WELLBEING AT THE HEART At the start of this year, the Ruyton community enthusiastically returned to Selbourne Road and embraced the opportunity to reconnect and reintroduce the routines and rituals that make Ruyton so special to students, staff and families. Yet there was a sense of cautious optimism for this new school year as we knew the world in which we lived had changed. 2020 was to some extent a double edged sword. Whilst it presented us with complex challenges, it also offered us a unique opportunity to reflect on what really mattered and how we might move forward in providing optimum learning and wellbeing conditions for our students. So in terms of the wellbeing of our students and community, what did we learn from 2020? Below are four key areas that we believe to be great lessons learned from last year that will continue to guide our journey throughout 2021.
PARENT ENGAGEMENT As the lines between home and school blurred last year, it reminded us all of the importance that these two domains of a student’s life are working and communicating in harmony. This home/school partnership grew stronger in 2020 and we saw the benefit of a shared wellbeing language emerging. Such examples came from our virtual Powerful Parenting Seminar Series. This Seminar Series proved to be an invaluable support for families on two levels. Firstly the increased understanding they gained on critical wellbeing topics, as well as the ability to seamlessly combine their attendance with equally important home commitments. Additionally, our Total Wellbeing Parent Conference involved a variety of wellbeing presentations that allowed parents to select age-appropriate sessions and topics of specific interest to them and in supporting their daughters. Based on the overwhelming positive feedback and exceptionally high attendance, such events will continue to be available virtually in 2021. MENTORING IN THE SENIOR SCHOOL The importance of maintaining strong connections and supportive relationships was certainly amplified in 2020 and it strengthened our commitment to the launching of a mentoring programme in the Senior School. The role of Mentors is to nurture and enhance the holistic growth and development of students within a ‘home base’ setting by creating a safe and inclusive environment where each student is valued, known and respected; interpersonal and personal skills are developed, and independence is nurtured. We are confident this new approach in supporting students will prove beneficial to both their holistic wellbeing and their academic pursuits.
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