The RutgeThe RU Professional Golf Turf School

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Professional Golf Turf Management School Two-Year Certificate Program

Fall Session September 30 - December 11, 2009

Winter Session January 6 - March 19, 2010

Pasatiempo Golf Club, CA Paul Chojnacky, 2003 Graduate

Presented by the NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education together with the Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science

About Our Roots Who Should Attend • Superintendents • Greenskeepers • Assistant Superintendents • Foremen • Irrigation Technicians • Mechanics • Spray Technicians • Other golf professionals with turf management responsibilities, e.g. owners, general managers, developers • Sports Turf Managers • College graduates in related fields who want to quickly establish a new career path • Veterans of the U.S. military

The success of the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School, now in its 49th year, is due in large measure to the values and visions of our program’s creator, Dr. Ralph Engel. Engel’s purpose was clear, “Provide a creative learning environment where golf course employees could build their skill level and knowledge base regarding the ever changing science of golf turf management.” Equally clear were Ralph’s values when dealing with his certificate students - mentoring first, encouragement second, and massive exposure to the finest educators in golf turf science that he could locate. Forty-eight years later we continue to honor Dr. Engel’s dream of creating a world-renowned learning center for golf course employees pursuing additional certification. Thousands have visited our campus since 1961 and hundreds are currently superintendents at many of the most highly regarded courses across the United States and around the world. We welcome you to come to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and experience the very best we have to offer.

Why Choose Rutgers University? Meeting Your Learning Needs

• Our program has been designed exclusively for golf turf management professionals throughout North America, Europe and beyond. • We have developed a partnership with SallieMae to assist with your educational loan needs. • We offer many scholarships exclusively for first year students. Returning students have even greater access to other available scholarships. • We guarantee your tuition rate will be fixed for each year of your two-year program. • We offer the technical and managerial information you need to succeed as well as a university credential that is highly respected throughout the industry and around the world. • Since our first graduating class in 1962, over 2,000 golf turf professionals have graduated from our certificate program. Hundreds have advanced in their fields to become recognized superintendents in all 50 states and 11 countries or have become leaders in related turfgrass careers worldwide. • Our program consists of two convenient 10-week sessions over two years and a 200-hour internship of supervised field experience. In our intensive academic format, you will concentrate on the technical knowledge required of superintendents, apply the skills presented in the classroom to field situations, and develop essential qualities of leadership that all successful managers should master. • While on campus you will meet and work collaboratively with students from some of the world’s finest golf courses and will be educated by a highly talented and dedicated community of faculty and industry professionals. • Program classrooms are located in the Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center, located adjacent to our turfgrass research complex; at the Holly House, nestled within a world-renowned collection of American hollies in the Rutgers Display Gardens; and in our Campus Center, central to life at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University. • Students in the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School will develop a network of support and friendship among their classmates, Rutgers turfgrass alumni, and golf turf industry professionals worldwide. Whenever or wherever you wish to relocate, there will be Rutgers turf alumni nearby.

Squires Golf Club, PA Chris L. Schultz, 2009 Graduate


Our program is highly recommended for those who have demonstrated a proven interest in golf turf management and who have displayed a strong commitment to advancement in a successful golf turf management career.

Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Our Vision

Learning Objectives

A World of Opportunity Today’s most successful golf turf managers are professionals who understand the game of golf, who have scientific knowledge of plants and their cultivation, and who know how to maintain an aesthetically pleasing and environmentally sound course. We believe successful golf course superintendents also require the skills to work within the constraints of a budget and to communicate effectively with their customers, managers/owners, vendors, and their golf course staff. This unique educational experience will prepare you for these challenges and more.

Our Goal Our goal is to provide an innovative learning environment which promotes creative opportunities for students to attain knowledge, develop skills, build self-confidence and ultimately become leaders in the golf turf industry.

• To develop a better understanding of the science behind the cultural practices utilized by golf course superintendents • To refine and develop technical skills that are applicable to the art of greenskeeping that will be immediately useful in the management of golf turf • To develop and justify budgets that will best serve the needs of both your golf course customers and your facilities • To improve soft skills in personnel management and communication

Where Are They Now? Graduates of the Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School currently are leaders in the following industries: • Golf Course Superintendents throughout the United States, Canada and Europe • Owners of golf courses • Agronomists • Directors of professional sports turf fields and facilities • Directors of corporate grounds and maintenance • Directors of county and municipal parks

• To learn about ongoing golf turf research activities, their applications and benefits at Rutgers • To explore and attain national and international career opportunities in golf turf management and related industries Yellowstone Club, MT John Meteer, 2009 Graduate

• Director of Nascar Infield Grounds • Directors and sales representatives in seed, irrigation and equipment companies

Convenient Fall and Winter Sessions

“Great place to start networking!” - Travis Bates, 2008 Graduate

Our intensive program is designed to fit conveniently around your work schedule. You have the option of attending our Fall Session from September 30 - December 11, 2009 or our Winter Session from January 6 - March 19, 2010. Program content and admission requirements for the Fall and Winter sessions are identical. Students attending their first year in the Fall of 2009 will return for their second year in the Fall of 2010. Students attending their first year in the Winter of 2010 will return for their second year in the Winter of 2011. Class hours are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays for ten (10) weeks.

Applicants are required to have a minimum of two years golf course employment experience or equivalent educational and/or workplace experience.

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Rutgers University Faculty and Staff Our Team of Nationally Recognized Instructors

Leadership Team RUTGERS THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY Dr. Richard L. McCormick President


Executive Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dean of School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Executive Director of New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES)

Dr. Stacy Bonos, Assistant Professor, Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics Mr. Richard Buckley, Coordinator, Plant Diagnostic Laboratory Mr. Joseph Clark, Principal Lab Technician, Turfgrass Research Farm Dr. Bruce Clarke, Director, Turfgrass Pathology, Center for Turfgrass Science and Extension Specialist Dr.Thomas Gianfagna, Professor, Turfgrass Physiology Mr. Josh Honig, Laboratory Technician and Doctoral Student, Plant Biology and Pathology Dr. Bingru Huang, Associate Professor, Plant Biology and Pathology Dr. Richard Hurley, Adjunct Professor, Plant Biology and Pathology Mr. Edward V. Lipman, Jr., Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education Dr. William A. Meyer, Professor, Turfgrass Breeding Mr. James Morris, Associate Director, Office of Continuing Professional Education Dr. James Murphy, Extension Specialist, Turfgrass Management Ms. Sabrina Tirpak, Principal Laboratory Technician, Plant Diagnostic Clinic Mission Viejo Country Club, CA Kevin Hutchins, 1996 Graduate

Dr. Mark G. Robson Dean of Urban and Agricultural Programs


Dr. Richard Hurley

Student/Curricula Advisor

Fran Koppell

Senior Program Coordinator


Dr. William A. Meyer

Associate Director, Faculty Advisor to The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School


2008 Awards and Recognition Dr. Bruce Clarke Distinguished Alumni Award, Graduate School Rutgers University, 2008 Dr. Bingru Huang New Jersey Turfgrass Association Recognition Award, 2008 Mr. Stephen Kay Top Five Renovations in the United States, Golf Inc. Magazine, 2008 Glenwood Country Club, Old Bridge, NJ Dr. James Murphy New Jersey Turfgrass Association Hall of Fame Award, 2008 Mr. Gene Westmoreland Metropolitan Chapter, GCSAA, Distinguished Service Award, 2008

Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Golf Course Superintendents

Louisville Slugger Field, KY Eric Harshman, 2008 Graduate

Mr.Vince Bracken, Fairmount Country Club, Chatham, NJ Mr.Tom Breiner, Fiddler’s Elbow Country Club, Far Hills, NJ Mr. Chris Carson, Echo Lake Country Club, Westfield, NJ Mr. Ken Krausz, Paramus Golf Course, Paramus, NJ Mr. Jason Pierce, Heron Glen Golf Course, Ringoes, NJ Ms. Danielle Soldo, Old York Country Club, Columbus, NJ Mr. Bob Wolverton, Bayonne Golf Club, Bayonne, NJ Instructors Steve Kristoph, Richard Hurley and Bruce Neary Pine Valley Golf Club, NJ Nick LaPlante, 2008 Graduate

Grading Policy and Graduation Requirements

Specialists from Related Industries Mr. Robert Dobson, Middletown Sprinkler Company, Middletown, NJ Mr. William Jamison, Communications Consultant, Toms River, NJ Mr. Stephen Kay, Owner/Golf Architect, Stephen Kay-Doug Smith Golf Course Design, Egg Harbor City, NJ Mr. Steven Kristoph, Owner, Steven Kristoph Nursery, Englishtown, NJ Mr. Steven Langlois, Langlois Turf Consultants, Pitman, NJ Mr. Bruce C. Neary, Owner, BCN Horticultural Services, Brick, NJ Dr. Karen Plumley, Director of Research, Cleary Chemical Corporation, Dayton, NJ Ms. Marie Pompei, Sales Representative, FM Brown’s Sons, Inc., Sinking Spring, PA Mr. Gene Westmoreland, Assistant Executive Director/Tournament Director Metropolitan Golf Association, Elmsford, NY

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Student performance will be evaluated in each class based on a combination of examinations, term papers, projects and class participation. Students should allow approximately 20 hours per week for class preparation. Certificates of Completion are awarded at our annual graduation banquet to all students who successfully complete both semesters of class work, maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and who successfully complete a summer field internship of 400+ hours. Recognition for highest honors and honors is noted on certificates.

Recertification Credits Pesticide Applicator Recertification Credits are granted by most states for students in our program who have a current pesticide applicator license. If you wish to apply for recertification credits in your state, you must fill out a form that will be provided to you on your first day of class.


First-Year Curriculum Landscape Plants I

Identification and landscape uses of shade and small trees, trees deciduous shrubs and groundcovers.

Botany y and Physiology y gy of Turfgrass g and Ornamentals

Managing Your Golf Course Employees

Introduction to the structure, function, physiology, growth and development of higher plants.

Self-assessment of your learning and leadership styles, and an introduction to leadership dynamics and motivational strategies.

Business Communication

Mathematics for Golf Course Superintendents

Learnn pr prof ofes essi essi sion onal n techniques to improve youurr wri yo r tt t en ccommunication ski killlls. s.

Inntr tro od duc u ti tion on to tthhe muulttip iple ple app ppli plilica cati ca tion ti onss of on maatthhem m emat emat atic icss on ic o and aaro ro oun und d th thee go olf ccou o rsse. ou

Computer Technology

Usse o off gol olff co cour urrsee ssof oftw of twar arre an are and inte innte tern rnnet e r so re our u cess th t att inc nclu lude ud dee ind ndus uusstr tryy sp spec ecifi ec ifific web page pa g s an nd ap appl plic icat ic aattio onnss. Haand ndss-on n worrks ksho hops ho pss incl in clud de on onliline nee ssea eaarcch sttra ratte tegi tegi gies es, MSS Wor es ord, d, d, Po owe w rPoi o nt and oi n bey eyon ond d..

Mower Technology and Reel Grinding

Effective Speaking

Practical Golf Course Surveying Strategies

Innst s ru ruct ruct ctio io on and aan nd pr prac accti tice tic ce in pu p bl blic iicc speaking. By m ki ma king ng pre ng rese eseent ntatio ations nss tto o yo your ur classmates, you u willll lea wi earn rn tto o enh ennha hanc n e yo your ur presentation skkilils wheenn speak wh peeak akin inng to o boa oard r m rd members, city cou ounc ncil meemb m mber ber ers, s, tthe s, he m media and oth t ers.

Golf Course Constructiion I

An iint ntro ro odu d ct ctio ionn to gol o f co cour urse se d des e iggn pr prin i ci in cipl ples pl es an nd connstr truucti tion, innclud din ing conttou o rs r , sllop opes es, te teee and an d sand nd d bunker cons nstructi ns t on n.

Golf Histor y and Dessign g

Lo Look ook ok at cr criti ittic ical asp ical peccts t o off mo oweer sele sele se lect ctio ct ion, io n set uupp an n, and d mainnte ma tena n nc na n e. e U Und nd der e st staannd ho how w cu cuutt ttin tt ingg un in unit itts op per erat atte to bbeett ett tter err deevvel e op o a mai ainttena aint enance en ncee ro ouuti t nnee tha hatt wi willlll gett thhee most mo st out ut of yo your urr eequ q ippme qu ment ntt. Lear earrn tr tric tric ickks ks all ggoo ood oo d ssup uper e intendents sho houl u d kn know o . ow

Prin ncip ple es of Integrated Pest Control

Reeview ew alt l er erna n tive app ppro roac ache hees to pes est, t, dis isea ease ea se and w ed we e con ontr trol tr o uusi ol sing ngg ccon onve vent nttio i naal meth thod hod ds, s cul ultu tura rall prac pr acti tice cess and d integr g ated ed pes e t mana nage geme ge ment ((IP IPM) M) techni te niqu q es.

Regional Concerrnss

Students ts mee eett to d dis iscu is cuss cu ss pro ss robl blem bl emss, ccon em o ce on cern ern rnss an nd issu s es faced d on go golf courses acrross thee United State tess and d gl glob obal ally lyy in th this is hig ighl hlyy ap appl plie ied d un unit it..

T e hi Th historry off ggolff design, g review of the grea g at arrchitec e ts off thhe p past st, golf g l course types, yp s ggolf course holee design g styles, and fam mous golf holes w ll be discussed.. wi

Stre ess Physiiology

Intrroductio on to Soils

Turfgrass Disease Identification

Physical pro ropertiess of o soi o ls, includingg so soil ttex e ture re, stru st r ctur ure, ur e den e, ensity ty, so s il water and dra rainage, and rain n so oill ssur urve ur veys y aree exp x lored. d

Irrigation Principles I

Beeco come m fam amiliar with thee various materiialls, ppaast and presentt, that are utilized in ggol olff co cour urse s se irri ir riga ri riga g ti tion on n ssys ysste ys teems ms. Thr hrou ough h a com om mbbi bina bina nation tiion n of lec ectu t re tu ress an nd ha hand and ndss on exe sxerc rcis rc isses ises es,, le lear arnn th ar thee opti op t on ti onss an and d pr prop oper op er pro r ce cedu du ures res fo re forr re r pa p irr of ppip ippes es,, wi wire res, re s, vval alve al ves, ve s, sspr prin pr inkl in k er hea kl eads ds,, an ds and d cont co ntrro nt ollleerrs. Lea earn rn hhow ow to tr trou oubl ou bles bl esho es hoot ho ot aand nd diag di aggno nosee wir irin ingg pr prob rob oble leems aand lems nd con o tr trol ol ssys yste ys tems te ms.. ms Deve De velo ve lopp ma main innte tena nanc n e an nc and d re repa pair pa ir ski killllllss th that at ccan an bee use s d th thro roug uggho hout ut yyou ourr ca care reeer e.

Landscape Management

Mannaage Ma g me ment nt aand nd m mai aint ntteennan ance ce o off la land nd dsc scap apee ap p an pl ants ts, pr prop oper er plant laant ntin ingg prroc in o ed dur ures e and es n pru runi n ng ni tech te chni niqu ques es..


Learrn valuable le iinnf nfor o ma m ti tion o on ho ow tu t rffgr gras asss ad dap apttss tto apts o a va vari r et ri ety of of envviirron nme m ntal a str tres e sess an and d how to maan nagee tuurf r grras a s ef effe f cttivvely to ppre reve vent n and n con ontr trol o dam amag aggee.. Diag Di aggno nosi osis siis an and d ma manaage mana geme e entt of tu turf rfgr graas ass d ass diise seas ases es, incl in ncl c ud u inng stra straategi st egi g es annd nd field d aapp p liicati caati tio ons. ons.

Turf Disease Laborator y

Hand H Ha and dss-o s-on onn expperrieenc nce vviiew nce win ing tu ing turffggrrass turf ass path as athhoggenns aan nd d se di s assed d mat ater eria iaal in ial in our ur turfg f rass s ed du uca cati tion i n cen ente ter. Learrn to use a mic Le icrro osc s op pe for di diaggno nost stiiccs. s.

Turfgrass Identification and Development P oper Pr op peerr iid dent ntifi ifificattion io on o off maj ajjo orr tturrfg o fgra rass ss spe peci c ess and fuundam nd daam mentals of gr me g as ass gr g owtth aand d dev evel evel e op opm meent nt..

Turfgrass Maintenance e

Mowi Mo w ng ng, g waate t ringg, fe fertilizinngg, culti ultiva vati ting ti ngg and cco ontro ro ollllin lin ingg thhattch ch on grree e ns and d fai airw way ays for ays fo or op opti tima mal ma al ef effe fectt and n mini mi mini nm maal co cost st.

Turfgrass Weed Identification and Weed Man nagemen nt

Reevi view e the bbas ew asic ic ccla lass ssificat atio ionn an and d re repr pprod oduc ucti tion on systtem sy emss of w wee eeds ds on yo your ur golf course alo ong n with iden id e tifying ch c aracteeristics.

OďŹƒce of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Second-Year Curriculum

Irrigation Principles II

Agronomic g Characteristics of Turfgrass Specie es and Varieties

Id dennti t fifica cati ca tion ti on o n, ch c arrac acte t ri te riza z tiion and za d seele lecct ctio ctio ionn of gra r ss ssess, gr gras asss br as bree eedi ee dingg, se di seed seed e prrod o uc ucti tion ti on n, an and d ceertifi rttifificat atio io on aarre reevviiew ewed d.

Become familiar with water supply, hydraulic principles, piping, fertigation and sprinkler layout. Discover what constitutes an effificieentt irr rrig igat atio ionn system and how w iitt is m mea eaasu easu sure red. re d. Lea d. Lear Le arn ir irri r ga ri g ti tion tion and pu p mp p hou ouse se ins nsta taalll atio attio i n prracctic ticcees. ti es. G Gai ainn ai kknnow owle lleedg dge on on eeva valu va luuat atin ingg yo in your ur iirr rrriggattio ionn sy syst s em st em, m pprreppar a inng pr p esseennta t ti t on ons, s int nter ervi er viiew win ing an and d se sele leect ctiin ing ing an irr an r iggat atio io on co cons nssul ulta ltaant n o orr deesi s gn ner er,, pr p eppar arin ingg in p an pl ans an and d bi bid d do docu cume cu ument meent n s, s and pper errfo form rmin rm i g co in cont n ra ract mana ma naageem nage meenntt.

Applications of Landscape Design

Landscape Plants II

Budgeting and Financial Management

Professional Development Seminars

P in Pr inci nci c plles o off la land ndsc nd scap ap pe de desi s gn and d pla lant ant n inng for for fo g lff cou go o rs rsee aapppl plic icat attio ions ns.. ns Cuurr C rren ennt st stra rate tegi gies ess forr ppro roje ro j cting,, mon je niittor orin ingg an nd cont co nttro rollllin ingg co cost stss to ach st chie ieve vee fissca caal co cour our urse s goa oals ls. s.

Case Studies in Turfgrass Mana agemen nt SSttud Stud uden ents en ts wor orkk in tea eams ms to o ap appl p y th the knowledge they th ey hhav a e ga av g in ined ed to solve real case problems in tuurf r grras asss ma mana nage na geme ge ment me nt.. nt

Golf Course Construction III

Consstruc Cons truc ucti tio ti on cos o ts, deeve velo opi p ng ccon ontr trac acts ts,, an and d sche sc h du uliling ngg con o sttru ruct ctio ct ionn pr proj ojjeecctss, incl o inncl clud udin ud ingg po in p nd nds,, cart ca rt pat aths hs and ggre hs reen ens. s.

Golf Course Maintenan nce Laboratory

Workin Work kingg in smallll gro roup upps, ccal ups, allib ibra rate te a wiide ra r ng n e o spr of p ay ayerss and d sp preader ers; s; pllaant ant aand nd prune tre rees e; leearrn ba basi sicc eqquipm p ent ma mainnte tenanc tena nce; e; ppra ract ctic icee surv su rvey eyyin ing; g; aand nd d pper erfo form rm m bbas assic ic irr rrig igat atio ion trrou o bl bles esho sho h ot otin ingg an and d re repa pair irrs. s. At Atte teend fieeld ld d ttri rips pss to a local golf facility and d vissitt Gol olf Ho House,, home ho me of the US USGA.

Insect and d Dise ease Laborator y

Hands-on ident Hand n ififificcatio attio ionn off ins nsec e t pest ec sts and disease symp sy symp mpto toms ms/s /sig igns nss witth em empphhassis is on mana nage geem geme meent nt a d co an cont n ro nt roll st strrat rraate tegi gies es.

Insects and Diseases of Ornamental Plants

Reevi R eviiew dia iagn g os gn o tiic m meeth t od odss an a dm maanage naage g m meentt for co for cont ntro nt ro ollllin ing innseectts an and d di d seas seeases e afff ec e ti ting n ng orname orna ment ntal al pla lant nntts. s.

Id denti eennti tififica c ti tion o and on n use ses es off ccon onififfeerrs, on s, bro road a leeaf ad evver e ggrreeennss, sh s ru rubs bs annd bs d gro roun undc un dcov dc ovver e s. Learnn th Lear the fifina n l cr c ittic ical al lles esso sons so ons ns tto o ac achhiev hiev e e nece ne nece cess sssarry inndu dust stry st ry-w ry -w -wid wid de cr cred ediibil ed ibillity itty among yo y ur peer pe erss and er an nd golff cou o rsse cu customer ers allik ikee. e.

Soil Fertilitty

Learn the value of soil tests, cation exxch chan an nggee capacity, base saturation, pH, H, soi oill bi b ol olog ogy an ogy and d fert fe rtil tililit ityy, it y, and d eexp xpplo ore re the heir irr rrol o es iinn ma ol main inta in tain ta iinnin ing ng heal he alth thyy so soilil aand n ppla laanntts. ts. s

Spray yer and Spre eader Calibration

Reduce ce tthhe he cchhanc hanncce of of having an environmenttal or financi c al accid dent by learning how to calculate your rattes, as wel ell ass set up and test your el equipment.

Turffgrass Esttabliishment

IInno nno nova vati tive ve tec echhniq hniq hn ique ues aan ues nd spec ecifi ificcat atio ions ns ffor or seedinng, ssppr se prig iggi ggiing ng and n sod od ddi ding n along with current a pllic ap icat icat a io ionns and nd cha hallllen enge enge ges. s. s.

Turfgrass Inse ects

Review Revi ew dia iagn nosttic tic me ti meth thhod o s an and management and option op ns fo for or co cont ntro nt roll ro ollllin inng tu turf rffgr rfgr g ass asss in insect pests.

Turfgrass Maintenance II, including Work Experience

Revi Re viiew curre urrrentt man a ag agem em men entt prrac acti t ce c s on n the go olff cou ours ursee fr from om m stu tude deentt pre preese sent ntat atio at ions ns ccov over erin ing ng thhei eir su summ mmer err wor o k ex expe peri r ennce ri c s.

Tournam ment Preparation Strategies Prepparrin Prep i g yo your ur gol olf co cour urse ur ssee forr bigg ima mage ge tourna name na m ntss is an aarrt - thhe se secr cret etss ar et ae shar sh ared ed hhere. e.

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Field Experience Scholarship Programs Thanks to the generous financial support received from New Jersey’s golf turf community and beyond, we are able to offer a significant number of scholarships to our incoming and returning students. Scholarship awards range from $100 to $1000 and are awarded based on a number of criteria, including academic achievement, service to the turfgrass community and financial need.

Our students are required to participate in 200+ hours of in-service, field experience (internship) following their first 10-week session in the program. Not all internships are of similar length - April 1 and October 1 represent traditional start and end dates.You may complete your internship in your current position or we can assist you in locating an internship position. Several internship opportunities exist at nationally recognized golf courses. Requirements for all internships include maintaining a daily log of activities, actual operation of various pieces of equipment and participation in various cultural practices. Students present their field experience activities in written and oral reports during their second 10-week session. Intern presentations assist students with practice in organizing and presenting information publicly, while providing the opportunity to learn from the experiences of other classmates from around the United States and globally.

If you are interested in applying for a first year scholarship to either our fall or winter session, you MUST complete the scholarship application form included in this year’s catalog and attach it with your application for admission. Please be sure your letters of reference clearly address your qualifications to be awarded a scholarship.

“Thanks for giving me the knowledge and information I needed to transform a Top 100 Golf Club that was seriously headed in the wrong direction.You may single-handedly be saving golf courses millions of dollars annually while providing improved playing conditions!”

- Joseph Trombino, 2000 Graduate

Student Housing We have a wide variety of off-campus housing options available for students in our program. Students should budget approximately $2,500 to $3,000 for their housing expenses for each of our two ten-week sessions. Many of our housing options include laundry facilities and eatin kitchens, while others do not. Students should make housing arrangements immediately after learning of their acceptance. Like most university communities, the demand for temporary housing within central New Jersey and the New Brunswick area is great, so the best options are quickly rented.


Oakland Hills Country Club, MI Victor Morales-Rios, 2009 Graduate

Field Trips

New Jersey is home to many of the world’s most highly-rated golf courses. During each session, students visit many of these acclaimed courses, including Pine Valley Golf Course, Pine Hill Golf Course, Baltusrol Golf Club, Bayonne Golf Course and others. Students will tour the USGA Museum and Archives, and go “behind the scenes” and meet the engineers in the testing laboratory where the USGA tests golf equipment. The USGA Museum is home to the world’s most extensive collections of golf memorabilia and literature. Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Student Benefits and Recreation

PGA Golf Club Coyote Springs, NV David E. Diver, 1997 Graduate

• Discounted rates at the Rutgers University Golf Course • Student rates for Rutgers sporting events, including our nationally-ranked football and women’s basketball programs • Purchase of a discounted University recreational pass which includes: - Indoor pools - Weight rooms - Indoor driving range - Racquetball courts - Basketball courts - Intramural sports

Learning Resources Chang Science Library First-year students receive an introduction to Rutgers’ library system and all of its resources including reference material, trade publications and on-line databases. Rutgers Learning Resource Center The Learning Resource Center offers students instruction in effective studying and test taking strategies. The Center also offers free group tutoring sessions for students who feel they would benefit from extra assistance. Computer Laboratories Computer laboratories are located in the Geiger Turfgrass Education Center and at multiple sites around campus. Use of the laboratories, along with free e-mail accounts and internet access, are available to all students in the program. “This program changed my life. I had no direction before I came here. Now I’m confident in my career choice, and Rutgers taught me everything I need to know to be successful.”

- Doug Burdick, 2008 Graduate

Gasparilla Inn and Golf Club, FL Brian Burkard, 2009 Graduate

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Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association The Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association enthusiastically supports all turfgrass management activities at Rutgers University. This active nationwide alumni network of over 2000 members offers career opportunities to recent graduates and provides support for one another on a daily basis. Our alumni participate each year as instructors in our program and are available when and where needed. You will not find a more dedicated community of professionals anywhere. To find a Rutgers alumnus near you, please call Fran Koppell at (732) 932-9271 ext. 637 or contact her via e-mail at


Undergraduate Degree Option Rutgers University offers a four-year degree program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Plant Science with a Horticulture/Turf Industry option. Some of our students select a research option which provides excellent preparation for graduate school.This program is designed for students who desire a more indepth study in applied science and entry into the turfgrass industry upon graduation. Our turf students are encouraged to take a Summer Co-op internship working at a golf course, sod farm, or sports field. We can arrange for students to experience a paid summer internship at some of the most respected golf courses in the world.

Honesdale Golf Club, PA Christopher Moran, 1998 Graduate

Our Teaching/Research and Outreach Partnership Rutgers University’s School of Environmental and Biological Sciences is a professional school supporting the citizens of New Jersey. We are home to the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, a source of mission-oriented basic and applied scientific research and outreach for the citizens of New Jersey. Central to our service mission was the 1991 establishment of the Center for Turfgrass Science (CTS). Its purpose is to generate and disseminate knowledge and provide education in turfgrass science by fostering a nationally recognized multi-disciplinary research, educational and outreach program. Rutgers University is internationally known for its turfgrass breeding program, which consistently develops superior cultivars of cool-season turfgrasses annually. Led by Dr. William Meyer and Dr. Stacy Bonos, our program continues to introduce new cool-season turfgrass cultivars worldwide. We maintain strong relations with the New Jersey turf industry and turf-related trade associations. The New Jersey Turfgrass Association, the New Jersey Chapter of the Golf Course Superintendents Association, the NJ Landscape Contractors Assocation, the Cultivated Sod Association of NJ, the Sports Field Managers Association of NJ, and the Rutgers Turfgrass Alumni Association all provide support in the form of research grants and scholarships, and work cooperatively with Rutgers to help you further your profession. One visible sign of the cooperation fostered between the University and New Jersey’s turfgrass community is the Geiger Turfgrass Education Center, which is dedicated solely to turfgrass education and research. For more information on the CTS, please call the director, Dr. Bruce Clarke via phone at (732) 932-9400, or contact him via e-mail at

Shoal Creek Golf Club, MO Rusty Lambert, 2009 Graduate


Olympic Club, CA - Lake Course 2007 U.S. Amateur Championship

For additional information about our Turfgrass Management undergraduate degree program, please contact Dr. Richard Hurley Phone - (732) 932-9375 ext.339 E-mail - You can also visit the website at:

Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Your Application Must Include: Please read this information carefully

• A completed application form (included on the last page of this brochure). Please provide all information. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. • A letter of intent describing your education and work experience, why you are applying to the Rutgers program, how the course fits into your career plans, and what benefits you would bring to your classmates. • Two letters of recommendation from current or past supervisors describing your duties, responsibilities, and potential for success in our program. If you are applying for a scholarship, your qualifications should also be addressed in the letters. • Original copy of your high school and college transcripts or a copy of your GED certificate, as applicable. • A $50 non-refundable application fee. All checks should be made payable to Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey.

Country Club of St. Albans, MO Chad Fetter, 2009 Graduate

Veteran Benefits The United States Veterans Administration operates various education assistance

programs for eligible veterans, surviving spouses or children of any war veteran killed while on duty with the Armed Forces, disabled veterans, dependents of a veteran with service that resulted in total disability, and certain members of the selected reserve. Admitted veterans are eligible for VA benefits. For more information, or to obtain a form, please visit Inquiries concerning eligibility and processing of your benefits should be directed to: Fran Koppell at (732) 932-9271 or

Lifetime Tax Credit Students who attend may qualify for a ‘Lifetime Learning Tax Credit.’ A family

may claim a credit up to $2000 maximum, equal to 20% of the first $10,000 of educational expenses. Eligible education expenses are offset by scholarships, grants and employer-provided tax free educational assistance. The tax credit is subject to income and other limitations. For more details, consult IRS Publication 970, “Tax Benefits for Higher Education” or discuss with your tax advisor. Visit for information.

Visit our website -

Tuition $3,675 per each ten week session (New Jersey Residents), $3,875 per each ten week session (out-of-state) for new students. Tuition rates for our returning second year students will remain unchanged from last year: $3,600 (New Jersey Residents) and $3,775 (out-of-state). Tuition is payable upon acceptance to our program by credit card (MasterCard,VISA or American Express), certified check or money order, and must be paid in full prior to the beginning of each session. A late fee of $250 will be assessed to any accounts with a balance due after the first day of class. No personal checks will be accepted. Send your completed application packet to: Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School Office of Continuing Professional Education 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519

Application Deadline Friday, July 24, 2009 We must receive your completed application for our Fall 2009 and our Winter 2010 Session by Friday, July 24, 2009. Admission notifications will be mailed by September 1,2009 to our Fall 2009 Session and Winter 2010 Session students. If you would like an early decision on your application status, please check the appropriate box when applying. In most cases, we will respond within two weeks of receiving all required application information.


Golf Course at Wente Vineyards, CA Koji Mitchell, 2009 Graduate

The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School: A ThreeWeek Preparatory Short Course January 11 - 29, 2010 Our intensive 15-day program is jam-packed with activities and topics that cover all aspects of golf turf management - from the basics of construction and maintenance to soil physics and employee management. Practical training This information can improve the aesthetics of your course and increase your value as a turf manager. Cost savings strategies Identifying various diseases and insects will help you resolve problems on your own, reducing the expense of outside professional assistance. Time saving strategies Learn how to prevent mistakes - rather than repair them - through proper horticulture techniques. Convenience A condensed course requires less time away from home and the intensive winter schedule offers flexibility to accommodate your work schedule. Credentials Enhance your current resume with formal golf turf management education from a nationally recognized university. Personal attention Our professional and supportive administrative team will facilitate a unique learning experience for you. Job placement We receive over 300 job opportunities each year at courses worldwide, and regularly offer referrals to program participants and past graduates.

This comprehensive three-week preparatory program has been designed specifically for the golf turf professional with at least one year of golf turf experience. This course is designed for those who wish to strengthen their technical skills in turfgrass management.

Only $1,395 Register Today! For additional information about our Three-Week Preparatory Short Course, please call Jim Morris at (732) 932-9271 ext. 627, or contact him via e-mail at


Who Should Attend

Experienced golf turf professionals and employees with at least one year of experience on a golf course including: • Superintendents/Greenskeepers • Foremen • Mechanics

• Assistant Superintendents • Irrigation Technicians • Spray Technicians

Other golf professionals with turf management responsibilities (i.e. owners, general managers, golf professionals, developers, etc.) will also benefit.

Selected Topics

• Basics of Golf Course Construction • Introduction to Irrigation Principles • Applications of Plant and Landscape Science • Introduction to Soil Fertility Options • Introduction to Turfgrass Diseases • Turfgrass Management and Maintenance Practices • Turfgrass Renovation Strategies • Managing Your Most Challenging Turfgrass Weeds • Managing Turfgrass Insects • Turfgrass Morphology and Agronomic Principles Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals We offer continuing education courses in landscape management, construction and design as well as business, equipment maintenance, tree care, pest/disease management and turf. Whether you are a professional arborist, landscape contractor, pesticide applicator, horticulturalist or even a gardening and landscape enthusiast, we have a course that will meet both your professional licensing/ certification needs and your thirst for knowledge and new skills. Llanerch Country Club, PA Stephen Kay, Instructor

Additional Short Courses Golf Course Irrigation

For more information on our landscape management short courses, please call Karen Tizzano at (732) 932-9271 ext. 625, or contact her via email at

When your irrigation system breaks down in the heat of summer, there is no time for on-the-job training. This class delves into topics such as: piping and wiring maintenance, proper techniques for lateral and mainline repairs, transitioning to different types of pipe, communication and computer control applications and more.

Turfgrass Disease Management

Led by Turf instructor, Rich Buckley, this one-day class focuses on major turf diseases, such as Brown Patch, Summer Patch, Dollar Spot, Fairy Ring, Pythium Blight and others.You will learn the most current cultural, chemical, and biological techniques to identify and alleviate the cause of the problem, rather than repeatedly treating its symptoms.

Managing Turfgrass Insects

This one-day course will improve your ability to assess the severity of an infestation and select the right control measures based on the insects’ biology.

Hazard Tree Identification

Hazardous trees pose a double danger. They are tough to recognize, and they can be costly – and even deadly – if not managed before an avoidable accident happens. Certified Tree Experts walk you through the step-by-step process of identifying a hazard, dealing with it, and properly documenting your findings.

Small Engine Repair

Learn the keys to preventative maintenance and protect your equipment investment without waiting for or paying someone else to do it. You will learn the top reasons engines fail and how to maintain and perform routine repairs, without voiding your warranty. This hands-on class gives you answers to your specific questions - something a manual or video cannot deliver. Also consider the two-day Small Engine Troubleshooting, where you will tear down an engine in class.

Athletic Field Construction and Maintenance

Maintaining healthy and safe athletic fields starts with understanding your own individual turf and soil requirements. This three-day course explores construction, renovation, establishment and maintenance of athletic fields, and it will benefit both experienced athletic field managers, as well as newcomers.

Visit for details! Visit our website -

Flossmoor Country Club, IL Bob Lively, 1990 Graduate


First-Year Scholarship Application

Applications also available online:

Please provide ALL information. Print clearly or type. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed.

You must complete this application to be considered for an award. All students are encouraged to apply for these scholarships. There are multiple awards available with criteria that range from academic achievement and financial need to amount and depth of experience. Be sure to complete the scholarship application as fully as possible and return it with your admissions materials. Scholarship notifications will be included with the applicant’s acceptance letter. Name Permanent Address Telephone


EDUCATIONAL LEVEL ACHIEVED B Bachelor’s Degree Earned G.P.A. A Associate’s Degree earned G.P.A. Some college (one or more semesters, no degree) High School Diploma SSo e) H


FINANCIAL NEED (Please explain below. Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

OTHER SCHOLARSHIPS/HONORS RECEIVED (Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Will you be receiving your regular salary while you are attending the program? N No Ye Yes Is your employer paying any portion of your tuition? N Ye No Yes If yes, what percentage?

SERVICE TO THE TURFGRASS INDUSTRY (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

WHAT IS YOUR INTEREST IN TURFGRASS SCIENCE? (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)

I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, all of the above information is correct and accurate. Signature


Send your completed application packet to: Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School, Office of Continuing Professional Education, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 14

Office of Continuing Professional Education - (732) 932-9271

Professional Golf Turf Management School - The Premier Educational Program For Motivated Golf Turf Professionals

Admission Application

Applications also available online:



Please provide ALL information. Print clearly or type. Incomplete forms will not be reviewed. (First)



Social Security Number

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Home/Mailing Address (Street, PO or Apt. #) City State Work Phone E-mail address

Zip Code Home Phone Cell Phone




Please indicate the session for which you are applying: (select only one) Winter 2010 (Course Code AT0201CB10) FFall 2009 (Course Code AT0201CA10) W Yes! my application. Ye e I would like to be considered for early admissionss on m w did yyou hear about The Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School Two-Year Certificate Program? How M Se Mail Code: Search Engine: Rutgers Website Other Website: R O Referred by a Rutgers alumnus (Pleasee specif Re e specify.) Referred by my supervisor (Please specify. R if ) Referred by a colleague (Please specify.) R e N Ye Fa W Havee you previously applied to this program? No Yes If yes, when? Fall Winter Year rf Man e-We k Prep Have you attended our Rutgers Professional Golf Tu Turf Management School: Three-Week Preparatory Short Course? N No Ye Yes Year Final Grade EDUCATION UCAT N High School Graduate? No N Class Rank Outt of

Yes Ye

Year If no, GED?

Final Grade Point Average (GPA) No Yes Year N Ye

COLLEGE OR TECHNICAL SCHOOL ATTENDED Graduated No Yes If yes, Major? N Ye Degree Earned? Yes If yes, Degree? Associate’s Bachelor’s ed? N No Ye As Ba Final GPA Number of Credits Earned Certificate Earned N mber o ate Ea WORK EXPERIENCE Your Current Employer Employment Dates Full time Position held Previous Employer Employment Dates Full time Position held Previous Employer Employment Dates Full time Position held

Master’s M Yes No N Y

Part time (seasonal) Supervisor Part time (seasonal) Supervisor Part time (seasonal) Supervisor

Payment may be made by money order or certified check payable to: Rutgers,The State University of New Jersey Or via credit card - Please circle one: Master Card Visa American Express Card # Name of Cardholder

Expiration Date Billing Zip Code of credit card

Send your completed application packet to: Rutgers Professional Golf Turf Management School, Office of Continuing Professional Education, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519

Visit our website -


Office of Continuing Professional Education New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519

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A World of Opportunity in Just 20 Weeks

THE RUTGERS ADVANTAGE Scholarships To Help Pay Your Way

More than one-third of our second-year students received one or more scholarships from private, state and local organizations. Numerous first-year students are also scholarship recipients.

Continuing Education Loans

We have developed a partnership with SallieMae which makes it more convenient for our students to apply for a school loan.

Experienced, Award-Winning Instructors • Rutgers faculty and staff • Leaders in related industries and turfgrass science • Golf course superintendents

Dedicated Administration

Our supportive and customer centered administrative team will facilitate a unique learning experience for all students.

Logistical Convenience

Intensive 10-week sessions require less time away from home, family, and your workplace.

Access to Alumni Database

Our international database of active alumni provides an invaluable network of contacts who know the value of your certificate.

Experience Building Internship Program Opportunities to work with nationally recognized golf course superintendents throughout America and worldwide.

Information You Can Put To Work

Our nationally-recognized program content will help you more effectively manage the challenges faced on your golf course.

Outstanding Learning Environment

The Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center is located next to our turfgrass research complex.

Convenient Off-Campus Housing

Our office maintains an exclusive list of current housing opportunities within a short driving distance to the Rutgers University campus.

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