Education Virginia Commonwealth University Brandcenter M.S., Journalism & Mass Communication - Advertising - May 2011 Communications Strategy | Account Planning University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill B.A., Journalism & Mass Communication - Advertising - May 2009 Minor in Asian Studies Scuola Lorenzo de’ Medici Study Abroad in Florence, Italy - Fall Semester 2008 Renaissance Art, History & Culture and Italian Philosophy
Hunter Ellis* Strategic Planner
VCU Brandcenter Experience * Undertook strategic planning for clients including Red Bull, Altoids and Depend * Familiarity with Simmons Research to help define the market for high-end clothing and accessories company, and brand manifesto videos for Depend * Led a winning semester-long rebranding effort for Richmond-based integrated electronics installer, Home Media * Spring 2010 VCU Brandcenter Prom Planning Committee Member Skills Photoshop | InDesign | Flash | Keynote | Twitter | WordPress | Tumblr Final Cut Pro | Simmons Research | Brand Manifesto Videos | Brand Essence Videos
Relevant Work Experience cell (336) 816-0111
328 Albemarle Ave. Richmond, VA 23226
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Woodbine Agency, Summer Internship, May-August 2008 * Worked on projects for Woodbine’s clients including Lowe’s, Ekornes, and Piedmont Federal * Led Piedmont Federal’s sponsorship of the Hanes Park Classic bicycle race The Martin Agency, Summer Student Workshop, June 2008 * Was one of thirty individuals selected out of thousands of applicants * Spent two weeks working on a campaign pitch positioning Hanes No Ride Up underwear to the entire family for the Hanes team * Utilized the resources of Advertising Age’s Agency of the Year 2009 Hobbies
writing short stories | bass guitar | collecting ticket stubs needlepoint | racquetball | blogging | video gaming listening to podcasts | reading magazines | acoustic guitar
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