Works cited is a list of resources that you have used to write your essay or project. It goes on a separate page at the end of your assignment. All the sources whether it’s a website or a book are written together in alphabetical order by the author’s surname. If there is no author, then it goes by title. Use Noodletools to make a list online. This resource will build your works cited. All students should set up/reactivate a Noodletools account at the beginning of the school year. You may need to type the school's password first before creating your account - username: icsz Password: Library. Then create your account following the steps. If you are writing by hand, use the following examples. For more examples, go to your Noodletools account.
Marsden, John. So Much to Tell You. Melbourne: Lothian Books, 2010. Print. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Marsden, John. AUTHOR’S SURNAME, FIRST NAME. (full stop)) So Much to Tell You.TITLE. (underlined) (full stop) Melbourne: PLACE OF PUBLICATION: (colon) Lothian Books, PUBLISHER, (comma) 2010.DATE OF PUBLICATION. (full stop) Print.PRINT. (full stop)
Fee, Elizabeth. ed. Aids: the Burden of History. Berkley: University of California Press, 2011. Print. 1. Fee, Elizabeth. EDITOR’S SURNAME, FIRST NAME. (full stop) 2. ed. ed. (full stop) 3. Then follow steps 2 to 6 above to complete the citation.
Rock and Mineral. Dir.Woody Allen. BBC Worldwide, 2010 1. Rock and Mineral. TITLE. (underlined) (full stop) 2. Dir. Woody Allen. DIRECTOR’S NAME. (full stop) 3. BBC Worldwide, DISTRIBUTOR, (comma) 4. 2010.YEAR. (full stop)