sypnosis for thesis

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CONTENTS 1. SYNOPSIS ............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 3 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC .................................................................................. 3 1.3 AIM ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.4OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................... 4 1.5. SCOPE ................................................................................................................ 4 1.6. LIMITATIONS ....................................................................................................... 5 1.7.DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH WORK ................................................................ 5 1.8. REQUIREMENTS ……………………………………………………………………6 1.9.METHODOLOGY……………………………………………………………………6

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1. SYNOPSIS 1.1 INTRODUCTION: Photography is the art, application and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film. It is often stated that Photography is the magic by which light is transformed in colour, space and time. Photography is a course that requires less theory and more practice. Baring aside exceptions, every person who takes up photography has to undergo a continuous learning process to develop skills and gain the experience to shoot great pictures. 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC: The Purpose is to enroll for professional photography courses. Very recently, there has been a splurge in taking up photography courses and people are buying professional cameras and expensive lenses. People are finding it very interesting and also looking forward to pursue this as full time profession. These days, Photography is fast emerging as a popular career choice among all the stages groups. A modern day photographer can work in many avatars, such as 1. Press Photographers. 2. Feature Photographers. 3. Commercial Photographers. 4. Portrait and wedding Photographers. 5. Advertising Photographers. 6. Fashion Photographers. 7. Scientific Photographers. 8. Freelance Photographers. Page | 3

1.3 AIM: To educate students interested in various forms of photography under one roof 1.4 OBJECTIVES: To train the students to have child’s eye for observation, an artist’s taste for beauty and a poet’s expression for emotion which would thereby emulate technical concepts and ideas into reality. To encourage students to express their thoughts and emotions through art or photography To make students to learn the transformation of technical facts into realtime applications To enable an artistic approach of patience and trigger shooting mind by arranging photographic related gathering and exchange their knowledge, with the help of events such as workshops, exhibitions and photography tours. To inculcate the habit of imagination of concept transformation to implementation. To Develop Photographic Skills among Students and to empower them to become young Short film makers, photographers which would increase their analyzing and sensing skills. To create an atmosphere for the students to discover, develop, deploy and express their Creativity in Photo & video, capturing & editing skills. To Provide & train Students in using Graphics & editing tools and software’s which would make unique in their profession. 1.5 SCOPE: To design innovative spaces that should be innovative and which should encourage students for learning and hence strengthen the photography skills. Landscape should play an important role to enhance creativity, mental and psychological satisfaction of the students who will be a part of institute. Page | 4

Understanding the design process an role of architecture in the design of photography institute. Finding the best solution in terms of site a context responsive architecture. Site planning and layout planning of the whole. 1.6 LIMITATIONS: The project in no way aims at challenging the education system of India. The thesis does not deal with the economics of the project. Can’t provide wildlife for photography in institute itself. It will not focus more on social survey, research as this is an academic project, and this does not fall under the primary constraint. The project is concerned in built form so; there will be limited research and study on feasibility of project and detailed site suitability will not be analyzed. 1.7 DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH WORK : Alongside teaching spaces, the institute contains processing facilities, studios and extensive archives of social documentary photography including the renowned images photographic groups. To bridge the division between school and work life by teaching photographic skills to young students and helping then to further understand the built environment, build their confidence and strengthen them. According to my study and analysis, the main idea is to design a photography institute and the secondary objective is to develop innovative places and recreational spaces for the students to develop their photographic skills. Case study for this design would help to analyze the topic and hence will help to find out the idea of Photography institute. Page | 5

To study the advantages and the drawbacks of the photography institute today which would help to find the solution for the design and hence be helpful in the design process Literature case study will help to find out new ideas that are actually required and implement them into the design.

1.8. REQUIREMENTS: Parking Area Reception and Waiting Area Administrative Block Classrooms Seminar Halls Outdoor recreational spaces Canteen Hostels Staff quarters Amphitheatre Library Etc.

1.9. METHODOLOGY: Detailed Analysis of the Site. Studying the Requirements of the Project. Literature Case Study. Visiting Similar Sites for Reference. Concept for Designing. Finalizing the Structures and Requirements. Creating an Aesthetic Design for the Project Page | 6



CONTENTS 1. SYNOPSIS ................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 3 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC ................................................................................ 3 1.3 AIM ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................................... 4 1.5. SCOPE ANDLIMITATION .................................................................................... 4 1.6. DESCRIPITION OF RESEARCH WORK ................................................................ 5 1.7. REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 5 1.8. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................. 6

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1. SYNOPSIS 1.1 INTRODUCTION: Five Star Hotels, the world over, are meeting places for the rich and powerful place which reverberate with business and politics. The hotel industry has its roots in the past in almost over country of the world. Hotel provides the service to the customer whose requirements are clean, quite and comfortable stays. The emphasis lies on good food and good services. Hotel range in different sizes depending upon the market requirement. The development in the hotel industry leads to a major break-through in the tourism of the country. The beautiful and exotic location are new accessible for the entire tourist coming to the country. Restaurants and coffee shops have always been the attraction of five star hotels. To cater the growing trend of pre-dinner drinks and dances, bars and discotheques have always been incorporated into the fabric of five star.

1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC: A well-synchronized and planned, Five star hotel, which caters the modern amenities as per the requirement of the people. Hotels today have become such a popular and profitable business, that now they are recognized as an industry. The large and increasing flow of tourist coupled with rapidly changing social and cultural life of Indian community at large has resulted in great demands for hotels. Hotel is a type of building which has a never ending prospect and future. It’s a “Soft machine of Hospitality”.

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1.3 AIM: The main aim is to create a build environment which would reflect the traditional and contemporary architecture of the place. 1.4 OBJECTIVES: To design a five star hotel with emphasis on contemporary styles and create spaces for people of various categories (business, vacation and tourists) to spend more with pleasure and luxury close to nature. To evolve and innovative space, comprehensively the functional and spatial research between the each function and spaces involved. To establish approximate relationships between various parts of the hotel complex. To provide visual refreshment. To provide the best hospitality, while promoting functional efficiency of spaces and circulation. To evolve and innovate space, comprehensively the functional and spatial relationship between each function and the spaces.

1.5. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS: The scope of the project is viable at the location of site to fulfill the requirement of a hotel, to increase the tourism and hence the economy of the country. The scope is to provide a well-established hospitality experience to the guest. It will increase Infrastructure of the area. It will provide healthy, green and safe premises. The complex will integrate with the surrounding and serve as a fundamental space for the community.

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1.6 DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH WORK: The five star hotel provides all the facilities included in the hotel as well as excellent staff with exceptional levels of pro-active service and customer care. Cleanliness, maintenance, hospitality and delivery of services are all adhere to an extremely high standard. The hotel also offers extensive fitness and spa facilities, valet parking, butler services, concierge services, 24-hour reception and room service, and a full afternoon tea. There is also a choice of environments in public areas of sufficient size to provide generous personal space for guests.

1.7. REQUIREMENTS: Multi –level Car Parking. Reception and Waiting Area. Administrative Block. Accommodations. Restaurant. Kitchen. Open Dining Area. Swimming Pool. Lawns. Gym. Outdoor recreational spaces. Outdoor & indoor games. Etc. Page 5

1.8. METHODOLOGY: Detailed Analysis of the site. Studying the Requirements of the project. Literature Case Study. Visiting similar sites for reference. Concept for Designing. Finalizing the Structures and Requirements. Creating an Aesthetic Design for the project.

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CONTENTS 1. SYNOPSIS ............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 3 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC .................................................................................. 3 1.3 AIM ....................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................... 4 1.5. SCOPE ............................................................................................................... 4 1.6. LIMITATIONS ……………………………………………………………………….5 1.7.DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH WORK……………………………………………5 1.8.REQUIREMENTS ……………………………………………………………………5 1.9. METHODOLOGY………………………………………………………………….6

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1. SYNOPSIS 1.1 INTRODUCTION: An Eco-Resort not only offers eco-friendly, but the accommodation transport and cooking methods are also eco-friendly. It protects the environment, benefits local communities and helps guests learn about local surroundings. These are low impact designs that allow you to visit but with the least impact possible on the local environment where the eco-resorts are located. Eco-resorts are not just for leisure but offer the tourist a complete ecoexperience. 1.2 JUSTIFICATION OF TOPIC: A well-synchronized and planned eco-resort, which contains the modern amenities as per the requirement of the visitors, is a present need. It is based upon the eco-friendly to protect the local surroundings and environments. This proposed resort will be leisure resort with recreational activities, which could provide space for both internal and external tourists. We can find many resorts and only few if which fulfill the needs. In addition, most of the resorts are oriented to limited service focusing only foreigners and paying very little attention to urban haves. This project will pay it’s attention towards the global energy crisis and climate change though it is a worthless effort to give impact In global scale. This proposed Eco-resort could be the masterpiece of all resort that are functioning today and will approach to give it global identification.

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1.3 AIM: The aim is to design an Eco-Beach resort which would serve as a place of tourist attraction. 1.4 OBJECTIVES: Provide a recreational environment for the resort through varieties of facilities and function. Comfortable design which portrays an environment of leisure and promotes interactions with nature. Respond to climatic and energy consumption issues raised by present day architecture through eco-sensitive design. Create an interactive ground for locals and visitors so that there may be interchange of ideas and cultural demonstration. Designing with the suitable perspective to the surrounding environment. Locating the building with public spaces and common facilities for encouraging social interaction. Make analytical perfect of the functional requirements of eco-resort and implement efficient design to carry out the functions smoothly. Study about the materials and technology regarding the sustainability in design. Study about energy efficient design. 1.5. SCOPE : The scopes of projects are, the eco-resort with recreational facilities possess, wide range of scope. They intend to go some distance far from city so that they can enjoy the environment and freshness there. The resort will be a place to gain knowledge regarding the green design, as it will apply integrated energy system. Page 4

This project provides a lot of scope in site planning and landscaping. This projects demands the formulation of an ambience which can provide to relax and spend their time, at the time satisfying all their needs. This projects gives opportunity to deal with visual, technical, and functional aspects of the design. 1.6 LIMITATIONS : The project is concerned in built form so there will be limited research and study on feasibility of project and detailed site suitability will not be analyzed. The project will not cover all the details related to green design incorporated, though research will be made and required level of detailing will be done. Detailed environment assessment will not be done due to limitation of knowledge in this field and it is our primary focus, as the project is virtual. 1.7 DESCRIPTION OF RESEARCH WORK : According to my study and analysis, the main idea is to design an ecobeach resort and the secondary objective is to develop innovative places and recreational spaces for the visitors. Case study for this design would help to analyze the current scenario of topic and hence will help to find out the idea of Eco-beach resorts today. To study the advantages and the drawbacks of the eco-beach resorts today which would help to find the solution for the design and hence be helpful in the design process Literature case study will help to find out new ideas that are actually required and implement them into the design. 1.8. REQUIREMENTS : Parking Area. Reception and Waiting Area. Page 5

Administrative Block. Accommodations. Multipurpose Hall. Restaurant. Kitchen. Open Dining Area. Swimming Pool. Lawns. Gym. Outdoor recreational spaces. Outdoor & indoor games. Etc.

1.9 METHODOLOGY: Detailed Analysis of the site. Studying the Requirements of the project. Literature Case Study. Visiting similar sites for reference. Concept for Designing. Finalizing the Structures and Requirements. Creating an Aesthetic Design for the project.

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