Architecture Master Thesis | Ruxandra Avramescu

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modeling fragility Ruxandra Elena Avramescu

Master of Architecture Thesis

Anca Mitrache, architecture tutor Madalin Coman, engineering tutor

July 2016 Bucharest, Romania

University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucharest





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Country Autonomus community Province Comarca Founded Municipality Elevation Population Density Official languages

Spain Catalonia Lleida SegriĂ 6th century BC 212.3 km2 155m 139.176 660/km2 Catalan, Spanish


position in the region FRANČšA



pamplona perpignan ANDORRA

bilbao rialp huesca




girona agramunt tarrega badalona

muel madrid





Site Province capital Region capital Highway National road Railroad Province border Catalonia

Private ceramics courses Accredited ceramics courses - bachelor degree Accredited ceramics courses - bachelor and master degree Ceramic art museum University center Areas of interest and tradition for ceramic arts


Dimensions of university centers, following the number of students



vic zaragoza



viella (toulouse) tarragona


As the capital of the province with the same name, Lleida is attracting most of the population of the province for its facilities, but it’s visible at a lower level than the other capitals. Even so, the statistics over the origins of the university students, show that the city is a popular destination for studies. The strategies followed by the authorities nowadays consist in increasing the facilities offered by the city in a fight for making the city more attractive and making the youth aware of the local traditions.




tarragona madrid zaragoza

Origins of the students of Lleida University 3174

Outside of Province of Lleida


Province of Lleida City of Lleida



Density of cultural centers around the city of Lleida

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position in the city. analysis of the existing conditions and future strategies viella andorra lleida-alguaire


Site Segre river Historical center



Culture: Theatre, Auditorium Library, Mediatheque Museum Art gallery

Education: University center Language school Theatre, drawing school University-Center Axis

tarragona madrid

Dance school Youth center Pedestrian-retail Axis


Pedestrian routes Green areas Pedestrian rings Proposed connexion zaragoza/ barcelona

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The site is well connected to the rest of the neighborhoods by all means of transport, as well as the bus and train station that would bring users from outside, thanks to the position in the downtown of Lleida. Moreover, it is obvious that it is situated in the busiest area for what it concerns public equipments and on the axis that links the new campus to the old university center.

PUBLIC TRANSPORT Existent bus lines

Proposed bus lines Bus stop Direction Neighborhood

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major civilizations which had an important influence over Spanish culture The Roman expansion

The Roman Republic (509 BC - 27 AC): 201 BC 133 BC 44 BC The Roman Empire (27-395 AC - 476 AC): 14 AC 117 AC

216-208 BC

123 BC

18 BC - 456 AC

456 - 477 AC

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The Moorish expansion

622-623 Mahomed 632-661 Rashidun Caliphate 661-750 Omeya Caliphate Capitals: Damascus (661-744) Harran (744-750) Cordoba (756-1031)





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ceramic art and its usage in decorative purposes: Tiles of Lleida

Both Roman civilization and the Moorish one have shown a great interest in what concerns ceramics and they complemented each other by improving the techniques and creating new ones. Being at the intersection of these two powerful cultures, Spanish culture developed an affinity for the arts of ceramics, which can be nowadays noticed by the great legacy, diversity depending on the regions and the interest for continuing this tradition.



-720-723 -765

798perpignan ANDORRA





7 8



4 1 tarragona



5 -1124



-1149 -1173-1244

Areas of interest and tradition for ceramic arts and the Moorish occupation by years

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Cavallers Street No. 9

Magi Llorenc House

Sant Josep Square No. 4

Melcior House

Cavallers Street No. 28

Major Street No. 84

The Former Butchery

Interior Courtyard Fountain Institut d’Estudis Llerdencs

Mercat del Pla

the evolution of Lleida




Sant Llorenรง Church



The Moorish Age in Lleida 718-760 in Catalonia 711-1492 in Spain


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1203-1278 La Seu Vella


University of Lleida opening The second university in Spain


Cristopher Columbus discovers America



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1908-1918 1929

Inauguration of Lleida train station

1939-1975 1975

Franco’s dictatorial regime







The Spanish Secession War The Spanish Inquisition The New Cathedral Lose of the catalan constitution Closure of Lleida University

Main Periods for the evolution of the city: Roma Andaluzia Middle Ages 1910 1956 1975 Now Segre River Site

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the academic neighborhood

Site Religion Education The old academic area 1429 Map of the academic area University-Center Axis Pedestrian-Commercial Axis

The city during the 12th-13th century

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Main Universities of the Spain (1300-1500): 1218 Salamanca 1300 Lleida (UdL) 1450 Barcelona 1500 Valencia 1505 Sevilla 1520 Toledo 1542 Zaragoza

The former academic neighborhood Universities of the Crown of Aragon (1300-1500): 1300 Lleida (UdL) 1350 Perpignan 1354 Osca 1446 Girona 1450 Barcelona 1483 Palma de Mallorca 1500 Valencia 1542 Zaragoza

Faculties of UdL in 1300: - Philosophy - Medicine - Arts - Law - Theology

As the second university in Spain (after the university of Salamanca), and the first one of the Crown of Aragon, Lleida got prestige and developed an entire academic neighborhood to accommodate the students coming from all over the kingdom and even further. Due to the lose of Secession War, all the universities in Catalonia and Aragon were closed and the academic power moved to the newly created University of Cervera (1717-1835). After, the old universities reopened, but the University of Lleida lost all its head start and prestige and reopened just in 1991. Nowadays, the city is struggling to keep its young residents from leaving to the bigger cities by offering them more opportunities and quality of the services.

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city landmarks. pedestrian flows

Site Religion Education Culture Built area Public space Green space Public parking Private parking Bus st Pedestrian important flow University-Center Axis Waterfront pedestrian flow Pedestrian flow Important street Pedestrian-Commercial Axis

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La Seu Vella

Lleida University

Sant Llorenc Church

Even if Lleida is not the most famous Spanish city, it hosts a few monuments of national interest such as La Seu Vella, The New Cathedral, Sant Llorenc Church, Sant Marti Church, La Suda Castle and the former Hospital de Santa Maria or other ones of local interest. These monuments often become the landmarks of the city, but they are also accompanied by new objects that have a stronger recent importance in people’s memory. Being situated right next to a national monument brings more pressure, but at the same time more opportunities.

The New Cathedral

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analysis of the public spaces which surround the churches of Lleida

1. Sant Marti side

1. Sant Marti Square

2. The Cathedral Square

2. Almodi Vell Street

1. Sant Marti Church 2. The New Cathedral 3. La Seu Vella 4. Sant Llorenรง Church 0



Church Annexes Culture / Education Public Space Circulation Photo 100 shoot



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3. La Seu Vella - Interior courtyard

3. La Seu Vella exterior

4. Sant Llorenc Square

4. Sant Josep Square


The results of the analysis are showing a predilection for organizing public spaces around churches and bringing cultural and educational facilities all around. This might be as well a consequence of the historical organization of the abbeys and their educational and cultural character.


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topography | visibility



altitude* 150 - 170 m 170-190 m 190-200 m 200-210 m 210-220 m 220-230 m > 230 m Site University-Center Axis Pedestrian-Commercial Axis

*extract from Plan General de Lleida 2003

Aquesta modificació garantiria la viabilitat constructiva de l’actuació, mitjançant la modificació del paràmetre d’alçada màxima edificatòria, i la definició de l’alçada de les | 29 plantes pis, d’acord a les justificacions tècniques de la proposta. The site benefits from aerial visibility and at the same time views toLa conveniència de la Modificació es basa en la necessitat i l’interès general que té per al wards the most iconic landmark of the city: La Seu Vella. municipi la possibilitat de fer viable la construcció d’aquest equipament educatiu al Centre The close-up shows the opportunities that the topographical differHistòric de la Ciutat. ence is offering in order to maintain a perspective of Sant Llorenc Church “through “the new building, which already became part of

Les superfícies i el programa d’ús de l’equipament docent(during privattheestan the local memory past 20totalment years that thedeterminats site remained empty). al “Real Decreto 1004/1991, de 14 de Junio” del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia i als “Criteris per a la construcció de nous edificis per a centres docents públics”, publicada al maig de 2011, pel departament d’Ensenyament de la Generalitat de Catalunya. L’aplicació detallada d’aquesta normativa comporta: 1. Section through the site and Sant Llorenc Church

Primer) El compliment del programa de superfícies dels àmbits previstos en la normativa anteriorment citada, porta a l’esgotament del sostre edificable. Com que el sòl de la Unitat d’Actuació ha estat objecte d’una reparcel·lació que dóna lloc a dues parcel·les, la F1 de 754,92m2 de sòl i la F2 de 53,84m2 de sòl, essent aquestes dues parcel.les obligatories, també cal definir les condicions d’edificabilitat de cada parcel·la. Segon) La servitud de vistes que el Pla Especial estableix, juntament amb la necessitat d’acomplir amb el programa funcional del centre docent, condueixen a una reordenació volumètrica.

1. Sant Llorenc Tower

2. La Seu Vella Tower

2. Section through the site and the hill of La Seu Vella

2. View from La Seu Vella Tower

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accesibility | walking routes perspectives


1 2 3

Site Built area Public space Green space Public parking Private parking Bus stop University-Center Axis Pedestrian flow Pedestrian-Commercial Axis Site perspective

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1. Palau Street

Due to its position at a confluence of fluxes, the site is visible from many angles and walking/car routes, as well as some public squares. That makes it even more important to integrate the new object as well as possible in the old, historical fabric.

2. La Palma Street

3. Sant Josep Square

4. Sant Llorenc Square

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study of heights

heights GF 1F 2F 3F 4F 4F - 9F > 9F Site University-Center Axis Pedestrian-Commercial Axis

site model 1:1000 | 33

The historical fabric provides unity in what concerns the heights too. The only remarkable piece is the bell tower, which can be observed over the rooftops due to its 32m height. The new interventions have considerable heights, but they follow the bigger new boulevards and do not interfere with the studied site.

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specific elements

Clavell Street

Arc del Pont Street

La Seu Vella entrance

Street Typology - Steps A consequence of the restlessness topography, it provides to the city a picturesque and human look by making some streets or areas inaccessible for cars

Espai Orfeo - Sant Marti Church

Front: Sant Joan Church Background: La Seu Vella

Sant Llorenc Church

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Street Typology - Arches Remains of the old structure of the city which included several concentric defense walls, provide nowadays an unity of the blocks and a sense of human scale.

L’Hort de Santa Teresa Square

Sant Llorenc Steps

Sant Anastasi Street

Bell Towers A sign of a once strong Christian power, they become highlights of the city by showing up in unexpected narrow streets perspectives or over the rooftops.

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building destinations*

Site Religion Education Culture Mix: Culture, Residential Administration Retail Mix: Retail, Residential Residential, small height Green zone Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian street Public space Analysis limit

*extract from Plan General de Lleida 2003 and Plan Special de Reforma Interior 2011

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The analysis shows a consistency in the area of public equipments which brings a lot of users from all the categories. Here is the record of all the equipments which can be found along the pedestrian route which is passing in front of the site. A new center can be connected to the existing Leandre Cristofol School of Arts which is situated just 130m away.

The University

The Episcopal palace

Sant Llorenc Square

Sant Llorenc Church

L.C. School of Arts

La Paeria Youth Center

The New Cathedral

The Major Street

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proposed regulations*

La Pa

lau St


Sant Llorenc Square

La au

l Pa et

re St


cS loren Sant L


Pa lm




Sant Josep Square

*based on Plan General de Lleida 2003 and Plan Special de Reforma Interior 2011

| 39 Religion Education Culture Mix: Culture, Residential Administration Retail Mix: Retail, Residential Residential, small height Green zone Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian connection Public space Site limit Public space (underground parking) Traffic Visual connection Access Alignment Constructible area

The public space in front of the site

The kids area & underground parking

Sant Josep Square & Museum of Lleida

Sant Llorenc Square

The existing regulations allow a 100% plot usage by following the street’s alignment on both sides of the site. The heights should not overpass the limits which represent an approximation of the existing building of the isle. The great topographic height difference between both sides of the site, as well as the extremes of each side, offers complexity and extended possibilities for a possible solution. Due to the position in the historical center of the city, it is advised to respect the color palette and not insert a total foreign object. The position at the intersection of all these walking and visual paths offers the site the potential of becoming a local hub.

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modeling fragility lleida arts and crafts center


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site plan

Sant Llorenc Church

An Arts Center dedicated to keeping traditions alive. In an unique environment. For the city and for the limited groups of youth. A connection between old and new and a new esplanade. A major challenge: to get advantage of the position right next to Sant Llorenc Church and emphasize its views, for being one of the most important monuments of the city. A second point: to fill up the blank with an appropriate volume that will reunite back the old isle but at the same time leave a gap for the perspective towards the church.

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the main entrance and esplanade

The volume was conceived to be monolithic, specific for warm, Mediterranean zones, and opening towards its core: the atrium and the back courtyard. Even so, the bridges were positioned in order to create transparency towards the church from some angles and close the entire volume from the others.

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aerial view

longitudinal section sketch study of transparency towards the church

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longitudinal section

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rooftop detail section

ground floor detail section

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section detail

longitudinal section | 51 0



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The central zone is divided into a public, exterior space and an interior one, used by the students in ceramic art classes. Due to the concept of transparency, the two spaces are not visually divided and both allow views of the church aisle and bell tower. The back yard forms another square for the church, where people can rest on the steps while watching the students creating art.

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transverse sections

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La Palma Street elevation

The volumes are adjusted to the heights of the nearby buildings, for contextual reasons. While the main access is located on the esplanade, there is a second access behind, which is a common feature for the houses of this isle.

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Sant Llorenc square elevation

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material selection

Glass panels for visibility and discretion

Steel elements for slimmer and stronger structure

Limestone facade to integrate in the historical center

Being situated in the historical center of the city of Lleida, it was obligatory to follow the color palette recommended by the authorities. By choosing to use local light colored stone for the facades, the proposal aims to integrate in the context and earn its prestige. In conclusion, there are just two major types of materials used: heavy (the stone) and transparent (glass), which are supposed to offer sincere simplicity and elegance to the project, as a specific feature of Mediterranean architecture.

Travertine “mesh� for extra light in the classrooms

Travertine flooring in all the exterior areas and atrium

organization | 59

Functions The equipment consists of one public area at the inferior levels which allows organizing cultural events at the scale of the city (one auditorium and exhibition rooms) and a restricted superior area, dominated by the creative facilities. The first level is dedicated to ceramic art and it is organized in the same way as the individual pottery studios, by following the clay processes: modeling, decoration and burning. The facility is equipped with interior kilns as well as an exterior zone hosting a soda and a raku kilns. At the same time, the zone can be adapted for glass art if there is a demand. The upper zone consists in adaptable rooms and laboratories, which can serve for different other types of art such as textile, painting, drawing, sculpture depending on the requirements. The facility is also equipped with a library, an IT room and leisure spaces.

Circulation The circulation consists of two vertical junctions and several closed or open bridges connecting the volumes. The material supply for all the center is situated in the semi-basement entrance and has its own circulation, connected to the depositories.

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ground floor | 61 0




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technical floor details

ground floor

1st floor

2nd floor

3rd floor

1st floor | 63 0




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the main entrance and esplanade

the back courtyard

2nd floor | 65 0




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library perspective

3rd floor | 67 0




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rooftop perspectives

4th floor | 69 0




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atrium perspectives

computer 3D model

physical model

semi-basement floor | 71

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model 1:100

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