by combining the results for Rutgers
Cash policy
income from own institutional fundraising
Nisso Groep en WPF.
Rutgers WPF invests surplus cash in such a
(€ 555,000). The higher income from
way that the principal remains intact and
campaigns by third parties is derived mainly
Income policy
interest is maximised. Currency risks are
from new collaborative projects. Higher
Rutgers WPF aims at diversification of
minimized by regular cash flow forecasts in
governmental subsidies are, among other
income sources in order to reduce the risk
the various currencies – for the most part
things, due to a project being carried out via
of dependency on a few donors. Rutgers
Euros and Dollars.
the Dutch Ministry of Justice and two new semi-state project subsidies. Income from
WPF receives institutional subsidy from the Ministry of Health. In addition to this,
Reserve fund policy
private donations and gifts increased by 25%
ZonMw, ministries and private capital funds
Rutgers WPF’s policy is to use any income
compared to 2009.
important sources of income. The MFS I
gained as quickly and efficiently as possible,
subsidy from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
taking into account a contribution to a
Direct spending on objectives
formed an important subsidy source for
continuity reserve. This reserve is meant to
Of the total spending of € 12.5 million,
international work. From 2009 this Ministry
safeguard the continuity of the organisation
€ 11.3 million (89% of the total income)
requires that at least 25% of the organisation’s
and to cover risks.
was directly spent on the three objectives
income be derived from other sources.
of Rutgers WPF (in 2009: 87%).
In 2010 Rutgers WPF succeeded in raising
Rutgers WPF aims in the long-term to build
65% of other funds (the same percentage as
a reserve equal to eight months fixed cost,
in 2009). This percentage was the same as
including those of the field offices in Asia. This
Most national activities are carried out by
in 2009.
enables the downsized organisation to keep
own staff. The activities carried out with
running for 12 months when a substantial drop
institutional subsidy are extensively reported
Besides the Dutch Postcode Lottery which
in income occurs. Generating such a reserve is
to the Ministry of Health. The costs in 2010
contributes €900,000 a year, the primary
in accordance with the Charity Reserves
were € 3.3 million, 26.0% of the total
donor groups for international work include:
Guidelines of the VFI (Richtlijn Reserves Goede
income. The percentage is a little lower in
American private foundations and
Doelen van het VFI) and the CBF seal of
relation to 2009 (28%).
multilateral organisations (The World Bank,
approval (reglement CBF-Keur). In 2010
UNFPA, the European Commission). Besides
Rutgers WPF succeeded in adding substantially
this, the field offices arrange local funds.
to this reserve, which is so far on schedule.
Most of the activities are carried out by
This links up well with the fact that more and more international benefactors work
local partners. In addition to this, project
Results in 2010
through agencies in developing countries.
expenditure includes the costs of activities carried out by Rutgers WPF itself: guidance,
Lastly, Rutgers WPF has entered into a
technical assistance and monitoring &
number of collaboration contracts with
Income increased by 4.7% with respect to
evaluation. The costs of the three field
development aid organisations, invariably
2009 (€ 12.7 million vs € 12.1 million) and
offices in Asia are part of the respective
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
country portfolios. These country portfolios
administration costs is lower than budgeted
Cash position
are partly financed by Rutgers WPF, the
because Rutgers WPF realised an income
The cash and cash equivalent items at the
Netherlands, and partly by locally raised
growth without increasing management
end of the financial year are € 3,855,172,
income. The costs in 2010 were € 6.9
capacity. The standard that Rutgers WPF
more than enough to meet the obligations
million, 55% of the income, a high increase
applies for management and administration
of Rutgers WPF.
in relation to the 47% realised in 2009.
costs amounts to 9%. This standard has been determined on the basis of the various
Preview/2011 Budget
Influencing policy and public opinion
factors that influence the organisation of
The SRHR Alliance, consisting of Rutgers
Most of the advocacy activities are carried
Rutgers WPF, such as project portfolio,
WPF (lead agent), AMREF Flying Doctors,
out by own staff. There is much cooperation
diversity of donors, the scale in which
CHOICE, dance4life and Simavi succeeded in
with sister organisations in Europe. A
activities are carried out, etc. The set
gaining an MFS II grant for the period of
number of cooperative projects aims to
percentage is checked against, among other
2011-2015. As a result, it is expected that
strengthen (East European) partners with
things, the average applicable percentage
the income from this subsidy from the
the ultimate goal of increasing support for
within the benchmark (medium-sized
Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also be an
development aid within Europe. The costs in
organisations, 9.6%, published in Transparant
important source of income in the coming
2010 were € 1.1 million, 9% of income. The
Prijs 2009 (2009 Transparency Award).
years. However, a cutback in institutional subsidy has been announced by the Ministry
percentage is higher than in 2009 (8%).
of Health. In 2011, Rutgers WPF will also
Budget for own fundraising
Through the combination of higher net
maintain the standards for spending
In 2010 costs for own fundraising were 2.8%
income and lower expenditure than budgeted
percentages applied in 2010. In 2011 a
of the total income, lower than budgeted
a good positive result of € 200,348 was
long-term plan for 2012-2015 will be
(4.1%) and less than realised in 2009 (5.9%).
realised for 2010. This amount of € 205,406
This is due to the fact that income was much
has been added to the continuity reserve. The
higher, as explained above.
difference of € 5,058 goes to the risk reserve VWS (Ministry of Health). In the result, in the
Management and administration costs
framework of the merger and cutbacks,
The percentage for management and
one-off reorganisation costs have been
administration costs amounts to 8% (in 2009:
included and a provision has been made to
9%) of the total costs. The time spent is
aid some partners in the South in phasing
equal to 5.8 FTE. This includes the activities
out the MFS I subsidy. The result for 2010
of management and the board (80%) and
was budgeted as a surplus of € 11,000 and a
Finance and Control (79%). All work in the
result in 2009 of € 575,120. The result was
area of interventions, research, advocacy,
so high in 2009 due to the extra contribution
communication and fundraising, and 21%
by the Dutch Postcode Lottery of € 500,000,
of the financial activities can be directly
which was only made known in February
attributed to the objectives of Rutgers WPF.
2010. This amount will be spent on extra
The percentage for management and
projects over the coming years.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Rutgers WPF Balance sheet as of 31 December 2010 (Euros)
31 December 2010
31 December 2009
ASSETS Intangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets
260,456 412,540
Receivables, prepayments and other current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
2,820,316 6,264,523
LIABILITIES Reserves and funds Reserves • Continuity reserve • Appropriated reserve Dutch Postcode Lottery, expenditure for the objective • Risk reserve VWS
87,831 1,985,732
Current and accrued liabilities
Provisions Provision reorganisation Provision jubilee employees
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Statement of income and expenditure for 2010 (Euros)
Actual 2010
Budget 2010
Actual 2009
INCOME Direct (own) fundraising income
Income from third-party campaigns
Government subsidies
Income from joint campaigns
Income from investments Total income
EXPENDITURE Directly allocated to objectives National
1,039,753 11,306,275
903,667 10,117,080
Fundraising income Direct fundraising costs Costs third-party campaigns Costs subsidies
Management and administration Costs management and administration Total expenditure Result Profit or loss appropriation 2010 • Continuity reserve • Appropriated reserve Dutch Postcode Lottery, expenditure for the objective •R isk reserve VWS Result 2010
-5,058 200,348
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Cash flow statement for 2010 (Euros)
Changes in provision
Change in working capital (excluding cash and cash equivalents)
Cash flow from operational activities
De cijfers in dit jaaroverzicht zijn gebaseerd op de volledige jaarrekening van 2010, waarvoor goedkeuring is verkregen van Dubois & Co Registeraccountants.
Cash flow from investment activities
De volledige jaarrekening en de accountantsverklaring zijn op verzoek beschikbaar.
Investments in:
Intangible fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets
Movement cash and cash equivalents
Liquid assets at the end of the financial year
Liquid assets at the start of the financial year
Movement cash and cash equivalents
Tangible fixed assets
Disinvestments in:
The financial overview in this report is based on the 2010 financial statements which have been audited by our accountant Dubois & Co. The complete 2010 financial statements and the auditor’s report are both available on request.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Thanks to our donors! Special thanks to all our donors without whose generous contributions our work would be impossible. •
Aids Foundation
Fund for Scientific Research of Sexuality
BenVeh Foundation
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Innovation Fund of Health Insurance Companies
International Planned Parenthood Federation
Damiano Foundation
Liberty Foundation
De Westberg Foundation
DoCare Foundation
Stichting Kinderpostzegels Nederland
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (EVD, Agency
Stop Aids Now!
for international business and cooperation)
The David & Lucille Packard Foundation
Dutch Ministry of Justice
The Ford Foundation
Dutch Ministry of Education
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Dutch Ministry of Health
The World Bank
Dutch Postcode Lottery
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
European Commission
(Children’s charity)
We owe a lot of thanks to the supporters of MYBODY and all other donors not specifically mentioned here.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Dutch Postcode Lottery: Every day more than one million Euros In view of the cuts in expenditure the new Dutch government is implementing, private fundraisers, such as the Dutch Postcode Lottery, have become increasingly important. This charity lottery has proved itself as a successful fundraising organisation. Annually, the charity lotteries (Dutch Postcode Lottery, Bank Giro Lottery and Friends Lottery) raise € 375 million for charity, which is more that a million a day. Moreover, they provide long-term financial support and beneficiaries are allowed to spend funds at their own discretion. The three lotteries have a joint mission to support charities that are concerned with: • a fair and ‘green’ world: Dutch Postcode Lottery • culture and preservation of cultural heritage: Bank Giro Lottery • improvement of Dutch welfare and health care: Friends Lottery Every month millions of people take a chance in these lotteries, half of the funds being spent on creating a better world. The Games of Chance Law is high on the new government’s agenda: the organisation of the lottery-market, the way licences are granted and the authority for Games of Chance are all being scrutinized. We hope that any possible changes relating to Games of Chance will leave the Dutch Postcode Lottery enough opportunity to raise funds as successfully as before. Without their help we would not be able to realise a lot of our initiatives.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Appendix Composition of the Supervisory Boards in 2010
Supervisory Board of Rutgers Nisso Groep:
Supervisory Board of WPF:
Ankie Verlaan, Chair
Melanie Schultz van Haegen, Chair
Independent consultant with expertise in education and social
Member of the Board of Directors of Achmea. She resigned when
being appointed as Minister in the new Dutch Government.
Mohamed Baba, Vice Chair
Cees J.A. van Lede
manager/advisor, integration and immigration.
Former chairman of the board of directors of Akzo Nobel, former chairman of Union of Dutch Companies (VNO), member of the
Koos van der Velden
Board of Governors of several international companies. Experienced
Professor of Public Health, has expertise with regard to developing
governor and board member.
countries (maternal mortality) and public health in the Netherlands. Inge Hutter Walter Everaerd
Professor of Demography at Groningen University with special interest
emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology.
in population and reproductive health.
Peter Alers
Erik-Thijs Wedershoven
former company lawyer and currently a judge.
currently graduating at London School of Economics. Dutch Youth
Delegate at (United Nations 2005. Youth representative at the Supervisory Board. Wouter A. Meijer former director of WPF, starting out as a pioneering organisation. Development economist, 26 years in urban development, World Bank, rural/agricultural development, then WPF. Is on several boards including one in USA. Roy W. Brown, founder of WPF and on the Board since 1987. Former chair of International Humanist and Ethical Union. Has been active on human rights issues in Geneva. Sybren Kalkman, former partner in accounting firm KPMG Accountants until retirement 2005. Several board memberships. Shares his financial expertise with a passion for charities.
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Colophon Š Rutgers WPF, June 2011
English translation Mieke van Kooten Niekerk, Kathy de Kruijf-Bassett
P.O. Box 9022
Photography Robbert Bodegraven, Nancy Durrell McKenna,
3506 GA Utrecht
Floor Godefroy, Joost Grol, Fleur Koning, Leonie van de Mortel,
the Netherlands
Johannes OdĂŠ, Claudia Otten, Peter de Ruiter, Robbert Schouten Design Ontwerp aan de Winkel
Office address: Oudenoord 176-178,
Rutgers WPF was established as a result of the merger of
3513 EV Utrecht
Rutgers Nisso Groep and World Population Foundation (WPF)
the Netherlands
at the end of 2010.
T + 31 (0) 30 231 34 31 F + 31 (0) 30 231 93 87
This is the public edition of the Rutgers WPF Annual Report 2010.
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Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010
Annual Report Rutgers WPF 2010