1 minute read

How CINJ’s COE Team Can Help You

Summary of what CINJ’s COE team does incl Science Cafes, Community Scientist reviews/feedback, SRB input, community focus groups, partnership development, community ed, advisory boards, technical assistance statewide… [maybe borrow from websites – Minnesota Cancer Center COE, etc]

We’re here to help you engage with communities in NJ as required by NCI. Our purpose, and the purpose of this Community Researcher Guide and process, is to help you (researchers) get insight and feedback from community members who are relevant to your research interests to lead to better, stronger, and more impactful science. We’re also here to help you document how community input changes research approaches/ focus for NCI reporting. Help researches effectively communicate w audiences and get input on how to improve their science. How to facilitate community interaction & tell us (COE) what impact it has on research. Confidential and personalized mentoring program with Community Scientists / COE staff to help researchers develop comfort to engage in research-community feedback.



1. Review this Community Research Guide

2. Have a one-on-one needs assessment discussion with COE Specialist (Michelle A replacement) to determine what approach will work best with the research you are planning or conducting

3. Use the template PowerPoint presentation to prepare a draft of your COE approach a. Confidential, private, personalized

4. Preview your presentation and COE plan with the COE Specialist and/or members of the COE team for review and supportive feedback -- we help you get it short, sweet, and to the point BEFORE you are in front of your audience!

5. Schedule and conduct your community engaged presentation / review with the audience(s) that will provide the most relevant input and support a. Community Scientists can document feedback, questions, other input… COE team provides that feedback to researcher

6. Submit feedback to the COE team on how it went – was there impact for your research? What worked well? What other resources or support do you need?

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