MaritimeBlue - Green technologies, Retrofits in GREECE

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Green technologies, Retrofits in








Dear Honored Readers of the Booklet, When we first started creating our Team of Companies, we never thought that the Greek LNG Retrofitting, Scrubber and Ballast Water Treatment Society would have such a high level of readiness and maturity. It has only taken 6 months to get more than 50 entities together and construct a solid business background, ready to face the today's and future needs of the Shipping Industry. We are living in interesting times in the field of energy and the environment. The Oil inventories are lowering; renewable resources of energy are not behind the scenes any longer; environmental challenges are of the greatest concern to the ship-owners due to the introduction of new legislation. A top executive of one of the most reputable Classification Societies said that this era has many similarities with the era of switching from Coal to Oil - I tend to agree. These are very challenging times and if we want to survive, we need to adjust. And as Greeks, we have to survive. We invite you all to have a good look at the booklet - you will find many interesting topics for discussion and valuable information about what we can do for you and for your business. We would like to thank you for your time and we remain at your disposal - please do not hesitate to express and share your thoughts with us.

Sincerely, On behalf of the Booklet Creation Team Apostolos Sigouras CEO - NAFSOLP S.A. (A Piraeus Port Authority Subsidiary) VICE CHAIRMAN - HELLENIC INSTITUTE OF MARINE TECHNOLOGY

Apostolos Sigouras CEO NAFSOLP S.A.





The creation of this booklet has been the result of a coordinated and combined effort of highly professional people. This effort has had several steps before it reached its goals. Its content justifies the argument of the continuation of the shipping industry era in Greece. Apostolos Sigouras CEO NAFSOLP S.A.

Panayiotis Mitrou Marine Research, Development & Innovation Manager, Piraeus Business Development Hellenic Lloyd's S.A.

Antonis Athanasopoulos General Manager Arco Ltd

George Bozikis Deputy Director Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association

Stavros Kassidiaris President Stavros Kassidiaris S.A.

Adamantios Krasanakis Secretary General Association of Passenger Shipping Companies

Popi Lyrintzis Managing Director K. C. Lyrintzis Group

George Leloudas CEO SGL Engineering Ltd

Spyridon Leloudas Technical Director SGL Engineering Ltd

Annita Patargia Communications Specialist Hellenic Lloyd's S.A.

Klairi Perifanou Managing Director Technomep EU Ambassador For Female Entrepreneurship

Eleni Polychronopoulou Vice President Environmental Protection Engineering S.A.

Iasonas Lainos Maritime Shipbuilding and Repair Consultant Piraeus Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Ernestos Tzannatos Professor (Shipping Technology) Dean, School of Industrial & Maritime Studies University of Piraeus

Spyridon Zolotas Area Manager, Greece & Cyprus RINA Hellas Ltd


1 Introduction

18 LNG as a marine fuel

9 National & International Regulations & Standards

21 Energy EďŹƒciency and Green House Gas Emissions



Ballast Water Convention and Ballast Water Treatment Systems

Short Introduction to the Companies

24 Exhaust Treatment Technology on Ships

49 Detailed presentation of each Company




On behalf of the Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners’ Association let me welcome everyone to this year’s Posidonia. As always this is a great opportunity to meet with old and new friends and discuss about ships, business and technology.

Charalampos Simantonis President of Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association

This year’s event is full of challenges for the Short Sea sector with environmental considerations featuring high on the agenda. Controls on sulphur content, filtering devices, alternative fuels, LNG networks, ballast water and sediments’ control are some of the main components of the survival problem each one of our members is obliged to resolve. The dates are close and the cost of a miscalculation potentially serious. We have participated in the initiative of NAFSOLP S.A. from the outset to create a first class support network in Piraeus which will assist our members - and everyone else interested - to conform to the new technological requirements. This will in fact be the first time that the Greek shipping cluster gets together in a meaningful and consistent manner. We are here to assist the network, as long as the network is here support us. I wish every success in this endeavor, for benefit of Greek economy and Shipping. I am taking this opportunity to wish you all an enjoyable stay.



Initiatives to create new technology-based infrastructures in the country are very valuable, especially during the current times of severe economic recession. Such ventures should be embraced by the private sector; yet, to achieve growth and reach the stage of ripping the first benefits, governmental support is vital. This could be expressed through modernization of the institutional framework of the country and also by offering, especially during the first critical steps, effective guidance towards sources of funding. It is an unpleasant fact that, the world leading Greek shipping is very little correlated with services provided through the country’s technological infrastructures. As a matter of fact, the employment level and the wealth that could have been enjoyed by the local communities, should these activities existed, have not been realized. The new environmental standards set on international shipping have created several opportunities for the provision of novel services. This idea is well captured by the current initiative, focusing on services that could render existing ships more efficient in terms of both environmental friendliness and profitability. One case is the retrofitting of engine rooms enabling the shipowners to continue operating their ships profitably. If such a facility could be established in competitive terms within the shipbuilding/shiprepairing area of the Greater Piraeus Area, this would be a great success for the country. It would revitalize and open new horizons in an area that has been very severely, and I think undeservedly, hit from stagnation and unemployment. The persons and their companies or organizations who, under the guidance of NAFSOLP S.A., have contributed to the startup of this demanding and pioneering collaborative effort, should be highly praised. It is a common belief amongst all who are involved with maritime technology in Greece that, the country is host to an exceptional pool of scientific knowledge, technical skills and talent. Ship retrofitting for the use of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as fuel; the installation of scrubbers for removing sulphur oxides and particles from the engine exhausts emitted to the atmosphere; and also the installation of ballast water treatment systems for obliterating eco-system damaging micro-organisms; these are all topics of high importance for the shipping community. At the same time, the local resource of personnel offers confidence that the installation of such systems can be skillfully and efficiently managed. The current directory summarizes the technical resources that are locally available for the successful implementation of these efforts and facilitates the creation of links with prospective investors, governmental bodies and potential customers. I wish your important initiative to bring positive results for the benefit of the local economy and society.

Professor Kostas Spyrou Dean, School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, NTUA, Greece Chairman, Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology



It is well known to the Hellenic Shipping Community that the possibilities/capabilities of the GreaterPiraeus area for retrofitting projects of the existing vesselsare huge. A large number of projects, for different types and sizes of merchant vessels, are already completed successfully there. It is also necessary for the Hellenic Shipping Community and its Technical Personnel to use the accumulated (since the beginning of the 1950’s) technical experience of the human resources of the same area. Finally, there is a great necessity for the Hellenic Shipping Community to respond effectively and promptly to the various challenges of our days and especially of: Stavros Daniolos Vice President, On behalf of the MARTECMA Council

• improving the onboard energy efficiency and install more effective energy saving devices • incorporating much more environmentally friendly equipment to protect effectively the marine environment • providing experience and knowledge for the design and construction of safer and more efficient merchant vessels It is therefore necessary for the established Scientific and Professional Organizations to assist effectively in order to increase the relevant synergy and collaboration between the various Hellenic Manufacturers/Suppliers and new occupation positions to be created in our country.


The initiative of NAFSOLP S.A. is towards the right direction, by taking into account that it is in full compliance with all the above pre-requisites and conditions and therefore should be properly and promptly assisted by all relevant scientific and professional Organizations/Institutions /Unions, etc. MARTECMA Council would like to congratulate NAFSOLP S.A. and especially those experts who have had the good idea and initiative to compose and publish this bulletin/manual, which contains records and reference data for a large number of Makers/Suppliers/Consultants/ Classification Societies/Entities, who will be involved in future retrofitting projects for a large number of Hellenic merchant vessels. MARTECMA Council will inform its Members (Technical Directors of almost 220 Hellenic Shipping Companies) accordingly, and it will invite them to: • participate in the relevant presentations/events that will be organized in the future by the Organizing / Steering Committee of this project • use this bulletin/manual whenever related projects are scheduled in the future in the Greater Piraeus Area Last but not least, MARTECMA Council wishes the best to the efforts of the Organizing/Steering Committee of this project, and kindly asks to be promptly informed in the future for any related news and developments, which will be distributed to its members by placing relevant posts in the MARTECMA website.


National & International Regulations & Standards




The creation of this booklet has been the result of a coordinated and combined effort of highly professional people. This effort has had several steps before it reached its goals. Its content justifies the argument of the continuation of the shipping industry era in Greece. Michael Markogiannis Manager Plan Approval & Technical Support Centre RINA Hellas Ltd

Harilaos Fanaradellis Marine Technical Support Office Senior Specialist Hellenic Lloyd's S.A.

Gregory Grigoropoulos Professor of Naval & Marine Hydrodynamics National Technical University of Athens (NTUA

Michalis Matzafos External Affairs Manager Hellenic Llyod’s S.A.

Alkis Korres Executive Advisor of European Affairs Hellenic Shortsea Shipowners Association

Kyriakos Krimitzas Marine Director Hellenic Register

George Pratikakis General Director Naval Architecture Progress

Antonia Theofani Mechanical Engineer Member of Hellenic Institute of Marine Technology

George Teriakidis Customer Service Manager Principal Surveyor DNV GL

Nikos Themelis Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, National Technical University of Athens, School of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering

Byron Tomazos President Technava S.A.

Mizythras Panagiotis Mechanical Engineer Hellenic Register of Shipping

Christos Valavanis Mechanical & Enviromental Engineer, Manager, Cyprus Area Oceanking Technical & Trading S.A.

Apostolos Venizelos Hellenic Register of Shipping of ISM_ISPS_MLC Dept. Supervisor

Panos Yannoulis President OCEANKING Technical & Trading S.A.


LNG retrofitting USCG: OďŹƒce of Design and Engineering Standards Police Letter CG-521/CG-ENG: Equivalency Determination - Design Criteria for Natural Gas Fuel Systems The Policy Letter focus on the design and installation of Natural Gas fuel systems on vessels. It establishes design criteria for natural gas fuel systems that provide a level of safety that is at least equivalent to that provided for traditional fuel systems by existing regulations. National Fire protection Association (NPFA) NFPA 52: Vehicular gaseous fuel systems code This code shall apply to the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of compressed natural gas (CNG) and liquefied natural gas (LNG) engine fuel systems on vehicles of all types and for fueling vehicle (dispensing) systems and associated storage. It also applies to LNG to CNG facilities with LNG storage in ASME containers of 70,000 gal (265 m3) or less. NFPA 59A- Standard for the Production, Handling and Storage of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) 2013 edition This National Fire Protection Association standard applies to the location, design, construction, maintenance and operation of all facilities that liquefy, store, vaporise and handle natural gas. It also deals with the training of personnel involved with LNG.


IMO draft IGF Code The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for ships that are not covered by the IGC Code, but that are operating with gas or low flashpoint liquids as fuel. The Code provides mandatory criteria for the arrangement and installation of machinery, equipment and systems to minimize the risk to the ship, its crew and the environment. IMO IGC Code This Code provides an international standard for the safe carriage, by sea in bulk, of liquefied gases and certain other substances. Through consideration of the products carried, it prescribes the design and construction standards of the ships involved and the equipment they should carry to minimize risk to the ship, its crew and to the environment. IMO RESOLUTION MSC.285(86) Interim Guidelines on Safety for Natural Gas - Fuelled Engine Installations in Ships These Interim Guidelines have been developed to provide an international standard for ships, other than vessels covered by the IGC Code, with natural gas-fuelled engine installations. The goal of these Interim Guidelines is to provide criteria for the arrangement and installation of machinery for propulsion and auxiliary purposes, using natural gas as fuel, which will have an equivalent level of integrity in terms of safety, reliability and dependability as that which can be achieved with a new and comparable conventional oil-fuelled main and auxiliary machinery.


C L A S S I F I C AT I o N S o C I E T I E S R u L E S These Rules specify requirements for gas fuelled systems in ships other than LNG Carriers and cover both single fuelled (gas only) and dual fuelled (gas and oil fuel) machinery, with gas fuel stored and supplied. • ABS/Guide for propulsion and auxiliary systems for gas fueled ships Current/181_GasFueledShips/Guide • Bureau Veritas – ‘Safety Rules for Gas-Fuelled Engine Installations in Ships’ NR 529 (last edition May 2011) • DNV GL Gas Fuelled Ship Installations: DNV Rules for LNG fuelled ships. • Lloyds Rules for natural gas fuelled ships • RINA Rules for gas fuelled ships BS EN 60079-0 2009 Explosive Atmospheres This part of IEC 60079 specifies the general requirements for construction, testing and marking of electrical equipment and Ex-components intended for use in explosive atmospheres. Unless modified by one of the standards supplementing this standard, electrical equipment complying with this standard is intended for use in hazardous areas in which explosive atmospheres exist under normal atmospheric conditions of: temperature -20°C to +60°C; pressure 80 kPa (0,8 bar) to 110 kPa (1,1 bar); and air with normal oxygen content, typically 21 % v/v. ISBN: 9 780 58055 443 8 BS EN 12567: 2000 Industrial valves - Isolating valves for LNG - Specification for suitability and appropriate verification tests This European Standard specifies the general performance requirements of isolating valves (gate valves, globe valves, plug and ball valves and butterfly valves) used in the production, storage, transmission (by pipeline, rail, road or sea) of LNG. ISBN: 0 580 36423 2



Water ballast treatment plant fitting ABS: Guide for Water Ballast Treatment This guide is provided for the use of designers, builders, owners and operators of vessels and specifies the requirement for obtaining the optional classification notations Ballast Water Treatment (BWT) and Ballast Water Treatment Plus (BWT+) for vessels equipped with an IMO Member State Type Approved ballast water management system. The objective of this Guide is to provide supplementary requirements regarding ballast water management systems that generally are not addressed by other ABS Rules or Guides. Current/187_BWT/Guide USCG: Standards for Living Organisms in Ship’s Ballast Water Discharged in US Waters: US Federal Register (77 Fed. Reg. 17254) The Coast Guard established a standard for the allowable concentration of living organisms in ships' ballast water discharged in waters of the United States and also established an approval process for ballast water management systems. These new regulations will aid in controlling the introduction and spread of nonindigenous species from ships' ballast water in waters of the United States.


LLOYD’S: Understanding Ballast Water Management This document gives an overview of the BWM Convention requirements and guidance on preparing for its implementation, including what you need to consider when selecting, procuring and installing a ballast water treatment system. There is also a frequently asked questions section together with a list of useful reference documents and websites which provide further information and guidance. This publication also provides updated information on suppliers, and indicates the status of systems in relation to the approval process. An outline description of water treatment processes and an appraisal of commercially available and developing technologies for ballast water treatment are also provided, along with information relating to operation of the systems as the technologies become more widely used. LLOYD’S: National ballast water management requirements (January 2014) This document contains a synopsis of a number of known national, regional and local ballast water management regulations and known bio-fouling management regulations and requirements. January%202014_V3_tcm155-175149.pdf RINA: Technical Report Ballast Water Convention and Ballast Water Treatment Systems - Guidance on procurement, installation, operation and certification This document provides guidance on the procurement, installation operation and certification of the Ballast Water Treatment System, together with the associate Administrative aspects. The document is duly updated as far it concerns Ratification status of the Convention, Authorizations granted to RINA by the Flag Administrations and Updated implementation scheme of the Convention.


MEPC.174(58): Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems These Guidelines for approval of ballast water management systems are aimed primarily at Administrations, or their designated bodies, in order to assess whether ballast water management systems meet the standard as set out in regulation D-2 of the “International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments,” hereafter referred to as the “Convention”. In addition, this document can be used as guidance for manufacturers and shipowners on the evaluation procedure that equipment will undergo and the requirements placed on ballast water management systems.

Scrubber fitting ABS Guide for Exhaust emission abatement This Guide focuses on the safety and reliability aspects of exhaust emission abatement equipment that fall within the scope of traditional Classification requirements and is to be applied to those Exhaust Gas Cleaning (EGC) systems covering SOx scrubbers, SCR systems, and EGR arrangements. SOx scrubbers and SCR units are generally installed downstream of the Fuel Oil Combustion Unit (FOCU) and are considered secondary aftertreatment systems. 204_ExhaustEmission/Pub204_ExhaustEmission ABS: Exhaust GAS scrubber systems: Status and guidance This Advisory has been produced to summarize the regulatory requirements applicable to Sox EGC systems, or scrubbers as they are more typically known, provide an overview of available technologies and highlight some of the selection, installation and operational issues that need to be considered when selecting EGC systems as a means for ships to comply with current and future exhaust gas emission regulations. 20Brochures/ExhaustScrubbers LLOYD’S: Understanding Exhaust Gas Treatment Systems Exhaust gas treatment systems (EGTS) are one of a number of options available to meet ever stricter emissions regulations. EGTS will not be suitable for all ship types or operators, and the age of assets also will be a factor in making commercial decisions. This guide will provide owners and operators with an overview of the technology used in exhaust gas treatment systems; the technical challenges to consider during the installation and operation of these systems; and the regulatory framework that governs the use of these systems.



LNG bunkering DNV-GL Concrete LNG Terminals structures: A set of standards covering LNG terminals - land based. DNV-GL Draft RP for LNG bunkering: This is a draft recommended practice for LNG bunkering. DNV-GL EMSA Report bunkering LNG: Gap Analysis of what is needed for LNG bunkering and what we have in EU. BUNKERING & RISK ASSESSMENT The bunkering shall be conducted with high focus on safety for personnel and normally comprises: definition of study basis; establishing safety distances for the operation; performing risk assessment of the operation; verification that design is in accordance with recognized standards and that agreed safeguards are implemented. An assessment of risk to personnel and environment shall be carried out as a part of the development of the bunkering facility. The risk assessment can also address risk for material loss, down-time and reputation as per operator's requirement. The risk assessment shall be carried out in agreement with recognized standards, such as ISO 31010, ISO 17776 and ISO 16901.


OGP Draft 118683 Guidelines for systems and installations for supply of LNG as fuel to ships This draft technical specification provides guidance on the minimum requirements for the design and operation of an LNG bunkering facility, including the interface between the LNG supply facilities and receiving ship of both seagoing and inland trading vessel. It provides requirements and recommendations for operator and crew competency, training, and the functional requirements for equipment necessary to ensure safe LNG bunkering operations of LNG fuelled ships. LNG STS Transfer Guidelines – SIGTTO Guidelines for the side by side STS transfer operations of LNG between commercially trading LNG carriers at anchor, alongside a shore jetty or while underway. The guidance applies to seagoing ships and may also be useful for reference when establishing rules and procedures for transfer operations between seagoing ships and LNG Regasification Vessels (LNGRV) or LNG Floating Storage and Ooading Vessels in inshore waters. These guidelines may also be used to develop procedures to facilitate emergency STS transfer operations. ISBN: 9 781 85609 439 9

ISo guidelines for systems and installations for supply LNG as fuel to ships (ISo Technical Specification 18683) developed by ISo/TC67/WG10.


Systems description Edited by Apostolos Sigouras


LNG aS a maRINE fuEL




BaLLaSt WatER CoNvENtIoN aNd BaLLaSt WatER tREatmENt SyStEmS




LNG aS a maRINE fuEL Introduction and reasons for using LNG as fuel


Due to the substantial increase in oil prices as a result of growing consumption, the rate of discovery of new oil fields being unlikely to meet the growing demand as well as the greater social awareness of the marine industry’s impact on the environment, new methods for improving eďŹƒciency and reducing its environmental impact are being exlpored.


rom January1st 2015, new regulations on the sulphur content of fuel for shipping in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the English Channel will come in force. Accordingly, the sulphur content has to be decreased from1.0 % to 0.1 %, setting the competitiveness of short sea shipping under pressure compared with land-based transport and especially trucks. In addition to reduced sulphur fuels, emmisions after treatment system and rewnewable sources of energy such as wind or solar power, alternative fuels are becoming more feasible. Using natural gas as fuel is not a novel concept. It has been used in homes and indusrty for heating and cooking and also used for the production of power in land based power generation plants. There has been an increase in the use of natural gas as a clean fuel within the automotive industry on buses and passenger vehicles.


The benefits and drivers for switching to using natural gas as a fuel on board ships can be broadly categorised into the economic reasons and environmental reasons (the latter driven by legislation). REGuLAToRY FRAMEWoRK Gas has been used as a fuel on LNG carriers that utilize the cargo tanks boil off for a long time. The design of these gas supply systems is governed by Ch. 16 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC code). Currently Resolution MSC 285 (86) “Interim Guidelines on Safety for Natural Gas-Fuelled Engine Installations in Ships” (2009) is the only official guidance released by IMO for the use of low flash point fuels on other ship types. A new statutory code for these systems is currently under development by the IMO-the International Code for Ships using Gas or other Low Flash-Point Fuels (IGF Code). An important step forward for the implementation of LNG as a marine fuel that can be used as a reference point in the regulatory process, has been the draft ISO TS document “Guidelines for systems and installations for supply of LNG as a fuel to ships”, which was released in June 2013. CHALLENGES IN uSING LNG The use of LNG on other ship types is a development that has been growing at an accelerated pace for the last decade. The current world fleet of LNG powered vessels (not counting LNG carriers that use boil off from cargo as fuel) is a small but rapidly growing sector. There are currently 33 vessels in service, 70% of which were delivered in the last three years and there are currently more than 20 projects at various stages with planned delivery over the next two years. The greatest unkown currently with the implementation of LNG as a fuel on a worldwide basis is the provi-

sion of LNG bunkering facilities and the costs of LNG at the quay side. Morever lacks the absence of prescriptive rule requirements has been one of the great barriers at the initial stage. Regulatory framework is expected to strengthen both the supply and demand side for natural gas. Risk assessment is also a critical factor for the wide application of LNG as marine fuel.It aims to supplement prescriptive requirements and comprises of a complicated methodology for technology qualification that should address design arrangements of the asset in question (whether is a ship or a bunkering station), the piping arrangements, the structural design arrangements of LNG tanks, ventilation, isolation of the tank room , operational as well as emergency response procedures. Under the gaps for setting up a new supply chain for LNG as marine fuel, the paramount importance of the human factor must be acknowledged. Crew training and familiarisation with new complex operational requirements should be included in the planning process of wider adoption. Last but not least quantity and quality issues on the LNG bunkering process should not be overlooked as they could pose significant commercial barriers to its wider use. In the last few years we have come a long way in addressing all the aforementioned challenges and we can remain optimistic that LNG as fuel will be feasible in the forthcoming years. ENVIRoNMENTAL DRIVERS FoR CHANGE The environmental drive to consider alterantive fuel or exhaust gas cleaning options is largely dependent on the areas where vessels are trading. The emissions limits of trading in Emissions Control Areas (ECAs) are significantly lower (Figure 1) than the limits elsewhere. In August 2012 the global coverage of ECAs was greatly expanded by the addition of the North American ECA extending up to 200 miles from the coast.




Emissions are not only controlled by ECA’s; since EU Directive 2005/33 EC came into force in January 2010, Eu regulations require 0.1% Sulphur in EU ports and inland waterways. Moreover, there are further regional controls such as the Antarctic ban on heavy grade fuel oil, which will only become tighter as administations across the world focus on the reduction of emissions. Engines operating on liquid hydrocarbon fuels such as Heavy fuel oil (HFO) and Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) will require low sulphur bunkers or additional abatement technologies, in order to meet future emissions control legislation. LNG is chemically relatively simple, compared to fuels like HFO and MDO/MGO, and as a result produces fewer harmful combustion by-products. Conventional diesel engines running on traditional fuels require some form of exhaust after-treatment to reduce their production in Nitrogen Oxides (NOx). LNG fuelled engines with optimised combustion timing can achieve NOx emissions up to 90% lower than oil fuel engines. LNG that has undergone processing emits insignificant levels of Sulphur Oxides (SOx) to the environment. LNG as a fuel also reduces the emission of carbon dioxide by around 20%. The reduced emission achieved when using LNG as a fuel will enable LNG

fuelled ships to meet present and planned environmental air pollution legislation. ECoNoMIC DRIVERS FoR CHANGE The initial capital investment needed to succesfully use liquid natural gas as a bunkered fuel has often discouraged ship designers and owners, however the future economic savings are making LNG a more feasible option. Longer term oil prices are expected to continue to increase irrespective of the political situation or state or economic growth. The price of natural gas is expected to remain stable. It is possible in the future, with the stricter phases of EEDI (Energy EďŹƒciency Index) and an increasing number of the Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA) and Emission Control Areas (ECA), a ships performance on environmental factors and ability to operate in these controlled areas without the need to use expensive low sulphur fuels will have a greater influence on commercial matters. It is difficult to accurately predict global LNG bunker costs as there is not yet a mature supply network in pace, comparison though to the supply receipts from electricity generating plants in the US suggests that LNG may be more stable and lower priced than heavy fuel oil over the long term.


ENERGy EffICIENCy aNd GREEN HouSE GaS EmISSIoNS Regulatory Framework


nvironmental regulation is being formulated at a rapid pace and energy costs are rising. Owners need to ensure their asset(s) is compliant, efficient and cost-effective, in accordance with the regulatory landscape and the market conditions. Below is a brief presentation of Green House Gas emissions legislation as well as technical capability in future proofing owner’s investment. The technical and operational measures adopted by the IMO for reducing GHGs from international shipping are

the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) and the Shipboard Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP). EEDI constitutes a uniform approach to calculation of a ship’s energy efficiency during the design and build of new ships and will be used to control CO2 levels emitted for future new ships by encouraging improvements in ship design. Reflecting the cargo carrying capacity (amount of CO2 generated per tonne-mile), new ships will be required to have an Attained EEDI (i.e. actual verifiable values) that is equal to or less than the Required EEDI values (i.e. determined using Reference Lines established by the IMO using ships data from the




world fleet). Gradual improvements in ship design shall be fostered in the forthcoming decades where more energy efficient designs will be available. The SEEMP is a management manual that can assist shipowners in monitoring and reducing energy consumption through specific energy improvement measures, including best practice. Each SEEMP contains ship-specific energy improvement measures identified by the shipowner and should be structured using a simple ‘’Plan’’ – ‘’Do’’ – ‘’Check’’ – ‘’Act’’ approach that is applied continuously and includes goals where appropriate. A well-planned and documented SEEMP, mandatory onboard all ships >400 GT FROM 1 January 2013 onwards, will require in most cases shore-based staff to manage the SEEMP process proactively in order to prevent increased workload and excessive paperwork for crew on board. There is a belief however that these measures may not be sufficient to achieve the level of reduction in global GHG emissions by 80% by 2050 as agreed at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The adoption of two additional options is being thus discussed to complement the existing regulatory framework in place. In this respect, one scenario talks about the application of energy efficiency measures on existing ships and the second options discusses the introduction of Market based measures (MBM) in the form of economic incentives to reduce emissions. Political consensus is yet to be concluded on the above; mainly due to the challenge in preserving the balance between the IMO principle of ‘’equal treatment for all ships worldwide’’ and the UNFCCC principle of the Common but differentiated responsibility (CBDR) that distinguishes between developed (Annex I) and developing countries (non-Annex I) in their responsibility to reduce their GHG emissions. Another group of regulators and stakeholders,

particularly in the EU region, advocate the solution of establishing a monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) scheme for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. An MRV scheme is endeavoured to provide a standard framework for the production of a GHG emissions inventory. An MRV scheme can be applied as a mandatory tool; a prevailing option in the EU for the near future, or can be applied voluntarily across a part of the industry that will develop the GHG inventory. The EU can make use of the ‘’Subsidiarity Principle’’, according to which, in the absence of an international agreement for the climate change and the abatement of GHG emissions, further actions would be undertaken at establishing a scheme at a regional level. Establishing an MRV framework would indirectly lead the industry to the employment of MBMs. The cornerstone around which an MRV scheme can be cemented looks at the monitoring of fuel data to address the cargo carried, sea conditions, speed and trim. The extent of data monitoring will define the cost and complexity of such a potential MRV scheme in the EU. Issues remain to be resolved also in terms of the frequency of data monitoring and the means of verification (bunker delivery notes, fuel flow meters, direct emissions monitoring methods, bunkers fuel measurement onboard).

How can we help ENERGY EFFICIENCY In the current regulatory context exploring all possibilities in future proofing existing vessels seems like a must. It is furthermore true that with current technology capability and the financials derived by the current level of fuel prices a lot can be done. Using state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, supported by traditional model testing,


23 helps owners optimise the hull form of their asset(s), appendages and superstructure to reduce drag and resistance, and optimise the propeller, rudder and wake field to increase propulsive efficiency, including the addition of energy-saving devices. Another area of strong competency is energy configuration. Within this field, experts assess the efficiency of the design’s engine configuration by comparing it to alternative configurations for each of the different engine operating conditions. Moving on to in-service vessels, Ship Energy Evaluation (SEE) and operational advisory services help assess energy performance and identify achievable and costeffective opportunities for attaining better energy efficiency and reducing fuel consumption. Also on the field of trim optimisation, the optimum trim for a ship’s range of speed and draughts can be identified; thus leading to reduced hull resistance and potential fuel savings averaging between 2 and 5%. ENVIRoNMENTAL TRAINING Tailored environmental training courses help you understand regulatory obligations and improve envi-

ronmental performance. The variety of the issues addressed is quite wide including but not limited to marine environmental awareness, energy management, ballast water management, exhaust gas treatment technology and others. FuRTHER ENVIRoNMENTAL SoLuTIoNS Evaluating risks and identifying solutions is another capability offered by our Technical Investigations Services. We provide customised solutions through engineering assessment and evaluation from concept to operation. With experience across the many disciplines involved, including marine, mechanical, electrical and naval architectural engineering, our specialist engineers and naval architects are able to draw upon our extensive range of in-service testing and measurement equipment utilising state-of-the- art measurement techniques and analytical tools; thus providing ship managers with tailored solutions. Such analysis and investigation can also focus on the wide range of equipment and technology offered for fitting onboard in the Piraeus shipping cluster area.



ExHauSt tREatmENt tECHNoLoGy oN SHIPS Marine industry develops new ways to become more efficient and cost effective. International legislation, through the new regulations which are contained in MARPoL Convection Annex IV, indicates the reduction of the exhaust emissions (Sox, Nox, PM, Co2) and introduces the EEDI and SEEMP for the new building ships, guiding the marine world to the environment friendly technologies. Furthermore, the expansion of the ECAs (Emissions Control Areas) in more areas of the planet by adopting stringent limits for the emissions concentrations, widows the implementation of new efficient technologies a necessity.


xhaust gas treatment technology is a well known technology on land, commonly used in industries to reduce the emissions. In general, this technology doesn’t demand any modification in the engine room or to the machinery components, and its installation is independent by the type of diesel fuel that is consumed by the engine. The systems of the exhaust gas treatment technologies, depending on the emission that they reduce, are shown in Figure 1.

Scrubbers are mainly used for the reduction of SOx in the exhaust gas, and secondarily in the reduction of PM. The principle of this technology is the injection of a solution in the exhaust gas so as to remove up to 99% of sulfur oxides contained in the exhaust gases. The quantity of water that will be injected to the exhaust gas depends on the volume of the exhaust flow, the temperature of the exhaust gas and the sulfur content of the used fuel.


Figure 1: Exhaust gas treatment systems

Open loop wet scrubbers use seawater as a scrubbing substance. Quantities of the required substance depend on the alkalinity of the sea. After the removal of SOx, the seawater shall be treated and monitored for its pH level, concentration and temperature. Water treatment arrangement includes oil and soot separators and filters, removing any residuals and particles in the working fluid. The collected ‘black’ water is stored in a sludge tank while the rest fluid is discharged back to the sea. For the compliance of the MEPC limits, additional amounts of pure seawater are required to be mixed with the fluid before the discharge, especially when the ship is still. Closed loop wet scrubbers require fresh water in which sodium hydroxide (NaOH), known as alkali, is added for the neutralization of SOx. Both substances are stored in different storage tanks. The pH of the mixture that will be injected to the exhaust gas is controlled by the con-

centration of alkali. Usually the percentage of the contained NaOH is 50%. Due to the recirculation of the scrubbing mean, the water needs to be cooled down before it is injected back again into the scrubber device. When the water has removed the sulfur oxides, the solution passes through a filter or a water treatment device which separates the ‘black’ water and stores it to the sludge or holding tank. The open loop wet scrubber technology has the ability to work with seawater, without using any consumable, necessitating the use of corrosion resistant materials for the system. On the other hand, closed loop scrubbers require additional tanks for the storage of the consumable (NaOH) and the fresh water. Water losses due to the evaporation and cooling down arrangements by using seawater shall be taken into account as well. In both technologies the flue gas shall be cooled at a temperature above the saturation point, to avoid any corrosion




effect in the exhaust manifold and sufficient fans shall be provided to ensure the proper backpressure of the flue gas. A combination of these technologies is the hybrid system with the advantages and disadvantages of both systems. The open loop is used when the ship is operating in the open sea and when the ship approaches harbors or enters in ECA zones, the closed loop is activated. Finally, a new method which uses ultra low frequency waves to treat water before it will be injected in the exhaust gas, claims to reduce CO2 and NOx emissions in addition, at 77% and 66% respectively. In dry scrubber technology, lime based materials such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), burnt lime (CaO) or hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2) are used for the desulfuriza-

tion of the flue gas. When the calcium hydroxide reacts with the sulfur oxides, calcium sulfate (gypsum) is produced and at least 80% of the SOx is removed. The only sufficient solution for marine application is the use of calcium hydroxide granulates in cross-flow with the exhaust gas. Monitoring of the SOx concentration in the exhaust gas indicates when granulates have lost their reaction ability. Then, the new material is fed in from above, while the saturated granulates are removed from below. The operating temperature of dry scrubber is higher than the one of the wet technology (above 240oC), allowing the use of an additional SCR device downstream of the scrubber without the use of a reheater. Furthermore, this technology requires less energy consumption and the products of


the reaction (gypsum) can be used in industry unlike wet scrubber technology where the sludge tanks can only be discharged. The main disadvantage of this method is the increased volume and weight required on ship. Apart from the exhaust treatment devices for the reduction of SOx emission, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) devices can be used for the conversion of NOx into harmless N2 and H2O. In this method, a gaseous substitute such as anhydrous ammonia, aqueous ammonia or urea is injected in the stream of the exhaust gas flow before the catalyst. Therefore, the produced ammonia is collected by the catalyst. Besides the ammonia, a hydrocarbon catalytic reduction method can be used, with reduced eďŹƒciency in NOx removal. SCR method is capable of removing 70%-95% of the produced NOx. The catalyst geometry depends on the exhaust gas conditions and the operating temperature of the procedure shall be between 300oC and 500oC. The main considerations for the installation of exhaust treatment systems are the cost of the investment, the operating materials and consumables, the loss of the ship’s load capacity and propulsion system capacity, the stability of the ship depending on the location that this system will be installed and the local and global strength of the ship. In conclusion, exhaust gas treatment technology is one of the most promising methods for the reduction of the exhaust emissions on ships without the need for any modification in the engine compartment or to the consumed fuel.



BaLLaSt WatER CoNvENtIoN aNd BaLLaSt WatER tREatmENt SyStEmS


The Problem

The Response

Since the introduction of steel ships around 120 years ago, water has been used as ballast to stabilize ships at sea. Ballast water is pumped-in to maintain safe and efficient operating conditions throughout a voyage. on the other hand, it may pose serious ecological, economic and health problems due to the multitude of marine species carried in ships’ ballast water. The transferred species may survive to establish a reproductive population in the host environment, becoming invasive, out-competing native species and multiplying into pest proportions.

Preventing the transfer of invasive species and coordinating a timely and effective response to invasions requires cooperation and collaboration among governments, economic sectors, non- governmental organizations. After more than 14 years of complex negotiations between IMO Member States, the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) was adopted by consensus at a Diplomatic Conference held at IMO Headquarters in London on 13 February 2004. The Convention will enter into force 12 months after ratification by 30 States, representing 35 per cent of world merchant shipping tonnage. Currently (as of 10/02/2014), 38 States have ratified the Convention, representing 30.38% of world merchant shipping tonnage with Argentina, Belgium and Germany due to submit their instruments of ratification in the near future. Application The BWM Convention will apply to ships flying the flag of a Party except: 1. ships not designed or constructed to carry ballast water; 2. ships operating exclusively in waters under the jurisdiction of a Party, unless the party determines


that the discharge of ballast water from such ships would impair or damage their environment; 3. warships, naval auxiliary or other ships owned or operated by a Party; 4. ships with permanent ballast water not subject to discharge. Exemptions from the management of ballast water may be granted to ships on voyages between specified ports or operated exclusively between specified ports or locations when ballast water is not mixed other than between these ports or locations. These exemptions shall be effective for a period not exceeding five years, subject to intermediate review. Moreover, BWM.2 /Circ.32, dated 8 August 2011, specifies that provisions of the Convention are not applicable to the water in the hopper area of hopper dredgers.

BWM Requirements Ships to which the Convention applies will be required to carry on board the following: 1. a “Ballast Water Management Plan” approved by the Administration, detailing safety procedures and actions to be taken to implement the ballast water management requirements; 2. a “Ballast Water Record Book” for the recording of each operation concerning ballast water management; 3. an “International Ballast Water Management Certificate” (for ships of 400 gross tonnage and above excluding floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs) with a five year validity and subject to annual, intermediate and renewal surveys. BWM Standards For the management of ballast water, two main standards are defined by the Convention: D1: Ships exchange ballast water by the pumping



methods. The sequential, the flow through (the pumping procedure will be carried out three times to ensure an efficiency of 95% volumetric exchange) and the dilution method. D2: allowable limits on viable organisms in ballast water to be discharged, defined as maximum number and size per cubic meter (less than 10 viable organisms per cubic meter greater than or equal to 50 micrometers in minimum dimension and less than 10 viable organisms per milliliter less than 50 micrometers in minimum dimension and greater than or equal to 10 micrometers in minimum dimension).


IMO defines ballast water treatment equipment as “the equipment which mechanically, physically, chemically or biologically processes either singularly or in combination to remove, render harmless or avoid the uptake or discharge of harmful organisms or pathogens. Ballast water treatment equipment may operate at the uptake or discharge of ballast water, during the

voyage, or at a combination of these events.” There are two generic types of process technology used in ballast water treatment: 1. Solid-liquid separation and 2. Disinfection. The following figure 1 provides a summary of treatment options.

Figure 1

Ballast water management, in compliance with the D-2 standard, will be performed by type approved systems. A summary of the approval pathway for ballast water treatment systems can be found in the following Figure 2.

Figure 2 * Includes chemical disinfectants,e.g. chlorine, ClO2, ozone + Includes techniques not employing chemicals, e.g. deoxygenation, ultrasound


Short Introduction to the Companies




7-9, Akti Miaouli 185 35 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4220820 Fax: +30210 4220822 e-mail:

The aSSociaTion oF paSSenGer SHippinG coMpanieS (Seen) was founded in 1921 and represents the Greek passenger Shipping companies. Members of Seen are Greek and european shipping companies of ro-pax vessels, operating on the Greek domestic lines, as well as on international lines and cruise. Seen is the institutional stakeholder and official partner of the Greek Government on all issues relevant to passenger shipping, including on matters relating to the development of insular policy and the coastal network. as a social partner, Seen negotiates and signs the collective Bargaining agreement for ship crews. Seen is also member of SeTe (association of Greek Tourism enterprises). Seen’s aim is to support and promote the significance of passenger shipping for the Greek economy, to assist in the promotion of Greece as a tourist destination, and to contribute to the development of the insular regions of the country. at the same time Seen undertakes initiatives and actions which will improve the operational and institutional framework of passenger shipping in Greece, the european Union and globally. our mission is to further modernize and develop Greek shipping, in order to stand out in the european and international economic competition.

info: page 51


81, Akti Miaouli Str.


185 38 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4526236 Fax: +30210 4280184 e-mail:

The Hellenic SHorTSea SHipownerS aSSociaTion (HSSa) founded in april 1940. registration fee in HSSa, have ships that belong to european shipowners, irrespective of flag. The main types of ships which are members of the association are: Bulk carriers, cargo ships, Tankers, refrigerators, ro - ro, container ships The perspectives and goals of the association are the following: • Development of european Short Sea Shipping. • improvement of the competitiveness of the Greek flagged vessel. • preservation of the principles of free and fair competition. • rational attraction of young people to the maritime profession. HSSa established an office – Spc Greece (Shortsea promotion center) - exclusively dedicated to the promotion of shortsea shipping and represented in the european Shortsea network (eSn). also, HSSa participated from november 2013, in european Sustainable Shipping Forum (eSSF).

http: info: page 50

1. nAfSoLP S.A.

10, Akti Miaouli Str. 185 38 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4550185

naFSolp S.a. is a 100% subsidiary company of the piraeus port authority S.a. and its strategic development agent for the piraeus Ship repairing Zone. The company provides consulting services related to the organization, development, management and marketing of the ship repairing activities in piraeus and its Greater Metropolitan area. it also operates as a contact point between the local companies/entities and potential customers. our vision is to become a strategic institution for the related industry in Greece, which will prove that a sophisticated and well-targeted Ship repairing Zone can provide state of the art added value products and services. our mission is Greece to play a leading role in the new era of ship repairing and retrofitting activities, taking advantage of our long shipping history.

Fax: +30210 4550329 e-mail: http: info: page 52



1, Loudovikou Str., Odissou Sqr. 185 31 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4177241-5 Fax: +30210 4178680 e-mail:

p.c.c.i. was established in 1905 and is the oldest chamber of the country. Since 1919 it has been functioning as a legal entity of public law with an administrative council elected by the companies-members of the piraeus c.c.i.. its registries comprise around 16000 members out of which 7500 are commercial enterprises and the remaining are either industrial ones or enterprises providing services (shipping, transport etc.). it is a statutory advisory body of both, the Government and its companies-members, on issues pertaining to commerce, industry and the national economy in general with the mission to: • Fuelling modern entrepreneurial mindsets and supporting SMes’ manpower, providing tailor-made support to SMes, • creating a more SMe – friendly environment, reinforcing entrepreneurial growth and competitiveness.

http: info: page 54

2. ABS

1, Sachtouri Str. & Posidonos Ave. 176 74 Kallithea, Greece Tel.: +30210 9441000

as a leading international classification society, aBS pursues its mission of promoting the security of life, property and preserving the natural environment. aBS has been providing support to the Greek ship owning community for more than 60 years, during which we have witnessed a continued growth in the size and profile of the fleet, and step changes in regulatory and operational requirements, both of which have led to the development and expansion of aBS services to Greek ship owners locally and globally. To support this expansion and diversification into new sectors, such as lnG carriers, containerships, lnG as a fuel and the offshore industry, aBS continues to provide professional technical and operational assistance for new construction projects as well as lifecycle asset performance management services.

Fax: +30 2104293218 http: info: page 56


23, Etolikou Str. 185 45 Piraeus, Greece

BUreaU VeriTaS S.a. ranks as the world’s second largest group in conformity assessment and certification services in the fields of quality, health and safety, environment and social responsibility (“QHSe”) and the world leader in QHSe services not including raw materials inspection. recognized and accredited by major national and international organizations, Bureau Veritas is present in 140 countries through a network of 900 offices and laboratories. it has more than 39.000 employees and a client base of more than 370.000. BUreaU VeriTaS S.a. became the first society authorized by the Greek maritime authorities to render Mlc 2006 related statutory tasks on board Greek flagged ships.

Tel.: +30210 4063000 Fax: +30210 4063063 e-mail: http: info: page 58



2. DnV - GL Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DnV-Gl enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers in the maritime, oil & gas, energy and other industries to make the world safer, smarter and greener.

5, Aitolikou Str. 18545 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4100200 Fax: +30210 4220621 e-mail:

In the maritime industry DnV-Gl is the world’s leading classification society and a recognized advisor for the maritime industry. we enhance safety, quality, energy efficiency and environmental performance of the global shipping industry – across all vessel types and offshore structures. we invest heavily in research and development to find solutions, together with the industry, that address strategic, operational or regulatory challenges.

http: info: page 57



87, Akti Miaouli Str. 185 38 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4580800 e-mail:

Hellenic lloyD’S S.a. (HlSa) is the Greek subsidiary of the lloyd’s register Group limited, one of the major classification societies serving a number of sectors including but not limited to Shipping, rail, energy, offshore, iT, Manufacturing. over the years lloyd’s register has set safety and environmental standards for the design, construction and operation of assets and has built a reputation for improving safety and environmental performance at every stage of an asset’s life through an in-depth knowledge of the asset’s lifecycle. lloyd’s register delivers classification, statutory certification, inspection and consultancy services at 228 countries through a network of 278 offices. lloyd’s register is a multi-industry compliance, business assurance, risk and technical consultancy services organisation. lloyd’s register is leading the developments on alternative fuels and is already engaged with stakeholders in Greece and eastern Mediterranean for supporting the installation of lnG as marine fuel network and market in the area by providing certification, risk management, feasibility and consultancy services.

http: info: page 60


23, Akti Miaouli Str. 185 38 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4196900

The Hellenic reGiSTer oF SHippinG is a non – governmental international organization whose activities mainly extend to Marine industry concerning the safety of life and property at sea as well as the prevention of marine pollution. Furthermore, HrS acts as a certification body for quality systems and industrial products. The organization offers classification services based on a set of rules and regulations, and in addition, statutory certification services according to the international and national legislation. For this purpose, since 1919, HrS has developed a network of survey offices worldwide, manned by exclusive surveyors, in order to implement and maintain the services mentioned. Finally, it occupies specialized scientific / technical personnel so as to promote research and development of science and technology.

Fax: +30210 4221913 - 14 e-mail: http: info: page 62



8, Kantharou & Sachtouri Str. 185 37 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4532529 +30210 4537993 Fax: +30210 4184282 e-mail:

inSB is a Greek ship classification society, headquartered in piraeus, with 4 decades of continuous presence in the international marine industry. as an international ships classification society, inSB class is well regarded as a highly reliable, competent and trustworthy provider within the maritime industry. our technical services aim for the safety of life, property at sea and for the protection of the vital marine environment. inSB class conducts surveys for ships classification, statutory, iSM/iSpS/Mlc certification together with applicable appraisals, via an extended domestic & international network of exclusive offices and surveyors while acts as authorized ro by 24 Flag States including Greece for ships subject to national legislation. inSB class deliverables and technical services satisfy internationally recognized safety and quality standards, iMo conventions, national requirements and general eU criteria.

http: info: page 63

2. RinA

5, Aitolikou Str & Kastoros, 5th & 6th Flrs 185 45 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4292144 Fax: +30210 4292950 e-mail:

rina is a multinational group that provides services for verification, certification, conformity assessment, marine classification, environmental development, product testing, supervision and qualification of suppliers, engineering consultancy and training across a broad range of industries and services. rina operates through a network of companies dedicated to different sectors: Shipping, energy, infrastructure and construction, logistics and Transport, environment and Quality, agribusiness Health, Finance and public institutions, Business Governance. with over 2200 resources, 150 offices in 53 countries around the world, the Group is able to meet every need of its clients. rina Hellas established in piraeus, offers classification services to all kind of ships, yachting services, iSo certification,training and cooperates with the most reputable companies in Greece and cyprus.

http: info: page 64


55, Kastoros Str. 185 45 Pireaus, Greece

alpHa Marine conSUlTinG lTD has been specializing in ship design and technical marine consultancy worldwide, since 1985. The firm’s global reach and local presence, accompanied with high quality services, have led to a long-standing cooperation with some of the world’s leading ship management companies. alpha Marine consulting ltd. has become one of the largest marine technical bureaus in southern europe, covering most of the fields in the marine industry. The company has established a flexible in-house service network for offering a ‘Services package’ – the aim of which is to provide the opportunity of dealing with a single organization covering almost all technical and support requirements.

Tel.: +30211 8881000 Fax: +30211 8881039 e-mail: http: info: page 66



3. ARGo nAViS - MARinE ConSULTinG & EnGinEERinG LTD

39, Aft. Irakliou Str. 151 22 Marousi, Greece

present in Greece and cyprus and towards expanding further its area of activity, arGo naViS is a maritime consulting firm of naval architects and mechanical engineers with experience in managing various types of vessels and new building projects (oceangoing commercial and recreational). arGo naViS, in the recent years, focuses on the study and management of marine technical projects requiring special skills and expertise, satisfying specific needs of Shipping companies - clients as well as ships’ compliance with local and international regulations concerning mainly the environment (air and marine pollution prevention, management and sterilization of ballast water, etc.).

Tel.: +30210 8056220 Fax: +30210 8056221 e-mail: http: info: page 68


8, Kanari Str. 185 38 Piraeus, Greece


Tel: +30210 4539067 +30210 4513715 Fax: +30 210 4513137 e-mail:

c & T perDiKariS is a naval architecture design and marine consulting bureau established in piraeus, Greece in 1978. our firm is well known for developing efficient designs consistently and with competitive rates, tailored to every vessel’s particularities guaranteeing effective construction processes and low operating costs. we proactively analyze regulatory developments and provide our clients cutting edge advice enabling them to seamlessly continue operating their vessels under any framework. our latest research features advanced technical solutions and designs for the installation of water ballast management and emission control systems. we have global collaborations with leading international maritime companies and organizations, including companies based in the Middle east, africa and asia.

http: info: page 67


3, Negri Th. Str. 117 43 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30210 4227267 Fax: +30210 4227275 e-mail:

we are a team of experts in shipbuilding, marine engineering and marine fuels and lubes, active the last 30 years in the largest and most demanding fleet worldwide; i.e. the Greek Shipping. our group is technically and commercially active in three distinct domains: • Marine engineering • Ship Management and operations • Marine environmental protection in the last few years we have developed crystallox. crystallox proved to be the most efficient So2 scrubber available in the market for marine and power plant applications. pno’s ferry pride of Kent installed such a unit in 2005 and has operated multiple thousands hours of uninterrupted operation, without a single incident. The guaranteed emissions reduction performance is well below that required by european marine Sox emissions legislation (2005/33/ec).

http: info: page 70



80, Kolokotroni Str. 185 35 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4127655 Fax: +30210 4138129 e-mail: http:

nap is an independent company providing highly qualified design, engineering and consulting services for companies involved in the shipping and ship building business. Through an extensive number of new-building projects and conversions nap has acquired considerable experience and has been long trusted from many ship-owners in Greece and abroad. our team consists of numerous naval architects, marine and structural engineers and draftsmen that can provide flexible and personal services of high quality. our company is well known for large scale conversion projects, structural engineering and new-building concept designs. nap has a very wide network of associated companies that can cover the whole range from designing to building the ship and all of its associated systems. our services briefly include: initial Ship Design, Basic Ship Design, Detailed Ship Design consulting and engineering, project Management & coordination Services. nap is also deeply involved in many eU Fp7 & eMSa research maritime projects, related to Human error, energy efficiency, F.S w. in steel, liquid ice System development, optimum tech. for reduced emissions on passenger vessels.

info: page 71

3. oCEAnfinAnCE LTD

23, Psaron Str. 185 46 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4062150 Fax: +30210 4062014 e-mail:

oceanFinance lTD is providing maritime strategic and financial consulting services and software solutions to the shipping industry. it is created by a group of maritime economists and engineers specialized in financial modeling. The company is seeking to expand the maritime applications frontiers by commercially exploiting the generally available state-of-the-art methodologies specifically tailored to shipping management and risk assessment. we are among the first to implement hybrid forecast and simulation techniques as well as key performance indicators methodologies in the shipping market. By capitalizing on market knowledge and expertise we help our clients make successful decisions on shipping investments. our customers’ focus activities include ship owning, shipping finance and banking, shipyards, port operators and freight traders who are seeking to expand their capabilities and gain the edge over the competition. oceanFinance has expanded into the energy sector and has specialized in the lnG market.

http: info: page 72


35-39, Akti Miaouli Str. 18535 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30 210 4292315 +30 210 4292421 Fax: +30 210 4292425 e-mail:

SappHire BlUe is providing wide range of services to the marine and shipping industry from ship design and shipbuilding, to repairs, claims and third party inspections. in detail: • Design, construction and Supervision of the shipbuilding process • computational analysis for stability and structural assessment, hull resistance and propeller efficiency, optimization solutions • plans and Studies for class & Flag authorities approval • new building projects – Specifications – plan approval • repairs, conversions, Modifications, extended refurbishments • pre-purchase surveys, condition surveys for Underwriters, p&i clubs, charterers and Flag authorities • accident and damage surveys, claims • Vessel’s preparation for pSc, Vetting and rightship inspections

http: www. info: page 73




Fax: +30201 5311468

The partnership of the two companies have as result to cover the majority of the activities required for the Shipping industry as well as the Manufacturing industry. The over 60 year of experience in Shipping industry, gives the capability to undertake the design and implementation from whole systems to whole vessels. in particular in the retrofitting of ships with lnG, Scrubber and installation of Ballast water Treatment Systems we can undertake the whole package from feasibility study for a particular ship, the measurement with laser scanning in order to investigate for the necessary space and the required removals, the design of the system to be installed, the required for approval drawings the preparation of the contracts for equipment acquisition, the contracts for subcontractors, the management for the retrofitting project, the testing of the systems and the delivery.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

35, Megalou Alexandrou Str. 122 44 Egaleo, Greece Tel.: +30201 5311461

http: info: page 74


Fax: +30210 4000415

STUDio naVale MariTiMe & TecHnical lTD broadly known as Studio navale, is a recognizable technical and consulting company, with specialization to ships and floating structures. Studio navale has been established in 1987 in piraeus, with the scope of providing the ultimate level of services, to shipping and industrial clients. Studio navale can provide a full range of engineering support services required by Shipowners or Shipyards to assist with design, specifications, operational support, quality and profitability as well as ship management operations. From a condition survey to complicated repairs the Studio navale personnel have obtained an international recognition and, by virtue of the current experience, Studio navale is regarded as a leading firm in the ship design, construction and repairs fields.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

Shisto Industrial Park Block 2, Street 1 & 2


188 63 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4000901

http: info: page 77

3. TCA - TSAKiRiS P. - TSAKiRiS M. Co

125, Dimokratias Str. 187 55 Keratsini, Greece Tel.: +30210 4000381

our company is established in 2013, after a successful course in the field of marine automation for more than 35 years. our experience can provide efficient and effective services and products in the fields of automation, pneumatics, electrical installations and burners. regarding our commercial services, you can find a great variety of genuine parts’ stock at competitive prices. The excellent combination of empirical knowledge and academic expertise can provide you high quality services worldwide. our technical and commercial services are well known for their reliability and immediacy, providing even technical support by distance. proof for all the above, is the unwavering trust of our customers!

Fax: +30210 4007852 e-mail: http: info: page 76



37, AlexandrouZaimi Str.

elecTropneUMaTic S.a. was established in 1983 and since then it has been offering services and solutions with great success both to the Marine and the industry sectors. Furthermore, it has been specialized in installation and maintenance of electronic and pneumatic automation systems in every port around the Globe. our staff consists of approximately 20 highly skilled technicians and engineers.

The company's services are organized in the following sections: • electrical installations • pneumatic-Hydraulic Systems • Department of automation and programming • Supply Department • electrical and Hydraulic Systems constructions • Department of researchand Designof electrical Drawings and automation


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

185 39 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4520341 +30210 4529107 Fax: +30210 4186016

Featured applications in: • Monitoring alarms • Maneuvering systems • Fire boilers • D/Generators • invert gas systems • calibration checks

info: page 78

4. EnViRonMEnTAL PRoTECTion EnGinEERinG S.A.

24, Dervenakion Str. 18545 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4060000 Fax: +30210 4617423

enVironMenTal proTecTion enGineerinG S.a. (epe S.a.) was established in piraeus in 1977. By continuously investing in research and development and implementation of new technologies, epe S.a. is one of the major companies in the field of environmental protection, offering a variety of services and products in the marine and industrial field. Devoted to the needs of our clients and in establishing loyal, long term relationships we work together as partners accomplishing the corporate targets. The manufacturing activity of the company begins in 1982 with the design and production of marine environment protection equipment from ships effluents. all these years epe S.a. has been producing innovative applications for total solution for all ship’s waste. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

e-mail: http:


Tel.: +30210 4093000

erMa FirST S.a. is a Greek company which was established for the purpose of providing to the marine, shipping and shipbuilding industry worldwide turnkey environmental solutions, offering the innovative erMa FirST Ballast water Treatment System (BwTS). erMa FirST BwTS is an autonomous and modular system, developed and designed to meet even more stringent standards than the D-2 ones of the international convention for the control and Management of Ships' Ballast water & Sediments. it uses an advanced filtration and cyclonic separation system, during uptake, for the efficient removal of large organisms and sediment. a combination of the system's major components results in a System, able to treat ballast water flows, ranging from 50 m³/h up to 3,000m³/h per ballast pump.

Fax: +30210 4617423

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

Schisto Industrial Park, Block 13 Schistou Skaramagka Avenue 188 63 Perama, Greece

e-mail: http: info: page 92




14, Alon Str. 185 40 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4227410 Fax: +30210 4227303 C.:

+30694 5599935

FaraD S.a. based in piraeus, has been designing and manufacturing high–quality marine and industrial tubular heat exchangers since 1979 for both the domestic, as well as international markets. Using the highest standards for its staff, associates and raw material suppliers, while employing a state of the art technology and know-how, FaraD provides customized solutions to meet any technical challenge. Heat exchangers are made of top quality raw materials that are purchased from leading certified european factories. all the Heat exchangers are offered with 2 years factory guarantee. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

e-mail: mail: info: page 80

4. inTERnAfTiKi AEBE

6, Alipedou Str.


185 31 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4126997

inTernaFTiKi aeBe was inaugurated in 1975 near the port of piraeus. Since its foundation, the company has expanded rapidly in the field of marine and industrial products, by offering an entire range of equipment and services to the market. Fields of specialization in pleasure and commercial boats are propulsion, steering and stabilizing systems. in shipping, the company represents various prominent makers and is the leader in lSa market, authorized by more than twenty lifeboat manufacturers. lately, the company has signed a partnership with Sunrui, the leading company of water Ballast Treatment Systems in china, for the Greek shipping market. internaftiki employes about 35 professionals out of them 10 mechanical and marine engineers and 15 trained service technicians.

Fax: +30210 4127566 e-mail:

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

http: info: page 82


31, Bouboulinas Str. 18535 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4296774 Fax: +30210 4296820 e-mail: http:

oceanKinG is a leading technical and commercial marine company established in 1989 in piraeus, employing 23 permanent staff, out of which 11 qualified and experienced Marine engineers, naval architects and electronic engineers, with shipbuilding, shiprepairing, sales and ship operations experience. Main activities: • equipment representatives and suppliers of marine deck, hull, engine room, propulsion and electrical / electronic equipment for newbuildings, conversions and repairs. • integrated after sales support services, with the provision of spare parts, servicing, repairs and training for all the equipment oceanking exclusively represents. • consultancy in Marine engineering and naval architecture, performing feasibility studies for ship design / construction, contract consulting and support for newbuildings and conversions, plan approval, supervision of newbuildings, etc. • repair services • Suppliers of systems and equipment for land, industrial and civil engineering applications our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 84



459, Dimokratias Str. 188 63 Neo Ikonio, Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4000454 +30210 4010052 Fax: +30210 4010443

arco lTD was established in 2008 and is involved in the field of ship industry in general. its main object is steel & piping works, specified in treatment of various metal types such as aluminum, stainless steel etc. it also undertakes great and difficult ship conversions, including all types of works on vessels, on the basis of safety, best quality of works, competitive prices and shortest delivery time. arco ltd undertakes projects all over the world and ‘‘on board’’ when required. its executives have many years of experience in ship industry and combined with the highly professional staff, the company is one of the most reliable companies in the field. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

e-mail: http: info: page 86

5. ARMAGEDon S.A. The activities of the company arMaGeDon S.a. is performance of any kind of steel / aluminum repairs and constructions in marine and land industries. with our own modern specialized equipment and in combination with our well qualified staff and rigorous quality control procedures, we ensure the quality and performance of any kind of steel/aluminum/inox repairs. The company issues certifications according to documental measure procedure.

173A, Marias Kiouri

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008, iSo 14001:2004, oHSaS 18001:2007.

18863 Ν. Ιkonio–Perama, Greece


Tel.: +30210 4005565 Fax: +30210 4006570 e-mail: http: info: page 88

5. C&A STAVRoS KASiDiARiS S.A. STaVroS KaSSiDiariS S.a. is the leader company in the Marine automation Systems and the exclusive agent of more than 50 foreign companies. our client list includes in total the Greek Shipping companies, Shipyards, refineries, Food and chemical industries and public companies. our products are fully certified by Major classification organizations. our products (supply & services all over the world)

97, Agchialou & Aegaleo Str. 185 44 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4636000 Fax: +30210 4624471 e-mail: http:

• • • • • •

Main switch boards Main engine maneuvering system Boiler & burner controls engine room alarm & monitoring systems Generators power management Fire alarm (cargo Holds & accomodation)

• • • • •

inert Gas System cargo Tanks level monitoring Gaw & oxygen analyzers Ballast tank controls calibration of instruments and issuance of certificates

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 90



24A-26, Sfaktirias Str. 185 45 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4616615 +30210 4617885 +30210 4619281 Fax: +30210 4618542 e-mail: http:

D.K.FoTinaKiS lTD – General SHipS repairS continues dynamically and in a trustworthy manner to offer its services to the Domestic and international Shipping community since 1962 offering the following works: • piping works • Steel works of every type of vessels • Ship conversions • Hatch cover constructions and repairs • Machinery repairs • Voyage repairs • Dry docking works as well as experience in design, construction and installation for: • conversions of lnG as fuel • Scrubber and ballast water treatment systems our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 93

5. DioniSoPoULoS THEoDoRoS DioniSopoUloS THeoDoroS operates in the field of general ship’s cleaning and painting. More specifically it deals with: cleaning, painting, sandblasting, high pressure water cleaning of interior as well as exterior spaces on sea vessels. it also carries out cleaning works of the galley canals, air ducts and air conditioning canals. it possesses full equipment and experienced working staff that guarantee the quality of work.

34, Ippokratous Str.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

18863 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4022361 +30210 4412863 Fax: +30210 4020565 Email: info: page 94


Schisto Industrial Park, Block 14 2nd Str., 18863 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4323506 +30210 4323572 Fax: +30 210 4005581 e-mail: http:

G.M.S lTD is a progressive dynamic ship repair and ship-building industrial unit, specializing in steel and piping works. it was established under its present title and statusin 1983. Since then operates under the General and Technical Management of angelos G. platis. During the last thirty-one (31) years and counting has successfully completed major projects, such as complicated grounding and bulbous bow damages and other repairs related to plating and piping renewals. additionally, has completed various new building projects as well as modifications in ro-ro passenger vessels, cruise and naval and recently completed some specialized industrial constructions. employs permanent experienced and trained technical staff as well as class certified welders MiG-MaG/SMaw for steel and aluminum. operates from its owned, newly built factory at the industrial park of Schisto, with modern plating forming and other machinery, offering always the same well known quality and reliability. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 95



102 – 104, Kolokotroni Str. 185 35 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4082161 Tel.: +30694 0570859 (24h) e-mail: http:

GKc repairS & MainTenance lTD is an innovative Greece based company that provides clients with a wide range of innovative and integrated services. it is formed by people with deep technical knowledge and remarkable experience in the maritime sector, who share the vision to deliver fast, efficient, innovative and integrated maritime services 24/7. our services comprise of engineering works, Steel works, piping and boiler repair, riding teams, Sand / Hydro blasting. our strategy is: efforts to perfectly perform technical projects, efforts for absolute customer satisfaction, control of all project parameters, Zero accidents, environmentally friendly techniques. we commit to the following objectives: continuous increase customer satisfaction and zero customer complaints, continuous efficiency improvement, continuous training of our employees, cost reduction. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 96


Schisto Industrial Park, Block 13 Schistou Skaramagka Avenue 188 63 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4093000 Fax: +30210 4617423 e-mail:

HelenGi employs a combination of expertise, technology and production techniques to satisfy a diverse range of applications for the use of liquefied natural gas. we have developed a high level of solutions. Starting from consultancy and solution designing, to manufacturing of customized systems, up to after sales service and long lasting reliable support. HelenGi can supply lnG fuel gas systems in conditions and quantities required for marine and shore based industries, meeting the requirements of environmentally friendly and cost-effective operations. HelenGi is a company that targets to implement new technologies and ideas for developing innovative and environmental friendly energy infrastructure, specialized studies and expertise. HelenGi provides reliable and technologically advanced solutions for lnG utilization in land and at sea.

http: info: page 98



a. HilioS lTD company for many years offers our good offices to the shipping industry and occupies most important position in the sector of cleaning-surface preparationsandblasting-hydroblasting up to 3000 bar, sponge jet, slurry sand blasting and paint. our company dominates at perama Shipyard (previous Karra Shipyards) and fulfills any customer’s requirements soonest possible with the lower cost. our service is based on our advanced equipments (latest technology) and any work brings to completion in time fixing in advance.

18863 Perama, Greece

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

Tel.: +30 2104020304-357 Fax: +30 2104020367 Email: http: info: page 100




Tel.: +30210 4323600

injeGoV S.a. is the prominent marine maintenance services provider in the east Med, with service locations in piraeus, Greece and Tuzla, Turkey. with a workforce of 75, state of the art facilities and iSo certified operations we are able to provide engineering and consultancy services to our customers, preventing and minimizing downtime of their assets. injeGoV S.a. has added a wide range of Marine environmental Services to our portfolio. These include consultancy, decision support, 3D survey and engineering services on BwT and exhaust Scrubber systems. with solid technical background, extensive know how and proven track record, we are able to provide our services 24/7, worldwide.

Fax: +30210 4312770

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

Shisto Industrial Park, Block 3 Str. 2, 18863 Perama, Greece

e-mail: http: info: page 102


Schisto Industrial Park, Block 2, Str. 2


18863 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4004757 Fax: +30210 4326399 e-mail: http:

KiMi S.a. is a modern mechanical workshop servicing the marine industry in Greece and abroad. our workshop consist of 5 departments with the follοwing activities: • workshop – Ship repairs. Main/auxiliary engine overhauling, in Situ machining operations, auxiliary equipment/machinery overhauling, parts manufacture and repairs. • Steam turbines & Turbochargers. Manufacture and repairs of steam turbine and turbocharger components. • rebuilding of piston crowns, exhaust valve spindles and seats, cylinder covers, piston rods etc. • Fuel injection systems. overhaul of main and auxiliary engine fuel pumps and fuel injection components,plunger manufacture etc. • Quality control laboratory conduct of destructive and non-destructive tests, according to iSo 17025 rules. our company policy is to satisfy all customer requirements having always as top priority, high quality in all aspects. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 99


71, P. Mavromichali Str. 18545 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4637313 Fax: +30210 4637373 e-mail: http:

laZariS lTD specializes in the field of marine insulations since 1990s having performed many projects and provided repair and construction work packages namely: • Fire insulation of a-60 / a-30 / a-15 class on decks and bulkheads • Fire insulation of a-60 class on floors • insulation of boilers with fire-proof materials • Heat insulation of exhaust pipes with mineral wool or ceramic blanket • Heat insulation of pipe mains with fire-proof mineral blanket • Heat insulated pillows for cover of fittings and pipe mains • insulation of air-conditioning system with fire-proof mineral blanket or foamy materials • external covers of insulation with glass-cloth or plane shaped sheet • Floor facing on internal - external decks • Setting of ceramic tiles or metal-plastic floor our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 104


5. LoUKiS PiPinG ConSTRUCTionS - MARinE & inDUSTRY

15, Nikoletopoulou Str. 18540 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4222443 Fax: +30210 4176209 e-mail:

our company was established in 1981 and specializes in design, fabrication and installation of piping networks in marine and industry. Through the experience and the technical knowledge that we possess we have managed to gain the reliability of all the companies that we have cooperated with. Moreover the acceptance of our company in our field results from the rapid delivery of the projects and from the fact that we are constantly available to respond to the technical demands of our customers. we are housed in a private building in piraeus facilitated with state-of-the-art equipment and tools. our proficient and skillful personnel is capable of fabricating piping networks made from various materials such as: carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, copper-nickel, copper, inconel, aluminum, and aluminum-Brass. we have carried piping works in all the types of commercial vessels, in yachts and in naval vessels.

http: info: page 106


Schisto Industrial Park, Block 11 Str. 4, 188 63 Perama, Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4310550, 693 Fax: +30210 4310695 e-mail: http:

nayTeX lTD provides services related to installation, maintenance and repair of any electrical & electronic equipment. we specialize in repairs on motors and generators, of any kind (ac/Dc- low /medium voltage) & power. nayTeX is able to deliver repair / maintenance services on motors & generators of almost any weight or power, such as: • Stator / rotor rewinding – old windings dismantling in burn off oven. • Vacuum pressure impregnation & resin curing in drying oven–also potting & dipping impregnation methods are available. • Dynamic Balancing – digital equipment for rotors with weight up to 7 tons. • electrical measurements & Tests according to international Standards – insulation. resistance tests, polarization index, high voltage / high potential test, step voltage test. • no load test & after repair quality control – on electric machines of any size and power. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 108


Fax: +30210 4001967

The main activity of the company is the piping works on ships and factories (constructionrefitting-repairing) since 1978. The firm’s main advantage is its scientific associates, its reliable foremen and its workforce who are fully trained and qualified for the specific labour. Both foremen and arc welders are qualified with special certificates and licenses by the administration with which it collaborates. The company's cooperation with major companies in the fieldand its development led to the authentication with iSo since 1994. The facilities of the firm are located at n.ikonio-perama with a total area of 1200 m², beside an avenue. Facilities under constructionarealsoat the industrial parkin Schisto with a total area of 3.400 m².


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

3, P. Nikolaidi Str. 188 63 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4312411

http: info: page 107




56, Papastratou Str. 18545 Piraeus Greece Tel.: +30210 4615668

Marine elecTric is a modern, dynamic, fast growing company, which has earned, during the 59 years of its existence, the respect and confidence of its customers. established in 1955, in piraeus, Greece, for the undertaking of the installation and repairing of electrical systems of ships and factories, Marine electric is today active worldwide, having widened its range of services to provide integral solutions for almost all types of commercial, passengers’ vessels and mega yachts in the fields of design, manufacturing and installation of power, automation and control systems. our products and services meet the regulations of all major classifications and maritime authorities. we can provide solutions in the following areas:

+30210 4613949 Fax: +30210 4622304 e-mail:

• •

electrical Design power Distribution boards & Management Systems


• • • •

navigation Bridge & e/r consoles e/r Monitoring & alarm Systems cargo & Ballast Tanks control Boiler & inert Gas automated Systems

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 110


Schisto Industrial Park Block 1101 2&3 Str. 188 63 Perama, Greece


Tel.: +30210 4015902 Fax: +30210 4323742 http:

praSinoS niKolaoS established in 1987. which since 2008 has made the relocation in the industrial park of schisto perama in newly built and modern facilities. The status of the company is workshop which gives solutions to all engineering applications in maritime and industry with international coverage 24 hours - 365 days. our company maximizes the economic benefit of its customers. • attendance of technicians to inspection, maintain & overhaul for engines & equipment • installation of engines: main engines, gen sets & equipment (in new building or existing construction) • Maintenance and overhaul of engines & equipment (all types of 2-stroke and 4-stroke) • auxiliary machinery (centrifugal pumps - screw / coolers / gear / thrusters / bearings) • propulsion systems (steering gear-rudders/maneuvering system / tail shaft / water jet) • Hydraulic systems (davits-mooring winch-cranes-hydraulic motor / pumps-cylinders) • Spare parts • Special constructions • remetallic of bearings our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 111


51, Nikis Str. 18863 Neo Ikonio Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4006328 Fax: +30210 4006866

evangelos D. Xintaras, established TaraS in 2012, as a continuation of DimitriosXintaras General Ship repairs company which was founded in 1977 and since then has developed significantly so as to offer a wide range of Technical services, such as engine and Machinery repair & Troubleshooting - Spare parts - Steel works - piping works - Boiler repairs, to her clientele. in TaraS we pride ourselves on the following key factors: • we are since 1977, tax and social insurance up to date with certificate at any time. • Highly skilled, qualified and competent team leaders have vast experience with generations in the business. • excellent cooperation with classification Societies, authorities and port agents. • Deep knowledge of applicable rules and regulations.

e-mail: http: info: page 113



Fax: +30210 4122450

TecHnaVa company functions since 1968 and provides service and equipment to the fleet of Hellenic ownership. Today being one of the biggest companies in its kind, provides, constructs, installs and supports complete mechanical and electrical systems (turn-key installations) covering every need of a ship, either new build and retrofits or periodical maintenance and repairs. TecHnaVa has expanded its activities by providing services and products to the industrial sector and to those of thermal and electrical energy. its human resources consists of permanent workforce of 82 people among which there are qualified mechanical engineers, naval architects, electricians and technicians of all specialties with a lot of experience in supplying, inspecting and repairing of the company's equipment.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

6, Loudovikou Sqr. 185 31 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4113916

http: info: page 114


Fax: +30210 4621284

our company TecHnoMep, was established in 1972 in piraeus and since 2008 installed in the new facilities in Schisto industrial park. our core business is the installation, repair and maintenance of all kinds of diesel engines, from the planned maintenance to the troubleshooting repairs and retrofit, auxiliary engines, applications of advanced technology and green efficiency, with special experience, knowledge and know-how. we have developed a particular activity in the areas of railway equipment, metallic construction, heavy metal surfaces, defense equipment, all types of welding. our quality control inspectors certified in non-destructive testing level ii. also our inspectors are certified in visual inspections of welds level ii at aerospace application. we have experienced welding engineers who are certified by the senior German certificate.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

Schisto Industrial Park, Block 11, Str. 3 - No 1111 PO. BOX 3118 188 63 Perama, Greece Tel.: +30210 4632564

http: info: page 116


3, Gravias Str. 18545 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 4626144 Fax: +30210 4633606 e-mail: http:

our company named ZoUTiS Marine SerViceS, which specializes in ship repairs of all types with extensive experience and established customers such as: Maersk peary, Sea Star, Danaos, ocean Bulk, has a ready group round the clock which can be found anywhere in the world and it consists of: • engineers (graduates of universities specialized in most types of machines with many years of experience ) • Fitters • welders (certified welders from aBS cerTiFicaTe) • piping (specialized for each type of tube) also our company has the ability to perform (Sheet Metal, Machining and piping) work for either new construction or repair of any type of ship as well as any other technical work in facilities in which includes qualified staff and complete engineering and machinist equipment of latest technology certified by iSo 9001. our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

info: page 112



University of Piraeus

80, Karaoli & Dimitriou Piraeus 18534 - Greece Tel.: +30210 4142830 Fax: +30210 4142831 e-mail: http:

6. UniVERSiTY of PiRAEUS – SCHooL of MARiTiME & inDUSTRiAL STUDiES The School of Maritime & industrial Studies of the University of piraeus encompasses the Department of Maritime Studies ( and the Department of industrial Management and Technology (, which have been in operation for over twenty years. Through their outstanding record on educational, consultancy and research work, the Departments and their associated laboratories have contributed significantly to the preparation of young scientists who currently excel in business and academia both in Greece and abroad, as well as to the enrichment of knowledge and expertise in the nationally and globally leading sectors of Shipping and industry. in a period of rapid change and great challenges for our country and the world, the School of Maritime & industrial Studies gives priority to academic quality, multi-disciplinarity and openness as key factors in the success of its mission. with regard to research and consultancy, the School through the research center of the University of piraeus ( is fully engaged in european projects and studies which focus on the development of a sustainable future for maritime services and all industrial activities.


e-mail: administration

coSMoS naUTical TraininG cenTre lTD, a fully equipped Maritime Training Facility, since its establishment, desires to catch up with the changing world by offering a dynamic and looking forward maritime training and educational program. its high-technology and modern teaching facilities and equipment enables, through properly designed and offering value addition courses and seminars, to upgrade the skills, to promote safety and excellence in line with the new market demands and experience. cnTc delivers a cutting edge and provides relevant, up to date programs, in the areas of Management, Human resources, engineering, cargo, navigation, information technology and pollution prevention covering all iMo aspects and standards. our website seeks to provide a vista into the cnTc, its facilities, the organization and the range of services offered.

our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

126, Kolokotroni Str. 185 35 Piraeus, Greece


Tel.: +30210 4511114 Fax: +30210 4511131

http: info: page 118


Fax: +30210 9531120-1

QMS MariTiMe TraininG subsidiary of K. c. lyrinTZiS Group of companies, with long experience in providing institutional training (STcw) and continuing education with operational and technical seminars for the shipping industry, has gained an international reputation for innovative and quality training. QMS have successfully expanded in strategic maritime areas, chios and chania, and recently in Thessaloniki, offering seafarers specific quality courses, close to their residence. The QMS collaboration with the Vocational Training center iVepe-SeV (industrial and Business education and Training institute) the official training center of the Hellenic Federation of enterprises (SeV), a pioneer institution in the field of technical education, has enabled the offering of specialized technical courses that focus on the growing demands of engineering services in shipping.


our company is certified as per iSo 9001:2008.

26, Akti Poseidonos 18531 Piraeus, Greece Tel.: +30210 9530680

http: info: page 120


Detailed Presentation of each Company










LNG and Alternative Fuels Lloyd’s Register (LR) has been at the forefront of marine gas developments from the very beginning. We are working to ensure that shipowners, ship designers, shipbuilders, equipment manufacturers and technology developers can meet safety and performance goals by developing an approach that involves both prescriptive (rule-based) and risk-based approaches for when there are no rules. We look at what’s novel in designing gas-fuelled ships and we developed rules that will now evolve as solutions based on a thorough evaluation of risk which eventually can support rule-based solutions. This is an ongoing process of constant improvement following proven performance. At any time LR is running dozens of projects looking at and evaluating new technology. This experience helps develop new rules as new technologies are validated through our risk guidance and understanding of hazards combined with LR’s leading risk methodology using HAZIDS, chosen qualitative/quantitative risk assessments and HAZOPS. The new rules help the industry make decisions about gas-fuelled designs. The main hazards to be addressed are related to: • gas in non-gas carrier type ships • gas fuel tank location • vapour management • bunkering. Lloyd’s Register is monitoring closely the Alternative Fuels developments on regional level as well, with Poseidon MED project undertaken in Greece, Cyprus and Italy. Scrubbers, Emissions Abatement Acknowledging the critical role that scrubbers and other abatement technologies will play in meeting the emissions compliance challenges, LR has developed a new chapter of Rules specifically for the ECAs. We are also heavily involved in a number of relevant projects at various stages of technical maturity. We are at the position to provide our clients with high level consultancy services covering technical, environmental and feasibility aspects as far as air emissions abatement technology is concerned. Energy Efficiency At LR, we have a unique set of capabilities in the area of energy efficiency. This means we can develop individual solutions appropriate to any stage of a vessel’s lifecycle. We understand that the drivers behind energy efficiency are not the same for everyone. This is why we don’t have a ‘one size fits all’ suite of products but a promise to deliver solutions designed with you in mind. Ship performance and efficiency is a process, not an event. This process starts at the earliest stage of establishing fleet requirements and continues through the life of the ship. Our capability and solutions support our clients at each of the following four stages: techno-commercial evaluation, concept design, Energy Efficiency Design Optimisation, Energy Efficiency Operational Optimisation. At the earliest pre-contract stage, we can help you optimise your design to achieve a ship which is energy efficient and cost-effective. Design optimisation takes place through the application of thorough computational fluid dynamics analysis. Using state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, supported by traditional model testing, LR helps owners optimise the hull form of their asset(s), appendages and superstructure to reduce drag and resistance, and optimise the propeller, rudder and wake field to increase propulsive efficiency, including the addition of energy-saving devices. Another area where LR demonstrates strong competency is energy configuration. Within this field, experts assess the efficiency of the design’s engine configuration by comparing it to alternative configurations for each of the different engine operating conditions. Moving on to in-service vessels, Ship Energy Evaluation (SEE) and operational advisory services help assess energy performance and identify achievable and cost-effective opportunities for attaining better energy efficiency and reducing fuel consumption. Also on the field of trim optimisation, the optimum trim for a ship’s range of speed and draughts can be identified; thus leading to reduced hull resistance and potential fuel savings averaging between 2 and 5%. Ballast Water Treatment Our technical knowledge and experience working with the different technologies available and alternative options being developed ensure that ballast water management solutions are tailored to your ships’ operational requirements. In addition, our in-depth knowledge on the legislative and operational aspects of ballast water management, our industry leading publications and our classification and statutory expertise, means our advice is up-to-date appropriate for your situation. We can help you prepare for complying with the BWM Convention and other national requirements through advice on your obligations, as well as planning, selection and execution of the ballast water management solution that minimises your investment risk and is right for you. In addition, we recognise the importance of ensuring that you have the necessary knowledge ahead of compliance which is why our training courses are tailored to your situation and we provide guidance which is freely available on our website.












































Art director

Vasso Dionissopoulou

The Booklet Technical Review has been performed by Spyros Leloudas

Dear reader, This booklet represents the eort of a number of highly professional people in order to advise you of our capabilities in the green shipping industry. Please visit us at:


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